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Mr Phlanj
18th January 2010, 08:48 PM
when you turn the tap on too much and it flys out of your glass and covers you in water :bomb

18th January 2010, 08:57 PM
And if that's not enough, you'll get it in your nose.

Dan Locke
18th January 2010, 09:42 PM
That hasn't happened to me, but the spray hose got stuck and sprayed my mom when she turned on the water.

20th January 2010, 06:09 AM
arhg taps!
one day when I was rinsing one of my contacts under the tap for a split second I thought of my Mom telling me earlier not to do it without the plug in, in that split second I dropped the contact into the running water never to see it again
don't let what other people say destroy personnel belief, think it made me scared of jumping tree to tree for awhile

oh and again about the water
better up my nose than over my pants, pushing your crotch up to a hand dryer in the mens bathroom isn't always a good look


Mr Phlanj
20th January 2010, 09:33 AM
You know what also really grinds my gears....

when you get your bowl and fill it full of breakfast serial and then you open the fridge to fined out you have no milk ><

oh and again about the water
better up my nose than over my pants, pushing your crotch up to a hand dryer in the mens bathroom isn't always a good look

hehe its funny walking in on someone doing that :D

20th January 2010, 01:19 PM
Reminds me of the Mr Bean film ;)

Do you know what really grinds my gears? People who decide it's a good idea to suddenly stop walking when they're in front of you. So annoying :twisted

20th January 2010, 02:47 PM
human hyenas... it's an urban thing... :( one day i'm gonna move from here, not kidding ya :rock

20th January 2010, 05:15 PM
- TAXES. Nothing more than institutionalized robbery.

- Every time im in a rush, the subway is leaving while im 1 foot near the damn door, or some stupid jerk pays 2,75$ with pennies and nickels. When i got all the time in the world, it would pick me up right at my ****ing doorstep...

- The goddamn mother***ing tiny stone that appears from nowhere and gets stuck in your shoe and makes you curse enough to make the devil cry.

-Some high-skilled/leveled host player who switches from Phantom to Flash because he's not able to catch you up... :brickwall :bomb

Dan Locke
20th January 2010, 05:26 PM
Eh, taxes are necessary if you want a government. When they go overboard with them, though, it's just ridiculous.

21st January 2010, 04:45 AM
People with back packs on that stop and read magazines in Newsagents, or stop to have a conversation with somebody else that has a back pack on in a aisle way or entrance.:evil:mr-t

Groups of old ladies who decide to link arms and walk 4 abreast down a footpath very,very slowly.:brickwall

Women in general at checkout counters ,they NEVER have their money ready,it's a worldwide phenomenon.:nod
Come last item that has been scanned,then it's get the handbag off the shoulder,then rummage through that to find the purse that has money in it in amongst god knows what other crap is in the handbag [meanwhile Germany has re-invaded Poland and man has landed on Mars ]

21st January 2010, 11:32 AM
People that bite their cutlery when they eat -_-

The noise when people go 'shhhhh' -_-

When the cat sneaks into the area of my house that has carpet in it and uses it as a toilet -_-

Children (especially when they use the carpet as a toilet when they don't get more ice-cream and insist the Wii is better than my PS3)

angryyeldar :g

Mr Phlanj
21st January 2010, 01:26 PM
-the job center for taking over 2 months to give me some money (i had a job interview yesterday and im worryed that if i get it they wont pay me the money they owe me)

-console fan boys (like what yeldar said but yesterday even after i said "i think all three consoles have a good collection of games for anyone who plays" he responded with "no your wrong" over and over and over (edit: he was a xbox fanboy))

21st January 2010, 01:31 PM
People who think their own opinions and preferences are Universal Truth.

[It is just possibly possible that you mAy have seen that from me before as I battle the forces of self-centered arrogance. ;) :g ]

21st January 2010, 03:16 PM
+1 right here.

21st January 2010, 04:05 PM
-walking past a door handle and getting your pocket stuck on it, pulling you backwards suddenly.

21st January 2010, 04:25 PM
Cargo pants can be killers when your under-counter kitchen cabinets have knobs instead of handles.

21st January 2010, 05:01 PM
+1 on the trousers, especially when you get a massive tear in them as a result.

- Getting shat on by seagulls

- Groups of people who think they are really 'ladworthy' because they are all clones of each other, take the piss out of people and lace everything they say with pseudo-irony in order to generate a bit of banter (because they can't actually have a normal conversation), united in their efforts to dominate the world with epic amounts of 1-upmanship.

- Brussel Sprouts

- People who get righteous about everything

- Modesto Heights FWD

21st January 2010, 06:51 PM
-walking past a door handle and getting your pocket stuck on it, pulling you backwards suddenly.

or caught so hard it rips your pant pocket in half, or your dressing gown side seam

or living in a 3 story house and having to vacuum and mop the floors before my parents come home from holiday in a few hours

over dressing or under dressing when going to a party(why do the girls you hang with have to dress to perfection and suggest you do to & then you get to the place and most of the other guys are wearing raggedy ass mofo jeans

when no one tells you your flys undone, seriously?, why don't people tell you?, I take pleasure in telling my girl mates when it happens to them (not often/I like making them blush and feel silly for awhile) but I mostly tell people cos it really sucks to have it happen to you and no one tells ya
(hasn't happened to me in years *touch wood*)

when your ready for a great day out, walk to the bus stop, sit down and low and behold your sitting next to a sign reading in big letters 'Wet Paint'
now you have horizontal white lines on the ass of your black pants, mmm fortunes smiling on me today


21st January 2010, 09:16 PM
...When the Sony Aino costs that much, but you don't even have a fraction of that.... :/

21st January 2010, 09:40 PM
No offense to people who like that kind of music, dress like that and are not offensive to anyone, but i gotta say...

- ****ing lame-ass hip-hop pricks who dress with parachute-sized clothing, wear a cap with straight flat flap, with their pants pulled down below their butt and who think they have all the rights of the world, that they can insult and piss-off everybody, that you have no right to even look at them because they listen to gangsta rap, which tells them they're super-hot and its ok to treat women like crap. Oh and one more thing; those jerks who listen to their lame-ass gangsta rap out loud from their crappy cellphone speakers should be thrown in front of the next incoming subway train.

- Crocs.

21st January 2010, 10:17 PM
When your watching an engrossing movie or documentary etc and right at the crucial point,where the most important thing is being reveled ,some loud noise,or somebody comes a talks to you,drowning it out so you don't hear what was said.

Laser printers that run out of ink midway through a print job, or you don't have enough paper to complete a print job.

Mobile phones when they run out of charge just as you answer a call.

Trying to adjust gearing that is slipping on a 3 flywheel bicycle,and every adjustment you make just makes things worse.

Group photos where your the only one that suffers red eye.

Women who constantly overload washing machines causing them to break,then getting the monster of a unit out and back again after you repaired it for the umpteenth time.

People who lend your property out without telling you, to people you have never met.

Treading on LEGO with bare feet
Builders/workmen who start using the nosiest machinery possible at the crack of dawn

Mr Phlanj
21st January 2010, 10:55 PM
-the light bulb blowing just as you get to the other side of the room (reaching out to pick up what you came into get)

(look i know it's forbidden but)

-when im about to finaly beat MrSmadsmartAlex for the 2/100 races against each other and i fall through the floor on the last lap

22nd January 2010, 08:36 AM
Can I try a serious one? racism (http://www.mg.co.za/article/2010-01-20-french-journo-brutalised-by-metro-cops). And the French article is really awful. That kind of thing really pisses me off. Always. Seems like we'll never end up with these kind of stories.

23rd January 2010, 03:21 AM
Complete strangers who don't even know or care enough about me to piss on me if I was on fire - that suddenly DO care - with great interest - when they see me wearing a T-shirt in 15 degree (F) weather.

Seriously - who (#*$ing cares if I want to wear a T-shirt in winter. If I drove around in a car, or just went shopping in the place you saw me - it's a safe assumption that I likely can afford a Jacket too... Do they expect me to go "HOLY (#*T!!!! I can't believe I'm not wearing a jacket - OMG I didn't notice until you said something!"

And the icing on the cake here, according to these very same people - I should have caught Pneumonia or the Flu - AT LEAST, 73 times this year.

Oh yeah, that's right, I haven't. :brickwall

Heh, I just inspired myself. :) I'm going to get a black tee shirt made up with bold white text that reads: "Yes, this IS my winter jacket."

DJ Techno
23rd January 2010, 03:56 AM
People who want to say out loud... What they opinionize on somebody
not opinionize, throw down n call, say what they think and believe is right, to say about somebody. When they don't even know 10 percent of that person

how they talk, how they dress, what they listen to, and who they hang with.

Grinds my gears. When somebody says anything about what a person says.

Use slang, cut words to shorten what they are saying, and the so called. Proper english (writing) sense not everybody knows english.

Excuse me... Want to be english. Language arts teachers.
Not ever body is like you!
People who learn to use slang and short wording in their speeches, sentences, etc.

Went to the same school or education as the next person.
And if any person. Wants to use different ways to talk. They will talk. Write. Speak. Etc. What they not only know, but learn to use from other people, talents, skill, etc.

If u don't like it. Join your own little club. Where u can talk all the way you want.

But it won't! It will not! And never! Make you no better. From everyone in the world.

Instead of criticizing, spitting ya mouth about how somebody talks or may talk. Shows! Your are no better than the person who went to jail for robbing a bank.

Dan Locke
23rd January 2010, 05:31 AM

23rd January 2010, 07:26 PM
When I'm in the middle of a long solo on Guitar Hero or Rock Band... and my f*cking nose starts itching

23rd January 2010, 07:30 PM
Having a nice bud to schmoke, only to realise someone nicked your last skin! :evil

23rd January 2010, 07:40 PM
What DJ Techno said :+.

23rd January 2010, 07:45 PM
Nothing, really. When a pretty girl has an annoying voice.

Intentional fouls at the end of American basketball games that are meant to strategically stop the clock but are not called as intentional fouls. The refs actually call them in the Olympics, which I was very pleased to see. Wish it could be like that every game, then I might watch it again.

23rd January 2010, 08:02 PM
When a pretty girl has an annoying voice.

