View Full Version : 2009-11-04: SaturnReturn is our newest moderator
4th November 2009, 09:32 PM
The moderation team have long respected Chris' views and contributions here on the WipEoutZone forum, not to mention his recent input regarding what's been a difficult period for the community.
So a couple of days back I suggested to the mod' team that we see if Chris would be interested in joining us and help to spread the workload. Truth be told, Jay had suggested him some months back, but as I was in the process of going nuts at the time I completely forgot.
Being a man who doesn't take his decision lightly, Chris took a day or so to decide once I'd asked him, but he's stepped forward tonight and bravely accepted the responsibility.
Please join me in welcoming SaturnReturn/Chris to the moderation team - I'm sure he will continue to contribute in a positive fashion on the site, as well as offering a balanced and even hand when it comes to moderation duties.
4th November 2009, 09:43 PM
I couldnt think of anybody else that come even close to deserving this right.
Congratulations Chris, You have earned it!
Can I be your first infraction point? Break your Moderator Virginity ;)
In all seriousness... Congrats!!
4th November 2009, 09:48 PM
Thanks infoxicated for the kind words. It's very possible that being a moderator will be harder than I can currently imagine. But I'll give it my best and I hope I can do a good job and make a valid contribution.
One thing though, my name's Dave. :P Jokes!
Vart - No you can't. I'm going to save that for myself one day and see if it causes some kind of crazy paradox and the universe implodes. I'll let you know how it goes.
4th November 2009, 10:28 PM
I always knew this would happen...
*deadly silence followed by an eruption of applause/cheering/tears of joy from crowd*
HOORAY! :hyper
Not really surprised but well done all the same, good choice (Other) Mods :+
My little boy's all grown up. I'm coming over all emotional... :)
4th November 2009, 10:30 PM
Congrats Chris, good luck to you :)
4th November 2009, 10:32 PM
I think Yeldar is Jealous...
(uh oh im starting a flame war! Looks like Sat is gonna have to give me a warning...) ;)
4th November 2009, 10:36 PM
Are you being serious or are you trying to get an infraction...? I'm really confused.
P.S. I am genuinely pleased about this (just to clarify) :g
4th November 2009, 10:37 PM
Please refer to my first post in the thread Yeldar. Im TRYING to take Saturns Mod Virginity.
And Im just bugging you. You know. Being Vart? Cause that what Vart does XD
That and Shoot things.
4th November 2009, 10:44 PM
Firstly, I can assure you that, if my 'virginity' is lost, then it won't be you I'm 'giving it to'.
Secondly, why am I suddenly posting innuendo everywhere?
Thirdly, stop hogging my thread and giving me the opportunity to post innuendo everywhere. :P
Finally, thanks Hellfire, yeldar and Vartazian for your encouragement.:)
4th November 2009, 11:01 PM
"SaturnReturn is our newest moderator"
If this is a good thing then :beer, if not, bad luck, Sat! xD
4th November 2009, 11:14 PM
Cool! Good luck, SR.
4th November 2009, 11:23 PM
good luck :D
4th November 2009, 11:25 PM
Thanks guys.
@ PS: It's already proving tough mate. They forgot to give me my taser. :P
4th November 2009, 11:41 PM
This is cool, congrats saturn, couldnt think of anyone better for the job :D:+
5th November 2009, 04:26 AM
a new mod - this is good news and a deserved change,
SR, congrats :)
Rob and crew - good move imo :)
5th November 2009, 06:44 AM
wOw, super news! I'm glad to see you in the moderation team!
5th November 2009, 06:52 AM
Heh! I always thought you'd be a good mod Chris, and almost always hold your views in high regard :p Congrats and good luck!
5th November 2009, 07:23 AM
Congrats on the promotion, Sat! :clap
Be moderate ;)
5th November 2009, 07:58 AM
I thought your name was Chris, thats what i have saved under messenger under your name from Arch's TDL back at the start of the year.
