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5th November 2010, 01:14 AM
I await a challenge!

Please take note that i don't want to do Zone Battles or weapon-less races. I don't mind Eliminator though, and i'm gladly opened to Green Races.:)

I'll be flying on Fury Feisar.

My tracks:
1. Metropia Reverse, Phantom Class, Weapons On
2. Tech De Ra Reverse, Phantom Class, Weapons On
3. Chenghou Project Forward, Phantom Class, Green Race

5th November 2010, 01:18 AM
What happened, DP? An Avalon nightmare?

5th November 2010, 01:19 AM
It's kind of difficult to think you're just being silly when you're bold-facedly making fun of me.

The two things needn't be mutually exclusive. Relax dude :beer

Challenger #001
5th November 2010, 08:33 AM
Couldn't have been an Avalon weekend Twitchy, not on a Thursday at least.

And Kyonshi, man up. The idea of this is to challenge yourself to new things against other people. If you don't want to choose what the rival is using, then go and accept someone else's challenge.

5th November 2010, 01:52 PM
Couldn't have been an Avalon weekend Twitchy, not on a Thursday at least.

And Kyonshi, man up. The idea of this is to challenge yourself to new things against other people. If you don't want to choose what the rival is using, then go and accept someone else's challenge.

For one, I was being sarcastic and suggesting he had an actual nightmare. Don't ever suggest someone should "man up," this isn't a dictated community. If you want to go flaunt your manhood, do it elsewhere.

5th November 2010, 03:14 PM
What happened, DP? An Avalon nightmare?

Hehe, I can't seem to sideshift properly and I'm missing barrel rolls that I usually always get. Ahh well, I'll stick at it and try and get through this bad patch. :brickwall

5th November 2010, 05:01 PM
Maybe a good time to try and take DP down then ;)

5th November 2010, 08:03 PM
What is that green race :blarg

Challenger #001
5th November 2010, 08:55 PM
Green Races are Phantom races where only Shields, Turbos and Autopilots may be used. Everything else must be absorbed.

Also, Twitchy, sorry I didn't catch your sarcasm/word play. It's difficult to display it over the internet. :/ And I'm not trying to be macho and controlling on this thread... and if I am it's because I'm trying to run this as smoothly as possible. I like this idea of getting 1v1 matches, and I want to see this thread run nice and smooth... which is why I've put the rules in. If Kyonshi wants to race a specific way with someone else, he can host matches online or challenge a specific person/answer a specific challenge. Kanar set up the Avalon 1v1 idea for each person to play to their strengths, and it doesn't sit well with me to try and block someone from doing what they want to do. You have the right to do three 20-lap Venom races if you want, but I therefore reserve the right to do a 50-target Zone Battle at Corridon 12, my personal hunting ground as it were.

I appreciate I'm not running this as perfectly as it could be, but I'm trying. It'll run better the less you guys stop nipping at me, OK? But if the mods and admins think I'm running this wrong, I'm more than happy to step down and let someone more capable do that. Until then, you play by the rules I set on my thread. Okay?


On a lighter note!

Given that I have a rather special guest round tonight, I thought I'd challenge him to one of these 1v1 challenges... in Split Screen! :D All races were Phantom, Weps On except for Syncopia and Amphiseum, of course.

Challenger #001 (Fury Qirex) vs yeldar2097 (Fury Harimau)

1) Vineta K Rev: I'd watched Yel do his time trials upon this track forward, but he seemed to rely more on bombs and mines to get by this time. I finished about five seconds behind him. Win for Yeldar.

2) Modesto Heights Fwd: One thing the pair of us forgot - if you die in a racebox race, you stay dead! Yeldar's rather overexuberance on barrel rolls caused a rather pretty explosion, and I sailed on to a win. Bit of a shock to the pair of us, but Yeldar took it like a gentleman. Win for Challenger.

3) Sol 2 Rev: Never liked this track, and simply couldn't keep up with Yeldar. Not even when he managed to boost off the track he still finished eight seconds up the line from me. XD Win for Yeldar.

4) Sebenco Climb Rev: I can't write much about this considering that I barely saw the guy after he BR'd twice over me on the opening chicane. Screenwatching gave me an opportunity to try quaking him, but he shielded. ;) Sorry mate. Win for Yeldar.

5) Chenghou Project Rev: I got the early boost off the line, and managed to Rocket Yeldar going up the hill. Yeldar then fluffed the boost shortcut while I fell off the track at the open section. Yeldar quickly caught up to me and started shovel feeding me mines. Win for Yeldar.

6) Syncopia: If you've not tried playing ZB on split screen vertical, it can be a bit of a challenge. Both of us were hitting barriers we were nowhere near, and missing ones we ploughed straight into. I managed to hit 50, but not after two eliminations and a lot of laughter. Great match. :D Win for Challenger.

7) Amphiseum: No words needed here, got absolutely mugged. Fair play to the guy, wonderful sportsmanship and a great race set. ;3 Win for Yeldar.

5-2 to yeldar2097

Harimau +5
Qirex +2 (Loved the twitch when I chose this one, Yel. ;3)

5th November 2010, 10:41 PM
oops made a mess up :)

5th November 2010, 10:48 PM
Scrap my last message, I think I'm back on form now. 8)

5th November 2010, 11:47 PM
Uh oh. :eek

6th November 2010, 12:09 AM
I accept DarkPhantom_89's challenge!

My choices will be:
Tech De Ra Reverse(5 Laps), Weps Off
Talon's Junction Reverse(5 Laps), Weps Off
Ubermall Reverse(10 Laps), Weps On

All Phantom; BR On

Let's put more green on that board shall we? :g

6th November 2010, 03:11 PM
lol, kinda training ! :lol

7th November 2010, 12:36 AM
Dark_Phantom_89 (Fury Mirage) Vs IDReaper (Fury Mirage) - The Rematch!

Thought I'd do a little commentary for this one.

Vineta K - Started off as a very close run thing and we were both neck and neck until Lap 3. ID planted a bomb and I hit it which sent me flying into the wall and eliminating myself. I couldn't catch up after this and lost by 6 seconds. Win for ID.

Metropia - Another close run thing and ID was breathing down my neck the entire time. Missed a couple of speed pads and hit some walls but managed to hold on for the win. Win for me.

Sol 2 - I started the race in the lead until the last corner in Lap 1. ID overtook me after this and it was a real battle to catch up. He held on until Lap 3 when I managed to regain my lead by barrel rolling through the sharp left hand corner. ID was still right behind me though. Win for me.

Talon's Junction - ID lead for the first lap then I was able to overtake him on the sharp left hand turn and maintain my lead for the rest of the race. Win for me.

Tech De Ra - Yet another close race - ID was really putting me under pressure and was right behind me the whole time. I almost messed it up, but ID fell off the track during Lap 4 so I was able to win. Win for me.

Ubermall - This was a good one. I gained an early lead by boosting in the usual spot. ID tried to fire a missile on me during Lap 4 but I managed to plant a bomb and counteract it. A few rockets and quakes were fired but I managed to hold on until Lap 10 (the final lap.) I reached the uphill section and then came the quake... ID zoomed past me and maintained his lead for the rest of the race. Win for ID.

Amphiseum (Default Track) - I got off to an early lead by getting a boost and using it on the mag strip section. I managed to get around 4 seconds in front, but ID was able to catch up and fired a missile at me right before the finish line. Luckily for me I was able to cross it as the missile hit. Win for me.

So, to summarise:

Dark_Phantom_89's Choices:
Vineta K Forward, Weps On - IDReaper
Metropia Forward, Weps Off - Dark_Phantom_89
Sol 2 Reverse, Weps Off - Dark_Phantom_89

IDReaper's Choices:
Talon's Junction Reverse, Weps Off - Dark_Phantom_89
Tech De Ra Reverse, Weps Off - Dark_Phantom_89
Ubermall Reverse, 10 Laps, Weps On - IDReaper

Default Track: Dark_Phantom_89

Final Scores: Dark_Phantom_89 5 - 2 IDReaper

Challenger #001
7th November 2010, 07:03 AM
Damn, seven points for Mirage. XD They're doing better than I anticipated.

OK, so first off, I think an apology needs to go here - I've been under pressure a lot IRL this past week or so, and it's leaked onto the board. So I'm sorry for having been snappish and rude, and generally not that nice a guy.

I've had three people give me suggestions as to what to do with the final standard race for the 1v1 challenge thread, so I thought I'd address these head on.

First things first - I wanted it to be different from the one kanar was choosing - hence why initially I picked Vin K Reverse. One problem I found that I was finding it a bit too... easy. :/ I was worried that - given that it's one of my preferred tracks, I would be called out on choosing a track that I had a definite advantage on. So I decided to change it, and considering kanar was picking all tracks from HD, I went for a Fury track. Modesto is nice but a bit of a stress-causer, Talon's is easy but boring and TDR is another of my favourites, so I went for Amphiseum Fwd, so that nobody could call out on someone managing to do the shortcut BR four laps in a row.

I thought it best to keep it the way it was for a while so that everyone got used to it, but it seems it's getting a bit tiring. OK, sorry guys for having kept Amphiseum for so long. Now as a final warning: this track is up on the first post twice, and also here, and also in every single post from here on out when I have a match. So there is no excuse for not doing it.

Standard race is a

And before you complain, -everyone- knows Syncopia.

7th November 2010, 09:39 AM
And before you complain, -everyone- LOVES Syncopia.

Fixed :rock :hyper.

wish you could race single player on it without a glitch or whatever

7th November 2010, 02:09 PM
Great changes! :rock

I look forward to doing Zone Battles at Syncopia.

7th November 2010, 05:09 PM
QjonPL (Fury AG-Sys) vs UB3R~JKP (Fury FEISAR)

Qjon's choises:
- Metropia Rev - QjonPL
- Anulpha Pass Rev - QjonPL
- Modesto Heights Rev - QjonPL
All Phantom, weps on.

UB3R's choises:
- Moa Therma Fwd - QjonPL
- Vineta K Fwd - QjonPL
- Anulpha Pass Fwd - QjonPL
All Phantom, weps on.

Default Track (Amphiseum Fwd) - QjonPL

7 - 0 to QjonPL

7th November 2010, 10:59 PM
I await a challenge!

Please take note that i don't want to do Zone Battles or weapon-less races. I don't mind Eliminator though, and i'm gladly opened to Green Races.:)

I'll be flying on Fury Feisar.

My tracks:
1. Metropia Reverse, Phantom Class, Weapons On
2. Tech De Ra Reverse, Phantom Class, Weapons On
3. Chenghou Project Forward, Phantom Class, Green Race

I accept Kyonshi's challenge!

I will fly the EG-X Fury

My tracks:
Single Race @ Moa Therma, Phantom, Weapons ON
Single Race @ The Amphiseum, Phantom, Weapons ON
Eliminator Race @ Modesto Heights (Forward), Rapier

Kyonshi, which of my tracks would you like to do a Green race on?

8th November 2010, 12:17 AM
And before you complain, -everyone- knows Syncopia.

Huh... well, as far as i'm concerned, i already said i don't want to do Zone Battles... What do i do now? Since my challenge was posted before this change, can i keep Amphiseum FWD as standard race?

8th November 2010, 12:48 AM
Have you done a Zone Battle before Kyonshi? Or, is it just you don't prefer to do it?

8th November 2010, 03:45 AM
I made many ZB, don't worry. I know exactly what it involves. I just totally have no interest at all in this mode. Maybe a bit with a full grid, but even there, barely. It was so painful and annoying to do this in Campaign. It is boring, it's shallow, relies on poor possibilities of strategy and in 1 on 1, its just pointless and again, horribly boring. WipEout is combat racing with weapons. Regular races are packed with action, but dealing with a ****load of annoying barriers is totally insipid to me. Eliminator somehow fits with the game, but ZB and Detonator are pointless. SL should have put their efforts in new tracks and have Van-Uber and Tigron returned instead of those.

Don't get me wrong, it's not because i can't win in these. I did win against Challenger on one race and couple of times online. But even if i win, i don't feel anything gratifying in this. I know countless people will tell me the classic line "But you don't understand!" but i don't wanna hear or read nothing. I tried and played the mode many times to see what's the fun in it, but alas it always ended in disinterest.

8th November 2010, 05:54 AM
Cheel Weenstahn.

Had to.

8th November 2010, 04:22 PM
If you don't like the game mode then fair enough, but stating SL should've spent their time making more tracks is a bit odd when a lot of people (like me) do enjoy Zone and Detonator. You can stay away from it if you want, but let others enjoy the mode.. (:

8th November 2010, 04:33 PM
I apologize and take responsibility for asking Kyonshi's opinion. But please, lets strive to keep away from debating directions of opinions.

Challenger, would you take exception to the default 7th round in this one instance for Kyonshi?

Edit: Challenger, I just had a thought. What if the 7th round mode was chosen between the racers; they would chose either a Single Race, Eliminator, or Zone Battle. The only thing that doesn't have any choice is the track that is chosen. What do you (or anyone else) think about that?

8th November 2010, 05:09 PM
As for me it is a good idea Twitchy :g

8th November 2010, 05:18 PM
If you don't like the game mode then fair enough, but stating SL should've spent their time making more tracks is a bit odd when a lot of people (like me) do enjoy Zone and Detonator. You can stay away from it if you want, but let others enjoy the mode.. (:

Sorry but i don't have to suppress my opinions about ZB because some people, including you, like it. There's nothing odd in my statement because, again, its my opinion. Just like there's nothing wrong with someone having reasons to like ZB. I like Green Races and BRs, and a lot of people don't like them, with good reasons. I didn't came back on them this way. If i offended you because you're a ZB lover, im sorry, but i will stick to my opinion nonetheless.

I'm aware that its Challenger who decides of the 1-on-1 racing parameters. I think its fair to have the right to ask for an exception since i posted my challenge before the update. I didnt gave an order to remove ZB. If he decides to keep it, i will retire.

I apologize and take responsibility for asking Kyonshi's opinion.

You don't have to apologize, Twitchy. There's nothing wrong with ya:) I just stated my opinion this way because everytime i say i don't like ZB, i've noticed that people are totally amazed or stunned that i don't like it.:lol I just wanted to make things clear.

8th November 2010, 06:35 PM
That is one hell of a ridiculously defensive post. I wasn't attacking you in any way, so don't act like a tit Kyonshi. :/

I also never said I'm amazed you don't like ZB and I never called you an idiot for it. I respect your opinion, and I stated that in my post. What the hell, dude?

8th November 2010, 07:25 PM
Atmosphere here is becoming a little tense :cold... at the beggining everything was cool and something "collapsed" :frown: Can we all return to that previous calm state :):xtree

8th November 2010, 07:28 PM
All this track/mode choice is turning a fun thing into a bit of a ball ache in my opinion, having said that who wants a race tomorrow night about 8:30pm Cumbrian time :).

