View Full Version : Imma movin' up to a wider world/ thankyou. :D

14th May 2010, 03:58 PM
I've left secondary school now, and it feels brilliant. :hyper

I started at OLSJ in 2005, and the first few years were hell, thanks to me going mental (the reasons why I still have no knowledge of).

Now, I just need to start revising, and get my grades to do my graphic design course. :D

Obviously, I joined here in 2007, and because of that, I feel that I've been shown a wider view of different societies and lives, and that's made me feel better about mine. For that, cheers. :beer :D
I would write more, but I don't know what else to add. Apart from this sentence, obviously. >:D

14th May 2010, 05:17 PM
Congrats on finishing Secondary school!
Now you have more school to deal with :P

14th May 2010, 06:08 PM
Yeah, and technically I've not finished yet - I'm just off timetable, so I'm still there.

14th May 2010, 07:25 PM
Ah buddy :) College - that's a real eye opener man :D I'm pleased for ya mate, and have every confidence in your ability to do what you set out to do.

Rock on man! :rock :+

14th May 2010, 07:44 PM
Thanks. :D I need at least 4 GCSE's, at C or above, and I've already got 2/4, thanks to my Double Distinction in ICT. :hyper

14th May 2010, 07:48 PM
...every confidence, like I say ;)

14th May 2010, 11:08 PM
haha, I remember finishing high school. Just so you know, college work is a real shock when you first do it. It was for me anyway lol. I dropped behind on my work and ended up dropping out after year 1 because of the amount of work and studying you're expected to do, but don't let me put you off, just trying to give you a heads up. Just try and make sure you don't fall behind cos it's hard to catch up.

That was in the school's 6th Form and it wasn't great. I started a new college this year doing games development and I'm loving it. It isn't so intense because I'm doing a single btec worth about 3 or 4 A-levels, and I knew what to expect on the amount of work to do, so I'm all up to date and doing good. You'd be surprised how easy you make new friends too in college which is excellent, everyone gets along and the tutors are really laid back and everyone treats you more or less as an adult. Sixth form is different (atleast my one was anyway), if it's your high school's 6th Form it'll probably be just like school, with the same teachers and class rooms - mine even had a dress code which is how formal it was. I never enjoyed it, but yeah, don't let that put you off if you're going to a 6th Form, just my personal experience and opinion.

Graphic Design sounds excellent. Sounds like the designy sort of stuff from DT that we used to do in the old school. That was my favourite lesson after art in school. Hope you enjoy it when you get there and congrats on finishing secondary. :)

15th May 2010, 11:15 AM
I guess Cranky Croatian archman was wrong. your not ten at all. :lol

Is brilliant when you hit that milestone. You fell in a different zone when you hit that milestone. Things are seen in a different light when you pass this point in time. All the best for future for you mate :) :beer

15th May 2010, 02:29 PM
Congrats, mdhay! Best wishes for all your future schooling. Post-secondary isn't for everybody, but no matter what happens at the end of all, I hope you are always trying to learn something.
There is always the school of experience--even if you can't make it all the way through a formal degree or change your goals half-way through (or never give it a shot in the first place :) like someone I know), if you stay inquisitive and put forth the effort throughout life, you can expand your knowledge no matter what the circumstance.
Here's to the limitless human brain. :beer

15th May 2010, 03:23 PM
Congrats mdhay, all the best :D

I recently got my spot at University as well so I can relate.

This mdhay chap speaks the truth you know :nod

Now go get some GCSE's :rock