View Full Version : PSN Has new Partner?

23rd June 2010, 09:08 AM
Well, I went to log onto the WipEout-game website and noticed something different(I think :lol) It's in the attachment, who the fudge is Qirocity???

23rd June 2010, 11:31 AM
It's the Movie Streaming Service, apparently. What it's doing on there of all places I have no idea.

23rd June 2010, 12:06 PM
That's the partner Sony is using for it's movie download service :lol

Has anybody checked that out, it's hasn't been thought through properly.
WTF are those fools at Sony doing, it's embarrassing to see these crap services appearing from a once great company, they are as out of touch with the real world as politicians.:redface:

The movies are only SD DVD quality, around 4G in size so that's going to come off your monthly download limit, take an age to download because you have the added baggage of having to go through the PSN , you have 2 weeks to view them then they are gone, If there is a problem downloading Sony's tech people are saying tough, no refund and the rental cost is nearly as much as if you walked down to the local Kmart and bought a copy of the disc.:rolleyes:

Who in their right mind would use this "Service"?
Maybe if you lived in the wilds of Afghanistan and were really desperate.

And Sony wonders why it has been losing money hand over fist, I wonder how much money was wasted putting the infrastructure for this service in place.

23rd June 2010, 12:13 PM
I'm not willing to risk testing this, but I've read that if you buy rather than rent the movies through the PSN, you only have one chance to download them (unlike the unlimited downloads of your game purchases), then that's it, they're gone. XD

23rd June 2010, 11:49 PM

Oh well, the companies should stop trying to make jack of all trade machines or home entertainment systems and just make a pure and simple console for gaming. No bull, no filler and no guff clouds. This generation of consoles has been hit with problem after problem (well, to the best of my knowledge, the Wii has not!) and a lot of customer dissatisfaction. Games are like the movies now, you've really got to sift and pan through the muck and filth to find a title worth playing. This is the age of dissapointment.

Sorry to go off topic a little with my personal crusade there, but as BlackWiggle pointed out the dogs in charge don't have a clue. And they probably don't care either. Gripe gripe gripe...:g