View Full Version : Is bin laden, final kia? Daad? Captured and taken dead not alive? Will know in the start of monday!

DJ Techno
2nd May 2011, 05:08 AM
Just came home from the Video Store....

What did my mom say as i walked in and said hey... Reports say that Osama is dead.

Nothing much i could say about that. Really. Is the man hiding in Afghanistan for so long, finally ended?

Well what was the end of the Iraq Freedom.
Saddam is Hung on a rope like the wild west days all over again.

Operation Enduring Freedom for Afghanistan. Was about snuffing out and putting to justice the Al Qida terrorist group under the leader ship of Osama Bin Laden.

Now that their leader is... Dead as a Door Nail and kissing them so called number or virgins in that version of heaven.

Will the troops and my Military leave an occupation base and force over there. To say, like it was in Iraq. Train, teach, rebuild the country. And some what help keep the peace against remaining al quida.

As Obama does the speech to the American people and World Wide.
Now the economy boost back up ten fold. sending back that money for two foreign wars... well wars against terrorism.
and hey Obama, you can say in your term. that instead of Bush and the rest of the stinking republicans. In his term of office, he got Bin Laden

2nd May 2011, 06:01 AM
Ben Laden always has been a joke. Did he ever really existed in the first place? He's just another reason the US government invented to invade Middle-East territories...

Ya know what? I believe this version of the "life" of Ben Laden way much more than any other bullshit tape CNN revealed.


2nd May 2011, 06:56 AM
When was the last time you heard of Osama Bin laden mentioned in any News Report?
12 months, 18 months, 2 years maybe.

It was BS to start with and it remains so.

Seems like a distraction to keep US citizens attentions away from more pressing issues.

You don't see anybody else in the so called "Free World" celebrating like gullible morons over the news of his death, most sensible people realised long ago the whole basis of the conflict was a sham.

I guess the US media basis "Good News" on a ratio of US citizens that are either in service/in training /or past servicemen.
Why do you need such a huge army, what are your politicians so scared about?

It distresses an otherwise peace seeking world.

2nd May 2011, 08:46 AM
I wonder how namy times I've posted this.
My cynical point of view:Like the Nazis before them that spawned the neo-Nazis,I think that sooner or later,from the ashes of Al-Qaeda will emerge neo-Al-Qaeda. It will never end.

2nd May 2011, 10:35 AM
Bin Laden was supposedly (well at least portrayed) as leader of the Talliban, not al Quaida. Talliban at the root is a freedom fighting group in Saudi Araibia and other states to overthrow corrupt leaders .

This war was started because it plays on peoples vague understanding of the middle east, so all the lines were blurred and suddenly any rebel is branded a terrorist and a part of some (for all we know fabricated) terrorist cell. and because we dont know any different we go along with it.


Oryx Crake
2nd May 2011, 10:41 AM
Symbolically speaking this was very important though probably it would've hit even harder had they brought him in for a trial with cameras and media where people could see the man get sentenced.
In any case it could be viewed as a "hail-mary" pass... a point in time when everything changes, also looking at the statements from around the world the only country that hasn't viewed this as a positive thing from what I've seen is Iran. Officially at least.

Whatever the case I congratulate the US on getting this highly symbolic and hard task done. Now lets maybe focus less on that and more on more important things like getting ravaged countries back on their feet.

2nd May 2011, 11:52 AM
This is a good thing for the relatives of the 9/11 victims, they can feel that justice has been served.... sort of.
I believe that the "terrorists" will seek revenge... it will just give them more hatred and determination to reek havoc towards the U.S and her allies.
Killing always leads to more killing.

2nd May 2011, 11:54 AM
I saw all this at news today here in school.

Which reminds me of Al-qaida's warning last week that they had rigged an atomic bomb in
central Europe that will go off once Osama was killed or captured. I personally think that's just bullsh*t.:|

I also think it's a bit too early to celebrate his death...

Just my 2 cents

2nd May 2011, 12:32 PM
lots of hatred here for the US, great :( . He was the face of this attack on us, and certainly a huge part of terrorism (not in qoutes). This is a great day for the US military, AND relatives of the trade center casualties. Not going to get into the other insults on the US.

2nd May 2011, 12:39 PM
At the very least, you should look at it like this:

Things are never going to be any better in the Middle East than this, it's never been quiet, before United States intervention. There will always be a terrorist threat, but if there's a nuclear weapon in Centeral Europe and it does go off, that's license for the US to do the same to them. And the US have about ten thousand warheads from what I remember. So, I'm going to prepare for this and make a Laser Rifle. Who's up for making a few sets of Power Armour? 8)

2nd May 2011, 12:52 PM
To me, it serves bin Laden right for causing September 11 attacks in the first place. I know that it's not over yet, but it's like a sigh of relief, for now. :)

2nd May 2011, 12:54 PM
Whether or not Bin Laden was still a threat to the US isn't the point. He was the face of a terrible attack that killed several thousand Americans on our own soil. Americans, myself included, are just happy that justice was served and revenge was taken. What I'm worried about, other than all the American haters here, is what the Al-Quida will do as an act of vengence against America and her allies. I have a feeling it's gonna get ugly :?

2nd May 2011, 12:56 PM
I'm not the most gun-ho patriotic American, as I believe that we are a part of whats mostly wrong in this world. But, the man planned an attack that killed 3000 people. the men I could give a **** about. But this attack killed women and children and should not be excused. But at the same time I don't think anyone's death is a celebration. In the grand scheme of things Bin laden's death means nothing.

2nd May 2011, 01:18 PM
yay! :/

2nd May 2011, 01:34 PM
All I know for sure is that I'm more fearful of going into central London today than I was yesterday.

I don't think this will hit the morale of terrorism as a whole. I think OBL's supporters/fans/followers/whatever will just be more aggravated. If terrorists are told they'll be rewarded for their deaths then the death one of their figure-heads won't really have much of a negative impact on them, will it? Surely it was just an inevitable outcome and now he's getting his reward? If it would have any negative impact, then surely they can just deny to themselves that it isn't true, and claim it's just lies from the US - which I doubt they'll have any trouble believing, especially since all anyone has to go on is the word of a politician, you know, those guys everyone loves to hate. :/

I dunno, I just feel they should have brought the guy in alive and tried him etc. I can't see any positive effect from this in the long term. Well, other than reduced military efforts, if that is an outcome, I guess that would be good for all those families involved.

2nd May 2011, 02:10 PM
I think the LAST thing you do is bring him in and try him... IMO that gives him that last bit of attention and last platform. It would make him even more a martyr to his followers. I aalso think the right thing was done in a burial at sea. If he was buried anywhere on land his followers would clamor to it and it would become a shrine. I feel as far as the operations were concerned this was handled as well as it could have been. But now, the real is how much was the Pakistani government concealing him. He was killed in a suburban compound about a mile away from a larhe Pakistani military installation. U.S. special forces did not let the Pakistani government know they were coming into their airspace. This leads me to believe that they suspected that Bin Laden had informants somewhere in the Pakistani military. I always feel like a man should be tried for his crimes. But, in this case, I feel this goes better him dead than alive. JMO. I will add that I don't like the ideas of Americas celebrating in some places and waving flags and acting jubilant like we just won some ----ing game. This should not be a celebration as it is nothing to celebrate it is just retribution administered by an appropriate agent.

2nd May 2011, 03:03 PM
Hmm, I guess that's another way of looking at it. But I thought the aim was to bring him in alive. I still feel like that would have been better. It definitely would have been less open to scepticism.

2nd May 2011, 03:04 PM
Totally NOT.
It goes against the only one true and only honest principal of AG racing.

That's CURY's "Let's be friends" situation.

2nd May 2011, 03:28 PM
I don't think our goal was to EVER bring him in alive. If I'm not mistaken as far as the rules of engagement are concerned dead or alive are both considered viable in the situation.

2nd May 2011, 04:34 PM
this we just killed bin laden is total garbage.
bin laden died at least 8 years ago either in a initail retalitory airstrike for sept 11th or from natrual causes as he wasnt very well.
The american govenment knew this but made out they believed he was alive to use as propaganda so it was acceptable to invade countrys and kill and pillage and do what ever they liked in the name on freedom and justice.
the american govenment have finished what they wanted so they wrap up the story with .....bin laden got shot and we live happily ever after...

as far as i am concerned there is more evidence to suggest vampires walk the earth than there is to say bin laden has been alive for the last 8 years ..every audio tape and video tape and picture of bin laden is old and out of date and he there was never anything in any film or tape that was relevant or could be connected to a timeframe or now.it was all old junk..
the terrorists were also happy to live the lie too as it was good for recruitment..eveyone was a winner apart from the civillian

2nd May 2011, 05:01 PM
It does all seem to of been done and dusted a bit too fast. Greenymac's view seems plausible though. I'd like to think that's what happened and that was their reasoning behind getting rid of the body so fast. A mate of a mate who is in the marines has said he has a picture of his dead body and has been posted on Facebook, so it must be true ;).

2nd May 2011, 05:27 PM
I think its wrong to dispose of his body so soon
Here is a snippet from an article...

CNN reports as of 3:20 am EST that Bin Laden's body has already been buried at sea. While surprising for most Americans, this adheres to Islamic tradition as the body has been buried within 24 hours of death

I would of threw him overboard on the 25 hour lol and claimed his virgins...

2nd May 2011, 05:46 PM
Here's hoping they actually release some pictoral evidence or some other proof that it was him, otherwise I'm not believing any of this.

2nd May 2011, 06:41 PM
"acceptable to invade countrys and kill and pillage and do what ever they liked in the name on freedom and justice."

really, are we going to go here? pillage? Are we really going down the path of putting down everyone's countries?

As far as killing him, and the burial thing at sea, that seems really stupid to me, it may be true, who knows, not sure why they would do that so quickly so they don't have proof of something.

Oryx Crake
2nd May 2011, 08:28 PM
(Sorry bout the essay here)

If you ask me I'd say if there is a cover up going on here it's alot more plausible that bin laden was shot execution style by rightfully angry american troops(if not rightfully executing the man without a trial or whatever) or that this being a "black ops" mission that the mission all along was just to find the guy and put as many bullets in him as possible, whatever happened.

Yes it's dirty and all that, but covering up his death for 8 years to continue with 2 wars that are threatening to bankrupt the US state... had that been the case my guess is that the announcement of his death would've come at a time when the state was more desperate to scale back on costs... say about 2 years ago. Occam's Razor so to speak.

Whatever the case this is an enormous symbolic victory because among other things what it says is that none of the big shot terrorists are safe, it says to the US and to it's allies, we got it right this time, it removes at the same time a black mark on the reputation of the middle east and it's an opportunity to change the discourse and actions about the western incursion into the middle east.
To put it bluntly it is a bit of an end to an era. from this moment on alot of doors that would have other wise been closed have been opened.

