View Full Version : The world of dreams, Your sub-conciseness

14th March 2011, 07:08 AM

14th March 2011, 07:23 AM


check these (http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=46440) out, too. There are two examples in the first post, don't scroll down too fast.

14th March 2011, 07:37 AM

14th March 2011, 07:39 AM
I thought it was pretty similar to the "planting something in someone's mind" thing you were talking about and would be food for thought, I apologise. /backontopic

14th March 2011, 07:41 AM

14th March 2011, 12:33 PM
Haha chill, there's absolutely no need to overreact here ^^'

14th March 2011, 06:45 PM
Do we have a dream thread already? Anyone?

Well I'm going to be off topic here anyway, as it's kind of on topic. Also, we're not that strict with on-topicness. The odd off topic post here and there is fine as long at the thread comes back around and doesn't get lost.

Anyway - doing that test thing that was posted - I thought of 7, but then also thought, "well that's just the difference of the two, and I don't want to be so predictable, so I pick 3". I did the same for carrot and thought brussel sprout instead. It never said you had to go with the first thought. :P

How does the carrot thing work though? Would it work in other languages? Is it linked to the phrase "sick as a parrot"..."six is a carrot"?

I have actually had a few dreams recently, which is just splendid, as I had given up on every sleeping deeply enough for dreams. Nothing too weird though - pretty standard stuff to do with my actual day. I have had one or two dreams in the past where I felt like I was in control of things. They're pretty awesome.

14th March 2011, 06:52 PM

14th March 2011, 06:57 PM
It has to between 12 and 5, so 3 doesn't count. And it says you have think of a number QUICKLY, so yes it does want you to shout out the first thing that comes to mind. I also picked 7 (which I thought was quite scary), but I thought of a cucumber for the second one. I said the things in Dutch though so that may be why...

Recently I had a dream and it felt like I was in total control of what was happening in the dream. I remember that things got real scary at one point, some sort of life-threatening thing approaching me at high speed, I don't remember too well. Before it hit me I 'decided' to end the dream and I woke up. Was... odd!

14th March 2011, 07:00 PM
yeah ive had that :D its called lucid dreaming isnt it?

in my dream someone will ask me a question or something and ill just think, whatever im not answering you its not real :lol which is kind of bizaar i suppose. also sometimes you get things that feel so incredibly real in dreams, like heat or the wind or pain

apparently when your in a dream phase of sleep your body is entirely paralysed? wierd

14th March 2011, 07:12 PM
I have had one or two dreams in the past where I felt like I was in control of things. They're pretty awesome.

Lucid dreams? Once I was practicing these and was succeeding in pulling them off now and again but eventually I couldn't really be bothered to keep it up.

Anyway, for those interested, this is the technique I was using:

Ask yourself the question "Am I dreaming?" very frequently during the waking day. Upon asking yourself this question, look around and see if there is any indication that you are in a dream. Once you have been doing this for a while, it becomes habit and you start to ask yourself the question in your dreams whereupon you realise that you are indeed in a dream and can take control of it. If you try to change the atmosphere of the dream too much though it doesn't work...

There are several other techniques of achieving them that you can probably find online.

By the way, I have no idea about the long term effects on mental health of trying to do this... Personally I do think that dreams are probably some way of your brain handling what it experiences in your daily life which is another reason I don't do this anymore.

EDIT: If you're trying the technique I described above, the biggest barrier to succeeding is that when you ask yourself "Am I dreaming" while you are awake, it is instinctive to dismiss this possibility as you feel you are "obviously" awake. However, you really have to always open yourself up to the possibility that you may be in a dream. Otherwise, you are equally dismissive when you ask yourself the question in the dream and fail to realise that you are dreaming.

14th March 2011, 07:23 PM

Ask yourself the question "Am I dreaming?" very frequently during the waking day.

sounds like a free ticket to insanity, if i attempt to essentially trick my self into not knowing whats a dream and whats real?

i thought you could practice it by just attempting to recall past dreams in your head? im less likly to end up in broadmoor that way :dizzy

14th March 2011, 07:29 PM
Haha yeah! Well, if you are mentally stable, you hopefully will never believe that reality is actually a dream. But of course if you're in a mental state in which you could ever believe that real life is a dream then the technique could be extremely dangerous!

I remember looking into it years ago and yep, there are many techniques. This was just the one that worked for me. I think I was pulling off lucid dreams within a couple of weeks of starting to practice it.

14th March 2011, 11:14 PM
It has to between 12 and 5, so 3 doesn't count. And it says you have think of a number QUICKLY, so yes it does want you to shout out the first thing that comes to mind.

