View Full Version : What's your FML moment?

10th May 2011, 10:48 AM

10th May 2011, 02:51 PM
Well, my FML involves that I'm overloaded with college work (aka homeworks) by one class, which is unbelievable. :bomb

DJ Techno
11th May 2011, 02:47 PM
last week monday night after 10 pm

some unknown sob hit me, on my moped, yes its slow but so what

the other driver did a hit and run.

a hit and run against a moped is a 50/50 chance and 80/20 chance. life and and death. being 20 percent and 50 life the death 80 and the other 50.

the not looking straight forward hit me, the whole moped, and almost took my life.

thats a **** up my life moment.

the person who hit me. i did not catch the tag number all the way. but i gave a full description and everything of the vehicle, right down to the freaking boat they were hauling on the hitch.

my moped is in two piece.

i'm not in two pieces. no. my arms are dealing with road rash, third degree burns, and my heads. I wasn't wearing a helmet. But something out of all that protected the rest of my body even during the jump and roll off the moped from it being crushed.

a ****ed up moment for myself.

a worses moment was the weekend that end on that week i was hit.
a 35 year old man on a moped off a road called south lake drive here. was killed by almost exactly the similiar type of vehicle that hit me on augusta hwy that night.

that mans dead and i am still ****ing alive. ****ing A!

Flint Fandango
11th May 2011, 03:08 PM
I have a FML "moment" right now, suffering from a uncommon painful inguinal hernia...can´t sleep at night and there are not much options to choose from...
eating analgesics like smarties and go to work, until it gets worse enough to get into the operation room. :frown:
It could be worse, of course, but I´m p***ed off, right now.

11th May 2011, 11:09 PM
I feel for you Flint, its painfull. i had a hernia and it was bad... i had mine done and you can have a circumcision at the same time lol.
The surgeon's always recommend it with hernia patients... i wasnt keen but 5 years on its all good.
I was in and out of hospital within 6 hours :)

Flint Fandango
12th May 2011, 07:57 AM
@MegaGeeza: Thank you! Oh, by the way, the circumcision has been done a long time ago! :P
But I deeply hope I´ll get the surgery asap! This permanent pain drives me crazy...:bomb

ion harvest
12th May 2011, 10:16 AM
DJ Techno. Wow. That's like a serial killer who only attacks moped drivers. You survived a serial killer. Crazy. :) hope u r healing good.

I get my FML moments when I have to work in the rain. I'm a window cleaner and it takes longer to clean windows in the rain and I get soaked and the pay is crap.

15th May 2011, 12:14 AM

ion harvest
15th May 2011, 09:48 AM
Hey Bom.

I got no brain for office stuff si window cleaning is what I do for money. It doesn't matter if it is freezing cold or really hot outside. I don't like my job but without it I can't support myself. I am on working tax credits because of low income. I learned to buy cheaper stuff from supersized grocery stores and clothes without expensive labels and I felt like a tramp first. All my friends wearing nike air and fred perry and stuff. I couldn't get those things because I have to eat and pay bills and stuff.

Sometimes you have to do what is right for you even if you don't like it.

I want a real holiday because I have never left the country and want to travel but I don't think I can ever leave because of my situation. I have to just keep going and hope I get my break one day.

Cheers Bom.

15th May 2011, 12:17 PM
Oh mate, you can't window clean for the rest of your life.
Bite the bullet and get the education needed to get a better job NOW, before the disparity in age from your fellow pupils becomes embarrassingly big.

I'm talking about somebody in their 30's-40's sitting in with early 20 year olds

Sound's like you don't know what you would be good at more than anything else, so you got a bit disillusioned and aimless.
Same crap happened to me, happens to a lot of people actually.
The problem get's worse if you don't act on it, and if you don't have a clue where to start doesn't help.

Try taking this quick test and then see what the results come at as, it might be of some help. :)

I'd run it a few times over a couple of weeks just to make sure that you answer the questions in the same manner, rather that letting any particular mood bias the results if done multiple times over one or two days.

It might give you an insight into any of your future possibilities if you follow the links given that describe your personality type, and your strengths and weaknesses, it also lists jobs that would suit you.
Human Resources in large companies use the same tests, so do the armed forces.
It a recognized and acknowledged test.

ion harvest
17th May 2011, 09:55 AM
I don't know what to say Blackwiggle. :) I am going to do this test when I go to the library on Saturday because I use a phone to go online and its a bit funny on the phone.

I really am grateful for your advice. Thank you again my friend :)
