View Full Version : Back from holiday, and devastated

1st November 2009, 10:32 PM
I've just returned from Greece, hoping to get back to work tomorrow on a high note. But that has now gone completely out of the window.

I've just received word that a close friend who I trained as a teacher with last year was hit by a car while I was away, and he isn't going to make it. He was one of those people who could make you feel like you'd known them for far longer than you actually did, and whenever we had a get-together with the trainees, he was always the life and soul of it. He was also at my engagement party back in April, which meant a lot to me personally.

It's amazing how someone can be taken from you so suddenly, especially so far before their time. Puts everything into perspective really. We'll be giving him a good send-off, one that he'd be proud of. A great loss to the teaching profession and to everyone who had the good fortune to call him a friend. Rest in peace Sarj, you'll be greatly missed.

1st November 2009, 10:40 PM
Well I don't think I can say anything to make you feel any better Charlie. It's a horrible thing to have to deal with at any time, but circumstance seems to make this a particularly harsh one. :( All I can do is wish the best to yourself and his family/friends and everyone who has enjoyed and appreciated having your friend in their lives. Hopefully we will all be appreciated and missed in the same way whenever our time comes.

1st November 2009, 11:10 PM
That's awful Hellfire, always worse when the people involved are so young, they are robbed of a full and happy life, so many things they don't experience. When something like this happens it sharpens our minds to what is really important to us, friends and family. Sorry to hear this news.

2nd November 2009, 08:46 AM
That's terrible news Charlie. :(

About ten years ago a close family friend's son was killed when he was hit by a truck. He was only only 13 and it was just totally messed up - being at a funeral for someone who clearly should not have died so young is just a horrible feeling of helplessness and frustration at the circumstances.

2nd November 2009, 11:59 AM
:( sounds like the world will be worse off without him. losing anyone is always hard, but he sounds like the sort of bloke who's memory will make his friends and family smile.

2nd November 2009, 01:39 PM
My sympathies, Charlie. I would feel gutted to lose anyone that way.

2nd November 2009, 03:26 PM
Damn, that sucks. All the best wishes to you and everyone else who cares for the bloke.

2nd November 2009, 08:13 PM
Thanks so much guys, it means a lot. We received word tonight that his life support has been withdrawn. Thankfully a number of us who trained with him were all together sharing a drink in his memory when we received the news.

Rob, I think you may have actually met him. Remember back at the Beer Festival when I bumped into a couple of the PGCE group? He was one of them.

2nd November 2009, 08:31 PM
I'm so sorry that your holiday ended this way.

I know how it feels to lose a friend, a close friend of mine took his own life couple of years ago.. i still don't know the reasons for what he did.

You have my symphaties, and also everyone else whos related to him. Cherish all the great memories.

2nd November 2009, 08:49 PM
I'm not sure if there's anything I could say that hasn't already been said, but I hope your and his family and friends, and of course yourself, do okay over the next few days.:(