View Full Version : Getting a WipEout Tattoo - Opinions/Suggestions?

3rd August 2010, 05:01 PM
The other day while watching the movie Memento I got this great idea to get myself a tattoo, so I thought why not make it a WipEout tattoo ;)
The reason for the thread is I would like to know your opinion about this or if you have suggestions.
These are the ones I had in mind (one of them is not WipEout related), feel free to suggest other ones though :)

Edit: I have decided which one I will have (see post) (http://wipeoutzone.com/forum/showpost.php?p=179694&postcount=25).

The Result (http://i36.tinypic.com/2ugz4ie.jpg)

3rd August 2010, 05:43 PM
The Piranha head looks totally awesome as a tattoo. The Icaras logo looks pretty generic by itself; why not had "Flying High" underneat? :)

I was thinking about it too recently, and i know i want to have the Turbo icon form HD HUD :D Maybe also the Quake icon or the panda from Mirage/Ubermall.

3rd August 2010, 07:03 PM
If you choose a team logo, you should take one from your favorite WipEout game for sure :)
I'm also a big fan of all those logos that stand for WipEout itself. And yeah: Curly is a very good choice there :D

Edit: Oh and I love the Panda, too. I've made a vector-graphic of it, just in case you would like to use it :)

3rd August 2010, 07:23 PM
I agree. I have my avatar tattooed on my forearm...but I got it in 1995 :rock

3rd August 2010, 07:28 PM
Well, think twice buddy, Tatoo is for life (well, almost... now there is laser...).
In 10 years, maybe WO will be an old memory... like F-Zero for example ;)

PS : Memento is one of the best movie ever... I didn't see it in theater but when I saw it... after the few seconds of the beginning, just seeing the photograph wiping... I paused the movie and called a friend : "Hey mate, come home, I'm seeing a wonderful movie"... and it was !
My favorite Nolan movie :)

3rd August 2010, 07:48 PM
I vote for either the Curly or Piranha. But it kinda depends on what you want to do with the rest of your arm ;) Maybe consider putting some red in the Piranha - that'll make it easier to integrate when you get a full sleeve :nod

Temet; sure Luri will (probably) at another point in his life in 10 years time, but the tattoos will still remind him of that period of his life. I know mine do - for good or bad. Think of it as a diary that'll never get lost and only you know how to read.

Besides, the Curly and Piranha both are small graphic masterpieces that still looks good even if noone remebers WO anymore :)

3rd August 2010, 09:17 PM
@Kyonshi: Good idea with with "flying high" I'll make a pic with it and see how it looks.

@Sausehuhn: Even though my favourite is WipEout HD, I go by what I think looks the best.

@Temet: It's not just about it being WipEout, I really like some of the logos, like I said I go by looks.
About Memento, I loved it, Christopher Nolan is a genius, the backwards storytelling fits like a glove :)
If you haven't seen Nolan's newest movie, Inception, see it! It's in the theaters atm.
It may very well be the best movie I have ever seen in my life :nod:+
Btw the reason I saw Memento is cause Christopher Nolan really got my attention with Inception ;)
I'm pretty much having a Nolan marathon right now, watching all of his movies xD

@mic-dk: I don't understand what you mean with "that'll make it easier to integrate when you get a full sleeve", either way, I don't want coloured tattoos, don't really like the way they look x)
About the last 2 lines you wrote, good points and I agree :)

Btw does nobody like the Psygnosis logo? :lol

3rd August 2010, 10:10 PM
Well, I do, but I thought the Psygnosis owl was more striking and suitable (http://www.flickr.com/photos/infoxicated/4405767179/) than the text! ;)

I always swore I'd never get a directly WipEout related tattoo, but after getting my owl done back in March I'm quite open to the idea. A little cell shaded W3 AG-Systems ship somewhere would be cool, although I'll give it some more thought after I get the work on my right arm/shoulder done in the next few months.

I'll see after that if I've really been bitten with the tattoo bug.

3rd August 2010, 10:31 PM
That looks awesome!

I did think about the owl aswell :)
Although since I don't really like coloured tattoos I wasn't sure if it would look wierd all black, although now that I went through my Psygnosis logos, I actually have one that has an all black pattern, which looks really good.

Do you have a pic of this owl without the flying owl and text over it?
All the other owl pics I own have a shaded edge.

3rd August 2010, 11:20 PM
bigggg no no imo

not a good idea having a game tattooed on your arm..
wipeout may be cool now but one day it'll be as cool as 80's board game trivia pursuits at a party nowadays (meaning uncool)

tatoo is for life..

only thing worth putting on your limbs is mum, dad or children..

but im talking from an overall perspective and what society may think...i may be wrong.......if its really super important to you to have wipeout on your arm, go for it as your body belongs to you and not the general public which im sure will have their own opinion..

just think very carefully....as no going back later..

good luck in your choice :)

3rd August 2010, 11:49 PM
A WipEout tattoo isn't cool now either for anyone who isn't a fan of the game ;)
I'm not doing it for the coolness factor or cause I love the game, I'm doing it for the same reason one would get a tribal tattoo for example, or a piercing (but permanent).