Phantom - Weps on - 5 laps

Ubermall fwd
Talons rev
Amp rev

EDIT: wrong direction on Talons

EDIT2: and Amp :D

8th November 2010, 07:33 PM
don't player hate people :cowboy

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9K4BKkLaCI (im swaying now :g )
Spread the luuuuuuuuuuuuuuv!!!

I Await a new fresh challenge

Pihrana-a FURY

Anulpha Rev Rapier
Metropia Rev Rapier
Vineta K FWD Rapier

nice an (sl)easy ;)

8th November 2010, 07:44 PM

I'm proud to accept KGB's challenge !! :banzai

:batAssegai Fury:bat
All weps on, phantom, 10 laps

Sol2 fwd
Anulpha Pass Rev
Tech de ra fwd

Will do my best to get online right on Cumbrian's time

8th November 2010, 07:47 PM
I challange Nutcase:259 to an challange!

My tracks will be:

Rapier Race @ Tech De Ra fwd - Weapons On
Rapier Race @ Sol 2 fwd - Weapons On
Rapier Race @ Ubermall fwd - Weapons On

My ship: AG - Systems

(this time i won't record anything, becouse it costs me too much of my concentration :g)

btw: if you want i can make an exeption :)

8th November 2010, 07:51 PM
Excellent mate, should be a great race with you :). You seem to be getting faster and faster all the time judging by your times.

Cumbrian time is the same as GMT but a lot cooler, so should be around 9:30pm Paris time I think, is that OK?

EDIT: if you like sheep, hills, rain and sex with your relatives it's not too bad ;)

8th November 2010, 07:55 PM
i Accept your challenge!!!! zero3growlithe

is this challenge separate from my challenge or part of my previous Challenge ;g

yes please don't record it :lol its just embarrassing when you have finished the race and have to spend 10 mins recording a podium screen whilst i drag my crud-mobile around the circuit

8th November 2010, 07:58 PM
Part of your previous challange ? .... no, i think so:dizzy

EDIT: awww, sorry... changing...
EDIT 2: erm, hmmm, no... still don't know what you mean :dizzy <- it's late already so my brain is not keeping up with actual situation :D

8th November 2010, 08:05 PM
EDIT: if you like sheep, hills, rain and sex with your relatives it's not too bad ;)

Hahaha! :clap :lol

8th November 2010, 08:19 PM
Excellent mate, should be a great race with you :). You seem to be getting faster and faster all the time judging by your times.

Cumbrian time is the same as GMT but a lot cooler, so should be around 9:30pm Paris time I think, is that OK?

EDIT: if you like sheep, hills, rain and sex with your relatives it's not too bad ;)

Thanks ! Im sure it will be fun too, I will do my best to be challenging :hyper

Cumbrians time will do perfect , and lol your description sounds like the "blacksheep" movie -> :g

8th November 2010, 09:33 PM
That is one hell of a ridiculously defensive post. I wasn't attacking you in any way, so don't act like a tit Kyonshi. :/

I also never said I'm amazed you don't like ZB and I never called you an idiot for it. I respect your opinion, and I stated that in my post. What the hell, dude?

Woah, wait a minute, let's put things back in their right places.

First, i didnt felt you were attacking me, and i wasn't defending myself against some kind of attack. I was simply replying to what you said and i stand perfectly calm toward your comment. However i don't agree with what you said, and its not because we're in disagreement that we're at war. I don't agree that you suggest, in the some part of your comment, that i should not pass some comment on ZB on the excuse that a lot of people like it, nor that i accept that i'm being odd or weird, stating my opinion. I don't care if millions of people like Lady Gaga, i still think its the most stinking garbage ever. On the other hand, i don't mind people liking her, everyone got their own tastes. Its the same here. Maybe the fact that i "over-justified" my position looked like i was uber-pissed off and wanted to tear everything around to ruins.:) I acknowledge that and again, if offended people, it wasn't meant to be. There's this thing on the internet that we can't see people facial expressions or voice tone, often resulting in first degree interpretation of comments. I wasn't angry at anyone, i swear.

Where do you take that i felt i was called an idiot or that you called me this?? I never raised this idea ever! When i say people are amazed or stupified that i don't like ZB, i'm just being sarcastic, but not mean. I'm sure i'm the only one in the world who doesn't like this mode:lol. So obviously, i stand apart and maybe look very "odd" in the whole lot who likes ZB. But that doesn't mean i am, and that doesn't mean i can't say anything in opposition to others about that. Now i know you never said you we're amazed that i don't like ZB, i wasn't referring to any individual in particular nor you, but only to the different encounters i had with some players about this matter.

I know that i have incisive opinions and that i don't screw around stating them, but i'm far from wanting to fight people. I hope everything is clarified that i don't have any intention on bashing on people nor you, Jav.

8th November 2010, 09:55 PM
Part of your previous challange ? .... no, i think so:dizzy

Lol its just that you said that you challenge me to a challenge as if to suggest that this challenge ( Your challenge )was separate from my previous challenge :dizzy ( how many times can i say challenge in a sentence :g)

Either way i accept :P
...well i think i have, thats cleared that up! XD :lol

PS pihrana has no wins AT ALL??? A real tragedy, i will try my damnest to put atleast a 1 by there name

Challenger #001
8th November 2010, 10:26 PM
Jav, Kyonshi, everyone... please.

I don't want the thread I created to get hit by the mods, so I'll say this as a last resort. If you want to argue with me or each other, take it to Private Messages please.

Kyonshi, yes your challenge was set before I picked Syncopia, so if anyone takes up on your offer of a race, you can use Amphiseum. But from now on it has to be Syncopia. I understand not many people like the idea of Zone Battle, but then isn't that the same with all of us? I could easily enrage Yeldar by having the default track as Rapier Talon's Junction, or DP by making it obligatory to do the final track in another ship.

Green Races were ACE-FLO's brainchild and I've spoken at length with him over it - I think it's a nice idea but I hate green races myself. I'm not big on Eliminators either, but if someone accepts my challenge with one of those I like to think I'd put having a good time with another good wiper before what 'I' want to do. I'm playing to the setup that kanar made, whereby you accept what you have to play with and play the hand you get. I don't see F1 drivers refusing to race because of a wet track because it's not what they signed up for. De La Rente would be ashamed of you as a FEISAR pilot. ;)

So sorry about this Kyonshi, but my word is final for the rest of November. Every standard race is a Zone Battle on Syncopia, Target 50. If you don't want to do it, then don't set any challenges here. As easy as that. ^^

Jav, I appreciate you standing up for me, but take it to private messages please... keep it cool here. If you'd rather guys, I could ask for the thread to be locked for a while until we've all had a bit of cool down time. :)

Zero, Nutcase, KGB and Hacenetchik... would you guys all mind making nice pretty setups for your posts? Means I can keep a better record when I go to make the 'Archive' thread. 8) And the more the merrier for the more 'ignored' teams. ^^ EG-X, Piranha, Auricom and Triakis need love as well... well, maybe not Auricom. :P

Given the lack of response to some of the challenges, I think I'll throw down the gauntlet. Prepare for the Rematch...

I accept Dark_Phantom_89's Challenge

Challenger #001 (Fury Qirex) vs Dark_Phantom_89 (Fury Mirage)
...the re-match!

Phantom's Choice
Metropia Fwd, Phantom Race, Weps Off: Dark_Phantom_89
Sol 2 Rev, Phantom Race, Weps Off: Dark_Phantom_89
Vineta K Fwd, Phantom Race, Weps On: Dark_Phantom_89

Challenger's Choice
Anulpha Pass Fwd, Phantom Race, Weps On, 10 Laps: Dark_Phantom_89
Modesto Heights Fwd, Phantom Race, Weps On: Dark_Phantom_89
Moa Therma Rev, Zone Battle, Target 40: Dark_Phantom_89

Standard Race
Syncopia, Zone Battle, Target 50: Challenger #001

6-1 to Dark_Phantom_89


Edit: One more thing if we need another discussion topic - what does everyone think about giving a 2v2 challenge thread a go at some point? Bonus points if your teams are allies as in my team profiles. :P

8th November 2010, 11:59 PM
I understand not many people like the idea of Zone Battle, but then isn't that the same with all of us? I could easily enrage Yeldar by having the default track as Rapier Talon's Junction, or DP by making it obligatory to do the final track in another ship.

Green Races were ACE-FLO's brainchild and I've spoken at length with him over it - I think it's a nice idea but I hate green races myself. I'm not big on Eliminators either, but if someone accepts my challenge with one of those I like to think I'd put having a good time with another good wiper before what 'I' want to do. I'm playing to the setup that kanar made, whereby you accept what you have to play with and play the hand you get. I don't see F1 drivers refusing to race because of a wet track because it's not what they signed up for. De La Rente would be ashamed of you as a FEISAR pilot. ;)[/I]

Challenger, i was referring to my last challenge proposal when i said "I don't wanna do ZB". I never ordered or forced you to remove the ZB standard race, as i already mentioned. Its not what "I" wanna play, im not trying to impose the rules to all due to some kind of egocentric desire from me, jesus! It is just my own preferences, im only proposing. If no one would have responsed to my challenge because of this for 50 years, then so be it. If someone wouldn't do Green races against me, then fine, i won't push it. Its as simple as that.

No one is subjected to the conditions of my challenge and has the legitimate right to tell me, like i'm not forced to comply either. But for the general rules, i'm not trying to confront them. Why am i being seen like the big bad guy who thinks the world revolves around him?:( Because i don't wanna do ZB?:eek I simply don't like them!!! And even there, if you remember, i still gave it a try against you. I'm not completely that kind of close-minded guy, no?

Anyway, once i do the challenge with Twitchy, i won't post here again, like i already announced.

9th November 2010, 12:15 AM
I await a challenge!

I will fly the AG-Systems

My tracks will be:
Phantom Race @ Vineta K fwd, Weapons On
Phantom Race @ Amphiseum rev, Weapons Off
Phantom Race @ Metropia rev, Weapons On

Mr Phlanj
9th November 2010, 06:01 AM
Edit: One more thing if we need another discussion topic - what does everyone think about giving a 2v2 challenge thread a go at some point? Bonus points if your teams are allies as in my team profiles. :P

there was once a 2v2 league and it was hugely successfull im sure having a casual 2v2 thread may bring back some old teams. be warned though have a look at some of these teams of giants here (http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6020)

9th November 2010, 08:01 AM
Green Races were ACE-FLO's brainchild and I've spoken at length with him over it [/I]

Ace3cube I think, ACE-FLO had a different opinion ;).

Challenger #001
9th November 2010, 08:44 AM
Aaah. He told me that was his idea over video chat... ah well. XD

And 2v2 is getting a shakedown: http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forum/showthread.php?p=185650

9th November 2010, 10:24 AM
I saw Hacenetchik online last night and we got chatting. We decided to have a 1 vs 1, with the results as follows:

Dark_Phantom_89 (Fury Mirage) Vs hacenetchik (Fury Assegai)

Dark_Phantom_89's Choices:
Tech De Ra Reverse, 5 Laps, Weps On - Dark_Phantom_89
Metropia Reverse, 5 Laps, Weps Off - Dark_Phantom_89
Sol 2 Reverse, 20 Laps, Weps Off - Dark_Phantom_89

hacenetchik's Choices:
Talon's Junction Forward, 7 Laps, Weps On - Dark_Phantom_89]
Amphiseum Reverse, 7 Laps, Weps On - Dark_Phantom_89
Anulpha Pass Reverse, 7 Laps, Weps On - Dark_Phantom_89

Default Race - Dark_Phantom_89

Final Scores: Dark_Phantom_89 7 - 0 hacenetchik

Then myself and Woop got chatting in the Avalon Lounge and also decided to have a 1 vs 1:

Dark_Phantom_89 (Fury Mirage) Vs Woopzilla (Fury AG-Systems)

Dark_Phantom_89's Choices:
Chenghou Project Reverse, 5 Laps, Weps Off - Dark_Phantom_89
Amphiseum Reverse, 5 Laps, Weps On - Dark_Phantom_89
Sol 2 Reverse, 10 Laps, Weps Off - Dark_Phantom_89

Woopzilla's Choices:
Sebenco Climb Forward, 5 Laps, Weps On - Dark_Phantom_89
Modesto Heights Reverse, 5 Laps, Weps Off - Woopzilla
Tech De Ra Forward, 5 Laps, Weps Off - Dark_Phantom_89

Final Scores: Dark_Phantom_89 5 - 1 Woopzilla

Challenger #001
9th November 2010, 10:31 AM
Mirage now 12 points clear of AG-S :S

I thought Icaras was going to walk this one actually...

9th November 2010, 12:04 PM
Since I await for the green light on the challenge between Kyonshi and myself, I will throw another challenge out there for someone else to pick up.

I await a challenge!

I will fly the EG-X Fury.

Eliminator @ Moa Therma, Rapier
Single Race @ Sol 2 Reverse, Phantom, Weapons ON.
Single Race @ Anulpha Pass Reverse, Phantom, Weapons ON.

9th November 2010, 09:17 PM
We did our match with KGB !

KGB1971 - Fury AG-Systems Vs hacenetchik - Fury Assegai

KGB1971's choices - Phantom , 5 Laps, Weps On :
- Ubermall Forward : KGB1971
- Talon Junction Reverse : hacenetchik
- Amphiseum Reverse : hacenetchik

hacenetchik's choices - Phantom , 10 Laps, Weps On :
- Sol 2 Forward : KGB1971
- Anulpha Pass Reverse: hacenetchik
- Tech de Ra Forward : hacenetchik

Default Race - Zonne Battle Syncopia, 50 Zones : KGB1971

Final Scores: KGB1971 3 - 4 hacenetchik

It was all very close and intense races , in the end luck was on my side :beer

Thank you KGB1971 it was pretty cool to be able to race with you !

Big thanks also to DP89 for the previous challenge, it was really fun too !

I will look forward another challenge with both of you :banzai

9th November 2010, 09:40 PM
Yeah they were great races, don't know how I lost some of them, you just kept coming back all the time :cold. Well played mate, lets do it again sometime :+

12th November 2010, 02:39 PM
Race with Nutcase:259 Completed:)

Rapier Race @ Tech De Ra fwd - Weapons On * Zero3Growlithe
Rapier Race @ Sol 2 fwd - Weapons On * Zero3Growlithe
Rapier Race @ Ubermall fwd - Weapons On * Zero3Growlithe
Rapier Race @ Anulpha Rev - Weapons On * Zero3Growlithe
Rapier Race @ Metropia Rev - Weapons On * Zero3Growlithe
Rapier Race @ Amphiseum Rev - Weapons On * Zero3Growlithe (it should be "Vineta K Fwd" but everyone can make an mistake :))

Zone battle - Syncopia * Nutcase:259 (i suck on those :):brickwall)

PS pihrana has no wins AT ALL??? A real tragedy, i will try my damnest to put atleast a 1 by there name
You got one:cowboy

12th November 2010, 02:50 PM
I await a challenge!

