View Full Version : Men in BLACK

21st March 2010, 06:37 PM
No, not the movie with Will Smith, but real MIB's. Strange men who could stare a wall down. Clad in noir, clean cut and looking menacing. Ever seen em?

I saw a posse of (I did count) 4 MIBs jump out of a Range Rover (also black) and run into Wantsead Flats (Flat grass land near where I live). I was already there, smoking a doob when I saw them run onto the field. The ran like toy soldiers, stiffly - like it was protocol. Then they stopped and all of them started looking at the sky, they stood there for like 3 or 4 minutes and then ran back to their car. Strange schit man. I thought I was gonna see aliens and shite, most defo a spaceship... at the very least, I coulda maybe glimpsed some AG-technologies form another world, but no...

ANyway, I finished my scooby-dooby and walked over to the car. It was still parked and one MIB was outside leaing against the bonnet. I couldn't help myself, I approached the MIB and asked him what all the kerfuffle was about but the guy didnt speak English, he looked at me and said something like "bitane" or something. I don't know what language or what but I stepped back and the doors to the car opened and the other 3 got out. One of the guys shows me an empty packet of Kellogs Pop Tarts - like WTF? SO I pulled out my Tesco ClubCard from my keys and flashed it. This was all getting really weird really quick and I thought I was in danger - things were too strange. I kicked myself for showing the Tesco ClubCard, what was thinkig. One of the MIBs asked me something in some Eastern Europen language, and I replld in Gujurati. Nerves. I didnt know what he aksed me and no doubt he didn't know that I just called him an 'overgrown ox ready for the slauhterhouse' sounds beter in Gujarati. I was now losing it, I was buzzing hard from the strong weed I just smoked. An MIB offered me a cigarete and I said NO, (in English) but showed him my weed, thinking - "wait, what the fack am I showing these goons for?".

Turned out they liked a bit of weed coz one of the MIBs puled out a lil dime sack of some smelly (but wet) weed. He broke about a joints worth off and gave it to me, so I gave him a joint of my stuff. It was weird, this exchange. Anyway, I said bye and they all hugged me, one after another! :D WEIRD :D So I got home and made a joint of this schit, and schmoked it outta my bedroom window. About 2 thirdss of the way thru the joint, I notice the sky was looking green, and that there was like a tinge of green going purrple on all the clouds... this schitt was trippy. No wonder these MIBs ran out onto Wanstead Flats, gazing into the heavens - it must have been like entering ZONE mode for first time for them... awesome :rock

There's no real reason why I'm telling you this, except, the whole experience was weird, very very weird... A true MIB experiene in that sense. And I keep thinking about that day last week, when this happened. SO I thought I'd share it with you.

Anyone else know/see/met any MIBs? Post here please :g


21st March 2010, 06:49 PM
Have you just received a new batch or something Ace? ;)

21st March 2010, 06:49 PM
That has to be the weed, it really does. :P

21st March 2010, 06:56 PM
KGB, just the regular good quality clean organic stuff I been used to for years mate, but man - I'd love some of that stuff these MIBs were having, really trippy but nice.

Mdhay, Ok ok, I admit - When I pulled my Tesco CLubCard out, I was a lil paranoid. Could be the weed, but it could be because I genuinely felt like I was in danger too. I mean, I was surrounded by 4 big eastern euro issue MIBs, - I kinda know how Sarah Connor felt in T1 now. Scary man, and all I was armed with was my Tesco Clubcard :lol

21st March 2010, 07:00 PM
It sounds too farfetched for me. Sorry, but yeah.

21st March 2010, 07:08 PM
farfetched, yes, like really out there :lol

21st March 2010, 07:10 PM
...Yes. Really out there. I'm all for conspiracy theories, but I can't understand that one. At all.

21st March 2010, 07:16 PM
No conspiracy, that's the thing. I thought there would be, coz the way they were acting all suspicious (staring into clouds and schitt :D) but it was just weirdness which I later realized was just four Eastern European stoners, getting smashed on some trippy herbs... but it took for me to smoke what they smoked to realise that. Long ass eh? definitely weird... most definitely out there, but not in that sense (aliens and stuff :?)