And I would like to stress that it's not just in the west that this has been received with cheers and happiness.

Palestinian Authority spokesman Ghassan Khatib said: "Getting rid of Bin Laden is good for the cause of peace worldwide, but what counts is to overcome the discourse and the methods – the violent methods – that were created and encouraged by Bin Laden and others in the world"

Sure not everyone is happy about it but Bin laden's continued existence has been like a ghost hanging around any talks about the middle east since 9/11
if not explicitly mentioned we all know that him being in Afghanistan was the official reason for that war. and in general the reason for the US presence in the middle east to the capacity it has had up til now.

He was one man yes and probably not the most dangerous leader among the terrorists but. His name was synonymous with the ideals he preached and if you look in history contrary to what some comic books would have us believe Ideals are not bulletproof, if the rallying point is taken away most movements die.
Again this is by no means the end of Al-Qaida or muslim extremism but it is an important way point.

Now finally I agree with Jabberjaw let's not do the mud flinging. In this case america is no worse than any other country. I'd wager a lot of money that had Sweden had a named enemy like Bin Laden we would have gone about it roughly the same way despite the fact that we haven't been in war for the last 200 years. Or to put it another way the USA was not in the wrong here and honestly speaking praise where praise is due: good job.


DJ Techno
2nd May 2011, 09:07 PM
lots of hatred here for the US, great :( . He was the face of this attack on us, and certainly a huge part of terrorism (not in qoutes). This is a great day for the US military, AND relatives of the trade center casualties. Not going to get into the other insults on the US.

Yeah. Were waiting on Pakistan to explain why they,hmmm

Lied to the world about knowing the were abouts of Osama Bin Laden.
The leadership of the Pakistan government has some to a lot of explaination. For

US forces and intelligence. Found him inside the border and country.

A that's harboring and aiding a criminal.

I don't see a document that said the country gave bin laden safe living in there country. And knowing Pakistan is an ally to the United States. Why the ally would protect the marked number one man, dead or alive for over a decade.

I don't know where u lost yourself at. About the ag thing. Or just because im reading this off the phone and stuff. but have a drink n maybe I might have u ready for a military suit.

No jasmin
Bin laden wasn't killed in the air strikes. Being hidden inside mountain caves can proof to be an effect safe bunker. Even the bunker buster bombs go so far. And trained American and ally snipers with the newest sniper rifle that can hit a target from 2 miles or more n less away hitting him without hitting dirt.

Oh and yeah pictures should be coming. But important the Navy Seal who put the round inside the body of Bin laden. That's not going to-be. Revealed globally. Cause he is a soldier and operations with secrecy are kept confidential or edited so much that it would be hard to expose completely.

Mdhay. I'll have a military suit for you too to put-on n prepare to know what it feels to where Marine.

Mega G, that whole virgin thing is so over the hill. That bin laden is in Hell. Cause Al La, aka the same God Christians and all other denominations have read, praise, gone to church too. God sent that ass to hell. Because the Koran, the Bible, and Tora. Were about the same God, just the interprets were half and half different. But the real half. No virgins to **** when going to the fire. Unless your a demon n that's a different story.

Trust me my Pakistany neighbours I compares n read both. N understand the Koran has some of the same beginnings in the bible. As for the rest. Half n half.

Greeny, well I and others would say... put a bullet between his eyes or mortally wound bin laden. But unlike the capture of Saddam was hiding underneath the roads of Baghdad. And his capture was not much of a struggle with him. But bin ladens assault was a fire fight. And the storm inside the room. Yeah that's a wrap.

DJ Techno
2nd May 2011, 09:12 PM
Oh Daad means
Dead as a door nail

KIA means killed in action

2nd May 2011, 09:30 PM
still say bin laden has been dead for 8-10 years.thats why pakistan didnt know he was there its cos he wasnt..thats why they were not told the americans were going in to kill him cos they were not cos he was dead already and not there..im sure that £650 million mr cameron gave pakistan about a month ago will ensure the pakistani authorities just mind there own business and carry on with their own affairs..

they throw his body in the sea and say we are respecting his rights to an islamic funeral yet they walked into his bedroom and shot him in the head without a trial so thats hypocriticle and makes no sense buts its irelevant cos it never happened cos bin laden was dead and theres no way to prove it either.

@oryx..i do think its good timing for bin laden to die now..the us economy is in a bad way obama has failed to fix it..i saw a program when they went onto the streets and asked normal american people what they thought of obama and they went to the bronx and talked to blackmen who they thouht would really support him as he is the first black president in the usa and they all said the same things words such as "pussy" "limp dik" "no can do" "cardboard cutout" "mr wave" "let us brothers down type of stuff"..elections will be around soon so what better launch to an election campaign for a president accussed of not being able to make anything happen than to be the one who ordered bin ladens death.

and lets face it the us army are pretty much done and dusted in the middle east and will be out in a year tops..its all politics and it was well planned and well milked..obama has a good team behind him..he should get his 8 years no problems now :)

cant wait for the photshopped pic of bin laden with a hole in his head.maybe ill make one myself and get a cheque from the white house.:)

but to summarise....bin laden took resposibility for murdering thousands of normal hard working people like you and me to get his point across so im glad he is dead and i dont really give a hoot about who..how ...when..the fact he is dead is good and it allows the relatives of the lost to feel that the world did care and something was done..

2nd May 2011, 09:43 PM
Bin Laden was not dead before recently. If Bin Laden had been killed anytime other than now George Bush would have been pounding his chest and usurping everyounce of credit for it. Unless, you believe that idiot wouldnt have.

2nd May 2011, 09:56 PM
Mdhay. I'll have a military suit for you too to put-on n prepare to know what it feels to where Marine.

Could you please elaborate?

Also, I don't know if you will be able to see this, but this is why he shouldn't have used his real details on the Playstation Network. (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=208152385871933&set=a.103245169695989.7759.100000315187010&type=1) :P

2nd May 2011, 10:12 PM
Jasmi-Jade while I respect your opiion here, i would beg to differ on the ideas that black mena nd women atre not behind Obama fully. Seems interesting to me that you know whats going on in my own country better than I do.*sarcasm... Ifyou dont think Obama will get 95% of the african_ american vote you are not very intelligent. And our economy was in absolute shambles after 8 years of deregulation and tom foolery. I think its pretty clear that it takes more tha 2 years to clean up a mess of that proportion. I really like you, but you have no idea what you're talking about. And this idea that you think this is all a hoax and that Bin Laden has been dead for 8 years is what I' would like to call ignorant. and misguided. And I understand that you feel America is wrong in its eforts to bring him to justice, I feel that if he had killed 3000 innocent people including women and children your government would not let those deeds go unpunished. I didn't want to get intoa pissing match, but your ignorance and follish ideas canot go unchecked. And I'm confident that in the next few days your proof will be had and be released to the media.

DJ Techno
2nd May 2011, 10:24 PM

If bin laden was dead before Obama was president. bush and the republicans would have another four years.

In the world n here in the united states. If ur aiding and harboring a fugitive and or criminal.
Is jail, fine for America. But else where. Your dead on the spot or worse.

Pakistan has a lot of explaining for what has been found, proven, and well the man is
Let's remember that.

(This was suppose to be a response to green before jasmin responded.)

I'm catching up....

Could you please elaborate?

Also, I don't know if you will be able to see this, but this is why he shouldn't have used his real details on the Playstation Network. (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=208152385871933&set=a.103245169695989.7759.100000315187010&type=1) :P

No I'm not going to elaborate. Just it was a the image for u. By saying what u said. Then somebody should put u in the military suit n have u at the exact spot where the forces entered the building and exited out with bin ladens body is in taken in a body bag. N then buried to sea.

Oryx Crake
2nd May 2011, 11:30 PM
@Jas while I wouldnt go as far as greeny I do agree with his analysis that this incident is probably fairly benign and there are more opportune times well like I said before: if there is a cover up it's likely to be about some small detail of the operation, that would otherwise cause an unnecessary shitstorm.

I wouldn't say you are ignorant though, however I would ask as I do at every turn where people talk of conspiracies: Since the most important goal of a conspiracy is to keep the conspiracy itself secret, how is it that people always seem to find out somehow? I mean especially when we're talking about the US government there are such a lot of conspiracies people seem to know about.
Put it like this if we were to believe all the conspiracy theories floating around about the US government... well to use an example: my aunt believes the US government is covering up the existence of a flying squirrel that flies so fast it generates sparks in the air that sets fire to forests.(yes she is schizophrenic, really). I mean where does it end and where does all this information come from? Are there secrets? You bet your sweet ass there are! But covering up the death of bin laden for 8 years? or plasma squirrels for that matter? not that they are equally insane but they both defy the plausible (in the squirrel case the possible as well).

My point is you are right to be cautious about government information but don't just assume that everything governments do is lie. One of the the first rules of human science (history, social science etc.) is to always double check the facts you are given, but also to accept the facts that have an abundance of proof attached to them. And more to the point I would argue in this case that circumstantial evidence points to this story being true(what of it we have been told).


DJ Techno
3rd May 2011, 12:15 AM

Me myself.
Being one who was going to do 8 first years with the Unites States Marines. I was to be doing tours to Iraq, Afghan-land, Japan, Hawaii, and else where.
But since I had to wait. And wait I did. Is wait and now go back.

For the troops who have already been there before me.
It's a job well done.
To all of them including the Seal who took tango ( Jeranimo ) down.

The deal with bin laden. Defiantly not a cover up for this year.
If the bush administration had this done so. I would really look at the face he had during the interview today. And look at the disappointed smile, that he didn't get the chance to take out that man. but he smiled that the job is done. Done a correct and good way.

No civilians hurt. Well hurt badly

After some more thoughts. Will we be in Afghanistan for another two years. Probably and then no. Because were out of Iraq. And Saddam is over. Taliban,Al Quida. Is there n still around the world.

3rd May 2011, 12:47 AM
Jasmi-Jade while I respect your opiion here, i would beg to differ on the ideas that black mena nd women atre not behind Obama fully. Seems interesting to me that you know whats going on in my own country better than I do.*sarcasm... Ifyou dont think Obama will get 95% of the african_ american vote you are not very intelligent.

Mmmm i sense some anger here...anger turns to the darkside.did you know that ? :p ..well so yoda says..anyway.....
you can beg to differ all you like but please.... where did i say i know more about america than you?..i didnt
but i did say i watched a documentary on tv which went exactly as i said.was the documentary true/false i dont know im not american...
also pleae show me where i said he wouldnt get 95% of the black vote either but i did say having a dead bin laden to his name will boost his election campiagn anyone will tell you that..