Yeah, and when an ugly one tries to be sexy :blarg

Mr Phlanj
23rd January 2010, 08:26 PM
Having a nice bud to schmoke, only to realise someone nicked your last skin! :evil

that is one of the worst :D but thanks to the tinterweb it can teach you to make do with random objects to make into bongs/pipes. I like the apple pipe :P

23rd January 2010, 08:49 PM
Blatantly ridiculous situations created by someone who obviously thought their decision made perfect sense in theory and is too gutless to admit is actually just crap in practice.

For example:

At Warren Street Station where normal ticket gates have been replaced with wheelchair/buggy gates, which remain non-operational, which, when coupled with the inbalance of entry gates to exit gates, means there are only 3 operational entry gates into the station. This leads to a large crowd of people trying to get into the station having to wait a long time, while the odd two people who want to leave the station at rush hour have a wonderful choice of multiple exits. In theory, a train would come along and everyone would want to get off at once. So you'd need more gates for this than the sporadic arrival of people wanting to get into the station. In the mornings, when there are many many people trying to get to work, this works perfectly well. In the evenings, whatever the theory, it just doesn't. The gates are reversible, and yet they never reassign some of them to entry gates. Why, why, why?:bomb

Another example:

Family friends visiting and getting a parking ticket for parking with two wheels on the grass verge outside my house. There's a kerb, then there's some grass, then there's the pavement. Apparently the council classifies the grass as the pavement and can fine people for parking on it, even though they're just trying to keep out of traffic's way a little more than they would otherwise, which, by the way, would not get them a parking ticket at all. Hello council, the grass is not pavement. Council employees mow the grass, do they mow the pavement? No, because they're different. They're very very distinctly different. The pavement is the bit over there, the bit that's paved. The clue's in the name, morons!:bomb Even more annoying is whatever individual reported this to the council as some kind of violation, because this area isn't even patrolled by parking attendants.:mad:

23rd January 2010, 11:31 PM
what grinds my gears is....

every time i turn on ps3 cos i dont play to ofter is the numerous pointless updates that take for ever.

no milk for tea.

my dog barking for no reason when i am asleep.

23rd January 2010, 11:47 PM
~snip~ ****ing lame-ass hip-hop pricks who dress with parachute-sized clothing, wear a cap with straight flat flap, with their pants pulled down below their butt ~snip~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SY8uzqNi4sA :lol

23rd January 2010, 11:56 PM
hahaah.. gangstas with there trousers down with the bums hanging out is so lame and laughable.
not sure if its true but someone told me that trend of wearing trousers low under bum so pants are on show comes from jamaca clubs originally and its meaning was to show the gangsta in question could afford to buy pants and make sure they were clean so shows them off to all.
pretty sad.
i heard on tv programme they also leave cardboard lables on clothes to show how new they are..not sure if they still do now.havnt been to carribean for a few years now.

24th January 2010, 12:06 AM
It originally came from people who shoplifted and wore it as a badge.
They just grabbed any clothing and wore it even if it didn't fit them,same with shoes with no laces

24th January 2010, 12:09 AM
That's interesting, Jasmin.

I figured I'd look up that video after I saw Brett Favre singing it in the locker room after the Vikings beat the Cowboys. :P

Seeing the Vikings go to the Super Bowl would be a real gear grinder, since I was born in Wisconsin and root for the Packers, unless they lose to the Jets. That'd be awesome.

24th January 2010, 01:03 AM
that is one of the worst :D but thanks to the tinterweb it can teach you to make do with random objects to make into bongs/pipes. I like the apple pipe :P

yes, did those back in the day, with G Smiths varieties... tried with an orange too, but accidently swallowed some weed, whilst attempting to toke. Ended up with stomach cramping pains, lol, gears grinded - actually :D gah

24th January 2010, 01:14 AM
toilet seat left up.

cat hair on black clothing when u r in a rush in the morning

lastly and least importantly ..labour party

24th January 2010, 01:25 AM
athletes foot... meh

oh no no no NO - not me, i don't have it.. ... just saying, you know, in general, athletes foot is a real bloomin' annoyance, and a physical one at that.

ok ok ok, :paperbag i have athletes foot. i'm dealing with it. gutted.:bomb

DJ Techno
24th January 2010, 02:37 AM
What DJ Techno said :+.

thank you!

what grinds my gears...

this is what im gotten outta what is called the Young Lions Conference at my church . Crossroads World Outreach Center in the Columbia, SC.

this is true...

the saying.
"Don't take your gifts to the grave with you"
can be called different. but the words still mean one thing. Whatever you are skilled, gifted, able, n more. for more than yourself, to bring it out into the world.
like a pastor just said today.... the Colonel who had the number of herbs and spices. And we got Kentucky Fried Chicken.

the colonels dead now. but what he had gave to the world now. was the KFC people eat up n dinner and work for.

the skill n gift he died with. was the ingredients to making a resterant that filled with food and taste. that knowledge is spread and shared. not taken with the man who first started it. and therefor would not be a KFC. Or Walmart, the ones who made this game with Psynosis and Designer Republic.

When you have something that is a gift for others... Don't die with it. make sharing for the next generation.

you take what you have secretly n u. to the grave. you damn sure grind my gears. cause you could have made something for your next kin, somebody else make improvements n more.

24th January 2010, 02:41 AM
i agree with that sharing.shame most people are selfish and only give what is of little value to them and i am not talking about money or possesions alone but in all aspects.

Dan Locke
24th January 2010, 03:42 AM
Sneezing in the middle of a leak.

24th January 2010, 04:09 AM
What grind my gears...

When the public restroom is packed and I have to use a urinal... but I don't have to go that bad and its hard to go with other people around and people start looking over the barrier:blarg

DJ Techno
24th January 2010, 05:22 AM

i think you just said you gave a problem with ya junk..

im sorry... ha

since you said the bathroom

the awful grinding of anybodies gears when needing to sit on the throne

is when the seat spot is covered with urine.
what man... yes man. can not aim n shoot right in the toilet.

splash on the seat area or worse the floor.

aww come on. your not going thru
that year or 2 of potty training, it is over
if your 24, 57, 32.

and even 80
grinds my gears, walking in the bathroom, even on campus.
i gotta take the kids to the pool n what do i see.

yellow on the floor, on the seat to put my butt on, etc.

i ask anybody.
Whats up!
we all use the throne to do our business
if u do your thing.
pick up, clean, wipe your mess or misses

dont have the next. man
clean up on you.

24th January 2010, 06:10 AM
What grinds my gears?

When I don't push the clutch in all the way because I'm too tired driving to work in the am. :?

I bet drinking coffee BEFORE I leave for the day - may just extend the life of my car by another 50,000 miles.

24th January 2010, 09:52 AM
...when the seat spot is covered with urine.
what man... yes man. can not aim n shoot right in the toilet.

@jasmin - this is why men should always leave the toilet seat up. It's not because we're too lazy to put it down, it's because we know that the next man is probably to lazy to put it up. :P Personally, I always put both the seat and lid down, after I heard how flushing the toilet spews bacteria up in the air...ew!

Further to DJ Techno's point - people just generally not tidying up after themselves.

- People getting up and not pushing their seat back under the table.

- People going through the cupboards and just leaving the doors open.

- People going outside in the middle of winter and leaving the doors open, letting all the heat out, just because it saves them a millisecond of time when they come back. [Refers to someone specific]

- People leaving old CRT TVs on standby because they're too lazy to get up and turn it off properly. Especially annoying if they did get up but still couldn't be bothered. It doesn't usually even take less time from standby. Most epically annoying when they leave their TV on standby and go to another country for two weeks. Totally unnecessary. [Refers to someone specific]

- People leaving the PC on with one webpage open, and then going out for hours on end. Worse when they complain that I turned it off. Even worse when they complain that I put it into standby. Much much worse when they tell me to leave it alone because they'll only be gone for 10 minutes, but are still gone for hours on end. [Refers to someone specific]

- One specific person who always 'grinds my gears'...my brother.:bomb

24th January 2010, 12:00 PM
Having spent a lot of time keeping my sidewalk clear of snow, resulting a ~0.5m deep trench only to have it smashed to bits by some idiot in a tractor.

Now I have 0.5m of very tightly compressed snow instead. Great.

Mr Phlanj
24th January 2010, 12:08 PM
-when someone says "this bit is awsome" when watching a flim you havnt seen

24th January 2010, 12:37 PM
Ingrown toenails really grind my gears. They're so painful and so hard to get rid of. :(

24th January 2010, 02:51 PM
Jasmin, would a black cat have been a better choice?

Rapier Racer
24th January 2010, 03:19 PM
What Kyonshi said about those annoying as **** hip-hop people. Further to this, when I'm off up the town for the night a bus is required, so as well as the annoying hip hop people can we also throw the thick as **** little chavs/neds in front of the next subway train or large truck since they also seem to think the entire bus wants to hear they shitty music in appalling quality.

Moronic pedestrians who step off the pavement without looking to see if a cars coming, flatten the lot of them.

People who drive 10 miles an hour slower than the signposted speed limit. (Not including the bypass or motorway)

People who drive big white vans and think it is acceptable to drive about 30 centimeters away from my rear bumper, wheres the oil slick button..

24th January 2010, 04:00 PM
Hey mr rapier!!, what wrong with my white van?, next time you in my area and I will put my van right up in your wee car!!!:P

What is really grinds me!

My first week back from new Year and I went into a shitty tenants!, the way I was treated terribly like they think they are above me!!, but what they tends to forget, I`m a worker and I`m trying to do the job!!! but they keeps intimating me all the time and I was ready to walk out of my job!!!!

Honestly, they are the worst tenants ever I worked with for a long time! but, after this job finished, went to another new job and wow!, what a lovely lady who does everything for me and I done the job in fours days with no pressure at all! and I wished she was like any other tenants but that is not the case!:(


24th January 2010, 06:59 PM
1. People who think that anyone who lives below the state of kentucky can't go two sentences without saying "ya'll", "goodin", swearing every other word, or mentioning nascar or pick-up trucks.

2. Movies that insist on droping the f-bomb 3 times in every sentence. Wanted and District 9, I'm looking at you.

3. Halo/xbox fanboys. Dear God, have you tried talking to these people? And why are most of them between the ages of 6 and 13? In my opinion, Halo really isn't all that great. I actually think I may have had more fun with timesplitters 2's multiplayer.

