View Full Version : Sooo... When you guys all get an Xbox 360...

29th January 2010, 10:39 PM
my gamertag is "AG Wolf 2097XL"

lol :lol

29th January 2010, 10:44 PM
:lol, I'll be sure you're the first one I add... it was gonna be INFAXSU - just have to find that sucker ... been a long time! :)

Mr Phlanj
29th January 2010, 10:45 PM
wait a minute, 2097XL...............thats some big clothes you got there :P

29th January 2010, 11:00 PM
I wouldn't even take on a 360 as a gift. Well, I tell you, there is nothing I like
about the 360. Nothing. You wrote; "... Even if you don't like MS and the 360,
you have to respect them as a solid and identifiable presence in the gaming
scene ...". Yes, I do, but only because it serves the competition, which is
good for everyone. That's it.

29th January 2010, 11:06 PM
i got 360, its good... i like it..:hyper .. ive played it for 4 years i think my tag is jasmin-jade

29th January 2010, 11:06 PM
My son got a X-Box elit so, I might borrowed his toy........:brickwall

So...when the times comes?.....we will see.....;)


DJ Techno
29th January 2010, 11:09 PM
no offence to the you owning a xbox..

but what did i ever tell ya about me owning one, wolf...

"Not On Your Life" :)

sorry Gates. I use a percent of your products through the company Microsoft. But the Xbox period. has not enough good merit? thumbs up? credit?

and Halo isn't going to cut it.

Mr Phlanj
29th January 2010, 11:11 PM
i think the XBLA is mutch better than whats offer on the PSN store. thats the only thing i like about the 360

29th January 2010, 11:32 PM
@DJ Techno: They still talking about Halo and Gears of War. xD

29th January 2010, 11:33 PM
I already have one, but let's not start a fanboi war. We had at least one of those already, didn't we?

29th January 2010, 11:51 PM
I bought one when it was released and sold it again when the PS3 was released. However I bought a 360 again, when Forza 3 was released. Got tired of waiting for Gran Turismo...

I hate Microsoft, but the 360 isn't a bad console. I'm buying every multi-platform game for the PS3, but there are a couple really cool 360-only games (Forza, Mass Effect, GTA Addons, some J-RPGs,...). The biggest problem for me is that it's way too loud. I can't play longer than a hour or so, because then I'm getting really annoyed and tired of the "SSHSSHSHHHH". If you don't install the games on the HD it's completely unplayable anyway imho.
The Xbox controllers are really great. I totally hate the Playstation "made for japanese mini-hands" controllers... But best controller of all time is definitely the Gamecube controller!:nod

30th January 2010, 12:15 AM
Probs not gonna happen:

Xbox controller is WAY too big for my hands...and the sticks are a bit too loose/high. Something like that.

Main reason is that I can't really be arsed / can't fork out that much cash for just another games console. Either way I'd find games that I could keep playing for hours on end, I just happened to pick PS3 :)

30th January 2010, 12:19 AM
Loud? Maybe. But I wear headphones so I don't wake the neighbors [their bedrooms are not far from my living room], and I don't hear the X-box itself much.

30th January 2010, 12:23 AM
xbox is the marmite of the gaming world :nod

you either .....

love it

hate it

or just never tried it...

Mr Phlanj
30th January 2010, 12:25 AM
the game cube controlers just melted into your hands it was such a good layout of buttons that went something like this; BIG A BUTTON = KILL, U SHOULD KNOW THE REST.

i dont mined the size of the xbox controler but it suffers from the only problem the gamecube controler had, I dont like how the anolog sticks are not in-line. i just dont see why!

30th January 2010, 12:28 AM
im a xbox fan but i agree with most xbox users that the controllers are not as good as the other consoles out there.

way too big for me to hold..ok if you are a wrestler or a builder..

30th January 2010, 12:55 AM
THe only problem with the 360 controller is the D-pad... it is genuinely the worse thing since the non-centering analog control stick on the atari 5200. Even the d-pad on the original Xbox was really good, so I have no idea how they managed to screw it up so bad lol :P (A lot of the games I play are more D-Pad friendly, so it's especially frustrating for me... I managed to physically modify my own controller to partially fix it though, because I'm insane lol) Other than that, though, I think it's very comfortable... I even bought a 360 -> PS3 adapter so I could use the 360 controller on Super Stardust lol :P Personal favorite controllers are still the N64 controller and the Western Saturn controller.

Though, Europe did get a re-designed special green 360 controller which fixed the problem with the D-Pad... we haven't see it state-side though :/

To be fair, I really dont like a lot of the other cliche Xbox stuff... FPS, WRPG, boob fighters, etc... I like the machine for a lot of its arcade style games; the just sit-down-and-play stuff. It's almost like a grown up Genesis/MegaDrive- something for everyone. And 98% of multi-platform games perform better on the 360 because it's the defacto console at the moment, games are usually coded for the 360 then ported to the PS3, and thus either look worse or play worse (think of the difference between Earthworm Jim on Genny/MD versus its terrible SNES counterpart).

@ProblemSolver & Techno: I, uh...I really don't know what to tell you guys other than you have my pity :) <3

30th January 2010, 02:22 AM
I would only entertain the thought of purchasing an XBOX if a new Wipeout were released on it.

It would appear I'm mentally (#*$ed, if nobody noticed yet. :brickwall

30th January 2010, 09:17 AM
I need to find my DreamCast, I haven't seen it since my family moved and I really hope that it didn't get lost. Only reason I'd get a 360 is for Ace Combat 6, but I'm not willing to pay for live so I will pass. I own a gaming PC so I'm already set anyway.

30th January 2010, 02:21 PM
THe only problem with the 360 controller is the D-pad... it is genuinely the worse thing since the non-centering analog control stick on the atari 5200. Even the d-pad on the original Xbox was really good, so I have no idea how they managed to screw it up so bad lol :P

That's so true! I even can't go reliably up/down/left/right in a menu with this thing. :paperbag

30th January 2010, 02:29 PM
lol exactly :P The newer black/blue/red wireless controllers have a slightly improved pad at least, though... you can navigate menus without wanting to kill someone hahaha
but it's still supposedly not as good as the mysterious official green one from Europe.

30th January 2010, 03:07 PM
Already have one. Gamertag is "Koleax," the same as my PSN. I think I played jasmin-jade in Ridge Racer 6 once or twice. :)

The Jasper motherboard version is a good system. Whenever there's a game for both platforms I want, I buy the 360 version. I have no loyalties to Microsoft. I was a Mac user back in the mid-90s when times were rough to be one and I'm still very uncomfortable owning Microsoft console. Nonetheless, I'm more comfortable owning one than a Sony system, who only had my business because of Wipeout.

30th January 2010, 03:25 PM
probably not going to happen, i dont like the 360's exclusives, i would only like a couple of games but i think paying that online service is a steal

30th January 2010, 03:50 PM
...Personal favorite controllers are still the N64 controller...
Wha? That alien-handed mess of a controller! XD And you don't like Wipeout Pulse - you're insane! :P
Mind you, I do hate the Xbox/360 controller as well - too big, I'd rather the analog/dpad the other way round, and now you've mentioned that the dpad is bad (I play mostly dpad, and hate giant loose analog sticks). Can the 360 accept other USB controllers, like the PS3?

I don't hate the Xbox 360 though, and wouldn't dismiss it if I wanted one of this generation of consoles, even though Microsoft made it. Xbox 360, Wii and PS3 don't have exclusive games that I want enough to buy one based on that. The PS3 has many things I prefer, but I've heard that the Xbox equivalent to PSN Store has a lot more indie games and stuff, which I'm interested in and would like to support (unlike crappy FPS games, movie license cash-ins, and other rubbish the big devs vomit onto consoles these days). The big issue I have is that you have to PAY to go online (even just to buy games from them! XD). I know they've been honest about charging for online from the start (unlike Sony), but I'm just not into it. Never say never though, maybe one day I'll end up on Xbox. ;)

30th January 2010, 04:51 PM
Well the n64 controller is the most comfortable controller I've ever used, and I wasn't one of those people who were retarded and didn't figure out how to hold it properly, so I could actually appreciate the ergonomics that went into its design lol :P

As far as the 360 controller goes; I still don't understand how people say it's too big; I don't think the PSX controller is "too small" either, so all I can figure is half the population of the world has mutated hands or something o_O
I don't understand this obsession with having both analog sticks like the PSX controller; I have such a hard time whenever I have to use the control stick on a playstation game because your thumb is at a 90-degree angle compared to every other analog controller out there; N64, Saturn, Dreamcast, Xbox, Gamecube, 360... when you want to go Up/Forward in a game, you should be moving your thumb up or forward, not "left" ...see my attached image, you'll see what I mean.
The D-Pad isn't completely terrible, like I said, the later colored controllers has a much better one than the original. A lot of the games I play are D-Pad heavy as well, and I haven't had issues with the black controller I picked up.
"giant loose analog sticks" - I have a launch-model PS2 controller and the analog sticks still snap back to center like a brand new controller. It's all in how you play; if you're not brutal on them, they'll last a very long time. My original 360 controller still has tight sticks, and all the rest of my friends (who play 20x more than me) haven't had any issues with the control sticks getting mushy or limp
Unfortunately, the 360 can't accept other random USB controllers, but there have been a handful of good 3rd party controllers (surprisingly) to offer alternatives.

