View Full Version : Crysis 2

26th January 2011, 10:07 AM
Anyone playing the demo? Its nuts :) Didnt realise its made by the legendary makers of Timesplitters!

Nice to play something with a little more complexity to it than damn call of duty lol

Bugger, wrong forum :)

27th January 2011, 12:49 PM
I'll be getting the game when it comes out (for PC, am an FPS elitist). I have to say I think the multiplayer looks very much like CoD, with the points system, bonuses, etc. with the only real difference being the tactics offered by the suit abilities - based on the one map I've seen via YT. CoD has never grabbed me, I'm more of a UT sorta player... so I'm a bit disappointed with what I've seen. The points system seems to encourage camping I think? Boring...

However, I enjoyed the first game, so in any case I'm sure the single player will serve me fine provided there are still a lot of gameplay options and the story isn't dragged out and made worse than the original's.

Spaceboy Gajo
27th January 2011, 04:12 PM
osama bin haydn, you meant that the multiplayer was worked on by Crytek UK formerly known as Free Radical. Crytek Frankfurt is working on the single player. Not taking away anything, I enjoyed my share of Time Splitters :P

Also, amplificated, you mentioned you liked UT games. Was interested to hear your take on Bulletstorm. It's being developed by Epic Games and it's subsidiary People Can Fly. It's being released for the PC but a demo has been released on the 360 and for the PS3.

28th January 2011, 10:14 AM
All I can say at the moment about Bulletstorm is that I'm a bit iffy about it. I liked the idea of it, but I'm not sure how well it will be overall.

28th January 2011, 02:18 PM
I think I have played the demo for about 10 hours so far, and it's very good. Crytek Nottingham still has it in them to make a good multiplayer experience.

I will also get it for the PC, since the controls and visuals are better. And, I have a beastly rig! Ha ha!

There are some features that they have from COD, but calling it a COD clone without trying it, is a bit unfair, because it really has it's own thing going. Most shooters nowadays is basically a 2D experience, where you run around on a map, and look around you in 360 degrees. This game really begins to embrace the vertical space of the maps as well (maybe not as extreme as the old UT and Quake games, but still). It's really a dynamic and fun way to play, and I'm sure it will give me hours and hours of fun.

One would think that the suit with it's cloak mode wil encourage camping, but it isn't so at all! Camping in this game doesn't work, at least I never got that feeling. You need to stay on the move to get kills, or else you will lose. The size of the demo map is pretty big, so if you don't go looking for someone to shoot at, you will most likely be camping for a long time. In that sense, it is nothing like COD. You just can't camp.

I also like the parkour feel I get from running around, it's fun! :D

If you getting the game osama bin haydn, we'll have to play sometime. Maybe even before launch, considering that the PC MP demo is coming soon.

Source (http://www.mycrysis.com/news/crysis_2/crysis-2-pc-demo-announced)

28th January 2011, 09:30 PM
Camping definitely doesn't work. Especially considering how effective melee attacks are. So far I'm finding it a very nice blend of stealth and wits plus with having to think more vertically.

29th January 2011, 10:49 PM
So who is gonna play it? And at what platform?

I'm goin' for the PC.

30th January 2011, 04:33 PM
No ps3 kinda means i'm limited :)

23rd February 2011, 08:47 AM
Dead Men Walking Trailer (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/dead-men-crysis-2/710561)
Best trailer ever? I think so.

23rd February 2011, 10:41 AM
I don't : http://www.gametrailers.com/video/cinematic-trailer-dead-island/710651 :g

... or Deus Ex 3 E3 trailer ;)

But for sure a great one! :rock

24th February 2011, 11:25 AM
Dead Island trailers amazing aswell :)

24th February 2011, 12:37 PM
Only a couple of more days until the PC demo!

And I just ordered some 3D glasses for the PC, this is gonna be fun!

By the way, have you guys seen this guy playing the first Crysis?