I thought Stevie would of been added as a moderator over SR tbh.
5th November 2009, 08:34 AM
Good luck Saturn. I have always thought your are able to weigh the issues and express yourself very clearly and calmly in your posts. So I know you will keep a clear head when all around you are losing theirs ;) and you will do very well. :+
5th November 2009, 08:34 AM
Cool to see a mod that it will be possible to destroy online in case of a conflict here ! :lol
5th November 2009, 08:44 AM
You brought up a very good point there Leungbok. :lol
5th November 2009, 08:48 AM
Ha, Leung :)
Grats and good luck, SatR!
5th November 2009, 08:50 AM
Congratulations SR, well done. :D
I always knew you would go far. :+
5th November 2009, 09:21 AM
Yey, gratz SR!
Rapier Racer
5th November 2009, 10:58 AM
Well done! Fun times await you I'm sure :P
5th November 2009, 11:08 AM
Aah grand, a great addition to the team, congratulations to you guys!
Congratulations to you Chris, for earning this :) You've gained this position in quite a short time. That's a commendable feat!
5th November 2009, 01:59 PM
Good luck Saturn. I have always thought your are able to weigh the issues and express yourself very clearly and calmly in your posts. So I know you will keep a clear head when all around you are losing theirs ;) and you will do very well. :+
There's a literary reference to Kipling in there somewhere, but here's another that applies to the same situation: The Queen of Hearts. :g
5th November 2009, 02:15 PM
They used to call Diana 'The Queen of Hearts'.
Look what happened to her: High speed chase, narrow underground pass, eliminated by the French. Sounds very familiar. :P
5th November 2009, 05:28 PM
Thanks everyone. :) Not sure I like these 'Queen' references, but I'll reserve judgment once I get a clue what they actually mean.:P
I thought your name was Chris, thats what i have saved under messenger under your name from Arch's TDL back at the start of the year.
I thought Stevie would of been added as a moderator over SR tbh.
Indeed you are correct KIGO. My names is Chris. And there I was thinking I'd gotten away with that one. (Note to self: must try harder to fool KIGO ;))
Anyway, fair point about Stevie (I'm assuming you mean stin, right?). He has been here a long time. But at the very minimum I would presume the below quote is a good reason why he wouldn't be as good a choice as me right now. Basically, I'm going to be around more, which is a shame, because stin seems cool. Even though I haven't been around here a long time, I think I have a reasonable idea of what people feel is missing or has changed, which is causing some 'old-timers' to leave. Hopefully I can be a part of restoring that feeling and maybe stin will come back. Win-win, right?
Looks like this will be my last post here but I will keep on wiping from my true friends who knows what I`m talking about!
5th November 2009, 05:36 PM
Always frenchies involved in nasty plans ;)
Chris/Sat all my wishes of good success being a new moderator : we needed a new one that is true and i know the task/duty can be hard sometimes, trust me mate, anyway a lot of great moments you gonna spend : ahhh Pit lane posts memories come immediately to my mind:D
To be a moderator you don't have to ask, the wise people will choose you :)
Bonne chance Chris :+
5th November 2009, 06:31 PM
Indeed you are correct KIGO. My names is Chris. And there I was thinking I'd gotten away with that one. (Note to self: must try harder to fool KIGO ;))
Anyway, fair point about Stevie (I'm assuming you mean stin, right?). He has been here a long time. But at the very minimum I would presume the below quote is a good reason why he wouldn't be as good a choice as me right now. Basically, I'm going to be around more, which is a shame, because stin seems cool. Even though I haven't been around here a long time, I think I have a reasonable idea of what people feel is missing or has changed, which is causing some 'old-timers' to leave. Hopefully I can be a part of restoring that feeling and maybe stin will come back. Win-win, right?
