View Full Version : What's your gaming backlog

22nd November 2009, 06:50 PM
So, with all of the new games coming out, I sometimes feel compelled to impulse shop for new ones. For example, in the same week, I picked up Fallout 3 GotY, Trine, UC2, Inferno Pool, got on MAG and now BF:BC 2 Beta.

So my back log is extensive at worst:

F3<< in Anchorage.
Trine<< Only enough play time to gain [very good] first impressions.
UC2<< Goes without saying, played and beat it.
Inferno Pool<< Folks at Dark Energy hooked me up with a free code, so I cater to this game and you know what, its fantastic.
MAG<< Cannot comment.
BF:BC 2<< No time yet but cannot comment.

Silent Hill Origins<< Ugg...gotta get back on this soonish.
Runaways<< Graphic Novel by Joss Wedon.
Exterminatus<< WH40k Graphic Novel by Dan Abnett. (I met him a few times, great guy and excellent story teller).

So, everyone, regardless of platform, whats your back log?

22nd November 2009, 07:34 PM
Quite a few I need to sit down and bash through at the moment:

Cities XL - Bought this a while back and only had a short stab at it.
Titan Quest - Again, got it a couple of days before I picked up Sacred 2. That took precedence. I played it again briefly recently, but then I picked up Dragon Age which again completely overshadowed it. I will play it properly one day, I promise :)
KoToR - Bought it through Steam, never really settled down with it.
NFS Shift - Played for a while before I moved on.
Prototype - Never finished it
The Last Remnant - Got pissed off with the overcomplicated levelling mechanic and stopped playing it, but really it's a decent enough game.
Dawn Of War II - Twice I got to the last mission and stopped playing.

I'm so non commital... :P

22nd November 2009, 07:47 PM
Fallout 3 - part way through Operation Anchorage and still want to play Mothership Zeta
Need for Speed Shift - want to play this with my wheel before I give up on it
Supercar Challenge - want to play this with my wheel, but mentally I've given up on it
Madden 2010 - haven't played it since the week I got it two months ago, but I still want to do it justice before deciding I've moved on since the days when I was addicted to it
GTA San Andreas - want to clear this out of the way one last time before I decide whether it was my game of the decade or not :)

Essentially I wanna finish this lot before I pick up any new games over the festive season.

22nd November 2009, 07:57 PM
LOL guys, this is too funny NOT to post: I'm still working on SE. Yeah, wipeout 3.:redface:

22nd November 2009, 08:05 PM
I just got a new android phone and have been dl'ing apps - lately its been the S/NES and Genesis emulators - old school is where its at.. :+

...but.. I've also been playing alot of DoD and Audiosurf - *side-note* Hey BARTgai, I beat one of your scores. :D

22nd November 2009, 08:13 PM
@Medusa - coincidentally, for some bizarre reason the only PS1/PS2 save file I forgot to copy onto my PS3 was my prized W3SE save, so I'm working through that again myself when I find the inspiration to do so. :)

22nd November 2009, 08:35 PM
Dare I say...I actually want to play Fusion...
*ducks incoming tomatoes*
I did, after all, buy the shirt...

22nd November 2009, 08:45 PM
Are these just games we purchased and have yet to really play? Or are we including games that we plan to play someday? Because then I'd be here forever. :P

BTW, I like parts of Fusion. It took some time to grow on me (the menu music is so off-putting), but whenever I get a decent computer to emulate it in HD with a good frame rate, I'll play through it again.

22nd November 2009, 08:47 PM
Dear lord...I think we all would. Id assume just games/books/movies you already have:dizzy

22nd November 2009, 09:05 PM
Alright, then!

Shadow of the Colossus -- stuck on one of them and I absolutely refuse to look at any guides.
Tomb Raider Legend -- very fun, but I want to play through the first game.
Jet Set Radio Future -- another case where I didn't finish the first one :P and since I never owned an original Xbox, I just came to this game late, like...
Halo -- I'm a Mac user and remember very clearly when this game originally debuted at Macworld, before Microsoft bought out Bungie, and I'm still a little bitter. It's hard for me to get over that and just play the game lol.
Descent III -- I'll probably never finish it, but I do love Descent and wonder what awaits you at the end, so it's always there in my mind when I think of games backlogged.