4. When fat or generally unattractive women try to flirt with you.

5. Jocks who think being loud and being funny are the same thing.

I could keep going but that's enough for now. :pirate

24th January 2010, 09:13 PM
When I can't find the droids I'm looking for.

DJ Techno
24th January 2010, 11:58 PM
Ingrown toenails really grind my gears. They're so painful and so hard to get rid of. :(


the biggest thing in what can grind my gears...

now when turn 13, 12, or however your own body turns on the hormones.

turns on sweat glands, sex glands, etc.

ever heard of BO!
ever heard of having S---ty Drawers!
ever heard of being told you smell, cause the clothes or body is not washed!

Red Foxx, the greatest black american comedian from the 70s to today. Sanford n Son, Harlem Nights, and a record/cd i bought. he produced during his Live in a brown paper bag tour.

its called "Learn to Wash your A..!"

not being funny. no. it grinds my gears and grinds the person next to you. When they smelling not the trees, a dog who just did its business in your yard, farm animals doing they stuff. etc.

if they smelling you in a terrible way.

thats a worser problem, then being broke n u cant pay the electric bill.

bills can be paid yes!

but the need for me or you to have a clean body. so u can go work fresh. so you can enjoy that girl or guy ( so i'm talking to both men and women this), you enjoy that date, meal, movie... that sex!

what can grind my, yours, your hunnies, your love ones, and more. Gears...

when ur in that bed with your bestie boo. and its not the Funk! its the FUNKY!
somebody is not going to be missed!

say i'm wrong!

but somewhere in the line. hygiene has an affect in all parts of life.

25th January 2010, 09:14 AM
People who drive big white vans and think it is acceptable to drive about 30 centimeters away from my rear bumper, wheres the oil slick button..

This. Except in my case, it's big 4x4's, and I'm on my learner plates.

Also, I walk quite fast around shopping arcades and such, so slow people, slow people walking two abreast and slow people walking two abreast with trolleys really grind my gears.

Something else; people on public transport talking about the most riveting aspects of their lives loudly so they can be heard over the engine noise. This is why I have a big pair of headphones. I do not want to hear this. Nor do the people sitting around you.

25th January 2010, 10:41 PM
Ingrown toenails really grind my gears. They're so painful and so hard to get rid of. :(

I have that problem too. But I handle it very well. It happens to me at least once a month.

28th January 2010, 12:23 AM
people that call other people bitch but say it as in "bee-atche ..its so pathetic and idiotic, its over used and they think they are cool. i wish someone would say it to me in person so i could kick them in the balls to wake them up :nod

i dont like all that gangster slang and finger pointing and nut rubbing nonsence,
its so sad and un cool..

mr t :mr-t would probally agree:nod

28th January 2010, 12:56 AM
I agree totally.
How on earth these guy can think anybody can take them seriously is beyond me.

They think they look dangerous,every generation has had it version of this.

Ted's,Rockers,Mods,Hippies,Glams,Skins,punks,New- ager's...but I have to admit,it's hit a new low with this lot.
What to you call them apart from talentless want-to-be Gangster rappers.

Hasn't rap run it's course yet,it was totally boring after Grand Master Flash's - The message in 1982,there flogging a dead horse.

28th January 2010, 12:59 AM
hahahaa..you put it so well..much better than i ever could..

gangsta +rap = degenerate garbage

Mr Phlanj
28th January 2010, 04:34 PM
on the acting like gansters part im stuck because some fo things they say grind my gears to no end, but some of the stuff is really funny. for example this guy said this with with a sirious look on to his mate: "Chill you're beans blood" and i just craked up :D

28th January 2010, 05:38 PM
That 'Not enough memory' BS on PSP. :bomb

28th January 2010, 05:57 PM
- People going outside in the middle of winter and leaving the doors open, letting all the heat out, just because it saves them a millisecond of time when they come back. [Refers to someone specific]
Haha, yes! Always the same people who tell you not to open doors, or not to turn down the heating in unoccupied rooms in case they go in there later. :+

4. When fat or generally unattractive women try to flirt with you.
But men do this to uninterested women all the time, and never realise they're just being irritating... ;)

Mr Phlanj
30th January 2010, 10:58 AM
-if i drop ANYTHING on the floor in my computer room it takes me ages to find it (took 5 mins to find the roll-up), its not like its a mess its just small.

31st January 2010, 12:25 AM
I have added to this thread a few times, but nothing really acctually grinds at my gears, to relaxed
Somthing that does bother me greatly is those *%*er#^$ers! that don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom:mad:

But men do this to uninterested women all the time, and never realise they're just being irritating... ;)

yes all the freaking time, some creapy middleaged man that used to sell ballons outside the movie theatre would hit on my then girlfriend, I used to see him hitting on lots of young girls too, like maybe 16 yo's, count yourself lucky if you get someone you class as ugly hitting on you wolfkill1, atleast you don't have to deal with creapy old men hitting on you day in day out

31st January 2010, 08:40 AM
I don't really need to explain what's ground my gears lately...... :'(

31st January 2010, 12:38 PM
... for example this guy said this with with a sirious look on to his mate: "Chill you're beans blood" and i just craked up :D

I would have spilt his blood before he coulda finished his ill worded sentence. I have no tolerance for street punks, and I have in my recent past havd to deal with these schitts without asses aswell... one swift palm to the nose and trust me - game over! BLAP! lol

I love giving it back!

1st February 2010, 11:52 PM
-When you remember to put the bin-bags out for collection, but only after you've locked up and gone to bed. :mad:

-Trying to iron a crease into your trouser legs. Seriously, I have no idea how it can be so damn hard, but it is!

-When people on trains get all disgruntled because you didn't move when they said, "Can you move down please", despite there clearly being nowhere to move down to.

-When you're just too tired to do anything, but still have everything to do.

2nd February 2010, 12:07 AM
When someone takes a single race and adds +1 lap to it - so you are guaranteed not to beat / match any personal records.... But there are no other rooms open. :blarg

2nd February 2010, 01:58 AM
I know! I hate that!

2nd February 2010, 10:18 AM
When someone takes a single race and adds +1 lap to it - so you are guaranteed not to beat / match any personal records.... But there are no other rooms open. :blarg

I was just thinking about this and to my amazement it was already here! I hate it too - what's worse is that you can guarantee that on the +1 lap race you'll be doing really well and would have beaten your personal record but have to do another lap :(

3rd February 2010, 07:41 PM
My internet connection

3rd February 2010, 08:49 PM

Stevie, you're a top bloke, never met you or anything but you always ready to help with your advice and knowledge...

So, what grinds my gears is when someone grinds Stevies gears, and I find out about it :donut

3rd February 2010, 09:40 PM
Here's a disgusting one. A grinding, disgusting one.

I was in Hannover 2 weeks ago in big rug fair and at some point i go take a leak. I go wash my hands afterwards and there's this 40 years old or so Indian guy coming beside me that would wash his hands too, im thinking.

But no. The revolting, dirty sh!tbag blows his nose... with a finger blocking one nostril, right over the sink, and i turn my head at the moment i hear the obvious sound he made, just at the time the mucus comes out.

I ****in' freaked out. I stared at him, completely disgusted, and the bitch just didnt do nothing, like it was completely normal to act this way. What the **** you douche, its not better to go use some clean TP to do that?!?!:bomb

4th February 2010, 11:17 AM
yeh I had worse, this kid at school(Irish euro decent I dunno why this matters) at lunch time, when it was winter and people had colds, we'd be walking accross the pavement or, in a garden near our metal shop class room and he'd just block one nostril and shoot snot out of the other one everwhere without warning, other than that he was a really nice guy

when you leave your pants out by mistake and someone 'kindly' irons creases into pants that don't have nor want any *******er***ing creases in
(they were my best Yoga/acrobatics pants grrrrrr!!!)



4th February 2010, 12:27 PM
...and there's this 40 years old or so Indian guy...

I'm 34... but am sorry dude! btw, small world eh? :paperbag

Mr Phlanj
4th February 2010, 12:47 PM
hahaha u dirty basterd :P

-when my ears start buzzing for no good reason

5th February 2010, 09:58 PM
when I get to sleep around 5am and wake up in mid day burnt to a crisp from the summer sun streaming in my bedroom doors

5th February 2010, 10:22 PM
I'm 34... but am sorry dude! btw, small world eh? :paperbag

LMFAO!!!!!! XD

Holy **** this made me burst into laughs!! :D:+ Made my day Ace!

6th February 2010, 03:12 AM
Stepping on legos grinds my gears, and so does hitting your toe on your bed's metal leg.

Dan Locke
8th February 2010, 01:58 PM
When I'm reading a library book and see that somebody's scrawled a note in it or underlined a phrase. Why do people do that?

8th February 2010, 03:49 PM
Or even worse - somebody borrows a book from you, and gives it back with the corners of the pages folded because they're too ****ing lazy to use a bookmark! :lol

9th February 2010, 02:48 AM
Holy **** this made me burst into laughs!! :D:+ Made my day Ace!

Being Indian, I know what it's like. I gots me some oldskoo relatives who burp and fart like it was natural or something... er, wait! what? it is natural :paperbag

either way, I hope that you are pleased that this Indian (me), has compensated you for the actions of another :)

ciao bud! :)

9th February 2010, 04:26 AM
When I'm reading a library book and see that somebody's scrawled a note in it or underlined a phrase. Why do people do that?

It is stupid. Now if it was bought from a college bookstore, then that's an advantage to me.

Mr Phlanj
20th February 2010, 01:53 PM
-when old people come bolting round the corner on their mobility scooter and dont apologize when nearly crashing into me

20th February 2010, 04:35 PM
They don't apologise because you're young, and are therefore the cause everything that's wrong with the world and should be more grateful to the generations ahead of you who gave you everything good you have, and are in no way responsible for any of the bad stuff. That seems to be the way some older people think, but probably the minority.

20th February 2010, 05:51 PM
Lance, care to chime in on this one? ;)

20th February 2010, 06:38 PM
Can I has a go?

You know what really grinds my gears? When people fiddle and rub balloons and it makes that irritating sound. :bomb

21st February 2010, 04:25 PM
I hate the fact my laptop battery doesn't tell me when it's low, so it ends up hibernating, and 5 times out of 10, it'll corrupt the hibernation so when i start it it can't load everything i had opened.....very annoying when i'm drawing!

