View Full Version : Job Interview Lies, unexpected rewards

9th May 2011, 12:14 PM
I went for a job interview today.
I wasn't quite sure what position I had applied for [Probably sounds stupid but I got 3 interview on the one day].
Anyway, I rock up, not prepared [well how can you be when you can't remember what position you have applied for :cold ]
Anyway, waiting....waiting...would you like a Coffee...no thanks[I'd rather get this over and done with]....waiting....DING.

Sorry to keep you waiting I'm [Insert HR person] The manager you were supposed to of being interviewed by has gone AWOL [I just sensed it was the person I saw downstairs while entering the building]
Anyway,asked the typical HR questions by the typical HR person, then the Guy I saw downstairs rocks up. :nod

HR Droid goes through the interview

Q]What do you want to achieve-A] A Job
Q]What do you aspire to-A] Never having to go through this process again.
Q]What do you see you position as in this company- A]Totally confused at first then amicably competent

You Think I'm kidding don't you, I'm not, that's exactly what I said.

Guys when you have been through as many job interviews as I have over the years you know they either want you or they don't straight away, so no point ****ing about.

They asked me if I was available to work [nasty hours, no thanks, I've got Goldfish to look after ;)], I gave them some **** saying no, but I could possibly work different hours permanent casually [ Higher rate of pay].

Holy ****, they said OK!

The moral of this is.
Never sell yourself short if you have a talent, excellent references/referees help.
Create the job you want.
It is possible, especially at the interview stage.

9th May 2011, 01:16 PM
Preach on brother!

9th May 2011, 02:28 PM
i oversell myself at interviews im super ethusiastic and friendly and always seem to run my own interviews....
i basically prove where possible by bringing things with me to the interview or demonstrate on the spot..

i do try to prepare well and do research and i also use common sence where possible to find out what i think their looking for..

if i have not done job before ill use similar examples from real life and use them.
i really believe in myselft and i can do the job so im almost there before ive even got in the room..its jutst making sure you tell them everything..

so to summarise

1 prepare well
2 believe in yourself
3 be confident
4 listen very carefully (cos they give so many clues away in an interview)
5 be happy

9th May 2011, 07:40 PM
...and if that fails, steal all the stationary you can carry.

11th May 2011, 12:20 AM
Mwahaha that's hilarious mdhay!!!
Congrats blackwiggle, I don't do any hiring myself, but I do training...and boy is bragging and boasting irritating.
Like you say, better to know exactly how good you are, what you're good at, and skip the BS. The worthy employer won't care about the BS anyway IMO.

11th May 2011, 06:44 AM
The ironic thing was most of the interrogation, well it was becoming that way [you had to see the room the interview took place in, it was almost Starlag 13 comedy set "I Vant to see your Papers" sprung to mind], HR person + manager grilling me, so I decided to turn the tables about 10 minutes in, the interview had become very intimidating, so I decided to throw caution to the wind.

You need a certain amount of "Front" to be able to do it, not something I'm particularly comfortable doing, but I can do with aplomb when really needed.

To get away with it successfully you also have to do it with some self depreciation/humor, letting the interviewers believe they are still in control, truth was by that stage the HR woman had bored me to death, even though she wasn't overbearing, I just didn't give a dam, nothing to lose!

Giving the HR woman the answers she needed to satisfy her job description was by wrote, I mean please, it's almost pointless hiring a HR person if they ALL ask the same questions.
Impressing the Manager at the same time without coming across as over confident/cocky was the tricky bit, I was reading his body language, as soon as he stopped leaning forward I started to change tack to engage his interest again.
Most of the important parts of interview [after the obligatory standard HR Q & A] was spent me answering how I would train staff on the job, which was a doddle.

Anyway, it matters little if long term Job Security isn't there, and that something that everybody in the Western world needs to keep in mind.

The price of Globalization.:turd:turd:turd

11th May 2011, 05:56 PM
Mwahaha that's hilarious mdhay!!!...

Thankyou, I do try. 8)

Congrats Blackwiggle, glad it gurned out great for ya. :rock

ion harvest
17th May 2011, 12:24 PM
Wow you guys are so confident in interviews. I don't think I can be that confident and when they start to ask hard questions I think I would just say something really stupid. I know because it happened before when I applied for a job in a shoe shop.

The interviewer asked me why I think they should hire me? And I said "obviously because no one else turned up for the interview" I felt like such a plank for saying that and thought window cleaning isn't too bad. But it is.

17th May 2011, 01:03 PM
Maybe the PSN should think about supplying software/interfacing that supports gamers other needs, rather than trying just to take money from them.

I'd love to see and interactive "Live Chat/Cam" Job interview practice session made available over the PSN, for those who don't feel exactly confident during a real interview process.
Especially if they have never been to a job interview before.

I suppose if you had enough people on your friends list you could mock one up between yourself to your mates, so that the interviewee won't know any of them, so far more realistic.

Just an idea.

19th May 2011, 11:14 PM
Q]What do you see you position as in this company- A]Totally confused at first then amicably competent

Haha, that sounds so familiar.

This reminds me of the interview for my current job...

Q] So, how much do you know about [the subject of the job you're applying for]?
A]Erm, to be honest, pretty much nothing.

Congratulations, you're hired!!! It turned out the role they were hiring for was very different to the job title and it just kind of worked out. I assume I was hired based on aptitude in the design exercise and not my ability to sweet talk people and appear interested, especially given the fact that, the day before the interview, I was ditched (sort of) by a girl in favour of her ex-fiancee (long story) and honestly wasn't trying nearly as hard as I would have otherwise.

Talking of selling one's self short - I'm thinking I might be doing that. I'm currently working on a job where I'm doing 50% of the work in 33% of the scheduled time and yet at the end of that I'll only be 6% of the project cost. Sucks to be a junior.