View Full Version : wipeout ripoff on xbox

5th December 2009, 08:44 PM
anyone played the wipeout ripoff game off of xbox..there are two of them (both same game maker) you can buy off xbox live market place from indie game section.

has anyone played these and if so what was your opinion of them.

Mmm i wonder if their leaderboards work:nod

5th December 2009, 08:48 PM
What are their names? I'll definitely check them out!

5th December 2009, 09:43 PM
yes more info please /names!!! :)

indie games are about £2 or something, so i'll buy them and test them. Also, anyone on xbox should buy 'i maed a game with zombi!es in it!!!!1!' spelt funilly like that, it's a twin stick shooter, ala, geometry wars / super stardust and is fun for 1 or great for up to 4, and features an awesome song over it. i recommend that one!!! :rock

5th December 2009, 09:43 PM
for a second, I was expecting this thread to be some uninformed member talking about Quantum Redshift lol

I haven't been able to get online here at school at all because they block PSN, Xbox Live, and a bunch of other stuff... Im gonna check these out when I get home next week.

6th December 2009, 11:17 AM
I agree, names of these games are needed. I've got some spare MS points, I'd like to give 'em a whirl!

6th December 2009, 01:05 PM
Are you talking about Fatal Inertia, Jasmin? If so, that is on the PSN as well. I actually quite like that game :)

6th December 2009, 07:28 PM
well he said "indie games," MS has a section on Xbox Live Arcade with games made by random people using the Live SDK. Maybe they were a couple fan projects people did or soemthing.

6th December 2009, 07:53 PM
Fatal Inertia EX may be like Wipeout, but it has no trophies, despite its customization feature.

7th December 2009, 01:34 AM
opps..sorry i will get the names now and let you know..:nod

edit..ok done it..

game is called antigrav racing championship..its on xbox live market place..its in indie game section..it costs 400 micro points (about £3.20 or 3.5euros)

its basically a total ripoff of wipeout to the extreme
it includes

20 totally diffeent tracks
8 different type ships
championship mode
single race
time trial
its got wipeout style music and wipe out style graphics
its got wipeout style in game averts around the track
its 60 fps
its maybe about as fast as rapier class
its got no weapons
its got turbo pads that really give you a good boost
its got air brakes and strafe
its got rear view and cockpit or exsternal view
it not as good as wipeout but it shows how good people at home can make games.
if only someone here could mod it up and fix it it could be realy good
hasnt got online mode
and ship to ship collisons turn your ship back to front
wall scrapes punish more than wipeout.so good clean flying is a must
tracks are pretty easy the game is about racing line more than getting aound a hard track.
no barrel rolls
ship do not exlode

the other game is called AGR ninja edition
its same game its just 5 new tracks and more champ modes and an online world leaderboard
it costs 80 micro points about 50pence so its cheap..

hope this was helpful review

7th December 2009, 02:31 AM
60 fps? Since it's an indie game, maybe they were bold enough to actually make a commitment to no frame-dropping.

DJ Techno
7th December 2009, 03:55 AM
? thought somebody already figured this out

microsofts game department xbox inc

does this.. against playstation

rip and try to comp
against games like Wipeout.
in Real AG and world view racing...

so this game of theres. ain't(isn't) nothing but air!

7th December 2009, 06:48 AM
Hey hey hey...dont smash on the 3shi....60. This game doesnt sound half bad, and, being indie, if I owned a 360 (non dev) Id buyit for, what, 7 dollars?

7th December 2009, 11:17 AM
Techno; the games in the "indie games" section are not done by Microsoft, they're not commercial, they're designed and programmed by individual people. Microsoft just provides a base SDK/coding environment to get started. This means some fan of the series decided to try their hands at making a Wipeout game... Sony doesn't offer any kind of mass-audience distribution service for community games, MS does.

A fair number of the games in the community/indie games section are actually rather good.

Here's the indie games homepage, if anyone is curious:
You can browse through all the titles.

