View Full Version : Which FPS should I get?

26th March 2011, 07:32 AM
Speaking of unexpected gifts I'm getting a new PC next week :p

I really want to play a FPS, but I have never gotten used to it on the PS3, so now's the perfect opportunity. But what to get...? the last FPS I played was BF2, and while I like it a lot I really can't be bothered with multiplayer any more. I'm 35 years old and I really, really don't need to listen to a 10year old getting a hissyfit over some imagined slight. :D

So, Is there any quality shooters out there with focus on single player? I'm quite looking forward to Duke Nukem Forever, but how is CoD nowadays?

26th March 2011, 08:40 AM

26th March 2011, 09:08 AM
Fallout 3 is not really a FPS.

When your focus in on single player, try Crysis 2. The campaign is far longer compared other FPS. Campaign lasts maybe 12 hours. And you do not have a generic setting/story like in Call of Duty or something. (Duration of COD-Black ops 6-8 hours)Plus it has the nanosuit which brings different strategic possibilites into the gameplay. Maybe you could check some reviews on ign.com or something ans see, if you like it.

26th March 2011, 06:15 PM
Thanks, I'll check out Crysis. I am a bit veary though - I don't want too many choices and strategic possibillities. I just want a machinegun and someone to fire it at :p

26th March 2011, 06:46 PM
If you're after something a bit on the mad side in the style of the good old blow-the-crap-out-of-everything FPS games, you may like Bulletstorm. Or Painkiller if you're willing to go back about 7 years.

In my honest opinion, CoD4 was the last good one in the series, they've all been pretty meh since then.

26th March 2011, 07:14 PM
CoD4's gameplay is great, and while the story is still preset and scripted, I thoroughly enjoyed the offline on first play through. It's intense like the old CoD games. Series went downhill after 4.

Battlefield BC2 is good too, or you could wait for 3... :)

26th March 2011, 08:04 PM
S.T.A.L.K.E.R gets an endorsement from me. It does have multiplayer, but it is dead and if you do play it, there'll be no little 'uns on there.
Whilst it's not an FPS, it's more of a survival horror where you have to either have a good condition gun or deadly accuracy to kill anything. And yes, bullets do drop. :g

26th March 2011, 08:18 PM
Metro2033 always interested me but I don't have the PC for that by a long shot.
So, if your PC will be a beast you may want to check that out.

26th March 2011, 09:01 PM
Bulletstorm: I played the demo on the PS, and while the comments were mildly amusing, the whole whip thing didn't quite do it for me...

COD4 I'll definitely check out. I have always enjoyed CoD, but I thought it had gone all multiplayer with MW. I think I'll enjoy that, especially since I'll be able to pick it up in a bargain bin!

Survival horror is not really my thing. While zombies by definition are cool, they bore me easily.

Metro2033 looks sweet, but I fear there might be zombies involved? :D

26th March 2011, 11:48 PM
Ah, but there are no real zombies in Stalker. They are just feral humans that can still use weapons. And mutated beings, of course. :D

27th March 2011, 04:54 AM
I didn't like the Bulletstorm Echo demo on PS3. But Bulletstorm on PC is all right. There were a lot of graphical bugs due to poor porting but once they were fixed (by me) the game played fine. It was fun for a bit, but it didn't last long.
I'd recommend waiting for a price drop, it's definitely not worth 60$ or whatever you are paying in. It's still worth playing it at least once I think.

27th March 2011, 02:07 PM
I haven't played it myself, but Singularity is supposedly a very good no-frills shooter. Or you could wait for Dust 514. Then I can launch Orbital Strikes on you every time you bomb my face in WO :) http://www.youtube.com/user/CCPGAMES#p/c/9923468C02F5604D

27th March 2011, 06:10 PM
mmmm pretty ladies in tight leathers with guns... Much better than zombies!
You're so on! :D

Edit: Faith would have it I this morning got a promotion offer from an online shop, so I got CoD4 for ~15€ incl shipping. Let's rock!

27th March 2011, 08:20 PM
Good choice. :)

30th March 2011, 06:02 AM
Thanks, I'll check out Crysis. I am a bit veary though - I don't want too many choices and strategic possibillities. I just want a machinegun and someone to fire it at :p

All the Crysis games are good, though the story in Crysis 2 may be found to be rather immature.

If that's too tactical for you, try Serious Sam HD. Haven't played it myself, but it sounds like some good dumb fun; and should fit the bill as something you can just grab a machinegun and shoot stuff in.

30th March 2011, 08:19 AM
I played Crysis 2 for almost an hour yesterday. I have no problem ignoring the story completely (I gather it involves a virus outbreak and possibly aliens?), but it isn't really as bad as I feared. I think I'm gonna like it and there's plenty to shoot at! :D

30th March 2011, 08:55 AM
Just saw your comment about Metro 2033. I can confirm there are no zombies...

It's an okay game. Wouldn't pay much for it though, it's not very replayable. The graphics are very good as well. I'd like to say they're superb, but I don't think there were enough locations that made you go "wow".

30th March 2011, 10:55 AM
Thanks, I'll check out Crysis.
I'm hooked on Crysis on the 360. Brilliant game.
I find single player levels where your fighting off human soldiers is far more interesting than the aliens, but you can have an awful lot of fun with it. Multiplayer is great, and offers scope for some hugely varied setups (except if the pc version is like the 360 one then 90% of players use the M60. Pah!! They dont know what they're missing.)

If I was to get a new pc tomorrow, I'd get Crysis 2 as my FPS, and Shogun 2: Total War as my strategy game :)