I was mostly joking, but still, I think 3 counts. It doesn't say anywhere that I have to give the correct answer. :P

15th March 2011, 01:14 AM
There you go I planted an Idea in your mind, when I said Don't think of an orange you thought of what it would look like didn't you? The size of it, it's colour, it's texture or even it's taste.Actually I was drinking Orangina while reading this sentence.

Carry on.

15th March 2011, 04:11 AM

15th March 2011, 01:10 PM
i tried lucid dreams but dropped because i could do it only a few times. but i read that you can talk to dream figures in your fantasy after waking up and ask them what they want (like in some rpg game (http://browsergamez.com/rpg/)) and its pretty interesting sometimes!

17th March 2011, 03:58 AM

DJ Techno
17th March 2011, 04:23 AM

i said this a year ago.

a dream of wipeout. driving the pirhana craft that was looking like wipeout 3 but on wipeout pulse's track.

then it was so wicked it was turning into a dream of racing on that track to the whole thing breaking itself down into the 3-d universe.

so im laughing at you. cause born you brought back that memory and dream i had.

except you didn't come out of a traveling tour bus that had your name on it, like mine did. walk toward a large screen tv and see weird things. like the movie "The Ring"

this week ago. i had another one of them dreams. might go with what you started. except it went with a warning to myself cause some dreams i have like this. are of future events for myself. And like that movie Minority Report, which Tom Cruise can still Suck a D!

IT was bringing me back to a Foreign non American country. Either it was the Amsterdam trip or Belies, South America.

actually it was both.
I will try later to retry and point out the Europe thing again.

But for South America, where instead of not helping my church to build and do a Missourian thing. I end up in South America. doing the thing. but in a totally different way.
dressed in military clothing, living with the villagers and not in a fancy hotel in city.
then met this south american woman. me being the single guy. What do you think a man and woman would do. even if it is a foreign country :).
I smiled cause what happens in Paris, France. Stays in France and the USA :).

17th March 2011, 06:10 AM

17th March 2011, 09:07 AM
That's definately off-topic now isn't it? ;)

DJ Techno
17th March 2011, 03:53 PM
Its B O M not B O R N.
Man 75% of people ive met so far called me B O R N. :brickwall:brickwall:brickwall

take a chill pill and relaxe. its just a user name.

and some of the most people i met personally and then online talk. i haven't gotten or remembered their usernames right, but i got their actual first name right!

like eric aka ag wolf
arnaud aka ..... al, etc

so relaxe take a dip and make a trip

since you want to bring me out.

last night after i made that post. another funky dream of showing what a future or converted past showed me.

get this, love and respect my mom and all this. but she has never smoked or touched alcohal or a cancer stick in her life. change that she had her first strawberry daquiri. but thats not ****.

understand i moved back in with her after spending years and months in jail/prison for some over nighter things that turned to longer time sentences.

so im half passed out on the couch put some ointment stuff on me, help me feel better. got a king cobra bottle half done. i been off work since 11, and i been feeling strange feeling during the ride home.

got into a little arguement thing with her. no big deal. then i pass out again seeing that this ointment stuff works.

what my dream shows me is like her some years later.
she was in the bed watching, i was talking to her. she had a cancer stick in her hand. i can tell the type cause it was a long 100's cigerrete, not the short. didn't have no ash tray by the bed or nothing. just let the stuff fling on the cover then she wiped it off. after some talking thing she had with me.

my back to her, and i turn around shes stoud up, put the cancer stick out on the floor itself.

i woke up from that stuff thinking about what kind of result would cause that.

well hell. im back on the us military page to see what my status is right now in getting back in. like i said before. some dreams i have can be event for the future. things in the future can be changed right in the present.

i don't like ****ed up futures. and one dream i think that one will remain kept underwraps because it has someone from this board and my mom. and when i had that dream. i was pissed and WTF at the same time.

18th March 2011, 04:39 AM

18th March 2011, 01:52 PM
2 best dreams Ive ever had were being in a zombie outbreak (and surviving, of course) it was one of those dreams that you know is a dream, but it still terrifies you.
That and having a telekinesis battle with someone in the middle of a city, making buildings crumble onto each other. Madness.

Currently I just dream about having sex with girls other than my girlfriend. What does that mean? I need variety? Unsatisfied? Or simply the male psyche doing what it does best? :)

18th March 2011, 11:15 PM

19th March 2011, 08:15 AM
I'm sure I can think of far more inappropriate things, but okay boss :)

19th March 2011, 09:04 AM

19th March 2011, 12:43 PM
I've stayed away from this thread till now because I wanted to see others responses first, basically to see if there was going to be a level of ridicule involved, which thankfully there hasn't been so far.
I've been involved in threads similar to this topic previously at other forums and have ended up regretting it, mainly because of disbelief and misinterpretation of what was said.