I guess that's it. I mostly own arcade games that have no ending. Of course there are plenty of abandonware games that I don't own, but nonetheless haven't finished because it doesn't feel right.

22nd November 2009, 09:28 PM
Oh dear, where to begin. I haven't bought any games in a long while. Here is why:

Last Christmas, other than giving my heart to various people, only to find that the very next day, they gave it away, I bought a lot of games. In short, I've barely played them. Why? Well, 653 hours of play time on WipEout HD probably has a lot to do with it. Here are the games I haven't completed, and approximate length of time I actually bothered playing them for:

Bioshock - about 4 hours
COD4 - I think I did the tutorial plus a half hour or something.
Dark Sector - 2 hours max.
Dead Space - 2 hrs 15 mins
Devil May Cry 4 - About 11 hours (got into this one a bit)
Oblivion - 1 hour 36 mins
Far Cry 2 - about 1 hour (from save files I can tell I played for 20 mins at a time on 3 separate occasions and got bored)
FEAR 2 - about 4 hours probably
Heavenly sword - about 2 hours
Mirror's Edge - I did the tutorial and got bored :rolleyes:
Pacific Rift - Probably about 6 hours (quite liked this)
The Orange Box - no idea, but at least a few hours.
Prince of Persia - 24 minutes and 38 seconds :lol
Siren Blood Curse - 2 hours
Soul Calibur IV - less than 1 hour
Tom Raider Underworld - Negligible
Final Fantasy XII - a few hours but the story was barely getting started.
Final Fantasy IX - I think I made it past the first disc at least.
Final Fantasy VI - erm...nope!
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix - played a bit, sucked a lot, gave up. :(
Super Stardust HD - see SSFIITHDR
Flower - 75% complete I think
Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket Powered Battle Cars - played a bit online but never did the single player.
Rollcage - played a little bit, not much.

There are also various others that friends kindly shared with me but I never really got around to playing properly. :( It's best I don't go back any further. I still have my Master System II with a bunch of games I never completed.

As I say, most of these were purchased around Christmas time. But then I joined this forum the following January. I'm sure a lot of people already know what happened after that. The Tomb Raider save file says 'Path To Avalon'. I was very much on that path, but in a completely different way. :D I think my total play time in games other than HD wouldn't even amount to 1/6th of HD's time. Games have rarely kept my attention for very long. I almost like them more in theory than in practice. I have no doubt that this place is my main reason for getting into HD so much. I've gone off HD a bit now though, but rather than playing these other games I have gone to playing WipEout Pure, Wip3out (a 'new' game for me), and guitar. I forgot how much I enjoyed playing guitar regularly.:rock :D

TL; DR - My backlog is longer than you can be bothered to read. :P

22nd November 2009, 11:59 PM
Oh my. Where to start?

The first game I remember not finishing (I wanted to but got stuck) was Little Big Adventure 2.
And in no specific order :
More or less every AD&D game released since Champions of Krynn,
Baldur's gate 1&2, Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights 1&2 and a few more I forget.
Bioshock, Uncharted, Killzone 2, Modern Warfare 2 (Honestly, I'm not that impressed and haven't played it in a week. The mp seems decent enough if it would STOP CRASHING every half hour.), Soul Calibur 4, Bad Company single player, X3 : Terran Conflict, Sins of a solar empire, Empire : Total war, Rome : Total war, Fallout 3, Morrowind and Oblivion, Red Alert 3, Company of Heroes and probably several others I forgot. And those are the games I have that I want to finish sometime, except Fallout 3. I can honestly say I didn't like it much.
Also planning on getting Demon's Souls and Uncharted 2 for christmas so I have something to fall back on when I finish Dragon Age.
Oh, and the campaigns in Wipeout HD/Fury (again) before Sony decides to ruin the game completely.

