View Full Version : Games you regret not playing earlier!

5th July 2010, 08:00 AM
Hey zoners!:)
Here you can post the games that you didn't play when they originally released, only to play them later and regret not doing so!
you can also post the reasons why you didn't play them sooner if you want.

So, here are my mistakes:

1) WipEout
my biggest mistake ever!
i bought my playstation back in 1997 but for some strange reason i never had the chance of playing wipeout, wipeout 2097 or wip3out!
how unfortunate for me...
i didn't even played fusion on ps2! i think i played only a demo of it...
i've always been a racing fan/freak and played GT, Colin McRae,Toca and many others( even vigilante 8 and rollcage! lol) but my first love with wipeout was in 2005.
i saw pure on psp and i was blown away! XD
i grabbed my psp on launch-day and wipeout pure with it.
i lost countless hours of happiness and nirvana there! :D

2) Final Fantasy series
i've always foung RPG's too complicated when i was younger so i guess it's no surprise that i sold(yeah, i know i regret it... XD) my copy of Final Fantasy 7 because i stuck at about 25%...
thank God i rent by chance Final Fantasy X in 2005...
i immediately realised my HUGE mistake and bought X and X-2!
(Dragon Quest VIII followed soon lol)
i've only managed to finish FFVII last year...

3) Metal Gear Solid
i remember having a handheld machine with a game called MGS back in 1993...
i would never imagine the success that would follow later...
so it's 1999 and konami releases MGS.
i saw a friend of mine play it but never played myself...
what a mistake! i played it next year and i was thrilled! best story game ever!
plus best bosses ever!(psycho mantis! lol)
i then became a huge fan and bought even a gamecube only for MGS: Twin Snakes! XD

4) Silent Hill
a similar ocassion like mgs for me.
i played it a year after it's release and then my dreams were haunted forever!
SH2 is the best for me. too bad the series lost their magic after SH3... :(

5) Zelda:Ocarina of Time
i played zelda:link's awakening on gameboy back in 1994 and loved it!
unfortunately i never had a N64...
then i picked a Gamecube in 2004 and received Zelda: Collector's Edition for free!!:rock
at last i had the chance of playing Ocarina of time, one of my fav all time games!!! :D

5th July 2010, 09:22 AM
DDR, yeh its still at our arcades, if I started playing it when it came out I wouldn't have looked so crap at it when I gave it a go last week under the movie theatre

other than that none, I started playing 2097/XL about 4 years ago and was happy to find and start enjoying wipEout then, probably more fun than if I had played it back in 97(?), as I had the fun of doing research about the series and hunting down this mysterious thing called a neGcon


5th July 2010, 10:57 AM
1. Fallout 3
I half missed it, half ignored it. I was never good at RPGs (lack of patience) but this game sucked me in. Fantastic world, interesting quests, great stories - it all clicked.

2. Uncharted 2
Can't believe how I could miss it! Beautiful game with a very well written and presented story.

3. Wipeout HD
I'm a little embarrassed that I got into it so late. I bought it more than a year ago but started playing "seriously" only 2 months ago. Best racing game ever, period.

5th July 2010, 11:31 AM
Man - Good thread :+
I had all the wipeouts on the PS1 and Fusion on PS2 on release. But..

I got Pure, early 2008 - during Pulses golden era of online activity :paperbag (late to the party)

I got Pulse, November 2008, when HD had come out and the golden era for Pulse was now well and truly on its way out... :bomb (missed out on all the online fun with the elite of that era)

Then, November 2009 - I get a PS3 and HD Fury on Bluray - by this time, many zoners have had enough of the games untimely updates which made online gameplay naff, apparently...

My regrets? the three titles above! the reason? LATE TO THE PARTY

In my defence, I had no idea there was a forum for wipeout monkeys like myself. So I had no idea of scheduled release dates for wipeout games. I only discovered this site when I did a searchin December 2008 for my PSN id on google and discovered someone had created a thread called "Does ACE-FLO come here?" on WZ and gamefaqs also... I joined WZ. No more regrets from this point forth.