The Xbox live store is amazing, 1000x better than the PSN store

and you don't have to pay for live just to download from the Xbox Live Arcade. You can create a FREE "SILVER" Live account ...where the hell do people think you have to pay just to buy stuff from the XBLA???

With Silver, the only restrictions are you can't play vs people online, you can'd access the premium services like netflix and stuff, but you normally have to pay for those separate from Microsoft anyway.

And honestly, paying for online is worth it for servers that don't SUCK like the free PSN servers.

30th January 2010, 05:52 PM
I really like my xbox, I like just getting a party of friends on and playing some good games together. I dunno if you can have group chats on the ps3 outside of a game, but they really are excellent and I've had lots of really cool nights just talking and chilling out in them.

I don't find controller overly big or uncomfortable - I can press all the buttons, and the analogue sticks are great too, and I like them positioned above the D-pad too, it's nice and comfy - if you weren't used to playstation controllers before hand, you'd know right away that it was a pretty cool and comfy layout. I prefer the triggers on the 360 though, they're just comfier and easier to level out different pressures in my opinion.

The playstation controller it's bad either, I quite like it, but just not as much as the 360.

I don't fully agree on the D-pad issue myself. Yeah, the xbox D-pad is pretty rubbish, but if it was in the same position as the playstation controller, it would be an issue for me, because that's where my thumb tends to rest, but it doesn't and it's pretty usable so that's not an issue for me. :)

That place on the controller just seems to be the best place for movement controls; I use the D-pad on wip3out and it's really nice, but I never ever wanted to use the analogues for some reason. I like the stick on project gotham racing. I suppose it's just personal preference but it might just be that place on the controller.

At the end of the day, they're just controllers and they work. :P

The other thing I like is that you can get wired controllers and wired headsets on the 360 because I really don't like charging and stuff myself, and I find the 360 microphones are excellent - my brother who has a ps3 went through loads of ps3 microphones and they all broke, so, I dunno, maybe that's just us, but I've never had any problems with my 360 headset. Another thing I've noticed when watching him play is that the voices coming through in online matches are terrible, and I'm guessing it's the microphones again being of a dodgy sound quality, but again, that might just be the servers on the games he plays. That's the only real problem he's had though I think, but I like talking to friends over xbox, so that would probably be a big thing for me.

That's just my opinion and experiences on both consoles and I don't mean to sound like a fanboy or whatever lol, but I've never had problems with my 360 and don't see why it's still getting a bad reputation and all that. Both systems work, it's all good.

Also, off topic :D

30th January 2010, 06:01 PM
Sorry, but the N64 controller is just a total mess for me (and btw, I'm not a retard - my intelligence far exceeds yours :D) - I don't want a button on the back of a controller, no matter what. The (official) one I tried was made of cheap slippery plastic too, with a nasty analog stick.
With the Xbox controller, it's not so much about having the analog sticks in line, it's about the dpad being in the "right" place (I like using it as my main movement control), which is why I like Playstation controllers (maybe the only reason). I don't like Playstation analog sticks either btw, because they're also too high and loose for my liking, and from the beginning, not because of wear. I remember my original PS2 controller being a little better in that way, but I've played my friend's PS3, and those sticks are just flapping about everywhere - useless!:lol
The size thing - I just meant that it'd be more comfortable for me if it wasn't so bulky - somewhere between that and a PS controller would be ideal for me. With controllers, it comes down to just personal preference really, not people being mutated or retarded. ;)

That's good to hear about the Silver account being able to download all the games, but I still wouldn't want to pay yet another monthly bill, after I'd already paid ££££££££££££££ to Microsoft for their console and games, and I just can't believe that's it the awesome bug-free experience Xbox fanboys make it out to be (I don't doubt for a second that it's more reliable than PSN though).
Still, I haven't ruled it out, so I'll look into what interesting indie games are available, and consider it. :)

30th January 2010, 07:35 PM
What it really comes down to is value.

The people who invest in the 360 as their main console feel that the experience they get is worth the money they spend. None of my friends who pay for Xbox Live Gold have ever once complained about it, yet I've had to listen to the same people AND OTHER NON-360 gamers complain left and right about the PSN despite being free.

As far as offering up any other money to MS "for their console and games," The 360 and PS3 are the same price, the controllers are similarly priced (I think the 360 pad is actually a little cheaper), and the games are the same price. You're not actually paying any "more" than you would on the PS3...

And to off-set the $50/year for Gold Live, Microsoft periodically offers sales and discounts on different things over the XBLA; if you were going to buy a game in the first place anyway without the discount, the money you save can theoretically equal what you paid for the year of Live *shrug* They often do other specials and contests and events and stuff too; gaming with developers, prizes... I don't even remember what else since I haven't paid for live since the first Xbox era; I don't really do any online gaming, so it doesn't personally matter to me lol

And a side-note
"my intelligence far exceeds yours"
I'm not calling you stupid, so don't turn around and do it to me :P I'm just generalizing because i saw so many people confused with the N64 controller back in the day... they'd try to hold it on the outside handles and stretch their left hand across the face to use the control-stick... it was pitiful.
"I don't want a button on the back of a controller, no matter what."
It's essentially in the same spot as the triggers on the Saturn/Dreamcast/Gamecube/Xbox/360/PS3 controllers, it just didn't happen to be analog :P

30th January 2010, 08:04 PM
Hehe, yeah I was only joking around with that anyway. ;)
It's a yearly membership? I guess that's not so bad as some monthly direct debit or something. Well, if I do buy a new console, perhaps it will be an Xbox 360. It just depends on what grabs me at the time - I kind of prefer the PS3 as a console because it has blu-ray, accepts USB controllers, and most important of all: Adhoc Party:D!! On the other hand, the PSN isn't as good as it could be (although I don't hate it nearly as much as you:P) and the selection of games is limited in some ways. Also, there's no reason to want to support Sony over Microsoft given their recent behaviour, both to their customers and staff.
As for the controller, I'd just have to live with it, whatever console I buy - I've never found an "ideal" controller anyway.:lol

30th January 2010, 08:17 PM
I look at it this way, it's an opportunity to try more and different games. Although I bought a PS3 only for Wipeout HD, I figured it would give me a chance to actually see what else the machine has to offer and everything. Subsequently, all my doubts, fears, and criticisms have been confirmed after my time and experience with the machine lol :P But it's still better than sh*tting all over it without any real exposure. 90% of the people who say 360 sucks have either never played it, or only spent like half an hour with it "at a friends house" or something similar, and the rest of their baseless criticisms and claims are just bandwagonning because they like to feel like they're a part of something bigger.

Adhoc party is a neat idea on PS3, but aside from Pure, is there really any other reason for it? I can hardly imagine there are enough people out there who play THAT much PSP to make Adhoc Party a decisive factor. The USB controller thing is really just personal preference... honestly, I wish Microsoft had done the same as sony, but they're still a commercial business, and it was a way to maintain their brand. Even third-party companies still have to pay licensing fees when they make their own controllers. Blu-Ray is a decent feature, but no games have yet to take advantage of it for any genuine practical purpose, and it's geared more toward the home-theatre aficionados... I know people who invest a lot of money into their entertainment systems, but I've perpetually lost interest with each coming year. I bought a couple big TVs for gaming, I've had the same two-speaker Aiwa stereo for over 10 years... I'm good lol

30th January 2010, 08:30 PM
Ah, the blu-ray thing would be for movies for me - I'm not buying an HDTV exclusively for games, and I don't sit around watching TV (which is why I don't own one already). PSP on Adhoc Party is again a personal thing, because I really like the PSP (maybe my favourite games machine), and I want to play Pure, Dissidia, some fighters, maybe Disgaea, and some others. Unfortunately I just can't get Xlink Kai working properly on my PC, so it's really my only option for playing some of those games multiplayer. It's a lot of money just for those two features though, I agree.

