View Full Version : nintendo 3ds

26th March 2011, 01:02 AM
I bought one today to kill time when im on eurostar..

i heard about them thought its just another gimmick and another piece of pointless trash from nintendo..(not a nintendo fan btw)

anyway see it in hmv and shop keeper said have a go and showed me what they do..
i was so impressed i bought it there and then

its so well put together.so easy to use.so fun to use

3d is amazing not like those crap 3d tvs or cinima films where you get 3d and lose the quality of colour.
nintendo 3d has just kill 3d tv market with there version or one screen overlayed over another to make 3d without glasses.

camera is amazing..taking pics of my friends and places in 3d and recording sounds to picture too

its got stepomemter in it too. if you do lots of stepps and keep fit it records it and gives you nintendo credits to use on games..so ill be rich provided i can carry it on me at work to knock up the steps

its got 3d games with camera.you look through camera at your floor or a table or something and you can see little mosters running around in your living room and you gotta aim camera to shoot them..

its also got all the usauls you expect from a handheld such as music media ect..

games are fantastic awsome to look at better to play.

its so well polished product

if u want entertaining handheld i recomemnd 3ds and take into account i think nintendo suks so its gotta be good..

26th March 2011, 10:22 AM
...although if you're one of the millions of people in the UK and doubtless anywhere else who suffer from depth perception difficulties, it'll be a pointless purchase. Who knew? :rolleyes:

26th March 2011, 10:59 AM
From what I've read, the 3D effect can be switched off for people who can't use it or don't want it (which will free up the CPU for more useful functions), so it's not a pointless purchase unless the games are all terrible, in which case the 3D effect wouldn't save it anyway. :D
To me, it looks like a cool gimmick, but not essential. The only things that put me off about the 3DS are that it's region locked and that the launch games don't really interest me. If enough games I'm interested in come out in Europe though, I might well buy one. I'd rather trust Nintendo than Sony, that's for sure.

26th March 2011, 11:13 AM
Then that makes the 3DS a pointless purchase stilll, because if you can't use it the main appeal of the unit has gone, and if you didn't want to use it and you bought it, you shouldn't be trusted with cash, basically. xD

But on a note where I actually thought about something: Jasmin, try changing the stepometer to give real cash, then you'll have someone knocking on your door. ;D

ion harvest
26th March 2011, 11:22 AM
Your funny mate :) I just got my own PS3 two weeks ago so I will not be getting a handheld soon. But over xmas I defo want one. Choices choices. NGS or 3DS. Hmm.

26th March 2011, 11:25 AM
I mean: the 3D effect is just a gimmick (one that they thought highly enough to name the system after, but a gimmick nonetheless), and the quality of the games will always be the main appeal of any system for me and anybody else with any sense. :D
It depends on whether Nintendo and third party 3DS developers see it that way though, rather than just relying on the 3D to sell.

26th March 2011, 01:20 PM
Just so you know...the appeal aint in e 3D its EVERYTHING about it. Tge graphics and technology are simply outstanding. Poor NGP its gonna go down as anotber fail in Sony handheld market. The 3DS is simply awesome-even without 3D, I love mines.

26th March 2011, 02:32 PM
The PSP isn't a fail. It's sold many millions of systems and games, and has a great library. It just didn't beat the DS in sales, that's all.
The NGP will undoubtedly destroy the 3DS in terms of power, but probably won't be supported properly by Sony, and will be crippled by useless firmware and restrictions. So you may be right on that one.

26th March 2011, 02:38 PM
if you didn't want to use it and you bought it, you shouldn't be trusted with cash, basically.

Haha, superb.

Jasmin does make it sound ace though, you should work for Nintendo Jasmin :)

26th March 2011, 02:40 PM
3ds 3d is not a gimmick its a leap forward. 3d cinema and tv,s with goggle is a gimmick there be obsolete in 5 years .also like other guy said the graphics are brilliant and all the new features make it worth while.
ive always slagged off nintendo but then like most its easy to have an opinon when you talk out your bottom and havnt tried it and really know nothing.
So cos actually tred it out i found out i was wrong to slate them off.

26th March 2011, 03:00 PM
Nintendo handhelds always have something about them. there neat packaging and design.

how exactly does glasses less 3d work? and out of interest is the effect better with one eye closed?

ion harvest
26th March 2011, 03:03 PM
I just saw a demo of the 3DS and its wicked. Really really REALLY want one they look like a lot of fun and not gimmicky at all.
The 3D gameplay is immersive and makes me wonder if 3D gaming like nintendo has done is the direction other platforms should look at.

