View Full Version : State a case for the Fury content/campaign plz...

7th February 2010, 02:47 PM
Since I can't play WOHD online while I'm at school (they block PSN/NWFC/XBL), I've found myself sitting down and trying to get all offline trophies... I'm not a trophy-addict, I never even expected to get all the trophies, but it at least gives me something else to do in the game until I can get online with it again.

In the mean-time, though... I'm having a hard time with the Fury campaign and the new modes it introduced. It's not that they're specifically "difficult" but I just CANNOT seem to get into any kind of groove with them :/

Detonator is kinda cool; I like the visual style, I like the execution... but there's just something about it that gets boring after a couple laps.

Zone battle - half the time I play this, I'm stuck going slow as dirt, then next thing I know the computer has finished. I've beaten a few of the campaign challenges, but it seems like it's totally random... sometimes I think I'm doing awesome, then when I have two zones left to complete, the computer suddenly powers ahead and it's over.

I don't even remember what the other new modes are, if any...

I'm not knocking the effort put into Fury; I like the design, I like the new ship skins, I welcome more tracks (even though I'm terrible at them lol )... but I just can't seem to fall in love with the Fury Campaign or the modes introduced.

am I Doing It Wrong? Do I not understand the finer points of some of these modes? Do I just need to suck it up and force myself to play them? I don't like when things become tedious and obligatory, though; I wanna be able to actually enjoy it, considering WOHD is about the only game I really play anymore anyway. Any insight?

7th February 2010, 02:53 PM
I don't even remember what the other new modes are, if any...

Which kicks ass if you ask me.

For the other two modes: I can't get the hang of it, too. Zone battle is a nice idea in general, but seems to random to me as well.
Detonator is just not my type of thing.

The new zone-esque modes can't beat the original.

7th February 2010, 02:57 PM
I didn't like the Fury campaign too much either. There just wasn't enough racing to grab my interest. I did it all on novice, really just for the sake of getting it done. Since then I haven't touched it. As far as Detonator and Zone Battle go, I really don't get them either, beyond the initially novelty value. I think Eliminator is a bit more fun, but only for the odd game here or there. I still get far more enjoyment and time out of doing Time Trials on the HD tracks alone than from the Fury campaign or new modes - just not for me.

7th February 2010, 02:59 PM
I did it all on novice, really just for the sake of getting it done

I did the same :p Just wanted to unlock all new tracks :lol

7th February 2010, 03:26 PM
Unlock all new tracks? What do you mean? They're all selectable from the beginning aren't they?

7th February 2010, 03:36 PM
Yes, but you can unlock more skins for the ships when you do the campaign. I still have some locked ;)

7th February 2010, 03:42 PM
Ah gotcha... I don't actually use the Fury ships enough to really be concerned :P Auricom HD works fine as is, and I love the color scheme of this:
for qirex more than the Fury skin... I don't actually use any of the other ships lol

7th February 2010, 04:45 PM
I haven't been in the position to get my PS3 online since about august last year, so I haven't been doing much else other than speedlaps/zone and finishing the fury campaign in Elite since I started playing again a week ago. And although it's quite fun, Zone Battle on Elite is just frustrating (or, to be more apt, infuriating :P). But I shall not rant here. I enjoy some Detonator here and there for what it is (a minigame), Eliminator is awesome (which comes from someone who never cared about it in previous W'O's) and the new Zone tracks are such a dreamy and transcendental experience.

But really, I got to spend a brief period of time playing Fury online, and it adds so much more to the game. I don't think Fury'll be able to hold my attention for long offline.

7th February 2010, 05:13 PM
I'll join the crowd that never really got hooked on Detonator and Zone Battle. I really tried to like Detonator, since it looks sweet, but I'm a bit ashamed to admit that I haven't even finished the Fury campaign...

I primarily love Fury for the updated ships and new tracks and of course hate what they did to the design of the AG-SYS.

7th February 2010, 05:49 PM
I like the new modes although I haven't really started to pursue any trophies.

Detonator is like an old school arcade shooter. There really isn't much to it. The goal is to keep increasing your score. As I'm an older gamer ... I dont mind. I still find myself cranking up Gyruss from time to time so this type of stuff never really gets old for me.

Zone Battle: I like the idea I'm just still working on strategies for that mode. I beat all of the campaign Zone races on Elite but haven't really played online yet. All they did is mix resource management and multiple racers in with Zone. I dont think its random gameplay as i was able to get a fair amount of consistency when I started focusing on my energy usage.

Eliminator: the extreme opposite of pure no weapons racing. Again I beat the campaign eliminator races on elite but haven't really played this much online. I would have like for them to make a open arena track for eliminator mode. The thing I find most annoying is trying to keep with a group during the competition.

My conclusion is that more is never bad. I like options. The new tracks alone made Fury worth the money ... it was after all only like $10. The extra game modes are just bonus.