31st January 2010, 06:27 PM
And honestly, paying for online is worth it for servers that don't SUCK like the free PSN servers.
I find it distasteful enough that you started a thread suggesting people purchase a piece of consumer electronics from one company because another company made some people redundant.

But when you're going to spout absolute cock, that's when I have to comment.

I played MAG for 7 hours solid last night. One instance of lag in that time, no disconnections, no interruption to my gaming enjoyment and yet I'm not paying for it.

Your sweeping, childish, fanboy frenzy statements are both pathetic and unwelcome.

So, in short - take it ****ing elsewhere.

1st February 2010, 12:10 PM
Just goin from my personal experience every time my friends and I have attempted to use the PS3 productively. Apologies if "suck" was too violent an exaggeration for the problems we've encountered. YMMV

Btw, the thread was started lightheartedly as a nod to people's dedication to Wipeout solely for wipeout's sake, and the surprising fact that Sony could really cut off a rather large number of their finest employees.

It happened to turn into a rather civil discussion.

I realize you worked at SL for a while, so I'm sure this has to be some kind of frustrating news for you, but you almost sound defensive. This thread was nothing personal toward you or anyone else at SL.

1st February 2010, 01:09 PM
Gotta get myself 1 of these 360s :+

What it really comes down to is value.

The people who invest in the 360 as their main console feel that the experience they get is worth the money they spend. None of my friends who pay for Xbox Live Gold have ever once complained about it, yet I've had to listen to the same people AND OTHER NON-360 gamers complain left and right about the PSN despite being free.

True... I did find that odd when 360 owners mentioned this to me, but I beleive it. PSN servers are a bit naff tbh, we all know that :D Paying $50 pa is worth the service, since you get the indie games and other discounts/offers/comps thrown in too.

My pet hate with the 360 is the controller, but I beleive I can get used to it, given a chance... practice until muscle memory builds and it becomes instinctive after a while...

I guess the only thing stopping me from getting one is that there isn't a game on the 360 which makes me want to... yet! If that changes, i'll get one :)

and I only ever play WipEout, really!

Rachel Johnson
1st February 2010, 01:26 PM
Gamertag: Axel Alloy

The 360 is just something to mess about on to me, just like any other console. I get tired of 'this is better than that', because I don't give a flying fudgesicle when it's supposed to be used to have fun. And, regardless of flaws (Which every console has), I don't really care what I use to play my games these days.

I play a lot of Soul Calibur IV and Left 4 Dead on mine with my patner, my brother and his g/f. Sometimes, a few of my friends join in, so it's more fun.

1st February 2010, 01:39 PM
Blu-Ray is a decent feature, but no games have yet to take advantage of it

What about Metal Gear Solid? A godlike game!:nod
Also I've read that there are some problems with the 360 version of Rage, because there's too much data for a DVD and the developers had problems with cutting it into smaller pieces or something...

EDIT: The Uncharted games take advantage of Blu-Ray too. I guess some other Sony-only games (will) too.

1st February 2010, 01:45 PM
I realize you worked at SL for a while, so I'm sure this has to be some kind of frustrating news for you, but you almost sound defensive. This thread was nothing personal toward you or anyone else at SL.
I just don't want blinkered fanboy bollocks littering this forum. I don't give a rats ass whether you "started it in a lighthearted way" or not - these discussions and the propaganda that fuels them is a waste of time and bandwidth for this board.

1st February 2010, 01:47 PM
Gamertag: IdReaperbI

Heres the catch though... I haven't been on my 360 in almost a year, ever since I got my PS3. I have had my 360 since launch and have enjoyed it, but I feel as though I have moved on. The last game I was interested in getting for it was Forza 3, but the next time I boot it up will probably be for Lost Planet 2 assuming 360 gets it first and that it doesn't get a PC release at the same time. To me the 360's line up feels like it is going down hill not because of the games but because most of its 'exclusives' are also on the PC. I still would get on for a little gears or halo but it is unlikely. I've played my 360 to death. I'll stick with my PS3/PC for now, until I feel the urge to get gold again for whatever reason.

1st February 2010, 01:47 PM
What about Metal Gear Solid?

I've got that, played a bit of it on my old lcd but not since I got the HDTV, time to give it another go. Do like Hideo Kojimas metal gear games, a Zone of the Enders on PS3 blu-ray would be welcome too.

Mateo :+ thanks

Dan Locke
1st February 2010, 06:29 PM
I just don't want blinkered fanboy bollocks littering this forum. I don't give a rats ass whether you "started it in a lighthearted way" or not - these discussions and the propaganda that fuels them is a waste of time and bandwidth for this board.
Could it not have been his honest opinion?

Rapier Racer
1st February 2010, 10:04 PM
I would have thought Blu Ray will become an obvious advantage to the PS3 in the not so very distant at all future, if not already.

Mass Effect 2 (Amazing game :) ) is on 2 disks, it is a PAIN IN THE ARSE when all of a sudden everything stops for...."Please insert disk 2" and lets not forget the other "Please insert disk 1", yeah, not really what I'm accustomed to to be honest.

Will Mass Effect 3 be on 3 or 4 disks?

Obviously I have a 360 already so the acquisition was unrelated to recent decisions/complete arseholery on Sony's behalf.

1st February 2010, 11:27 PM
lol I liked that nobody used to complain when PS1, Saturn, and PC games were spread across multiple discs ;)

In the future, they could possibly people install content across multiple discs to the hard drive, so you still only need 1 disc when you're playing. *shrug* I dunno, that could be one of the "small things" between the two consoles that some people don't think twice about. It never personally bothered me.

A lot of the games that have supposedly utilized the extra space that BR offers haven't done much more than simply put a lot of uncompressed audio/video on the disc. Don't get me wrong, I'm an audiophile to an extent... but a quality-compressed 10mb 3 minute audio clip is going to sound just as good as a 250mb uncompressed raw file to 99.998% of the people out there. At the same time, though- short of a game having literal weeks of gameplay and costing $120, I don't think there's really any practical way to fully utilize all that space yet :/ I think companies would be loathe to attempt it because consumers are accustomed to paying $60 for a brand new game... the amount of development and manhours required to build a game that actually represents 50gb of content and gameplay would put the cost above what the average buyer would be willing to spend. Or at least I don't think any company would be willing to take that gamble.

Virtua Racing for the Genesis/MD sold for $70 at a time when most games were $40-50 new... it had a separate graphics chip on the cartridge itself which constituted the extra cost. A number of SNES games had special chips in them (Megaman X3, Mario World 2, all the Super-FX games) which bumped their prices up and I believe at least the first Donkey Kong Country game had a higher price-tag due to its development costs. All of these were gambles which were met with mixed outcomes per title. Given the state of the industry right now, I think the risks are too high for any developer to take... look at Wii games, some of the best selling stuff for the Wii are games that probably took a week or two to develop and barely fill half of a standard DVD :/

(nostalgia time, Donkey Kong Country 2 music: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:15_-_Hot-Head_Bop.ogg )

2nd February 2010, 07:20 PM
i am not a fan of 360 as Eric already knows due to the controllers, paying for online services and lack of BR (since i have a nice collection now :p) and finally failure rate...cant count how many people ask me at the shop to fix their 360s cuz of red ring.

I will say , however, i do like that 95% of games on the xbox market place have demos that you can try first where ps3 only has about 35%demos and the others come out way after the game release. i find myself watching gameplay videos of new PSN games on youtube before buying since you cant get the demos alot.

I am also jealous of their Shmup support. but at least ps3 will get soldner X-2 soon :D

3rd February 2010, 09:51 AM
I've had a 360, and did not like it that much. Mainly because of lack of any interesting games (for me anyway, sure if you really like your fps then it's good I guess). Then there is the silly payment for online gaming and the even more sillier use of MS points to shop for! I want to pay with real money, and not some system that is meant to make things look cheaper than they really are. And last, I got enough when I got the RLOD. Never again.
That's my opinion.

Rapier Racer
3rd February 2010, 01:34 PM
lol I liked that nobody used to complain when PS1, Saturn, and PC games were spread across multiple discs ;)

Never owned a Saturn, never owned any PS1 games that spanned multiple disks and I don't do PC gaming, so, nothing to complain about.

I did the same with my first 360 way not so long after it came out, got shot of it pretty quickly due to genral dislike. I think it was the white one with the 20GB hard drive? Had the Elite for 2 years sat idle most of the time its for Gears of War and more importantly, Mass Effect Trilogy.

However, I've come to like Live. The layout and general ease of finding things is a lot better than PSN, which is free so I'm not complaining just comparing. I don't mind paying approximately £2.92 a month for what they offer really. On the down side the one thing I do not like is the points system, it's just a lot of nonsense.