And our economy was in absolute shambles after 8 years of deregulation and tom foolery. I think its pretty clear that it takes more tha 2 years to clean up a mess of that proportion. I really like you, but you have no idea what you're talking about. And this idea that you think this is all a hoax and that Bin Laden has been dead for 8 years is what I' would like to call ignorant. and misguided. And I understand that you feel America is wrong in its eforts to bring him to justice, I feel that if he had killed 3000 innocent people including women and children your government would not let those deeds go unpunished. I didn't want to get intoa pissing match, but your ignorance and follish ideas canot go unchecked. And I'm confident that in the next few days your proof will be had and be released to the media.

again i never said he should have sorted out the ecomomy by now either..your just assuming
as to wether i know what im talking about or not ,that could be debatable but considering you cant read my posts proporly and you are attacking me on points i never even said you wouldnt really be in a position to be able to say .

omg and you even said i was i felt america was wrong in its efforts to bring in bin laden..cant you read my post properly i said last paragraph im glad he is dead..who could possible support a murderer of inocents..

Bin Laden was not dead before recently. If Bin Laden had been killed anytime other than now George Bush would have been pounding his chest and usurping everyounce of credit for it. Unless, you believe that idiot wouldnt have.

no he wouldnt..bush was a jar headed chimpanzee ..he loves ass kicking and war..worse thing for bush was for bin laden to die..as he wouldnt have had an excuse to invade and conquer.

basically you are angry ..you shouldnt be...im not against you and i along with every country in the world is happy bin laden is dead..i dont have a personal opinion of your president as i dont know much about him only what i saw in one documentary..though i do have a negative opinion on bush as he is a warmonger who got many killed in bad solutions to the problems usa faced.

but what i did say in my post is the media is lying about the details on bin ladens death and anyone who believes that every thing they hear on the new in their country is true is stupid..
in world war 2 england spread propaganda about hitler being gay and a child molester with one testicle even made up a song..many believed it but it was all lies but it helped strengthen our spirits and weaken the germans..

anyway please dont take offence greeny..i wasnt attacking you or your country i was just saying i smell serious bs and the govenments are manipulating us into believing exactly what they want..not just usa but britain too..we have many liars in office here :)

anyway i dont wanna fight cos i like u too greenymac..

3rd May 2011, 03:28 AM
name calling on others countries leaders. Criticize your own leaders, enough of this crap. Just because I am not a fan of my current, or previous leader, I am not calling anyone out on this, they got rid of a very bad man. Keep your criticisms for your own politicians, some you know something about, and stop criticizing the USA in general. Do you hear us criticizing your countries? And yes, there are very serious reasons for every country to be criticized, and it's leaders.

3rd May 2011, 09:54 AM
Jasmin you should probably read your own post that i responded to in the first place. you did say all of those things...

ion harvest
3rd May 2011, 10:30 AM
Hey Jabberjaw. American foreign policy sucks dick. We British are no better. **** Pariotism - and **** the free world. All we ever get is one side to the story. Media spins and bullshit politics followed by bullshit policies.

You can defend America all u like. I think ur government is elitist and your congress a selfish joke.

Ten yrs after 9/11 you found him. Bollox. You knew where he was hiding all along. You just wanted to ravage the middle east first. Al Jazeerah report on the number of deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan since 9/11 is over 1.5 million innocents... So **** your foreign policy that turns from a witch hunt into genocide.


3rd May 2011, 10:38 AM

ion harvest
3rd May 2011, 11:04 AM

So while PSN was working the USA were playing COD for real? Carpet bombing Iraq and Afghanistan. Ooh look they are not free people. They are not even the enemy but let's bomb these innocents bcuz muslim blood is a cheap commodity ? How the US and UK managed to convince us that all Iraqis and Afghans are potential terrorists is a joke and though we protested against the war they went ahead amyway. Sorry did I say war? I meant genocide.

This situation is not funny. People are dead - innocents like women and children.

Bible says Eye foe an eye. 3000 killed in 911. But 1.5million Iraqi and Afghan lives is not an eye for eye situation.

This wasn't even a war. This was genocide.

Oryx Crake
3rd May 2011, 11:09 AM
What is this? I dont trust the media as such and governments generally get things wrong every now and then but where is the evidence tjat the us government has been lying about knowing where bin lagen has been hiding? Have Ã* healthily suspicious mind yeah sure but there comes Ã* point where you reach paranoia... Honestly why are people so Quick to jump the conclusion that america has been lying about everything? I dont mean this as a slur on anyone but I dont trust you to know all you claim to know about the supposed lies of the states. No real scholar or journalist would ever claim to be as certain as you are. À little humility and respect please!

ion harvest
3rd May 2011, 11:25 AM
A little humility n respect? You can't be serious.

They wanted Bin Laden for 10yrs Onyx. Ever heard of Black Ops? Sure u have. Question : where was this Humility and Respect you speak of when hundreds of thousands of innocents had their lives snatched from them by the same people who promised them FREEDOM.

I'm not Iraqi or Afghan. I'm a British man and I give respect where it is deserved.

3rd May 2011, 11:42 AM
Some of you really need to get a handle on your conspiracy theories, Believe me, [I] hate the fact that as a nation we are in everyone's business , but that doesnt mean I can say baseless things that are not supported by facts...I'm sorry that a little thing called the truth quelled my own conspiracy theories. And believe me, theres some shitty things I'd say about your own government...

ion harvest
3rd May 2011, 11:51 AM
What? U speak of facts Greenymac. Ok. Check them yourself. Don't take my word for it.

Wait. Didn't American TV show u how u guys carpet bombed entire cities like they were made of cardboard? Was that just my imagination? You can't tell me I'm not giving u facts. Tell me where u think I'm just talking BS then and i'll provide evidence. I have been pretty clear so far I think.

3rd May 2011, 12:07 PM
Noone ever said that we didn't carpet-bomb whole cities or countries for that matter. What I'm saying is that its not fact that we used Bin laden as an excuse to enter Mid east countries. Bush used Saddam... as a reason to enter Iraq and that is something most Americans hate. Actually I'm through with this argument as you will believe what you want to believe and it is a waste of my time to continue to type. I will leave you with this...Everything we do, Britain goes in with us...You're our closest ally, so we are not alone in our endeavors. Your government is also to blame.

ion harvest
3rd May 2011, 12:28 PM
After reading ur post I think we're both on the same page. I'm not arguing with u GM.

But yes. We did go into Iraq because of lies (WMD hoax) which our governments collectively fed us as the guaranteed truth.

As for Bin Laden. At the time the whole WMD crap was being propagated, the media was speculating (along with US and British intelligence) that Bin Laden could very well be hiding in Iraq. Or Afghanistan. They just didn't know. The term I believe used on TV was "we'll flush him out wherever he is" or something like that. Then we proceeded to carpet bomb the country. To flush him out. At the expense of innocent lives. Hundreds and thousands of lives. All for one man. And the excuses we were fed was WMDs. So am I wrong in saying that Muslim blood is a cheap commodity to the western superpowers that be?

3rd May 2011, 12:29 PM
Jasmin you should probably read your own post that i responded to in the first place. you did say all of those things...

I just checked my posts and i didnt say anything u claimed i said.

Was listening to radio today and it was all about bin laden and every single person who phoned in said that they smelt a rat and there is bs concerning the events that took place..

ion harvest
3rd May 2011, 12:40 PM
What radio station Jasmin? I wanna see real opinions from the general public too. The media news reports are so bias. Lol.

3rd May 2011, 12:50 PM
Im not going to get involved in this debate lol because i got shot down in flames when i made an illuminati / conspiracy thread. but try to keep the language down lol.
This is supposed to be a child friendly site...

ion harvest
3rd May 2011, 01:02 PM
Well put Mega Geeza. Child friendly. Check. I am sorry for using bad language in my first post this topic.

About conspiracy theories though. I don't know too much about illuminati and freemasons except that they are moving the world towards a single currency and want to abolish and disrepute organized religion. A friend told me that the Islamic Khilafa system (papacy) was bought down by freemasons posing as Muslims within Turkey in the year 1924. Same year they came out of the closet after hundreds of yes hiding in the "shadows". Now they have their lodges everywhere. Any of this true? Its just theory. But it could be true.

3rd May 2011, 01:09 PM
What radio station Jasmin? I wanna see real opinions from the general public too. The media news reports are so bias. Lol.

Hi ion.it was LBC..not sure if there still talking about it.but there site should have the rgramme available if u wanna listen..
Hope that helps

ion harvest
3rd May 2011, 01:40 PM
Thanks for the quick reply Jasmin. I go check now :)

Oryx Crake
3rd May 2011, 02:13 PM
@Ion: When I speak of humility and respect I mean that you should have the humility not assert your opinions as fact and the respect not to explicitly call other people's countries and governments liers in an open forum like this, especially without nuance. I mean I wont say I like everything the US government does, in fact I'll admit openly that I dislike a lot of the US policies, both foreign and domestic(I'm a bit of a politics junkie so I keep up to date on both). But I would never suggest, or make it sound like I think, that what the US government does or doesn't do equates to the views or actions of all americans.

Our friends on this forum from america shouldn't have to feel like they have to defend themselves against us at every turn just because we as europeans cant tell the difference between the United States the country and the Americans the people.

Also if you read earlier in the thread you'd see that I know what black ops is.
But as a response to what you said I would argue that if you have to kill people then black ops, while being completely vile and disgusting a practice, is infinitly better than starting a war. Now you could argue the states did both and they have been getting their fair share of grief over that and maybe rightfully so but again if I had to choose then I'd say a black ops mission to assassinate Bin laden is a step up from starting 2 wars.
And progress should be rewarded not sneezed at.

Now you may think whatever you like about what I've said but you have to admit that unless you want a fight, calling a whole country including it's people out as liers isn't the best way to go about things.

3rd May 2011, 02:42 PM
Thank you so much Oryx, I as well stated I don't agree with war AT ALL. And there aren't many Americans here on this board, but we ARE NOT our government. I didn't vote to put Bush in office. I voted against him and in college we had protests and marched against the war and the many atrocities attributed to our own government. George Bush ruined us for everyone in the world by being a brash arrogant prick who defied war law and should be tried as a war criminal. But, when a few people on this board that dont live here just come out and slam my country I'm going to be a little pissed. I'm a BIG political junkie and I too dislike many of our policies, but things are changing with Obama being in office. I feel the same way you feel Ion about US carpet bombings and the like. Women and Children ARE NOT TO BE HARMED IN ANY CONFLICT... Once that happens my gloves are off. Thats why I have been against us being in Iraq. Our countries were both lied to by our leaders to accomplish their goals.

3rd May 2011, 03:37 PM
1) I believe he's been as good as dead for years.
2) I doubt his death will make any difference whatsoever.
3) It is nice to see Obama regaining some of his popularity for this however.
4) This could have been done years ago if the US hadn't refused the British permission to take him out as they believed it "wasn't possible".

