View Full Version : Scary and Weird

26th June 2011, 03:40 AM
I couldn't find a thread for this so i created one...
I have never been scared of spiders, until i watched this! it freaks me out lol, the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end as the camera zooms in...
Does this freak you out?

Post your own scary or weird videos...

26th June 2011, 03:58 AM
Hehe , it don't scare me i love arthropod's(Insect's, Arachnid's, Crustacean's , Myriapods, etc.)
Lol, nice find though :)

26th June 2011, 10:18 AM
As most people in Australia would know, the shock of coming unexpectedly face to face with a Huntman's spider, they are harmless but their up to 15-20cm -6-8 inch size with those big hairy legs can freak people out.

They jump from trees as well, they spread their legs out so they look like a hand and glide, pretty creepy having one land on you and you don't realize it, that get's the heart pumping!

I was in a Cab once and the taxi radio kept calling for driver to pick up a "Interesting job", my cabbies curiosity got the better of him and he picked up the radio and accepted the job, the operator at the base said to him "I hope you got your boots on, it's a woman whose holed up in her bathroom too scared to come out, she want's a driver to come and kill a spider".
The driver was in WTF mode, and I couldn't stop laughing.:lol

As I got out of the cab I jokingly wished him luck on his safari, then I thought, hang on, if the womans too scarred to come out of the bathroom, how is she going to open the door for the cab driver to come in to kill the spider.
A catch 22 that I never found out the outcome of..

26th June 2011, 10:56 AM
Wow, someone actually called the taxi/cab service too get someone too come squash a spider, that is priceless

26th June 2011, 12:40 PM
lol, i can watch giant tarantulas running around and pouncing on there prey with no problem but that video just freaked me out... i think its the darkness and the spider looks straight at the camera, and it was very still, i was expecting it to suddenly move and make me jump a mile.
Im glad we dont have big spiders in england! i would die if i found that looking at me in the dead of the night lol...
Nice story blackwiggle, i have felt like doing something like that once when my cat brought a bat in the house... it was a bloody nightmare lol.

26th June 2011, 05:36 PM
I was a little too young when I watched Arachnophobia...I really don't like spiders. Until I've killed them. They're better dead.

27th June 2011, 05:18 PM
Thats nasty lol, i couldn't tread on a giant spider... the crunch would horrify me and it might pounce as soon as i get near

27th June 2011, 07:59 PM
i can deal with spiders easypeasy. wasps and bees however... i absolutely hate them. (although i do like the colour-scheme :lol)
id be much happier if they all just died,:P don't give me all that whatsits about "oh.. but we need bee's to live, society would collapse if they went!"
im sure we've advanced enough in technology to replicate what they do with some sort of robotic artificial gubbins :g either that or just genetically modify them to get rid of the sting :paperbag

1st July 2011, 02:45 PM
lol, i agree.. i think they could breed wasps without stings! its the distinctive buzzing sound that the wasps make! that puts me on edge...

Ghost Car

Ghosts... dont watch it if you get scared easily, trust

8th August 2011, 05:39 PM
I find this very weird indeed... an inverted or upside down crucifix is a sign of the devil and is very offensive to some religious communities and is used world wide to offend religious people...
So why does the pope use this upside down crucifix? is it a hidden message... or have i missed something?

I Am Wolfman
8th August 2011, 06:45 PM
@ MegaGeeza22 -- Might this be the same thing?


As for spiders, yes, there are some BEASTS around here. They are officially called Giant House Spiders - the ones that start coming indoors in autumn, and think that freezing still on the wall when you've switched on the light somehow renders them invisible.

8th August 2011, 07:09 PM
So.... its the symbol of St. Peter who was crucified upside down because he didn't feel worthy enough to die the same way as jesus...
I can understand that but why symbolise this when it is the sign of the Anti-Christ? and it also says that "Catholics use this cross as a symbol of humility and unworthiness in comparison to Christ" does this mean the pope is unworthy?
Here is another picture, it has Jesus Christ in the background and directly in front of him is the sign of the Anti-Christ...

I Am Wolfman
8th August 2011, 07:17 PM
I have almost no knowledge of religion, but, it wouldn't surprise me to learn the Pope or upper levels of the Vatican worshipped something other than publicly stated.

Many symbols have multiple/dualistic meanings, so we have to keep any alternatives in mind, no matter how outrageous (in my opinion).

8th August 2011, 08:44 PM
If they say its because of St. Peter then i believe them... im dont like to question people's beliefs.
But in my opinion its "hidden symbolism" its not hidden obviously, but the true meaning is hidden just like the dollar bill... it has plenty of masonic symbols for everyone to see but the true meaning is hidden from the public and only people with true knowledge know there real meanings.
Knowledge is power