I will fly the EG-X Fury.

Eliminator @ Moa Therma, Rapier
Single Race @ Sol 2 Reverse, Phantom, Weapons ON.
Single Race @ Anulpha Pass Reverse, Phantom, Weapons ON.

I'll accept your challenge dude, here's my choices from a few pages back!

Fury AG_Systems

Eliminator: 200 limit - Metropia (fwd), Rapier class.
Zone Batttle: 50 limit - Protozo
Zone Battle: 50 limit - Corridon 12.

When do you want to meet?

12th November 2010, 03:21 PM

12th November 2010, 09:40 PM
I accept QjonPL's challenge!

I will fly the Assegai Fury

My tracks will be:
Phantom Race @ Talon Junction Rev, Weapons On, 10 laps
Phantom Race @ Anulapha pass Rev, Weapons On, 10 laps
Phantom Race @ Talon Junction Fwd, Weapons On, 10 laps


13th November 2010, 06:01 PM
QjonPL (AG-Systems Fury) vs hacenetchik (Assegai Fury )

QjonPL's choices -QjonPL Hosting
Vineta K Fwd, Phantom Race,Weapons On, 5 laps : QjonPL
Amphiseum Rev,Phantom Race, Weapons Off, 5 laps : hacenetchik
eMetropia Rev,Phantom Rev, Weapons On, 5 laps : hacenetchik

hacenetchik's choices - hacenetchik Hosting
Phantom Race @ Talon Junction Rev, Weapons On, 10 laps : hacenetchik
Phantom Race @ Anulpha pass Rev, Weapons On, 10 laps : hacenetchik
Phantom Race @ Talon Junction Fwd, Weapons On, 10 laps : hacenetchik

Standard Race - hacenetchik Hosting
Syncopia, Zone Battle, Target 50 : QjonPL

5-2 to hacenetchik

Thanks you QjonPL , thoses were great races :rock

13th November 2010, 06:15 PM
Well played hac! I would say that is a very good result against Qjon.

13th November 2010, 07:35 PM

Yes indeed I've been pretty lucky there !

QjonPl is damn fast , I dint' hoped for such a result.

Had to go smoke a cig after thoses races lol :hyper

13th November 2010, 07:57 PM
I must admit, that I didn't expect Assegai to be that fast, I hoped that AG-Sys has the upper hand against Blue Arrow. :)
Anyway, nice races, we had some laughs, I tried hard not to fall asleep on one of the "borest" xD tracks - twice :blarg

Sooo maybeee....

I challenge Jav to an event!

I will fly The Green Goo.
My tracks will be:
Chengou Project Rev, Phantom, Weps On
Sol2 Rev, Phantom, Weps Off
Metropia Fwd, Phantom, Weps On

13th November 2010, 09:20 PM
Ok, I'll accept. Sol 2 Rev is my horror track, but hey :hyper

I'll fly the Furymau

My tracks:

Race, Modesto Heights Fwd, Phantom
Zone Battle, Anulpha Pass, Target 55
Race, Ubermall Rev, Phantom

13th November 2010, 09:29 PM
Ubermall Rev

Ubermall Rev

Ubermall Rev

After around 1200 laps of that track in this week only I have a strong emotional trauma :paperbag

13th November 2010, 09:56 PM
I'll change it if you change Sol 2 Rev! ;)

I will make it Sol 2 Fwd, Phantom Race

13th November 2010, 10:11 PM
Sol2 fwd? Ok, Uber can stay ^^

Challenger #001
14th November 2010, 11:28 PM
DP and I finished our rematch... and I'm no closer to him than two months ago. XD Shows progress. A full race report will be up shortly.

16th November 2010, 06:22 AM
Maybe I'll join you guys ;)

My tracks:

Sol2 r / Mod r / Vin r / all phantom races + weapons

So, I'm waiting.........

17th November 2010, 12:06 AM
Quick version of the race report: +6 AG-Systems, +1 EG-X

17th November 2010, 12:30 AM
Thanks to TwitchySpitfire for a great meeting. The scoreline really doesn't reflect how evenly matched we were. Nor the fact that I'd been playing for about four hours and was really warmed up, and had a couple of lucky breaks (like a plasma hit from about 200m!)

Actually I played about as well as I have done in a 1 vs 1, even the phantom races seemed to go well.

Look forward to playing you again mate, although I can't see myself repeating that performance. :beer

17th November 2010, 06:46 PM
I agree with everything here. At one point, during our Sol 2 race, I kept the lead as you fell off the track, and then I got advantageous and barrel rolled off the track as a result. Here's the summary of our races:

Race #1: Eliminator at Moa Therma. A really hard-nosed fight. I couldn't believe how many Quakes were unleashed in this match. Eliminator is always interesting to have as it gives wins and losses out randomly. The score was 201-102. Winner: Colonel_Gaddafi

Race #2: As stated above, we both fell off the track in Sol 2 Reverse. Colonel has never been fond of Sol 2 reverse, however he stuck it through and won. A good win for him.

Race #3: Another interesting race at Anulpha Pass Reverse. On the first or second lap, I got airborne near the end of the lap, which turned into a grave hit from Colonel's wicked plasma shot (he recalls only being 200 meters away). After that, he sped away. Great effort by Colonel.

Race #4: Here we were at Metropia with an Eliminator round at hand. An interesting unfoiling of random weapons for Colonel. He, yet again, hit me with great plasma shots and he cruised to a 207-79 win.

Race #6: At this point, Colonel had won the challange. Further more, it seemed I was trying to hard to be able to do anything and such seemed the case with Pro Tozo. Great win from Colonel (his consistency paid off).

Race #6: Corridon 12. At this stage, I was fairly infuriated with myself. However, I still wanted to push with all that my emotion could allow. This time, though, it paid off for the only win I accumulated. I went to the right everytime on Corridon 12, and Colonel on the left (something that I wish was more prominent with the other tracks). Finally, I had pulled out 1 of only 2 wins in my entire challenge career of 35 races; and, finally, EG-X has a point to it's name.

Race #7: The standard race went much like the 5th race, only I had a 15 zone gap, showing slight improvement during the race. Colonel wins again.

Overall, he (Colonel) did wonderful with AG-Systems. My only issue was that I hadn't raced EG-X in a while since I've been testing FEISAR for the HD cup (in case I ever wanted to switch to FEISAR).

Well done Colonel. :rock

18th November 2010, 04:05 PM
Maybe I'll join you guys ;)

My tracks:

Sol2 r / Mod r / Vin r / all phantom races + weapons

So, I'm waiting.........

No one? I'm a lil bit disappointed... :(

18th November 2010, 08:18 PM
Maybe I'll join you guys ;)

My tracks:

Sol2 r / Mod r / Vin r / all phantom races + weapons

So, I'm waiting.........

The fact that I remember seeing this and forgot to even be generous to offer a challenge shows how blind I was (considering I was racing Colonel, of course).

I accept your challenge!
I will be flying the EG-X Fury (or HD if your chosen ship is HD. By the way... what is your ship going to be?)

My tracks:
Single Race @ The Amphiseum Reverse, Phantom, Weapons ON, 5 Laps
Eliminator @ Chengou Project Reverse, Rapier, 200 Score Limit
Zone Battle @ Corridon 12, 45 Zones

19th November 2010, 04:03 PM
Oh, I forgot. I'll choose between Ikaras F and Harimau F. When we fly? Maybe this weekend?

Edit: True, we stick by the rules of the Cup. My bad. So I'll fly in Ikaras F. Saturday? I'll send You message on psn when I'll be online.

19th November 2010, 07:45 PM
In the spirit of the rules, make sure to pick one craft and stick with it. I'll give you the benefit of deciding when you want to race and you can practice if you need to.

Edit: I've changed ships as well: EG-X Fury

20th November 2010, 12:50 PM
I await a challenge

I will fly Fury AG-Sysytems

My choices:

Eliminator - Rapier @ The Amphiseum: 200 limit
Zone Battle @ Anulpha Pass (Rev): 50 limit
Single Race - Rapier @ Vineta K: Weapons On

20th November 2010, 06:28 PM
The match between Twitchy and me is done. Well, for me it was like christmas day, at almost every wp there was turbo, just for me :) More luck than sense ;) But You won at Syncopia ;)

So the score is: 6-1 for "Lucky-like-never-before" me ;)

Thx for fun Twitchy, cu on track ;)

And I accept Your challenge Colonel! :)

My choice:
SR / sebenco fwd / phantom / weapons on
SR / uber rev / phantom / weapons on
ZB / tech fwd / 50 limit

Ikaras F

20th November 2010, 08:39 PM
Cracking, when shall we meet? I'm around most of tomorrow.

Challenger #001
20th November 2010, 09:21 PM
I await a Challenge!

I will fly the Qirex Fury

My tracks will be:
Modesto Heights Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On
Anulpha Pass Forward, Zone Battle, Target 50
Tech De Ra Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps

21st November 2010, 06:00 AM
Cracking, when shall we meet? I'm around most of tomorrow.
Today sounds good, I'll send You message when I'll be online.

Challenger, I accept Your challenge!

ZB / Sol2 fwd / 50 limit
SR / Amphi rev / phantom / 5 laps / weapons on
SR / Sebenco fwd / phantom / 10 laps / weapons off

Ikaras F

And we may fly today ;)

21st November 2010, 01:35 PM
I await a Challenge!

I will fly the Qirex Fury

My tracks will be:
Modesto Heights Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On
Anulpha Pass Forward, Zone Battle, Target 50
Tech De Ra Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps

I accept your challenge!

I will fly, defiantly, the Auricom Fury!


21st November 2010, 03:54 PM
Colonel__Gaddafi Vs Triboy results and report:

Colonel__Gaddafi choices:

Race 1 - Eliminator - Venom @ The Amphiseum: 200 limit. I was hosting and I cocked up the settings, this was supposed to be on rapier. That threw me to be honest and I was a bit distracted, but no excuses, Triboy was lethal with just about everything he picked up. I pulled it back a bit in the middle but he nailed me towards the end. First eliminator I've lost in one of these events :frown:
Triboy wins

Race 2 - Zone Battle @ Anulpha Pass: 50 limit. A pretty tightly fought battle but I played really well, managed to avoid every barrier and went on to clinch it.
Colonel__Gaddafi wins

Race 3 - Single race @ Vineta K, Rapier: Weapons on. Quite why I chose any single races is beyond me, but variety's the spice of life I suppose. I knew I was in for a pasting because I'd had a look at Triboy's times for Vineta K, he's something like 5th Worldwide on Rapier. He crushed me.
Triboy wins

Triboy choices

Race 4 - Single race @ Sebenco Climb, Phantom: Weapons on. This was a nightmare, I simply can't handle a track as technical as S.C at these speeds. I actually set a personal best but finished light years behind.
Triboy wins

Race 5 - Single Race @ Ubermall Reverse, phantom: Weapons on. Absolute disaster. I'd hoped I'd be a bit more competitive at Uber as it's a track I like. But nerves got the better of me and I ended up boosting off the track and re-spawing. Triboy could have made dinner in the time he had spare.
Triboy wins

Race 6 - Zone Battle @ Tech De Ra: 50 limit. I was fairly confident after the Anulpha Pass Z.B and managed to keep my composure, 50's a bloody high limit for TDR but I got there eventually.
Colonel__Gaddafi wins

Race 7 - Zone Battle @ Syncopia: 50 limit. I screwed this one up to be honest, gambled too much with barrel rolls off the bridge then hit a couple of barriers, needing to shield just to stay alive.
Triboy wins

Final result - Colonel__Gaddafi (Fury AG-Systems) 2 - 5 Triboy (Fury Icaras)

A great set of races and Triboy was a proper gentleman, he even offered to redo the eliminator and change his phantom races to rapier.

Thanks dude, see you next time.

21st November 2010, 10:32 PM
I await a Challenge!

I will fly the Assegai Fury

My tracks will be :
Talon's junction Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps
Anulpha Pass Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps
Talon's junction Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps

I hope the Assegai's team victories will raise :rock !!!

Challenger #001
22nd November 2010, 05:29 PM
I accept Hacenetchik's challenge as well as those of Triboy and Twitchy. ;3


hacenetchik (Assegai Fury) vs Challenger #001 (Qirex Fury)

Talon's Junction Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps: hacenetchik
Anulpha Pass Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps: hacenetchik
Talon's Junction Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps: hacenetchik

Challenger's Choices
Modesto Heights Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On: hacenetchik
Anulpha Pass Forward, Zone Battle, Target 50: Challenger #001
Tech De Ra Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps: hacenetchik

Standard Race
Syncopia, Zone Battle, Target 50: Challenger #001

5-2 to hacenetchik!

triboy (Icaras Fury) vs Challenger #001 (Qirex Fury)

Triboy's Choices
Sol 2 Forward, Zone Battle, Target 50: triboy
Amphiseum Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On: triboy
Sebenco Climb Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons Off, Ten Laps: triboy

Challenger's Choices
Modesto Heights Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On: triboy
Anulpha Pass Forward, Zone Battle, Target 50: Challenger #001
Tech De Ra Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps: triboy

Standard Race
Syncopia, Zone Battle, Target 50: triboy

6-1 to Triboy!


TwitchySpitfire (Mirage HD) vs Challenger #001 (EG-X HD)

Twitchy's Choices:
Chenghou Project Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On: TwitchySpitfire
Sol 2 Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On: TwitchySpitfire
Tech De Ra Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons On: Challenger #001

Challenger's Choices
Modesto Heights Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On: Challenger #001
Anulpha Pass Forward, Zone Battle, Target 50: Challenger #001
Tech De Ra Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps: TwitchySpitfire

Standard Race
Syncopia, Zone Battle, Target 50: Challenger #001

4-3 to Challenger #001

Challenger #001
27th November 2010, 07:07 PM
Got a race in against hacenetchik! Damn, but I've never seen an Assegai throw out so much Cambodia on its' own. XD I dunno whether to be frustrated that I didn't get a straight race with such a great pilot or smug that I had to be held at arm's length. I'll settle for being happy to play with such a good sportsman, and look forward to the 2v2 match.

Qirex +2
Assegai +5

27th November 2010, 08:17 PM
If anyone is up for a 1v1 tonight feel free to PSN me and we'll discuss (then I'll edit this post pretending I did it properly).