25th February 2011, 08:45 AM
My god, that man really enjoys that level doesnt he :)

25th February 2011, 05:41 PM
Me like this video :) (http://www.viddler.com/explore/Joystiq/videos/5301/)

25th February 2011, 09:47 PM
Well, I do and I don't Yeye : clipping is incredible and I REALLY hope IA was in "super ultra easy - I'm a noob" mode ;)

2nd March 2011, 09:51 AM
Played a bit of the PC demo earlier, and have mixed feelings about it. I don't like the promotion bullshit, and the weapons seem to be completely useless unless you're looking down the sights... Also, not a fan of the audio. Can hardly hear **** until there's a guy already about to kill you, and that's an issue when they can literally come at you from any angle at any time. Graphics: they seem to have a strange soft look to them; I don't like it. The graphics' overall look is pretty good in the demo, but I'm not sure it looks quite as good as the original. The city in the background looks pretty basic compared to the island, but the big test is the single player campaign anyway.

A massive problem though: the PC demo is probably just a port of the Xbox demo. It even has aim assist... in a multiplayer pc game... and it's turned on by default. Ridiculous. This really needs to be corrected in the release version, and it probably will.

Other than that stuff and a few other little problems I have with it, the game seems to be playing okay so far, I... guess. Not sure how to feel about the nanosuit abilities atm. The game also crashed on me twice in about an hour and a half, for no apparent reason, while doing 2 different things (just playing the game, and trying to join a server).

But whatever, as long as the single player is ok I suppose that's all I cared for in a sequel anyway. The multiplayer looks mostly geared towards people who want to play to unlock stuff more than for people who want a solid, balanced experience, from what I can tell so far.

Sounds negative, but it's still worth a few rounds.

2nd March 2011, 10:48 AM
From my experience, it seems like the dev team played a few too many rounds of cod and tried to ape everything about it from the 'killstreaks' to the promotions and awards, create a class at rank 5.
Terrible mouse lag, no dev console, effectively uncustomisable graphics settings.

2nd March 2011, 11:01 AM
I don't have any mouse lag. Do you have v-sync turned on? Try it with it disabled if so, I cannot stand v-sync's lag.

Agreed on everything else though.

2nd March 2011, 11:19 AM
I loved the killstreaks personally. Mainly because its not counted per kill, but you have to physically pick up the dog tag. There is a perk to collect them automatically to make it more cod like (so every sniper is bound to have that one equipped).

Looking through the other suit upgrades available in the game - instead of 'increase armour' you can have 'bullet deflection'. To me that sounds like basically the same thing..

If you guys are getting it one the PC I'd still have faith if I was you. Everyone loved the original, and you needed a powerhouse of a PC to run it (on full graphic settings it looked amazing). I can't see why they'd take 10 steps backwards with the PC version of no 2.

Luckily I have a MAC for work and Consoles for gaming, so no problem for me :)

2nd March 2011, 09:11 PM
We should play sometime. Just add "ONlock" to friends.

Check this trailer out! If not for what it shows, but at least for the music.


I just hope the competitive scene takes off.

2nd March 2011, 11:11 PM
The PC demo is just average.
I played 7 hours total. 1.5 hours of learning how Call of Du- I mean Crysis 2 works in MP, 4 hours of fun, and the last 1.5 hours was getting stuck on servers not launching the games or laggy servers despite filters of <50 ping.
I'm done honestly. :|

3rd March 2011, 12:34 AM
More surprises. Connection was brilliant on the 360.

3rd March 2011, 02:37 AM
Here's a pretty good look at the game on PC: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYSMXWPpgsY

Agree with everything in it pretty much

18th March 2011, 06:05 PM
Lots of problems with the PS3 demo, so much so that they have closed it down (http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/gaming/news/a309695/crysis-2-multiplayer-demo-pulled-from-psn.html).

25th March 2011, 06:55 PM
Been playing Crysis 2 this afternoon, and its excellent.

25th March 2011, 07:38 PM
Getting it tomorrow, even though there were lots of problems with it, it looked great.

25th March 2011, 08:43 PM
Have they fixed the issues in the full game or are they still rearing their ugly heads?

25th March 2011, 09:26 PM
From what I've read at various places the multiplayer is working better than the demo. Connection problems have gone, hit detection improved and less lag. I thought some of the music was distorted to.

I think that whole mess will have really put people off and damaged sales, but I just like the look of the whole game. I stopped playing FPS a long time ago as I was sick of them, but the last three games I have bought have been FPS. I'm hooked again.

26th March 2011, 11:41 PM
The MP is broken FYI.

