View Full Version : Eurovision song contest

12th May 2011, 11:13 PM
just wondering what other peoples views are on the eurovison song contest with relation to things such as..

is it important
is the voting proper or political
is there any talent in the contest

i pretty much got an idea of what most english peole think about it but im intersted in europeans opinions and american asia australias views too as i dont hear many of them :)

12th May 2011, 11:16 PM
im looking forward to not watching it

12th May 2011, 11:53 PM
i thought it had already been on last month ..lol

12th May 2011, 11:56 PM
i havent watched them for a few years so i couldnt tell you

13th May 2011, 04:36 AM
I was disappoint. I was supposed to be watching The Guns of Navarone in glorious HD yesterday. Too late I discovered that the movie wasn't until tonight, and instead they sent That Show. My wife then commandeered the TV :|

I dug out my old WWII game and invaded Poland :nod

13th May 2011, 07:12 AM
I don't watch it. Because if someone like Lena Meyer-Landruth is able to win, it must be a talentless show. Her english is embarrassing!

13th May 2011, 07:25 AM
For strict adherence to Skitt's Law: Germany - 12 points!


13th May 2011, 10:39 AM
I usually watch it but these days the commentary is done by graham norton... i cant stand him! terry wogan was the best!
Also i hope we lose because the british team have said they would emigrate if they lose!! so fingers crossed!!!
The main event is saturday, its just the qualifiers at the moment but i will probably watch the finals just for the lulz.

13th May 2011, 11:18 AM
@mic-dk: Oops, now I get it! :g

13th May 2011, 11:46 AM
Eurovision is possibly the funniest thing on TV, you can't beat it for sheer entertainment value :)

13th May 2011, 12:06 PM
I LOVE BELARUS !*Does power fist* lolololol

I f that doesn't prove eurovision is awsome then maybe 5 people in 3ft high hats and a unicyclist will hahahah

Flint Fandango
13th May 2011, 12:06 PM
is it important
is the voting proper or political
is there any talent in the contest

1.) No.
2.) Neither proper nor political.
3.) :eek

Sadly, I couldn´t eat as much as I´d like to vomit...:blarg

@Nutcase259: LOL, that´s awesome indeed! :g

13th May 2011, 12:17 PM
is it important
is the voting proper or political
is there any talent in the contest

1) Nope.
2) Definitely political. I can't see how it can be justified any other way.
3) Probably, but it's always overshadowed by the mass amounts of rubbish people.

I won't be watching it, I never do. The political voting is ridiculous and I think the whole thing is a sham.

13th May 2011, 12:21 PM
@mic-dk: Oops, now I get it! :g

Good, good. I was afraid I had to ruin a perfectly good joke by destroying it with logic :p

And while my wife is not looking I'll admit I'm starting to like Belarus as well :eek

13th May 2011, 12:22 PM
Jeez its just a joke programme, people take the whole voting thing too seriously. just sit back and enjoy the musical equivalent of a car crash :lol

i mean cmon its hardly a talent contest. last year there was a guy in a white suit humping a saxophone :P

You dont watch a steven segal film expecting there to be acting or some kind of plot do you?

13th May 2011, 06:24 PM
Personally i think the erovision song contest is lame and complete garbage..the voting is a joke and all the judges are morons on drugs none of them are aware that the whole world disagree with them and laugh at them....it is political but no one cares cos there all diks so their votes mean nothng.
the music is total crap..its better to lose it than win it.
to sum it up eurovsion is as valid and relevant as a wipeout worldcup on this site where only donkeys are allowed to play in order to discover who the best player in the world is and the winner isnt the donkey who finishes frst either for its voted for by a random snail who never saw it...
sounds like im talking poop but thats eurovison for you in a tee..

13th May 2011, 06:30 PM
I won’t comment on the Contest itself, but I have to say it’s overall a pleasant atmosphere in Düsseldorf at the moment. Lots of different nationalities and such.

13th May 2011, 06:37 PM
See, we should get The Prodigy in on this. That way, England can actually win something. :g

13th May 2011, 07:02 PM
i love music n have played a good few gigs in my time as a guitarist! and i just think eurovision is a total waste of resources,scrap it!!!:turd

Oryx Crake
13th May 2011, 07:57 PM
it strikes me that theres a fair amount of vitriol surrounding this thing, which is interesting to me seeing as how no one so far claims to watch it...

to answer your questions:

1. No
2. if by political you mean "do people vote for the countries they like rather than the songs they like?" then yes.
3. of course there is it just gets snuffed out by the uniformity of the thing.

Here in Sweden I think it might still be quite big or at least some people still care about winning it. For some reason the gay community in particular has embraced it.
I don't care about it, as a competition it's laughable and for quality entertainment you'd be better served by a Roland Emmerich movie. BUT the Eurovision has one saving grace in my mind and that is that it's an arena where all of europe gets to "compete on an equal footing". In diplomatic terms I think that might be quite important.

14th May 2011, 04:12 AM
Eurovision is so camp.
It's the ultimate in kitsch, that's why the gays love it.

The reason that the acts are so bad is that nobody wants to win it, reason being it costs a bloody fortune to host, so each country picks a lame act to represent them, with the worse song they can find for that year.

If after all that a country still thinks it might stand a chance of winning, it will sabotage it's act by starting the song in a different key than the performers have been practicing, like England did in 2003 with the truly cringe worthy Cry Baby by Jemini [like watching a car crash :rolleyes: ]

The only song ever to get no points at all.

14th May 2011, 07:04 AM
lol, its just harmless fun... we might not enjoy it but there will be millions that will. it shouldn't be stopped because a majority dislike it, if that happened psn, xbox live would of been stopped years ago because alot of people think that "playing games" is pointless.
I will be watching the final hour to see who votes for who and laugh at each country's vote giver as they try to speak in english lol.
if you hate it so much im sure you could watch something else or play games...

14th May 2011, 08:42 AM
You can't take it seriously, it's become a parody of itself.

More like Hapless fun.
Just look at some of the past winners.

Finland with LORDI 2006-
Dressed as some god knows what intergalactic support band, I love the hat!

Israel with Dana International 1998.
A bloody trannie! No wonder the gays love Eurovision

Thankfully Ireland came to it's senses after winning two years in a row 92/93 with this entry.
My Lovely Horse- Father Ted ;)

14th May 2011, 08:21 PM
Watching it now, somebody shoot me. Missed Jedwood I think. Blue were crap.

I am the living dead :(.

14th May 2011, 09:08 PM
How can anybody watch Jedward?!!!, they were utter shite from day one! They can`t even sing or dance!!!!:turd
Yet!, they earn millions!


14th May 2011, 10:38 PM
hahaha just watched eurovision contest what a load of corrupt nonsence they make fifa look good

ivan timberlake from azebejan or whatever won it..

the voting bit is best part of the show as they alrady knew who they were voting for before they even saw that acts..their mates..

eurovison could only work as a serious competition is all the acts nationality were not revealed till after the voting ..