View Full Version : GT5 TT competition (gt academy)

17th December 2009, 09:50 PM
Hi everybody
i just downloaded, and tested this new "demo" of GT5 ... as you may know, there is a european competition going.
The winners of these competition will meet in silverstone to drive real GT cars.
It's the second gt academy, but i only heard of it yesterday, i find it pretty cool :)

so here are my first times, pretty shitty actually, but i didnt spent too much time.
1.41.509 with the prepared car
1.54.779 with the shitty one

kingheim, rorschach ? i saw you were playing too ? :)

that would be damn cool if SL follow the example, wouldnt it ?
i mean, big final on mars, with ag ships ... damn ... we are 200 years too early guys ...

17th December 2009, 09:52 PM

Seriously, my buddy and I have been trying to download it ALL F*CKING DAY TODAY and we canNOT find the download ANYWHERE. We're seriously about to put the piece of garbage PS3 through the window. We looked in Demos, in All Games by title, I did a system update to 3.15, we have done literally EVERYTHING short of lighting the console on fire (which is next, btw). What the hell are we doing wrong??

edit: Like, do I need to have previously bought GT5: Prologue? What in god's name am I doing wrong, what does this godforsaken console want from me?

17th December 2009, 09:55 PM
i'm in france buddy, maybe you USA guys should wait a little bit more :)
no need to have prologue, it was lying there in the last addition on the ps store

update: i was thinking ... yeah ok, you need a wheel to perform good in this game, and in the forums i read, everybody speaks of the Logitech G25 ...
but there is someone on a french forum that did a 1'37'143 with pad ...
so i guess i need to train :( i mean ... **** ! 4 seconds behind !

17th December 2009, 10:22 PM
I saw that djKyoto had the 32nd best time worldwide last night,but I don't think it had yet been put up at the Euro or USA sites.

Time to get the Logitech steering wheel out,it's been a long time since I used it last.

17th December 2009, 10:24 PM
The records are tumbling like nobody's business :nod

Dammit I want a wheel (and Barrel Rolls)!

I got 1.40.2xx in the Tuned car and erm...1.51.9xx in the other one. Much work to be done...

GT5 Demo yay :hyper

....then FrostE told me it has been delayed again :(

17th December 2009, 10:30 PM

here are the top 250 ranking, no need to say i'm not into those :)

17th December 2009, 10:43 PM
An Aussie has the fastest total time worldwide ATM
GTP_DHolland 3:24:239 next closest was 4/10th's behind from Portugal

17th December 2009, 11:12 PM
Woohoo! Rank 8015th. Finally a lap that wasn't invalidated just because I 'lightly scraped' the wall or took a bit of a sceneic route. I rule!

Seriously though, this game plays nothing like WipEout.:? I mean it has invalid laps too, but it doesn't give a boost? Lame!

Actually, when I first played WipEout, I think my rank was always far far lower than that, so I might stick with this for more than 5 laps. Watch out number 8014, whoever you are.:twisted

18th December 2009, 02:42 AM
Got 159th on the tuned tt on my first lap. Maybe I should do a few more. I like the inclusion of stick accel/brake as standard. It's like moto gp of all fours xD. Good physics, but I think I'd need to get a wheel to get the most out of it since fine precision steering is hard on the analog.

18th December 2009, 07:54 AM
159 on the tuned one? Holy crap! I'm miles away!

Gimme some of that :P

18th December 2009, 08:05 AM
well 159th means nothing, give your time ! :)

18th December 2009, 08:26 AM
Tried it for half an hour today.

1.48-something in the tuned car ... :paperbag ... (ranked 4000-something) ...

I refuse to give it another try ´till they let me drive a girly red Toyota Corolla from ´98 ... :lol

(Must admit it could become quite addictive - I´m a big fan of chasing my own ghost ...)

18th December 2009, 12:34 PM
Got down to 1:42s in the tuned car after about 15 laps last night with a controller. No wheel for the PS3...

hmmm, I wonder if my MOMO Force wheel would work with the PS3.

18th December 2009, 06:08 PM
DLed it today, the day after my PSN Store email said it would be available.

GT5's physics and game engine is terrible, I'm glad I didn't pay any money for Prologue or plan on getting the full game if it ever gets released. The graphics aren't any better than other racing sims out there right now either. Not inpressed.

I don't wanna hear anything about how I "need the wheel" or "that's because it's realistic," my buddy and I have been playing the Gran Turismo series, along with other sim racers, for a decade and a half. We know the little details, the intricacies, etc etc etc involved with driving a sim car game and this game was awful. Thank god a free GT5 demo was available so we don't have to wonder any further if we need to buy it or not.

19th December 2009, 10:57 AM

damn, this game is hard :/

19th December 2009, 12:11 PM
GT5's physics and game engine is terrible.

Sugguestive/personal opinion.

The graphics aren't any better than other racing sims out there right now either. Not inpressed.

The track and some features (damage, textures) has been condensed heavily allowing for a smaller download size. Car model wise I would disagree.