23rd November 2009, 01:34 AM
Good to see I'm not the only one with unfinished games :P

Soldner X - Can't even make it past 2nd stage
Stardust HD - Last stage fail (maybe even earlier)
Killzone 2 - Radec stage defeated me
Mirror's Edge - Got stuck and can't be bothered to start from scratch.
Orange box - Got stuck
Flower - I only play it after playing zone mode when I'm stoned and need to chill so I don't really know what's going on. Tis lovely though :)
Oblivion - Got bored very soon after starting.
GTA 4 - Wipeout HD took over.
Basically I stop if I try and try and try and fail for more than a few hours :lol

Still need to buy MW2, U2, NGS2, AC2, T6, several others...Christmas list here I come! :g

23rd November 2009, 02:13 AM
wow, now that's asking.....

...ok, i'm not sure how i find the time, but i play a lot of games, at the minute i have quite a few i am juggling my time between:

1. borderlands, about half way through playing 3 player online co-op
2. modern warfare 2, doing the spec ops in co-op, finished campaign
3. tomb raider anniversary, in the lost valley
4. geometry wars 2, i never stop playing this trying to beat my friends scores
5. halo odst, still have one firefight map to beat the 200,000 score on.
6. final fantasy: crisis core
7. final fantasy iv ds when on the move (yes, i am trying to play two final fantasy games at once!!!)
8. ico
9. sega rally (xbox 360 version) trying to unlock stuff
10. uncharted 2, acording to my mate i'm half way through
11. tetris psp, when on the move
12. i've been playing f-zero (snes) on and off too. love it.

i also intend to play through final fantasy 12 before march when 13 comes out, so after christmas i need to free up some time for that!!!! :dizzy:dizzy:dizzy

23rd November 2009, 04:32 AM
I have a backlog that stretches back to the NES, and hits nearly every console between then and now. I have over 500 games total for all my consoles... Ive beaten maybe a fifth of them? at least 25-50 have never even been played, if theyve been opened at all. They're all stuff I would LIKE to play and beat at some point but jsut never got around to it :P

23rd November 2009, 08:55 AM
A few games that I never finished for various reasons, from being too hard or sheer boredom.

Knight Lore - From my Spectrum days, couldn't manage to do it. Really want do it one day.
Attic Attack - Another from way back when.
FF X-2 - Got bored with it very quickly.
MGS3 Snake Eater - :paperbag.
Killzone 2 - Just can't get going on this.
MW 2 - Very disappointed with this.

23rd November 2009, 09:11 AM
Currently my backlog is the Fallout 3 DLC and the Mirror's Edge DLC (which is the hardest thing I've ever played in my life)

Mr Phlanj
23rd November 2009, 11:06 AM

FF crisis core - I cant beat ifrit on hard mode and i refuse to play normal
Rouge Galaxy - its just sooo loong and even tho i know this i start again and again so i can the good weapons sooner
Monster Hunter F2 - ive only scratched the surface of what that game has to offer

23rd November 2009, 11:53 AM
Would love to get Monster Hunter Freedom Unite for the PSP ... this game seems epic!

And for everybody to have a laugh: I own Final Fantasy VII now for over a decade and never played it through :P ... Well I am on it again and this time, this time for sure I am gonna make it. So no, I haven't even seen the final animation yet , never looked it up on the internet either . Don't wanna spoil that moment :P

besides this little bugger I still miss platinum on

- Burnout Paradise
- GTA IV: was my first game for the PS3 but then WOHD came along :P


- Borderlands (can anyone confirm this is an awesome game please? because the visuals are awesome)
- Metal Gear Solid 4
- Final Fantasy XIII damn why cant it be already March DAMN!!! I remember waiting that 8 months after the Japanese release of FFVII this is the same pain again :(

23rd November 2009, 12:31 PM
NFS Undercover: The arrow pad was just to digital,and I was too much a perfectionist that ,due to my not dominating of events,I don't even make progress(I keep restarting)\\
TrackMania Nations:Can't be bothered,too many stages(dunno if I have fallen in online ladder,maybe I have)
Wip3out:Emulated! Trying to unlock everything,but lost save file,soo lost interest.
WipEout 2097/XL:Directional keys too digital and "shoulder" keys quite awkward for my hand.
Ridge Racer PSX:Emulated as well! Defeated the Devil car "unintentionally",but did not save ,so,waaaaaaaaa......