5th July 2010, 12:28 PM
Yeah the golden years of each of those titles where a good period of time.

5th July 2010, 12:35 PM
Company of Heroes -
Best RTS game by a million miles, and some of the most epic online play ive ever experienced. Pity I was almost 2 years behind everyone else when i started playing, so I had to learn the basics while I was getting slaughtered by some very clever tactics... there is nothing like this.

If your an RTS fan, buy this game :+

Phantasy Star Online -
Half the people i knew were playing this online back in the day of the Dreamcast...... except i never owned a Dreamcast :(

Left 4 Dead -
Ive only owned a 360 for a few months now, so started off with lfd2 before the original. after picking up the original for £8 i learnt that the original levels are far better, except most people that play it now are little shites.

Last but not least, that despite having owned every wipeout game going, im a bit annoyed i didnt find wz till late 2008 :)

1. Fallout 3
I half missed it, half ignored it. I was never good at RPGs (lack of patience) but this game sucked me in. Fantastic world, interesting quests, great stories - it all clicked.

Pick up Fallout 2, then youll really be gutted you joined the fallout party late :beer

5th July 2010, 01:17 PM
Shadow of the Colossus is one game I really regret not playing. I played and loved Ico on the PS2 but had no idea SOTC even existed until a few years back, and I no longer have a ps2 :(

Agree with dreamyelf though, Silent Hill 2 scared the life outta me, running away from pyramid head was terrifying. Loved that game ;)

5th July 2010, 02:25 PM
i loved silent hill 2.it scared me too..
the ending was so weird

5th July 2010, 04:03 PM
Dark Void:
A great game that I picked up for a measy fiver, by going in with average expectations I come out with a amazing report for it

The greatest racing game on PS3, Period. Chances are if you don't like it you can't play it, a perfectly good game shunned for other games like Shi(t)ft etc. Amazing title (best untill GT5 that is ;)
Blazblue: Always been in 2 minds to buy this and after getting it for 20 pounds I am well chuffed xD.

5th July 2010, 04:37 PM
thx mate:)
now that i read your post i think i forgot to mention pulse...
another mistake,got it 3 weeks ago...:redface:

big mistake man! ico and shadow of the colossus are on my top ten games of all time!
i have to replay it soon...
good thing is that i heard that Sony may released an Ico-SOTC collection in HD in the future! probably right before The Last Guardian comes out! ;)
okami is very underrated too...

tell me about it...
i had to finish the game at least 2 times to understand it( a bit).:dizzy
btw there were 5 endings(i think) in the game...
but the whole point of Silent Hill is that the game, intentionally, doesn't make sense... you don't know what is going wrong, what is real and if you are dreaming or not!;)
actually did you know that the monsters in SH are the tormented people of the real dimension while the persons you meet in the game are monsters in disguise? i was surprised when i learnt that...:sonar

haven't played pure and probably won't...
blazblue looks awesome! too bad i hate fighting/ beat-em-up games...

5th July 2010, 06:18 PM
Devil May Cry

When I played this I was already long bored with video games. The PS3 was out for a good while already and I would never considered buying one. But the summer was long and I remembered a friend at uni saying how awesome it was, so I picked DMC for PS2 up off eBay for a low price. I couldn't believe how much fun this was. After enjoying it so much, I started to consider buying a PS3, but the price still put me off. Then the best thing ever happened. I was burgled. :( It actually sucked big time, but at least I got a PS3 and LCD TV out of the insurance money. DMC4 was a let down, but I ended up playing WipEout HD, just a little, and I've quite liked it, just a little. This brings me onto the obvious one...

WipEout - all of them

The first one I played was either Fusion or Wip3out. I only know this because when I heard the weapons names being called in Pure and HD I expected that to be the weapon I just picked up, which I know happens in W3O, but am not sure about Fusion. The first one I owned was definitely Fusion though (I remember the box). I sucked, and I sold it. Years later I...well I think most people can figure out where I ended up after the little bit of HD I played. :P

5th July 2010, 06:59 PM
Shoot em' ups or "shmups". I burned out on them in the late 80s and early 90s. I completely ignored the genre during the 90s. Not even games like Einhander could rekindle my interest. I met a now good friend of mine in the early 2ks who was nuts about the games. Even then, I didn't start buying and playing them again until the later half of the decade. Now I don't know what I would do without my shmups.

