View Full Version : A bit of depression...any help / thoughts?

6th April 2010, 11:08 PM
i had to withdraw from my class this semester at college just today, everything is mixed up and hectic since i moved in with the love of my life and i got a new job. I love living with her and i love my new job, but i cant focus on school properly any more...i figured if i at least withdrew in stead of failing out at least it wouldnt hurt my GPA. i already have my culinarian degree so my CIS programming is extra for now so its not essential, i just feel like a quitting loser now :/ . i know i made the right decision and me and my girlfriend living together and making sure we have our jobs in order is top priority, its just hard to deal with i guess since im not one to give up or quit .

just been spacing out listening to boards of canada and making music, blegh ,so upset

6th April 2010, 11:40 PM
We all have to make decisions at some point which we would rather not do. No-one else is in your exact position, so only you can make your choices. As long as you put some thought into it and come to the conclusion that you're making the right choice then that's the best you can do. Even if you look back later and wish you hadn't, then there's still no way to tell how things would have gone if your decision went the other way. I guess you already know that, as you say you know you made the right decision, but it's something I often remind myself of when thinking about some of the bigger choices I've made, because there's always a part of me that thinks maybe I did the wrong thing.

Being with someone can be very emotionally draining and intense, even when it's all going well. Any job also takes a lot of effort and concentration to do well. Holding down a job and a relationship is enough, so it's not surprising if studying on top of it all is a bit tough. At the end of the day I think it sounds like you still have a lot going for you and a lot to be thankful for. Perhaps try and focus on those things if/when you feel down and just know that you have these things that bring you happiness in some way, and that you're doing well at those, which is more than a lot of people can say for themselves.

6th April 2010, 11:42 PM
.. i moved in with the love of my life ... i got a new job ... I love living with her ... i love my new job ... i just feel like a quitting loser now ...
Man, what are you talking about? Are you serious?

Do you remember the following lines?

i've reached that stage in life where i think im ready to step up and move ahead a bit. ... i have faith in us and i know we can do it but with moving forwards i believe you also have to move backwards as well. the sacrifice will be worth it though. ...

Chill out a bit and there you go again!

About your class, do it next time around.

6th April 2010, 11:44 PM
Walk it off. Nothing much is needed. If you go for a long walk, no music to distract you, no phone, nothing; you'll be able to clear your head and concentrate better. :)

6th April 2010, 11:49 PM
... just don't keep looking down. Lamp posts and all :D Mate, a hug from the missus'll sort you out nicely ;)

6th April 2010, 11:58 PM
ya, thanks guys, in all my upsetness (not a word lol) i think i've hit on probably my best ambient track ive made since i got my new electribe....electronica and synthesizer music is so relaxing for me....i really need to get some stuff recorded on my lappy to send you guys...im working on something with my buddy , somewhat of a sample pack of tracks called "tasty treats" and "audible dreaming" is still in the works

7th April 2010, 12:01 AM
Do want. :+

7th April 2010, 12:09 AM
...echoes :+

7th April 2010, 03:16 AM
cheer up, emo kid. Do what you've gotta do- you've covered the essentials (roof over your head and employment) so you don't have to push yourself quite so hard immediately for that class. There'll be time.

we gotta hang out when I'm back home for the summer.

8th April 2010, 02:23 AM
Exercising always helps me, go for a bike ride or go hiking or something.. or just go for a 3 hour walk to get your thoughts straight. :)

8th April 2010, 05:23 AM
I echoe q_dmc12's words... Jogging too, heard that scientific studies have shown that activities such as these stimulate the brain... I love skipping rope too (if you're any good at it)... Though I don't think you'd REALLY need to rid of music... music like boards of canada would work GREAT when on a jog... ;)

8th April 2010, 08:49 AM
i love boards of canada :) cant remember what name of album is thats white with red bit of string attached; great stuff.

Anyway, you sound like a guy who really has his head screwed on right. Youve made your decisions based on what you belive is best for you and your girlfriend. No need to feel like a quitter when all your doing its whats best :) thats the most important thing.

Chin up my friend! :beer