Yes, i have a very good memory for those kind of things, i remember that weekend well Arnaud was there as well. The Team Division Link Weekend that Archman created. Thats how i got your messenger address. Yes Stevie the Scotsman. But him and Arnaud even though they've been here since genesis they are very busy people, moding is a fulltime job, minus the pay, overtime, and sup benefits, lol. Interesting seeing a mod here in the similar age generation as i.
If anybody remembers this thread i created a while back this came to mind just thinking about other mods before. I remember suggesting Stevie and Lunar being mods. This thread i made back ages ago when that Goodbye Yelder Thread crap occurred, when Darkdrium777 back in the day got suspended on something that was misinterpretation.
Seems like this got sorted out after all in due time. Back up to 4 mods again, like when i first joined this place.
5th November 2009, 06:42 PM
You trying to suggest this was more to do with your suggestion than my overwhelming awesome-ness, which is equalled only by my overwhelming modesty (obviously)? :P
P.S. Thanks again Asayyeah. ;)
5th November 2009, 06:45 PM
My names is Chris.
Ha! Busted!
5th November 2009, 06:50 PM
I hate you. ;) You do realise of course that I can now edit out both my original message and yours, which so cruelly points out my blunder? In my defence, I don't have as much time now for spell-checks, as I have more to read, much more. This could lead to a lot of sweet revenge for some. I really hope I keep my apostrophes in line.:eek
5th November 2009, 07:19 PM
You could... but you won't, will you (menacing tone of voice obligatory) :twisted
I'll either keep on plaguing you just for gags or I'll stop and say this was only a throwback to our MSN convo last night. You will never know! Muahahahahahaha
Not until you next make a mistake at any rate...:)
5th November 2009, 09:00 PM
KGB, it was not Diana I was referring to; it was a literary reference, not an Entertainment Tonight/TMZ reference. :D
5th November 2009, 09:40 PM
I thought you were referring to Alice in Wonderland and 'off with their heads'. But I couldn't find any Wipeout related humour in that story. :P
5th November 2009, 10:12 PM
It was moderators trying to keep their heads when all about them were losing theirs. Like Alice surviving the Queen of Hearts.
Well, I hope that's all settled. Otherwise, "Off with their heads!" Might as well use 'em for croquet. ;)
6th November 2009, 01:20 PM
Congratulations SaturnReturn! I always thought you'd be the man for the job. I am wishing you strenght and wisdom. Also a lot of fun in the pitlane!
Greetz Mad-Ice
Rapier Racer
6th November 2009, 01:29 PM
From briefly browsing the forums today you already seem to have your hands full, good job your doing I might add. :+
6th November 2009, 08:22 PM
Congratulations SR! I'm sure you'll be a great mod. :robot Have fun...
7th November 2009, 12:00 AM
Thanks guys - means a lot.:)
7th November 2009, 10:57 AM
Congrats Chris/SR! :)
8th November 2009, 03:35 PM
Thanks chaos.
I just wanted to say that the first few days have been quite tough for me. In some cases I may have been a bit over the top and the last thing I want is to turn people away from the forum because I was too heavy handed. It's the first time I've done this. Hopefully I will settle in and learn to deal with things the best way in time.
8th November 2009, 06:40 PM
No Chris, you havent turned people away from the forum.
8th November 2009, 07:10 PM
Don`t worry, you are doing a great job, Sat :+
8th November 2009, 07:19 PM
Chris, your efforts to challenge me for the title of King of Heavyhanded Autocratic MODeration are puny and unequal to the task; I am the King! ;)
8th November 2009, 07:31 PM
I bow to thee, my liege.;)
8th November 2009, 07:36 PM
And rightly so. :turbowink:
9th November 2009, 08:06 AM
I know a few people wont miss me...
Vartipoo's not goin anywhere... ;)
9th November 2009, 11:10 AM
great decision :+
9th November 2009, 12:25 PM
which one? :P
9th November 2009, 12:44 PM
Why are people still getting infractions for 3month old posts still?