5th July 2010, 07:17 PM
Never played Ico or Shadow of the Colossus, I don't know why but it completely passed me by. When did they come out? I keep looking for them in car boot sales and the like, but to no avail. I'm not prepared to pay the price they are going for on Ebay.

Never played a God of War game until 3 came out either, I think I was a bit bored by the PS2 by then and my oldest son had taken ownership of it.

Not really in keeping with the thread as I didn't play them later. :)

5th July 2010, 08:43 PM
I would have liked to have played WipEout Pulse online sooner, but when I did it wasn't too active. It would've helped to have found the Zone quicker too, it might have helped that problem!

Other than that I'm more bothered about games I haven't got. I'm in the same position as KGB for games I want that have too high eBay taxes on them, which sadly can rub-off onto local Game shops too. I'm still tracking the elusive PSX Resident Evil games and Final Fantasy VIII for a decent price.

6th July 2010, 07:21 AM
i'm pretty sure Sony will release, due to massive request, an HD collection of Ico and Sotc some time next year. probably right before the release of The Last Guardian(a game from the team behind those gems). :)
so don't let those sharks rip you off, avoid ebay!
Ico released in 2002 and Sotc in 2006 :)

yeah Devil May Cry was epic and groundbreaking!:rock
i liked very much DMC3 too because of the excellent story but i was disappointed with DMC 2 and 4...

6th July 2010, 08:17 AM
Pick up Fallout 2, then youll really be gutted you joined the fallout party late :beer

I did play both 1 and 2 and oddly enough, I didn't like them (pls don't throw that axe at me!!) That's another reason why I wasn't so keen on 3. I guess that eventually graphics in 3 got me hooked, they were executed with such taste and balance.

6th July 2010, 08:21 AM
aww pity!! the comedy in the originals was far, far better (so many monty python references!).

apparently a couple of the original creators are making the new one, so hopefully some of the comedy will return. (was all about having an illegal boxing match with "mike tyson" and if he hits you your character loses his ear :beer)

anyway, enough off topic ramblings for me......

6th July 2010, 08:28 AM
All the Wipeouts. I really should have put more effort into buying a PS1, but I already worked so much for a Saturn. I figured since the Saturn had Wipeout, that that'd be okay, but I couldn't find the Saturn version and when I finally did I had already played 2097 on the Mac and that blew it out of the water.

I bought a Saturn for VF2 mostly, and Virtua Cop and Daytona. I was young enough to think that their graphics would compare to the arcade. No way. Model 2 games were so gorgeous they still look good even today.

8th July 2010, 09:44 AM
Shadow of the Colossus

'nuff said

8th July 2010, 01:05 PM
For me, Wipeout is the big one. I played some of the PS1 games a few times at my cousins and friends places, but never much. It always had an aesthetic appeal, but I think I couldn't come to grips with the handling, which prevented it from being a must-buy at the time.
HD has made me wish I played those games in their glory days more, but none of my friends ever played it seriously as we were all rather young in the PS1 days, so it probably just wasn't a compatible time for me :(

Left 4 Dead -
Ive only owned a 360...
I can't believe anyone plays that game on a console. I have both l4d's on PC, and I can't imagine playing it any slower would be fun at all.

Devil May Cry
... DMC4 was a let down

I thought DMC4 was good enough to not call it a let down. Nero's arm and his sword's revving capabilities were very fun. Sure, the story blew and the backtracking wasn't up to the level design par set by DMC1 and 3, but having a DMC in HD was good.

8th July 2010, 09:13 PM
I think DMC4 was decent. But the original single-handedly revived my interest in playing video games. Compared to that DMC4 was repetitive, especially once taking control of Dante. I don't think it was a bad game at all, but I couldn't be bothered to complete it, so that made it a let down for me, despite being a decent enough game on its own.