On a final note I thought it was strange seeing Americans celebrating his death in the streets. Proper big old parties. I know they had a truly tragic event happen on September 11th, and many of the people directly and indirectly affected may get some real closure from this news and I'm over the moon for them, but something struck me as odd about it, and I can't quite put my finger on why.

3rd May 2011, 03:42 PM
Thats so true..our mr blair is a liar too.he lied to go to war and to look big in front of george bush.

Also a very valid point has been made and that was....just cos a individual in power does bad things does not make thats countrys people bad...as they may be against them just as much as other coutries are.

ion harvest
3rd May 2011, 06:47 PM
No I never said anything against american people. I think the american public is like our own in the UK. Against the war and not listened to by the government. We protest but get ignored.

What I did say is american foreign policy is BS just like ou British one actually.

I saw how some Americans are celebrating the death of bin Laden ?? Weird. I thought those who lost loved ones in 911 would have felt closure and relief and don't believe those on TV celebrating were anyone from those affected. Its too aweful to think that they would be. This was more like hooliganism. But like OsamaBinHaydn says its pretty weird.

3rd May 2011, 08:09 PM
@ion..wasnt pointing finger at you..wasnt pointing finger at anyone just a general comment not to tar all with the same brush...

anyway i talked to exactly 50 people toaday and asked them all
"so what do you think about this bin laden stuff"

every single person, all 50 said it was a load of bull..not one person i spoke to said it was as reported..same on the radio too everyone who phoned in said it was BS too..

but here are the reasons they said why in order of majority

1 bin laden was already dead years ago its just staged crap (most people i asked believed this)
2 bin laden was captured not killed (lie is to stop potential hijacking of planes) only a few said this..

maybe i will find someone to talk to tommorow who believes the bin laden story as reported.

funny thing i just read..Us official said today they wont release photo of bin laden as its gruesome and to nasty to show..
funny how they had no problem putting the faces of sadams two dead sons on every front page of every paper with their faces riddled with bullet holes and made decks of playing cards of all the people they wanted to kill..

after a small fire fight with some armed guys in the house thye went in his room and they say bin laden put up resistance but had no gun and his wife did too and she had no gun..those 26 navy seals must have been so overwhelmed by that type of force they had to kill him..

i do not think obama has anything to do with this .i think he honestly believes bin laden was shot on monday..but i think someone has been making some bs home videos..maybe cia unit or anblack opps unit..but its the biggest pack of poo ive had seen..
only good thing out of it is nearly everyone agrees bin laden is dead by one means or another which is very good for the world.i personally think he was taken out by usa but they never even knew they did it till it was confirmed by their intellegence 100% that he is dead..so they stage a show for us..
lol..wonder if itll be 3d when it comes out in cinema

3rd May 2011, 08:25 PM
The continuous bringing up the idea that Osama has been dead for years and we are just bringing it up is just pure craziness...I'm done here because you are ----ing impossible. WOW.

3rd May 2011, 10:49 PM
No I never said anything against american people.

Hmm, probably good to take a breath and be little more careful with your words then, because that's exactly what confrontational posts like below will be interpreted as by anyone who is remotely on the defensive:

Hey Jabberjaw. American foreign policy sucks dick....[etc]

You can defend America all u like. I think ur government is elitist and your congress a selfish joke.

Ten yrs after 9/11 you found him. Bollox. You knew where he was hiding all along. You just wanted to ravage the middle east first. ....

See what I mean? I imagine it's hard to take that kind of thing too well. Anyway, looks like we've all calmed down a bit now so that's good.

@jasmin - You say that anyone who believes everything that they hear in the news in their own country is stupid, but you did make a pretty extreme argument for a conspiracy, seemingly based mainly, or at least in large part, on a documentary you saw on TV? Well you see how presenting such things as if they're unquestionable fact is just as bad as instantly believing everything we're told in the media. The results are here in this thread.

Anyway, I'm not going to lie, something about the whole announcement and everything just felt wrong to me. If I can't have access to all the facts myself, and from a reliable source, then I will always struggle to believe them and ultimately I have to go with my intuition. Therefore, at the moment I'm a sceptic. I'm not sure what I'm even sceptical of, just that there's far more of the story yet to come. More details have come out today and I'm starting to believe it all a little more. If there's any lies around the whole thing then we won't find out the ultimate truth for decades anyway.

I guess whatever happens, people here and in the US are largely going to get on with their lives either way, but I think ion harvest is kind of right in that people should remember all the sacrifices, willing or unwilling, on both sides for things like this. Jokes aside, it's all pretty morbid really. :( This is why I try and avoid the news. It just creates a feeling of helplessness. I guess all anyone can really do is hope for the best.

4th May 2011, 12:32 AM
i didnt base my argument mainly on a documentary.it didnt have anything to do with bin laden it was about the ecomomy and what the average american joe on the street thought of obama in tackling his ecomomy..

i have not proved or tried to prove the bin laden situation is fake cos i cant .i just pointed out a few inconsistancies .but what i am saying is i dont belive its the truth and i havnt found anyone in real life who believes it either..thats pretty bad.
and the us govenment cant prove its true either at this moment.
i was just saying how i felt..and everyone ive talked to today..

i know this is widespread as i have heard on news that people everywhere are talking
the govenment will either have to explain and dismiss our doubts or live with them..their choice..

intersting telegraph article talking about peoples skeptism on this subject


4th May 2011, 03:28 AM
Obama has decided to release the photos of Bin Laden's dead and brutalized body...I DO NOT AGREE with parading around a dead man's body. It is not honorable or becoming. But people like you it HAS to be proven to. I mean, think about it, if he wasn't dead, wouldn't he cme out now for sure or make a video? Maybe his cohorts or subordinates would deny it... And you say the US government can't prove it.... Are you serious? You're saying our president will just come out and boldfaced say we have killed Bin laden andthats a lie... The more you type the crazier you sound. You want facts? Go here.

but I can also at the same site go to a story like this, which would be probably more suited to your liking...http://religion.blogs.cnn.com/2011/05/03/my-take-bin-laden-died-long-ago/?hpt=T2

Notice the last link goes to an article of a wacky American Christian Super conservative Pastor who thinks Bin Laden has been dead a long time. Also notice it's listed under the "Opinions and Analysis" section of the site. There are facts here and there are opinions. I understand the fact that pictures and DNA evidence is what you may need to quell your crazy ideas, but we have those things, and to bebhonest I'm not sure I want to release those pictures and dishonor his death even more. It will cause anger and unrest even more through out the Muslim World, but no, People like you need proof. Get over yourself, your ideas and opinions become even more baseless by the second. You watch a documentary on America and you have all the answers... I live it everyday I may know what the ----I'm talking about. You sound just like the right -wing nutjobs here in America. If you dislike and hate America, i'd have more respect for you if you just said it. I'm sure there aremany details of this mission that we as the eneral pubic will never know about, but the end result of a deceased Osama Bin Laden is something that should not be debated. I also read the article you linked to where someone asks why we didnt parade the body around like we did Saddam's sons/ Probably because we have a new administration that isn't willing to bow to such filth...

DJ Techno
4th May 2011, 04:23 AM
1) I believe he's been as good as dead for years.
2) I doubt his death will make any difference whatsoever.
3) It is nice to see Obama regaining some of his popularity for this however.
4) This could have been done years ago if the US hadn't refused the British permission to take him out as they believed it "wasn't possible".

On a final note I thought it was strange seeing Americans celebrating his death in the streets. Proper big old parties. I know they had a truly tragic event happen on September 11th, and many of the people directly and indirectly affected may get some real closure from this news and I'm over the moon for them, but something struck me as odd about it, and I can't quite put my finger on why.


i wouldd be on the streets too
the man who instigated, planned, and constructed the death of hundreds to thousands of men, woman, and children. that the man is final gone.

its like the last star wars movie where the emperors death n celebration is shown all over the movie.

i use to always read soldier of fortune magazine. pull out the target practice sheets of bin laden, saddam, gidaffi, the criminal responsible for the genocides in africa and kosovo.

target practice to see and get the best shot between those son of a bitches. like the sob who last night attempted to kill me while i was on my way home in my moped.

i got a right hand of justice and a proper law suit to burial for them.

shame on you ion for saying stuff about our government. when we already know its full of right wing republican nut jobs and democrats with more care.

i dont see the british government doing any better. and i havent watched an episode of CSPAN showing what your parliament is up to this time about the your tony blair was in office.

oh there was closer from the families of those who lost children, husbands, sons, wifes, and daughters. but the closer and celebration go hand and hand. celebrating that the son of a bitch is taken out. is just a part of closer as finally sayin your at peace after a horrific catastrophe.

ion harvest
4th May 2011, 09:39 AM
At Saturnreturn. Thank u.

At DJtechno. Lol? Osama bin Laden killed hundreds of thousands? Where? LOL. That would be UK n USA... In retaliation to 911 in which 3000 died. That's a fraction of the number of deaths UK n USA are jointly responsible for.

Oh is I just me or does djechno talk in riddles. I find I difficult to follow his posts. Very confusing LOL. I'm baffled lol

4th May 2011, 10:15 AM
No more confusing than a post that uses LOL as punctuation.

4th May 2011, 10:17 AM
I don't have a problem with any particular country.
I do have a problem with apathy and complacency among those of voting age that choose not to vote, but still voice their opinions vehemently on forums , but refuse to stand behind their beliefs by actually taking a stand and voting.

So they appear as reactionary apathetic hypocrites to me.

The whole fiasco was caused by foreign policy made by western governments to the likes of the Taliban, when it suited them [Charlie Wilsons War] to stop soviet incursion.

The US/UK and their allies all agreed to this and did follow through, they armed and trained the Taliban against the Soviets, but then left them without support.
This is what turned the Taliban against the US/UK.
How did this happen?
Corporate lobbyist got to government [individual senators] and had polices changed or voted down polices, they did it by threatening to move manufacturing to other places, which would of meant an explanation by the senator for that states loss of jobs.
Something no egotistical hedonistic politician wants to face up to.

This whole procedure diluted what was US foreign policy to such an extent that it appeared almost duplicitous to none US citizens, hence the conspiracy theories.

Just look at the figures to see just how bad this situation has become in the USA.

It REALLY needs addressing if American politics want to remain a legitimate point of opinion.
I can already see many past supporters of the USA in the EU and UN seeing this blatant influence by business and saying F*** Y** , you don't even represent your own people anymore.

A sad state of affairs.

4th May 2011, 11:06 AM
And it goes on........

The police arrested 5 people under the suspicion of terrorism act on Monday out side Sellafield which is a nuclear power plant 50 miles from where I live. They were filming the plant but told police that their sat nav had taken them there by mistake - all the way from London. Brilliant :(

4th May 2011, 02:53 PM
This news are frightening!

