View Full Version : Which track?

Hybrid Divide
6th February 2003, 05:37 PM
I'm still working on my WipEout 3 commercial for Desktop Video. But I've been wondering, what music track do you think I should use for it? I want to use something from the game, but nothing from WipEout 3 seems to be that "in your face, intense" know what I mean? The music is all good, but it just doesn't seem to have some of the punch of say.. Loops of Fury. So, out of the WipEout 3 tracks (or other tracks that fit well) What track might you guys suggest for my commercial?

I'm leaning towards XPander, but I don't know for sure.

Than-Ku in advance for all your help! :D
It's greatly appreciated.

Vagrant Logic

6th February 2003, 05:57 PM
If it has to be 3 I'd say Xpander. However, if you are looking for something intense Firestarter (instrumental) would be my choice, although it's 2097/XL.


6th February 2003, 09:53 PM
Autechre - Grantz Graf (if your video is 'smooth' then that track is a baaad idea).
Chemical Brothers - Chemical Beats
Aphex Twin - We have arrived (Aphex Twin QQT Mix). Yes it's a beauty.

These were the most in your face things I could think of first hand. I'm still thinking....

Aphex Twin - Phloam (possible. it has good racing beats).


7th February 2003, 02:03 PM

I won`t suggest anything outside wipeout, because I could go on for a very long time.

If you want your video to have an uplifting feel, you won`t go wrong with Xpander.

If you want a bit more aggression I think Under the Influence would be good.

I think the middle section of the Plump DJs version of "Smartbomb", from Fusion, would work well for an ad. Its catchy and has lots of great breaks and sound fx for edit points.

sounds like a great fun project. Will we be able to see it when you`re done? :D

7th February 2003, 07:26 PM
take "xpander" - its revitalizing and creates an atmosphere like a redeeming fresh future. its the most optimal choice.

to make an impact youd pick fsols "we have explosive" - thats very smashing but you risk to attack ppls ears because everybody has a different taste and this track is very extreme.

rocking chem bros would also do it - even newer tracks like "my elastic eye" or "bouncing galaxy" would fit into it - and its also a bit more *commercial* (maybe thats not the right word, but since they could be heard in tomb raider the movie they should be known to everyone now)

13th March 2003, 10:26 PM
try the track 'Flash Back' [a 'B' side] by the Chemical Bros

17th March 2003, 11:16 AM
I'd go with 'whoz under the influence!!' 8)

17th March 2003, 07:31 PM
non-wipeout tracks that would fit well imo would be ESP by chris carter (try http://www.tcr.uk.com for a sample) or 6space : next level by ILS.

of the wip3out tracks, kittens is my fave so i'd go for that.

17th March 2003, 07:48 PM
and i forgot my all time favourite track for ag racing, jfk by stisch. you can download an mp3 here http://www.soundofhabib.com/audio/dubs/ and i strongly advise everyone that reads this to do so, as it rocks!!!!!!

18th March 2003, 12:28 AM
Hey Vagrant, I was wondering if there are any news on that Wip3out commercial. Have you started it? Did you already choose a tune? Is it finished? Is it available for download?


Hybrid Divide
18th March 2003, 03:13 AM
The video is finished, and has been for awhile. But finals are looming, and I'm having trouble with Web space.

I'll get to it ASAP.
