View Full Version : How good do you think you are at Wipeout

27th October 2009, 08:49 PM
based on these levels i made up how good do you think you are

1 Noob (You still dont know what all the weapon icons are)
2 Novice(you know all the controls but cant see the point of side shift because you just cleared the HD campaign)
3 Competant (you race ok but cant understand why elites are beating you by 20+ seconds a race)
4 Skilled (you are starting to learn the secrets of the experts, side shift shortcuts and BR's
5 Highly skilled (you got transendance and your putting minor pressure on some elite players)
6 Dangerous (Elite have trouble with you.you win a few games and always come in close to them)
7 Elite (a master of the game no one owns you on the track apart from legendary players)
8 Legend (killer of elite and you stand out miles from other elites)

starting with myself i grade myself as really good level 5 highly skilled and on good days a crap level 6 dangerous

27th October 2009, 08:52 PM
4 - skilled for me. altho i bought the game on release date, i'm only just starting to get the hang of it :D

27th October 2009, 08:55 PM
1. Noob

So just wait until I'm finished. xD

27th October 2009, 08:59 PM
lol...So modest :)the perfect gentleman

just a note on the above poll..incase of confusion..this is really about online play..mainly..though i guess players from other modes could apply this themselves..

27th October 2009, 09:03 PM
I wish we could vote on what we think of other people....that'd probs get a bit complicated/controversial though :P

27th October 2009, 09:08 PM
i knew someone would say that...

problem with this is you will get either....

1 players says their a noob like PS when its obvious they are not cos they dont want to show off
2 A idiot that says they are legendary but only played one online game and DNF
3 maybe a player like me who gives honest opinion.

If you want to nominate another player do so.just post name and reason to explain why you think they are that level..

edit...@yeldar..come'on this is rubbish..you voted dangerous..try maybe legendary or maybe topend elite when your stoned off your head..no need to be shy:)

27th October 2009, 09:11 PM
This thread is potentially dangerous. :bomb

Honestly, based on my experiences online and the records tables I can compete and defeat anyone Rapier-Venom (I don't play Phantom seriously).

However, I bow down to a few folks, like the guy above me (yeldar) for starters...

27th October 2009, 09:15 PM
you are very good

this thread like any thread has potential to be dangerous..so hopefully players will not use this as a means to attack each other and show respect..:nod

27th October 2009, 09:18 PM
How do you know Jasmin? I quite sure we've never played a match. ;) (many Phantom only online pilots will not see me)

27th October 2009, 09:22 PM
i know cos i played you when i just started the game before i decided i wanted to be a phantom player..even though i was total noob and failed to finish i could see from the difference in your time to all the other 6 players you stood out from the crowd..so i asume that 10 weeks on you must be even better.:)

27th October 2009, 09:30 PM
On a very good day I would be a 5, on a bad day aound 2 or 3.

It also depends on the opposition- good players make be push harder and I can sometimes surprise myself- I once had a nailbiting race against Sinus1 on Seb reverse where I won by a tenth of a second and I was dead chuffed (this was when Sinus1 was at level 50).

Slightly off topic but when is the best time to 'see' and race against WZ pilots? I would race for ages and never come across anyone from here- and do all WZ pilots race Phantom?

27th October 2009, 09:34 PM
Poll perfectly fitting to few threads recently posted through the zone that i don't feel myself really incline to post in.
Not that i have something against you Jasmin ( you work in Paris weekkdays : you can't be bad ;) ) but it's typically a topic which leads to non-sense : What do you expect answers from everyone? Fake humility from guys who are the complete opposite on their continuous posts, true arrogant saying : ' i'm dominating' or free 'polite' congratulations from others...

27th October 2009, 09:42 PM
@JJ: TBH i thought my vote was pretty accurate. I went on the description rather than the actual 'rankings' of the choices though.
Also, is this based on people in their prime or at this moment in time?