The death of Bin Laden was to stir up a hornet's nest. It is just a matter of time till something happen. The question is where, when and how.

Flint Fandango
4th May 2011, 04:16 PM
Well, it is still a suspicion, so I would say: "in dubio pro reo".
It´s good to be careful but whatever happens, we have to deal with it.
Violence causes violence - that´s a fact.

@ion harvest: That´s what I´m talking about in the first sentence. ;)

ion harvest
4th May 2011, 04:21 PM
The police just caught 5blokes from London taking photos of a nuclear power plant near Sheffield. That worries me.

4th May 2011, 04:45 PM
Unless it's another five blokes then it's Sellafield not Sheffield.

4th May 2011, 05:38 PM
Maybe these men just like power plants lol
I believe the Government/ police are just diverting our attention to this because they are upto something far worse...
Its just like whats happening with osama bin laden, its just a diversionary tactic.
Something will spark WW3 in a few years because this planet is overpopulated and we need to reduce the population... it sounds extreme but most of us know that this planet cannot sustain anymore human lives.
Theres no jobs and jobs will become less and less now and into the future due to machines and big companies bankrupting business.
Money is getting stretched too thin because theres to many people. Whilst banks hoard it charging interest that doesnt exist.

DJ Techno
4th May 2011, 05:53 PM
At Saturnreturn. Thank u.

At DJtechno. Lol? Osama bin Laden killed hundreds of thousands? Where? LOL. That would be UK n USA... In retaliation to 911 in which 3000 died. That's a fraction of the number of deaths UK n USA are jointly responsible for.

Oh is I just me or does djechno talk in riddles. I find I difficult to follow his posts. Very confusing LOL. I'm baffled lol

not my fault you cant understand me. it was made to the point.

you cant read ion.

i said he killed hundreds to thousands not hundreds and thousands
shows who you trying to make fool about

rob hush anybody uses lol in large words or small words

ion you worried that the photographers were arrested for taking photos of the plant.
it could be worst, after your police gets done inspecting them. you might come to find out they were targeting the place.

remember it was secret cooperations and actions to free the afgans from soviet control during the periods after the Cold War. remember the Cold War when **** was so sensitive between the two super powers. that anything miscalculated, misinterpreted, anything that piss the other side off.

and still the **** was sensitive

i figured out a little bit why Pakistan might have aided and harbored osama bib laden. cause during the time soviets were controlling Afghanistan. the afghans fled into neighboring Pakistan. were probably bin laden was at during the fight for Afghanistan. then the boys and girls in the CIA. contacted both the Pakistanis and afghans to help them give Afghanistan back to them. money, weapons, and training were given to them by the USA, but it was kept on the books as Pakistan did the work.

now america had the right to leave the afgan country to the afgans. didn't want the russians to know who helped them and then russian would wine, bitch and cry about the involvement in the country.

like they bitch and cryed about lybia, iraq, afganistan again

4th May 2011, 09:24 PM
i didnt base my argument mainly on a documentary.it didnt have anything to do with bin laden it was about the ecomomy and what the average american joe on the street thought of obama in tackling his ecomomy..

I don't want to start quote wars, but at least remember what you wrote. If it had nothing to do with the OBL thing then you wouldn't have posted it as a part of your argument on why the US would claim they killed him now despite him apparently already being dead. I may have overstated the significance of it as I admit I did misunderstand exactly what this documentary was having just read through a lot of posts at once, but you can't deny it was a part of that argument. Remember? The Economy? Obama losing votes? Kill OBL and it will help his election campaign? You don't need me to quote it all as it's still there in black and white.

Anyway, I'm just saying this because all this pedantic, "I didn't say that" nonsense really doesn't help you get your point across. It just makes you look inconsistent. The more inconsistent you are the less it will appear that you are actually thinking about what you write and that just discredits your opinions, and then you'll get people telling you that you don't know what you're talking about.

Same goes for everyone else if I'm frank. If people want to talk about big topics here, then they have to be big enough themselves, and not petty. Being pedantic and pointing out all the slightest, inconsequential parts of someone's message and ignoring the message itself is kind of missing the whole point of communication. It's a two way street folks - so let's try meeting in the middle.

4th May 2011, 11:05 PM
Wasn't the topic supposed to be about finally getting osama, but it went into a attack the united states tirade. I decided to stop making arguments, because it is pointless, when lies are used as facts, what can you do, and it is not worth it, this is a wipeout site, and there are too many things on here that just get people pissed at eachother that has nothing to do with wipeout. The only real Wipeout thing that has caused arguments on the site, has been old games, vs newer games styles, and that is pretty much it. For people to not understand that Americans are happy he is dead, just does not make any sense to me at all. He rammed ****ing aiplanes into our Major Financial institutions, into the pentagon, and crashed another one, killing many people (christians, atheists, muslims, any religion you can think of) I am not talking about having a celebration, but this puts an end to part of this chapter in history. There still are terrorists, but they are on the run, and have been since 9/11. I think technology has cut it down alot, it is much harder to be a cold blooded killer now.

Oryx Crake
4th May 2011, 11:59 PM

Kinda exactly what I've been trying to say... not sure how succesful I have been in getting my point across but still. Oh but with one slight alteration I think not just the states, the West in general is happy he's gone, hell the whole world in general!

Why people feel they need to cheapen that or destroy the moment, with conspiracy theories and fights is beyond me...

DJ Techno
5th May 2011, 12:34 AM
Cause the story hasn't been given to everyone in color n print yet

If any of you ever watch videos n documentarys about criminals, killers, military operations.

The classified files. Come out or don't come out cause of secret things. Protecting the soldier or undercover cop.

This operation is no different then nypd doin a narcotics sting on the biggest gang in new York

When the operation comes to a head. They bust the criminals. Got the evidence. Got the purp.

Oh they going to reveal the undercover agent to the world during the time after the bust. No

The operatioton that took out bin laden. Is exactly why if the cia wants to take you out. They will do it. Not let any information leak. Keep it tighter than a female virgin. And after your dead, like Osama. Its up to them what is revealed and what is kept quite.

I think Michael Moore is Damn good for his work to have the truth abouthings during the Bush administrationand columbine high school. That was some ****ed up stuff then and Timothy Mcvae.

but the final end to Osama. Is no conspirators script.

Oryx Crake
5th May 2011, 12:51 AM

No I mean I know why people doubt the story but I don't see, why they cant wait a week or 2 before they start yelling about it.
None of us here know the real story and none of us know whether or not we ever will so, why cheapen the moment before it's even over by fighting about it? Surely we need a bit of good news every now and then? Why is the proverbial glass always half empty?

Meh I'm babbling maybe... I wash my hands of this discussion now.

5th May 2011, 12:56 AM
opps double post..sorry :)

5th May 2011, 01:00 AM
Obama has decided to release the photos of Bin Laden's dead and brutalized body...I DO NOT AGREE with parading around a dead man's body. It is not honorable or becoming. But people like you it HAS to be proven to. I mean, think about it, if he wasn't dead, wouldn't he cme out now for sure or make a video? Maybe his cohorts or subordinates would deny it... And you say the US government can't prove it.... Are you serious? You're saying our president will just come out and boldfaced say we have killed Bin laden andthats a lie... The more you type the crazier you sound. You want facts? Go here.

but I can also at the same site go to a story like this, which would be probably more suited to your liking...http://religion.blogs.cnn.com/2011/05/03/my-take-bin-laden-died-long-ago/?hpt=T2

Notice the last link goes to an article of a wacky American Christian Super conservative Pastor who thinks Bin Laden has been dead a long time. Also notice it's listed under the "Opinions and Analysis" section of the site. There are facts here and there are opinions. I understand the fact that pictures and DNA evidence is what you may need to quell your crazy ideas, but we have those things, and to bebhonest I'm not sure I want to release those pictures and dishonor his death even more. It will cause anger and unrest even more through out the Muslim World, but no, People like you need proof. Get over yourself, your ideas and opinions become even more baseless by the second. You watch a documentary on America and you have all the answers... I live it everyday I may know what the ----I'm talking about. You sound just like the right -wing nutjobs here in America. If you dislike and hate America, i'd have more respect for you if you just said it. I'm sure there aremany details of this mission that we as the eneral pubic will never know about, but the end result of a deceased Osama Bin Laden is something that should not be debated. I also read the article you linked to where someone asks why we didnt parade the body around like we did Saddam's sons/ Probably because we have a new administration that isn't willing to bow to such filth...

on a serious note greenymac. you need to drop this angry keyboard warrior attitude and whenever someone disagrees with your oppinion which is me...! is too get angry and start personally attacking them
by insinuating there crazy ..right winged nutters.. baseless..stupid.get real...know nothing..just cos they dont agree with you and I DONT AGREE WITH YOU..and i am none of the above and everyone i have asked about it which is close to a 100 people by now also dont agree with you either not one of them.but im not going to insult you cos you dont agree with me i accept that your oppinion is different to mine and diversity makes for a good world..and regardless of who is right bin laden is dead anyway..:)

p.s stop assuming i hate america just cos i disagree with you..

DJ Techno
5th May 2011, 01:13 AM
Fixed it

DJ Techno
5th May 2011, 01:34 AM

No I mean I know why people doubt the story but I don't see, why they cant wait a week or 2 before they start yelling about it.
None of us here know the real story and none of us know whether or not we ever will so, why cheapen the moment before it's even over by fighting about it? Surely we need a bit of good news every now and then? Why is the proverbial glass always half empty?

i knew what you meaNT

i was going out to the those who think osamas death is some conspiracy


heres some videos

just me saying that nothing was sugar coated


if the link works i dont know. but given this also. the same CIA who involves them self in gathering intelligence. had to tell the world that they had no involvement to knocking out bin laden or anything about the son of bin laden.

your good oryx

i really what to see somebody else talk in here and keep it going. especially since i said about pakistan harboring a criminal. LOL nobody has anything to say to think pakistan is not guilty of something.

also trying to get to the part with jasmin and green. and the rest of the folks who want proof and been following rumors and beliefs told to them by people outside of or inside of their country.

5th May 2011, 01:45 AM
i believe that pakistan would not harbour a terrorsit like obl in my opinion.they do have corruption in their counrty but what country dosnt have any corruption.
publically stating they did like that guy from govenmnet did is a really dumb move to do on a country like pakistan..who has helped us lately

DJ Techno
5th May 2011, 02:46 PM
either way

what the rule was when the us goes after the enemy.

1) if proof he is in there, we gonna get him

2) if the us diplomatic side was wasting its time trying to ask for the country to hand over and help in the search for its targets. ie: Bin Laden and ie: the so called million dollar palace that had no phone lines, internet, anything that could be tapped and trace bin laden. when diplomacy is being made a fool. the us military had already been behind the scenes scoping, gathering, and finding the sob

3) we get him and get out. dont need to tell nobody. **** that! because diplomacy was just a waste of time. navy seal team 6 was sent in. besides sending in delta, special forces, and the rest. the same troops who rested the hostages from the somalia pirate insedent. they went in and went out with all hostages alive and no casulties to themselve or the hostages. sure plenty of dead terrorist.