I'm jealous Jasmin :)

26th March 2011, 03:13 PM
im not swayed by 3D with or with out use of glasses

26th March 2011, 03:18 PM
nintendo 3d works by having two screens one on top of the other .the one on top is c-thru so u get true 3d.if u close one eye u lose 3d effect just like in real life.there is no loss of clour either as no stupid goggle are required..
@mdhay...haha just read your post..you say 3ds is a gimmck and what aboit the peolle with depth perception difficulties ..well what about ps3 thats usless for players with no arms or blind.
@ion...dont be jealous.save up buy one.sell some junk dont want if you cant get all the money you need.

26th March 2011, 03:19 PM
If you tilt the 3DS side to side, you can see that the screen shows one of two images depending on the angle it is tilted. The idea is that if you look at the screen straight on, one eye sees one image and the other eye sees the other image. So to see the 3D effect, it's a bit restricted as to how you hold the console.

I tried it out a month or so ago at a Eurogamer exclusive event. Only one of my eyes works properly so I am one of those people who have depth perception problems, but close up the effect was pretty pronounced. The AR cards were a very interesting idea - little minigames that look like they're popping out of your tabletop.

The major sticking point for me is the price. Over £200 on a handheld just isn't worth it for me, especially when the major selling point is something I can't experience properly. Yes, I know I spent nearly £270 importing a PSP before they came out over here, but the sheer advancement in technology from what was on the handheld market at the time was what pushed me. While the 3DS does have a good number of innovative additions over the DS, it's not enough for me to make a similar investment. Maybe when the price drops :)

26th March 2011, 03:23 PM
Lol.i tried ar cards last night.its really weird seeing little computer men running around on your carpet and shooting them.you can put photo faces on them too think

26th March 2011, 03:24 PM
just put someones face you hate onthe guys and you have a whole new game

26th March 2011, 03:25 PM
I have to say this sounds awesome, I'm gonna check it out.

26th March 2011, 03:27 PM
if they brought out MG Peace Walker for it in some form i might be swayed (mgs4 was the only reason i bought a ps3)but a rehash of MGS3 is a bit meh. ive played that to death and IMO is the worst one anyway. (well a bad mgs is still an awsome game, but in comparison to other MGS's i mean. Dont hurt me kojima, i still love you)

that said its got dead or alive. i love DOA3 with its wierd funny 10minute storyline and button mashing.
or if they brought out sim city. i think something like that could work really well on a little handheld. especially as you could use the stylus like a mouse

might wait till the price comes down. then i could use it as a muck around on the train between uni and home in sept

EDIT actually the true acid test is can 3d be used with a hangover? i suggest a thorough investigation from Wipeoutzone members who currently own the handheld :P :lol

26th March 2011, 04:21 PM
3dworks fine with red wine .tested last night.

26th March 2011, 04:50 PM
Is the 3ds any more powerful than the ds? DS is about like an n64, right? so where is ds as far as graphics capabilities? Yes, it will destroy the ngp, doesn't mean it is better. Ngp just got some serious praise through egm, that MIGHT help it not get doubled in sales. Is the 3ds getting an fzero game? I had heard rumors of it.

OH, btw, I'll wait for the 3ds XL :)

26th March 2011, 05:10 PM
If it is, I doubt there'd be any sign of it in the near future. A lot of the stuff they were pushing at the expo was their usual franchises like Zelda, Mario Kart, Pilotwings and the like. They're making a new Star Fox game as well. Something like F-Zero would definitely have been there if it was in the pipeline for early release.

From what I saw, it is definitely more powerful than the DS but it's also difficult to accurately comparing it to something. If pushed, I would say the Wii, but that's only having seen it for half an hour.

26th March 2011, 08:07 PM
The 3D is just the icing on the cake in my opinion. Spectacular device...oh and I wouldn't hold my breath for the usual tech following these days of iteration after interation....he next 3DS is at least 2 years away in my eyes.

Also if you don't enjoy 3D and yet want the device you "shouldn't be trusted with money baisically"?

Well-that kind of arrogance is really admirable.

26th March 2011, 08:32 PM
@jabber...3ds is powerful.i got street fighter and it loks plays just as good as ps3 but better as its got dynamic view were camera changes as u fight making it look even better and its full game with online and all features inc.

26th March 2011, 09:29 PM
you got a friendcode JJ? :)

26th March 2011, 09:49 PM
Im not going to buy one personally as im a die hard sony fan, But this is a giant leap forward in handheld gaming and it is setting new records which will make nintendo a fortune.
Its my loss, as it does look good.:|

ion harvest
26th March 2011, 10:19 PM
I want one but realistically won't be able to get it until next year. I just can't afford it. Lol. Na I got debts to deal with and other random stuff which I want or need that I always promise myself but never manage to get :D

Now I think about it I don't actually play much ps3 only when I'm free and at home. Which isn't much lol.

