View Full Version : Mortal kombat

DJ Techno
19th April 2011, 11:15 AM
call it Mortal Kombat like it says on the case

or call it Mortal Kombat 9

but thank god the creator of Mortal Kombat moved into his own enterprise of game making. because after the last five years in the mix with midway and how each mortal kombat came with a long ass story, journey system that kicked the bucket in always telling fighting combatant friends "Get Over Here"

Its out.

i got it at the Walmart in my city the first hour after midnight.

its funny how you see the games still in the packing box and not even on the shelf yet by the time people make lines to get something.

hopefully those who wanted this game. didn't wait in a line.

I didn't!

jasmin you were talkin and choking your man for him to get the game. its out. but if you didn't get before me

then you were late. cause i already played for the first few hours i could do. and love it.

haven't gotten to the part of having the character from the game God of War

but its going to be great!

19th April 2011, 11:26 AM
congrats mate should be getting mine soon

DJ Techno
19th April 2011, 11:35 AM
you'll love it when u get.

and if u get the character suits for milneena or scorpion and if theirs any more classic suits out there.

im not going to spoil the game. cause you got to see the graffics in this.

perfect for a fighting game.

puts street fighter 4 and marvel vs capcom 3 out the door.

19th April 2011, 11:40 AM
My copy is in the mail, hoping its pretty fun.

19th April 2011, 12:04 PM
Downloaded the demo from PSN. Graphics are awesome and the gameplay feels similar to previous MK games. Doubt I'll buy it for a while though, I've always tired pretty quickly of combat games. It will be good for some 2 player once the price comes down though.

19th April 2011, 12:14 PM
Just one thing: i HATED with a passion the endless combo attacks and button mashing from MK3. I had the impression i was playing Killer Instinct, a game i hate more than its humanly possible. I'm more like the MK2/Virtua Fighter/Samurai Shodown type of player, studying my opponent to time the right move to take the advantage. I don't mind few combo attacks with 4 or 5 hits max., but starting a sequence of 20 hits while you can sit back and stare at for 15 min. is ****ing ridiculous.

I also hated all robots added in MK3. But i saw they're still there. That i can deal with. :lol

So DJ, how's the gameplay, controls and punches and kicks execution? Is it fluid, is there parry/dodge moves you can perform? Is the combat more based on how well you use your head or on how many combos you pull out?

19th April 2011, 12:37 PM
@ colonel Gaddafi I feel the same way about these type of games, thats why I use gamefly!

DJ Techno
20th April 2011, 04:13 AM
Just one thing: i HATED with a passion the endless combo attacks and button mashing from MK3. I had the impression i was playing Killer Instinct, a game i hate more than its humanly possible. I'm more like the MK2/Virtua Fighter/Samurai Shodown type of player, studying my opponent to time the right move to take the advantage. I don't mind few combo attacks with 4 or 5 hits max., but starting a sequence of 20 hits while you can sit back and stare at for 15 min. is ****ing ridiculous.

I also hated all robots added in MK3. But i saw they're still there. That i can deal with. :lol

So DJ, how's the gameplay, controls and punches and kicks execution? Is it fluid, is there parry/dodge moves you can perform? Is the combat more based on how well you use your head or on how many combos you pull out?

**** Killer Instinct is the one fighting game that combos was really fun to get.

Anybody who ever got an ultra combo. was the man.

Just like mastering the combos for Mortal Kombat becomes the **** of MK.

now getting to play sektor and cyrex before their androids.
probably including android Smoke

the handling of the controls, moves, weapon uses, and pulling special moves. are made easier.

like I use to not even play sonya blade ever in all the Mortal Kombats. trying to use her special Kiss move that damages and stun the enemy. was not fun for me putting it in.

Scorpions moves. sharpened up and made them better to pull off.

do story mode before fighting through the novice, champion etc.

lets say both the fighting and combos. combo breakers are still used in the game. so
im actually pulling out the 6 to 10 hit combos.
but haven't pulled the knew combos that show and give severe and real reaction hits to the enemy. that stay on them through out the rounds of fighting.