3rd February 2010, 10:43 PM
Mm, the points are just from achievements... and ironically, Sony copied them when they started doing trophies lol :P I never cared much for achievements/trophies personally *shrug* Though the WOHD trophies are at least something to offer replay value since I can't race online while I'm at school ;_;

4th February 2010, 12:21 AM
Is the premise of this thread "y'all are more likely to buy an Xbox 360 because Sony decided to shut down Studio Liverpool"?

Since 2008, Microsoft has ruthlessly slashed its first and second party developers, including the long-lived ACES studio (makers of "Microsoft Flight Simulator" since 1982). I am disappointed by Sony's decision to close SL but Microsoft has probably been less supportive of its software development partners than has Sony.

Anyway, regarding the Xbox, it is clearly a strong platform that has helped push online gaming into the mainstream, among other things. I don't have enough time to keep up with my Sony and Nintendo consoles at this point of my life, so I haven't bothered to invest in the Xbox or GFW offerings yet :)

Rapier Racer
4th February 2010, 09:14 AM
Mm, the points are just from achievements... and ironically,....

No no, I'm talking about the Microsoft Points you need to purchase before you can buy anything from the Marketplace. PSN just lists proper prices which is the way it should be. There is absolutely no need or good reason for the stupid system Microsoft have dreamed up, none that benefits me anyway.

10th February 2010, 01:44 PM
Had a 20GB 360 Pro console for a year and a half before it RROD'd on me (at least it was kind enough to hold off on the RROD until after I completed my 198 hour Oblivion campaign...lol). Got it replaced under warranty very quickly and then prompltly traded it in for a new Elite version. No problems since (yet? lol). Anyway, I do like my 360 a lot and think it's controller is heavenly...best controller I've ever used, by a long shot.

Having said that, my gamertag should give some indication of where my heart truly lies...

It's SuperiorPS3.

'Nuff said. ;)

11th February 2010, 06:08 PM
Meh, Microsoft has long since fixed the overheating problem, and any of my friends who did have their 360 die on them didn't actually care, they just used the free warranty and waited a week. For the last year or two, microsoft has been using a smaller cpu/gpu die, and it doesn't have the overheating problems of the older versions.

@rapier racer: Ehh, that's just a marketing approach, it's not simply microsoft doing that, Nintendo does it with the Wii, and a few other companies do it with those pre-paid gift cards you find in a grocery store. Since I was buying stuff pretty frequently from the Live Arcade, I liked having the odd 80, 120, 240 points left over because I could either buy small stuff or they eventually added up to a full game.

11th February 2010, 07:54 PM
Never. Interesting games of 360 are mostly on PC, for example:

Mass Effect 2 (Amazing game :) ) is on 2 disks, it is a PAIN IN THE ARSE when all of a sudden everything stops for...."Please insert disk 2" and lets not forget the other "Please insert disk 1", yeah, not really what I'm accustomed to to be honest.There is no need to change disc on PC (And Mass Effect 2 is amazing indeed. Funny hidden things like publicity over radio)
However interesting games of PS3 such as Uncharted, MAG, Heavy Rain and also Wipeout are not on PC. So you have to get PS3 to play them.
But also for 360 there are some interesting games not on PC. However not enough of them to justify getting another console when it cost as much as PS3 to get it for less games than PS3... My opinion only.

11th February 2010, 08:14 PM
... My opinion only.
Not only yours. ;)

11th February 2010, 08:26 PM
i strongly agree with the fact that 360 just doesnt provide enough "exclusive content" to warrant the purchase of the whole console with controllers and a live subscription.I can install one CD into my PC/Laptop for a lower cost - subscription fee as well. Plus for most of the games people seem to go GAGA over for the 360 , IMHO , would play much better with a keyboard and mouse. Especially FPS games, but thats of course personal preference and is why i cant stand FPS on my ps3 ( i know i can get a keybaord and mouse for it, but i dont wanna spend extra money to boost my experience with one type of game)

9th March 2010, 11:37 AM
I really cannot say which console I like more. For the first two or so years, the 360 had a huge advantage concerning games. By now, on both consoles you find interesting and good games. In a way I still prefer the Xbox 360. The online system is better....but then, I hardly use it since my rank of gears of war 2 has been resetted due to an error. From rank 48 to 1. **** you Epic. But it´s ok, cause this game sucks very hard when it comes to mutliplayer (well, Horde works fine however). And I prefer the controller as long as I have to use the analog stick. The ones of the PS 3 controller have a stupid chape, I think. But since I use the analog stick while playing WO, it´s fine. And that is what matters most to me (the reason why I bought a PS 3). And: the PS 3 is silent. Staring the Xbox I always fear it starts to move and flies out of my window like a plane.
So, WO aside there is not really a reason for me to use the PS 3 (ok, Uncharted 2 is nice), since Mass effetc for example is not available on PS 3. Another game that is important to me. And yeah, I had a ROD too : )

9th March 2010, 03:17 PM
No WipEout, No Gran Turismo....therefore i will NEVER own that money scaming machine!:cold

Rapier Racer
9th March 2010, 05:51 PM
Money scamming?

9th March 2010, 09:28 PM
It's not a scam when you know up front what it is and isn't and what it has and doesn't have.

9th March 2010, 11:04 PM
It is if you were owner of first gen machine. :bat

Rapier Racer
9th March 2010, 11:08 PM
True but the thread title says 360, there are many reasons why I sincerely doubt Microsoft will take the same road with the 360.

9th March 2010, 11:10 PM
..when someone hands me it free of charge, then I sell it :g

10th March 2010, 12:31 AM
it really comes down to bias, consumer loyalty and pride, and on a smaller level- game interests

People pick one camp or another based on overall public opinion;

- the 360 had a miserable time with the RRoD problem in the first couple years, so everyone jumped on that bandwagon and completely ignored every other positive aspect of the machine. Since then, Microsoft has offered to replace, free of charge, all the consoles that had hardware failure due to the manufacturing flaw; and the motherboard has seen multiple revisions to alleviate the problem. The current design no longer suffering the problem. You can argue the repair process is an inconvenience, but I equate it with a vehicle recall or something- it is what it is. On average, it took about a week from sent-out to receiving your repaired console... it's not hard to go a week without video games, though the PS3 was down for only a day or two with the leap-year date problem, and half the world was up in arms with that, so I dunno what to say lol

- The PS3 took at least 2 years before it really started to get solid games, and as a result people openly mocked it for being little more than a glorified blu-ray player... which was a joke in and of itself because BR wasn't the de facto HD medium upon its launch, and the public wasn't widely testing the water with either BR or HDDVD. THe PS3 was nothing more than a symbol of someone who had five or six hundred bucks to spend and feel proud of themselves while Wii/360 owners actually enjoyed the machines they had purchased. The PS3 library has since begun to expand and includes new exclusives, a lot of hot-ticket cross-platforms, and finally new entries in established franchises.

Regarding the PS3 specifically in terms of loyalty;
- Many longtime Playstation fans have been severely disappointed with Sony's offering, approach, and attitude with the advent of the PS3 compared to the prior two consoles. As a result, they have changed camps and fallen in love with the 360 for the large variety of games that it offers, on top of its capabilities as a digital entertainment device. Many developers also see the 360's established user-base and popularity and have started bringing once Playstation exclusive titles cross-platform. (Ironically as I type this, I'm reading an interview about Sonic 4, and the guy they're talking to only remarks on Wii's Virtual Console and 360's Live Arcade, even though the old Sonic games are available on PS3 too link (http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/1526/np253s4pp3.png) Sonic isn't a PS exclusive, but I muse this as an example where even people in the industry default to the Wii and 360 as the platforms they consider the public focuses on) A lot of people were also frustrated when they removed PS2 compatibility from the machine... sure it's in effort to keep the price down, but they never did that with the PS2; the 360 never had features removed in favor of a price cut...

- in the same vein, some of the most vocal PS3 supporters are the long-time Sony devouts who have decided to hold out in hopes that the PS3 will attain the same glory and accomplishments that its predecessors have...

Everyone wants and expects something different from a game console, and ultimately those are the things that should dictate one's decision on which platform to take.

It's fun to take sides and antagonize The Other Guy and everything, but in the end-Joey got PS3 because he likes Ratchet & Clank and Gran Turismo, where Billy got the 360 because he likes Mass Effect and the Indie Games section and the stuff that XB-Live offers.

In my personal case, I love the 360 for a handful of disc-based exclusives, the other half of my disc-based games are multi-platform which I purchased for 360 because 98% of my friends have a 360 and we can compare scores and progress. I don't pay for Gold Live because I don't care about playing online or any of the other benefits it offers, but I buy lots of things from the Live Arcade... many exclusive original games as well as classic stuff. The interface is friendly and inviting, and I've never had any issues.

