View Full Version : NHL Thread

6th July 2011, 08:35 PM
Hi all, anybody else watch the NHL? Or play Ice Hockey?

I watch it, Detroit Red Wings fan and I also play it as a Goaltender, great fun:hyper

6th July 2011, 09:12 PM
I watch it, no longer push for any team after the leafs decided to stop caring. Played when I was younger, defense. Still play shinny the odd time with old friends.

Glad to see a team back in Winnipeg, long live the Jets!

6th July 2011, 09:20 PM
Glad to see a new team for the Peggers but at the same time sad to see Atlanta lose their team. :( Loadsa signings in the free agency going on at the moment, thats for sure.

7th July 2011, 02:33 PM
I don't really watch it anymore, but definitely follow the news around playoff time. I tune in for the highlights. :D

I don't know how well this has been covered in national news but just to make sure you all know, the love for the Jets has been just...well, kind of creepy. I was always amazed over the years, before there was even any hope of Phoenix or Atlanta going bankrupt (doesn't that sound nice?), there were always people wearing old Jets jerseys and T-shirts, and you had to be careful commenting on them or you'd get into a really long discussion.
Just wanted to point out that the hometown Winnipeg Jets love really is as rabid as the newspeople say!

In a few years, once ticket demand has maybe dropped a bit, I might just have to go see Jets-Canadiens if I can. That'd be awesome in my books.

7th July 2011, 07:14 PM
Only if the Jets win :P
I'm just happy to see another Canadian team, Gary Betman is a douche /story