Pakistan dont like what we did. well they should not have been bullshitting with the american government in the first place.

corrupted or not. word has the Military in pakistan is the real leading part of the country. so somebody in the military was getting paid to harbor bin laden?

this is the real way american actions take place. this time it was real intelligence not bull. we waited and spent time being peaceful and talking and got turned around. the evidence gathered and information collected to finally find the target was at hand. the military took and took it without second guessing. Oh what will Pakistan do.

we got him. the world might have something to say. like say wanting to see a dead body. you want to see it. but have the feelings of being a marter and finish the work bin laden planned. you'll end up like him.

5th May 2011, 03:44 PM
America have been giving pakistan $1billion every year for quite a while now....
I wonder if this will stop?

5th May 2011, 05:49 PM
england gave pakistan £650 last month as a gift..not sure what the real motives are behind it as pakistan has potential to be very economicly rich if they applied themselves.

5th May 2011, 11:41 PM
this giving money away from our country needs to stop, unless there are disasters, or very poor conditions (many african nations). We don't have the money to give away, not too mention, I don't neccessarily like them giving away my money. The govt is great at donating your money :(

6th May 2011, 12:27 AM

Arch bishop of cantenbury isnt happy that bin laden was killed cos he wasnt holding a gun himself...

what are yours view on this ...assuming his opinion is based on official usa reports of the incident..

i think he was totally right and it was barbaric and wrong until i imagined all those regular people who died when i think of them i want to kick the arch bishop in the balls..and tell him how detached i think he is.

i get really bugged with do gooders who say love and forgive these murderers..and i think if there is a god he would think so too and just say get some nuts and do whats needed to be done.there is a limit to forgiveness

its so easy to forgive and be all cival when you dont really care..problem with our society is many people are detached ..
cant keep making excuses for some people

6th May 2011, 02:49 AM
As soon as I saw the news on this "bin Laden killed and buried at sea" I knew there'd be conspiracy theories all over the place.
{Believing everything in the news} is just as bad as {Doubting everything in the news}
There's a fine line between believing everything you hear and believing everything you hear. ;)

i get really bugged with do gooders who say love and forgive these murderers..and i think if there is a god he would think so too and just say get some nuts and do whats needed to be done.there is a limit to forgiveness

If there is a god then the last thing anybody'd want to do is go around killing people...live by the sword, die by the sword etc. Depending on the god. Mars says "KILL THEM ALL!"
And, you don't have to love and forgive a murderer to not be in favour of capital punishment.

While I see why bin Laden's death is a political and hugely symbolic milestone, only time will tell whether it has any effect on slowing "terrorism" and extremist violence. Where one leader is made a martyr, how many step up to fill his shoes? Just saying.

And to second parts of what Al said, I don't understand how all this nationality junk makes its way onto the forum...

6th May 2011, 08:17 AM
Of course Pakistan knew Bin laden was there.
You'd be very naive to think otherwise.

Bin Laden wouldn't of stayed there unless he thought he was safe.
Ask yourself this.
Would you if you were the worlds No 1 wanted man stay in a place where you didn't feel safe?
I think it's going to be a NO.

So where do you go?; a place where you could bribe safety for yourself and you family, a place where you could still operate you political interests effectively?
YES to that.

Pretty bloody obvious and logical situation just through deduction of probabilities.

Poverty in Pakistan, as in other underdeveloped countries is rife for bribery.
It's a well know fact, it's been used by every country at one stage or another to meet any particular agenda that it deemed needing it use over the years.

You can't blame Pakistan, it's the situation the rest of the world has put them in.
They are the "Inbetweeners", not an enviable situation.
That being "The coalition of the willing", basically TELLING their government what to do [That goes down like a glass of vomit, how would you like it?].

And then you have the Muslim faith to deal with, hell the US/UK ain't Muslim, so who's going to have more followers to the common people, pretty bloody obvious, the Taliban, even though following them is like following a soccer team that beats up it's fans after every match, people still follow them anyway, only because they can relate to them more than they can relate any outside influence.

6th May 2011, 08:49 AM

DJ Techno
6th May 2011, 01:50 PM
i would do that too.. hes;s dead. cameras turned off and kicked the door to kiss the wife n throww away the bin laden punching bag

ion harvest
6th May 2011, 03:07 PM
That pic of OBL dead is a photoshop job. And its on youtube. They took OBL pic and a pic of a dead Arab (no beard) and made the pic everyone had seen on the TV.

I'm starting to believe that OBL either died when Jasmin said. Or he isn't dead at all.

OBL T-shirt go on sale in Camden sporting "FREEDOM FIGHTER" on them. I got one. Yay.

6th May 2011, 03:14 PM

They don't seem to think there is any conspiracy.

6th May 2011, 03:17 PM
Everyone knows that photo is photoshopped it's been out since before he was killed. But, you sir are an embacile if you do not believe he is dead. Even Al-Qaeda confirms he is dead. Go smoke more crack:nod Osama Bin laden a freedom fighter? Man you're seriously wacked out.

6th May 2011, 03:19 PM
Couldn't Al-Qaeda be lying? They're obviously going to lie, I mean, they are a terrorist organisation, last thing they're going to do is be honest, after all.

6th May 2011, 03:25 PM
I'd think the better questio is if he wasn't dead why wouldnt they show that he wasn't just to put egg on America's face. Some of you people just want to stretch this to the extremes because they want to validate their conspiracy theories. I mean the facts are here. The facts may not be terribly detailed, but the fact remains he is dead. I mean if you don't believe that then I just don't know what to say about you. Actually I do, but I'm just going to keep it to myself.

ion harvest
6th May 2011, 03:33 PM
Everyone knows that photo is photoshopped it's been out since before he was killed. But, you sir are an embacile if you do not believe he is dead. Even Al-Qaeda confirms he is dead. Go smoke more crack:nod Osama Bin laden a freedom fighter? Man you're seriously wacked out.

Throw more insults if it makes u feel better. XD.

Prove that pic was made yes ago. Your American TV networks showed that pic just like our British networks. Are u telling me that they don't know their elbow from their asshole? Or are you saying that the media lies to you? Either way, u still follow the media? What is it?

6th May 2011, 03:40 PM
Our media has not shown that picture, I only saw it on non-reputable sites on the web. The media here has shown NO pictures.By the way, it's totally sensible that you know what's being shown on US television seeing as you live in England somewhere. I have no idea where you get your news from, but every time you post you insult yourself.

ion harvest
6th May 2011, 03:58 PM
Your CNN showed it. I saw CNN showing it on TV. You are naïve Greenymac for thinking we Brits don't get CNN. Throw more insults. Go on.

6th May 2011, 04:01 PM
If they showed that picture then they stated that it was fake and not real. You will believe what you want to believe and you have shown that over and over. Go to cnn.com and find that pic and link it here. I'll wait. Pretty sure it's not there. And if you got your news from a reputable news source you wouldnt believe all the bullshit that you believe.

6th May 2011, 04:05 PM
Bin Ladin is dead.
Trust me on this.
My brother in-law is in Pakistan, at the site as we speak, has been since the day after the "event".
He's a reporter for major TV channel.
He was, and still is at the site that all this **** went down in Pakistan.
There are some aspects of the event he has, and all western news media generally, have been silenced about.
[Well put it this way, strong reports from multiple sources that the US won't confirm and are staying silent about]
Believe me, it's not sitting well with these reporters not having certain aspects of the incident being reported as factually as they would like .
It's a coalition thing.
A wall of silence.
And refusal to confirm or deny eye witness reports.
It will all come out in the end, somebody will be sitting on the verifiable facts and and their conscience will get the better of them.

ion harvest
6th May 2011, 04:26 PM
Well Greenymac. I believe that what you believe is bullshit and vice versa. Does that give u the right to throw insults at me? Insults like calling me these things:

Smoke crack
Wacked out

And then u think I insult myself? I haven't thrown insults at you.

This is a forum. I can post my opinions as much as u can post yours. So we can debate. But you prefer to slide in a few "go and smoke crack" and "you must be an imbecile". If these are your opinions then put them in PM. Not on public threads. I feel you have tried to make me look bad just because you don't share my opinion. That's called trolling. And it gets u banned from here. I know because I've already been banned for it. I never called you any names here Greenymac. So I think u owe me an apology.

6th May 2011, 05:34 PM
The fact is that Bin Laden is dead...
Your opinion is that he is alive and well or died 8 years ago...
The difference here is fact and opinion.

6th May 2011, 05:56 PM
... I mean if you don't believe that then I just don't know what to say about you. Actually I do, but I'm just going to keep it to myself.

If this is about me, then you may as well get your opinions known, even though you cannot really make one about someone you don't even know.

I don't believe it because the government has lied before, the UK's and the USA's, also the fact that I wasn't there when it happened, can't forget that.

6th May 2011, 06:06 PM
Everyone knows that photo is photoshopped it's been out since before he was killed. But, you sir are an embacile if you do not believe he is dead. Even Al-Qaeda confirms he is dead. Go smoke more crack:nod Osama Bin laden a freedom fighter? Man you're seriously wacked out.

You keep throwing your insults out to those who do not share your oppinion.you need to stop it..
Also pretty much everyone here including me never said he was still alive.so why do u keep posting as if people are saying he is also no one here is an american hater either as you implie in other posts we all know and have amercan friends..i do
But what lots of people are saying and iwould bet money that its a majority in england is that obl was probally already dead and mondays events are suspicious and dubious for obvious reasons

6th May 2011, 06:13 PM
Mdhay my responses have been to Ion and Jasmine and not directed at you, sorry if it seemed that way. I'm done with this thread. The idea that he's been dead for years and is just now coming out or that he isn't dead is just foolishness. Like I said before, some details are not known and will never be known, but you can rest assured he hasn't been dead for 8 years. But , go ahead believe what you want.

6th May 2011, 06:51 PM
You keep saying your done with thread yet you keep coming back and saying we are foolish because we dont agree with you .
Many people are skepticle and have good reason to be so based on the lies we have been told in the past and on inconsistacies in the reported story.
Take your own advice and keep out of the thread if you only want to throw insults at anyone who wont agree..but i know you wont..its in your nature..
Maybe i will be proved wrong and tbh i would be happy as it would be fitting end to a bad man but as it stands im not convinced we have been told the whole truth and not many people are happy they have either.

6th May 2011, 07:09 PM
Thanks for editing my post infoxicated, i will post a link in future...
sorry :redface:

ion harvest
6th May 2011, 09:06 PM
I guess that's it from Greenymac then. He couldn't even be BIG enough to apologize to me here. Hmm. Noted.

