View Full Version : lol,Halo

15th September 2010, 05:06 PM

Since A conversation has to INvoked before it is PROvoked here we go....
The thumbs up is not to the consumers or Bungie but merely to Microsoft. Once again they are in love with their cash and have advertised CLEARLY the slim has a hard-drive, Halo Reach doesn't seem to think so though ;). So there we go, A discussion is made go forth and spread the good news!

15th September 2010, 05:51 PM
Wow that's pretty bad. You can play with randoms but not with your friends.
And with Microsoft still having super high prices for hard drives... I don't even want to think about it.

15th September 2010, 06:36 PM
That is shocking though but my son got 250 gigs at a bargain price for his console and he is awaiting for Halo Reach and he will get it tomorrow.


15th September 2010, 06:40 PM
That's M$ for ya. ;) I'm suprised nobody expected this.

15th September 2010, 06:49 PM
Online Co-op being a considerable key to the future of online gaming (and quite frankly this should become a standard for ALL games imho), Micro$$$oft is just being as stupid as it can get, pulling off this insulting action to their fans.

I was slooowly thinking of getting a X360, but with M$ showing the Finger to the players, i'll keep dealing with $ony for now, which is waaay enough for me :)

16th September 2010, 07:01 AM
oh lol. Sounds like MS stuffed up royally. I wonder how quick it'll be before the situation is rectified (if at all, remember, it's not a bug, it's a feature)

Still, I feel sorry for those that have been affected by this. All they wanna do is play some Reach. I might pick it up tomorrow as well.

22nd September 2010, 06:36 PM
The 360 Arcade units were never intended for online competition and were/are designed for people who want to play games only at home and get a price break. Anyone who didn't know that before buying an Arcade model was not paying attention.

Please, enough with the fanboi criticism.

22nd September 2010, 07:26 PM
On fanboism I'd tend to agree, and the way the thread was started didn't really encourage a proper discussion, but I don't see how customers were not paying attention here and do think it's something worth bringing to people's attention through unofficial media, because it doesn't seem to be raised officially at the right time, i.e. time of purchase.

These aren't the arcade models Lance, and don't seem to be sold as that in any way. They are just sold as a 4GB XBox 360, and sometimes that 4gb is even referred to as a hard drive. Neither does there seem to be anything on the few popular online retailers' sites I looked at suggesting that this would be the case. One can easily infer, from the marketing spiel that is commonly presented in the product description, that a full online experience can be had:

Wi-Fi in the house.
These days, everything is wireless. The new Xbox 360 is the only console with 802.11n Wi-Fi built in. You’ll find an unfettered connection to the ever-expanding entertainment possibilities of Xbox LIVE – including a fast and easy way to stream HD films and TV and play games with friends around the world.

The Xbox 360 that you’ve been waiting for: Connect with a faster wireless connection than any other console. Enjoy blazing speeds with built-in 802.11n Wi-Fi while streaming films or playing games on Xbox LIVEĀ®. Store more games and entertainment content with 4 GB of flash drive space.

Ever expanding entertainment possibilities doesn't sound like restricted online play to the common consumer, or, I would suspect, anyone who hadn't researched their purchase relating to this specific issue. The 4 GB flash drive is also presented as something positive that provides more storage (than what I'm not sure - presumably than the older arcade models) and enhances the console. If you give a console an ethernet port and wifi, and then market it with statements like these, then people are going to be a bit miffed when it doesn't live up to its billing. If there is nothing on the console product page, or the game product page, then a lot of people will be buying these expecting to be able to play online. Also, is there anything that suggests this will be the case when people pay for their online subscription for XBox live? I suspect retailers may share some of the blame for not making it clear, assuming they knew themselves, but I don't think the customer is really to blame here.

EDIT: Well I changed my mind on one bit of that. I don't think retailers are to blame either after viewing the official XBox page, which gives pretty much the same impression as the statements above, IMO.

22nd September 2010, 09:38 PM
I feel the need to contest this fanboy comment, but I won't...cause I don't give a damn what you think Lance :D

Oh to hell with it, this should be fun....