Here's the game itself:

7th December 2009, 12:20 PM
way... they made one :) good on them! ya know, it looks like a budget version, but also looks arright... gonna let a mate know about this game, get him to DL it, so I can check it out.

7th December 2009, 01:25 PM
I hope people don't have their hopes too high on this :P It is an independent game, after all, so it shouldn't be approached with the same expectations as other real wipeout games :P

edit: though, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious about it.

7th December 2009, 02:13 PM
"Royal Queen".... *giggles*

Ahem... If it really runs at 60fps, I say it's a pretty good price for some decent entertainment.

I much prefer the real deal, though.

7th December 2009, 02:15 PM
I like the way it looks, with that open country instead of the usual urban settings; it makes a nice change. Less time-consuming to create, too, so it gives the programmer/s more time to focus on the physics of ship behaviour and control.

7th December 2009, 02:24 PM
It's fair to call it a wipEout ripoff I think - check out this video, @15sec - hail to the fat cat! ;)
Also, it's astounding how many have tried to recreate the wipEout experience by using wide, level tracks. :rolleyes:

7th December 2009, 02:27 PM
i played the trial version and its basically about not making contact with the walls or ships as if you do the slow down is massive.or you end up back to front.
the tracks i played are really easy and most players should be able to do them first time around and the game is about perfect racing line.

imo its not as good as wipeout hd but im amazed at how someone in there bedroom made such a good game when the avergae game takes two years with a team of proffessional programmers and massive financial input and resources..:nod

another game i found in the indie section was streets of fury its a rip of of i think streets of rage but the whole game is photo realistic with reall people as the characters..its set in paris and you got to beat up all the gangs and help paris clean up there streets.
upto 4 players can join in i think it a horizontal scrolling beat m up.

7th December 2009, 02:32 PM
while that's a fun idea, I just looked at a video of that and it looks totally ridiculous. Almost in the so bad it's good category ;)

7th December 2009, 02:40 PM
I'm always ready to give stuff like this a try so I downloaded it. For the money it's not bad at all. Ships are very Wipeout and mostly resemble the Fusion style to me.

Handles like a pig with a gun though :P. If you hit the sides it slows you right down, even making you turn your nose into the side of the track itself or even flipping you 180' facing the wrong way in which case you have to press the respawn button :turd. Seems to be loads of tracks so it will be fun getting through them all.

I like the open countryside look as well Lance, you can see parts of the track in the distance looping up and down which makes a change from HD anyway. It's not too much money so give it a go.

7th December 2009, 02:53 PM
buying now. will get back to you on this one.



wow. blatant rip off is an understatement.

one ship even has the feisar colours going on!!! lol.
the announcer sounds like he must be related to the one from 2097. the menu has a hint of the honeycomb thing from Pulse going on. VERY wipeout.

music could have come form one of the early wipeouts too.

ion trails, in the same style as wip3out, each ship having different colours.

varied track design.

collision between ships is unforgiving though, so much so, that it will annoy any wipeout fans a lot i imagine. if you hit the sides a bit, it's not so ad, but hard collisons spin you the wrong way and all sorts. lack of weapons is a shame.

for an indie game though, it's not bad. but it is no substitute for wipeout. even fusion. ;)


an stand alone expansion it seems (i just played the demo) more complicated tracks and online scoring, which i guess is cool.

seriously getting frustrated with the collision effects after playing for a bit though, this game with 2097 style scraping and been a bit more polished could be something really great.

7th December 2009, 03:35 PM
More hexagons. Dear god.

7th December 2009, 03:47 PM
yes, they even feature on the HUD!!!

Which is still better than the standard HD one though. heh heh.

there's another game called ZOOM

it's a piece of s%^t is my review. basically you get faster and faster and have to keep your ship on the road, it seems to be a straight road, you can press Y to change it's colour. one for Zone racing fans who are bored beyond belief i guess.

8th December 2009, 12:06 AM


8th December 2009, 12:35 AM
No barrel rolls? I'll give this a shot, then! XD Maybe it'll tear me away from Borderlands/Forza 3 for a while...

8th December 2009, 04:53 AM
Forza 3 = <3