21st February 2010, 04:27 PM
Lance, care to chime in on this one? ;)

Where is he? Kinda miss the old fart :(

21st February 2010, 05:02 PM
I'm not sure where he is. He was online yesterday though apparently, which is good to know. Maybe just taking a well earned break?

Mr Phlanj
21st February 2010, 09:17 PM
or he had to go all 'being john malkovich' and he's out looking for a new host :P

21st February 2010, 10:42 PM
Might go check his homepage... he usually puts something up there... :)

21st February 2010, 11:51 PM
i was wondering where lance has gone havnt seen him for loooonngg time..:nod

22nd February 2010, 09:26 PM
His internet's probably down. He said it has a tendancy to do that.

22nd February 2010, 10:52 PM
Parkings is a disaster

I always spent half an hour finding a space for my car. It always make me late for classes. I tried to arrive early, but no avail.

It makes me cry, curse, scream, and honk the horn loudly to the brink of insanity. :bomb

22nd February 2010, 11:00 PM
eurostars prices..the way they change by the minute....:-

eating a hair by accident..

24th February 2010, 04:14 PM
A dislocated jaw is painful. My last ordeal was september 2007. That day, my jaw dislocated THREE Times, all during school hours.

24th February 2010, 04:47 PM
The Law... it's supposed to protect us, not penalise us. Sad. And a shame for England. Institutionalised racism is rife inside police forces... and if they treat eachother like that :? na am sayin'? :evil

Mr Phlanj
24th February 2010, 08:43 PM
nah there not racist, they just dont like you :D

DJ Techno
24th February 2010, 09:17 PM

you what the most heard to grind somebodies gears. when somebodies had a bad day. and the next person trying to be funny.


"Suck To Be You!"

then u can do two things break their arm
or grind your teeth together!

24th February 2010, 09:21 PM
Haha, I've had this "Sucks to be you". It really is annoying. I feel like saying, "Well thanks for kicking while I'm down, but if you could avoid kicking me in the nuts next time, it would be much appreciated".:|

Mr Phlanj
24th February 2010, 10:06 PM
the best is a bender quote from futurama..."if it's any consolation, my life's going great. money, babes. I got it all"

3rd March 2010, 06:07 PM
I've had internet the entire time; I was taking a vacation from modding here and from adminning somewhere else. Watching the Olympics, writing stuff, reading other stuff, testing almost all of the pre-release builds of Opera 10.5 [which is now released. It kicks Chrome's ass.] <That's what I spent most of my time doing.

Mr Phlanj
3rd March 2010, 10:01 PM
and that grinds your gears dose it?? :D

3rd March 2010, 10:22 PM
It puts oil in the gearbox. Much smoother shifting that way.

3rd March 2010, 10:33 PM
@Lance: When is the Linux port ready, any idea? There is currently no
information about it.

4th March 2010, 12:08 AM
I don't know; they released another test build yesterday for Mac and linux/unix. If they maintain the pace of development that they did on Windows, there may be another build tomorrow or the next day. But no one knows when actual release of a 'final' will occur. The answer is always WIR, When It's Ready. Windows version went from pre-alpha test release to final in about 2 months, while mac/linux builds were developed simultaneously, but require more work than the Windows version did. They also made a special effort to get the Windows version ready for the European browser choice forced on Microsoft as part of the anti-monopoly no-browser bundling decision. Beginning on March the first, MS was to give browser choice to everyone using XP, Vista, and Seven. The Opera desktop dev team's blog is here> http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/
Test versions are released there.

4th March 2010, 01:34 AM
when people don't stay on topic:naughty

4th March 2010, 02:04 AM
People were wondering on the previous page where I might be, so I answered their question.

What grinds my gears? People who are perfectly willing to go offtopic without ever coming back but who bitch about me, when I only go offtopic for a post or two, because I'm the one who did my job and stopped them when the topic had already been ignored for six to eight posts and shown no sign of ever returning.

4th March 2010, 02:44 AM
I see you still haven't lost your sense of humour

when people talk in movies
when my shaver runs out of juice and only halve my face is done
drunk people who arn't good at being drunk
drinking in general
when people take things too seriously

4th March 2010, 04:39 AM
My irony meter just pegged against the stop/burnt out the LED.

4th March 2010, 05:28 PM
...when my shaver runs out of juice and only halve my face is done...

+1. I liked never having to shave. Good times.

4th March 2010, 06:22 PM
When your PS3 randomly resets itself and you can't reactivate your PSN ID because PSN won't accept your date of birth -_-


4th March 2010, 06:23 PM
Erm... WTF?

5th March 2010, 12:39 AM
@Lance: Essentially what I was looking for. I was just wondering why the Linux
port lacks behind this time, but the Windows7-free-browser-choice may explain
it to some degree. Anyways, the Unix snapshot doesn't have a PowerPC binary,
yet. :rolleyes:

5th March 2010, 01:11 AM
It explains it entirely except for the fact that more code had to be written for mac/unix.

17th March 2010, 06:38 PM
My math final on Monday. Took me three hours from start to finish. All before my 45 min. drive back home at seven in the night. Tiring :brickwall

At least there was on rush hour.

17th March 2010, 06:45 PM
Seeing Inspector Barnaby advertising a danish tabloid magazine that comes with a DVD.

That poor man. He shouldn't have to do that.

Mr Phlanj
22nd March 2010, 10:11 PM
-the twilight saga

Anne rice got it right

27th March 2010, 04:21 PM
When people mispronounce my online name,even worse if done on purpose and mockingly!

30th March 2010, 12:27 AM
It wasn't until Wipeout HD that I realized it was pronounced Feisar - I called it Fee-isar for years upon years.

I used to pronounce Qirex as Qui-rex, thanks again voice in HD

Never underestimate the stupidity of humans. :dizzy

30th March 2010, 06:58 AM
Why does Qurex and Feisar don't sound the way they are spelled?

That's the real question. :?:

30th March 2010, 10:30 AM
What really grinds my gears are people who pull out on police cars who are flashing their sirens, resulting in the police car hitting their car and veering off onto the pavement and nearly hitting me. True story...

DJ Techno
30th March 2010, 11:22 AM
one damn misprint in the directions to the st christopher hotel motel

when i was following a route by train to the place...

Lumi're station is not spelled that way!


you D---S!!

im at the right spot.. now...

30th March 2010, 11:27 AM
@IH8YOU & oneAVGNfan
Qirex sounds exactly like it's spelled, there was never any "u" :P
FEISAR is a dialect/accent issue... I always pronounced it "fey-szar" just because I'm used to the "ei" making that "ey" sound instead of the long "I" sound.

Had my morning cup of coffee just now... WAY TOO THIN/LIGHT, so that really grinds my gears. I was being conservative because i'm running low, but drinking crappy coffee is worse than not having any at all lol

30th March 2010, 02:25 PM
Who left "ace-flo is a terrorist" and "ace-flo sells drugs" as tags in the general conversation thread? My fukking gears are grinded - if you got something to say, don't be a coward about it and post snide remarks in the form of tags - come paste that schit on my Visitor Messages so I know who to deal with. OK?


30th March 2010, 02:29 PM
If it helps, I put that you were my adopted brother. :g

30th March 2010, 03:00 PM
hahaha terrorist? what?

30th March 2010, 04:35 PM
I believe KIGO did those, although of course I can't prove it. I have some vague memory of him doing it, and it looks like his "style". :rolleyes:

30th March 2010, 04:51 PM
Well, I've asked Rob tom remove them anyway :) no biggie... Just that, being a Muslim by faith, and an Indian by race, someone might actually take that seriously you know? i can't be living in fear when I'm just some guy who enjoys playing online with you guys. And dammit, it wasnt funny in the least... :(

Dan Locke
30th March 2010, 07:30 PM
Why does Qurex and Feisar don't sound the way they are spelled?
They do; you're just not reading them right. And there's no U in Qirex.

30th March 2010, 09:30 PM
Walking around in New York for 45 mins during torrential downpour because my mates are too cheap to pay $2.25 to get on the
subway -_-

At least the Met is nice :g

1st April 2010, 12:36 PM
ok heres my shout with what really grinds my gears... In no particular order.
The jonas brothers
fearne cotton (an idiot british d list celeb/radio dj )
my cat not using its damn litter tray properly
having to get up early to go to work
the chengou project on phantom elite
british weather
Gordon bloody Brown
the recession
car tax
council tax
all tax infact

ok now im on a roll i better stop there i think u get the idea

1st April 2010, 03:34 PM
They do; you're just not reading them right. And there's no U in Qirex.

My mistake. Took a break for a few days.

What annoys me is someone doing something very stupid like a man on parole trying to break into prison last week

2nd April 2010, 02:24 AM
Youtube's new site layout. holy damn, infuriating.

2nd April 2010, 03:03 AM
oyster cards not getting read at rush hour :bomb

2nd April 2010, 04:14 AM
What were they thinking with that new YouTube text format? When I watch the vids, all i want is that they are in high picture quality, NOT IN SCRAMBLED TEXT THAT'S SUPPOSED TO BE REPRESENTING THE VIDEO IMAGE!!!!! Also, how is it cheaper?!

2nd April 2010, 09:53 AM
^ It's just an extra option for april fools...

I have two accounts on youtube, one has rather low views and the other is my oblivion account with near 3 mill views. I keep getting messages from people asking me questions that are already answered in the video description... or that can be answered with 5 seconds spent on google.

Also, people keep sending PMs about why their computers don't work just because they see mine working in the videos. ARRGHHH. And most of the time they don't even bother specify a single thing despite the PM being a 600 word wall of text. It all summarizes to "IT DUN WORK LOL".

It's like having your car break down and then proceeding to flag any random car down by going with the logic: "HEY! His car is working... so he must obviously know what's broken in mine!!!" No mate, call a mechanic or your recovery service. :bomb

Ok, just had to rant about that after seeing another 10 PMs this morning. :|

2nd April 2010, 03:49 PM
....When you can't play Tron 2.0 because your laptop's touchpad makes you look up into the "sky" getting you derezzed: All because it thought you wanted to use it eith your thumb because of where the pad is on the laptop. :bomb

Dan Locke
2nd April 2010, 07:59 PM
Speaking of Tron, is anyone else disappointed with the remake? From the trailer, it looks like a cell-phone commercial, or maybe Audiosurf. It has none of the style or character of the original.