Fanboy criticism aye? Nope. This is a comment in regard to owning a slim Xbox360 for Forzxa 3 and realising that once again I have been tricked into beleiving that I'm getting the same console others spent more money on, but apparently not so.

P.S: This discussion was over ages ago, nobody cared about this thread...why bump it with a comment you could have sent me via PM?

22nd September 2010, 10:55 PM
:O Uber you're just asking for the banhammer talking to a moderator like that:naughty I think Lance's point is valid since you have a thumbs up to this news? Perhaps you should contest the fanboy comment for the sake of conversation. Just saying, not trying to be offensive but it does appear that way. I'm not happy when I hear about anything wrong with any of my systems, because yes I have every system this gen:D Yet to get Halo Reach yet though, no cash ><

...Totally no offense don't hurt me:eek

DJ Techno
23rd September 2010, 04:24 AM
I feel the need to contest this fanboy comment, but I won't...cause I don't give a damn what you think Lance :D


The halo reach game n package.

Yeah I'm sending this through my phone. So read n listen.

It's what the third or fourth specialize thing the Halo creators agreed to do with Microsoft. In giving players the special edition for Halo.

Halo Reach

I am not a big halo player. I played it n played it with friends who have bought game after game after edition after special made xbox cases and seen them. Go as far with making costume wear foGencon, anime convention, and so on.

Halo is created with a great story, action, characters. Yes I just this microsoft piece of **** thumbs up.
remember i still dont play the game a lot but I respect it.

This package thats been coming out. No different in the cost other package prices have been in the past. A hundred buck extra or less. Stop bitching! Stop Crying! Cause what did you do when the ps3 came out first time? You bought it. Now shut up.

My friends have played Reach. I won't lie i does look great. The extra stuff for the special edition. Granted is it much? Probably and probably the **** not.
But what else would you want.

Unlike I want to see a new wipeout with really different tracks n less creative messed up physics that were in the game. And some how let the **** go without putting it in check. Yeah I'm back to saying studio Liverpool need to learn somethin that designer republic had to get respect n popularity.

All do respect.
I would pay the price for the package deal for halo. Not only a first time buyer, but a player who isn't 2 dimensional in thinkin and talkin about game.

23rd September 2010, 07:16 PM
Reach, proof that Halo is still by far the most over rated series of all time.

23rd September 2010, 07:21 PM
Watch out OBH, your opinion is now fanboyism:P:P:P

23rd September 2010, 07:33 PM
OMG, no. lol :g

23rd September 2010, 08:59 PM
Watch out OBH, your opinion is now fanboyism:P:P:P

Also, people don't generally get pulled up simply for having an opinion, but the way they express it. I criticised SL quite a lot a while ago when certain updates came to HD which, IMO, had a negative impact, but was never pulled up on it once. I'd like to think that was because I'd bothered to try and provide a basis for my criticisms. But people don't do that, and just kind of slag things off in a sarcastic or non-constructive, then they're much more likely to be pulled up on it.

Fair enough if people don't like the implication that they're a fanboi, but, having said that, Lance didn't even direct anything at you. He mentions 'fanboi criticism', and up until that you hadn't made any criticism, you'd only posted a link, so I'm reasonably confident it was a general comment to the whole thread. I would assume that's why there was to PM to you, and I'm not sure why you're reacting to Lance's post in such a way.

23rd September 2010, 09:27 PM
It was a comment to those who criticised MS yet again, unfairly not taking into account that it is well-known that you can't play online without a harddrive. When the new 4GB memory card version was newsed on release in Ars Technica, it was noted that it was the new version of the Arcade model, its replacement.

If in fact, MS or the sellers stated that it could be used to play online games, then they were guilty of lying and are properly slammed. If they implied it, their weaseling should still be slammed. The machine itself is guiltless. If I were spending 200USD or its equivalent on a device, I would make sure beforehand that it did what I needed it to do. I never accept adverts at face value. It would be a failure to myself on my part not to know what I was getting, and would be inaccurate of me to blame others for my own fault in not checking it out.

The tone of the criticism was fanboyish. The pissed-off comment at me was unnecessary and offensive.


