View Full Version : Sony's New PS move!! Looks pretty sweet.

9th April 2010, 10:09 PM
I Saw a trailer for Sonys new tech the other day its called the PS move. I believe its due for a winter release 2010 and for those of you who havent seen It uses the ps3's excisting PS eye to detect movement from these black wand/dildo looking things with a colored sphere on top basically its sonys take on nintendo Wii. With better games and bigger fanbase Could this be the death of the Wii?? not that mine had much life to begin with lol You guys should check it out and decide for yourselves.... Could this be used to enhance any of your favorite games? Is this a step forward or sideways ?? What next?? Check you tube or....

11th April 2010, 01:30 PM
I saw this PS Move thing too, at the PSN store. It looks a bit mad huh? Whats the deal with the ball thing? Light sabre's ftw? Samurai pose? Tennis anyone?

I'm interested in it, and providing a cool game is released which utilizes the PS Move, I'll get one. I saw the pics of it, and man - its pretty bulky, but can't comment on ergonomics since I haven't held one yet.. not that I think ergonomics will be an issue. The DS3 and playstation controllers have always been pieces of ergonomic mastery.

Looks good so far though... :)

11th April 2010, 02:36 PM
Meh, it's another thing I'd have to stand up for......

Rapier Racer
11th April 2010, 05:20 PM
If I wanted a wii.....you know.

12th April 2010, 03:02 PM
I think it looks absolutely awful... if I wanted to play with a dildo with a glowing orb I'd just buy one of those...

And honestly, what's the point of whacking the thing around in thin air... If you really want to use it for stuff like sports games or act like a sword it'd need to have something like force feedback, but how's that going to happen...

13th April 2010, 12:05 AM
All of these things are just gimmicks. Everyone thinks nintendo set some kind of precedent with the Wii, but in reality there are very few games that actually make impressive, productive use out of it... a large portion of the Wii's library are shovel-ware novelty games, and 99% of the first party nintendo titles could be programmed to work from a regular controller anyway.

The Move may be more accurate, but unless they can come up with a few killer apps, it's just going to be a more expensive clone of the Wii with probably the same batch of crappy 3rd party software. Carnival games? (http://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/IKZ0R5Pk-XshXegtJPXMPpTBPvlMFoQR) oh. f*cking. goody.

the Natal from Microsoft is arguably more interesting since it completely disregards any physical controller at all, but I can hardly imagine it will be accurate enough to have any complex gameplay in its titles... and I don't buy any of the crap from Peter Molyneux and his Milo demo.
lol, also
"You ever wonder what the bottom of an avatar's shoe looks like?"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6rZs9lPBlE (20 seconds)
fail-tastic... and god I hate that guy's voice.

The funny thing is that they're trying to cash in on the success and appeal of the Wii, but in the end, Nintendo has carved a very specific niche for themselves this generation, and part of the main appeal of BOTH the PS3 and 360 is that they are NOT the Wii.

I seriously doubt Sony or Microsoft even considered making some kind of peripheral to compete with the Wii when they first launched their consoles. At least the PS3 is powerful enough that they might actually come up with something interesting if the idea isn't maligned by the general public.

Dan Locke
13th April 2010, 02:04 AM
I have to agree on Project Natal; did anybody ask for games without controllers? It's like the Sega Activator in the early '90s and the U-Force in the late '80s - it's less accurate and user-friendly than a normal controller, and it's impossible to not look like an idiot while using it. As for the Move, I'm actually hopeful - it looks like what I had hoped for the Wii to be. Imagine swinging chains around in God of War IV, or aiming the controller in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (it would beat the pants off of using the analog stick; it might even rival a mouse for accuracy and ease of use). I can't see it being used for stuff like sword fights or anything that requires force-feedback (the latter being the main reason that controllers aren't going anywhere until we invent the Holodeck), but I think that it has potential, especially if used more for movement and other controls than for actual in-game actions.

13th April 2010, 07:22 PM
Motion-sensor controllers are, in my opinion, too soon to use due to thier inaccuricies (sic). I'd stick to wireless controllers anytime.

Dan Locke
14th April 2010, 12:26 AM
That's the point, though. The PS Move is as accurate as sticking your hand through the screen into the game.

15th April 2010, 02:28 AM
we will have to wait and see what sony can do with it. I hope they have something fresh and different to set it apart from the wii.
I really wonder tho what will be the next big breakthrough in gaming.
With 3-D and wireless motion capture improving surely it cant be long before a major breakthrough and new tech. In the last 10 years look how far technology has improved.

How long before it is us walking round in a virtual world playing 1st person shooters more like the movie gamer (without the cons) than the current format of cod.
I like to invisage a game such as wipeout like the bike race in the movie tron... But better of course cus tron is well old lol

only time will tell.