2nd April 2010, 09:00 PM
I am actually, Tron (original) was fair crap as well, given that 2.0 looks infinitely better than it, although it was the 80's, there wasn't much to go by.

2nd April 2010, 09:27 PM
Wouldn't really say that Tron being a disappointment would be grinding my gears, :g but I know what you mean - if you're gonna make a remake of an old classic (one that wasn't particularly good anyway :+ Tron) atleast try to improve on it convincingly enough to appeal to more than just die hard fans of the movie... Take Batman, the one with Jack Nicholson and Michael Keaton, crap - comical - laughable... take Batman of today, Now he the man...

...having said that, Jack Nocholson and Michel Keaton are miles better than George Clooney and Arnold Shwarznegger - mehness all around!

I gotta get off this thread, if I'm not careful, I probably will end up grinding my own gears, gah :lol

16th April 2010, 11:03 PM
first thing that grinds my gears. The most annoying trophy in history. Bling brigade.
Second. My Crap isp. Sky broadband in my area is beyond shocking. 8mb they tell me.. Yea right!
3rd. Work calling me in at the worst possible time.
After organising an international bling meet with people from all over the world. Sending about 100 messages and making lots of friends and then being called away at the last minute... That really grinds my gears but then even worse. Getting my housemate to stay in on a friday night to help for the bling meet and race online on my profile to then only get 0.15mps at the agreed meet time..... Grrrrr im seething right now as im writing this from my desk in work. If anyone can help me with bling. Check the bling volunteers thread

17th April 2010, 12:33 PM
Ah, Bear Buddy! Nevermind, schitt happens - usually in threes so don't feel bad. Karma will come round and lick your face with Air, and that'll feel nice - trust me. I'm the AirLicker :lol But I wont be licking no faces, just massaging egos.

Here's my effort - Avalon is coming up, plenty of Zoners with the silver skins there mate. Also - I'm host, so will notify all in my room to change to bling skins if you still need the trophy by then. But this is a last resort ok?

We'll do another Bling run on Sunday and I'll call out some favours so we can make this happen.

Oil those gears now bud, they'll run smoother ;)

17th April 2010, 12:39 PM
BB trophy is a bitch to get i agree. Its up there with Zico.

Dan Locke
18th April 2010, 08:38 PM
Google's awful YouTube redesign. They basically removed loads and loads of features in the name of simplicity - because simplicity is obviously an end in its own right and definitely not a way to increase usability.

Also, phone-based account verification.

18th April 2010, 08:42 PM
I'm with you on the Youtube thing. They completely nerfed groups ages ago too - very annoying.

That reminds me of my other Youtube gripe that I experienced just today:

When every video I upload to Youtube fails about 5 times before it finally decides to work just once. Every damn time!:bomb

Mr Phlanj
20th April 2010, 03:21 PM
-not knowing the name of the song you want to listen to

20th April 2010, 06:32 PM
Hearing a song that you really like and not knowing what the heck it's called

20th April 2010, 07:10 PM
...having a whole web-hosting environment dumped on me, when I clearly hava pointed out that I'm done admining webservices and only do telecom stuff.

I narrowly avoided a (email) postmaster gig, so I guess it wasn't all bad. Besides, maybe we can come up with some fun things to do with all those webservers... :D

21st April 2010, 06:35 AM
-not knowing the name of the song you want to listen to

There are apps on mobile phones that allow you to record a proportion of the song then you'll receive a message of what the song is. Ive got it on my old shitty phone, does come in handy once in a while.

21st April 2010, 07:37 AM
Headache, every ****ing morning.. i think i need new pillow.

21st April 2010, 01:03 PM
I can highly recommend getting a foam pillow. The foam is temperature sensitive and moulds itself round your head and neck, providing support where it's needed. It literally saved my nights since a few years ago. it is a bit pricey, but IMHO well worth it.

PM me if you want product details - it's available in Finland too!

21st April 2010, 05:10 PM
...When somebody, somehow, finds out about my foot fetish and terrorizes me about it. :/

Christ, I can't believe I had the nerve to write that.

21st April 2010, 11:30 PM
Hearing a song that you really like and not knowing what the heck it's called

Use Shazam. You can get it a an app on iPhone or you can call 2580 on any phone (in the UK). It'll 'listen' to the song for a while then it'll send you a txt with the title/artist.

Costs money if it can identify the song but that's up to you.

I think you may be able to do it for free using other similar services or companies or t'internet, haven't checked it out though.


Rapier Racer
22nd April 2010, 11:31 AM
When you hear the word "GRIND" then get shot to **** with a Troika.

22nd April 2010, 01:38 PM
Getting an ear infection where you become pretty much deaf in one ear. It's incredibly painful and I'm unable to move my jaw without a sudden sharp pain in my ear. Lying down is impossible no matter what position and as a result I'm losing sleep.

Swallowing the anti-biotic pills is fairly painful but the worst thing is... the ear spray SMELLS. It smells like a moldy packet of smokey bacon. I HATE SMOKEY BACON. ARRGH.

22nd April 2010, 02:12 PM
Ear infection reminds me of my hell on earth experience. Being in an airplane with infected ear, it's real pain. Well the flight itself was bearable but takeoff and landing.. omg.

22nd April 2010, 02:22 PM
Well keep using the spray and take all antibiotics till the course is finished.

I've suffered so many of these since childhood, then stupidly working with bands and huge PA system in my 20's.
I've been lucky not being a lot worse than I am now, but that's only because I followed advice.

60-70% of hearing loss is from ear infections.
It's rare that you would lose your hearing totally and all at once, but certain frequencies [10khz] will be lost and make it hard to understand speech for example, and it will worsen as you get older and gradually lose more frequencies one by one.

Same thing with headphone use.
It's not so much the volume, it's how long your subjected to it that does the damage.
The EU want to put volume limiters on personal sound devices so they can't go louder than 85db.
They reckon the rate of hearing loss among the current youth is through the roof,and they expect that because of the hearing damage they are receiving now most of them will be deaf by 50.

Losing your hearing even partially is the pit's, working with somebody who can't hear you is draining if not infuriating.
As for living with somebody who is going deaf......:bomb

22nd April 2010, 02:24 PM
Yeldar - I thought about using Shazam, but I always hear the song when there's some other background noise going on - dunno if the program would recognise the song?

Woopzilla - I know exactly how it feels mate, ear infections are a real killer. I really started having problems with my ears from when I was about 15. It used to happen around every 6 months and I have no idea why, as I wasn't in any unusual conditions to prompt infection. I've been fortunate in that it seems to be ok now, and I haven't had any problems for about a year now (knocks on wood)

22nd April 2010, 03:22 PM
In a plane? Wow, that makes my ear hurt more just thinking about it. :S

And yea, I'll make sure to continue using them as orderd. I had already noticed that I have trouble understanding some more soft spoken people... ever since I went to that rock concert (for Metallica) but which also featured Slipknot. Was no where near the stage and wow... painfully loud.

This is my first ever infection too... never knew it was this bad to have one. I think I got this by having water randomly stuck in my ear after a shower.

22nd April 2010, 05:12 PM
Yeah, I had an ear infection too few years ago, I can assure you it`s too bloody painful!, that`s why I cannot wear my hearing aid for a few weeks. But now, everytime, I want to listen music which sometimes gives me a sore head, that`s why, I don`t play music in my car and I rarely uses it. Also, I always switch my hearing aid off while I`m driving albeit, just myself.

Sounds wise, that`s a different ball game altogether, took me nearly two years to get my own sound the way I used too but not much.

So yes ear infection is a killer alright and I`m bloody deaf which makes it`s worse!:frown:


23rd April 2010, 05:52 AM
Youth hostels where we are are the youngest people by at least 35 years :eek

Where's the youth of today?

...youth hostels with 23 other people in the room, all of whom are snoring; there's one chap in particular who could move mountains with his rumblings.

No beauty sleep for me tonight -_-

Dan Locke
23rd April 2010, 02:41 PM
People who call special effects "graphics", and people who prefer the Star Wars prequels to the original trilogy on the basis of said special effects. As in: "Episode III is better than Episode V because it has better graphics."

Three people have said that to me. :brickwall

23rd April 2010, 09:08 PM
speaking of airplane horrors, i went to berlin 2 years ago. and upon the landing i got a mind numbing pain in my right ear. the next 2-3 days i was completely deaf on that ear and in continuous pain. to say the least not a good way to start your vacation.
that really grinded my gears

Mr Phlanj
25th April 2010, 11:05 AM
-groups of people on MMORPGs who will keep instulting me just because im new to the game ><

25th April 2010, 11:48 AM

Mr Phlanj
25th April 2010, 05:28 PM
oi!! cheaky :p

25th April 2010, 09:17 PM
Idiot drunks knocking over bins on sunday night on a long weekend, buggered if im picking the crap up this time.

27th April 2010, 11:42 AM
^^ Ditto ^^ ... This happens a lot where I live, stupid drunks (always from Thursday nights til Sunday nights) think bins are urinals, or objects that are obstructions (even though the bins are in someones driveway/garden) - how the hell do they end up on the floor?

I see what you mean about picking up the bins, but its yer neighbourhood mate. Sometimes having yer gears grinded is just the way to go, :paperbag

Mr Phlanj
1st May 2010, 12:40 PM
-when the neighbours but fertilizer on their garden and i have to put up with the smell :(

Dan Locke
2nd May 2010, 05:14 AM
Meeting a pretty girl at a party, then finding out that we have no common interests and can't really talk about anything.