6th May 2011, 09:52 PM
I've largely satisfied my own scepticism now. The thing that didn't quite fit for me was, I think, just Obama's speech. It all seemed a bit vague and convenient, and when he said (hope I get this right, it's from memory), "There was a firefight, and then OBL was shot dead" (something like that). Anyway, I remember thinking at the time that he specifically didn't say that OBL died in the firefight, which I wouldn't have expected him to be involved in. For me they should have been able to take him alive and it seems they didn't. Whether that's right or wrong is massive issue that everyone will have different opinions about, but I honestly don't think the US would admit to having shot him on-site and unarmed if it wasn't true. That's a whole world of negativity you wouldn't want to open yourself and your country up to if it hadn't really happened.

Oryx Crake
6th May 2011, 10:02 PM
Actually Swedish newspapers today (I'm sure with a faily big portion of sensationalism) reported that bin laden's daughter and wife had said that the US troops took him alive and then executed him when things had calmed down. I'm not sure of the veracity of this but I figure you all would want to hear about it.

(just thought you'd want to hear about it dont call me out on this cause I wont answer)

6th May 2011, 10:03 PM
Iv heard that there not going to make the pictures public because people could find them disturbing?????
Seeing a young loving couple jump out from the top of the world trade center holding hands as they fall to there deaths is disturbing...
Seeing the 'culprit' with a hole in his head is justice.
Governments just love there little secrets....

6th May 2011, 10:08 PM
you may have a point saturn...

there are a few people who are complaining that shooting bin laden in cold blood is barbaric and makes the us no better than bin laden...

personally i would like to see if they would still cling to their words having lost their dearest in the sep 11th terrorism. It's easy to be detached and not care and to pass judgement on those who do care and won't or can't forget their loss.

In london today their were protests outside the us embassy. They were protesting against the americans killing obl and saying their will be reprisals and they will be punished for their crimes...

wow my blood boiled when i heard about it..i swear if i was in my car up their i would have driven straight through them..

its seems in uk freedom of speech is without limits especially if your a radical hater
if you say ....
macdonals is bad for your health and you will get sued..........
if on the other hand you say bin laden is good and i will avenge his death you get media coverage and exposure as your reward so more murderers can bask in the lime light..

on another note...

problem with showing a bin laden picture is it will insite more hatred from likeminded sickos and there will be dikheds wearing the picture as t-shirts the skeptics will say photoshop, the only real winner would be the people who like to look at real dead pictures..who really wants to cater to those types..
they messed up showing saddams son's dead..hopefully they have realised and changed for the better.

6th May 2011, 10:45 PM
here is why it is true

The US military is very largely republican, and conservative. Obama is a Liberal. the military votes probably 70% to the republican side would be my guess. Obama would not be able to cover up something like that, and the military would leak it for sure. Not to mention Hillary Clinton holding her face in an omg pose, when pictures were taken of the room when they were watching (this was bizzarre if you ask me, I wouldn't want to see it, and if George Bush has been watching like that, he would have gotten killed in the media, but back to the point).

GM is pissed, rightfully so, you are completely trashing our country, based on "facts" given to you by Al jezeera, the most unreliable source for news on the planet. You should be the one to apologize to him, but some people don't want facts to get in the way.

6th May 2011, 10:57 PM
whose that last paragraph aimed at.who is using facts from al jezeera on this thread who is trashing america as a country????

6th May 2011, 11:54 PM
I think we should all stop aiming at each other. Unless that happens, then no-one can claim to be any better than anyone else and we'll just be going around in circles forever. Hmm, what does that remind me of?

7th May 2011, 01:12 AM

"Hey Jabberjaw. American foreign policy sucks dick. We British are no better. **** Pariotism - and **** the free world. All we ever get is one side to the story. Media spins and bullshit politics followed by bullshit policies.

You can defend America all u like. I think ur government is elitist and your congress a selfish joke.

Ten yrs after 9/11 you found him. Bollox. You knew where he was hiding all along. You just wanted to ravage the middle east first. Al Jazeerah report on the number of deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan since 9/11 is over 1.5 million innocents... So **** your foreign policy that turns from a witch hunt into genocide."

here is the Al Jazeerah qoute, and many posts following held more of this bs. Our soldiers were forced to fight with kid gloves, that is why 5000 of them died. yes some innocents died. It is hard to fight an enemy with the guts of a guppy, and who are willing to blow up anyone, including members of their own religion, and hide behind children, and their wives. your terrorists(freedom fighters in your world) caused just about every innocent death in Iraq, causing chaos wherever they went. They were gutless to attack the soldiers, so they bombed city streets, stores, ect, to cause terror in their own country.

ion harvest wrote this as well

"OBL T-shirt go on sale in Camden sporting "FREEDOM FIGHTER" on them. I got one. Yay"

you can take to heart what you think that I am thinking about you on this one as fact. This is disgusting to say the least.


7th May 2011, 08:42 AM
As soon as I saw the news on this "bin Laden killed and buried at sea" I knew there'd be conspiracy theories all over the place.
{Believing everything in the news} is just as bad as {Doubting everything in the news}
There's a fine line between believing everything you hear and believing everything you hear. ;)

Smartest thing uttered in this thread so far....:)

I knew this thread would turn into a big argument, like most things seem to on this forum these days (hell even the ridiculous royal wedding thread sparked a war). I just wish people would base opinions on facts and not speculation.

In this case, as yet, there are no facts so I reserve my judgement, and my opinion :)

7th May 2011, 09:13 AM
I dont think people intend to start wars on here... i believe disagreements are good and make for a good debate, but sometimes people take things personally and go on the defensive and say that there opinion is the only one that matters and everyone else is talking nonsense.
If everyone agreed with each other it would be soooo boring.... there would just be the first post followed by everyone posting "agreed" or just posting a smilie :)
If you cant listen to others opinions dont join in because everyone is entitled to there opinion...
Just reason, lol about things, learn and meet in the middle.

7th May 2011, 09:24 AM

...sorry, I just had to. xD

7th May 2011, 10:08 AM
MG you missed my point entirely. I never said I wanted everyone to get along...only that people would base their arguments on fact.

7th May 2011, 10:44 AM
stinkleroy, i wasnt having a pop at you lol. you are right that theres no facts! but its fun to discuss what could be true or not! thats why people shouldn't say that someone is talking nonsense or just post to say that they have no opinion... because they do.
I personally enjoy reading everyones opinion good or bad! it just goes downhill when people become defensive or attack other peoples opinions.

ion harvest
7th May 2011, 12:15 PM
Jabberjaw - I did apologize for that post in this thread mate. And have been adhering to forum rules since then. So why bring it up again?

I found this American Sky News video which shows the fake pic as a real one. But keep watching to the end. Exposed.


7th May 2011, 12:28 PM
And clearly on the screen it says "Pakistani Media showing what they claim is Osama Bin Laden's body" What are you not understanding here? What American here even has a clue what sky news is? Either way they clearly state that Pakistani media is saying this. How is our government saying this is Bin Laden's body? Our government has not and will not release the pictures. I don't even have a clue what you're arguing about anymore.
Sky news? American? There's a reason Ive never even heard of it...
C'mom, you can do better. Try harder next time...

ion harvest
7th May 2011, 12:38 PM
Oh look who came back :D

Pakistan was hiding him and now Pakistan is responsible for the worlds media showing that pic? I think not. Sky news is not a Pakistani owned service.

As for you saying I am arguing. Where? This is a debate. You decided to leave it. And now you want to bait me into arguing? No. Not happening. You still owe me ann apology for calling me those names. So there u have it.

7th May 2011, 12:49 PM
You state this as being "American" Sky News. It is not. I bet you didn't even read that WIKI page I linked that says nothing at all that this is an American News Source. I told you before that the US media has not shown that pic unless they stated that this was a fake picture being purported by disreputable news sources... And after the link you posted I see where you get your news from. It's a joke. Are you going to dance aroud the fact that you just str8 up lied about how you found this American News source showing the picture when it is in fact some crap news that you placed an America label onto. Get real. I don't deal in empty apologies because I meant what I said. I AM sorry that I said it in front of everyone else.
Still wondering how you come to the conclusion that this is AMERICAN SKY NEWS...Keep tapdancing around that one...

ion harvest
7th May 2011, 01:02 PM
Aha. You prefer to apologize to everyone else but me - the 1 person you dissed. And its not me who is "tapdancing" around an apology, its you.

You are hypocritical too. You've said over n over that you're done with this thread yet here u are, trying the same old tricks. Dude I got nothing against you but you need to stop attacking and man up to your faults and apologize.

Bottom line. This is a debate that is in the Offtopic forum. Its not even about wipEout and look at how you are behaving.

If you can apologize with sincerity then that would be great. As it is in the spirit of "let's be friends".

So do the right thing. ;)

7th May 2011, 01:13 PM
I'm not tapdancing...I told you I'm not sorry and thats as straight as it gets. Get back on topic...Explain your "American Sky News" lie. It's people like you who distort the truth...Since you have no clue what reputable American news source might be. Here are a few: cnn.com, msnbc.com,cbsnews.com, abcnews.com
Now, since you say it is so and you obviously live in the US because you know everything about what we see on the news, find where on any of those sites you will find anyone purporting those pictures to be real. And yes, I came back to the thread when I said I wouldnt simple because the crap that comes from you is just lies and propaganda. You find news that suits & serves your need to hold on to some kind of idea of cospiracy. Like I said before you know NOTHING about America news and you just showed that. Would you care to read the WIKI page I linked and then tell everyone how you came to the conclusion that it was n American news Source.8)

7th May 2011, 01:15 PM
"I personally enjoy reading everyones opinion good or bad! it just goes downhill when people become defensive or attack other peoples opinions."

yeah, but not insulting attacks against us, sorry, won't let that go, you read what he wrote, and even if he apologized for it, if that is what he beileves, and wants to continue to quote fake reports, and generally insult at every opportunity, I see exactly why GM is completely pissed off. 3000 people(and relatives, friends,and the entire country) were finally avenged, and you think it is a damn joke (IH). mega, you got to understand what he is doing, these opinions should be kept to himself, rather than insult time after time and rub it in. It is not enjoyable for Americans to read this, plain and simple.

It would be like if your parents were murdered, and you wrote it here, then someone on this site said they deserved it. I don't think you would be so happy to read their bad opinions at that point.

"Aha. You prefer to apologize to everyone else but me - the 1 person you dissed. And its not me who is "tapdancing" around an apology, its you.

You are hypocritical too. You've said over n over that you're done with this thread yet here u are, trying the same old tricks. Dude I got nothing against you but you need to stop attacking and man up to your faults and apologize. "

taking from above, you deserved what you got, with your completely insensitive remarks, and GM did what he should have done. He is not tapdancing around anything, He isn't going to give you an apology, nor should he. You know that you insulted the memory of all those Americans who died that day on here already, and you continue to spit out hate.