This reminds me of TGS (Teh Greenix Scale). Anyone else remember that? :P

Legendary Pilots - Zico :lol

27th October 2009, 09:42 PM
problem with this is you will get either....

1 players says their a noob like PS when its obvious they are not cos they dont want to show off ...
Well Jasmin, I don't love the idea to rate myself. I'm just someone who loves what he is
doing. That's it.

27th October 2009, 09:45 PM
Online, I'm a 6/7, including TTs that I really set my mind to I think I'm a 7, and the occasional TT/SL I could be an 8, if I had the time and a little more skill to beat Elois.

I think that's an honest assessment of where I am, based on the excessive time I've spent playing this game.

Unfortunately this thread ignores the Greenix scale, the standard measurement of WipEout HD skill. Look it up, it's most entertaining. :D I remember the days when I and yeldar were both a 7 on the Greenix scale. Ah how I wish we were still even.

EDIT: Bugger, yeldar beat me to it on the Greenix scale while I was correcting my grammar. Grr!

27th October 2009, 09:47 PM
I'm skilled. My only flaws preventing me from improving more (for now) are my inconsistency and being short-fused. I also have a slight tendency to choke under-pressure, mostly when im winning against top dogs :lol

But other than that, i know how to handle most of the ships and tracks. I think im efficient in managing and using strategically my weapons and items. This said, the more i learn about WipEout, the more i see i know nothing xD Once, i thought i was great, among the elite, but i watched gameplay footage of Yeldar, Hellfire, TCK, etc., and i saw i was not that great, and far from it... hehe. But, like people say, you can't really improve unless you mesure yourself to the best! ;)

27th October 2009, 09:47 PM
I perfectly agree with Arnaud !

Whatever i think about my level (on wipeout and other stuffs), i always prefer to explain myself with acts and let the others judge than trying to convince people with words. We are sometimes the worst judge of what we deserve ;)

27th October 2009, 09:53 PM
@asayyeah..post is meant to be fun.hopefuly it wont be abused like the other threads you speak of where it ends in flames and bans.


to be honest as far as i am concerned every player in the world cup is an elite in my books save a few like me who were not really good enough to compete on the same level.

as for legendary players i would comfortably say you are one as i have played you in games with others (as i put it elite players) who beat me as bad as you beat them putting you above many.as well as you in top 5 of nearly every leaderboard for TT and SL.

i would say there are only a small handful of legendary players that i am aware of.

@problem solver..im happy you play for fun..me too.

27th October 2009, 09:56 PM
Unfortunately this thread ignores the Greenix scale, the standard measurement of WipEout HD skill. Look it up, it's most entertaining. :D I remember the days when I and yeldar were both a 7 on the Greenix scale. Ah how I wish we were still even.

I remember he gave me 8 back in the day, I wish you two were still 7.

Your right Asa, too many threads with the 'look how good i am' thing going on.

27th October 2009, 10:02 PM
Voted 7. Elite.

I'd say people like Wotan, yeldar, reach-big are Legend.

27th October 2009, 10:09 PM
sometimes i asking myself : where's the ****in old spirit of the Zone : let me picture it in another way : Every year ( starting in 2007 Amsterdam) there's a Euro convention, in 2010 that should be in France (Paris) as we decided among those who participated to this (and also all those mini-conventions which has spread all over the place hosted by fellow members) ; question is : do I want to take part in the next convention : probably not if i have to meet few of those ego-maniac.
Pity cause there's plenty of members i haven't met yet that i am really looking forward to have a good laugh with them irl, i know there will be time for sure in the future, at the right place and the right moment.

27th October 2009, 10:09 PM
KGB - The best thing about the Greenix scale was that it was achievement based. So you'd get a number rank for having, for example, achieved the platinum trophy. You don't lose that trophy so you can only get better. Other achievements were, I think, completing campaign mode, and getting a no 1 record on pretty much anything. You didn't have to still have the no 1, just to have achieved one at some point.