27th November 2010, 11:57 PM
Got a race in against hacenetchik! Damn, but I've never seen an Assegai throw out so much Cambodia on its' own. XD I dunno whether to be frustrated that I didn't get a straight race with such a great pilot or smug that I had to be held at arm's length. I'll settle for being happy to play with such a good sportsman, and look forward to the 2v2 match.

Qirex +2
Assegai +5

Thanks for those races challenger , it was great :D , you are a ZB killer !

And yeah indeed XD my Assegai did throw up a loooot of mines :twisted

Let's play wep off next time :g !!

28th November 2010, 09:23 PM
I await a Challenge!

I will fly the Assegai Fury

My tracks will be :
Tech de Ra Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps
Talon's junction Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps
Tech de Ra Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps

Challenger #001
30th November 2010, 07:54 PM
Got my match in against triboy. What a sportsman and what races! I know it looks like a typical washout but I was fairly close for the majority of the races, only a bomb, missile or single barrier putting me out of contention. I went into Syncopia way too cocky and brought down a notch that was for sure, but the first two especially had my heart in my mouth. :3 Excellent racing my man - Chelsea and Sascha were right on each other all the way.

Amphiseum: I got an early lead and with the help of a pair of boosts, powered ahead of triboy to begin with. It was neck and neck until lap three, where he got past with the help of some rockets and I took a lead back with a quake. It went straight down to the line... triboy won by .02 of a second. He later said he had 1hp left after the shortcut. XD

Modesto Heights: This one was mine for a long while until the Icaras got a good blast over me and laid down some mines and a bomb for good measure. I simply couldn't catch up after that. Win for triboy.

Tech De Ra: A familiar story - I was ahead for the first part of the race, and was hit with a missile around lap 5. This dropped me back 4 seconds and I simply couldn't claw back the time. Win for triboy.

Sebenco Climb: I was always going to be nervous about this one. If there's one thing everyone knows about me it's that my lines are dreadful, and on a 10-lap, no weapons Sebenco this was going to be a problem. Around lap 5 triboy left me for dead and was 7 seconds up the road by the time I caught up to him.

Sol 2: I've never been able to grasp Sol 2 above zone 40 really. I just can't stay away from the walls and this was no exception. As soon as I got to the critical stages I was hammering against the walls and just couldn't do anything about it. Ended with the zones at 50-47.8 to triboy.

Anulpha Pass: I got the early lead, a pair of perfect laps made this fairly easy for me... that is, compared to the previous rounds. XD Win for me.

Syncopia: I came here bubbling off my Anulpha win and kind of hoping to repeat it. Unfortunately, karma came back to bite me in the proverbial as I hit a barrier at zone 48, dropped me down and left triboy able to boost up to 50. D:

That said though, triboy you are an excellent fellow and I really reccoment anyone to race against him. Wipers don't come much better. ;3

1st December 2010, 10:36 AM
On Amphi I almost get heart attack... 17hp, turbo in pocket, 001 on #1, last lap. Damn damn damn, what to do? what to do? There was no blood in my vains, only adrenaline. Argh... Now or never! Turbo>br>shortcut=2hp AND THEN SCRATCH!!! NOOOOO... Happily took only 1hp.... <Tri You lucky bas.tard> At finish line, and even after race dual shock was still shaking in my hands... I'm too old for this.... Nurse...

And all others looks just like You said, neck and neck. I just got more luck with missiles/mines/bombs. It was like "Who first draw a gun". We must try fly whitout weapons ;)

2nd December 2010, 03:13 PM
I await a challenge!

I will fly the Icaras Fury

My tracks will be:
Phantom Race @ Metropia 8 laps, Weapons off
Phantom Race @ moa therma 8 laps, Weapons off
Phantom Race @ Tech de Ra rev 5 laps, Weapons on

I challenge anyone who's
a) Not an android
b) About as bad as I am (online rank 26, often ~10 sec behind the big names when I meet them on-line. Sorry, make that "when I eat their dust" on-line:nod

2nd December 2010, 08:59 PM
I accept Gordo's challenge!

My ship: Mirage HD (unfortunately I'll be forced to use the Fury version during the final round, but that isn't an issue unless you wish for me to be consistent, Gordo)

My tracks:

Single Race @ Moa Therma Reverse, Phantom, Weapons On
Single Race @ Sebenco Climb Forward, Phantom, Weapons Off
Single Race @ Sol 2 Forward, Phantom, Weapons On

3rd December 2010, 12:50 PM
I await a challenge

I will fly Fury AG-Systems

My choices:

Zone Battle @ Pro Tozo: 50 Limit
Zone Battle @ Mallavol: 50 Limit
Zone Battle @ Corridon 12: 50 Limit

You'll notice that my choices plus the "standard race" complete the Pure Four. Whilst I welcome any challenge, I thought it might be nice if a fellow Zone Battle fan chose 3 more tracks for a Z.B marathon.

Just an idea though :)

Challenger #001
3rd December 2010, 03:10 PM
*whistles* Denton!

3rd December 2010, 04:39 PM
Challenger I was up for a bit of fun rather than being gang-raped. :eek

Sorry that might have been an overly graphic way of putting it but you get my point :lol

3rd December 2010, 08:19 PM
Too bad for you col :P I really think it'd be pretty close, especially on the Pure 4. Except for Mallavol, I don't like them that much^^ Which reminds me, it's been a little while since our last hasn't it ? Hope to see you soon on tracks
Anyway, it looks like I'm gonna do a bunch of ZBs this week-end, so I'll try taking up another challenge :)

I accept hacenetchik's challenge

I'll fly the Harimau HD.

My tracks :
-Metropia forward, Phantom, 7 laps, weapons on
-Sol 2 reverse, Phantom, 7 laps, weapons on
-Sebenco Climb forward, 11 laps, weapons on

I should be there tomorrow afternoon/evening.

3rd December 2010, 08:23 PM
Casual 1Vs1 Lol How does that work

3rd December 2010, 08:32 PM
Like a 1v1, but for teh lulz.

Challenger #001
5th December 2010, 08:57 AM
@DjM: That's what the first post is for, you clot.

5th December 2010, 02:25 PM
Dark_Phantom_89 (Fury Mirage) Vs hacenetchik (Fury Assegai) - The Rematch!

hacenetchik's Choices:
Talon's Junction Forward, 10 Laps, Weps On - Dark_Phantom_89
Talon's Junction Reverse, 10 Laps, Weps On - hacenetchik
Chenghou Project Forward, 10 Laps, Weps On - hacenetchik

Dark_Phantom_89's Choices:
Vineta K Reverse, 5 Laps, Weps Off - Dark_Phantom_89
Sol 2 Forward, 5 Laps, Weps Off - Dark_Phantom_89
Metropia Reverse, 5 Laps, Weps Off - Dark_Phantom_89

Default Race:
Zone Battle, Syncopia, Target 50 - Dark_Phantom_89

Final Scores: Dark_Phantom_89 5 - 2 hacenetchik

It was a very nice match and hacenetchik is getting scarily good on the tracks these days. Watch out for him!

5th December 2010, 06:59 PM
Well, just finished a really great set of races against Gordo; Gordo and I were spectacularly close the first two races.

Mirage HD vs. Icaras Fury

Gordo's choices:
Metropia Forward, 8 Laps, Weapons off: TwitchySpitfire
Moa Therma Forward, 8 Laps, Weapons off: TwitchySpitfire
Tech de Ra Reverse, 5 Laps, Weapos on: TwitchySpitfire

TwitchySpitfire's choices:
Moa Therma, 5 Laps, Weapons on: TwitchySpitfire
Sebenco Climb, 8 Laps, Weapons off: TwitchySpitfire
Sol 2, 5 Laps, Weapons on: TwitchySpitfire

Default choice:
Syncopia, 50 Zones: TwitchySpitfire

+7 Mirage

I really had wished my camera battery was charged so I could have recorded the first two races; Gordo, thank you for the races. You are very good; if you didn't fall off the tracks those few times we would have have an entirely spectacular match.

Sucks that ZB was the default race since we're both not extremely good at it. However, I want to get better at. I demand, Gordo, that you demand a rematch!

TwitchySpitfire vs. Challenger #001

Mirage HD vs. EG-X HD

This was a great match as well; it went down right to the wire at 3-3 going into Syncopia. However, I have to admit I got distracted during pre-race and it understandably made Challenger upset after going MIA on him, while I was deeply self-regretting what I had done.

TwitcySpitfire's Races:
Chengou Project Reverse, Phantom, 5 Laps, Weapons on: TwitchySpitfire
Sol 2 Forward, Phantom, 5 Laps, Weapons on: TwitchySpitfire
Tech de Ra Forward, Phantom, 5 Laps, Weapons on: Challenger #001

Challenger's Races:
Modesto Heights Reverse, Phantom, 5 Laps, Weapons on: Challenger #001
Tech de Ra Reverse, Phantom, 10 Laps, Weapons on: TwitchySpitfre
Anulpha Pass, Phantom, Laps, Weapons on: Challenger #001

At this point, it's an even score into the Snycopia. On recapping the race, only Modesto Heights Reverse was a blow out and everything else was really close.

Default choice:
Sycopia, 50 Zones: Challenger #001 (That win was much deserved; there was only a 2 point difference)

I think the race I enjoyed most was the 10 lap TDR race. Challenger had me beat but I came back with a quake; at one point, Challenger knocked me into a wall as we were both fighting for the corner, and I came out behind him with 1 HP of shield left.

That was fun Challenger; I hope the match eased your mind.

+4 EG-X
+3 Mirage

5th December 2010, 07:51 PM
P_Denton (Fury Harimau) Vs hacenetchik (Fury Assegai)

P_Denton's Choices:
Metropia forward, Phantom, 7 laps, weapons on hacenetchik
Sol 2 reverse, Phantom, 7 laps, weapons on hacenetchik
Sebenco Climb forward, 11 laps, weapons on hacenetchik

hacenetchik's Choices:
Talon's junction Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps hacenetchik
Anulpha Pass Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps hacenetchik
Talon's junction Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps hacenetchik

Default Race:
Zone Battle, Syncopia, Target 50 P_Denton

Final Scores: P_Denton 1 - 6 hacenetchik

It was a good match , but P_Denton was really unlucky on somes tracks…:redface:
Thanks you P_D for thoses races and your great spirit! I owe you a big favor for not picking up more ZB races (it would have killed me…:g)

@DP 89 : :robotouuuch lol , thanks a lot for those races too, it was pretty fun ! You’re amazingly good with your speedy mirage :clap

5th December 2010, 08:05 PM
Thanks for the races Twitchy.
Next time, I'll put up a better fight.
What really grinds my gears is my lack of consistancy. Sol 2 for instance. Flying round for a couple of laps, and then munch munch, a whole heap of wall eating; Entree and main course!
Moa, in particular, Twitch, was great. For two laps I swear we were joined by a 2m long chain!
Anyway. The result of all of that is that Twitch is good and better than me. I will be putting a rematch out there, but I'm in US next week, then NL week after that on work, so will sort when back.
By the way....ZB. I mean....what is that all about?

5th December 2010, 09:17 PM
It's just a different, more competitve version of Zone mode

Gordo, with that in mind, before we raced I did 2 Zone mode races and it seemed to help. I'd take it into consideration to run Zone mode to practice with.

Challenger #001
7th December 2010, 01:45 PM
To all considered, with a new month approaching, a few changes to the 1v1 thread.

To begin with - new month, new standard race. Or perhaps not so much a race this time...


In addition, after much poking and prodding from Dark Phantom, I made an archive thread for all the records of the races. These are all the races I could find in a legible and clear format on the board, so if you think one's missing, either point it out to me or write it up neater on a previous post and -then- direct me to it.


You'll notice that I've decided to rank the pilots in order of their percentage scores, which I think is a little fairer, and allows you to see who you need to challenge to progress up the board. ;)

Mind you, not too happy with the positions of the ships. :/ Qirex needs a boost.


In other news, want a race, Gordo?

9th December 2010, 10:51 PM
I await a challenge!

I'll fly the Furymau.

My choices :
-Ubermall Reverse, Phantom race, 5 laps
-Mallavol, Target 50
-Chenghou Project Reverse, Phantom race 5 laps

Though I may be not much of a challenge. Hace is being too modest, he totally destroyed me last time :P It was a pleasure though ;)

10th December 2010, 03:05 AM

You like to play Eliminator,right? Would you want a challenge?
Ship:F.E.I.S.A.R HD
-Amphiseum Reverse,Phantom,Single Race,10 Laps
-Chenghou Project Reverse,Single Race,Phantom 5 laps
-Chenghou Project Forward,Eliminator,Phantom
Laps are non-negotiable.Unless you can come up with a good deal.

Challenger #001
10th December 2010, 09:32 AM
I accept P_Denton's challenge!

Challenger #001 (Fury Goteki 45) vs P_Denton (Fury Harimau)

Denton's Races:
Ubermall Rev, Phantom Race, Weapons On: P_Denton
Chenghou Rev, Phantom Race, Weapons On: P_Denton
Mallavol, Zone Battle, Target 50: P_Denton

Challenger's Races:
Modesto Heights Rev, Phantom Race, 10 Laps, Weapons On: P_Denton
Anulpha Pass Fwd, Phantom Race, 10 Laps, Weapons On: Challenger #001
Syncopia, Zone Battle, Target 50: P_Denton

Standard Race:

(Not raced)

5-1 to P_Denton


Challenger #001 (Fury Qirex) vs TarquinFarqhuar (Fury Icaras)

Tarquin's Races:
Ubermall Rev, Phantom Race, Weapons On: TarquinFarqhuar
Sebenco Rev, Phantom Race, Weapons On: TarquinFarqhuar
Modesto Rev, Phantom Race, Weapons On: TarquinFarqhuar

Challenger's Races:
Modesto Heights Rev, Phantom Race, 10 Laps, Weapons On: TarquinFarqhuar
Corridon 12, Zone Battle, Target 50: Challenger #001
Mallavol, Zone Battle, Target 50: Challenger #001

Standard Race:
Talon's Junction Fwd, Rapier Eliminator, Target 200: Challenger #001

4-3 to TarquinFarquhar


Challenger #001 (Fury Icaras) vs Temet79 (Fury AG-Systems)

Temet's Races:
Sebenco Fwd, Phantom Race, Weapons On: Challenger#001
Chenghou Rev, Phantom Race, Weapons On: Temet
Sol 2 Fwd, Phantom Race, Weapons On: Temet

Challenger's Races:
Tech De Ra Rev, Phantom Race, 10 Laps, Weapons On: Challenger#001
Ubermall Fwd, Phantom Race, 5 Laps, Weapons On: Temet
Syncopia, Zone Battle, Target 50: Challenger#001

Standard Race:
(Not raced)

3-3 Draw

12th December 2010, 08:03 AM
Hello :)

I accept your challenge, challenger :)

My choices shall be > Uber Rev, Sebenco For, Modesto Rev, all 5 laps, and weapons free.. Good luck geeza! :)

p.s I was playin some zone battle yest with P.Denton, JFTheBest, and some other ridiculously fast pilots, got pumped!, so you'll prob shaft me on that class.

