View Full Version : Cool unexpected gifts

25th March 2011, 08:42 PM
I coach XC running and XC skiiing. At the end of the seasons the players give the coaches a "coaches gift". this year, the XC ski team got me an IPAD 2! Wow to say the least, and an amazing gift. It is still waiting come in, but am incredibly pysched about it. I will be able to use it to get ski splits during races, and a variety of other things, may even try and use it for the North Amercian Wipeout Tourney for scoring, ect. What are some cool unexpected/or expected gifts you have recieved in the past that made you go


25th March 2011, 09:51 PM
Herpes. :cold (Joke, am clean. :D)

Seriously though, it was when I got 2097 after my birthday, I knew I was getting it, but having it there in the envelope was a golden moment. :D

Flint Fandango
25th March 2011, 10:25 PM
I hope this question also includes non-material things?!
Fate has sent me a "relationship in speed", and that was my unexpected and merciful gift!
Years ago, I thought it would be easier to find seven Dragon Balls than a stable relationship...

25th March 2011, 11:51 PM
These 5 poppadoms i just bought. they gave me 7 and honestly they are some incredible poppadoms.

in seriousness id say getting a ps1 about 13 years ago was pretty out of the blue. i can still remember it now. good times :g

26th March 2011, 12:00 AM

26th March 2011, 12:02 AM
a date with death.

errr sounds fairly big?

26th March 2011, 12:13 AM

26th March 2011, 01:13 AM
That's a somewhat offensive statement, there. Might want to re-think that post some more. But seriously, don't go thinking like that, it's not healthy.

26th March 2011, 01:24 AM

26th March 2011, 11:06 AM
That's alright, just need to keep in mind some may be offended by things like that. :) But honestly, PM me if you need someone to talk to, I'm good at this sort of thing. :+

26th March 2011, 02:03 PM
hey! tried to create a fun thread here, what the heck?

26th March 2011, 04:55 PM
I got a croquet set awhile back, which was totally unexpected, and to make it even funnier, I bought the giver the exact same thing!!! We used to love playing backyard-hazard croquet, and managed to pick the same time to give each other a set.

26th March 2011, 06:44 PM
I did Chinese lessons in my final year at university and a friend I made in that class once bought me a little Chinese calligraphy set. I've never used it though. But I still like it as a souvenir. It's just a little thing in a shiny cardboard box but it was very sweet.

Then there are the annoying unexpected gifts you get when you know a gift might be coming your way and people intentionally deceive you:

1. For my 21st birthday my Dad brought out a guitar box. I was soooo happy. I hadn't asked for a guitar but any guitar is a good present. I opened it up, and in side was.............a squash racket. -_-

2. My Dad came back from holiday and said he'd seen a guitar in a shop he thought I might like and so he bought it. Again, I got all excited. It turned out to be a little plastic model of a guitar. -_-

3. While at university I jokingly asked my brother for a guitar, with the hope that I might at least get something guitar related. He had a go at me because that would be too expensive, and ended up buying me a day's skiing experience, which I specifically said I didn't want (and turned out to be nightmarish with all the little kids on the slopes at Christmas time) AND cost more than most of my guitars. -_-

26th March 2011, 08:45 PM
1. For my 21st birthday my Dad brought out a guitar box. I was soooo happy. I hadn't asked for a guitar but any guitar is a good present. I opened it up, and in side was.............a squash racket. -_-

Ouch that's some serious burn.
maybe a blessing in disguise, i mean squash is quite a cool sport, gotta turn those negatives into positives :P :lol

26th March 2011, 09:09 PM
Well I'm getting a new PC. While technically not a gift, I lease it from my workplace for pretty much nothing. I had never heard of the program until yesterday so I was somewhat surprised.

So almost free and quite unexpected... :p

ion harvest
28th March 2011, 10:50 AM
When I got this PS3. I gt it myself bu I still feel very happy

28th March 2011, 11:54 AM
I receive any bits my bro throws out of his pc
already have case, a HDD, a mobo, a GFX card and RAM sticks
Just need a CPU and PSU.

2nd April 2011, 11:35 AM
Fruit & veg :redface:
My Grandparents came over this morning with tons of fruit & veg lol and they went through every cupboard in the kitchen taking note of what i haven't got!
i never buy fruit and veg lol. i consider a smoothie and a BLT sandwich from town "healthy living"
But its a thoughtful gift and i will look on the web to find out how to cook these "things" :lol