I don't like the PS3 because none of its big-name exclusive titles interest me; God of War, Killzone, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, and others that I can't even remember... I didn't care about them on PS2, so subsequent games aren't going to make me change my mind. I don't like it because its interface is frustrating and unintuitive compared to the ease of use the 360 offers me; its online marketplace is a nightmare to navigate, has very few demos of anything I might be interested in, and has little in comparison to the selection on the 360 to begin with anyway. "Home" isn't even installed on my console, I own a grand total of 2 blu-ray titles and just watch anything else online. The controller is uncomfortable for me... Even though I have a backward compatible model, playing PS2 games in anything other than 480i adds lag since the video signal has to pass through the PS3's HD scaler for HDMI, so it still renders some of my games unplayable or at least unnecessarily frustrating. I've had the thing freeze at least a dozen times in all different scenarios, I even had to reformat the hard drive at one point when it got corrupted and I lost my WOHD progress...

I'm at least not going to put up a fuss about the leap-year problem... in the end, I didn't lose content, the machine still works, and it's over and done with.

I bought the machine solely for Wipeout HD; there are a few other small PSN titles I have subsequently found that I enjoy (Gravity Crash, Super Stardust, Noby Noby Boy, Pixel Junk Eden), and that's about the only purpose it serves for me.

The only friends (in person, not via the internet) I have who own a PS3 are FrostE (and we don't really hang out frequently enough to play games), and there's a PS3 down at a house that 6 of my friends rent... which only gets use from Stardust HD, Pixel Junk Eden, and Flower by two people in the household, and only when they're high... so it isn't even a social gaming platform for me.
That's about the most objective take I can give on all of this.

10th March 2010, 01:49 PM
You still going on about this?

I've lost count of the number of times you've told us how great the XBox is now.

I really, really shouldn't have called this site XBoxFanBoiZonE.com - it's really coming back to haunt me.

Oh... wait...

10th March 2010, 03:38 PM
@AG-wolf: First off, in almost all countries the PS3 leads the 360 in sells per
months and adoption rate. And from my local community over here in Germany
I can say that everyone is in favor of the PS3. Even all of our known 'PS3 haters'
have now bought a PS3 despite saying they would never buy one! Why? Because
the PS3 delivers. The odd situations you were talking about, that the PS3 got no
games within the first two years etc., are history. The switch towards the PS3 is
just because the games on the 360 doesn't cut it, and if, then you can play most
of them on a PC in a higher resolution whatsoever. The PS3 exclusives are what
makes the difference for most gamers. I think that most who have favored the 360
got sick of looking on the PS3 getting one blockbuster after one another.

And I don't even talk about the hardware and its failure rate or whatsoever,
whether speaking about the 360 or PS3. People forget about such things pretty
fast. The difference lies within the amount of high-quality games. And up to my
point of view, it's pretty obvious that the PS3 is leading the pack by a huge
amount. Sure, if you aren't into those titles like for example Uncharted 2,
MotorStorm 2, LittleBigPlanet, Heavy Rain, God of War 3, Gran Tourismo 5, The
Last Guardian, or whatever, and if your are even not interested in the PS3s
line-up at all, then okey, no problem, but these games are a good reason why
people do buy Playstation 3 at an ever increasing rate.

Well, let's forget about Blu-Ray, free-to-play PSN, or anything like that. I do
believe that what makes the difference between the 360 and the PS3 are just the
games. And Sony is delivering at a rate like never before. That's it.

For me, games are just one side of the coin. My decision on buying a new system
also depends on how much new innovations goes into it as a whole. You, the core
gamer (?), may argue that the only thing you need to do on a console is playing
games. Yeah, that's a valid point. But listen; from my point of view, the 360
has brought no innovation into this gen. It was built in a rush with a major
failure rate to serve the only purpose to compete with an innovative company for
the money at stake. On the contrary, the PS3 has brought innovations and has
pushed a lot of technology to become accessible, like for example;

the innovative Cell processor; best ratio of GFlops/Watt/$, see the Green
Top500, the first three systems are systems using the Cell processor
new memory technology / interfaces (25GB memory bus, XDR RAM, FlexIO)
blue laser discs technology to store data beyond 200GB
high definition video / music (HDMI interconnect, FullHD)

The PS3 does even serve our society to some degree in helping to cure major
threats to human life caused by for example cancer and the Alzheimer's disease,
via the Folding@Home project. The compound of all the PS3s participating in the
Folding@Home project have surpassed every other system in existence, whether
PCs, graphics accelerator boards, or whatever, in computational resources beyond
the rock solid 1 PetaFLOP barrier to gain insight into these threats. You don't
care? Well, I do. From the perspective of a scientist there is much more to the
PS3 than just games. The PS3 has provided other researchers with a very cheap
and very powerful resource to do complex calculations thanks to PS3Linux and
thanks to Ken Kutaragi who insisting on his vision. Additionally, the technology
behind the PS3, i.e. the Cell processor, has lead to the most single powerful
supercomputer in the world (codenamed; Roadrunner / IBM), which has brought
to an end a 10 years effort of all major companies, i.e. IBM, Intel/AMD, NEC, and
Cray, in breaking the 1 PetaFLOP barrier. Roadrunner is an outstanding
computational resource servicing the field of life science.

In summary, this is what defines the other side of the coin for me. And as a
whole this is the reason why I support the PS3. It's the overall performance of
the entire system.

10th March 2010, 05:44 PM
...there's a PS3 down at a house that 6 of my friends rent... which only gets use from Stardust HD, Pixel Junk Eden, and Flower by two people in the household, and only when they're high... so it isn't even a social gaming platform for me.

Fair (as is a lot of the other stuff you mentioned). Actually I also only know one person in person who owns a PS3 and this is exactly what it gets used for ;)
Not a social gaming platform but I'm an anti-social person so it's all good :g

@PS: Couldn't have said it better myself :+

PS3fanboiz ftw :rock

10th March 2010, 07:39 PM
Meh PS3 is MY social gaming platform!
I have a PSWii btw...

-NHL 3-ON-3 countless hours with friends
-SEGA AND SONIC ALL-STARS RACING with my friends, i have done more split-screen than normal+online put together
-Braid: Turns each on puzzles etc.
-Battle Tanks with my mates playing with them AND online at the same time (this is a great feature)
-PES 2009 picked up for £1.50 and spent 120hrs on Master League with 3 friends...great stuff
-Fight Night Round 4 regulary host my own "Fight-Nights" with doritos, pepsi and dominos :P

...and much more.

The PS3 is just superior in every way!

Rapier Racer
11th March 2010, 02:33 PM
Most of my 360 owning mates now own PS3s and use it as the primary platform for their gaming. It was only a matter of time before it happened really.

11th March 2010, 10:33 PM
You still going on about this?

I've lost count of the number of times you've told us how great the XBox is now.

I really, really shouldn't have called this site XBoxFanBoiZonE.com - it's really coming back to haunt me.

Oh... wait...

oh, mybad, excuse me for actually making a balanced and civil post to try and calm the atmosphere a bit; yeah I was nasty and outspoken about it before but it's not like I don't realize people have their own preferences for their own reasons.
Had you read my post instead of just calling me out lol 'nother 360 post eh eh? you'd have seen I was being objective about both machines and not cramming the 360 down anyone's throat.

that is exactly the kind of intelligent justification I love to hear, and those are the kind of things I acknowledge about the machine. Aside from the games aspect, I wish I could make them my own priorities and share the same appreciation but in the end, I just don't. *shrug* :/

except Battle Tanks, all of those are multi-platform games ;)

I'm not out to convert people, I'm not trying to be like a christian during the roman empire or something, and I actually hadn't intended to post in this thread again until I felt like I had to defend myself. I don't care anymore at this point, people buy what they're gonna buy and enjoy their own things, it's not a crime. The whole reason I posted this thread in the first place was when Sony let so many people go, there was a general sense of betrayal among long time devotees of the series; it was really just lighthearted, I'm not trying to get people all bent out of shape. I figured I liked Wipeout so much that it actually made me buy a PS3, maybe other people are so loyal/grateful to the guys who created their favorite game series that it might make them support the competition as a kind of protest. Whatever.

12th March 2010, 10:35 AM
I did read your post.

That's how I know you were spouting ludicrous, over-blown, blinkered stuff like this:

THe PS3 was nothing more than a symbol of someone who had five or six hundred bucks to spend and feel proud of themselves while Wii/360 owners actually enjoyed the machines they had purchased.
You can't throw :turd like that into a post and expect me to perceive your arguments as rational and balanced.