12th December 2010, 04:49 PM
What the heck :d I await a challenge.
My tracks will be: moa rev, tech de ra rev and sol 2 rev.
All phantom, all Weps off except sol 2 rev. :)

Greets, Rick

13th December 2010, 06:54 AM
Oh I didn't understand our "unprepared" 1vs1 was such an official challenge :)
Sorry for the draw then, but it was nice racing with you !

15th December 2010, 09:49 PM
I'll take you up on that offer, but let me get back to the UK (thursday pm) and get my head out of my arse (friday pm) and I'll get back to you with more info.

15th December 2010, 11:35 PM
What the heck :d I await a challenge.
My tracks will be: moa rev, tech de ra rev and sol 2 rev.
All phantom, all Weps off except sol 2 rev. :)

Greets, Rick

I accept your challenge!

I will fly the Mirage HD.

My tracks:

Single Race @ Moa Therma Forward, Weapons On
Single Race @ Tech de Ra Forward, Weapons On
Single Race @ Sol 2 Forward, Weapons Off

Let me know when you'd like to start, as I'm on Christmas break. :rock

15th December 2010, 11:49 PM
I await a challenge!

I will fly Fury Mirage

My tracks will be:

Single Race @ Sol 2
Single Race @ Sebenco Climb
Single Race @ Modesto Heights Reverse
(All Phantom; BR On; Weapons On; 10 Laps)

Also guys be sure to check out the 2v2 thread if you are interested Luxoflux and I have posted a challenge:nod

16th December 2010, 05:45 PM
I accept your challenge IDReaper !

I hope it will go a bit better for me this time, I need to get some dignity back :redface:

I will fly Fury Assegai

My tracks will be:

Single Race @ chenghou project
Single Race @ talon's junction
Single Race @ tech de ra
(All Phantom,forward, BR On; Weapons On; 10 Laps)

18th December 2010, 05:14 PM
I await a challenge

I will fly Fury AG-Systems

My choices:

Zone Battle @ Pro Tozo: 50 Limit
Zone Battle @ Mallavol: 50 Limit
Zone Battle @ Corridon 12: 50 Limit

Er, anybody?

Challenger #001
18th December 2010, 09:29 PM
Finished my race with P_Denton. Wasn't planning on doing it I must admit, was mostly getting used to finally having an HD TV, but it'll all sound like pretentious bullshitty excuses and I won't pretend - I was crap. My lines were terrible, I missed loads of BR opportunities, I hadn't practised the tracks much and I ran into easily missed Zone Barriers. Once again emphasising my uselessness on the tracks. :brickwall

Well done for being a good sport Denton, and putting up with my atrocious internet and general hopelessness. I heard from someone that Assayeah posted how good I was as a ZB-er amongst the other French pilots... trust me guys, I'm nothing compared to one of your own.

19th December 2010, 01:47 AM
PD is one of the better ZBers :) Always have good games against him

20th December 2010, 08:16 AM
P Denton accepted my challenge yesterday. I've forgotten what ship he was using I'm afraid (May have been Icaras but couldn't swear to it) but the ruesults are below.

Colonel__Gaddafi's races

Zone Battle @ Pro Tozo - 50 limit. P Denton wins.
Zone Battle @ Mallavol - 50 limit. P Denton wins.
Zone Battle @ Corridon 12. P Denton wins.

P Denton's races

Zone Battle @ Vineta K - 45 limit. P Denton Wins.
Zone Battle @ Moa Therma (Rev) - 45 limit. P Denton wins.
Zone Batttle @ Anulpha Pass (Rev) - 50 limit. P Denton wins.

Standard race

Zone Battle @ Syncopia - 50 limit. P Denton wins.

Colonel__Gaddafi 0 - 7 P Denton

Although the result has "Straw Dogs" written all over it, I did manage to run him close in three or four of the races, so I don't think it was a waste of either of our time. In fact I thoroughly enjoyed it. Good effort Denton, you are the standard bearer for Zone Battle. :beer

20th December 2010, 11:28 AM
Allright twitchy! I am bit busy coming week, but I think we can plan our battle between Christmas and new year. I'll send you a Psn message and we will plan a date :) cheers Rick P.s I will fly the feisarFury :)

Challenger #001
23rd December 2010, 10:42 PM
Finished my race against TarquinFarqhuar. Almost had him on Sebenco, but t'was not to be. Boosted off the track. :frown:

But TF's a good sport and I thoroughly recommend him as an opponent to anyone. That Eliminator was pure class. :D Don't know why more people don't do occasional Elims.

I'll be accepting more challenges after Christmas, don't all of you worry. ;) In the meantime, if I'm not on before or after, have yourselves a very happy Christmas. :3

Edit: After putting in the revised scores, seems Harimau and Qirex have both taken a boost to their scores while AG-Systems and Goteki 45 have suffered badly. Must say, the team in #4 is looking like quite the surprise...

In the pilots' championship, Denton and Tarquin have a big leap up in the standings, though unfortunately Gadaffi drops a little..

24th December 2010, 03:31 AM
For de-rusting purposes:
I await a challenge...

Phantom - 5 laps - Weapons omnomnom...on
Talon's Junction
Talon's Junction Reverse
Tech De Ra Reverse

EG-X Fury

10 points for guessing what I did there ^_^


24th December 2010, 07:11 AM
Thanks Challenger :)

Those races last night were a pure joy..

Sebenco had me rattled for a bit, was finding it difficult to catch up with you. Was bad luck boosting off track, you would have most certainly won that one, and yes, The elim was a cracking race.. Was neck and neck right up until the very end.

Got totally owned in the zone battle tho, I'm sure you lapped me twice on one of those races. I gota get my finger out, and get that mode nailed..

First time I've competed in the 1v1 challenge, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It's an added bonus when we get to compete against such good sports like yourself.

Thnx again mate, till next time :)

24th December 2010, 10:53 AM
I challenge you!! (Insert name here)
Anyone want to have casual 1 on 1
1st track: Metropia Reverse 20 laps- Phantom weps off
2nd Track: Vineta k Reverse 15 laps weps on.
3rd Track, Zone battle Target 50 Pro Tozo
I will fly EG-X HD

24th December 2010, 01:11 PM
For de-rusting purposes:
I await a challenge...

Phantom - 5 laps - Weapons omnomnom...on
Talon's Junction
Talon's Junction Reverse
Tech De Ra Reverse

EG-X Fury

10 points for guessing what I did there ^_^


I still have to race hacenetchik(sry man ^^) but I can add you to mah list as well yeldar ;D My only question is...why...lol. Also you recieved that ps3? =D

I accept you challenge!

I will fly Fury Mirage

My tracks will be:

Single Race @ Ubermall Reverse
Single Race @ Sebenco Climb Reverse
Single Race @ Modesto Heights
(All Phantom; BR On; Weapons On; 10 Laps)

31st December 2010, 02:22 PM
I raced TwitchySpitfire yesterday, we had fun but I was in Ã* little hurry afterwards... I won all 6 choices, but he wasted me at eliminator. :) thn for the fun twitchy :)

Challenger #001
2nd January 2011, 11:08 AM
Mind posting the results of that, Twitchy or R3?

New month, new year in fact. I think I'll leave this standard race as it is until Spring perhaps.

Standard Race is a Rapier Race at Metropia Forwards, Weapons On

With that in mind, I await a challenge!

I will fly the Qirex Fury

My tracks will be:
Tech De Ra Rev, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps
The Amphiseum Fwd, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps
Syncopia, Zone Battle, Target 55

2nd January 2011, 02:29 PM
R3's races:

Moa rev. Weps off: R3
Tech de ra rev. Weps off: R3
Sol2 rev. Weps on: R3

Twitchy's races:

Moa forw. Weps on: R3
Tech de ra forw. Weps on: R3
Sol2 forw. Weps off: R3

Eliminator talon's forw. Target 200: Twitchy

6-1 R3BU5ER wins

4th January 2011, 02:44 PM
I await a challenge!

I will fly the Fury AG-Systems

My choices:

Single Race @ Moa Therma: Rapier Class (4 laps), Weapons On.
Zone Battle @ Tech De Ra (Reverse): 35 limit.
Eliminator @ Modesto Heights: Rapier Class, 200 limit.

4th January 2011, 02:57 PM
I accept your Diverse Challenge!
I Will Fly The EG-X Hd
My Tracks are
Metropia Reverse 20 laps- Rapier weps off Br Off
Vineta k Reverse 15 laps weps on. Br On Rapier
Zone battle Target 50 Pro Tozo

4th January 2011, 03:19 PM
Wow, they're some mammoth races! Never done an endurance race before, looking forward to it. How are you fixed tomorrow night mate?

4th January 2011, 04:09 PM
Fine Tommorow. Im ready whenever

5th January 2011, 08:11 PM
I had lots of fun in my 1vs1 hope i can do it again
M1zw1z: [EG-X HD]Colonel__Gaddafi = [AG Systems Fury][A
M1zw1z's Races
Metropia Reverse 20 laps Rapier. Br Off, Wep Off. M1zw1z Win
Vineta K reverse 15 laps rapier Weps on Br's on. M1zw1z win
Zone Battle: Pro Tozo Target 50 Colonel__Gaddafi Win

Colonel__Gaddafi Races
Moa Therma, Rapier, Weps On. M1zw1z Win
Zone Battle: Tech De Ra Reverse, Target 35. M1zw1z Win
Eliminator Modesto Heights, Score 200. Colonel__Gaddafi Win

M1zw1z 5 - Colonel_Gaddafi 2

What happened (m1zw1z POV)
Metropia. Well A the start i thought Colonel Had a screen freeze but he came back and then continued the race.It wasnt really fun but a good range of SS and good lines made a 10 second advance at the end.
Vineta K: Wow, Best Race I have ever Had, Both Pulling forward in the race, when i was in front i kept looking behind and then hitting walls and losing concentration, But at the end i was about 0.5 seconds ahead, i was going for the last weapon but then i SS and then hit the 2 speed pads since i didnt want to risk a bad item, NerveWracking and Suspence
Pro Tozo. This Didnt Go Well. I was hitting barriers somehow and then it was 11-35 so i just created tons of barriers and hope for the best. I got thrashed.
Moa Therma: This was a normal race, I was behind and then after the mag strip, used boost and br'd over the corner of the wall. Then stayed ahead and did it again,
TDR Reverse: ZB: Me and Colonel Was at the same speed for 1 minute till i pulled ahead a released a deadly barrier what he hit, (i think) So then i carried on, When i hit zone 25 i just kept missing speed pads which gave colonel a small window of hope in this, I Got a speed pad. This is what it said, Target attai-Race Complete,So fast on hitting the Square
Modesto- Eliminator: It seemed like most of that race i was shielding at 1 energy to the line, At the end it was about 180 a piece and both waiting for the killer strike, but i got hit with a rocket and then it sent me down to 1 energy. I sheilded a Quake lol, but it didnt work as i got eliminated.
Metropia Forward. This was a average race for me. Except for that really lucky plasma hit. But Overall A wide range of everything there.

Challenger #001
5th January 2011, 10:10 PM
Nice work DjM. ;) You've put EG-X in third on the constructor's tables. Anyone from Triakis or Icaras going to dispute that point?

5th January 2011, 10:24 PM
Beat me to it! I have to say that was the most exciting, nail biting 1 vs 1 I've done...

First off, 20 Rapier laps of Metropia Reverse, sans weapons or barrel rolls. Unfortunately I got some lag at the start and had to watch M1zW1z disappear off the line. "Sod it" I thought, it's only a couple of seconds, and it's 20 laps. Sadly he was consistently faster than me, albeit only about half a second a lap, so I couldn't rein him in. He led throughout and finished about 11 seconds ahead.

Then to Vineta K Reverse for 15 Rapier laps, this time with both Weps and BRs. This was absolutely neck and neck for the full 15 laps, my heart was in my mouth by lap 15. M1zW1z crossed the line about a second ahead :frown:

Pro Tozo was just what the doctor ordered, and despite M1zW1z adopting an extremely aggressive strategy, I came through relatively unscathed to take it 55 to about 19.

My first choice was a standard Rapier race at Moa Therma. We were close for the first two laps and then he magically ;) shot over my shoulder, gaining about three seconds. I spent the next lap trying to work out what had happened and lost my concentration, he finished about 5 seconds ahead.

After Pro Tozo I was ultra confident heading into the Zone Battle at TDR Reverse. Sadly M1zW1z' equally aggressive strategy paid off this time. I ate about 4 barriers and dropped far behind. Somehow I managed to claw my way back and was thrilled to hear the magic words "Target attainable". I hit square instantly but there was no boost. He'd beaten me to it by a split second. :mad:

My last choice was an eliminator at Modesto. I'm rusty as hell at this as I've been nailing zone and ZB for weeks. This one really was neck and neck, neither of us could pull ahead. I finally took it 200 to about 170.

The final race at Metropia was a bit of a letdown if I'm honest. The first couple of laps were ace, you could tell it was off the back of an eliminator - weapons flying everywhere, nothing got absorbed :g. But then I screwed up and boosted off the edge approaching the mag-strips. M1zW1z finished about seven seconds ahead, a bit of a damp squib to end an otherwise nail biting contest.

My new TV arrived this morning and the difference between my 32" 1080i and a 40" 1080p is incredible. Wipeout looks better than ever, and the session with M1zW1z made the most of it.

Thanks dude, we really must do it again :clap

Final Result:

Colonel__Gaddafi (Ag-Systems) 2 - 5 M1zW1z (EG-X)

6th January 2011, 01:18 AM
Anyone from Triakis or Icaras going to dispute that point?


I await a challenge!
I will fly the Ikaras F

Vineta rev
Uber fwd
Amphi rev
all phantom / 5 laps / Br and weapons ON

6th January 2011, 11:14 AM

I accept triboy's challange:

My track's will be:

Sebenco Climb Fwd
Modesto Heights Fwd
Amphiseum Fwd

Phantom, 5 laps, Wep on, BR on and my ship is Triakis :cowboy

(it'll be hard to fly with it on sebenco...)