9th November 2009, 12:49 PM
Why should you receive a fine through the post a month after you were out on a fanging session and got caught by a speed camera?
Because the crime was still committed even if the justice wasn't served immediately.
Not only that, but there have been no infractions issued since the 6th November, so I don't know what you're getting at.
Now for my questions;
Why ask that question in this thread?
Why not leave when you said you would?
// edit
Oh, I see - Haydn received an infraction last week, chose to moan to you about it today, so you're assuming that it happened today and you're going on the offensive - sticking up for your mates 100% and all that bollocks.
Kigo, if you don't like how the place is run then just do one, okay?
As a special personal favour, if you're finding it that hard to leave the place then I can lock your account and save you from temptation - just say the word mate.
9th November 2009, 12:54 PM
Because he's still gained no more ability at balanced data analysis than he had when he got here, no more maturity, no more perspective.
9th November 2009, 02:51 PM
Whow guys, getting pretty up close and personal, aren't we?
not that I'd disagree... *smirk*
9th November 2009, 03:17 PM
Because that's how Kigo wants to play it. He's the stereotypical passive-aggressive internet warrior - asking confrontational questions or making a brash statement to stir things up and then leaving the scene.
He wants this done in public because he thinks it'll be embarrassing to the admin, the moderators, and the site and he has nothing to lose because, as he alluded to last week, he doesn't want to be here any longer.
So lets go at it Kigo - lets end this once and for all, because either you're willing to be a member here and accept the way it's run or you're anti-establishment and think there's some kind of conspiracy at the core of it all.
Either way, this is an opt-in arrangement. You choose to be here and if you don't like it then cut the pissing and moaning and the confrontational posture and stop poisoning the bed for the people who can play by the guidelines.
9th November 2009, 03:38 PM
i'm really happy that SR is our new mod, he's quite active in his duties and reading his posts/explanations leaves me with no questions. Much like reading the posts from our other mods. Nice eh?
As for this free speech thing Kigo is mentioning, i'd just like to say that, I, for one, don't believe that to be going on here. I recently had a post of mine deleted by Lance, And believe me, i coulda made a mountain out of a molehill, but didn't. The reason is obvious really - I agreed with Lances decision, his explanation made it clear that my post could be perceived as inflammatory. Though the post was written in innocence, it could have been easily misunderstood.
Now, I must express my gratitude to the mods and to Rob for their insight and wisdom. I just wish peeps would like to experience the friendly,pleasant and helpful vibe WZ had from previous years... I never experienced that vibe, only been easily a member here 10months,...
... anyway, I hope we can all just learn to start anew, and 'be friends'.
9th November 2009, 05:41 PM
Thanks ACE, for getting this thread back onto the topic of how awesome I am.;) :rock Nice avatar BTW.:+
Offtopic rant ahoi:
I don't feel there is a lack of free speech here. It simply has to be expressed properly. I had issues with the bannings. I must admit, the way people went on about this place, I was actually a bit scared to express those views to Rob and the Mods at first. But you know what, if a person takes the time to explain themselves properly and in the proper context, then others are more likely to listen. Rob listened. Lance and Task listened. Whether they agreed or not is a different matter. But I wasn't dismissed or in anyway punished for expressing views opposite to theirs, despite the fact that they could have told me to piss off and not tell them how to do their 'jobs'.
So, my advice would be, that if you have a genuine problem with something a moderator or admin does, then raise the issue with them maturely and in private. Take on their feedback and try to learn from it. You know what surprises me? People never try again. When people post in an immature way, full of expletives and pointless ranting (and sometimes bickering), their posts might get deleted or they might get pulled up on it. Instead of just more expletives and ranting, why not try again? Why not step back, take a look at it, try to see the other side, and have another go? Do the people who have problems with this place do that? In general, no. Some do, but others don't. What does this say? This says, "I didn't care as much about the message as I did about being a bell-end." Maybe this isn't actually the case, but it's the impression that is given by this approach, in my opinion. And we all know how easy it is to get the wrong impression on the internet. As an example, people who stand on their soapboxes in Hyde Park can do so and go on about whatever they want. They tend to have a genuine message. If they get it across well, people will listen to them and a crowed might even gather to take on board what they have to say. On the other hand, hecklers get thrown out of places.