Anyway, you know as well as anyone that you could be as good as Wotan if you had the time to spend on the game. That's 90% of what it is really, in my opinion - having the time (lack of a real life) to practice enough.

27th October 2009, 10:21 PM

this is just a fun thread ..its not an official who is the best thread its more of a "how do i rate my development"
no one has gone ego maniac on this thread..no one has slagged down other members..if any thing nearly every player understated their own development.
some gave compliments to others..

no one plays a game for a year and dosnt think about their self development in that game .those who play for fun play cos they enjoy there development they get through playing..wipeout is competetative game.its normal to want to develop and its not a crime to talk about it. this thread is not a bad thing it will only be a bad thing when an idiot starts a flame fight on it which hopefully wont happen as players may be wiser than they were from past.

27th October 2009, 10:24 PM
Well I think some people are just more talented than others and it comes more easily. I've played the game a lot, probably more than Wotan and just found my level. Wotan is just very good at it.

I'd like to think I might meet you someday Asayyeah so don't go disappearing yet.

27th October 2009, 10:27 PM
If Stin is a competent.... then I'm a F***ing noob! :lol

27th October 2009, 10:32 PM
i think you misunderstood me Jade, i am not saying it's gonna be a flame-war topic : it's just 'another' thread of ' high self-esteem' greatly resumed by KGB.
If you think members are wiser nowadays, we also don't have the same comprehension of what mean wise. Wise matches with humility in my way, not truly the fact here ( not especially in your thread but among few 'recent' ones)

@KGB i would be glad to meet you mate and don't be worried i won't be disapearing , it's not 2 or 3 members who will gutted me from posting or reading there, there's a spirit still existing, shame those guys don't get it or respecting it but we can't be friends with everyone. So i will let them to their 'cuisine'

27th October 2009, 10:41 PM
Well I think some people are just more talented than others and it comes more easily.

I agree, but maybe that just means some people have to put more time in to make up for slightly less talent. Although I'll be honest, I am starting to fail to see how any amount of practice could help anyone achieve the kind of times Elois gets on TT. :(

27th October 2009, 10:46 PM
I tried to vote for option nine (Godly) but as this option was not available I settled for "I am a legend".
Do not be fooled by my lousy race times as it is all part of my deadly deception.:p

To be honest, rating ones self is very difficult as performance in a game such as this, varies dramaticaly from day to day.
You are only as good as your last race.

27th October 2009, 11:06 PM
If this is just for online then I reckon 6 is still accurate - I don't think there is really anyone who will consistently beat everyone else if all players are similarly matched. It's all so close nowadays.

To be honest I prefer to think of Legendary Pilots as the guys I looked up to when I first arrived in the zone (and I still look up to them), the ones who (even if they do not race any more) everybody has heard of, the ones that make you smile just because you have the chance to race them, the guys you can banter with/exchange casual trash-talking on PSN, y'all know what I mean :)

I think I'm in love :blarg

[/sentimental old fool inside an 18 year old's head]


27th October 2009, 11:14 PM
Hmmm nobody mentioned me under legendary so I'll place myself at elite. However I think my weaponskills are legendary ranked.

In conclusion

Racing - 7 Elite
Weapon Skill - 8 Legendary

27th October 2009, 11:19 PM
without a hint of irony.

28th October 2009, 02:13 AM
I refuse to participate, because I don't see -12 on your poll.

But if it were there, I'd be -13.

My skills in Wipeout are only rivaled by my skills in other aspects. *cough* sex *cough*

28th October 2009, 04:55 AM
I am with Asayyeah. I've let myself slip up too much in this new "Zone spirit" and I regret the consequences. I suggest everyone stops making potential "ego threads."
For the sake of everyone. No offence Jade but I think this should be locked outright. Let the actions of everyone speak instead of trying to give an abstract rating to all of us.

28th October 2009, 05:07 AM
I disagree DD.

As long as everyone is rating themselves I see no problem. No point locking something that hasnt exploded yet.