11th January 2011, 05:25 PM
Zero3Growlithe's (triakis) tracks:

Sebenco Climb - Triboy
Modesto Heights - Zero3Growlithe
The Amphiseum - Triboy

Triboy's (icaras) tracks:

Vineta K Rev - Triboy
Ubermall - Zero3Growlithe
The Amphiseum Rev - Triboy

Default choice track - Triboy

all phantom / 5 laps / Br and weapons ON

(i'll never select that ship again)

11th January 2011, 06:23 PM
Haven't done one of these for a while, so I present the results of my latest match:

Dark_Phantom_89 (Fury Mirage) Vs ACE-FLO (Fury Icaras)

Dark_Phantom_89's Choices:
Chenghou Project Forward, Phantom, 5 Laps, Weps On - Dark_Phantom_89 Won
Sebenco Climb Forward, Phantom, 5 Laps, Weps Off - Dark_Phantom_89 Won
The Amphiseum Forward, Phantom, 5 Laps, Weps Off - Dark_Phantom_89 Won

ACE-FLO's Choices:
Ubermall Forward, Flash, 4 Laps, Weps On - ACE-FLO Won
Talon's Junction Forward, Flash, 4 Laps, Weps On - Dark_Phantom_89 Won
Metropia Forward, Flash, 4 Laps, Weps On - ACE-FLO Won

Default Race - Dark_Phantom_89 Won

Final Scores: Dark_Phantom_89 5 - 2 ACE-FLO

ACE was a great sport, thanks for racing. :rock

Challenger #001
11th January 2011, 06:38 PM
xD I suggested a race to ACE aaaages ago, but he seemed to baulk at the prospect of ZBs. ;)

12th January 2011, 04:45 AM
I await a challenge!

I, Frailavi, will fly Assegai Fury

Sol2 Rev
Anulpha Pass Forward
Modesto Heights Reverse

All Phantom / 5 Laps / Weps and BR's ON

This is my first challenge, let me know if I'm missing anything.

Challenger #001
12th January 2011, 07:13 AM
Challenger001 (Fury Qirex) vs Frailavi (Fury Assegai)

Challenger's Races:
Tech De Ra Rev, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps: Challenger001
The Amphiseum Fwd, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps: Frailavi
Syncopia, Zone Battle, Target 55: Frailavi

Frailavi's Races:
Sol 2 Rev, Phantom Race, Weapons On: Frailavi
Anulpha Pass, Phantom Race, Weapons On: Challenger001
Modesto Heights Rev, Phantom Race, Weapons On: Challenger001

Standard Race:
Metropia Fwd, Rapier Race, Weapons On: Frailavi

13th January 2011, 03:58 PM
Need some training for the cup and await a challenge;)
My tracks will be:

Metropia forward weps on
Talons's J forward weps on
Sol 2 forward weps on
Br on
All phantom and driving Feisar:)

13th January 2011, 05:22 PM
I await a challenge!


Challenger #001
13th January 2011, 05:38 PM
Uber, erich? Race each other?

14th January 2011, 12:00 PM
I challenge MegaGeeza22!

I will fly the Fury AG-Systems (for a change!)

My choices:

Single race @ Vineta K Reverse
Single race @ Ubermall
Single race @ Sol 2

All Rapier class, 4 laps, Weps and BRs On.

Was really tempted to chuck an eliminator or Z.B in there, but I'll stick to proper racing for once.

I hope this is as close as I think it will be MegaGeeza, I'll be gutted if you thrash me :lol

14th January 2011, 02:29 PM
I like to play some challenge,is indifferent for me, speed, tracks, someone who wants to play?

Challenger #001
15th January 2011, 11:14 AM
Well morfeo, there are two people at the top of the page who've already thrown down challenges. Go and accept one! Why does nobody accept challenges here - do I have to herd you all together and organise it? Just say yes! And read the rules - if you really are awaiting a challenge, then pick 3 tracks! Don't just say you don't care, the fact is you have to choose!

I really wasn't aware this was such a difficult concept...

15th January 2011, 11:55 AM
Chill dude. I'd gladly accept more challenges, but the vast majority of challenges are exclusively phantom S.Rs, and I'm woeful at phantom. I understand your frustration though, people can be a bit dense about it, or maybe they're just being too picky, myself included.

But the Casual 1 vs 1 thread is one of the best things on WOZone, you 've done well Chal :clap

15th January 2011, 09:03 PM
I accept The Colonels Challenge!!

I will fly the Fury Qirex...

My choices:
Single race @ Sebenco Climb
Single race @ Metropia
Single race @ Modesto Heights

All Rapier class, 4 laps, Weps and BRs On.
Our last races were very close, so i hope we will be neck and neck until i pull in front over the finish line!8)

17th January 2011, 11:07 PM
Did my races with MegaGeeza22 tonight, and what a session!

All single races, rapier class, weps and BRs on.

Colonel_Gaddafi's races

Vineta K reverse.
I got a really good start here, and placed a bomb right in front of Geeza early on. Once he'd hit that I managed to build a bit of a lead, helped by no less than 4 turbos :g.
Colonel__Gaddafi wins (1.35 - 1.40)

I was dreading this to be honest, I'd done some speed laps beforehand and I was atrocious, flying off the track at every opportunity. It wasn't that bad in the end, still missed a lot of BRs, but managed to keep up with Geeza all the way, clinching it on the last lap. Very close though. Colonel__Gaddafi wins (1.44 - 1.46)

Sol 2.
Another neck and neck one, although I lead for most of the way. Again I was lucky with nicely timed turbos and just nudged it at the last.
Colonel__Gaddafi wins (1.41 - 1.43)

MegaGeeza22's races

Sebenco Climb.
Although I'd won all mine, I knew it wasn't going to be that easy, and I'd resigned myself to defeat here before I started. Sure enough it wasn't pretty, but I managed to make it fairly interesting at least. One day I'll get the hang of this track.
MegaGeeza22 wins (1.52 - 1.54)

An early bomb from Geeza set me back a couple of seconds and despite my best efforts I wasn't able to close the gap. I think when you're trying too hard to chase someone you make a lot of mistakes and this was certainly the case.
MegaGeeza22 wins (1.42 - 1.45)

Modesto Heights.
This was an awesome race, probably the best of the night. Neck and neck throughout, weapons flying everywhere, brilliant stuff. I was convinced Geeza had won as we approached the last corner but I managed to get catch him with some cheeky rockets. I think I finished about .4 sec ahead, photo finish 8).
Colonel__Gaddafi wins (1.42 - 1.43)

I was after revenge here but it didn't happen. I raced quite a bit better than last time but this seems to be a strong track for Geeza. Just couldn't match him over the distance.
MegaGeeza22 wins (1.41 - 1.42)

The closeness of the race times says it all really, this one could have gone either way. Just as good as I'd hoped for. Cheers Geeza, I look forward to round 2 :beer

Final result:
Colonel__Gaddafi (Fury AG-Systems) 4 - 3 MegaGeeza22 (Fury Qirex)

17th January 2011, 11:51 PM
Yeah it was an excellent meeting! usually when i do 1on1s i get owned by 10 secs or i own by 10 secs, no fun!! but this was close all the way! i thought it was gonna go to the decider but you edged the win! Thanks for posting the results... i was going to do it but i cant get the pretty colours on haha!

18th January 2011, 10:36 AM
I had another match last night and it was a bit of an interesting one. For some reason, the online servers were acting up and there was lag all over the place, making some of the matches virtually unplayable for me. Anyway, we soldiered on and here are the results:

Dark_Phantom_89 (Fury Mirage) Vs Frailavi (Fury Assegai)

Dark_Phantom_89's Choices:
Sol 2 Forward, Weps Off - Dark_Phantom_89 Won
Chenghou Project Reverse, Weps Off - Dark_Phantom_89 Won
The Amphiseum Reverse, Weps On - Frailavi Won

Frailavi's Choices:
Modesto Heights Reverse, Weps On - Dark_Phantom_89 Won
Vineta K Reverse, Weps On - Frailavi Won
Sol 2 Reverse, Weps On - Dark_Phantom_89 Won

Default Race - Frailavi Won

Final Scores: Dark_Phantom_89 4 - 3 Frailavi

Challenger #001
18th January 2011, 12:32 PM
Leaderboard updates:

MegaGeeza22 leaps into equal 19th place with kanar
Dark_Phantom drops away from Leungbok
Frailavi slots in between IDReaper and Temet79
Gadaffi leapfrogs ONLocke, TwitchySpitfire, ACE-FLO and ID7of9 to take 21st behind challenger :S

Mirage begins to drop back towards Harimau.
Assegai and AG-Systems swap places over 7th. A good run from Assegai's old rivals Piranha could see them slip even further.
Qirex eases away a little from Auricom

19th January 2011, 02:16 AM
Leaderboard updates? call me stupid but the only leaderboard i can find is the ship one?

Challenger #001
19th January 2011, 06:42 AM
Ah, I meant this one. ^^; I've kind of forgotten about the other one that just records wins. :/


19th January 2011, 02:33 PM
You forgot about match between me and zero3growlithe ;)
Ikaras - tri vs Traiakis zero 5-2

Challenger #001
19th January 2011, 05:31 PM
Did you guys put a report up? Didn't see it...

19th January 2011, 08:36 PM
http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forum/showpost.php?p=190989&postcount=386 8)

btw. I selected Triakis only for "making-up" some points for him :dizzy

Challenger #001
19th January 2011, 09:22 PM
Thanks fellas, sorry for not noticing. Though slightly bad news - both Triakis and Icaras had records above 5/7 win ratio, so the fact that Icaras only won by that amount means they both drop in favour of Goteki 45. Triakis slips from 3rd to 8th. Though don't feel bad, Zero. You haven't ruined them quite as badly as I have Piranha. o.O

challenger001 (Fury Piranha) vs ACE-FLO (Fury AG-Systems)

challenger's Races:
TDR Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps: ACE-FLO
Anulpha Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps: ACE-FLO
Talon's Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps: ACE-FLO

ACE's Races:
TDR Reverse, Flash Race, Weapons On: ACE-FLO
Anulpha Forward, Flash Race, Weapons On: ACE-FLO
Talon's Forward, Flash Race, Weapons On: challenger001

Standard Race:
Metropia Fwd, Rapier Race, Weapons On: ACE-FLO

6-1 to ACE-FLO

19th January 2011, 10:57 PM
Does this mean you're racing again Chal? :)

19th January 2011, 11:35 PM
Cheers for putting up the leaderboard!

I Accept erich123s challenge!
My choices...

Single race @ Sebenco Climb
Single race @ Vineta K
Single race @ Ubermall
All Rapier class, 4 laps, Weps and BRs On.
I will fly the Fury Qirex, 8)

Challenger #001
20th January 2011, 11:22 AM
I am coming back to WipEout, but not competitively any more. I'm not doing any nations races unless I really am required to make up the numbers, and I'm not setting out any more challenges on this thread myself - I'll accept a direct one, but if I do I'm not flying Qirex. Don't want to destroy them any further than I already have.

What I am going to start doing is chasing up a few results. Either the following haven't been played or the results haven't come in. I'll poke a few of the perpetrators:

IDReaper (Fury Mirage) vs yeldar2097 (EG-X Fury)

ID's Races:
Ubermall Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps:
Sebenco Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps:
Modesto Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps:

yeldar's Races:
TJ Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On:
TDR Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On:
TJ Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons On:

Standard Race:
Metropia Fwd, Rapier Race, Weapons On:

?-? to ???


IDReaper (Fury Mirage) vs hacenetchik (Assegai Fury)

ID's Races:
Sol 2 Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps:
Sebenco Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps:
Modesto Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps:

hace's Races:
Chenghou Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps:
TJ Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps:
TDR Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps:

Standard Race:
Metropia Fwd, Rapier Race, Weapons On:

?-? to ???


Also, I'm going to start herding a few more people together. If someone posts a challenge, I'll give a suggestion from the leaderboards as to who should be a good opponent.

Also, breaking news!

I finally entered the details for the TwitchySpitfire vs R3BUSER race, and not only does R3 go straight to joint 2nd with Leungbok, but Mirage loses it's position at the top of the leaderboards for the first time since Dark_Phantom's first game, where he nicked it from Qirex.

Oryx Crake
20th January 2011, 11:10 PM
who will face me!? who is many enough to step up to the challenge? :P

21st January 2011, 01:48 AM
As it's now the weekend for me, I can take your challenge Oryx!

Oryx Crake
21st January 2011, 10:15 PM
your on avi!

My choices:

Tech de ra rev weps off phantom
Talons junction fwd weps off phantom
Anulpha rev weapons on phantom

Ship: Furymau

let's do this!

21st January 2011, 11:42 PM
Sol 2 Reverse Weps on Phantom
Ubermall Weps on Phantom
Modesto Heights Reverse Weps on Phantom

I hope you don't mind 3 luck on choices! Weps off are usually very anti-climatic for me.

Oryx Crake
21st January 2011, 11:48 PM
no worries avi ;) I dont mind it I just enjoy a cambodia free race every now and then theres nothing wrong with weapons on to my mind though ;)

25th January 2011, 07:13 PM
I await a challenge!

My tracks:

Chenghou Project rev / Phantom / weapons on
Sebenco Climb / Phantom / weapons on
The Amphiseum rev / Phantom / weapons on

I will fly with: Feisar Fury

Since i'm out of the Cup i thought that if anyone wants a punching bag for training or some races for fun, i'm here to help... :)

25th January 2011, 07:24 PM
I accept ;) Dreamy Elf

Ive been lurking for a while, time to do a bit of training,

i will fly AG SYSTEMS FURY

Modesto Reverse
metropia forward
vineta k reverse

Challenger #001
26th January 2011, 08:45 AM
I'd hardly call you a punching bag, Dreamy, especially not at Metropia and Sebenco. :P

Also, been looking at the leaderboards, and come up with some ideas for idealised matches between racers of similar skill. Tell me what you think. ;)

Leungbok [2] vs R3BUSER [2]
SaturnReturn [6] vs Hellfire_WZ [6]
Dark_Phantom_89 [3] vs Triboy [4]
Javariko [5] vs P_Denton [7]
TarquinFarqhuar [12] vs IDReaper [15]
KGB1971 [18] vs kanar [20]

Just some ideas of some mega-matchups that looked interesting. ^^

26th January 2011, 06:20 PM
Dreamy's Races:
Chenghou Project Rev, Phantom Race, Weapons On: Elf
Metropia Rev, Phantom Race, Weapons On: Nutcase259
The Amphiseum Rev, Phantom Race, Weapons On: Nutcase259

Nut's Races:
Modesto Heights Rev, Phantom Race, Weapons On: Elf
Metropia Fwd, Phantom Race, Weapons On: Nutcase259
Vineta K Rev, Phantom Race, Weapons On: Nutcase259

Standard Race:
Metropia Fwd, Rapier Race, Weapons On: Elf

4-3 to Nutcase259

p.s. i forgot i chose seb and ran metropia rev instead, not that it matters, i was in bad day anyway.
Thx for the races nut :) (and for confirming to chal that i'm indeed a punching bag lol)

26th January 2011, 06:35 PM
your not a punching bag, i only remember hitting you with one missile in all 7 races? (lol maybe selective memory) ;)

good close races though

26th January 2011, 08:20 PM
Allright I'd be up for a match against Leungbok :)

Sol2 rev weps off
Tech de ra rev weps off
Talons rev weps on

All phantom, flying FeisarFury :)

26th January 2011, 09:13 PM
Also, been looking at the leaderboards, and come up with some ideas for idealised matches between racers of similar skill.