7th May 2011, 01:33 PM
JABBERJAW, My point is everyone has there own opinion... if you dont like somebody's opinion dont retaliate because it causes arguments, just state your own opinion!
I might not agree with ion but i wont start an argument because thats his own opinion and hes entitled to it...

It would be like if your parents were murdered, and you wrote it here, then someone on this site said they deserved it. I don't think you would be so happy to read their bad opinions at that point.

Your lucky that i wont take this quote personally and make an argument about it.... ;)

ion harvest
7th May 2011, 01:51 PM
Thank u Megageeza :)

Its my opinion. Not a fact people. And I don't believe in conspiracy theories. Don't know much about them.

As for facts - has anyone actually posted any? No.

With regard to Bin Laden being killed few dayd back. Where the heck is the proof? I haven't seen any. Just cover ups. I'm not going to believe the media (my prerogative) because they lie all the time. Have u seen Bin Ladens dead body yourself? Or are u just lapping up all the drool the meda is feeding you?

Bottom line : NO EVIDENCE.

I'm no conspiracy theorist. Bit when govts cover up the truth it leaves fertile ground for conspiracies to grow. You have to accept that as fact. And that's a double edged sword.

So you wanna talk facts? Not opinion? Ok, produce some pertaining to the issue right here. Right now. Bcuz its all opinion here. Even your posts are opinions. Forcing me to play facts when u clearly haven't done so yourself is silly.

7th May 2011, 01:57 PM
I wasn't the one who posted a link to some shullbit newscast and straight up lied to everyone and said it was an American newscast. You did. You came into this topic with a boldfaced lie to everyone in it. What a joke.
And I'm not sure how to quote so I'll copy and paste it. You wrote, "And I don't believe in conspiracy theories. Dont know much about them." --- Really?

ion harvest
7th May 2011, 02:07 PM
Who cares if its American or English. The point of that post was to demonstrate how the media lies to us. That report got aired. Millions tuned in and saw it. I don't believe for a second that you believe everything the media shoves in your face. I give u more credit than that. But you are too hung up on Americas global image to even see that. You know this man.

So. You wanna bring facts to the debate. By all means, here is one. SKY NEWS aired that. The media lied to us. Believe what u want.

7th May 2011, 02:09 PM
everything he has written has been a lie. And if you thought that was a cover up, fine, have that opinion, but besides that, you have insulted us at every turn, plain and simple.

So I just want to be clear, for mg, if this really happened

It would be like if your parents were murdered, and you wrote it here, then someone on this site said they deserved it. I don't think you would be so happy to read their bad opinions at that point.

YOu would not retaliate, or say anything about it, it would be ok with you for someone to make a comment like that to you?, because that is what it is like with this topic for Americans.

7th May 2011, 02:16 PM
:g. This is what you make me do.

ion harvest
7th May 2011, 02:16 PM
Did your parents die in 911 jabberjaw? Greenymac?

Let me draw a parallel. We had the 7/7 bombings here. What's your point?

Now, if your parents didn't die in 911 then you just can't make that point. Understand? We're upset about 911 and 7/7. But you don't make a convincing case by that example.

7th May 2011, 03:18 PM
If you don't understand my point, there is no reason to continue. You have no clue what it did to people here and how it affected our entire country. At this point I believe you are just trying to be inflammatory just for the hell of it, "hey, lets continue to make outrageous insensitive assinine remarks to see what I can get out of them". I was going to stop posting here, but got suckered back on by your insults. You should be ashamed of yourself for your actions here.

7th May 2011, 03:38 PM
Best thing to do would be to realise that he's an arsehole. People died because of him. He was shot, he might not have been, but regardless of that possibility, those who lost loved ones feel some sort of consolement because of Obama saying so. At least they got that, yeah?

7th May 2011, 03:44 PM
Banned former members using poorly disguised alt accounts just to cause trouble aren't worth getting annoyed about, or even taking any notice of. You're right that it's just being inflammatory for the sake of it, Jabberjaw (I'm surprised you don't recognise them by the attitude). ;)

7th May 2011, 03:59 PM
This is really getting too ridiculous right now.

I think it is time this topic closed ASAP!!!


7th May 2011, 04:06 PM
Banned former members using poorly disguised alt accounts just to cause trouble aren't worth getting annoyed about, or even taking any notice of. You're right that it's just being inflammatory for the sake of it, Jabberjaw (I'm surprised you don't recognise them by the attitude). ;)

"Oh, no he didn't!!!" in my best Ghetto black girl voice...

7th May 2011, 04:09 PM
I hope nobody finds me offensive :frown: my original post was ok?

Iv heard that there not going to make the pictures public because people could find them disturbing?????
Seeing a young loving couple jump out from the top of the world trade center holding hands as they fall to there deaths is disturbing...
Seeing the 'culprit' with a hole in his head is justice.
I dont think threads should be closed because of a few disagreements...
if you dont like whats being said... dont look! people will soon get bored and the thread will close itself!

7th May 2011, 04:12 PM
Mega I think you're fine with that post. it makes perfect sense and shouldn't be inflammatory to anyone, but I could be wrong.

7th May 2011, 04:37 PM
First thing is i am shoked.
Ion harvest you are a poison that needs to be banned from WZ.
This is my own point of view.
From someone who met several WZ members irl, across nations & culture and trust in friendship, who put at the top of quality having a heart and use it for the best. You just don't deserve to be a member here anymore.
Not only for your total lack of knowledge or your biaised judgement but more by the horrible things i ever read through WZ from its beginning.
here's a floligerium quote

Hey Jabberjaw. American foreign policy sucks dick. We British are no better. **** Pariotism - and **** the free world. All we ever get is one side to the story. Media spins and bullshit politics followed by bullshit policies.

Ten yrs after 9/11 you found him. Bollox. You knew where he was hiding all along. You just wanted to ravage the middle east first. Al Jazeerah report on the number of deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan since 9/11 is over 1.5 million innocents... So **** your foreign policy that turns from a witch hunt into genocide.


Bible says Eye foe an eye. 3000 killed in 911. But 1.5million Iraqi and Afghan lives is not an eye for eye situation.

This wasn't even a war. This was genocide.

OBL T-shirt go on sale in Camden sporting "FREEDOM FIGHTER" on them. I got one. Yay.

Did your parents die in 911 jabberjaw? Greenymac?

Let me draw a parallel. We had the 7/7 bombings here. What's your point?

Now, if your parents didn't die in 911 then you just can't make that point. Understand? We're upset about 911 and 7/7. But you don't make a convincing case by that example..

How can you write such things it's beyond my belief in human nature.
You hide yourself behind internet and throw all your hatred, detestation for life and humans into that friendly forum. Get your fix through 4chan and don't poison anymore this forum.

If you don't trust anyone only watching by your eyes only How can you elaborate such theories, you never been to middle east or north africa, right?, except with your parents into a resort when you were young.
Never talked directly to the people living there to get your own feeling about what are they thinking about al-quaeda. I assume a big no, never, otherwise you couldn't react like this.
You also NEVER watch al jazeera before when you are spreading all those supposed facts of 1.5 millions killed by usa. You even put in head of trusty members that this channel is an evil channel spreading hatred commentaries about usa.
Funnily enough from Thailand to nowadays it was this channel who covered up the Arab Spring the best. it was english version. Most of the debates i have watched dealt with their reject of terrorism and especially all the integrist movements near or far from Al quaeda. A vast majority claimed that islam is not terrorism , and ben laden and all what he represents are trying to promote the shock of culture between east and west , south and north, religions vs religions to what benefit : chaos.
We must fight to counter his plans.
Arab Spring was absolutely what al queada feared for years : a new option of freedom for people and not something based on violence and killing his own population. People from tunisia or egypt only wanting to be like everyone else : being free to work and to build their own country and not ruled by a tyrant or an extremist.
That's what libyan people or syrian, yemenite are asking deseperatly a changement but no ones help them. Are you sure they want to be ruled by another tyrannie with Taliban or those who spread the islamic charriah,a big NO again they want to be free.
Al quaeda is the biggest ennemy of Islam : simply put that into your head ion-harvest.

Sorry for digression guys & gals but i had to put my words on that.

Back to topic : i am glad he is dead fair and square for the reasons i explained and also on a personal note because i cried 10 years ago watching towers collapsing on the floor thinking of all those innocents dying.

Of course everything is not white or black there's multiple nuances inbetween like Medusa said :

As soon as I saw the news on this "bin Laden killed and buried at sea" I knew there'd be conspiracy theories all over the place.
{Believing everything in the news} is just as bad as {Doubting everything in the news}
There's a fine line between believing everything you hear and believing everything you hear. ;)!
We have to be careful with medias in general and also governements and if you got possibilities to visit different part of the world, try to confirm your opinion by asking to people who are living there.

You (ion harvest) don't even realize , chance you re having to have free speech and living in uk to spread your detestations all over the place of WZ. Sometimes free speech proves its limits : perfect demonstration with you.

That is why i am gonna reitarate myself asking the ban of your account for spreading such horrible atmosphere through the zone.

7th May 2011, 04:46 PM
Well read! asa!:clap


DJ Techno
9th May 2011, 04:33 AM
Well Arnaud

You saved me speech I had for ion.

Except I was look for the other one who had his say between his so called history major.

But seriously. I will be ****ing pissed to ever see one of my threads locked.

Usually if comes to that. I'm going to make it, cause I shut somebody down and out.

So dear ion.
Like I told two others in this thread.

I'm gonna find you the right pair of BDU's
Learn how to handle combat boots.
And hope/pray to God. You know how to live away from momma, girlfriend or boyfriend, I don't know which ever way you swing. Put you in the military with me.

Send you off with the second Atlantic fleet n drop u with 131 mountain marines in Afghanistan.

You will love it. Trust me :)


The news still is talking about bin laden, his generals, and their second in commands. It's not over. Unlike world war 2 and Vietnam. We beat the Japan and Germany. But in Vietnam we took back half of it. North n south Nam but when we left it. Not leaving an occupation, garrison, military base the size of the one in Japan. The vietcong moved right in and took it back over n quick swift.

The action is... probably still have the war on terrorism not look the end of Vietnam. But make it a win win deal for the world n America. A leader has fallen, but his minions and second in command still are alive and continue the work started.

And be proud ion that a man who could have had u killed without u knowing it. Your love ones or anybody else in here. Is taken out. Still leave other possibilities of your death. But a marter and hero to Afghanistan for defeating the soviets and now number one terrorists across the world. Is dead. Proven with whatever is satisfying, safice, and more

That son of bitch is DEAD

9th May 2011, 09:55 AM
And so is the thread.