23rd November 2009, 02:06 PM
Most impressive lists!! A couple more to add--
WipEout XL
Hunter the Reckoning: Wayward
Ive beaten all these except for WipEout Fusion, I just want another run through on them. Hunter is an awesome game.
@D79-- Borderlands is an awesome game. A little 'buggy' for the PS3 but its worth a play time. Thats also on my back log (not sure if I put that in my original post). But if you have the coin to spend, pick it up. 4 player online or local co-op is awesome:nod

*edit*AD&D, eh...why I too am a 27 year vet to the late Gygax's creation. Very cool. But...can you actually complete them? Backlog them? Well, I suppose if its a module that youve never gotten around to play...
@SaturnReturn-- Ever impressive list!!

23rd November 2009, 02:18 PM
And for everybody to have a laugh: I own Final Fantasy VII now for over a decade and never played it through :P ... Well I am on it again and this time, this time for sure I am gonna make it. So no, I haven't even seen the final animation yet , never looked it up on the internet either . Don't wanna spoil that moment :P

This game changed my view of video games in a huge way, in the UK it was one of the first big RPG's to be released, that i was aware of. i'd never played anything like it, and it is still one of the best games ever. you NEED to play it through, it's worth it!!!

also, it's really worth doing all the side quests, that game is without a doubt the best value for money i ever got, there's sooooo many side quests and little things to find, more so than any other final fantasy.

23rd November 2009, 08:34 PM
I still have FFVIII uncompleted; the repetitive take-turns battles just dropped the boredom threshhold into the quit zone. I never got far even into the first disk.

23rd November 2009, 09:04 PM
I actually completed FFVIII...twice! :o Well I got at least as far as getting to the end of the story, but didn't do many side quests. Still, that doesn't happen very often. :D I mostly pin it on identifying with Squall, who said pretty much nothing (just like me in real life) and spent most of his time looking grumpy and a bit 'meh' (just like me in real life). :P

23rd November 2009, 09:35 PM
i'd never played anything like it, and it is still one of the best games ever. you NEED to play it through, it's worth it!!!

also, it's really worth doing all the side quests, that game is without a doubt the best value for money i ever got, there's sooooo many side quests and little things to find, more so than any other final fantasy.

Yeah, especially the side quest where Cloud gives tacit consent to anal gang-rape.


This really isn't the thread to talk about how good or bad a certain game is, I guess, but suffice it to say that I did not think FFVII was worth it. :P

23rd November 2009, 10:03 PM
aha ha ha ha ha, yeah...Wall Market in general is both hilarious and f%^&d up at the same time.

in regards to FFVIII, i played that twice too, i related to Squall in an odd kinda way as well. i guess for the reasons saturn mentioned and also at the time i was falling in love with some girl i was seeing and i guess it went with the whole squall/rinoa thing in a weird way.

on topic, i'm trying to play through Starwing on the SNES at the moment, and it's tough!!!

23rd November 2009, 11:03 PM
I still have FFVIII uncompleted; the repetitive take-turns battles just dropped the boredom threshhold into the quit zone. I never got far even into the first disk.That's pretty much exactly why I won't play a FF game. I simply cannot stand the repetative nature of the game. Encounter -> Attack* (repeat till win) -> Town/Heal/Upgrade ->
Redo from start. Oddly enough, I really do like RPG-style games. Just not ones that are done in FF style. Which is at least 80% of them. 8 P

Currently on my backlog: Dexter (book 3), Queen Elizabeth: Zombie Hunter (book), Carnage Heart EZ, SLAI, Dragon Quarter, Silent Hill Zero, Blade Dancer, and Pirates!

A lot of PS2 stuff on there, and the new PSP games I got recently.

Most of my free gaming time is currently taken up with EVE though, It's like I'll never win that game! 8 )

24th November 2009, 01:20 AM
Task, but the sheer awesomeness of some of the spells (FFVII Knights of the round spell lasts for about a minute as far as I remember) is taking a lot off the repetitiveness. Just to experiment with combinations of casting different magic is worth the time.