Couldn't help but notice you and I are next to each other in the rankings Chal, would you be up for a game on Sunday or something? (not chosen any tracks yet, just gauging your interest).

Challenger #001
26th January 2011, 09:30 PM
If you post a formal challenge at me, I will not refuse.

26th January 2011, 09:58 PM
9]Nutcase:259 = 24/42 = 57.14%
10] QjonPL = 20/35 = 57.14%
11] ACE-FLO =8/14 = 57.14%
12] TarquinFarqhuar = 4/7 = 57.14%

same %'s? Massive four way? :lol

or maybe a round robin of individual 1 on 1's?

28th January 2011, 02:24 PM
Allright I'd be up for a match against Leungbok :)

Sol2 rev weps off
Tech de ra rev weps off
Talons rev weps on

All phantom, flying FeisarFury :)
Challenge accepted ;)

sebenco reverse weps off
modesto reverse weps off
metropia weps on

harimau fury

28th January 2011, 03:04 PM
Nice! I'll send you friendsrequest when I'm on the ps3, we can arrange it :)


29th January 2011, 03:40 PM
I challenge Challenger001

My choices:

Single Race @ Modesto Heights, Rapier class - Weps and BRs on, hints off.
Zone Battle @ Metropia - 40 limit.
Eliminator @ The Amphiseum Rev, Rapier Class, hints off. 200 limit.

Ship: Fury AG-Systems.


Challenger #001
29th January 2011, 04:12 PM
I accept Colonel__Gadaffi's challenge.

I will fly the Fury Qirex

My tracks will be:

Modesto Heights Rev, Phantom Race, Weapons Off
Tech De Ra Rev, Phantom Race, Weapons Off
Mallavol, Zone Battle, Target 55

29th January 2011, 06:53 PM
Cracking, when's best for you?

31st January 2011, 02:24 PM
I await a challenge!

I will fly the AG-Systems Fury

My tracks will be:
Eliminator rapier, 200points, talon's junction reverse
Eliminator rapier, 200points, metropia forward
Zone Battle, target 55z, moa therma reversa

Anyone plays for serious eliminator 1vs1?

Challenger #001
31st January 2011, 10:11 PM
Colonel__Gadaffi and TwitchySpitfire do. :)

1st February 2011, 11:45 AM
I accept Tiduch's challenge.

My choices:

Z.B @ Sebenco Climb Rev: 40 limit
Z.B @ Corridon 12: 50 limit
Elminator @ Vineta K, Raiper class, 200 limit.

Fury AG-Systems.

3rd February 2011, 07:02 AM
Apologies for the brief nature of this, time is scarce. Played Tiduch last night , results below:

Eliminator rapier, 200points, talon's junction reverse. Tiduch wins.
Eliminator rapier, 200points, metropia forward. Tiduch wins.
Zone Battle, target 55z, moa therma reversa. Tiduch wins.

Z.B @ Sebenco Climb Rev: 40 limit. Tiduch wins.
Z.B @ Corridon 12: 50 limit. Colonel__Gaddafi wins.
Elminator @ Vineta K, Raiper class, 200 limit. Tiduch wins.

Single Race @ Metropia, Rapier class. Tiduch Wins.

Final result: Tiduch 6 - 1 Colonel__Gaddafi
Both Fury AG-Systems.

Some good races there Tiduch, I'm particularly impressed with your eliminator skills. The Vineta K marathon was intense, must have gone on for quarter of an hour, proper cat and mouse stuff! Well done mate, see you soon. :)


3rd February 2011, 03:29 PM
Yes, that was very good races. I have hope, we will play in other time ;)

And new challenge from me

I await a challenge!

I will fly the AG-Systems Fury

My tracks will be:
Eliminator rapier, 200points, moa therma forward
Eliminator rapier, 200points, metropia forward
Single race phantom, 5 laps, metropia reverse

Oryx Crake
4th February 2011, 08:33 PM
Frailavi (Fury Assegai) vs Oryx_Crake (Fury Harimau)

Frail's Races:
Sol 2 Rev, Phantom Race, Weapons On: Oryx_Crake
Ubermall Rev, Phantom Race, Weapons On: Frailavi
Modesto Heights rev, Phantom Race, Weapons On: Frailavi

Oryx's Races:
Tech De Ra Rev, Phantom Race, Weapons On: Oryx_Crake
Talon's Junction Fwd, Phantom Race, Weapons On: Frailavi
Anulpha Pass Rev, Phantom Race, Weapons On: Oryx_Crake

Standard Race:
Metropia Fwd, Rapier(we made it Phantom by agreement) Race, Weapons On: Oryx_Crake

4-3 to: Oryx_Crake

some tight races there avi completely blasted me on ModR and he got in some very nice mines on ubermall rev, though I managed to pull through in the end. Thanks Avi for the races! Never a dull moment.

10th February 2011, 07:34 PM
Me and erich123 finally got our games played today!

Feisar erich123 choices
Chengou Project Reverse
erich123 wins (2.02) to (2.06)

erich123 wins (1.46) to (1.50)

Sol 2
erich123 wins (1.45) to (1.51)
all phantom

Qirex MegaGeeza22 choices
Sebenco Climb
erich123 wins (1.46) to (1.53)

Vineta K
MegaGeeza22 wins (1.34) to (1.39)

erich123 wins (1.40) to (1.45)
all rapier

Good races erich123!! 5-1 i got lucky on vineta k when you boosted off of the track! i hope to race you again sometime! Thank you

10th February 2011, 07:52 PM
Great racing you to :P
See you on the tracks:P

Challenger #001
17th February 2011, 10:49 PM
same %'s? Massive four way? :lol

or maybe a round robin of individual 1 on 1's?

Feel free to challenge any of them. ;) All three are wonderful fellas.

Scoreboard updates:

Tiduch and Erich123 enter in joint second place along with Leungbok and R3BUSER
Frailavi drops to equal 17th with KGB1971
Oryx_Crake enters in joint 12th with TarquinFarqhuar
MegaGeeza22 drops to 22nd, behind Colonel__Gadaffi.
Assegai drops to joint 8th with Triakis
Harimau and Mirage swap places for 1st once more


Matches still to be played:

IDReaper (Fury Mirage) vs yeldar2097 (EG-X Fury)

ID's Races:
Ubermall Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps:
Sebenco Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps:
Modesto Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps:

yeldar's Races:
TJ Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On:
TDR Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On:
TJ Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons On:

Standard Race:
Metropia Fwd, Rapier Race, Weapons On:

?-? to ???


IDReaper (Fury Mirage) vs hacenetchik (Assegai Fury)

ID's Races:
Sol 2 Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps:
Sebenco Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps:
Modesto Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps:

hace's Races:
Chenghou Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps:
TJ Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps:
TDR Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons On, 10 Laps:

Standard Race:
Metropia Fwd, Rapier Race, Weapons On:

?-? to ???


R3BUSER (Fury FEISAR) vs leungbok (Fury Harimau)

R3's Races:
Sol 2 Rev, Phantom Race, Weps Off:
Tech De Ra Rev, Phantom Race, Weps Off:
Talon's Junction Rev, Phantom Race, Weps On:

leungbok's Races:
Sebenco Climb Rev, Phantom Race, Weps Off:
Modesto Heights Rev, Phantom Race, Weps Off:
Metropia Fwd, Phantom Race, Weps On:

Standard Race:
Metropia Fwd, Rapier Race, Weapons On:

?-? to ???

17th February 2011, 11:15 PM
I AWAIT A CHALLENGE (Back in the wipeout scene! :D) FURY FEISAR: -Moa FWD.-VINETA K FWD -SOL2 FWD phantom/phantom/flash

Challenger #001
18th February 2011, 07:55 AM
Weren't you going to have a match with ONLocke sometime UB3R? ;)

18th February 2011, 09:22 AM
I AWAIT A CHALLENGE (Back in the wipeout scene! :D) FURY FEISAR: -Moa FWD.-VINETA K FWD -SOL2 FWD phantom/phantom/flash

l accept the challenge ub3r.
My tracks met f- met r and ubermall f-
all phantom

20th February 2011, 09:44 PM
Well me and erich123 have played out series and holy cow was this exciting!!
race 1: metropia rev - ub3r-br3ndage/jkp (Wow, A VERY close encounter that was won by a 0.2 second deficit)
race 2: metropia fwd - Erich123 (A well raced revenge run for erich here dominating with a 2 second lead)
race 3: Ubermall - ub3r-br3ndage/jkp (ANOTHER race that was topsy-turvey constant with no pilot being better than the other in my opinion...won by a 0.3 second deficit)
So after erich choices it was 2-1 to UB3R however....
race 4: Moa Therma FWD - Erich123 (strikeback from erich as heclaimed the victory with a 3 second lead)
race 5 - Vineta K FWD - Erich123 (a storming victory from thenorweigion pilot, taking victory by 1.5 seconds)
race 6 - Sol2 Flash FWD - ub3r-br3ndage/jkp (decided on the last sector of the final lap with both pilots putting in a great shift...ties it 3-3 with UB3R taking a 1 second lead)

so, it came down to the neutral decider and the tensions were high...nerve-wracking stuff...

race 7 Metropia Rapier - Erich123 (Yup I was outclassed in this race kudos to erich...we had a different leader for each lap and it was a fitting decider to an incredible matchup)

Finishes 4-3 to erich123

well, thats my THIRD loss in a 7 round match up and my 4th out of 4 for loss in all matches and therefore I still have a 0% overall win record...but i'm still happy because that was helluva fun and I enjoyed every goddamn min!

Kudos erich123!

21st February 2011, 12:16 PM
This is why l play the game and LOVING it:)
A thriller from start to end, a nervwrecking battle.:D
To bad no one recored it:|
So thank you uber3 you are a nice guy to chat with and a great player to race:P
Let's do it again soon:g

ion harvest
23rd February 2011, 11:27 AM
I hope it is ok to display the results of my 1v1 races against ACE-FLO. It was very cool and fun to do this challenge.
We raced 3 races flash and they were ubermall reverse sebenco reverse and amphiseum forward. These were ACEs choices and he won them.

Next I picked 3 Rapier and they were ubermall forward vineta k forward and sebenco forward. I won vineta k but ACE won the other 2.

One race left and it was defualt metropia rapier. I won this race so the final score was 5 wins ACE-FLO and 2 wins ion_harvest.

Thanks for racing ACE. :)

I forgot to say that I was in FEISAR and Ace was in ICARUS.

25th February 2011, 04:22 PM
Finally got around to doing my 1vs1 with Challenger the other night, been so busy I've not had time to upload the results. Anyway here goes...

Challenger001's choices:
Single Race @ Modesto Heights Rev, Phantom Class - Weps Off. Challenger001 wins
Single race @ Tech De Ra Rev, Phantom Class, Weps Off. Challenger001 wins
Zone Battle @ Mallavol - 55 limit. Challenger001 wins

Colonel__Gaddafi's choices
Single Race @ Modesto Heights Rev, Rapier class - Weps and BRs on. Challenger001 wins
Zone Battle @ Metropia - 40 limit. Colonel__Gaddafi wins
Eliminator @ Chenghou Project Rev, Rapier Class, hints off. 200 limit. Colonel__Gaddafi wins

Standard race
Single Race @ Metropia, Rapier Class - Weps and BRs On. Challenger001 wins

Final result:
Challenger001 (Qirex+) 5 - 2 Colonel__Gaddafi (Assegai+)

Some cracking races there Chal, and a lot of fun as always. I definitely need more practice at phantom though, and I intend to get it, but not just yet. I'm having one more HD session tonight and maybe a little one tomorrow, then I'm getting the game out of the house for a few weeks. I really need to do some other things with my life for a while :|

25th February 2011, 07:58 PM
I Await A Challenge
I Will Fly Harimau Fury
My tracks.
Sol2 Forward 6 laps weps on Phantom
Zone Battle Ubermall Forward Target 50
Eliminator Modesto Height Reverse Target 500

Challenger #001
7th March 2011, 05:13 PM
Scoreboard updates:

UB3R-BRENDAGE moves into 24th, ahead of TwitchySpitfire
Challenger and Gadaffi remain where they are.
erich123 drops to 6th
ACE-FLO bumped up to 9th ahead of nutcase:259, behind Kyonshi
ion-harvest enters in joint 23rd.
Assegai drops to 9th.


For later in the week:

I CHALLENGE Oryx_Crake to a race!

I will fly the EG-X HD

My tracks will be:
Talon's Junction Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons Off:
Vineta K Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons Off:
Anulpha Pass Forward, Zone Battle, Target 55

7th March 2011, 05:20 PM
Scoreboard updates:

Assegai drops to 9th.

:redface: I'm like a bloody kiss of death, I should pick ships I actively dislike!

7th March 2011, 05:23 PM
Hmmmm :D I await a challenge!

1. Vineta K Phantom FWD
2. Moa Therma FWD Phantom
3. Sol 2 Flash FWD

I will fly the Fury Feisar

7th March 2011, 05:34 PM
I'll take your challenge uber, are your tracks weps On?

My tracks:

Sol2 rev. Weps off
Moa rev. Weps off
Tech de ra rev. Weps on
All phantom.

Also feisarfury, is that Ã* problem?

*edit* Me and Leungbok Will race sometime, but his real life is more important at the moment.

7th March 2011, 05:44 PM
Yeah mate, weps on :)

7th March 2011, 05:45 PM
Allright, add me on psn, we'll set Ã* date :)

7th March 2011, 05:46 PM
Kay bro :D Will be online tomorrow!

8th March 2011, 04:41 AM
I await a challange!
My tracks will be:

Ubermall Fwd
Modesto Heights Rev
Chenghou Project Fwd

(phantom/wep on)

Oryx Crake
9th March 2011, 04:18 PM
I accept the challenge I've been given by Chall!

I'll be flying: AG-Systems+


Phantom, weapons off, BRs off: Metropia fwd
Phantom, weapons off: Tech de ra rev
Phantom, weapons on: Sol 2

Let's rip some tracks up eh mate?