KIGO - You know I've only been honest with you in the past, whether you liked it or not. I was surprised that you didn't just throw abuse at me to be honest, based on your posts here. Hence, I'm less jaded than others when it comes to you. But the thing that saddens me (yes that's right, saddens, not annoys, genuinely upsets me), is that no-one will ever take you seriously. All the ranting about Microsoft and endless swearing led you to become a characature (sp?) of that particular side of yourself. Yes there are less asterisks in your messages now, but it's the same attitude. Sometimes you're helpful. Helping people get up and running on ad-hoc party etc is great. Embrace that side of yourself more and it will balance out the other stuff. Wise up a bit and then people will start to actually value your opinion. If your opinion is valued, it won't be dismissed so quickly, and then some day you can have a rant that really gets results.
You didn't ask for my advice, so feel free to ignore it, but it's there if you ever want it.
P.S. Just kidding about the awesome thing. I should stop saying that or people might start believing it.:lol No wait, believing that I believe it:?
9th November 2009, 06:52 PM
No thats cool SR. I listen in there. Your an Engineer, best advice you can get all around. Cant really doubt an Engineer.
Good constructive non argumentative conversations these days are gold. Its what gets problems solved quick.
But i usually these days talk on one on one problems and problem solving over the PSN these days.
OBH posted in my VM box that he got a infraction over something of three months ago, i didnt know this was still going on, thats why i posted it, probably the incorrect thread to post this on, should of did in in the General Conversation thread.
9th November 2009, 06:55 PM
...there's a reason this guy is a mod... :+
He was awesome at his job til he stole my thunder, the cheeky bugger :lol
One downside to Sat becomming a mod: He's so busy fulfilling his duties (until 03:00 night after night :eek) that he often takes longer than 30seconds to reply to my MSN messages.
Here's a (crappy but well meant) haiku for you Sat.
Remember Saturn,
Dedication in hand with
Moderation = win
NB:The '=' is silent :P
9th November 2009, 07:17 PM
Come off it! Night after night? That was one time! (And it was 4.30 AM...on a weekday...and I did indeed get up at 7.30 AM the next day to go to work :D). There was that other time. But it was a weekend, and I would have been on here anyway. I actually just take part more as a 'forumite' now that I have a reason to read everything.
I can safely say the whole 3 hour sleep thing won't happen again.:+
9th November 2009, 07:27 PM
I was about to say that if you were up til 3.00 every night doing this you should reconsider your long term plans!
Either way, this is an opt-in arrangement.
Great phrase, I need to remember that for use on the children. I can just imagine their jaws dropping as they realise I have torpedoed all their objections to whatever it is they`re objecting to.
You might have exaggerated about the modding hours, but I like the syllable cheat with the = Yeldar :clap
Inspired by Yeldar,
from this day hence I will post
Only in Haiku.
(A two verse haiku)
Hopefully this will mean there`s
< the normal waffle.
9th November 2009, 07:27 PM
OBH posted in my VM box that he got a infraction over something of three months ago, i didnt know this was still going on, thats why i posted it, probably the incorrect thread to post this on, should of did in in the General Conversation thread.
This is exactly what I'm talking about Kigo and exactly why myself and the other mods have become sick of your act. You call out people, you make brash, sweeping statements that DEMAND an explanation of people, then you piss off and return a few hours later with your palms raised in innocence.
