View Full Version : Mobile phones

16th December 2009, 08:08 PM
I do need some help here, as you aware, I`m partial hearing which means, I`m deaf.(So you know;))

However, Nokia is a no no, too much interference! and iphone which I do want but again is a no no, too expensive for me.(One drop and that`s me F***ed!)

So, I`m looking for a reasonable price and I`m using Orange Pay As You Go rather than contracts!

Sorry, I`m curious to know, is Blackberry are popular brand?

I would like to hear from you info please, thank you.


16th December 2009, 11:58 PM
yes, blackberry its a popular brand, some models are really good which have wi-fi some not, why do u want a phone like that? they have a qwerty pad which in other words u have most of the keys you would have if you were using a pc keyboard and if you ask me that is great for text messages, do you want it for work? some nokia model can view office documents which you can edit & show them on a computer and also a great camera.

it would be good if you tell me the phone models you are interested or the ones your company gives you, i can give you a hand on that but again it will depend the use you are going to give to it

17th December 2009, 01:35 AM
If you can, get a phone which conforms to military specs - you can drop it all you want, even run it over with your car (but I don't advocate it) and it would still work. My dad recently got one cuz he keeps breaking his. :P

17th December 2009, 05:20 AM
yeh, tell us of your needs Stin
'iphone' *shudders* yeh your probably better off with a black berry, just list the features you want and maybe things that you don't find are important, also what will you be mostly using the phone for?


17th December 2009, 09:04 AM
Yes, it`s for me personally and I will like to talk, text and yes for internet too cos, as you aware, I`m just too addicted to surf internet.

The main reason is, everytime I go home from work, I normally use internet for nearly two hours which is slightly too much, so I want to cut down by a percentage.

Looks like I might be aiming for Blackberry but you will never know for sure.


17th December 2009, 03:47 PM
Ive recently got myself a HTC Magic (http://shop.vodafone.co.uk/shop/mobile-phone/htc-magic) which im quite liking at the mo, it uses Googles Android software and is pretty sweet. Its exclusive to Vodafone though (at least in the UK anyway) and im not sure how good it would be for people with partial hearing. Im not sure if Blackberry would be good either for that to be honest.

Id recommend going into a shop to have a look at phones because they do have demo's you can play with in store, but you would have to ask. If you do get the Magic make sure you take a deal that includes an internet package because it can eat through the data if your not careful.

DJ Techno
20th December 2009, 02:37 AM
i carry the Sprint company serviced.

Model Blackberry 8830 World Edition

whats good about it. i have had this phone model since 2008. took it with me on the first get up with Al and Arnaud at the tourney then.

on my travels i had signal up there. where mountains were around me back n forth. and signal strength was good to great. still.

times when i was in the underground stations. Bus and Rail from new york, Jersey, and more.

signal strength when in the area. where u are suppose to pick up on a tower or satelite.

I had good signal. not much or any loss.

When i have my phone on travel. it can make calls to where u live stin. Arnaud in france. and of course America.
Another good reason i have this phone. even tho. it does not have a camera.
and i was not looking for something all great and having all the camera n all.

This phone is a model made for travel, business, and uses of the home.
place your documents, numbers, etc. into your phone and take it with u.
and if u want to keep numbers. always plug ur blackberry up. and save-download the information on ur phone. call it. backing up.

so now you done that. even if u lose your phone. all the numbers, contacts. pics, information.

you can bring it back into your new phone or replacement blackberry. by uploading the saved backup into the phone. and that solves many problems. that happen with lost or stolen phones. and broken phones.

22nd December 2009, 12:54 AM
Where abouts are you from?