View Full Version : How to speed up your PS3 by rebuilding your HD

20th January 2011, 05:25 PM
I found this excellent "How to" at another forum.
It works, read it, try it.

20th January 2011, 06:36 PM
Thank you for posting this, i have been experiencing a slow xmb and regular freezes on some games, i will give this a try.

20th January 2011, 07:00 PM
Ive had my ps3 force me to do this.what happens is i start up Wipeout HD and very occasionaly during the loading screen it says " an error has occured" and the whole thing freezes, you have to restart and when you do the "hard disk will now be rebuilt" thing appears of which you have to accept as there's no other option

its changed nothing, cept deleted my playlists :(

of course doing it your self might be better but it looks like the same thing. 'cept when i had to it didn't tell me about the deleting of messages thingy. ill try this and see what happens later

20th January 2011, 08:58 PM
I seem to have this error on my PS3 whereby it tells me there is waaaaaay more data on it than there really is. I've gone through and counted it all up and don't believe it could be due to game updates or anything like that. So I think I will check out this tutorial and maybe it will help solve the problem. Should be a good thing to do eve if it doesn't.

Thanks BW

20th January 2011, 09:20 PM
Just did it but haven't had much of a play to notice anything different. My XMB was starting to lag quite a bit, hopefully this fixes it. Good find anway!

20th January 2011, 09:53 PM
I had that on my old 60GB (with 500GB HDD) as well Saturn. I deleted everything except for a few bit I couldn't be arsed with and it told me I still had 114GB taken up. Bleh :?

20th January 2011, 10:00 PM
Nice one, BW - ever since I upgraded my 60Gb to 500Gb a year ago the hard drive has been really laggy, so I'm running a rebuild now in the hope it improved things.


20th January 2011, 10:04 PM
I had that on my old 60GB (with 500GB HDD) as well Saturn. I deleted everything except for a few bit I couldn't be arsed with and it told me I still had 114GB taken up. Bleh :?

The PS3 operating system will reserve space on the HDD no matter what you do. The bigger the HDD, the more it will reserve.

I have a 500 GB myself, and a big portion of it is basically useless as far as I know.

EDIT: Thanks for sharing this blackwiggle, I'll refer to this in the future fo sho.

20th January 2011, 10:58 PM
Took about 15mins to do, out of intrest how fast were others? 40 gb fat

Seems to have made quitiing the browser faster? instead of the liitle icon spinning, also will this affect the speed of DLC games. make them run better to be more precise?

20th January 2011, 11:26 PM
It's seemed to stop my new slim freezing as much as it did, which is ironic in itself as I've got sod all on it compared to the old fat PS3.

20th January 2011, 11:30 PM
@Onlock - It's a 250 or 300 GB drive I think. It says around 160GB is used, but I can only count aroun 50GB of data in total. I wouldn't be surprised if it reserved some space, but not that much. Fairly sure something's messed up. It makes me wonder if some of it could be game demos I've downloaded and then deleted before installing or something like that. I've done that quite a lot before.

21st January 2011, 08:04 AM
Mine took about 30 minutes to rebuild. After that I did notice that image thumbnails came up a lot faster. It was late when it finished, though, so I didn't get a chance to play a game stored on the hard drive. I'm curious to see if it makes the Fallout 3 DLC playable.

It is worth noting that it'll trash and folder information you have for videos and games, so if you had them all nicely organised before you rebuild you'll have to do it again.

21st January 2011, 09:39 AM
I've done this a couple of times in the past as I had no other option, I can't say it's really done much apart from fix what was causing me to do it.


When I installed my 250GB HDD it took about 40-50GB away for it to do it's own thing with. Have you looked in the Game Data Utility. There can be big files in there which aren't needed if you don't play the games anymore. Something like Arkham Asylum or AC Brotherhood are over 3000MB each.

21st January 2011, 06:39 PM
Ja, I went through and counted all of that up. 50GB is a HUGE amount for it to reserve. Seems a little OTT to me. I'll consider a reformat actually. The only thing stopping me doing that is losing all my messages, but I guess that's not so important.

21st January 2011, 07:04 PM
i did rebuild just now..is a bit faster but i do think playstation is crap and slow..its bgot barely enough performance to work..open a message whist a race is loading and it all slows down..

should have put a few more micro chips into console and charged another 20 euros and have it work well..

21st January 2011, 07:10 PM
e and charged another 20 euros and have it work well..

I paid 290 ****ing quid for my ps3? is that not enough money to make them make it go a bit faster :lol
hell some people close to £400. for that kind of money i should expect the thing to make me cups of tea and bark on command. not wurr and freeze and give me funny looking jagged shadows :|

i think the ps1 and ps2 combined cost less than the launch ps3? and a ps1 could work upside down with broken disks, the ps3's a bit of primadonna console :lol

21st January 2011, 07:13 PM
Well my PS3 is near brand new and it makes growling sounds while running disks...it's close to a bark, does that count?? +1 on the making tea though...
Thanks for posting this blackwiggle, I haven't done it yet...but I will.

24th January 2011, 08:20 PM
Yeah nice work wiggle!

It worked for meeeeee

XMB is back to its snappyness.

24th January 2011, 09:42 PM
A few more days use and mine is definitely snappier, so it is worth doing. Not sure I'd do it every month like the guy in the guide said, but maybe two or three times a year would be smart depending on how much crap you put on your hard drive.