8th July 2010, 09:20 PM
WipEout Pure and Pulse. I kind of skipped them after Fusion and went straight to HD.

I also regret not playing the very first Resident Evil, as I loved the second one. Scared the living daylights out of me at the time...

8th July 2010, 11:29 PM
Streets of Rage 2 : didn't have a Megadrive/Genesis, but if I had played this
game, I would have bought one directly.

Devil May Cry (1) : just saw screenshots in a magazine and I decided I wasn't
interested ... 2 years later I play the game and loved it.

Shadow of the Colossus : same reason, won't make the same mistake with
"The Last Guardian".

Rock Band / Guitar Hero : again looking at a youtube video, looked stupid,
recently played them and they're very addictive and fun with friends.

15th September 2010, 11:48 AM
as i mentioned in some posts in this very thread, there were rumours that Sony will release an HD collection of the masterpiece's Ico and Shadow of the Colossus (in a GOW collection style)...
well these rumours seem to be accurate according to the following news...:

of course these are still rumours but i'm now 99% sure that they are true!
i can't wait to play Shadow of the Colossus again as it meant to be played, with sharper graphics running at 60 fps! :hyper
that was the only problem with the ps2 version of the game, the frame rate was average at best...

with that said i still have my ps2 copies of those two games and i'll keep them like treasure!^^

anyway i thought i would post those links because many zoners seemed to have missed those diamonds back in the ps2 days, so i think these news are just great!:D

come on Sony make it official and bring Team Ico Collection to us!

15th September 2010, 11:53 AM
is ico that weird game with two kids who have to escape from some empty city..

15th September 2010, 12:13 PM
yeah. i think its where you drag around some pale looking girl out of a castle. thats all i remember. i didnt really understand how to do 8)

i regret not playing Hogs of War on ps1 earlier. its briliant. its like worms but its 3d and instead of worms its pigs. its got Rik Mayall in it too :D
theres nothing funnier than strapping a pig to a jet pack

15th September 2010, 06:56 PM
It's no longer a rumour DE - the collection IS coming to the PS3!

After rumors and a Walmart listing clued us in that a Team Ico PlayStation 3 collection was on the way, it's now been officially revealed by Famitsu magazine in Japan. It's not like we didn't know this day was coming, but it's nice now that it's here.

The collection will contain Team Ico's first two games, the PlayStation 2's Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, upgraded with HD graphics. They're both awesome pieces of work, and often cited in the "games as art" argument, though Ico became pretty hard to get and gained most of its following after it was already out of print. Shadow of the Colossus is still readily available, but it'll be great to check out its massive colossi in HD.

The game's boxart also leaked out of a Swedish retailer earlier today. Information about further additions to the games, such as Trophy support seen in the God of War Collection, hasn't come out yet.

In Japan, the games will be released separately, but they'll stay together in other regions. More news about the collection will likely be revealed at this week's Tokyo Game Show.

Source: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/103470-Ico-Officially-Leads-Colossus-to-PS3-in-HD

15th September 2010, 07:52 PM
This is great news. Hooray!:)

17th September 2010, 07:29 PM
Oh wow good news about Ico and SOTC...I literally can't wait to see that! :g
But where the hell is The Last Guardian?

I regret not playing the SSX games earlier, I only tuned in when SSX3 came out on PS2, but managed to fnd Tricky shortly after...Anyone know if there's any plans for a next gen version of the series? I have no idea why there hasn't been one already, they were great fun :)

17th September 2010, 08:44 PM
what a coincidence! i just watched a movie called 'Frozen" and i thought exactly the same thing! unfortunately there is no news on ssx game... :(
i was late to play ssx3 too..
i was more in to tony hawk pro skater series and then i found ssx3, awesome game! i still play it sometimes! :)

regarding The Last Guardian, the producer told that it will be released at late 2011...
check the following link for a preview :)

17th September 2010, 09:26 PM
I think SSX was the first game I had for the ps2, that and something else which escapes me now (what other games came out when it was released?).

