View Full Version : BioShock 2

10th February 2010, 08:40 AM
Will anybody else be getting this? I loved the first one and I was really impressed by the gameplay footage of this one, so I'll be picking it up tomorrow.

Thoughts everyone? Love or hate the BioShock series?

10th February 2010, 12:23 PM
Never played the first one only a demo, I don't like SCARY games much because I'm a chicken :). I've said before on these pages that I was never the same after I played the first Silent Hill. I'm playing Fallout 3 at the moment and that's making me feel nervous enough. :paperbag

10th February 2010, 12:55 PM
Absolutely loved the first Bioshock...amazing game. I'm sure I will get around to picking up the new one eventually, but I'm in no rush, as it wasn't long ago that I beat the first one and I think if I were to play the new one now, I'd have that been there, done that feeling. Let me know how you like it though!

11th February 2010, 07:00 AM
I'm still loving it - it's one of the most gorgeous settings in video game history! And even though they didn't change the mechanics I enjoyed playing through the second one. The new plasmids, tonics, tweaks and refinements allow for a much more tactical approach.
I was quite surprised about the story: It's amazingly straightforward - and touching! Not quite the masterpiece the first one was but an important piece in the Rapture puzzle.


15th February 2010, 06:45 PM
After having played the game for a few days, I must say that it is absolutely amazing - I highly recommend it to anybody who enjoyed the first one.

15th February 2010, 08:13 PM
I absolutely loved the first game and I will definitely get this one - sometime this summer :P Too busy/broke atm, plus still finishing up Borderlands/Dragon Age platinums, and let's not forget FFXIII march 9th... too many games, not enough time (or money ^^)

How is the multiplayer though, it does sound a little "tacked on because all games these days have multiplayer", but who cares if it works and it's fun.

17th February 2010, 09:31 AM
Okam - The multiplayer is set in BioShock 1's time where there was a civil war between Atlas and Ryan, so there is a story to it.

Mr Phlanj
17th February 2010, 10:36 AM
I was never the same after I played the first Silent Hill.

haha i know what you mean, the first time i played resident evil 2 this had just come out so i went straight from raccoon city to silent hill. i had no clean pants left 8)

on topic: I did like bioshock. the look of the city was awesome but i feel they let it down in the scary department, but i think #2 looks like it will be just as fun as the first.

once you see this you cant unsee it:

17th February 2010, 08:46 PM
Ahh, I meant the gameplay. How different is it from ingame combat vs splicers/other enemies? Do you use your normal arsenal of plasmids and weapons, and the same tactics, or are the rules/gear different?

18th February 2010, 06:26 PM
You can equip any 2 weapons, 2 plasmids and 3 gene tonics. It's pretty intense online as there are a LOT of Electro Bolt and Incinerate plasmids flying around but it is great fun.

I think the game is good for keeping a player interested as every time you rank up you unlock something new. I'm currently at Rank 24/40 and have unlocked some great stuff.

18th February 2010, 08:20 PM
Sounds pretty cool! Just hope people are still playing online when I get around to picking the game up, and that not too many trophies are dependant on online play.

24th February 2010, 11:48 AM
Traded in some old stuff and got this for 99p :)
only played first one for an hour or so, so the story / setting is all brand new to me.

So far, its a great deal of fun :) somone must have been on copious amounts of drugs to invent such a bizarre and colourful world. :dizzy