View Full Version : What about a WipEout Guitar Hero/Rockband band? xD

2nd October 2010, 01:22 PM
Besides wipeout, i like to play other games and... since this community is AWESOME, I would like to have fun with you guys on these games lol.
If any of you own:
-Guitar Hero 3
-Guitar Hero World Tour
-Guitar Hero Metallica
-Guitar Hero Smash Hits
-Guitar Hero 5
-Rockband 2
Please let me know, so we can Start our WipEout Band lol

I would play drums but... I broke them playing Guitar Hero Metallica xD

The Legend of Drunken WipEout Band... Coming Soon (I Hope xD)


2nd October 2010, 01:29 PM
Aaw, I only have Legends of Rock.

But I think its for the best - I really blow at anything above 'easy' :lol

2nd October 2010, 02:26 PM
lol it's like everything ;) practice, fail, practice, YEAH! :)

2nd October 2010, 02:57 PM
i have GH3 on Wii does that count?
only got dj hero on ps3. got the rengade edition for £30!!!!!!! bargain;)

2nd October 2010, 03:03 PM
lol i also have DJ Hero Renegade Edition for ps3 but i suck on it XD we should make some battles lol there must be a trophy for that lol ;)

2nd October 2010, 03:08 PM
lol yes XD. i mostly do the game on medium, so i can pretend im daft punk :lol

2nd October 2010, 03:32 PM
I'll send you a psn message soon :D when i see you again online we'll go ;)

2nd October 2010, 04:41 PM
dunno how the dj hero online works is it like a battle or something?


2nd October 2010, 05:18 PM
dunno lol we'll see it later :D

2nd October 2010, 05:29 PM
Dangit, I've spent all my money on real guitars. :rock
Otherwise, who knows?
I want to hear sample of this sometime when it gets going!

2nd October 2010, 05:58 PM
I have the first Rockband and planning on getting the new one. I suppose I could lower myself and play Bass on it, but the guitar is where it's at for me. Come to think of it I have the drums and microphones as well.

2nd October 2010, 06:07 PM
I suppose I could lower myself and play Bass on it

oh no a bass bigot!!! :g

its not an easy instrument! its as easy or as hard as you make it (that said most rock bass lines consist of dundundundud. but then most of them are crap players)

2nd October 2010, 06:39 PM
Busted :).

Not sure I've played bass on the harder levels I should check it out before I make a fool of myself.

It is a bit boring though, come on! ;)

2nd October 2010, 07:20 PM
depends. if you were to do something along the lines of greend day. then yes it is incredibly boring (dundundundundundundundund repeat)

things like rush though and geddy lees crazy fast bass lines are awsome though.
or slap bass or jazz bass lines. occasionally some metal stuff can have quite good lines. like iron maidens the trooper. although thats mainly the intensity of doing a gallop for about 5mins without getting RSI.

ill stop here to stop me waffling on :lol

2nd October 2010, 07:34 PM
we could change sometimes :) from guitar to bass to not be so boring :) we have to take the guitars for a spin KGB :D just let me know when ;) PS. I have tons of packs for RB and GH ;)

2nd October 2010, 07:40 PM
bass is not boring!!!!!! grrrrrrr :hyper :lol

2nd October 2010, 07:48 PM
of course it is! you should check some Victor Wooten videos to see how boring a bass can be! :P

2nd October 2010, 07:56 PM
ahhhh i havnt listened to victor wooten in a while. youve made me remember :D

i love how he just plays making it look so effortless
i like one of the youtube comments:
"I wonder if Vic ever watches this and goes... "I'm freakin amazing...""

i want guitar hero now so i can own the bass on that, although i remember finding guitar hero harder than the real thing :P

2nd October 2010, 07:58 PM
I take it Nutty you play one in real life, my commiserations mate :(......:)

The only thing I downloaded for Rockband was Doolittle by The Pixies. I will be more than happy to play the bass on 'Hey'. Can people play another players downloaded tracks if they haven't got it themselves. The only time I've played with other people on one of these games was with The Beatles Rockband.

Getting my leather trousers (no underwear) on as I write :rock.

2nd October 2010, 08:05 PM
no need to commiserate. i love playing :P ;)
prefer that there so much more variety in playing styles, and i love the cool deep sound.

isnt there a new guitar hero coming out? i imagine there is they churn them out every year.

if your gonna put leather on and go all glam rock can i request some kiss makeup :P

2nd October 2010, 08:13 PM
Just asked the wife and she said yes :), but my tongue is only about 2-3" long so may detract from the desired look.

I'm going to be totally rock and roll now and go offline as The X factors on ;).

2nd October 2010, 08:20 PM
cant honestly say ive ever measured my tongue. so i wouldn't know :lol (hmmmm i wonder... "how did he die?. well im afraid he choked on... a tape measure?" )

im gonna look like the coolest person in the world slaying the plastic axe in my living room.

:lol and xfactor? :eek:naughty