DJ Techno
21st April 2011, 07:13 AM
start with story mode and training mode. you will agree with me in why you wanted this start

25th April 2011, 06:43 AM
I bought the game yesterday and already finished the whole story mode. The final battle is very difficult and the enemy is so cheap and i feel glad that i beat him. :rock

25th April 2011, 08:02 PM
I really do want to like it, but once again the overriding factor that is putting me off just like it puts me off of any fighting game is the BLOODY CHEATING AI! Honestly, can no one design a fighting AI system that doesn't just use your own button input against you?

EDIT: Had enough. Will be exchanging it on my next GAME visit

DJ Techno
27th April 2011, 03:36 AM

then it wouldn't be much of a fighting game

virtua fighter series

mortal kombat

street fighter series

fatal fury

double dragon

the ai can't be made to be easy

27th April 2011, 01:36 PM
@hellfire..your right mortal kombat AI does cheat but they all do but the biggest cheating AI i have ever come across was wipeout it self..the ships dont even go over pads just get weapons whenever they want and do corners quicker than is possible..

in fighting games you get around cheating AI by doing safe moves that the computer cannot punish you for doing on block..

like doing a subzero freeze from jump range will get you kicked in the head but doing it from full screen wont..etc

offline the game is good..i play my brother as he is a total kombat fan and got me interested in it..

its nothing like killer instint .no one has a dail a combo more than 3 moves all other combos must me strung together with timing and there pretty hard..

all in all the game is fantastic apart from online (the most important aspect)
this is crap cos the lag is a joke.
i experience like 0.75 second delay in my button inputs and as the games fast it means i cannot block any attack in the game as they all take a little less than my lag time to execute so unless i was already blocking i am screwed.this is a game killer as the only strategy you have left is mashing to do online..hopefully they will sort out netcode.they are aware of this.

edit@this is refering to xbox360 version which i did go online for..

6th May 2011, 10:39 AM
I like this game. I am no Beat em up fan, so I don´t have any standards. Just loved MK since SNES cause of its atmosphere. And the story mode delivered exactly what I like about this game. Of course it has flaws and I cursed it more than once. But since this is more a game I play every now and then and don´t intend to become a master fighter, I don´t bother too much. But I do bother about the fact that I am not able to play online these days : /

13th May 2011, 12:14 AM
mk9 is total crap online i play it on xbox.its the worse online game in the history of gaming..the net code redefines the word crap..
but the bright side is it makes me appreciate how fantastic wipeout is online in comparrison...dont think my wipeout retiremtn may hold out any longer with no decent games to compete with it now..

they say they will patch it..so we will have to see.

DJ Techno
13th May 2011, 12:58 AM
cause your using an xbox.. thats why

i've gotten now almost all the second fatatlitys and alternate suits unlocked from the krypt.

i don't like how sub zeros freeze clone, wont work in real face to face close range.

sucks. cause i think from mk3 it was used everywhere. and however close you can be.

had two friends contend against me here at the house. took them six times to try and beat me.

i told them

a. the moves have changed
b supers have changed
c. don't try me hahaha

a list of the mk slot codes, where u use to have them written down and put on paper, this time inside the krypt all the codes are savable and collected right there to read and pick them out.

now still waiting on the psn network to get back online and get me back that only 17 dollars in credits. and a credit card that doesn't even work anymore. boo hoo hackers.

15th May 2011, 07:24 PM
i played some MK9 when psn came up and that was soo laggy.

15th May 2011, 08:56 PM
mortal kombat makers said they no online is total crap are gonna fix it with a patch..they say stay out of king of the hill mode and stick to 1 on 1 with players with good conections or players you have played and lag is ok...

dont know when patch will be ready but i think itl be this week or next probally..

15th May 2011, 09:03 PM
i dont see why it lags so much :S

15th May 2011, 09:55 PM
cos they tried out new type of netcode to keep the game running fast but side effect is your button inputs are almost a second behind which makes massive isssues..
ive played a few local (uk guys) and the lag was more acceptable
if u play and get a decent connection and u like your opponent make friends so u can play again and avoid playing some guy from planet mars with a lousy connection..

DJ Techno
16th May 2011, 10:37 PM
Oh then u can upgrade to American fighters