View Full Version : Compared to Fatal Inertia EX

17th January 2011, 01:20 AM
I downloaded the demo version of Fatal Inertia EX, and contrary to what most people think, it isn't a bad game. The graphics are reasonable, and the idea of using weapons influenced by physics is a pretty good design decision, but all of you Phantom Pilots... Let's just say that you are going to be slightly disappointed. The speeds you reach in the demo rarely exceed 500kph outside of one event, and the others... Even slower than Venom.

What do you guys think?

17th January 2011, 01:26 AM
I completed the game in anticipation of WipEout HD and quite enjoy it. I could never go back to it after WipEout was released, just didn't feel right. That said I do remember thinking it was a decent enough game when I was playing it. The campaign was certainly harder than Elite Campaign legend, I remember that :blarg

17th January 2011, 01:49 AM
I tried the demo. The physics was the fun part about it, the speed was underwhelming unfortunately and the tracks were all too wide. That was my first impression.

But the killer for me was the art direction. Talk about boring ship design! They remind me a little of some of the ships from Fusion. And I guess I have the luxury problem of having tried WipEout HD, when it comes to ship design and art direction, it dwarves anything else!

19th January 2011, 06:20 PM
The physics model was closer to the old wipeouts, and it was fast, but only at the fastest speed, with the fast ships. The slowest two ships are pretty slow. The reason I don't play it is because the person behind gets turbo after turbo, and the leader does not get anything. Random weapons would have fixed this. OH, yeah, velocity was a very nice racing experience, turbo after turbo, but even that was wrecked inMP

16th February 2011, 09:33 AM
I played the demo once and I found it awful.
It starts with the music. But well, it is from Koei. Ever played Samurai Warriors? I mean cheap technomusic while running through Japan some centuries ago?
Here we have cheap sort of rock. But then, is there a Japanese racing game with good music in it? Ridge Racer? Erm..no!^^
However, I didn´t like the design of the circuits as well since it was to much "nature" for me. I don´t know what´s coming later but it seems the futuristic environmet is lacking. Also, my impression was that it is hard to get back on track once you hit an obstacle. But I guess I will buy it the next days since it is really cheap now. It reminds me a bit of Quantum Redshift but not as half as good.

17th February 2011, 02:53 PM
I like the game, even though I haven't tried it out, though I have a feeling that this game lacks in trophies and custom soundtracks, despite that it has customization feature. :|

17th February 2011, 08:06 PM
I bought this on day 1 and loved it but it was quite hard lol, i loved the way you could shoot magnetic mines that stick to your opponent and you could barrel roll to remove them! and the cable you could use to attach others to the ground or each other! the smoke clouds were good too.
It does lack trophys so it doesnt really appeal to people that much... i also liked the way you could customise your ship but i hated all the curves (which is a first lol) i prefer the ruff and ready straight angled craft that we have on wipeout!
Wipeout owns:)