I play on the PC, not sure how the consoles are faring, but the PC version is horrible.

* You need to type in your CD-key twice to get it confirmed, and if you do it in the wrong manner, you will have to start over. The redeem code, is also problematic, but I have haven't tried it myself yet.

* Ranked servers doesn't work, You can join them. But all you get is a lobby, and a chat with furious people. The games never start.

* The ranking and levelling system is buggy. Often I have found myself unlocking modules and attachments only to later find them still locked. Sometimes you even lose levels. Rather loltastic.

* The friend system isn't much better. Inviting friends to join your squad is a pain in the ***. Often they won't recieve an invite at all. Sometimes I have to send up to 5-7 invites before they recieve one.

* Many servers are impossible to connect to.

And what is the morale of this?

Don't buy a product until you know it actually works! So my advice is..... Wait.

But the SP is pretty darn good. I applaud Crytek there.

27th March 2011, 09:27 AM
MP is a million times better on the PS3 than the demo, no problems at all so far :rock.

27th March 2011, 04:40 PM
Crytek always were good at supporting the PC platform, but now we get the shaft.

Hopefully it will be fixed soon.

27th March 2011, 06:13 PM
Hello everybody,

i've been enjoying the crysis 2 multiplayer for the last couple of days, but i haven't been able to get a squad going due to a lack of crysis 2 players in my friends list.

So if you fancy playing a few games, or maybe forming a more permanent squad, send me a psn message (jan709). I'm usually available somewhere between 4 pm and 6 pm (gmt+1) on weekdays. And for most of the day in the weekends.

Im still new to the game, i've only just unlocked the second custom class :P

EDIT this was supposed to be a seperate thread, i don't know what went wrong

27th March 2011, 07:44 PM
I merged it with this thread because it doesn't really warrant one of its own.

27th March 2011, 07:51 PM
sorry, is there a way to tell a moderator changed your post/thread? i really thought it was an error. :redface:

28th March 2011, 02:09 PM
Generally a redirect is left behind from your thread.

29th March 2011, 05:26 PM
Well I've bitten the bullet and am downloading it now from Gamersgate. 10Gb... :eek

SP better be as good as advertised *shakes fist*

29th March 2011, 05:28 PM
I'm going to be doing a major PC upgrade in a couple of weeks time, this'll be one of the first things that gets played on it. It looked good from what I saw at Eurogamer.

29th March 2011, 10:15 PM
Ended up buying this on release; it's not too bad.

Guess I'll say this first... it's not as good as the first Crysis, IMO. The gameplay is quite linear and in some cases *too* simplified (although I like how you can enable suit modes via hotkeys rather than a menu); and the story, which was simple but effective in the original, has been replaced with utter nonsense. The characters also get reduced from "plausible in the circumstance" to "ridiculous, mostly stupid, and annoying". I also hate that the protagonist is silent throughout the game, despite it not being in his best interest and it making the plot worse and harder to bear.

The graphics on PC are still very good, though there are some strange blur issues going on, and the textures are very low quality in general. There are more scenes of spectacle in Crysis 2, and the art direction is superb and does a great job of covering up the game's visual deficiencies. It technically doesn't trump the original game, but the fact they've got a game looking this good that can run on positively now-ancient hardware is a feat. If, in the future they release dx11 support and improved textures, that could change and the graphics could very well end up on par with the original's; although there is less interaction with the world possible (you can't blow up windows or anything unfortunately, like you could blow up trees in the original - and it does add to the visuals during a firefight).

The campaign is fairly lengthy if you actually attempt to play the game like they think you're meant to. By that, I mean, I kinda did a speed run of sorts and finished the game within a couple of hours or so by simply ignoring most of the enemies apart from the ones you have to kill, on the hardest difficulty setting. I only died a handful of times in that, though I had the upgrades received from my previous game (which doesn't change too much, but still). The game is easy if you use the techniques at your disposal effectively, and there are not enough counters to your stealth ability.

The AI is a mixed bag. They use cover okay, but that's around about it. Enemies rarely cooperate, although especially with the aliens, their difficulty does scale with numbers. They do react when they find a dead body, but not always to sounds, and often it makes no difference whether they know you're around or not. Getting out of a situation where you're pinned down is as easy as cloaking and going in the opposite direction they saw you last.

