View Full Version : PSN account hackers?

5th September 2010, 11:12 PM
Just got a message in my PSN mailbox from DarkseidMD mentioning something about this. Don't know if this is what really happened, but DSMD claims it did and i tend to take his message in consideration.

He says his nephew's account has been hacked my someone named J1349666. He lost access to his account and this "hacker" sent a message saying "Ha ha ha! I hacked your accout!". DSMD also advised me to delete my credit card account in prevention of any intrusion on me.

Just want to know if some cases like that have been reported recently, or of any kind. I'm sure that Sony will take actions against those issues if they're really happening, but in the meantime, does anybody also received some message or had their account busted like that?

6th September 2010, 12:44 AM
chances are darksied is telling the truth 100%

i had an account on ps2 hacked once but what happened was they just guessed my password..i dont know if there is another way apart from that.
since then i have been told to include capitals signs and numbers in my passwords as well as use a word not associated with you or your life.

6th September 2010, 01:02 AM
I'm doubtful that any account actually got hacked without the person that has supposed to have been hacked giving out their PSN details in either
1] A stupid attempt to get "Free" games by "Swapping PSN account details", they give fake ones, you give true ones. :brickwall
2] Replying to a scam message that has supposed to have come from Sony requesting their account details.:rolleyes::brickwall

I've read lots of reports of this being the actual occurrence at the official PS forums and Playstation Universe.
After further investigation into these reported "Hacked accounts", the initial story surrounding the account being hacked start falling apart, with the truth coming out and the "Hacked" actually owning up to being so stupid, and where no sympathy is given and a general rallying call of "You're an idiot, what did you expect" is thrown in for good measure.

6th September 2010, 01:43 AM
The thing is, I'd usually ignore messages claiming to be an official company asking for my contact details because if they wanted my details why don't they look it up on their system? :brickwall

6th September 2010, 01:56 AM
i ignore spam..there no such thing as a free lunch..

6th September 2010, 06:22 AM
The classic scam from a few months ago, and quite possibly the cause of this incident, was the chain message saying to visit a web site that generates PStore redemption codes.
I think you can guess what info the site wants from you before it generates these fake codes.:nod
It's amazing how many idiots fell for it, and quite possibly still doing so.

6th September 2010, 07:40 AM
There was a similar one. A website where you have to register and input your PSN details. Then they give you a link and you have to give to friends. If ten people register and you're their referrer you get $50 PSN voucher redeemed to your account. My friends were telling me to register and told them I don't like the site and I think it's bullsh**. A few days later turns out the people made the site stole a few accounts with credit card info on them or just a lot of purchased games.

6th September 2010, 01:29 PM
Yeah i saw this one too, i got posted with it actually. And of course its total bull****, you had a good feeling dude. If something like that ever happens, Sony will advertise it on PSN Store for instance. Not by merely spamming people's mailbox like that. I still can't believe such fishes are getting caught this way! :lol

7th September 2010, 07:47 PM
I send a very matter-of-fact message in reply to these spam messages briefly outlining why Sony doesn't need us to send messages on for free stuff.

It is extremely likely that if a person's account has ben hacked, it's because the hacker in question knows their password, as Blackwiggle stated.