View Full Version : Quite the conundrum

27th September 2009, 08:09 PM
I recently put aside enough money to buy a new gaming system and I'm torn between 3 choices:

1- X-Box 360 all my friends have one, and I feel left out ,so I think I might get a 360. They also have a wealth of good games and XBLA(x box live arcade) has also attracted me...and I absolutely love halo

2- PS3. It's gone down 100 dollars and there are much better games for it now then before (including Wipeout HD) and i'm in need of a new blu-ray player.

3- A PSP. It's not as expensive as the other 2 systems and it still has a wealth of great games. Plus (if I find a nice deal) I could probably afford this AND a 360.

So those are my current choices. Already have a wii and ds-lite. And let's not forget my trusty PS1, but I still need some help making up my mind. What do ya'll think?

27th September 2009, 09:17 PM
Sorry I can't help you with the decision, it really comes down to your personal preference in games. I know I'd get a PS3 Slim, but that must not mean it's the best for your type of play.

However, :+ @ thread title ;)

27th September 2009, 10:13 PM
Wolfkill, the price of the Xbox 360 Elite [120 gig hardrive] has not only dropped to 300 US dollars, but if you get it before October 5, you get a 50 dollar rebate, so new Xbox Elite goes for only 250, only 50 more than the Arcade model.

27th September 2009, 10:37 PM
Get what has the most games that interest you instead of just the price (:rolleyes:)

28th September 2009, 02:07 AM
Don't forget the socially [and fun] rewarding aspect of playing with friends. I wish I had some gamer friends interested in the same games I am. I only have one gamer friend, but he's into different types of games than I am.

28th September 2009, 04:07 AM
The Austrian (habib) is right, his choice is most wise.

Or find and older PS3 with reverse compatibility, and you'll be happy.

You'll be happier paying that little extra for a unit that is reliable.

Get a PSP as well, they rule. Very practical unit as well.

28th September 2009, 06:07 AM
and do take into account adding a wifi adapter to the Xbox 360, it changes the price difference a bit if you need one and if the package doesn't have one
also as above which games do you prefer and maybe the controller may sway your decision, I know after 11 hours of killzone2 I wouldn't have 3 bung fingers on my left hand if I'd been using a 360 controller

also figure in if you want to pay for Xbox live, that costs, but then again if your mates have Xbox's they can bring their controllers over to yours and vice versa where as for a PS3 you might want to invest in more controllers
lots of tipping point imo

good luck
but for me I wouldn't go with what my mates have, back in the PS1 era I had an N64 where most of my mates had PS1's, I think it was better for us all to have variety and the chance to try new things that we wouldn't have been able to do if we'd all had the same system, but most of that was due to GE007

hope your happy with your decision whatever it may be

28th September 2009, 06:12 AM
get the PS3

..or, y'know what ignore that suggestion - I posted without reading the rest of the thread.

28th September 2009, 11:37 AM
Oh, i forgot to mention WolfKill that subscribing to the Playstation Network is free. How good is that :D

28th September 2009, 12:08 PM
I was in the same boat as you WolfKill. I ended up getting a 360, so I could play with all my mates.

That was a year and a half ago, mind. You can't ignore that PS3 price drop!

28th September 2009, 12:15 PM
Now tell us Harvai what happened to your 360 not so recently ago.

28th September 2009, 12:18 PM
If i was you...

I would get xbox 360..If all your friends have one already you are missing out on all the fun.

I only play ps3 cos of wipeout.dont think i have ever played any other game on it.The ps3 belongs to my brother he dosnt really play much on it either.

I got a psp but i dont really play that either.The controls are a bit fiddly but upside is you can play games at work.lol

28th September 2009, 12:40 PM
PS3 - The price drop and blu-ray player make the PS3 a decent deal now, but focus on more than just that. Are there any particular exclusive titles you're looking for on either system? For some people who are buying only one of the current-gen consoles, exclusive titles often make or break a purchase. Weigh other factors as well, online experience, marketplace content (both DLC and other media), etc etc etc. Bear in mind that while you can get a free PSN account, it's sometimes a case of "you get what you pay for." Also note, the PSN store has a very slim percentage of demos for the number of games available out there, so if you want to get some insight into a potential new purchase, you're not offered much. Personally, the only thing the PS3 really has going for it in my eyes are Wipeout HD, Super Stardust, Pixel Junk Eden, The Last Guy, and that's about it... I wanna grab Gravity Crash, too, but only because it's more CoLD SToRAGE music.
I'll also second Kigo's comment on trying to get your hands on a used PS3 with backward compatibility. I went out of my way to find one with 100% PS2 compatibility (there are other models with only about 65-70% compatibility, and didn't play a few key games I wanted to still play, like Wipeout Fusion)... it's pointless to buy a neutered version, Sony removed so many features. I still don't understand how people get by with only 2 USB ports... I have often used all 4 of mine at the same time. Even the 360 has 3 at least. Fair warning, playing PS2 games on the PS3 in any resolution other than 480i introduces lag because the PS3 has to scale the video output...