3rd May 2010, 09:02 AM
I am generally a fairly laid back chap but nothing quite grinds my gears than coming within 2 seconds of collecting my Wipeout platinum only to have it snatched away in a blink of an eye. Yes thats right 2 fricking seconds!! of course im talking about Zone zues... I am thankful to have a place to vent my frustration somewhere where i am certain others may have had similar experiences. I have been zoning alot in the last week or so trying to practice and improve as i wasnt getting anywhere close to zone 75 i was averaging somewhere between zone 50 and 55. subsonic was literally F'ing me in the A on both Anulpha Pass and Syncopia. I decided to pick one track and stick to it rather than working on two so i chose Anulpha as i found it easier to get perfect laps at higher zones. I also decided to try using the d-pad rather than the stick as i feel it registers my inputs much more accurately even tho i find it much less comfortable and less natural in my hands. i also took advice to try without any music. My zone level since doing so has noticably improved. I am now averaging zone 70 on pretty much each attempt with my best being 74... Problem is I always seem to have one killer lap, its usually around zone 60, i loose about half my ship energy totally unneccesarily after getting there with typically between 75-100%. it is then a case of trying my hardest not to pinball my way to 75 with naff all energy and i feel my heart start racing when i hear Zone 70 clear and i try to hold it together and just when i think im gonna make it i end up messing up the jump onto the overpass and..... back to zone 1!! Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Let me have my trophy you damn evil machine i have suffered enough!!

7th May 2010, 06:00 PM
My uncle and his quite blatantly racist dinner time conversation that comes out of nowhere. What relevance does it have that you can't tell that someone on the radio is "coloured" and has a "funny name" because they, surprisingly, according to his tone of voice are able to speak perfect English in a brummy accent. "If they're born here they just pick it up don't they?" Of course they do you stupid man, in exactly the same way you and I did. :bomb He does my head in. Add to that the fact that any time you try and disagree with him and make him realise he's a tool, he just spouts crap more adamantly and in a louder tone of voice, as if that makes it more true. Gaaah! Needless to say I was out of there as soon as that turkey was in my belly.:bomb

7th May 2010, 06:15 PM
Hahaha that's hilarious! I love Brummy accents ;)

He sounds exactly like 80% of the regular clientele at my local pub. Really dicks me off.

I've also just realised that I hate Mosquitos. Got woken up about 6x last night thanks to them and a cock that started crowing at 02:30. :brickwall

7th May 2010, 06:28 PM
I hate mosquitoes too. People seem to think we don't get them in the UK, but we do, as well as other similar things I presume. You don't hear them until you go to bed because of the background noise, but then there'll be one buzzing round the room in the dead of night and it's almost impossible to find. You'll turn the light on and get out of bed to find it and it'll stop buzzing. Then as soon as the light's out it'll start again. Probably throwing a tantrum because someone stole its heat source. Stupid bugs. I hate summer because of them. They totally ruin it. :(

Dan Locke
7th May 2010, 07:49 PM
A mosquito flew up my nose last night. Ugh.

Mr Phlanj
10th May 2010, 02:34 PM
-people who get angry when attentions on them even though they put the effot into how they dress.

This happend a few days ago, i was in the shop i work and out side two girls walked past (at max they were 17 years old) wearing low cut tops and mini skirts. One turns to the other looking and sounding realy angry and says "IM GOING TO SLAP THE NEXT GUY WHO LOOKS AT MY TITS!!!". That just grinds my gears to no end :bomb, why dress like that if you didnt want guys looking at you. I was tempted to go up to the window staring with my jaw dropped just to piss her off :P

10th May 2010, 06:23 PM
I agree to some extent, but would take that on a case by case basis. There's also a difference between noticing, looking and staring. In this case I'd agree though. If they make that kind of comment then they're probably looking purely for the attention.

10th May 2010, 08:49 PM
what really grinds my gears is... printers. i want to print a text file yay only black ink needed... but noooooo, because i have run out of magenta apparently i cant print black. ARGH :bomb

11th May 2010, 02:00 AM
Haha! That reminds me of IH8YOU trying to get his bloody printer to work. "Its going to go out the window!" :lol

By god i have had time trying to get my old shiitter printer to work. i ended up ripping the paper through the useless rollers, then putting my fist through the roof of the print scanner combo and creating one lovely big mess. Glass everywhere! now its on the side of the road. No one has picked it up yet too! been there for a few weeks now.

Mr Phlanj
11th May 2010, 12:56 PM
go all 'office space' on that bad boy :D

11th May 2010, 02:15 PM
Haha. You should of seen what my mate did with his old crappy printer when it wasnt working on him. He dropped it off the 8th story of the library roof, on the unpopulated side of the building of course, lol. damn that thing went into billions of piece. was funny seeing it fall from such a great height. Surely hit the ground with an almighty bang as well too!

11th May 2010, 03:44 PM
Just got over my flu. Now I got back pains from lifting things at funnny angles... without warming up first. Grinded but its self inflicted so it dont count I guess :paperbag

OK - here are a few I really hate:

1 - People (ASBO's) who go around saying things like "Bombaklaat, Blaartklaart, etc" like wtf? dude - say that again, and I'll call the police - say you got a bomb and have you fukkin arrested you prick!

2 - People (ASBO's again) who stare at you like you are their enemy, then spit on the floor as you walk past them... last week I had to roundhouse some fool - caught him square under his armpit and think I heard a crack - didnt hang around though - just ran home thinking "Schitt - I can't get arrested again"

3 - People (ASBO's again) who wear their jeans by their ankles, showing off their boney lil asses, holding onto their crutch like they got MAN PROBLEMS, and generally being abnoxious bastards in my local area - the other day a kid comes up behing me, pokes me in the back with something and says "boy you breaking for me now" - like WTF does that mean... so I turned around and said "Yeah, sorry - take what you want" and he tried to put his hand down my pocket. I had a flu so took full advantage of it and let off a cough that would make Hitlers gas look lame. The guy stepped back and I told him "all I got is the flu man, you can have it if ya want" he didn't like that and thought I was a fool, but I surprised him with a back hand grab and jumped with my knee poking into his nose - NICELY done too - not kidding, but it was in the alleyway on my road and me mam saw me hit this fool... then I had to go home and shoulder the lecture which inevitabnly followed... Now if that aint having your gears grinded, I don't know what is...

11th May 2010, 04:58 PM
Lifting things at funny angles? Did you by any chance supplex someone? :g

My gears are being grinded by websites that don't use monitor space well. Google is such a huge and popular site, yet search results are only displayed on the left hand side of my screen (the site is only optimized for 1280x1024?). 60% of my screen is just blank. In contrast, this site (http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl) uses all the space. If you resize the window, it resizes/moves everything that is displayed... nothing being wasted unlike one of the biggest most popular site in the internet.

And another thing: Change for the sake of change. Youtube constantly changing and 'fixing' (read breaking) things that don't need fixing. I still haven't figured how to watch playlists outside of someone's channel other than copy pasting 'http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=' into the address bar and then copy pasting the playlist code (which we're thankfully still given). I saved that url in a notepad from the days that youtube actually worked alright.

11th May 2010, 05:04 PM
i was...thing is, I was lifting a very large piece of 3mm hardboard - wasn't heavey, just awkward to manage - and a big gusto of wind kinda wanted to take it from me... the battle was epic in proportion. Me against the force of nature... nature won out. I ended up with back pain :lol

Dan Locke
11th May 2010, 07:49 PM
And another thing: Change for the sake of change. Youtube constantly changing and 'fixing' (read breaking) things that don't need fixing.
Argh; this. Google needlessly removes random features in the name of "simplicity" - because we all know that simplicity is an end in its own right, and definitely not a means to improve usability.

The idiots. I should be able to watch an uploader's other videos by clicking a link, not by having to go to their profile, wade through menus, and then click a link to take me to a video that isn't even on its own page. They also broke the rating and comment systems, especially the latter.

11th May 2010, 09:16 PM
On Youtube next to the uploader's name should be a box that says "# videos", click that and you'll get a list of that user's other videos and a link to that user's video page. Is that what you're looking for?

Agree about comments and ratings of course. And what videos show up in the ginormous "similar videos" sidebar seems hilariously arbitrary sometimes. :dizzy

11th May 2010, 11:57 PM
Was about to say. What the hell has happened to youtube? Everything on there, the display, the button locations have all changed. Hate it. Im scrolling all over the screen to find something that isnt where it use to be. and the stars thingy has gone as well.

Dan Locke
12th May 2010, 05:32 PM
On Youtube next to the uploader's name should be a box that says "# videos", click that and you'll get a list of that user's other videos and a link to that user's video page. Is that what you're looking for?
Yeah, in theory. What actually happens is that the menu doesn't open and I get the same worthless "This video is unavailable." pop-up that plagues the comments. No, you retards. It's right there.

14th May 2010, 01:57 AM
Getting back the car after 2 weeks. Discovering the entire sound system is completely ****ed!

Going to have to pull it apart this weekend, the floor panels, the doors, the center console. One of the RCA cables are either been damage, or a fuse could of blown.

Cant trust anyone with my car. Whenever i get it back something is stuffed with it. Dont people take duty of care anymore when handling other peoples belongings?

14th May 2010, 05:01 AM
Yea, it's amazing. I'm baffled how people can manage to be so careless.

I remember lending a game to a someone when I was back at school... once it was returned it had a cracked box, a few scratches on the disk and a torn out page from the manual. Wow, how did they manage that?

I've never lent anyone anything I cared about since then.

15th May 2010, 08:21 AM
The thing that i'm about to post that grinds my gears will most probably grind everyone's gears;


For a while now, we've had no calls from telemarketers at my house, probably due to the advent of the Do Not Call Register they set-up in Australia a few years back, which means if telemarketers call a number on that register, there might be a fine involved. A big one.

Well, one company has found out that my mobile (be buggered if I knew how) isn't/wasn't on that register. (It is now, though) I keep getting calls from random 02-numbers (I think it's Sydney's state code) since I happened to answer one and was greeted by a all-too-friendly Phillipino lady trying to get me to join another mobile plan I didn't want-or care about. Since then I've had about 5 calls in 2 days. **** pisses me right off.

15th May 2010, 09:34 AM
I`d thought, they can`t get access through your mob phone, cos, your phone is private. That did surprised me!

What F****** grinds me, cos, my golf game are there but I just can`t F****** score!!!! and I`m approaching up to 2!!!!:-


15th May 2010, 09:50 AM
When May the 24th can't come soon enough. :S (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ns2sLXKR2ac)

15th May 2010, 11:11 AM
The thing that i'm about to post that grinds my gears will most probably grind everyone's gears;


For a while now, we've had no calls from telemarketers at my house, probably due to the advent of the Do Not Call Register they set-up in Australia a few years back, which means if telemarketers call a number on that register, there might be a fine involved. A big one.