Just finished Batman: Arkham Asylum. Great game, up there with the best I've played, should of played it when it came out. The Platinum will allude me though, which I'm glad about as I was getting rather obsessed about them.

19th September 2010, 06:13 AM
A PSP and WipEout PulsE
I'm getting for christmas because I thought it'd be good for LONG roadtrips BUT i've got 2 trips this year with only a DS lite!
damm my clouded judgement over portables!

21st September 2010, 10:22 PM
@KGB I had SSX, Smugglers Run, and Dead or Alive in that first month after getting my PS2. I dunno why I got Dead or Alive - I hate fighting games and it was very short lived, I think I traded it in before xmas!

On to games I wish I'd played - Ico and Shadow of the Colossus are two that spring to mind. I'm never really motivated to play games like those, but I enjoy them once I get into them. I was a total Madden freak when Ico came out and my PS2 didn't really exist to play anything else. By the time it was re-released I was playing in a GTR league and spent most of my gaming time playing that, so I missed it again.

When the HD remake comes out next year I think I'll pick it up, though. :)

22nd September 2010, 10:35 PM
You'd better do. Shadow of the Colossus is the game I have the fondest memories of the PS2 era.

26th September 2010, 08:06 PM
I didn't mind SotC, but I never thought it was that amazing. When I got stuck on a boss (the bull one), I just gave up and never found the energy to work at it again.

I also found the technical limitations of the game were very bothersome - the FPS were terrible; and the controls were a mite sluggish, perhaps due to the former issue.

I did like some aspects of it, and most of the actual colossi were fun, but yeah... nothing truly amazing. I also wasn't a fan of trekking about to find the colossi, I found it mostly boring - while the places look nice, I didn't feel immersed as there was nothing to actually do except find the next colossus.

It actually bothers me that people gush so readily all over the game as though it's a masterpiece, since I like my opinion on things, and heartily disagree with that assessment.

26th September 2010, 09:34 PM
So, of the 16 colossi in the game, you actually only fought 2 and didn't manage to finish the second (the bull). And yet you seem to think you have an informed opinion about the game?

Let me roll my eyes... :rolleyes:

Or maybe you are confusing the bull with another one. Otherwise, your statement "...and most of the actual colossi were fun..." wouldn't make sense.

That it bothers you that SotC is some people's favourite PS2 game, I find slightly amusing. I find FIFA and PES more boring than looking at plants grow but hey, those sell by the millions every year (some years twice) and I couldn't care less.

26th September 2010, 10:37 PM

Turns out it's the 11th. And you think you have an informed opinion of the game? Or, perhaps you and I have very different opinions of what bulls look and behave like.

I also never said anything about any soccer games. I couldn't care less about any sports games at all, racing excepted.

27th September 2010, 04:47 PM
Hell's teeth... not entirely sure how a thread about games you regret not playing turned into pompous posturing about game knowledge, but there you go - welcome to the internet circa 2010. :-

27th September 2010, 07:38 PM
To me, the second looks like a bull because the horns protrude from its head.
The eleventh seems to have fangs coming out of its mouth.
But hey, I'm offtopic so I'll argue no further. ;)
Some games I wished I played earlier are Rez and Okami. SotC doesn't count because I got it on launch day. :P
Regardless, definitely recomended for those who have a PS3 when the remastered edition comes out.

Mr Phlanj
28th September 2010, 05:54 AM
what i regret not playing is Duke Nukem Forever. If i could get all my gaming hours back I would throw all of them into this one amazing game!!!

To know just how good the game is have a look at Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/1968-Viewers-Choice-Duke-Nukem-Forever) review of it :D

DJ Techno
30th September 2010, 06:02 PM

a raw, graphic, adult, MA rated fighting game that was created after 1999. I read about it years ago in a Wizards magazine and it was again in a game magazine later

I found the videos of the game on You Tube.

its a crying shame i missed out getting it. especially since the company tried not to give it out to the public too.

but some say it can be downloaded and damn it thats what im trying to do :)

go to you tube.com and look for the game.
you'll find it mixed up with the other type of Thrill Kill, related to KMFDM and industrial metal. but stay on the game.