For your information I didn't feel particularly proud of myself because I'd bought a games console. I merely felt pleased that I was able to play HD games and watch HD movies on my HD TV like I'd wanted to do. You better believe I enjoyed myself with it and have done for two and a half years with more to come.

They way you talk about it is as if "being proud" is a way of justifying buying a complete turkey because I had money to burn, when I could have been experiencing a RROD or waving my hands about playing games with shitty graphics on the Wii. Neither of which appeal to me in the slightest.

I made a well informed choice and I got what I wanted. No amount of your pompous opinion on the subject is going to change that, it's just diminishing whatever respect I might have had for anything you had to say on the matter.

12th March 2010, 03:25 PM
AG-WOLF I never implied they made the PS3 better than 360
I was simply stating that i use mines as a party console :)

13th March 2010, 03:14 PM
my gamertag is "AG Wolf 2097XL"

lol :lol

Answer to this thread title.

Never, i rather get hit by a road train to be honest.

What the hell does Xbox360 got to do with Wipeout HD on the Playstation 3 anyway????

13th March 2010, 05:16 PM
+1 Eureka:clap

14th March 2010, 03:36 AM
hahaha cheers there Jeremy :)

Like lets all sell our PS3s and buy a Xbox360....

Who makes these.... Microsoft does, and they are bastards. We all should know that by now.

For every problem on the Playstation Network and associated problem with Sony Computer Entertainment, Microsoft has done better ten times over with there crap, no no make that 100 times to get it more accurate, doesn't take blind Freddy to work that one out either too. Lets have a moment to reflect. Ring of death, there dumb consoles overheating all the time, paying for subscription to xbox live, and of course the wonders of there last operating system they release to everyone on Earth to screw up there work commitments with.

"Sooo... When are guys all get an Xbox 360"


14th March 2010, 11:46 AM
"Sooo... When are guys all get an Xbox 360"

When it doesn't require a fire extinguisher next to it. Or when the day it dones't ask for 3 DVD's to play instead of ONE blu-ray.

Or maybe when it costs 100€ or less. I just love Forza 3, but it's the only game I apreciate in it. PS3's has toons, starting with wipeout.

14th March 2010, 02:00 PM
Check this video out



18th March 2010, 10:12 AM
Here is the result if people get thrown one blockbuster after another into
their faces; PS3 Sold Out Not Just In America (http://www.thesixthaxis.com/2010/03/18/ps3-sold-out-over-america/).

Everything (http://img383.imageshack.us/img383/1106/sogoodga9.gif).

18th March 2010, 12:15 PM
Not interested in the 360:
- unstable hardware, super noisy, 50% of 360 died
- huh, have to buy a wireless adapter, controllers don't recharge themselves etc
- having to pay to play online ... no thanks
- GAMES!!! Honestly there isn't a single game I want, except from Bayonetta
maybe (but I'm more a Ninja Gaiden player anyway), while on PS3 there is
Wipeout!!!! Uncharted 2!!! Ninja Gaiden Sigma 1+2!! Final Fantasy 13!

I guess I'm very happy to have the PS3, buying a 360 now would be more than

22nd March 2010, 09:14 PM
Why on earth would I want to buy an xbox? It doesn't have Wipeout.
Also, paying to play online when you're already paying for your internet connection and already bought the console and the game is kinda like having a toll booth in your driveway.
Then you have things like :
-Folding@Home/cheap supercomputers
-Exclusives; uncharted2, MGS4, Heavy Rain, Killzone 2, LBP, Resistance 1&2, Wipeout HD, GT5, Last Guardian, Motorstorm 1&2, Valkyria Chronicles and Demon's Souls to name a few.
-Blu-Ray (to be fair, the xbox has HD-DVD. Oh, wait.. Nevermind:))
-Future developments : 3D movies and games, API for XMB allowing developers to make apps for the PS3 (Connavars site as an application on your PS3!), Playstation Move (basically Natal light and Wii baked into one. Best of both worlds).
I especially like the thought of combining PS Move with 3D. Imagine having my ugly face poking out of your TV!:eek (Oh, and I can't wait to see a certain scene from 'The Ring' in 3D).
So, again, why on earth would I want to buy an xbox? I wouldn't.

1st April 2010, 03:47 PM
why the hell would i want an xbox? they are horrible ! They were created by a filthy rich evil genius and sold to idiots as a budget option and yet saps millions of peoples hard earnt cash each month/year from xbox live subscriptions... so admitantly sony arent perfect but they are a damn sight better than microsofts obomination.... can anyone actually give a valid benefit to owning a xbox over a ps3??

1st April 2010, 07:08 PM
- enjoyable gaming experience without a clunky and unresponsive interface
- intuitive and well-organized online marketplace
- considerably more stable online gameplay (fewer server drops and lag). A service I don't mind paying for because the benefits of the subscription are worth the cost. Anyone who can't foot $50 a year apparently can't buy one new retail release per year, either.
- wider selection of titles to choose from (like the PS2 last generation)
- target platform for most 3rd party developers (like the PS2 last generation)
- encourages independent development withthe "Indie/Community games section"
- more welcoming atmosphere/platform for 3rd party developers (though someone did say earlier in this thread that they shafted a handful of devs at one point)
- 4 gamer accounts can be logged into one console at the same time so that each player gets progress recorded for whatever game they're playing
(btdubs, RRoD and E74 have been fixed with the later 2008 hardware revision, codename "Jasper")

Microsoft certainly isn't a herald saint as far as company ethics are concerned, but their gaming division is pretty much separate from the rest of the company... Gates doesn't even really have his hands in most of the goings-on.

Sony has made a lot of blunders this generation;
- forced overpriced hardware onto the market and expected it to sell well solely because of the name "playstation"
- repeatedly removed features from their machine since launch...
-- reduced number of USB ports
-- removed PS2 compatibility
-- removed flash card readers
-- removed Other OS
-- whether people use them or not, you don't go forward by stepping backward. It's also a sign of a severe lack of foresight
- non-user-friendly XMB interface makes navigation and control a chore. Everything is at your fingertips, and I like the design in theory, but it's too cluttered and trying to do anything quickly between game loading results in quick aggravation. Time and time again, the XMB freezes and hangs, interrupting gameplay

They got full of themselves and have been trying to recoup ever since. To be fair, the machine finally has some decent games, but I can still count the number of people I know who genuinely get excited by the machine on one hand.

But the discussion/argument isn't worth perpetuating at this point... In the end, Rob and half the other die-hard PS3 people here are right in that it really does just come down to the games.

For me, and again this is just personal opinion, I prefer the library of titles I have access to on my 360. I only bought a PS3 for Wipeout HD, and I found about 4 or 5 other small PSN titles that I enjoy, and that's it... people can wave God of War, Killzone, Gran Turismo, Heavy Rain, etc in my face all they want... I never said they're bad games, I just don't like them. Anything multi-platform I can play on the 360, too. I enjoy everything my 360 has to offer in regards to my gaming experience and the way it lets me interact with my other friends who have 360s... I feel every purchase I have made for the platform (additional controllers, memory card, retail and marketplace game titles, Gold Live subscription from time to time.. usually buy a month once or twice a year... etc) is worth the money I've spent in regard to the return I have received.

Remember, some people feel the same way with the PS3, or even the Wii.

I'd really like to see this thread closed, to be honest. I admit I can be a d*ck about this stuff from time to time, but even when I'm calm and try to suggest a reasonable rebuttal/counter-point/etc, it always turns into MSOFT IS EVIL RROD GRANTURISMOMG.

I'm trying to change a number of things about myself this year, not being so much of an up-tight pr*ck is one of them, sooo-

We all play games, we all enjoy them. Every platform has something to offer which different people appreciate.

Dan Locke
1st April 2010, 07:16 PM

I actually think that the Xbox 360 is better than the PS3. It has better exclusives (not to mention better versions of the games that appear on both systems), better graphics, a better interface, and an infinitely better online store. Seriously, the PSN is worthless, and it only makes the excellent XBLA look even better. The ability to turn a controller off without the aid of a paperclip is also a plus.

That said, I still love my PS3.

2nd April 2010, 08:02 AM
wow ag that was some rebuttle. I can only say point well made and duly taken into account but your right this is a dead topic everyone is different and matter of opinion on what is good and better is entirely personal to the individual user. Each has advantages/disadvantages. Im still new on here and maybe a little naive compared to hardcore gamers Hope to find a topic to discuss we agree on tho

Rapier Racer
2nd April 2010, 01:40 PM

I...... It has better exclusives ...

Most of which appear on PC. Not so exclusive.