4th August 2010, 05:41 AM
This a full sleeve (http://tattoodesignspictures.com/images/sleeve-tattoo-1.jpg) - not really my style, just to illustrate the point.

I was kinda joking, but tattoos are addictive. When I got my first, I was absolutely sure that was it. How wrong I was... :D Beware of the lure of the needle...

The owl is pretty cool too, though IMO it doesn't really fit on a (normal) forearm. It needs space, like infoxicateds shoulder.

4th August 2010, 07:29 AM
I think I like curly the best! It's just an awesome logo. As for the Psygnosis tattoo, I do not like text as a tattoo. I prefer logo's more or Maori body tattoo's that go with the shape of the body.

Anyway as long as the tattoo will stand for something important in your life for more than 5 years it can be there for life. It will remind you of those times, which will give you positive vibes.

Greetz Mad-Ice

4th August 2010, 12:46 PM
Do you have a pic of this owl without the flying owl and text over it?
No, I don't - I just took a print out of the big owl logo from http://www.psygnosis.org/artifacts/ and wandered round the corner to the tattoo place near my work. The guy said he could do it no problem and the appointment was made, although in the event it was much bigger than I had originally intended.

A few months later I can't imagine being without it, although as Jasmin said it's not to everyone's taste. I had an aunty tell me on holiday that she didn't know anyone in her age group (early 60's) who did not regret getting their tattoo.

I said I did not know anyone from my generation who was in her age group!

Like the Mad' man said, if it's important to you then it means so much more than the sum total of what everyone else in the world thinks of it. :)

4th August 2010, 12:47 PM
I love the Psygnosis one, for me that's the best, then Curly, although I like Psygnosis more I would go for Curly as I'm with the others that don't like text in tattoos, maybe if you could find a wire frame Icaras

been thinking about getting a tattoo lately as well, it's the Royal Seal from HellboyII, thing is where to put it, when I see the Psygnosis one running down your whole forearm it seems to much, are you sure thats where you want your Tattoo to be or are this just the early planning stage
either way I think it will look sweet, if wipEout is something you really enjoy now I think it will make a great memory to put onto your skin
I've seen a few people with transformers tattoos and don't think they will ever regret them

btw Inception was Awesome!, will be watching memento soon:hyper

4th August 2010, 01:33 PM
@infoxicated: If I truly regret it, there's always laser removal :)

@zer0shen: "when I see the Psygnosis one running down your whole forearm it seems to much" I thought about that too, anyway I don't think I'll get the Psygnosis text at all.

I'll be trying out more motives in other places tonight.

5th August 2010, 09:34 AM
@Rob-- The bug is viral...be careful :P

I started with 1 and now have 11...my AG 5Y5 tat being my prize (theres gold in my ink lol).

@OP-- Ima have to agree and say go with a ship or logo you favor. AG has always been my craft, since day 1, so the choice was simple for me:)

I am however considering another WipEout related tat as well. Perhaps Assegai or Mirage...perhaps an old Feisar Bumble Bee...I dont know yet:P

Mr Phlanj
5th August 2010, 03:46 PM
all of those look good mate :+

p.s. i didnt like memento

6th August 2010, 12:55 AM
More pics added.
I must say I really like the owl :)

6th August 2010, 03:19 AM
While I all for tattoo's (I have one and want another), I can't say I would get a WO tattoo. The Owl is prob the best of the group if I'd had to pick, although I wouldn't get it on your arm. All personal preference though, its your body so you can do want you want. Just remember you are stuck with it, because laser removal is expensive and painful.

Mine is on my left calf, and my next one would prob be on the right or on the back part of my shoulder

also, yes, my legs are hairy and pale white. Pic is 5 years old but still accurate to how it looks today

7th August 2010, 05:14 AM
Haha that speed pad one is great! Personally I've considered getting the Icaras logo (from HD) on one of my shoulder blades.

8th August 2010, 01:49 PM
Icaras logo on the forearm is WIN! get it!!!

DJ Techno
8th August 2010, 07:08 PM
so is there anyone with a tattoo yet?

like theres three down the road i live off, when i get back home

this one tattoo artist has done the best in columbia for 20 years.

but if i do a tattoo, which would be the first piece of changing the skin on my body,
i got no body piercing neither.

put ariel tetsuo on my left bicep
a design i personally made of auricom for hd. but i cant put it on my ps3 cause the website that started a create your own ship. i cant find it.

then the cross hairs from wipeout xl

9th August 2010, 05:08 AM
A Wipeout tattoo?! Awesome idea man!! Hope you do get one and the Pirhana logo is the best to get!