Ages ago, UB3R~JKP? The last posts before mine were made 6 and 7 days earlier. Recently enough for a moderator to comment on an issue that has caused trouble in the forums before. Your remarks, including your sarcastic comment to OBH referring to moderation and the moderator is an example of disrespect for another member, which breaks the most important rule of the forum. You are on shaky ground here, and could be given sufficient infractions for a vacation. Please be more circumspect.

23rd September 2010, 10:44 PM
But Lance, you can play online with the 4GB Xbox 360 on Halo Reach. You can play Halo Reach Multiplayer that the article says (So Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, etc.)

However you cannot play Halo Reach Cooperative it says here again. That is playing the Campaign or Firefight (Invasion.)

In essence that is that half multiplayer is playable, the other is not. Maybe it's a technical limitation due to the programming of the game, but that should be on the back of the box for the game. I did not see a message for a hard drive requirement on the back of Halo Reach.

Also the fact that Microsoft updated their website after the issue was brought up by players is quite bad looking on them. They are legally covered of course but it doesn't mean it is not a dick move by them.

Plus their hard drive pricing is ludicrous. For what is it now, I saw someone open a new Xbox 360 hard drive. The proprietary case is just a piece of black plastic, with a standard laptop hard drive inside. It even connects with the console in the standard PC plugs, that is a 4 pin connector for power and a SATA plug for data. Unless it's just only a SATA plug, I can't remember. Eitherway it's not even the proprietary plugs of the old hard drives.
If you take this price (http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136387&cm_re=250GB_laptop_hard_drive-_-22-136-387-_-Product) and this price (http://www.gamestop.com/Catalog/ProductDetails.aspx?product_id=83934), you see that there is 80$ of pure profit!

Finally I'm sorry if you think this is still a fanboy argument on my part. I just think it sucks in that case, it would be the same if the console concerned was the PS3 and if it was Uncharted 2 that had this problem for example, I would still say it is bad. Fortunately every PS3 comes with a hard drive, and there is no black plastic needed to use them.

23rd September 2010, 10:49 PM
Hmmm, ok then no worries:+

DJ Techno
24th September 2010, 07:30 PM
Reach, proof that Halo is still by far the most over rated series of all time.

hey name a bunch other over rated series

and guess what some people say wipeout is one of them!

yeah the people who made halo. their going what?

backwards with each games story line. but hey it sometimes might work good.

halo first came out with two three stories all through the master chief till his either disappearance or proclaimed death ( which hes not dead )
halo 2
halo 3 somewhere between 2 or 3 i remember is when master chief either becomes declared M.I.A or K.I.A

what came out next. the ODST special marines or army or both group that had a story of themselves from the beginning of halo, some ex-poser after the second to third game. and now they had their game.

going through the stories again, going backwards or forward.

When i saw the halo legends movie to really get some figuring out of the stories.
besides reading the ****ing paperback books out there. yeah their out there!

The covenant invades earth
either its the start of how the war begain with mankind vs covent or a coming conclusion to the story.

don't ask me. i am not the Halo guru. but sayin.

i like how they putting the story and game out together.

backward ass story board maybe? probably so...

But its still good and at least their keeping it going.

And last thing. this fanboy ****!

everyone in this page about halo or wipeout or formula one and gran turismo.
honestly you all are fans, fan boy, fan girl, fan person.

so y'all need to quit griping, crying, bullshitting about fan-person, cause a boy can't just be the only damn fan.
truthfully go ahead and post a donkey on your forehead.

and dark...

thats why i don't ****ing buy or use the xbox. cause of that ridicoules ass ****. where i have to pay for a console that will or will not have a harddrive for all the game, movie, and music, and picture space i can fill it up with.

but it has some good games. but microsoft still didn't put some sense back in their self about fitting a harddrive inside the console.

The new xbox 360 thats out...

I haven't heard nobody mention about that. so nobody knows if the hard drive is internal or external.

24th September 2010, 08:06 PM
go ahead and post a donkey on your forehead.