2nd April 2010, 05:16 PM
Most of the stuff you can get on the Live Arcade isn't available on PC; Rez HD, Virtual On OT, Banjo Kazooie, Every Extend Extra Extreme, Geometry Wars (sure some of these are re-makes and updates, but the point is I wouldn't have been able to play the better version without the machine)... Plus even if something is also released on PC, it doesn't mean everyone uses their computers as a game platform... I grew up on consoles, and despite actually having a relatively capable gaming computer now (i5 @3ghz, Radeon 4870 hd on 1080p display, 4gb ram), I still don't play anything on it except the occasional emulator or... that's pretty much it. lol I even consider the PS3 more of a gaming device than the computer

A good portion of my games are playable on PC;
Need for SPeed: Most Wanted
Mirror's Edge
Fallout 3
Viva Pinata

and probably some others, I don't even know... but none of my friends play these on PC, they have them for 360... I can compare scores in-game, we can share challenges, etc. If most of my friends played on PC, it might be a different story... But PC gaming just never had the same sense of substance that console gaming had for me, there's always been a delineation between "video game" and "computer game" whenever I think about them *shrug*

3rd April 2010, 07:21 PM
My mate had a piss up last week. Was awesome! His friends Xbox360 was right next to the coffee table and too close to the all the spirits bottles, as you would expect someone knocked it over. Its miss the Xbox. But not to fear, someone stepped on it accidentally a few hours later. CRUNCH! the xbox was destroyed by someone stomping on it.

One Xbox360 down, several million to go, lol!

Couldnt stop laughing at this myself. haha, a great day for Sony. But the beauty of this story the guy with the broken stomped Xbox, said "meh". Bloody Golden!

Either way xbox360 Fail! PS3 FTW :D

Rapier Racer
3rd April 2010, 10:06 PM
Geometry Wars, I remember when I discovered that! I was through the doors at GAME so fast with my hundreds of pounds that the assistant almost lost his head...

4th April 2010, 12:38 PM
Sony has made a lot of blunders this generation;
Oh here we go again. I have just about zero respect left for your opinion after what you've posted in this thread, but we'll play the game anyway because it's against my nature to let someone spout propaganda and pretend that they're being fair and balanced.

- forced overpriced hardware onto the market and expected it to sell well solely because of the name "playstation"

Bollocks. Absolute bollocks. How is it over priced when it was and is sold at a loss? You're way off the mark on this one and it demonstrates just how blinkered and prejudiced you really are. The launch 360 was a piece of junk, using the quality of components that you usually find in cheap asian knock-off hardware. I notice you're not calling that out. Microsoft were having people paying Champagne money for Home Brew hardware and tried to do it with a straight face - you do remember them denying there was a production fault, right? Or has your selective memory served you well here again?

Conversely, the PS3 was positioned as a high end piece of consumer electronics and was manufactured as such. If you couldn't afford it, tough - bitching about that as if that's a bad thing is like saying a Ferrari Enzo is inferior to a mass produced Toyota because the Ferrari is over priced.

The number of USB ports and other items were removed to bring the hardware cost down to a price more acceptable to the consumer during an ECONOMIC DOWNTURN. YOU KNOW THAT, so stop pretending that Sony did it to shaft people at a later date by robbing them of functionality and having them pay the same price - it's childish and pathetic and totally undermines any points you might actually have had.

Sony have never sold the PS3 at a profit, but they've shaved the cost of production down substantially - those savings have been passed onto the consumer. Those who paid the premium got all the kit. Those who paid less got less, but they didn't have to wait two or three years for the price to come down naturally.

You can spin the original inclusion of components as a lack of foresight all you want, but I see it as over ambition on the part of Ken Kutaragi - he wanted to create the perfect piece of hardware that would carry it through the transition to High Definition entertainment in the home. Those core elements are still there - the Blu-Ray drive, the built in wi-fi, the built in hard drive (that you can replace yourself without being gouged by Microsoft). He was clearly too ambitious and it cost him his job, but at least he strived to provide the consumer with a kick ass piece of hardware.

Ultimately, the things that have been trimmed were those that were not deemed to be essential and that could be sacrificed to bring the cost down. The core product remains the same - compare that to your 360 Elite and Arcade owners - there's a hardware disparity there, for sure.

- non-user-friendly XMB interface makes navigation and control a chore. Everything is at your fingertips, and I like the design in theory, but it's too cluttered and trying to do anything quickly between game loading results in quick aggravation. Time and time again, the XMB freezes and hangs, interrupting gameplay

They got full of themselves and have been trying to recoup ever since. To be fair, the machine finally has some decent games, but I can still count the number of people I know who genuinely get excited by the machine on one hand.
Holey ****, this is the biggest pile of crap I think I've ever read on this site. Where the **** do you get off on presenting anecdotal evidence as FACT, time and again?!

My 4 year old daughter can navigate her way around the XMB on both the PS3 and the PSP. When my brother bought a new 42" Bravia tv a few weeks back, he got it set up in no time because the XMB is the default interface for it and he was plenty familiar with it from using the PS3 and the PSP.

You're clutching at straws here and I don't even know why I dignified your constant rehashing of tired, pathetic arguments with a response. You're not convincing anyone with the things you're saying, you're making yourself look desperate.

I can count on one hand the number of people I know in real life who get as excited as I do about the Indy 500 each year. By your logic that would mean nobody enjoys it and the over 200,000 people who fill the stands on race day and countless more who watch around the globe are insignificant. By YOUR logic.

I have an Eee PC - a cheap Asus netbook. I'd love a Vaio or other high-end laptop to replace it, but I can't afford one and I'm not willing to pay the premium for one. By YOUR logic that means the high end machines are inferior!

It would be oh so easy to keep this up, and to poke holes in the 360, but since I'm perfectly happy to play the games I love on the PS3 I'm not going to waste my time taking pot shots at another system.

We get it. You love it. You heart the XBox. Woo hoo for you both.

But, AG-Wolf, if you really ever do have something factual to say on this matter then I'd welcome it, because it would be the first time.

4th April 2010, 07:13 PM
You know, I don't really care anymore. I'm pretty sure I said that with the post you quoted

the discussion/argument isn't worth perpetuating at this point... In the end, Rob and half the other die-hard PS3 people here are right in that it really does just come down to the games.

I'd really like to see this thread closed, to be honest. I admit I can be a d*ck about this stuff from time to time, but even when I'm calm and try to suggest a reasonable rebuttal/counter-point/etc, it always turns into MSOFT IS EVIL RROD GRANTURISMOMG.

I'm trying to change a number of things about myself this year, not being so much of an up-tight pr*ck is one of them, sooo-
We all play games, we all enjoy them. Every platform has something to offer which different people appreciate.

but apparently you only decided to respond to whatever you could retaliate against. I dunno if you're taking this to some kind of personal level or something, but I just... I dunno, I don't really care at this point lol

4th April 2010, 07:23 PM
In the end, the same thing happens to us all:
We're born.
We learn,
We work,
We grow older,
we **** something,
We eat,
We take a dump,
We go crazy,
We die*

*Your experience may vary in some places. :p

4th April 2010, 07:27 PM

Just like DR itself. :?

4th April 2010, 07:34 PM
They were onto something with that. :g

4th April 2010, 07:50 PM
lol <3 IH8YOU

4th April 2010, 07:58 PM
we **** something,

That doesnt sound right, what do you mean something? :?

You mean a chick right? :D

4th April 2010, 08:15 PM
AG-wolf, I agree the topic can rest as I don't think it can go much further. But if you think that "the discussion/argument isn't worth perpetuating at this point...", then don't just say it, mean it. Saying that after posting a big list of PS3 based 'fails' and 360 successes is as much perpetuating it as anyone, isn't it? And I for one am not about to lock a thread straight after you or anyone has made such a post just so that they can have the last word on the topic and deny others the right to reply.

I think we're at the point now that everyone realises that the systems both have their advantages and disadvantages. Both corporations are businesses making decisions as they see fit. Neither system nor corporation is better, but both are different. It's the differences that ultimately result in more choice for the consumer.

I say 'Vive la différence'!

The End?

4th April 2010, 08:20 PM
Before this thread does get locked


- Xbox360 FAIL

Now you can close the thread :guitar


4th April 2010, 08:29 PM
Despite the strong opinions, at least some of those involved have mainly made some decent points. The above post from Eureka is, however, a pointless trolling post and has been treated as such.

4th April 2010, 08:33 PM
That doesnt sound right, what do you mean something? :?