Who knows maybe it will inspire people to become better?

28th October 2009, 05:55 AM
One day I will be Novice. I'm pretty sure! :D

28th October 2009, 08:38 AM
that just made my day IH8YOU :lol
the perfect way to answer this thread

28th October 2009, 09:01 AM
Where's Level R?

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. :pirate

28th October 2009, 09:12 AM
This topic meant nothing to me because I chose competant!, why?, I`m thinking as a whole of Wipeout from Original to HD and I completed all the games!

Which makes, ASA and Jabberjaw are Legends compares to you all!

Jas, yes it is only for fun but you know asa;)

Enough of my rant!


28th October 2009, 09:43 AM
I'd say I'm a 6 (Dangerous) only because I've had a few legendary players message me saying I put them under pressure.

28th October 2009, 11:48 AM
Legendary Pilots - Zico :lol

who the f... is Zico? :lol
there's only 1 legend at a time. 4 me it's "Stefan Bellof" - 6:11.13 >200km/h/lap on the Nordschleife!

28th October 2009, 11:52 AM
well , level 5.5
even transcendance trophy is not mine

28th October 2009, 11:54 AM
Level 0 : Nutella's player :P

28th October 2009, 11:54 AM
@ JFthebestJan

Zico is a legendary Brazilian footballer :P

@ poll

Level -1 : Offline player.

28th October 2009, 12:03 PM
The topic is fine I think, albeit useless, however people are just lying here,
they could answer objectively if they bothered to read the description.

First I wanted to say SKILLED but then I read that it means I'm just learning
the secrets like SS and BR, this happened a year ago, so I'm obviously higher.

Ok then HIGHLY SKILLED => got transcendance + putting minor pressure on
Elite players ... maybe I'm that because I'm often putting minor pressure on
the best players.

Now I see that DANGEROUS is about the same as HIGHLY SKILLED, I win a
few games (luck) against the best (Elite) players, so I guess I'm dangerous.

But now the surprise: ELITE players are not the best players, the best are
the LEGENDARY players, apparently legendary players easily kill Elite players.
Everybody knows who the best players ever are, take Wellington, Wotan,
kingheim, Elois, reach-big, Greenix, yeldar, TCK ... so they're legendary
because if they were only Elite, then it would mean that some other players
would consistently beat them, which is not the case.

So I rank myself 1 class behind them => Elite.

OK explanation over, the topic is a bit useless because I think everyone
knows more or less the skill of every other player.

28th October 2009, 12:06 PM
Well, I went for 'Highly Skilled' - because Transcendence was a tangible milestone I know I've reached.

Was getting steadily better for a while after that, but distractions and other commitments have kept me away from Wipeout lately, and I'm not as good as I was.

Wipeout HD is still my favourite game though - so I'm hoping to start getting better again soon.

Rapier Racer
28th October 2009, 12:37 PM
Well, this thread was devoid of any meaning when you decided to include trophies in your options.

Based on my current trophy progress, get me some stabilizers mac.

28th October 2009, 01:51 PM
I've beaten Greenix, Reach-big, etc before few times. I'm sure not legendary. :P

28th October 2009, 02:42 PM
voted 5 but sometimes im a six. (on bad days i c an drop down to a 3 though :lol )

28th October 2009, 02:49 PM
I'd say Skilled. I can hold my own in a Rapier Race, but Phantom is off limits. Not that skilled yet.

28th October 2009, 02:59 PM
whats reach-big7 doing down there!?
funny thread thouhj, would prefer to have given my list of who i feels in each catagory :beer

dont think theres anyone who 100% wins, i remember danterich winning 11 games in a row with badass players in the room. couldnt get near him!! its who goes on winning streaks more often i reckon
and i havent even got to sl/tt/zone players yet :beer

28th October 2009, 03:01 PM
Oooh! Pulser votes elite - reason? rated 33 out of 5000 odd pilots in the online ranking boards... So I'm in the top 1% right? ;) Well, Tom Cruise gets told (in Top Gun) that to be the elite, he has to be in the top 1% - thus my reasoning!