9th March 2011, 05:12 PM
I await a challange!
My tracks will be:

Ubermall Fwd
Modesto Heights Rev
Chenghou Project Fwd

(phantom/wep on)

l accept your challenge zero3growlithe
My tracks are:
Met fwd
Met rev
Amphi rev:P

All phantom weps on

Challenger #001
10th March 2011, 10:10 AM

R3BUSER (Fury FEISAR) vs UB3R-BRENDAGE (Fury Harimau)

R3's Tracks:
Sol2 Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons Off:
Moa Therma Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons Off:
Tech De Ra Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On:

UB3R's Tracks:
Vineta K Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons On:
Moa Therma Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons On:
Sol 2 Forward, Flash Race, Weapons On:

Standard Race:
Metropia Forward, Rapier Race, Weapons On:


erich123 (Fury FEISAR) vs zero3growlithe (Fury AG-Systems)

erich's Tracks:
Metropia Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons On:
Metropia Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On:
The Amphiseum Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On:

zero's Tracks:
Ubermall Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons On:
Modesto Heights Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On:
Chenghou Project Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons On:

Standard Race:
Metropia Forward, Rapier Race, Weapons On:


Re some of the problems: No worries R3BUSER. Real life always takes priority, and if Leungbok is busy or doens't want to race, I won't chase him up or force anyone else to do so. When he's ready. :)

As for the same ship, there's no reason you can't both fly FEISAR, the only difference is that the score won't affect the constructor's championship. Otherwise I'd be posting perfect scores, which might be a bit unfair. I know everyone's got a preferred ship, but don't feel afraid to pick different ships. :) Maybe you and your opponent could suggest ships to another if you're on good terms. I'd pay good money to see Dark_Phantom vs Ace3Cube in a Triakis vs Piranha match.

10th March 2011, 02:15 PM
I will change to Harimau then mate :) For the sake of the constructor title :)

10th March 2011, 04:39 PM
Me wanna change ship to AG-:turd, i'll never touch Triakis again on phantom :evil

11th March 2011, 01:35 PM
erich123 (Fury FEISAR) vs zero3growlithe (Fury AG-Systems)

erich's Tracks:
Metropia Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons On: zero3
Metropia Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On: erich123
The Amphiseum Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On: zero3

zero's Tracks:
Ubermall Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons On: zero3
Modesto Heights Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On: zero3
Chenghou Project Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons On: erich123

Standard Race:
Metropia Forward, Rapier Race, Weapons On: erich123


Challenger #001
12th March 2011, 07:05 PM
Oryx_Crake (AG-Systems Fury) vs challenger001 (EG-X HD)

Oryx's Tracks:
Metropia Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons Off, BRs off: Oryx_Crake
Tech De Ra Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons Off: Oryx_Crake
Sol 2 Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons On: challenger001

Challenger's Tracks:
Talon's Junction Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons Off: Oryx_Crake
Vineta K Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons Off: challenger001
Anulpha Pass Forward, Zone Battle, Target 55: challenger001

Standard Race:
Metropia Forward, Rapier Race, Weapons On: Oryx_Crake

4-3 to Oryx_Crake.

Awesome races man, so much fun. :D

Oryx Crake
12th March 2011, 07:07 PM
yeah and that could really have gone either way, 2 plasma hits in the last race and I still win by only 0.3 of a second

Challenger #001
16th March 2011, 10:37 AM
Given that I'm away over the weekend, I'm up for a race on Thursday night after 7:30 GMT. Anyone interested?

I will fly the Assegai Fury

Talon's Junction Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons Off
Tech De Ra Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons Off
The Amphiseum Revers, Zone Battle, Target 40

16th March 2011, 04:50 PM
Where are you at UB3R?

17th March 2011, 04:02 AM
I await a challenge

I will fly the Icaras Fury

My tracks will be:
Phantom race @ Metropia Rev, Weapons Off
Phantom race @ The Amphiseum Rev, Weapons Off
Phantom race @ Talon's Junction Fwd, Weapons Off

Oryx Crake
17th March 2011, 06:40 AM
I accept unc! I will be flying... ag-sys fury


Metropia fwd, phantom, no brs, no weapons
Tech de ra rev, phantom, weapons off
Amphiseum Rev, phantom, weapons on

18th March 2011, 07:50 PM
Here are the results from today's races with Oryx_Crake:

Oryx_Crake (AG-Systems Fury) vs. Unctuous (Icaras Fury)

Oryx_Crake's Tracks:
Metropia Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons Off, BRs Off: Unctuous
Tech de Ra Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons Off: Oryx_Crake
The Amphiseum Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On: Unctuous

Unctuous' Tracks
Metropia Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons Off: Unctuous
The Amphiseum Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons Off: Unctuous
Talon's Junction Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons Off: Unctuous

Standard Race
Metropia Forward, Rapier Race, Weapons On: Oryx_Crake

5-2 to Unctuous

Thanks for racing today, Oryx. It was lots of fun! :)

Oryx Crake
18th March 2011, 09:52 PM
Yeah man! loads of fun :3 had to work seriously hard for both of those wins!
Last one was very lucky too got a boost on the last pad and won by 0.2sec!:g

18th March 2011, 10:44 PM
A "little" too late:redface::cold uploaded movie with me racing against Erich123:

Challenger #001
20th March 2011, 12:39 PM
xD Unc, your race with Oryx means that Icaras and AG-Systems switch places in the leaderboard. Icaras now in 4th, AG-S in 6th.

Unctuous also enters the board in joint 6th, while Oryx drops to joint 17th.

26th March 2011, 02:34 PM
I challenge Oryx Crake!

I will fly Assegai+

My choices:

Eliminator @ Modesto Heights, Rapier Class - 200 limit, hints off
Zone Battle @ Mallavol - 50 limit
Single Race @ Sol 2, Rapier class - Weps and BRs on, hints off

I have the house to myself this weekend so I'm available anytime mate. Ideally before I get pissed though haha


Oryx Crake
28th March 2011, 09:00 PM
I absolutely accept your challenge Colonel!

Oryx_Crake's Tracks:
Metropia Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons Off, BRs Off
Tech de Ra Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons Off
The Amphiseum Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On

Let's have a smashing match :)

forgot to say that I flew the harimau+

31st March 2011, 02:33 AM
Colonel Gaddafi seems like my kinda guy. Has to game around the woman's staring looks and likes to have a few drinks.

Oryx Crake
2nd April 2011, 06:32 PM
Eliminator @ Modesto Heights, Rapier Class - 200 limit, hints off: Colonel__Gaddafiwins
Zone Battle @ Mallavol - 50 limit: Colonel__Gaddafiwins
Single Race @ Sol 2, Rapier class - Weps and BRs on, hints off: Oryx_Crake wins

Oryx_Crake's Tracks:
Metropia Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons Off, BRs Off: Oryx_Crake wins
Tech de Ra Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons Off: Oryx_Crake wins
The Amphiseum Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons On: Oryx_Crake wins

Oryx_Crake 5 Colonel__Gaddafi 2

Great fun! Never really felt safe bar once on TDR when the good colonel fell off the track which gave me a bit of a comfortable gap.
And you completely crushed be on mallavol XD

2nd April 2011, 07:55 PM
I await a challange!

My tracks will be:
Sol 2... nyah
Modesto H...... boring
I like Chenghou Project, and Amphiseum Rev, and... and what? Ubermall:)

So, my tracks:
Chenghou Project -> Amphiseum Reverse -> Ubermall (all Phantom, Wep On, BR on)
I'm free on weekend's

Challenger #001
2nd April 2011, 11:43 PM
Have the pair of us actually ever raced 1-on-1, zero?

3rd April 2011, 02:58 AM
hey Zero. I'm not that fast yet, but I'll accept your challenge...

3rd April 2011, 06:57 AM
@Challenger Nope, i don't remember having one :P, maybe we play next weekend, is that ok with you? :blarg

@greenymac Ok, so we can race today, or if you want... next weekend :g

(i can play even 10 matches a day, so 2 races... nothing special:twisted)

3rd April 2011, 07:11 AM
I may have time on Sunday, but if not I should be free part of the week. Just send me an add or when im next online I'll send you one.

Challenger #001
3rd April 2011, 10:48 AM
I'm only going to have my PS3 today and tomorrow, zero. I go back to France on tuesday, and I'm not taking it with me - I'll be away from it for two weeks or so.

3rd April 2011, 11:40 AM
Ok, so today, about 18:00 we can play our match, fine?:blarg

Challenger #001
3rd April 2011, 02:21 PM
Edit: Results are in!

challenger001 (Fury Qirex) vs zero3growlithe (Fury/HD AG-Systems)

zero's races:
Chenghou Project Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons On: zero3growlithe (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9p4Yu4upGaw)
Ubermall Forward, Phantom Race, Weapons On: zero3growlithe (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTJ2w2fE6Y0&feature=related)
The Amphiseum, Phantom Race, Weapons On: zero3growlithe (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyLkhbm1tds&feature=related)

challenger's races:
Vineta K Reverse, Phantom Race, Weapons Off: challenger001 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_blh9HYl-A&feature=related)
Mallavol, Zone Battle, Target 55: challenger001 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7jPWAjtPfs&feature=related)
Chenghou Project Forward, Rapier Eliminator, Target 200: challenger001 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIFKsWTvyX4&feature=related)

Standard race:
Metropia Forward, Rapier Race, Weapons On: zero3growlithe (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rPtzgMaJRw&feature=related)

4-3 to zero3growlithe

Vids will be up soon. :)

3rd April 2011, 06:05 PM
Oryx_Crake 5 Colonel__Gaddafi 2

Great fun! Never really felt safe bar once on TDR when the good colonel fell off the track which gave me a bit of a comfortable gap.
And you completely crushed be on mallavol XD

A cracking 1vs1, thoroughly enjoyed it. I knew I had to win the elim and the zone battle if I was to avoid a complete kicking. Having said that most of the races were fairly close, but there are levels, and you're clearly a level above me Oryx.

I have an HD camcorder arriving this week and have bought Power Director, so the next 1vs1 I do will be uploaded to youtube in glorious high definition :g

4th April 2011, 12:59 PM
Id like to issue a challenge and i read the rules, but dont know how to type in color fonts to correctly issue a challenge. Can Someone help? I wish to challenge Colonel Gaddafi. I will be using the f22 raptor, oh wait I'm not the UN. I will be using the AG Systems Fury Ship.
My tracks will be
1. Ubermall fwd rapier weps on
2. Anulpha pass -rapier weps on
3. Modesto Heights forward-phantom no weps.
I'm sorry this is not in the correct format, but I'm not very adept at using message boards. total noob.

4th April 2011, 01:51 PM
I accept GreenyMac's challenge...

My choices:

Single Race @ Vineta K (Reverse), Phantom Class, Weps and BRs ON
Single Race @ Sebenco Climb (Reverse), Rapier Class, Weps and BRs ON
Eliminator @ The Amphiseum (Forward), Rapier Class, 200 limit.
All races with weapon hints OFF.

Fury Icaras for a change.

It will be later this week before I'm available I'm afraid, got a lot of "real-life" stuff to do ATM. With regards to fancy colours etc, just click the "Go Advanced" button and you should get all the formatting options. Then just highlight the text you want to change and select whatever font-weight, colour etc.

See you soon mate, looking forward to it.

4th April 2011, 02:29 PM
Whenever you're ready brother, I need practice anyway!lol.

5th April 2011, 07:58 PM
Haven't done one of these for a while, so:

I challenge Oryx_Crake to an event!

I will fly the Fury Mirage

My tracks will be:
Phantom Race @ Sebenco Climb Forward, Weps On (10 Laps)
Phantom Race @ Metropia Forward, Weps Off
Phantom Race @ Talon's Junction Forward, Weps Off

Oryx Crake
6th April 2011, 11:20 AM
It will be my honor DP! I absolutely accept!

I will fly the Harimau+

My choices:
Phantom Race @ Tech de ra Reverse, BRs Off, Weps Off
Phantom Race @ Sol 2 Forward, Weps Off
Phantom Race @ Anulpha pass Reverse, Weps On

Let's make the gods of wipeout proud eh?!

6th April 2011, 12:13 PM
I refresh my challenge.

I will fly the AG-Systems Fury

My tracks will be:
Eliminator rapier, 200points, talon's junction reverse
Eliminator rapier, 200points, metropia forward
Single race, weap off, 6lap, phantom, modesto reverse

I'm waiting for my first lose on 1vs1 eliminator 8)

6th April 2011, 01:01 PM
@dark phantom and oryx, I sure hope one of you can record. I'd like to see those races.

Oryx Crake
6th April 2011, 01:31 PM
I'll try and record it with my computer but the quality might be crap though XD

9th April 2011, 09:35 AM
I accept Tiduch's challange!!

My tracks will be:
Modesto Heights Fwd
Chenghou Project Fwd
Sol 2 Rev

All phantom/wep off
My ship AG-:turd

(and you won't lose on eliminator XD)

9th April 2011, 11:14 AM
Tiduch's a monster at eliminator :twisted

9th April 2011, 12:57 PM
Hey Gaddafi anytime today is fine with me brother. Just give me a bit to fully wake up.

9th April 2011, 03:44 PM
I'll let Gaddafi post the results of our match in the official format, but needless to say he kicked my ass!XD Good fun races and we'll definitely have to do it again sometime. Missing speed pads at critical times killed me on ubermall and metropia:brickwall. And somehow we both got stuck on sebenco reverse. Hope to see you online in some lobbies later. I'm lucky enough to have the house to myself until tomorrow morning. :D

9th April 2011, 03:54 PM
Indeed, great session mate. Final result:

Greenymac 0 - 7 Colonel__Gaddafi.

I would usually do a bit of a write-up but I've recorded it all on video, which I will upload and link tomorrow. As the vids will show the scoreline does not reflect how close the races were, it was tense thoughout.

I think we both made some silly mistakes but it was really good fun, which is all that matters. And the fact you've been playing for less than a month is quite scary. As I said at the time, you'll destroy me a few months from now.

See you soon mate (probably in about ten minutes haha. I also have the house to myself this weekend ;)).

9th April 2011, 04:40 PM
So I went back and looked at the trophies to see exactly where in the campaign and when I got my first trophy for the game. It was March 14th and it was obtaining a medal for every cell in frenzy... Then I looked back at the trophies that my girl had gotten before I started playing... I was actually very surprised to se she had already executed 100 barrel rolls which means when I was at work she was playing the crap outta some wipeout! But anyways, in 5 days it'll make a month, but I tell you it feels like its been much longer. After I found this site and started reading I switched the difficulty to elite because I knew I had a lot of catching up to do if I wanted to be competitive in any way. Thanks for the eliminator in between it actually cooled me down a bit. I was becoming quite disgusted with my piloting...

9th April 2011, 07:45 PM
Certainly no need to be disgusted mate, you did very well.

Oryx Crake
9th April 2011, 09:35 PM
the epic battle of Oryx vs DP will begin in a few minutes... I'm sahking in my little pilot boots ^^; lets DO IT!