View Full Version : The thread about acrobatics and stuff

Oryx Crake
5th December 2010, 12:51 AM
I was just wondering if anyone else here is interested in or is practicing acrobatics and "extreme martial arts"?

As I've been getting progressivly heavier since the move away from my training buddies. I'm not sure I can still do all of these things, actually I'm sure I cant, but heres a video demonstration of what I mean: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1V2cliac_0

So I'm wondering if there is anyone else here on WZ who is into this kind of thing. just to find I dunno... kindred spirits.

5th December 2010, 02:18 AM
Nice moves dude! but its easy, i can do all that stuff... on a bouncy castle lol! i love mixed martial arts (ufc) but im no good at acrobatics, did/do you fight for real or is it just fun with the lads? your the bruce lee of WZ:+

Oryx Crake
5th December 2010, 12:26 PM
never really was much of a fighter... I have sparred and stuff but never really gone a match as such. so it's mostly fun with the lads as you say.

5th December 2010, 12:34 PM
I do martial arts.... with a chainsaw. :twisted

Seriously though, I used to do Sukudo for a few weeks, to defend myself at school, although it never helped, seeing as you need to be able to actually do it at the moment, which I was not.

5th December 2010, 02:39 PM

i do both..

i did gymnastics at school.was built for it as i am small and light so i travel throught the air quite well..
was only comfortable doing mat work and rythmics.never did the other equipment.

came in really usefull in later life as i incorprated it into my dancing and i actually get paid more than my counterparts i work with just cos i can do routines they cant.

i also did wado ryu since i was like 5 and i loved kata and used to be in a kata squad, my favourite katas was wanshu,chinto and kyuchinko cos it was super long and had the flying kick in the end.parents intended me to be tuff and able to defend myself.but for me karate was more kinda dance orientated as i focused on kata and form mostly along with being as fast as humanly possible.never really bothered with the fighting comp side of it as i prefer to blacken my own eyes with eyeliner and not have it done for me with the aid of someones foot in my face.(blackeye)karate taught me to control body movements and be crips fast and pricise.when i watch others dance i can see this crispness in their moves and tell the poor from the skilled.
one thing i always wanted to do properly fulltime but never did was ballet now thats really hard.what i did i did enjoy though

5th December 2010, 11:26 PM
I did Shaolin Kung Fu for awhile, some Tai-Chi as well and am very interested in Qi Gong, I love acrobatics and go basic classes once a week, but we focus a bit more on Adagio, but thats really fun too :)
I really wan t to get fitter and into free running and also basing in class, I'm quite lite so I end up being a flyer but I want to be both


Oryx Crake
6th December 2010, 02:34 AM
@md you know unless it's like... mma or shoot fighting or krav maga or one of those modern military martial arts, it seldom works as a self defense in my experience, more than you know actually being ready for a fight if you practice in sparring.

@jasmin I trained to become a stuntman for a little bit but other than that(which never came to fruition) I never had any benefits in my job from martial arts... but hey I gotta ask what kind of dancing are we talking about here? like for music videos or concerts or stuff like that?

6th December 2010, 02:50 PM
@oryx...no nothing as grand as making pop videos.i stage dancing in a cabaret show.i have to do a variety of different styles of dancing with my dance troupe.martial arts helped me coordinate better and my movements were a lot crisper, i also picked up routines a lot quicker than many as i trasfered my existing experience to dance.acrobatics helped me cos there are a few routines that use acrobatic moves.they usally have to hire a specialist to do these but as i could do them they generally never bothered.if im on i do them otherwise they use someone else to do it.good thing is a get a better pay rate than the others due to it.but the downside is injuries.ive busted up my joints pretty bad over the years so im in the progress of trying to move away from actually doing the dance to chorographing and writing new material.hopefully i will be good at it and maybe be able to do it as a proffession but its really upto the powers that be as to wether i have a future in that or not its something new ive never really done.

Oryx Crake
6th December 2010, 04:00 PM
@jasmin haha well I still think that thats kind of cool, standing on a stage for a living has a bit of glamour to it no matter the discipline. as for choreography I suppose all you really need is a good feel for what fits together, kata training should've given you that I suppose, dancing as well actually, though I imagine it might be hard coming up with your own styles. in any case best of luck to you =)

9th December 2010, 09:20 AM
I practice iaido. Last year, additional aikido. Unfortunately, I had no more time for both. Prepare for exams in two martial arts is very time intensive. Therefore I have decided for what I can do better.

Flint Fandango
9th December 2010, 10:20 AM
I practice Kenjutsu and Chen-style Tai Chi.

This form of kenjutsu, however, has nothing in common with the popular Kendo! We do not use protective clothing or -equipment in training, and fight with massive wooden swords, which are modeled in the form of the known samurai swords. The lessons taught modified combat techniques of the samurai which are transferred into practice. Here, caution and a more careful approach to the training partners is essential.
It toughens the body and spirit equally!

The Chen-style Tai Chi is the most original of all taught styles.
It serves both the spiritual relaxation, as well as self-defense. The movements are much more dynamic and powerful than one would imagine.
An art whose objectives canĀ“t be achieved within a human life.
But it's still a lot of fun!

Oryx Crake
9th December 2010, 11:52 AM
I wish I had any decent martial arts clubs here in this small town but they are all crap so at the moment I am just getting fatter and slower... T.T

12th December 2010, 12:36 PM
Martial arts are not popular in Sweden? Almost every village has its own judo or taekwondo dojo here.

Oryx Crake
12th December 2010, 03:40 PM
No no we have some clubs here but either they dont live up to my expectations or the discipline doesn't excite me, like I tried savate here once but it just didn't appeal to me... if there was a tkd club here I could do that though.