"Who me? Aw, strewth - not at all, it was an honest mistake mate. Here, let me say something totally off topic to distract from the fuss I've just caused over nothing." :rolleyes:
It's worn completely and utterly thin - we've been down this road so many times with you that I can't be arsed with it. For a start if Haydn had a big enough issue with it then it was up to him to raise it with the moderation team himself, not for you to compare the site to a concentration camp and come over all aggressive on an unrelated thread.
You're not bloody Che Guevara, so stop acting like you want to start a revolution every single time you interpret something as an injustice. In fact, why don't you just stop it right now - today, in this thread - let it be the last time you pull this crap.
9th November 2009, 09:19 PM
I was about to say that if you were up til 3.00 every night doing this you should reconsider your long term plans!
Are you trying to say that this gig won't get me laid? :? Maybe I should go back to the guitar. Can't remember why I have that up now. Hmm...
10th November 2009, 01:53 AM
@ Saturn : Anyone taken your infraction virginity yet? Also You need a Girlfriend that plays wipeout *bragbrag*
Haikus huh? I have hte Manliest Haiku in existence right here.
I killed a man once
he had a wife and 3 kids
I slept peacefully.
10th November 2009, 02:14 AM
that's not funny, but why am i laughing? i like it, that's why, ... not that i condone that kind of behaviour :D killing man etc... plasmas are all good though! :)
10th November 2009, 02:35 AM
Its because Your a man, and its the MANLIEST HAIKU EVER!
10th November 2009, 12:41 PM
Haikus are cool but
sometimes they just don't make sense
10th November 2009, 01:18 PM
A belated congratulations from me to our newest moderator on board. Cheers SaturnReturn! :beer
10th November 2009, 02:12 PM
@Chris: You slept? Tsk. Such a lack of dedication.
@Infoxicated: At the forum where I'm the admin of membership, we have a principal [created by the founder of that forum, not by me, but it's a damned good principal, so props to the guy] of decision making based on consumption of moderator time [see, I can be ontopic :) ]; there's comes a point where so much moderator time is being consumed that it's not fair to the mods and the admins to allow the cause to continue. When that principal is combined with the negative effects caused to the forum and its members in general, the decision making process becomes very clear.
@self. Haikus, eh? Damn. I'm a writer; something should have already pooped, er, I mean popped into my mind. Er, words, I mean. In the haiku form. Yeah.
Should have.
10th November 2009, 11:36 PM
I know Lance. All of a sudden though I find myself valuing my sleep more highly. I actually had a very nice nap earlier this evening. I'm not sure how naps can be so enjoyable when I'm at the most only semi-conscious for them. I just know they are.:nod
@Tomohawk - Many thanks for the 'grats.
14th November 2009, 03:35 PM
Hey, just wanted to say I'm glad you're a new mod here. Nice to "meet" ya. I've been fairly inactive here (compared to before) ever since the whole HD thing kind of blew up. I could feel the whole atmosphere getting more negative (and unfortunately contributed with unrestrained barrel roll hate *shame*).
Point is, now that I'm finally catching up on some exciting thread reading ;) I see that you're a very level-headed mod, great job! The zone seems more adult (re: behaviour) again atm.
And great job infoxicated for cleaning out the troublemakers. This is a truly great site when everyone wants it to be, and trouble spreads exponentially in a heartbeat.
14th November 2009, 03:39 PM
Thank you Medusa. I can't deny that I got very frustrated at times by this game too, but have hopefully learned to take it for what it is - a disappointment and not the end of the world.
I look forward to getting to know older members, as I'm still very new to this, and to learning some of the old games as well, which I never played the first time around.
I think the current Avalon shenanigans will also bring back some of the good spirit.:)
14th November 2009, 04:10 PM
Hey Medusa - great to see you back again. :)
14th November 2009, 04:23 PM
Wipeout is the game
The zone is where we can talk
Ready to start anew
14th November 2009, 05:52 PM
Loving this haiku thing we have going on here :g
Might start posting only in haiku...maybe after new year :P
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