Also check out The Designers Republic stuff of Wipeout :)

15th August 2010, 06:51 AM
I've decided to get either the Turbo or Curly, I'm gonna let the tattoo artist choose which one of them, with the technical details in mind.
I'd like to have the Turbo, but I fear the skin might be too thin there. (Edit: I was informed that it is illegal to get a tattoo on your hand in Sweden :mad:)
It might be a couple of months before I go through with it though, got something else I need to buy first :)
I'll be sure to post a photo when it is done :D

17th August 2010, 05:49 AM
Well the tattoo artist shouldn't pick it, you should since you get to live with it. Post some pics when u get it, love to see it.

18th August 2010, 09:13 PM
Suprise suprise! Getting it tomorrow ;)
Will post a pic in the night I guess :)

Edit: Done! :)
One of the best decisions I've ever made :D
Probably getting another tattoo on my left arm next time the tattoo lady visits Sweden :g
Pic of the tattoo artist: Link (http://c3.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/16/l_1351c1b001e04757b1b32d52e26592a2.jpg) (She's hot :D)

Gonna post pics of the tattoo in about 7 hours.

19th August 2010, 10:12 PM
While tattooing: http://i38.tinypic.com/16knwg9.jpg

The result: http://i36.tinypic.com/2ugz4ie.jpg (It looks a little bit wierd on the right side, but it's just the photo :))

20th August 2010, 01:31 PM
That`s really good tattoo!!!

Excellent choice!!!:nod:+


20th August 2010, 02:26 PM
that's AWESOME luri!!! XD

20th August 2010, 03:44 PM
Thats pretty sweet, Luri!

Congratulations - it looks awesome :+

20th August 2010, 04:25 PM
That's wicked, Luri' - really nicely done, and you're right - she is kinda hot! ;)

20th August 2010, 08:14 PM
Wow looks really badass, nice and sharp :D

anyone else think curly bears a resemblance to the designer republics own logo. you could get that on the other arm as company for her :g

20th August 2010, 08:31 PM
That is a very good idea! :)
I'll for sure give it some consideration.

21st August 2010, 06:28 AM

Nice tattoo, quite large. What did it set you back if you don't mind me asking?

21st August 2010, 08:18 AM
What do you mean? How much it cost?
I got it for €70, special price for me cause the tattooists agent (sort of) is a relative of me x)
No idea if thats normal price in other countries, but normally my tattoo would probably have cost €100 or more.

I originally intended it smaller than it turned out, but the tattooist told me she needed to make it bigger or the ® would be pretty much a blurry dot.
I really like the way it turned out though :)

Btw, Nutcase, not only curly and DR's logo are very similar, AG-S logo is too :)

21st August 2010, 10:16 AM
If I was to get a tattoo it would be anything from the DR, love their stuff! :rock

21st August 2010, 11:52 AM
I originally intended it smaller than it turned out, but the tattooist told me she needed to make it bigger or the ® would be pretty much a blurry dot.
I really like the way it turned out though :)Tattoo artists, or at least all of the ones I've met, have said exactly the same! :D

I think they just like doing bigger pieces, really. My Psygnosis Owl was meant to be about half the size it ended up being, but when I got to the studio the guy had done the stencil much larger than I'd wanted. He told me it would look great bigger and since he was the expert I went with it.

No regrets at all, for me - can't wait to get my next one. :)

21st August 2010, 05:02 PM
Oh, do we have a picture infoxicated?

21st August 2010, 05:53 PM
Maaaarvellous tattoo Luri!!! :D You just totally rock dude!:rock

21st August 2010, 07:07 PM
I linked to it on page one of the thread, RedScar, although I didn't want to post a picture and steal Luri's limelight! ;)

Here it is again - this pic is from the night I got it, though, it's calmed down a bit over the months: http://www.flickr.com/photos/infoxicated/4405767179/

21st August 2010, 09:30 PM
Dam that is big, mine is like the eyeball of that lol. I already wanted another tat, and this thread has made me begin thinking on what it would be. Not sure I would do a WO tat, but who knows what I decide.

21st August 2010, 11:19 PM
I kind of wanted a WipEout related tattoo for a long time, but with the way my feelings toward the game have changed over the past few years I decided against it.

The Psygnosis thing was different, though - I loved their games when I was younger and after working there for six years it just cemented the iconic status that owl logo had for me. Again, I wasn't expecting it to be so big, but now that I've got it I love it. :)

9th July 2011, 06:34 PM
I just finished having one done on my wrist. I sort of wanted to go for a team but decided i wanted something a little bit more obscure. Is still a little bit raised and swollen at the moment!

9th July 2011, 07:23 PM
Hard to tell since its new, is that black or a shade of blue? Either way, looks good.

9th July 2011, 07:29 PM
It is indeed black. Had the option to have it in colour, but I think I prefer the stark black!

1st August 2013, 09:53 AM
Amazing 2 year old thread grave dig... But these are some amazing wipeout tattoos...

Looking in getting one myself, thx for giving me great examples!