And I have played Pulse online, a lot... seriously - a lot of a lot! Fantastic game that it is...

Oh, and btw - I'm neither modest, nor egoist - just a rationalist who bases his opinion on what he knows to be accurate, and accepted information ... ;)

28th October 2009, 08:43 PM
I seem to be a legend, it's why you haven't meet me for a long time on the tracks ;)

28th October 2009, 08:49 PM
Damn... I should really start trying harder to get Trancendance.

Skilled it is!

28th October 2009, 09:54 PM
I seem to be a legend, it's why you haven't meet me for a long time on the tracks ;)

You most definitely are, Sir! :) Do care to bless us with your presence, sometime, Sir. ;)

28th October 2009, 10:10 PM
I hope you are kidding!

You know, I`m getting really pissed off with this Shite!

No offend jas! (sorry)

Looks like this will be my last post here but I will keep on wiping from my true friends who knows what I`m talking about!


28th October 2009, 11:00 PM
I class myself as skilled as I know a few of the tricks but don't spend much time on the game so keep falling out of practise. Not got transcendence and don't think I ever will.

28th October 2009, 11:44 PM
I have Transcendence but I _never_ use Side shift.

So, in other words im not better than 3-Competent and not worse than 5-Highly Skilled.

Hm.. maybe a 6? ;)

29th October 2009, 05:43 AM
I have Transcendence but I _never_ use Side shift. ...
Which makes you a Legend. xD

29th October 2009, 07:58 AM
I never used sideshift before I got transcendence either... now I use it all the time :P makes you so much faster when you know how to do it!

I'd probably say I'm "highly skilled" according the list of criteria. But I don't really know, I don't play online that much and haven't played that many players that would be listed as "elite" or "legendary", so it's hard to say. And I've only in the last couple of months or whatever really gained ground in how I play Wipeout, so yeah :blarg

29th October 2009, 10:28 AM
oh fudge.. ment to vote for highly skilled but clicked to dangerous :blarg

29th October 2009, 01:27 PM
I'd have to say Dangerous, although I haven't played WipEout for a bit.

29th October 2009, 02:55 PM
I am the best wipeout player ever. If you beat me its either because I was only playing with one hand, you know, to give you guys a chance, or because my pad ran out of battery. I play mostly on phantom and never blink, not once. I also invented the 180 boost start on eleminator mode. You all sux.

29th October 2009, 10:57 PM
Akirapill, your skills and boasts mean nothing, everything you have ever achieved is shadowed by the fact that I trained Chuck Norris.:P

Subsonic Retinal Burn
30th October 2009, 12:39 AM
Was going to go with skilled until I was brutally slaughtered a bunch of times earlier so competent it is for now.

30th October 2009, 02:43 AM
Chuck Norris can go f*ck himself with a gigantic ribbed mains powered apocoliptic dildo.

30th October 2009, 04:04 AM
Chuck could do that... and he'd still be straight. He's Chuck Norris.


He can also divide by zero.

30th October 2009, 09:54 AM
So only three legendary players?

30th October 2009, 01:37 PM
Chuck, Zico and who else...? oh yeah... 'bot' :g

30th October 2009, 02:01 PM
'Bot' haha ... for some reason I find him very funny, never says a word but gets
above 1000 points on everything lol.

30th October 2009, 02:03 PM
He knows his job. :nod

30th October 2009, 04:37 PM
For god sake, my brother picks dangerous, so i couldnt possibly pick something worse than him :beer that leaves only elite and legendary.... well vartazians elite and ive never heard of him :g legendary it is!

30th October 2009, 06:26 PM
O.O osama bin haydn keep the lights on at night. Vartazian will try to eat you on the eve of halloween for sure now. xD Yeah dangerous for now, I can keep up with most of the good racers here and I really don't play very often. Maybe after I can pull my head out of Armored Core 3 PSP then I'll play some more.