I love you(r) Techno :)

24th September 2010, 09:01 PM
Ugh, what the heck did you say DJ, my head hurts -_-

DJ Techno
24th September 2010, 11:08 PM
get you two tylenols and stop crying...

it made plain sense plus calling the folks who want to talk about fan boy.

is silly ass junk.
cause everyone here is a fan of something. even Wipeout. you, lance and whoever else. started and brought up fan boy stuff. is silly and doing away the point of what you talking about for Halo Reach.

pen a donkey to ya foreheads cause its ridiculous

24th September 2010, 11:33 PM
Being a fan is different to being a fanboy. The latter generally involves a judgement based solely, or almost entirely, on some association (typically brand name) without considering it on merit. You can be a fan of something for any number of justifiable reasons and it's not really considered negative, but the fanboy thing seems to be negative in its implication of clouded judgement. E.g. most people here will be WipEout fans, but still criticise the different games in various ways, and also appreciate other racing games at the same time. Whereas a WipEout fanboy would just talk about WipEout as if every WipEout game is perfect and no other game is worth playing...something like that.

Somewhat ironically, this thread has, for some reason, actually led to me wanting an XBox 360 a little bit. Go figure!

25th September 2010, 09:55 AM
That's what I was trying to do SR :P
Anyways, Disscusion came a bloom after all! I have a 360 for Forza 3, andviva pinata But the Halo fiasco really ticked me off!

Btw DJ That's the WORST insult i've ever heard.

25th September 2010, 04:57 PM
D777: Didn't know you could play online at all with just a memcard. That 4GB internal card must make more difference than I thought. Or the online software was altered to a lower requirement, perhaps.

The 360 harddrives have always been absurdly overpriced, but I don't need one, so I didn't care. All I needed was the overpriced memcards for multiple gamesaves on SoulCalibur, which I bought used so they were reasonable. If SC allowed more than one save on a card, I wouldn't have even needed the external cards.

I've not played Halo on my machine, and only briefly on someone else's, so I don't know if multiple saves are either desireable or allowed.

DJ Techno
25th September 2010, 05:37 PM
if ur a big halo player they kinda are.... and kinda are not

thats why everyone else purchases the hard drives for the reason of having that piece in case of problems. they wouldn't lose information and data that would happen if a ps3 or wii crashed on somebody. and the hard drive is built into the system. so your skrewed regardless.

what dark said. i have not seen a small size memory drive that he is talking about. im not even going to look it up on the web.

again... two Tylenols and stop crying
no insult but i said from the beginning
"i am posting from my phone...don't care"

when i post from my phone. it will either automatically correct or put words in their that are not exactly as i typed.

its a smart phone. its an htc evo. go figure

you said after reading my post. your head was hurting.

well. two tylenols and stop crying
it wasn't insulting. it was saying back to you what u need after reading my post.
it was clear as i could make it. before the phone did the corrections.

i just actually found your post after mine...
love you too *no homo* lol

and halo is a good game. the system its on though. well maybe the Playstation company if they got ahold of the game and microsoft never did.

microsoft gaming department might have been close to being at a short come to down fall. like Segas Dreamcast.

25th September 2010, 05:44 PM
when i post from my phone. it will either automatically correct or put words in their that are not exactly as i typed.

Ah! Get a new phone Techno mate :D

25th September 2010, 07:07 PM
I got Halo Reach on Wednesday and can't play it! So furious!

Then again, that's because my X360 decided to go and E74 itself, and I got the game for free anyway. Ho hum!

DJ Techno
26th September 2010, 06:46 AM
Ah! Get a new phone Techno mate :D

hell no :)

i paid 200 hundred for a six hundred phone, new contract already made.
and as for it being a sprint network...
get the Galaxy S
get the Blackberry again
get and convert an Iphone 4

better yet. i'll run over this phone, and get a new one off the insurance.


not water damamge. cause then i pay 100 dollars for that.

but i am a human being. and a human being is still smarter than any computer.

and good for you Geek.

26th September 2010, 11:56 AM
My grief with Halo has always been very, very simple - I just dont think its anywhere near as good as the majority of FPS games made in the last 10 years. I've never, ever understood why the constantly get 10/10 scores.