26th March 2011, 11:36 PM
3ds is best for long jorneys or work breaks or if you can scive at work.but as i remember your a window clean so i would not recomend you play it while up a ladder as you might end up flying...i wont play any other time cos im busy..it is all about your lifestyle and if there is time when u get bored where 3ds can fill in and kill time..

i do recommend anyone who does use a 3ds..please do what nintendo says about taking breaks when playing 3d as im looking at my noraml tv now and that looks 3d and real life looks like 5d and my eyes are going on a bender..i didnt listen to warning..lol

@ub3r no i have not got friend code..nintendo is new to me i gotta learn about all the tings they do so i wont have a code for a few day when i do ill let you know:)

26th March 2011, 11:47 PM
Also if you don't enjoy 3D and yet want the device you "shouldn't be trusted with money baisically"?

Well-that kind of arrogance is really admirable.

That was an attempt at humour. :g

26th March 2011, 11:49 PM
sorry-my bad then ;)

26th March 2011, 11:53 PM
No worries. :g

On a more serious note, I just don't see myself paying for this. Just not my kind of thing really. My two pence. :D

26th March 2011, 11:56 PM
well with two pence no wonder your not buying it cos it cost much more:P

27th March 2011, 12:02 AM
Very true. I'm saving up for the NGP, which I may be able to afford by about 2018, how much do you think the price'll have gone down? xD

27th March 2011, 12:09 AM
well to be honest i think the ngp is a gimmick,, there are many players who have no arms and will not be able to play it so it pretty useless and a waste of money..:P

no seriously

i was talking to manager of game he said to me these following things about his company and NGP

game may not sell NGP its backward tech and a dead cert loser.nothing more than a psp with a slightly better graphics chip and new plastic casing and a few game port overs.

NGP is gonna be way to too expensive

Game will not stock this item unless sony drastically lowers the price by £100 and write contract that they will promise to suport NGP for 3 years

Game say many independant retailers in uk have already knocked back sony for same reasons

Sony apparently said to them that NGP is cool cos its got touch screen and they replied Wow shame everyone esle had that 5 years ago

This is what i was told..personally i have not got the faintest clue as i have not used NGP yet so i cant say if its good/dear/crap

27th March 2011, 10:22 AM
Backward tech? The NGP isn't that far from PS3 in terms of power (which is why most of the launch titles are PS3 ports that look pretty much like the originals). It's certainly way above the PSP (which was way above previous handhelds itself), and not backward tech.
But as you say, the price will be the sticking point, and Sony may not be sensible enough to see that.

27th March 2011, 11:01 AM
With the NGP I'm on the fence...I mean who even needs a ps3 on the go?

27th March 2011, 10:45 PM
Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eee. :g

Anyway, this is hijacking the thread.

The last Nintendo product I owned was a blue SP. The R button broke because I pressed it. Is the unit built really well?

28th March 2011, 08:22 PM
I had a blue SP too. It was the most durable handheld I've ever had. It even survived a major bike crash and it flew 10 feet away from me and lived, with just a few scratches. My DS lite was the total opposite. I went through two broken hinges (The first one broke but nintendo repaired it, and broke again.), but my third has lasted quite a while. I switched to PSP in 2008, and I've loved it ever since.

Anyway on topic, my little brother bought a 3DS and he loves it. He let me try it, but I didn't think it was that great. The 3D is really cool, but the rest of the system doesn't seem like that much of an improvement. The graphics are basically a bit more than the GameCube but less than the Wii.

1st April 2011, 10:19 PM
sorry dont agree with you ..play street fighter 3d in dynamic mode ..the graphics are best on any handhold every detail is there from ps3 version just on a smaller screen.

one week on i still love 3ds and so does anyone i let play on mine..nintendo owes me commission from 5 sales now i think..dont think ill see a penny as i dont work for them..:p

1st April 2011, 10:53 PM

2nd April 2011, 10:31 AM
Likewise JJ the nintendo revolution!!

2nd April 2011, 11:20 AM
Just had another look at some gameplay vids, and it looks capable of great things (SF looked surprisingly good). It's just Nintendo's region locking and no games for Europe strategy that really puts me off. They're going to have to get a load of good games released over here before I even consider buying one. It's still more likely than me buying an NGP though; no killer apps, and it's Sony. :D