21st March 2010, 07:23 PM
Riiiight. Are you still high, at least when you started the thread? :g :P

21st March 2010, 07:55 PM
guilty :g

21st March 2010, 08:11 PM
"I Thought What I'd Do Was, I'd Pretend I Was One Of Those Deaf-Mutes"


21st March 2010, 09:43 PM
I see what you did there 8)

21st March 2010, 11:22 PM
Hehehehehehe ;) nice spot btw

22nd March 2010, 03:21 PM
I love little stories like that? :)

ACE; you know of the Mandela Estate in Reading? I once had to meet the big boss man of the place cos i payed with "marked money", him and one his boys were so impressed with how i handled myself, whenever i bumped into him in town hed buy me a beer and hand me free weed :beer

22nd March 2010, 04:59 PM
Lucky git. :) You still see him? :g


22nd March 2010, 06:15 PM
Have you just received a new batch or something Ace? ;)

My thoughts exactly :lol

23rd March 2010, 02:32 PM
Haha, I enjoyed reading that. You should write sci-fi/supernatural books based on these events... I'll be sure to buy them. :lol

It'll be like Alfred Hitchcock on crack or something. :g

23rd March 2010, 05:03 PM
Funny thing that, old (and sadly dead :() Alfred Hitchcock was born very very close to where I live :burger... right opposite Wanstead Flats actually... I even stayed in the Alfred Hitchcock hotel, once. Alfred was also born in that same house and lived there too. Proper gothic styled interior decor, nice but very gloomy :)

23rd March 2010, 05:12 PM
Hey, that's awesome. The gloomy house probably contributed to him including elements of horror in his films. :P

Perhaps he even met some MIBs as well. :lol

24th March 2010, 12:07 PM
Lucky git. :) You still see him? :g


Nah. Moved away from Reading in the end. Was fun times though :g

24th March 2010, 06:47 PM
I went to the same secondary school as Alfred Hitchcock, and I'm just as awesome....and modest.

Maybe I shouldn't have admitted that (not the awesome bit - you all knew that already anyway), but now everyone can figure out what school I went to. Not sure if that's a bad thing or not...

25th March 2010, 02:43 AM
I love a good experiance.
Even if the fact that you were high made it some what hard to believe, it's nice to hear an odd story every now and then.

25th March 2010, 02:25 PM
Thank you Zone, :)

i'm gonna play some footie with friends, by Wanstead Flats on Sunday. Would be cool if those Eastern European MIBs turned up.

We normally play a game called 60 seconds, but with those MIBs, we could manage 5 a-side :D And they run so stiffly, we'd run rings around 'em...

...we'd have to loan em a player though - they total 4 :D

SR - well, we're all a lil Alfred Hitchcock I guess :D Some more than others :g

25th March 2010, 02:36 PM
They'd probably radio for backup to fill the missing player. :D

Anyway, a whole group of people might spook them... perhaps you were let off lightly that day since they didn't deem you a threat as you were stoned. :o:eek

25th March 2010, 02:41 PM
:eek I didn't think of that :lol

25th March 2010, 02:42 PM
watch out ACE or they`ll beam you up and gice you an analprobe instead of space herbs ;)

25th March 2010, 02:55 PM
Sounds like you're speaking from personal experience ;) :D

27th March 2010, 03:59 AM

*sneaks away smoking spaceherbs :3*

31st March 2010, 12:52 AM
Ahahahahahahahahhahahahaha X 100 dude! Spaceherbs, oh man! :rock

I'm going back to Wanstead Flats on Sunday for a bit of a stroll around with the GF, if the weather is good. Wonder if i'll see them again! :D Footie got cancelled, So convinced my girl that a good walk in fresh (not that fresh, its London) air woulod do us some good, would be nice... and it will be. But if those MIBs turn up - I'm gonna go and get theri number :lol

Edit: At SaturnReturn - Just thought of something bud, Old Alfred Hitchcock was an MIB too if you think about it. I always saw pics of him in black/white, and it seemed as if he wore black suits with white shirts, with a black hat, kinda fits man :D ok, that was weak :D

31st March 2010, 01:07 AM
i saw a MIB in paris he was walking down the road.didnt really pay much attention cos i was on the phone at the time.
but maybe i did pay attention and i got my mind wiped which probally was really quick and wouldnt take to long to do.:)

31st March 2010, 01:20 AM
Lol, yeah, that must be the REAL DEAL MIB, the Will Smith type - you know? the one with the pen that wipEs out... nevermind, you wouldn't remember anyway, like you said... so then, how could you not rememeber remembering the fact after the fact was erased from memory? I dont get it... time for more space herbs :D ... kidding, Time for bed ;)