Well Dawn Fire Dragoon, I gotta say that FFVII was very much the life changing game for me as well (before it was the first Zelda on the NES, because it was my first real console and the first game) I was having a good time with the jaw-dropping CG sequences. So actually I got to the battle with Sephiroth but don't really remember why I was never able to beat him, cause I did a lot of sidequests at that time already to get the gold chocobo and such ... so I hear the game is not actually over after battling him in the north crater. Damn I gotta finish it this time really :D

If we talk about any game unfinished, I have a couple more to add. Playing PC games on a MAC, the choice is not so big anyway

- Doom 3 , still a cool FPS , but I stuck in 'Hell'
- Homeworld 2 , any serious RTS player should know Sierras space epos. This game kicks ass in the design department, but it gets hard as hell towards the end, so thats why I didn't finish it :P

On the PS1 there is one more

- G-Police , done by Psygnosis this was a cool Blade Runner inspired game, but it also got quite hard , so I never made it to the 2nd disc either.

24th November 2009, 01:51 AM
FF X-2 - Got bored with it very quickly.
It got very interesting for me once I had the Lady Luck dressphere. Ironically, I think it's the ugliest get-up, but learning to time the slots right is a hell of a challenge. Normally in FF games you only get slots in a character's overdrive or break limit or something. It felt so good to get some of those slots right, especially the "CONGRATS!" spell.

But, yeah, unfortunately the really important parts of the story are secret. That sort of thing is not good for the medium.

24th November 2009, 01:56 AM
Mirror edge lol, seems im not the only one who never finished this. its a great games but has silly things in it, like she wont quite jump properly an falls off some big building, prince of persias the same. lbp got boring very quick, the level making takes too long an usually falls to pieces lol.
lots of ps games never completed, medal of honour frontline, couldnt get past the mines level on hard.
Gta 4, freemodes just better than story :rock
love the helicopter's lol.
Tomb raider underworld, the only one i havent finished , doesnt seem like as much work went into the later ones.
I could go on , i'm very picky about what games i play . At the moment uncharted 2 is the best game around IMO.:nod

24th November 2009, 02:36 AM
Tekken 6
(More) Uncharted 2
Lotus Turbo Challenge II (Amiga :rock)

24th November 2009, 03:01 AM
I've got a few games i switch between:
Persona 3/4 - Awesome RPG's I can sink a fair bit of time into
Borderlands - Keep switching between online/offline co-op
Halo 3 - Trying my hardest to sit through the campaign solo
Forza Motorsport 3 - About time I got my LCE dashboard theme...

24th November 2009, 02:02 PM
Task, but the sheer awesomeness of some of the spells (FFVII Knights of the round spell lasts for about a minute as far as I remember) is taking a lot off the repetitiveness.
Guess what I hate even more than the repetativeness?
It's when I can put down the controller and walk away and the game keeps playing all by itself.
It's like I'm not even necessary, besides throwing in the disc and turning on the machine. From that point on, it's more a movie than a game. It's the interaction between me and the game that I'm interested in, not watching some avatars on the screen enlarge their e-peens.
Wanna know what RPG series I absolutely loved? Shadow Hearts. Why? Judgement Ring! Hit Zones! Every single combat is a skill challenge! I actually had to get good at fighting (via their unique system), I would run around looking for encounters so I could practice my 5-hit combo, raise my success rate above 80%. It mattered what I did, and I had to do it right. I wasn't just selecting "Attack, X-Strike" and watching the animation that got boring after I'd seen it twice. Skill-based gaming, the essense of WO and every other game I can really get into.

So that's my beef with FF. It sucks, I can't stand it, no amount of awesome story will make up for a craptacular gaming system.

Hmm, I wonder if this is the kind of thing Foxy is thinking we could write on that gaming blog idea he's got. Did you notice how close "gaming blog" is to "gaming backlog"? Yeah, I'm not offtopic by much at all here! 8 D

24th November 2009, 02:10 PM
On FF, I'd rather watch all the FMV scenes as a movie than to play the game, cos the graphics were beautiful and the gameplay was ugly.

24th November 2009, 02:20 PM
I was actually going to put "Shadow Hearts: From the New World" in my list, but it's just unplayable now, due to LCD lag.

I even bought a 60 GB PS3 refurbished so that I could play it over HDMI, but it overheated on a summer day after several hours of Wipeout HD.