I don't wanna hear anything about how I "need the wheel" or "that's because it's realistic,"

GT5 Prologue/This Demo made me get a wheel. Just would let you know.

We know the little details, the intricacies, etc etc etc involved with driving a sim car game and this game was awful.

Again, personal preference.

As for times my total so far is a 3'27.712 (with controller).

20th December 2009, 04:06 PM
DJK got GT5 skillz o_O

This things is really getting on my nerves, why does the game have to play the same sone overandoverandoverandoverandover again? Where's my custom playlist feature? :D

20th December 2009, 04:54 PM
That game are are soo bloody hard!:blarg

I will update my scores tonight.:paperbag

Normal 1.58.224

Tuned 1.46.355

Overall 3.44.579 :paperbag Rankings 10184


21st December 2009, 01:01 AM
let me see... i got 1:38.8xx with the tuned and 1:51:xxx with the normal 370z.

the demo is really good, dont complain about the graphics cause yamauchi already said this demo was going to receive a downgrade of graphics so that everyone can download it & participate for gt academy, its amazing what they did with 219mb how much did u wanted with that?

PD: i was the 97th with the normal 370z but then i dropped to 167 :( damn i would like a steering wheel..... ill update my records soon

edit: ok my records are

tuned: 1.38.802
normal : 1.51.539
total: 3.30.341

214th worldwide :) ill keep practicing

21st December 2009, 04:51 AM
Reports coming in from hardcore GT nutters is that those using a wheel,are on average,at least 1- 1.5 sec better.

It's getting to know the edge of Tyre, grip/no grip= slid out, that's is the real tester.

It also appears that there is a difference between version depending on which countries site you downloaded it from,I have a few OZ based people that downloaded it from the Japanese site originally,then deleted it [as Japan are not in the comp],then downloaded from the OZ site.
They said it was different.

21st December 2009, 11:15 AM
I started swearing more than Kigo yesterday. Damn this game!

I was 2 seconds ahead of my ghost (1.39.xx) (not sure how) and lost it on the last corner.
I was really rather angry :bomb

Stop playing the same song over and over again!!!

21st December 2009, 11:18 AM
djKyoto, what wheel did you buy ?
i'm more and more interested into the G25 wich looks better than all others, except G27 but this one is way too expensive !

i didnt know there was a way to see the worldwide ranking ? are you sure it's not only your country deepmix ?

21st December 2009, 01:58 PM
I didn't really like the demo, they should just release a proper GT5 demo, with
great visuals and many cars. I did 2 laps on the normal car: 1st lap was 2.xx.xx
then 1.58.xx with (thank god) a huge margin. I'll try some more some day.

21st December 2009, 08:37 PM
I thought the untuned car was kind of tail-happy, but I've read that the tuned version is even worse. I'm saving it for the holidays when I'll get my wheel connected up and put some proper time into it, though, as playing driving games with the dual shock is kind of beneath me after all the time I spent on GTR2.

21st December 2009, 09:14 PM
Yeah I find the untuned car an absolute nightmare. Feels a bit like the Fury Qirex actually: tail-happy, just like you said.

Thankfully with the tuned car you can change the Traction Control settings :+
Even when turned off the Tuned car still feels much more planted and less...er...crap (tail-happy) than the untuned verion.

Mewants a wheel for Chrimbo :g

22nd December 2009, 01:50 PM
that's the way ...


good luck :) lol

23rd December 2009, 12:14 PM
djKyoto, what wheel did you buy ?

Driving Force GT. Havn't got it yet.

Will put in some hours over the new years on it.

25th December 2009, 11:45 AM
I think drift is the key, and I have absolutely no idea of how to do it... in real life, or the game :(

Plus I always have used automatic in GT, looks like that's going to have to change!

I guess I need to learn some new tricks.

My best time is 1:44.something I think, with the tuned car. Haven't attempted much at all in the normal car.

27th December 2009, 06:48 PM
I think you might be on to something with the idea of drifting it through some of the corners. Certainly on the 3rd gear left hander before the right-left that takes you into the final long right hander, you can swoop right through that and just anchor it for the slow right.

I've failed to crack 1.40.220, although I've had a couple of laps which I was over half a second up on that one, but messed it up elsewhere, so I know there's more to come.

The trouble is, I always lose interest in GT pretty quickly - even more so when there's just the one course to play, so I don't know if I'll persevere with it.


Ooh - scratch that - I just got a 1.39.753 and was 0.250 up by the mid-way point on the lap that followed before I made a mistake, so there's definitely a bit more to come.

4th January 2010, 08:53 AM
2 minutes with the regular car, and divine excrement, I suck at this ;D It looked a bit like I was driving a rally car across some dirt track... :g

6th January 2010, 03:19 PM

i bought a G25 wheel ... now it's a lot of fun, but i'm still behind :)
i'll try it again soon !

7th January 2010, 05:16 AM
1'49.001 Stock car.