30th October 2009, 07:31 PM
OBH Is Legendary!

A Legendary Ass >_>.


30th October 2009, 07:40 PM
Vartazian will try to eat you on the eve of halloween for sure now. xD
He'll try, but then his girlfriend will join woz and start taking the p*ss out of him :D oh wait, already happened! :beer

"Vartypoo"'s a big softy really :g

30th October 2009, 10:11 PM
It's what I do :D
"Vartypoo", ehehehe.

30th October 2009, 10:56 PM
OMG Vartazian I knew you were just playing dumb when I asked who destroyed me in zone battle! IT WAS YOU!!!!!!!!!:pirate

Hello Cyxel nice to meet you :D. Are you two on at the same time or alternate times? Id love to race both of you at the same time... and win!:twisted


'cept for zone battle ><

30th October 2009, 10:58 PM
Yeah yeah... Guilty as charged. Koleax doesnt seem to believe that shes a real person, real shame too.

But from now on it IS her racing on her profile :P

She doesnt have her own PS3 yet so Your gonna have to wait to race both of us :P

30th October 2009, 11:06 PM
He's not allowed to race on my account and kill other people for my amusement, now I have to do it myself :)

And we're not on at the same time because I don't have my own PS3 yet, I mooch off his. Christmas is coming though, that should change. :D

30th October 2009, 11:57 PM
Yeah yeah... Guilty as charged. Koleax doesnt seem to believe that shes a real person, real shame too.

But from now on it IS her racing on her profile :P

She doesnt have her own PS3 yet so Your gonna have to wait to race both of us :P
Sorry if it's a stupid question, but Koleax is a "she" :?:

31st October 2009, 12:11 AM
LOOL! I believe by 'she' Vartazian means Cyxel. So Koleax doesn't believe Cyxel is a real person.

31st October 2009, 12:59 AM
Yeah, but is Koleax really a "she" (still wondering/curious)?

31st October 2009, 01:15 AM
It was hard to believe at first. A level 2 player with zero trophies and a Canadian flag winning subsonic 4-player Zone Battles on Chenghou with little problem, when Vartazian was offline? Seconds before getting a message from him asking about this new dynamite ZB player named Cyxel, whom he heard about from this forum, an obvious impossibility? Taking into account his boredom from not having any real ZB competition? Yes, it strained credulity, and my image of Cyxel as a complete joke and fabrication was very funny. I felt like I was being asked to take a ventriloquist dummy seriously. Don't worry, it will pass with time.

Your post gave me a good laugh, MetaK. Unfortunately there are no female versions of me.

31st October 2009, 01:20 AM
Please stop this, Koleax, you're comments are getting old.
We've both made enough remarks on each other's pages.

31st October 2009, 01:54 AM
Sober I'm novice, but Drunk... I'm Legendary XD

31st October 2009, 02:10 AM
Nah Metakraken I was pertaining to my little "World Destroyer" in training, Cyxel. ;)

People think that ill calm down now that shes on here. but have no fear. Vartazian the Destroyer of innocents and Demolisher of hopes and dreams is still here!

*Evil Manical Laugh*

31st October 2009, 07:39 AM
Blackwiggle, Darkdrium777, Pirahpac, Archman are now legends ! :(

1st November 2009, 04:51 PM
Sober I'm novice, but Drunk... I'm Legendary XD

Hahahaha, so true! I look forward to your next vid :P

1st November 2009, 05:22 PM
Blackwiggle, Darkdrium777, Pirahpac, Archman are now legends ! :(

Spot on there!

From Canada to Australia, to Croatia to France.


1st November 2009, 06:28 PM
From Canada to Australia, to Croatia to France.Legends

u forgot germany, home of the superduperincredibleultramegamen ;)

just joking

1st November 2009, 08:05 PM
What, you mean the Ueberdueberausgezeichnetmensch isn't real?