24th November 2009, 02:34 PM
You know Lance, that's an excellent idea. They should release FF in a serialized format. Each game as an episode. All the video and animated sequences showing the story and all the major fights. Have someone who knows what they're doing at the controls... Yeah, that would be a good use of those "games".

Koleax: Aw, geeze, that's a terrible loss! New World was totally awesome! The shape-shifting native american girl, her "big brother" with crazy two-gun-akimbo skills, and Frank the American Ninja who can weild anything he can weld a hilt onto... Hook your machine up to a CRT! It's worth it for the flying-squirrel-ninja-golf at the very least!

24th November 2009, 02:46 PM
I know, I gave my CRT away after I got the 60 GB, thinking I didn't need it anymore, lol.

I'm thinking, someday I'll get a computer that can emulate it really well, and then I can play it in HD! :)

Mr Phlanj
24th November 2009, 06:07 PM
I was actually going to put "Shadow Hearts: From the New World" in my list, but it's just unplayable now, due to LCD lag.

nice :+ that has probably my favorite fighting systems ever, the judgment ring makes the turn based battle feel really rewarding but i can uderstand how the lag could bugger it up soo much

24th November 2009, 06:19 PM
Guess what I hate even more than the repetativeness?
It's when I can put down the controller and walk away and the game keeps playing all by itself.

It took an awful lot of breeding to get 'Knights of the round table'. It was nice to get a rest from all that Chocobo sex. :P

Mr Phlanj
24th November 2009, 06:29 PM
you mean all that chocobo inbreeding :D or you can get one from beating ruby weapon

24th November 2009, 09:14 PM
Oh no, GameStop's buy-2-get-1-free deal starts tomorrow, so I'll probably be adding more. I'm thinking...

Ridge Racer 7
Mirror's Edge
Orange Box

It'll be hard not to try to add three more. Maybe replace RR7 with Mass Effect, until I actually have a 1080p TV to take advantage of it.

6th December 2009, 11:46 AM
Recently,I completed about 28-29% of NFS:Undercover.
Somehow,my laptop's kinda screwy.I try to create a new user account and use it,but it does not load.My internet explorer 8 web browser is also sort of screwy as the yahoo image is an EA image!

6th December 2009, 01:07 PM
Orange Box, eh? You should get on that game, mate. Its FANTASTIC. Definitely worth the time to play...and its definitely one of the best games evar!

6th December 2009, 02:46 PM
i'll second that!

i only wish valve would hurry up with half life 2: episode 3, because after the end of episode 2 i am dying to play more. love that game!

6th December 2009, 04:21 PM
Their used copy of Mirror's Edge was in bad shape so they wouldn't sell it to me. Since I really wanted it in the 3-for-2 deal, I ended up not getting any games at all. :|

I've been so busy anyway. I guess I'll wait for the next time that deal comes around. They should have one more before the holiday season ends or one immediately after. :+

23rd December 2009, 08:15 PM
Here's one I forgot : Dark Chronicle for PS2. I got stuck on the final boss and never finished, but up to that point it's one of the best RPGs I've ever played.

23rd December 2009, 09:07 PM
I think I'm about 75% complete, last played it 2 years ago
still haven't completed WO to SE
REZ, last boss always got me but I'm savering this game
Ridge Racer V, I only bought it to try out my joGcons and was done with it
Audiosurf, never got fully into it as my computer can't handle the jandal
& vib-ribbon, just taking it slow


23rd December 2009, 11:33 PM
Here's one I forgot : Dark Chronicle for PS2. I got stuck on the final boss and never finished, but up to that point it's one of the best RPGs I've ever played.

I was in exactly the same position. I gave up and sold it though. It fetched quite a nice sum on ebay. It was a very good game though - lots of fun, and I loved the cel-shaded graphics.

24th December 2009, 02:57 AM
Ridge Racer V, I only bought it to try out my joGcons and was done with it
RRV has one of the most beautiful menu designs I've ever seen and heard (music is excellent). The game is good too, and I played it to completion, but the menu steals the show artistically.

I bought some games on sale. We can officially add Orange Box, Mirror's Edge, and Prince of Persia 2008 on the X360 side, and Xenosaga: Der Wille Zur Macht, Powerdrome, and Midway Arcade Treasures 3 on the PS2 side. I'm set for a while. :)