The multiplayer is almost completely broken at the moment so haven't had a chance to check it out much. Other than the fact that ranked servers simply don't work - you just sit in the lobby and nothing ever starts - you can change some settings in the config files that buff your stats, and it works online. Pretty sure I've played against someone once doing this already... Built-in hacks = not cool. Other than that, what's there isn't too bad, despite the CoD killstreak rewards and weapon unlocks/leveling system, but those are a personal preference, anyway...

Overall, or TL;DR:
The game is alright. Sitting down over a weekend to play it won't be wasted time. If the multiplayer gets sorted out, that could keep it going, and the single player can be replayable thanks to the options at your disposal... but not as replayable as the original.

30th March 2011, 05:21 PM
Even though im loving the multiplayer, it is definitely flawed.

* Air stomp should come as standard rather than a perk
* Rapid fire (increased primary weapon fire) doesn't apply to the Grendel????????? Or any other weapon that is burst fire.
* With a silencer attached, switching from automatic to single fire removes the effect of the silencer (despite it still being visable on the gun).
* No perks for secondary weapons (except to replace them entirely?) Almost like Crytek themselves know they're not all that.
* M60 needs nerfing.
* I personally think all the weapons that drain energy should drain a piece of the users as well, seeing as these guns make armour, and all perks that are associated with armour, completely redundant.
* Single Shot should be a permanent option. I hate having to use automatic if i pick any attachment.
* Terrible spawn locations
* Crash Site (best game mode in my opinion) should increase points slightly slower to prolong game time, and to account for the occasional hugely unfair first drop.
* Lighthouse (at least as a Crash Site map) is horrendously imbalanced.
* Cars should be able to be kicked slightly further, and in single player there are other objects you can kick, yet in multiplayer the carpark level is the only real one you have the opportunity to.
* Why include the Retriver perk??? Means you dont have to pick up dogtags to earn killstreaks and basically turns it into call of duty. It's a snipers wet dream that damn perk.

I love this game, but there are things that drive me mental about it.

downsides to single player are pretty terrible AI, and the levels vs human soldiers are far more entertaining than the alien ones.

30th March 2011, 05:38 PM
Trailer of Crysis 2 anounced something really BIG, with destructable environment and other goodies, but from what i read it ended up being really limited.
Jungle in Crysis and enemies, that was something :nod:+

30th March 2011, 06:37 PM
* Air stomp should come as standard rather than a perk

I was thinking that myself. There's no way anyone would use that over another ability - it's pretty weak in that it's extremely conditional and leaves you very vulnerable, and it just seems basic.

Personally I thought the game finally picked up when the aliens were introduced. They were harder to trick (by a little) and were harder to kill when there were shielded and massive ones around. Massives were still very easy on their own though... I melee'd them to death if I could be bothered and had enough room to circle them. Also, you no longer had to find Gould. Could see that quest being dragged way out of proportion from the moment I heard the objective...

The humans at the start were very easy and only really kill you if you were screwing around too much...

30th March 2011, 07:22 PM
Thats why i loved fighting the humans :) loads of opportunities to mess around!

As for air stomp, I still use it cos im eager to see what difference it makes when its leveled up. It is VERY difficult to use effectively, you need to do it from a great height for it to have any real effectiveness at all.

Still think it could be excellent on crash site. enemies have to be very close to each other so its a perfect opportunity to take them all out.

Another thing, I can imagine exactly why C4 isnt unlocked until you reach level 39. It's going to be brutal.

31st March 2011, 11:11 AM
Finished the single player, have to say I'm not sure what the hell happened in the end. It went right over my head :D. Great game, reminded me a lot of the Metal Gear series in parts which is a good thing.

1st April 2011, 03:57 AM
The story is kinda like Metal Gear's, yeah. Layers and layers of completely fuc**** stupid nonsense that are supposed to sound intelligent to the ignorant.

3rd April 2011, 05:12 PM
Metal Gear Solid 1 on the camebube was the tits.

Just done fight in Times Square. LOVED it :)
Wished the multiplayer levels made use of the great rain effects this game has.

15th April 2011, 03:14 PM
OK, I surrender. I actually like it (ie the Single Player) a lot. I'm not through it yet, but I *heart* my silenced PSG-1 :D