I had two very strong and extremely vivid psychic experiences in the mid 80's that profoundly changed my perception towards both psychic awareness and interactivity between people [I mean people on a different level than we are communicating at the moment ], these experiences both made me very curious as to wtf was going on, and disturbed me.
If I were to tell you exactly what these experiences were, and if they were to happen to you, I'm sure you would be perturbed by them as well.
Maybe at a later date, see how this topic pans out.

Later in life I had a few very specific dreams that were immediately followed [on the same day] by some real world observations/interactions that lead me, and I cannot stress the word LEAD strongly enough, actually compelled probably describes the situation better, on a course of reading of subject matter that I was totally oblivious to, and to be totally honest I would not have even remotely bother with beforehand.

So what has this to do with dreams, consciousness & subconsciousness?

Well to put it at it's most basic.
Your dream state is just as valid an experience to you as your conscious state.
You solve the problems of your conscious state in the dream state.
Your subconscious is the translator between the two and is always accessible in both states.

Western societies have lost this most basic precept and have been ignoring the obvious.

Your subconscious is always in control and should guide you to the correct outcome when you learn to both acknowledge it and trust it.
Familiar with the term "Trust your instincts"?
That's what it really means.

I suppose you could say it can be proven via hypnotism, which accesses the subconscious.
It's impossible to make a person do anything that they really don't want to do even under the deepest of hypnotic states.

I feel that I've written more than enough for now, so I'll leave it there.

21st March 2011, 05:10 AM

21st March 2011, 06:42 AM
Pretty easy to explain that Dream.

The "Teacher " was your subconscious.

It only made an appearance when your Sleep & Awake states could not agree on a course of action that was mutually beneficial.

21st March 2011, 08:03 AM

21st March 2011, 09:11 AM
Interesting. I like these kind of tests. Well, I picked the 7 as well. But a carrot did not came into my mind. I chose a cucumber.

Something else: Tell someone, you wanna do a little test with her/him. You will ask about a color and a tool. Then directly after that give the person a paper on which you have written the numbers 9, 99, 999, 9999, 99999, 999999. One number beneath the other. I should look like a pyramid. Tell the person to read the numbers from 9 to 999999 and then backwards again. After that immediatly ask for the color and tool. In most cases it should be blue and a hammer.

21st March 2011, 09:49 AM
QUOTE:the dream was based on reality though.

A reality, who's reality, and how REAL that is in comparison to somebody that is not involved in this conversation.
Big difference.

22nd March 2011, 12:42 AM

22nd March 2011, 08:06 PM
Myself last sunday lol
the video says it all ;)

ion harvest
22nd March 2011, 08:49 PM
I beleve that when we dream we are actually accessing a portal which let's us catch a glimpse of our lives from a parrallel dimension/reality.

"All that we see or seem, is nothing but a dream within a dream" - Spike Milligan

22nd March 2011, 09:02 PM
I've been able to deliberately force myself to wake up from a dream before. It's really hard though as you really have to try hard to open your eyes. I've also woken up and then shut my eyes and had the dream carry on from where it left off before - has anyone else been able to do that?

ion harvest
22nd March 2011, 11:16 PM
Me I did that once but then I had to ask myself if I had dreamed that I woke up from a dream only to go back asleep inside the dream to carry on the dream inside the dream.

You still with me here? Spike spoke some crazy **** but it makes sense if you think (dream) about it ;)

1st April 2011, 10:00 PM
When i stopped taking drugs and stuff i had some really weird dreams....
I had dreams were i was shot or stabbed.
The worst dream i had, i got shot at point blank range in the forehead and i hit the ground and everything went black but i could still think and i thought "this is what being dead is like" and then my eyes opened up and i realised it was just a dream... but i would always die lol until i realised that the "darkness" was because my eyes were closed.
Anyway i saw the doctor about these dreams and he said it was my brain repairing itself and my body was returning to normal.
Dont do drugs....

1st April 2011, 10:17 PM

2nd April 2011, 01:48 AM
:frown: dont be to down about not having a ps3... i didnt even get internet or satellite/cable until i left home. all i had was the mega drive with only 1 game, sonic lol and 4 boring tv stations...
think of your future, when you have cash in your pocket and dream about PS4

2nd April 2011, 02:00 AM

2nd April 2011, 02:19 AM
MyNameIsBom, your joking right? everywhere i look theres a comment about you not having a ps3....
or maybe im just dreaming;)

2nd April 2011, 02:24 AM