It has no emotion, no "hectic" multiplayer (like say call of duty / battlefield etc), the alien weapons look stupid, the convenant look stupid (especially the grunts), and the story is rubbish. Its basically like gears of war, except the aliens come from space rather than underground, and the characters are completely lifeless.

DJ Techno
27th September 2010, 04:53 AM
two games to mention...


Duke Nukem and the series a long with it!

27th September 2010, 08:49 AM
again... two Tylenols and stop crying
no insult but i said from the beginning
"i am posting from my phone...don't care"

Just because you don't see it as an insult doesn't mean it isn't. He was saying his head hurts because your grammar is so inherantly hard to understand at times, of course this is through no fault of your own.

Regardless of wether you're posting from your phone, a PC, or the inside of your arse, the guidlines don't change, for you or anyone else. I used to post from my PSP for the better part of two years, but I still showed respect to others (and yeah, I know about when I used to be an ass to people on here, but Like I have written above this; the better part of two years).

//Offtopic now?

27th September 2010, 09:10 AM
and good for you Geek.

Someone tell me if he is referring to me or NiktheGreek.

On topic

Who has played the single player mode, is it any good? I may get it it. I won't be playing multiplayer of any kind though as I have just cancelled the automatic payment for Gold. Don't get me started on how long that took :|.

27th September 2010, 02:45 PM
i've played all the halo games and this is my favourite campaign wise. it's great, truly epic and each mission has something different, it's not just run and gun fps the whole way through. it's about the same length as halo 3, not as tough on legendary and the plot ties into the start of Halo: combat evolved really well.

imo the multiplayer maps are a little lacking, but bungie always support their games really well with dlc map packs, so that isn't an issue.

DJ Techno
28th September 2010, 05:55 AM
[QUOTE=KGB1971;182166]Someone tell me if he is referring to me or NiktheGreek.

it was "good for you greek" ( short for nikthegreek )

figure out why the r is missing the first time. i didn't see the r in greek

their K, i told ya...

i knew he was on the grammer thing. i knew that.

give u more of the answer later if you want.


have u started on the Halo reach and how far have u gotten?

28th September 2010, 01:13 PM
two games to mention...


Duke Nukem and the series a long with it!

Great choices. Both games are far better than halo ;):+

Stories good to look at, though legendary is a joke compared to other halos.
As an example, if you completed cod4 and mw2 on Veteran, and saw how much painfully easier it was on MW2, its a similar rather large step backwards.

Personally im very glad i got dead rising 2 over halo reach to be honest.

29th September 2010, 03:44 AM
DJ: i've finished the campaign on all difficulties and have all the achievements except the one that requires you to be a crazy high multiplayer rank. i'll get that one in time. really enjoyed the game. great overall package.

29th September 2010, 06:56 AM
I agree, the single player campaign for Reach is the best out of the series. Probably because there's no flood or long stretches of sparse conflict. Bit annoyed that the skulls are no longer hidden (that'll take some of the replay value out for me) but the final level (and the level after the credits) more than make up for it in awesomeness.

To anyone that finished - what's with the '7' displayed at the very end of the credits?

29th September 2010, 08:29 AM
how could i forget about skulls. that makes the campaign really tough.

i miss the flood.

29th September 2010, 03:06 PM
the skulls are still in there, you just turn them on or off in the menu. try turning mythic on, it's tough!!!

instead of skulls, they have data pads hidden throughout the game, with little bits of story on them to find, they don't do anything, but you can look for them when messing about in campaign.

the number 7 is just a number bungie have a thing for...it's a mini easter egg/in joke that it appears at the end.

you find 7 repeated throughout most bungie games:


also, the level after the credits was amazing, perfect ending imo.

30th September 2010, 11:12 AM
Wow, Bungie do like the number seven. I found one more;
A few days ago, there was a Daily Challenge called "oops, all kills", It required you to get 7 multikills in online matchmaking, rewarding you...777 credits.

DJ Techno
17th October 2010, 04:31 PM
When u see
666 on the board next time.

Means the devil is playing as the covenantn go Spartans