Well, one company has found out that my mobile (be buggered if I knew how) isn't/wasn't on that register. (It is now, though) I keep getting calls from random 02-numbers (I think it's Sydney's state code) since I happened to answer one and was greeted by a all-too-friendly Phillipino lady trying to get me to join another mobile plan I didn't want-or care about. Since then I've had about 5 calls in 2 days. **** pisses me right off.

Ive got a private land line number. But somehow the fukwits still seem to get through. They called at a mates house. Some stupid tosser. So i got a porno tape a played it a max through the phone while is was on speaker phone. I think that telemarketer would of got a deaf ear for me doing that. lol. The guy wasnt too happy after that, lol, he pranked a few times after that, lol. Wasnt my house. I get them at home a few times.

Best result for them to bugger " no im busy mate, now call me in five, then pull the phone out for the rest of the day ".

DJ Techno
15th May 2010, 03:03 PM
What grinds my gear...

Banks who pretend to be Banks


run through Ebay

But they also are a systemized bank that can be used for selling products and making money for their customers. like if u went to your regualar "Bank of America" or Capital One or Wachovia now going to be known as Wells Fargo.

when u got a dispute inside paypal. that has to do with ACH Automated check system payment ( don't ask its called something else ). When the dispute clears and it is found in your favor. you look on the paypal screen and see that the payment by echeck is reversed and sent back to your account.

NO... not true. actually that ACH or echeck is not sent back to the origin where the funds were being taken out. actually the check is placed in a hold spot and then in another few days. it is sent again. By paypal. When u call paypal to curse them the hell out. All their departments say the same thing. "sorry but we can not stop a check or payment being processed"

Well my Wachovia. Sure as Hell did. stop payment on 12 stupid azz things that were not suppose to go through my savings account. Causing a negative balance and a Federal Problem!


My real bank sure did fix the problem. Paypal sure as hell didn't.

Buyer Protection System
Give me a damn break!

I lost two things in the mail
originally it cost me 54.50
instead when it went through my mastercard
for an unknown foreign charge. That didn't go through paypal. but went right to my credit card.

the buyer protection system
is set up to protect the buyer of bad sellers, theft, missing or damaged items.
Missing or Damaged!

both the amounted items never made it to my address. I checked the sellers tracking information. I checked my post office. Hell I am on a first name basis with my postal delivery persons.


I filed a dispute with both companies.

because the seller provide a tracking information. their was no more proof to the dispute, they said.

**** what!

I sent it to my credit card company, did the police report.

my credit card company had to deny my case the first time. because of re-represented evidence.

the presented evidence was the same damn tracking information and then a list of policys that the companies say they have to protect them.

under it listed. missing or damaged items.

they said they were responsible. Well CCGGaming.com and MTGMintCard.com

The Buyer Protection plan.
Load of Bullshit!

When it comes to making a dispute when i buy stuff or anything on ebay.
i go directly to my bank and credit card companies. They resolve problems 10 times better then these sorry Mutha F.... Paypal and Ebay.

Hell my case with two seller who sold me fraudulent cards.

you damn my bank went on that case quickly and jumped on it.
Paypal is still taking their sweet azz time reviewing the info and more.

I'm done. talking about Sorry, Fake, and Ridiculous Banks

16th May 2010, 10:47 PM
I can sum that up into one word. You know what grinds my gears? Money. :bomb

16th May 2010, 11:20 PM
Dealing with any so called agency that is supposedly there to provide a service, like PayPal, they keep sending me Emails asking why I haven't been using them.

Pity I can't send an automated reply saying it's pretty must common knowledge why people avoid using your, Bank, PayPal, Phone company, ISP etc.


What's grinding my gears, and has been since Sept last year, yep 10 months so far :evil:bomb, is the building work that is happening where I live.
They have been re rendering the facade and painting, I had 4 painters decide to stop off on my balcony during their trip up the outside of the building and have a nice old chat for twenty minutes, in Korean.
It felt like I was in that movie Brazil.:dizzy

17th May 2010, 06:08 AM
The council bastards took over a year to mutilate and fuk up the entire road in front of the old place i was living. was shiity living there for that period of time. Couldnt get in or out. still there is a will there is a way.

19th May 2010, 07:35 AM
Any of you guys seen the state the UK's justice system? Now, we aren't allowed to wear England football shirts or hang England Flags in fear of upsetting non - english residents. Of course, being from Scotland, it doesn't effect me [;)], but it's pissed me right off. :bomb Still, what can you expect from the P.C Brigade apart from total BS? :rolleyes:

I don't mean to sound racist, don't get me wrong (People have been racist towards me, and I'd never do anything like that to anyone), and I duly apologoze if it sounds like I am or if I am being so, but why is it that the non - english population can be racist to us and get nothing done to them, whereas if we so much as get offended by a woman wearing a veil in an airport (which is kind of a breach of security, as an Al - Qaeda member tried that once), or by their practices, (Like throwing chicken heads into an alley and infesting the whole street. :blarg), and the english person gets the Book of Political Ignorance thrown at them!

Of course, there are some that deserve it, such as %40 of the white male population of my school, and I understand that those of the non - british population that cause those problems are a minority, but could somebody please explain all this to me? Since when was the perverbial white british man not allowed his nationality? :bomb :bomb

19th May 2010, 07:42 AM
Similar things are happening here in Australia as well mdhay. Some guy got told off by his council for having an Aussie flag hanging on his apartment veranda. for some bullshit reason about offending people who are not Australian, since they might be offended by the flag in some way or manner. Like wtf, that is total stupid.

As i and a good mate would say, if you dont like Australia and its culture, then why are you living here? bugger off out of this country. So many people have moved here in recent times dont appreciate how good they have got it in this country.

19th May 2010, 08:09 AM
It's a similar ideology here, in fact. Here's an example:

Zing! :P

19th May 2010, 08:23 AM
Any of you guys seen the state the UK's justice system? Now, we aren't allowed to wear England football shirts or hang England Flags in fear of upsetting non - english residents.

This just isn't true, what are they going to do to you, arrest you for supporting a national football team? The extreme right have high-jacked the Union Jack and St George Cross to the point people are embarrassed to be associated with it. It's rather strange as Great Britain stood up against fascists not too long ago so we have plenty of reason to fly our respective flags with pride.

19th May 2010, 08:29 AM
hahahaha, lol XD!

That Facebook page is brilliant

This is what my car looked like on Australia day back in January


Everybody else dose this on Australia day have the flags going everywhere all over there cars.

19th May 2010, 03:09 PM
Crap in the eye! i've had something in my eye for three days now. It stays concealed under my upper eyelid so i don't know what it is and it won't go away by itself. i've rinsed my eye well like 5 times already, but NO it just stings in there.. annoying basturd.

19th May 2010, 03:15 PM
Probably best to pop down to your local pharmacy and get that eye wash thingy. The same stuff medics use on pepper spray victims. That might be able to help you out :)

Mr Phlanj
19th May 2010, 03:56 PM
it could be a small stye, nothing to worry about i had one the other week just some hot water and willpower to not rub it and you'll be fine :P

19th May 2010, 04:27 PM
Begin rant.

I'll tell you what grinds my gears - The Human Rights Act.

I hate how it's constantly used as a scapegoat these days. All I hear about is the typical "oh, I broke the law but you can't arrest me because it's a breach of my human rights."

Seriously, what is going on? Our country used to be the greatest in the world and now we are laughed at and walked all over.

End of rant.

In other news, a boiling hot day with no breeze grinds my gears - I'm a winter lover and don't like excessive heat :bomb

19th May 2010, 04:44 PM
Well Australia will become a Republic soon, so that is one less country on the once Great British Empire.

President Kevin Rudd, now that would be interesting.

DP come to Aus in summer time. Here you die when there is no seabreeze, those heatwaves with the summer heat in the high 40+c is hell on Earth.

19th May 2010, 07:30 PM
Modern gas station equipment! Let me elaborate...

It has been long overdue, but finally could fin time to spend a few hours changing oil, brakefluid and generally clean up my motorcycle and then take a 10km drive to a gasstation with one of those fancy airpump where you punch in the pressure, attach the hose and push a button.

Only this POS thingy doesn't fit properly to the valve on the tyre and instead of putting air in, lets the remainder out. The really great feature of said airpump now kicks in. It has a system that detects pressure, so you can punch in whatever pressure you want and then walk around the car doing all 4 wheels without touching the machine. The really, really great sideeffect of this is that the pump won't start when there is no pressure detected.

Usually you can hold in a button and it'll start pumping anyway, but did that button work at all? No.

So basically it gave me a flat tyre and then promptly refused to correct the error.

I drove the 10km home, with 10-15km/h, with a flat front tyre and the burning humiliation of getting overtaken by a tractor. The tire is destroyed, so the bike as back on the paddock stand and the front wheel is in the back of my car.

19th May 2010, 10:47 PM
That sucks mic, but the tractor comment cracked me up. :lol

19th May 2010, 11:17 PM
Another two things that grind my gears are:
1. Randomness
2. Bullying
Link between the two?
Well,in school I am quite a serious,no-nonsense attitude person.My Co-curricular activity senior said to be "relax" before a concert(I am in my school choir,last concert was 16 may).For some strange reason I cannot seem to smile when in school. So,I cannot take jokes,especially the jokes made about me by my semingly p*rn addicted,corrupted,whacked out,seem like as though they ma*t****te classmates.And I hate their randomness.(wow,am I ranting about my classmates?)
Ah,bullying.It will never stop......

19th May 2010, 11:34 PM
People fight what they fear... these bullies are the real scaredy cats (cowards), they'll do anything for a quick laugh and can never see the big picture.... Pay it no mind buddy, they go home and cry every night :)

My gears are well oiled for now, and aint nobody grinding them this week dammit! I'm in a good mood and am gonna try and spread my positive vibes around... so if you want any, just drop me a visitor message :)

with Love, Ace :)

20th May 2010, 07:35 AM
Modern gas station equipment! Let me elaborate...

Yeah the BP ones here have similar setup as well. Some work great, some kills all the air out of your tire then your stuffed driving around on a flat to find another proper one.