You mean a chick right? :D

MOst of us, yeah, Some may want to do that with something alse. ;)

4th April 2010, 09:00 PM
AG-wolf, I agree the topic can rest as I don't think it can go much further. But if you think that "the discussion/argument isn't worth perpetuating at this point...", then don't just say it, mean it. Saying that after posting a big list of PS3 based 'fails' and 360 successes is as much perpetuating it as anyone, isn't it? And I for one am not about to lock a thread straight after you or anyone has made such a post just so that they can have the last word on the topic and deny others the right to reply.

I think we're at the point now that everyone realises that the systems both have their advantages and disadvantages. Both corporations are businesses making decisions as they see fit. Neither system nor corporation is better, but both are different. It's the differences that ultimately result in more choice for the consumer.

I say 'Vive la différence'!

The End?
Oh believe me, I meant it; but, egos being what they are, it's against human nature to leave things alone and walk away outright. Your second paragraph says it best, and it really is these factors that keeps things rolling.. Where would Nintendo be without Sega to offer competition back in the day? Sony and Microsoft have both learned a lot from each other; without a choice, we'd all be screwed.

In the end, I say again what I said a while back; the thread was only a light-hearted post in response to the games Sony Europe was playing with its staff, which we all weren't pleased with. It eventually deteriorated, sh*t happens *shrug* Over the course of the past couple months, I've realized I really don't care enough about it anymore.

Dan Locke
5th April 2010, 02:16 AM
So, the Xbox 360 is getting a hovercraft-based racing game called Death Road (http://destructoid.com/death-road-has-roads-possibly-death-131331.phtml). Thoughts?

As far as I can tell, it looks far too slow to be a serious competitor against Wipeout HD - heck, even Fatal Inertia looks better than the stuff in that trailer. And what's up with the physics model?

5th April 2010, 03:27 AM
Well, I now have 0.5 reasons to think about an Xbox.

Seriously - with SL 99% dead, and the future of Wip3out bleak (at best) - I need some kind of fix.

Then again... Let's cross that bridge when (if) we get to it.

Not quite sick of WOHD just yet... (and the servers are still on)

5th April 2010, 03:50 AM
lol whatever that is looks terrible :P I genuinely don't think it's trying to be any kind of actual competition to Wipeout.

8th April 2010, 09:06 PM
but apparently you only decided to respond to whatever you could retaliate against.
What was it you wanted again? To just post a whole load of vitriol and for people to accept it as stone cold fact because YOU SAID SO and not actually respond?

I'm afraid you're thinking of a personal blog with the comments turned off - not a discussion forum.

I dunno if you're taking this to some kind of personal level or something, but I just... I dunno, I don't really care at this point lol
Funny that you "don't really care" enough to keep you coming back and telling us all how much you love the XBox and how rubbish the PS3 is. In your opinion. From your anecdotal evidence.

You obviously care enough to have posted plenty of propaganda in this thread, yet when you get a counter to your arguments you suddenly "don't really care" and are "done with it"... "lol".

But in answer to your suggestion, no - I'm not taking this to a personal level. I'm just not content to sit back and let you use this forum as a soap box when I think you're talking rubbish.

Which is also why you don't get to post the comments you have and then request for the thread to be closed when you've had enough of defending some cheap, groundless statements. Doesn't work like that. Like I said - you want a blog if you're after a one way form of communication where you get to say what you like without being challenged.

8th April 2010, 11:24 PM
yet when you get a counter to your arguments you suddenly "don't really care" and are "done with it"... "lol".
Considering it's been a few months, I gave up trying to maintain one side of the discussion when time and time again you came in chewing my head off. I don't recall ever coming across as "vitriolic" as your posts when you simply complain about something I've said.

Others managed to offer at least a civ- no. you know what? just no.

There's nothing I can say that isn't gonna sound like I'm trying to perpetuate things, or like I'm trying to save face, or anything else your sarcastic responses will draw from the thread at this point; and I really don't like that it feels like I'm starting to have to defend myself. When I said I don't care, it had nothing to do with receiving intelligent and justified counters (since that's usually the definition of a discussion), I simply meant I didn't care to play back and forth with you anymore. Think whatever you want.

Mr Phlanj
21st April 2010, 10:16 PM
so i got myself a 360 :D.

i know i know, I love WOHD and i still REALY want a ps3 but i got a 360 that my mate has just come back from being repaird from the RROD, he then got a free 360 with his laptop.

so i thought a 360 for £40 is a good deal :D

(I have just read through the thread so Im not trying to throw petrol on that fire, i just want to say my piece about the xbox)

I hated the 1st xbox when it was out. I didnt like how big it was, or how fat the controlers were, or how there was that little bit of wire at the end of the controler to the xbox where it was asking to be lost. Also ps2 was still going up so the xbox exclusive games were just not on par with the ps2 choices.

But i do love the 360 (ps3 still wins coz it has WOHD :D). I think the controllers are alot better and XBLA is realy good. I did think when they said they were bring it out that "oh its just going to be just as rubbish as the first" but i was worng. Now i think that people should own all 3 next gen consolse coz there all good, im going to get them as i can afford them .luckly my sis has a wii so theres only 1 left to go for me :D.


my Xbox live is: Mr Phlanj so add me if u want to.

p.s. im not online right now tho coz i havnt got the wierless thingy for it.

22nd April 2010, 02:45 AM
fair warning; the wireless thing is unnecessarily expensive- if possible, try to get one used (or check ebay/amazon), or just use a cable... I was always leery of a wireless connection anyway, at least as far as online gaming is concerned... there's always the chance of a connection being dropped for whatever reason, plus it adds just a little more ping time hahaha (I use my PS3 with a cable if I'm racing on WOHD ;) )

Rapier Racer
22nd April 2010, 11:29 AM
Now i think that people should own all 3 next gen consolse coz there all good

Oh, a Gamecube with a shitty motion controller is considered next gen...

You can't argue with a spanking new 360 for £40 tho, providing its not he arcade model. You got it in good time GoW 3 is due out next year so you have plenty time to play the first 2 :D:D:D You should get Mass Effect 1 & 2 while your at it.

I still prefers me Playstations tho :)

Dan Locke
22nd April 2010, 11:03 PM
Oh, a Gamecube with a shitty motion controller is considered next gen...
Oh, two other consoles that were released almost five years ago are considered next-gen.

Seriously, though, when will they ever be current? I'm still waiting.

23rd April 2010, 01:21 AM
uh oh, PC gamer detected? lol :P Yeah consoles will never specifically be "current," but it's the fun-factor that counts...

on that note, I wanna check out the new Afterburner game... the previews make me wonder if Sega actually still knows how to make a decent game.

23rd April 2010, 03:19 AM
I'm pretty sure they don't.

Although if they remade some of their old games the way they made Rez into Rez HD, hell that'd be tight. Apropos, Rez HD is the main reason to get a 360 in the first place.

Rapier Racer
23rd April 2010, 05:13 AM
I suppose they are current, at least 2 of them are. I don't know what the classify the Wii as, the last gen moneymaker with a stupid gimmick?

Dan Locke
23rd April 2010, 02:45 PM
uh oh, PC gamer detected? lol :P Yeah consoles will never specifically be "current," but it's the fun-factor that counts...
I don't mean from a hardware standpoint (they'll never be up to par with the best PCs); I'm just tired of people acting like they're still new. "Next-gen" is what you call a prototype demonstrated at E3. "Current" is what you call that prototype when it gets released.

24th April 2010, 05:57 AM
For as much **** as people are giving to the Wii, PSP and DS-- let's not forget that these are the only consoles for which development of many "niche" genres of video games is economically viable.

Thank goodness there are some non-HD platforms or the diversity of gaming would be even less than it is today.

24th April 2010, 02:51 PM
Perspective for the win. :clap

Mr Phlanj
24th April 2010, 03:30 PM
Oh, a Gamecube with a shitty motion controller is considered next gen...

You can't argue with a spanking new 360 for £40 tho, providing its not he arcade model. You got it in good time GoW 3 is due out next year so you have plenty time to play the first 2 :D:D:D You should get Mass Effect 1 & 2 while your at it.

I still prefers me Playstations tho :)

ok the NOW gens :P. im not interested in getting GoW3 and i didnt like mass effect 1 and number 2 sounds just as mutch of the same.

For as much **** as people are giving to the Wii, PSP and DS-- let's not forget that these are the only consoles for which development of many "niche" genres of video games is economically viable.

Thank goodness there are some non-HD platforms or the diversity of gaming would be even less than it is today.

well said. I like to think that new game companys have stepping stones to get into the big money makers. Phone games --> XBLA/PSN --> PSP/DS --> the NOW gens.

EDIT: P.S. my mate hast lent me; CODMW2, Boishock 1, Prey, Dark messiah and star ocean. all very good games (well dark messiah is average) witch should keep me busy for a while