Ive driven home on 3 tires once, had a tire blowout, and it was the spare tire as well. Was close enough to home, so i said bugger it, and drove it home on the 3 wheels, by the time i got home i was driving on the rim, and it was really loud. and quite humiliating as well, so i know how you feel there mic. Here is a pic of my tire that i killed

20th May 2010, 09:48 AM
when every fakin dealer runs out of gringo at the same fakin time... pisses me right off, bear with a sore head :bomb

20th May 2010, 09:52 AM
LOL, thats one shredded tyre! (Un)Fortunately a new front wheel is way too expensive for me to treat it like that ;)

20th May 2010, 10:37 AM
Yeah that tire got shredded was due to those new stupid massive plastic speed bumps you get everywhere now, plus with the fact the tire was a crappy generic branded one. no great loss, did cost 250 to get two new front tires and a wheel alignment done.

when every fakin dealer runs out of gringo at the same fakin time... pisses me right off, bear with a sore head :bomb

Gringo is a type of piss right?

Dan Locke
21st May 2010, 08:26 AM
I always thought that a gringo was an American in Mexico.

21st May 2010, 08:56 AM
No Eureka, Gringo's another name for Weed, here in Glesga.. and yes Dan, your correct.. and no fackers got any yet! :bomb

21st May 2010, 09:40 AM
Ah lol. Everywhere around the world weed goes by a different name. :)

I tell you what im loooooong overdue for another session. Followed by some good munchies

Bloody hell why does Ace have to live on the other side of the Earth.

22nd May 2010, 11:44 PM
I'm not the man for weed anymore. As you know, I've given up the blessed herb 3 weeks ago... :bomb, and ended up on anti depressants... Gears are really grinded. :(

I can get you anti-depressants if you want :lol

23rd May 2010, 06:33 AM
No i still have a packet of the anti-depressants stuff from a while ago. Dont want to touch that stuff again, feels like you lose you testicles and your sense of soul with that stuff.

But maybe later on. Good sheesha sessions with some pot mixed into it would be great :)

Mr Phlanj
24th May 2010, 09:02 PM
You know what really grinds my gears....



Dan Locke
31st May 2010, 05:08 PM
In Wipeout 3, when I'm about to drop my shield in order to use a different item - and the shield runs out, making me drop the item that I wanted to use instead.

12th June 2010, 02:31 AM
When microsoft censor my OsamaBinHaydn gamertag name :bomb Instead went for TimmyTitBiscuit :beer

12th June 2010, 06:41 AM
One thing that definitely grinds my gears is my younger brother who always disrespect people, but 65% focused on me so much that i can't stand it anymore. :bomb

6th July 2010, 01:54 PM
Bastard Gas hot water system is on its last legs. Not enjoying turning the shower on in these 0 degree mornings and having water straight out of the southern ocean coming through my shower head :cold, followed by going outside shortly after that and using a good 50 or so matches to get the damn pilot light started again. Been like this for over a good couple of weeks now, craving to have a hot shower big time.

6th July 2010, 02:56 PM
Another thing that grinds my gears: Dilemmas. One (real)example:Should I save my allowance for a netbook or spend once in a while(now and then?)on things I want but are of smaller value(Cherry Credit top-up cards),effectively hindering me from the former? This just pisses me off to a great extent(I already have a laptop btw...)
Ah...dilemmas...always(?) experienced everyday...
Not having a cup of coffee in the morning also grinds my gears.I'll fall *snores* in class...

6th July 2010, 03:21 PM
I saved up a heap of money and used all of my 21st money to buy a Laptop with Windows Vista on it for Uni. Biggest absolute regret ever. Was going to use the money originally to a trip to Italy and other parts of Europe as well. Instead i had bought a POS laptop that never worked when it suppose to (still have it now million dent and hit marks on it now) and did my head in, just ask a few of the folk on this forum, they know what im going on about.

If you already have a old laptop with XP running on it, and its got decent enough processing power on it, then there is no real need to upgrade because the two newer operating systems that came out after it are pure crap and buggy as hell. Save up your money for a good car when you get your drivers license, that would be money better well spent.

Oh yeah, morning coffee is a must, ive fallin asleep a fair few times in Uni lectures back in the day. Accounting is like watching grass grow.

6th July 2010, 11:39 PM
@KIGO: I have a Vista based laptop upgraded to 7 and I love it. My Windows Experience Index was 5.0 in Vista,(suposed to be)5.1 in 7(dunno why it's 5.0).The reason on wanting to get a netbook was so that I could experience the OOBE on 7(which should be more or less the same when clean installing 7
(on to main topic)
Bad information:
Well,one of my teachers is quite draconian...when on Mecdical Leave(MC),you have to get info from your buddy.If you do not know whatls going on in class,your buddy is "dead"That should not be a problem when your buddy is reliable and has a sense of responsibility.It's a problem if he is not. However,the person who gives bad info gets the punishment.
Bad info=misunderstanding=punishment

Sometimes,hearing a certain word(or a certain word "connected" in some way)at the "wrong" time just downright pisses me off(eg:draconian linked to dracomance(r) linked to AQ linked to "tearing my hair out").

7th July 2010, 03:33 AM
My laptop had a ranking of 5.0. Doesnt really mean anything tbh, just kinda a novelty score that is given to your combined performance of your laptop or desktop, score isnt static at all, changes when ever it wants too. Buggered if im upgrading to 7 and spending my money on another death trap again. Lost all my trust to MS years ago. If MAC books werent so bloody expensive i would of opted for that instead.

School is fun isnt it FEISAR. I remember when the teacher would bugger off for an extended period of time, things used to get so messed up. I remember an entire term was wasted back in year8 when a teacher got really ill, a fixed replacement never came and everything was completely messed up. What i liked best was the head of the year blamed all the students for not being organized while it was there mess ups that put everything into chaos for my class as well as another class that had the same teacher.

Mr Phlanj
6th August 2010, 06:11 AM
-trapping my fingers in the front door :twisted

6th August 2010, 07:08 AM
haha my Vista laptop has a ranking of 2.1 and I love it, after I got rid of all the vista crap and shovelware then installed some light weight programs it runs great:rock
(but yeh it was a bloody nightmare when I got it)

what grinds my gears
people who eat fish and call themselves vegetarian
the holes in two pairs of my shoes when it gets wet
the beebster
twilight fans (movie)
my laziness
other peoples laziness
Kinect, I want it to be something good but so far not so much by the looks of it
smokers who leave there buts just laying everywhere
awkward conversations between males and females make me awkward, even in movies, just speak your truth and get on with it
eating mushrooms, I love you mr mushroom but I must eat you!
that I got really sick and started gaming again
all the media attention on dead 'celebrities' birthdays, Princess Diana and MJ were great when they were alive(okay MJ the later years not so much) but now they are dead so don't shove them in my ***king face
not that I watch tv
why am I complaining
it's cos I can hear it in the background of my world I think

nothing really grinds, just lite annoyances in my life


6th August 2010, 05:00 PM
I bought a laptop with Vista about a year and a half ago. An entry-level [cheapest] Compaq [owned by Hewlett-Packard]. I disabled User Access Control and Norton anti-virus as soon as I got it, and the thing has run perfectly. I hated XP; I used 98, ME, and 2000 pro on my old desktops. Vista is way better, smoother operating with more convenience features. So what grinds my gears about my Vista-using laptop? That I couldn't afford to buy it sooner.

6th August 2010, 05:53 PM
I did the same thing as you, Lance...disabled those two things and I've had no complaints. I hear Windows 7 is even better though...

7th August 2010, 02:21 AM
Might be. Only negative I've heard about it is that 35 percent of Vista's device drivers were removed to make it more compact. Typical users would probably regard that as a positive since they're unlikely to use lots of rare hardware.

7th August 2010, 06:30 AM
Coke, for not selling Vanilla coke in Canada yet I can go to any store in the states and get it no problem. Seriously, is that border really a uncrossable line for them or something?

7th August 2010, 01:58 PM
That's really strange, I live on the tiny island of new zealand and can buy it almost everywhere carbonated drinks are sold

buying/finding all the parts for these headphones I'm making, it's kinda fun, but annoying find cheap parts
postage costs grr
not having a keyboard for my PS3 right now
that I'm running low on Aloe vera juice
that a copy of the Awesome Burger I ate today isn't sitting next to my laptop right now


13th August 2010, 04:57 PM
What`s really grinds me is....I just got back from holiday today but I could stay another day if I wanted and I even missed the biggest waves 15 mins ago up North cos, my mother-in-law just witnessed the whole thing!!!! and I just F****** missed it!!!!

Yes I`m weird but I just want to take photos!


17th August 2010, 09:30 PM
The blind bend on metropia reverse pisses me off. Oh and the coco pops monkey

17th August 2010, 09:55 PM
Yeah, that bend is a pain, best to side shift on approach.

I'm having a love hate affair with Uncharted 2, great game except for the first boss on the train who is virtually impossible to kill on crushing difficulty.

19th August 2010, 09:32 PM
the final boss in tekken 6, and the fact that I can't beat the final boss in the final fantasy 13 story despite having blitzed every previous game in the series...

21st August 2010, 10:13 AM
Man I agree with you there, Azazel is sooo annoying haha, but a bad ass boss at that. :)

22nd August 2010, 10:25 PM
What grinds my gears is... you get the idea (other than my long absence).

23rd August 2010, 02:37 AM
To beat the final boss in FFXIII use the 3 girls as your party, have Vanille as party leader equipped with a maxed out Malboro wand [or whatever name it becomes as a final weapon]and just caste status ailments and most importantly poison over and over as that's the only thing is susceptible to, while the other two slash into it, best if they both have maxed out Genji Gloves and their strongest weapons.
I tried twice before I eventually beat it, but when I did beat it I managed it with 5 star ranking and without needing the time bonus of the Gold watch.

Staying OT,what grinding my gears today is.....
Well not really grinding my gears, more of a WTF, I wasn't expecting that sort of situation.
Not having worked in a while, then getting a casual job where I was told I would get around 3 shifts a week , which was OK by me :|, instead after my first shift the boss came up to me and said, today was a unusually busy day [ I breezed through it :) ]and "I've done a roster" and I find out I've been rostered on for about a 60 hour week.:eek
It's going to be a bit of a shock to the system, but very nice $$$ :D

23rd August 2010, 09:39 AM
You know what really grinds my gears...

When programs insist they install a browser toolbar and set a homepage...

And it ESPECIALLY grinds my gears when people let the programs do that! :bomb