360 - THere is much more to this machine than testosterone-driven ZOMFG HALO AND GOW! It has other successful exclusive titles which do compete with some of the PS3 offerings, but a lot of them stand on their own merit without existing solely for CONSOLEWARS SERIOUS BUSINESS. A lot of the cross-platform titles are developed for the 360 first and ported to PS3, and as a result they often look or play better. A paid XBL account is $50 a year, but for access to stable online multiplayer servers, early demos/trailers/content/etc, discount prices, game and movie "parties," and a bunch of other stuff... it eventually pays for itself; nobody I know who pays for their Gold account has ever complained about the price after how much they get out of it- but that's the catch, if you don't take advantage of it, it's pointless. I don't play games online, so I don't have gold. A Silver Live account is free; you can still build friends lists, chat, friends' scores show up in leaderboards for whatever games you have, you can still browse and download things from the marketplace. With the exception of waiting an extra week for a couple key new game demos (usually only high-profile titles, for the record), I have never been frustrated with not having a gold account, so it's not specifically a pre-requisite. The marketplace has a playable demo for almost literally every game on the console, both disc-based and XBox Live Arcade titles. And on the subject of XBLA titles, the Live Marketplace has TONS of games available on XBLA.. original titles, exclusive classic games, exclusive updates/sequels to old titles. Personally, Live Arcade titles make up a majority of my purchases for the 360, as well as my play-time. I have my fair share of disc games but the arcade just has a lot of things I like.
For the record, the lack of wireless connectivity is a moot point because having a wireless connection adds just a bit more network response time, aka latency. Using a wired connection removes that extra step. For some people this isn't an issue, but I personally like to have as little delay as possible. When I'm playing Wipeout HD on my PS3, I have an ethernet cable running to the back of the machine... The lack of wireless connectivity is the least concern for a lot of 360 owners- it's not very hard to snake a cable to the back of the box, and nine times out of ten their entertainment setup is close to their internet hub to begin with.
Also, like Lance said, getting a 120gb model right now for 300 bucks will get you a 50 dollar rebate. AWESOME deal... especially considering I paid like $340 or something for my 20gb model back a couple years ago and had to pay extra for my 120gb drive.
M$ has also finally fixed both the RRoD and E74 errors, so no fear of the machine sh*tting the bed on you at some indeterminant point. And the disc-scratching issue has long since been gone.

PSP - Why anyone doesn't have one of these is well beyond my scope of comprehension. If you get one, though, get a used PSP-2000 model. The 3000 can't be modded, and it doesn't technically have any real benefits over the 2000 other than a slightly better screen (though it is now an interlaced signal and jitter artifacts are sometimes visible on certain games.) If you bought the 360 and got the rebate, you've got extra money set aside for a used PSP at gamestop or something ;)

The allure of a blu-ray player with the PS3 IS nice, but there's nothing saying you can't buy or rent HD movies on the 360... and unless you have some burning desire to watch blu-ray titles RIGHT NOW OMG, I can't imagine it's a deciding factor. Get a 360 and PSP for now, and then start saving up for a PS3 sometime down the road... the price may drop further in a year's time, if Blu-Ray players don't reach sub-$100 prices within a year, too...

Microsoft Points cards are also quick and easy gifts to ask for when Christmas rolls around ;)

28th September 2009, 12:50 PM
My opinion - totally selfish imo - but get a PS3, get Pulse, and start to rock the most addictive game i've ever played (barring tetris), and the most visually stunning wipoeut ever made too - Pure!!!.

Get a PS3, next year it will outshine the 360 big time. Loadsa new features are gonna be available for the PS3, and consoles like the 360 are breaking in peeps hands, ... speaking of which, you'll need hands the side of shreks to play the 360 for any length of time mate - and you'll end up with arthritis and double jointed thumbs (eugh)

PS3 controller is much more ergonomically designed to be used for a long period of time!!! And the selection of games available over next year will outshine the 360's ...

But, if you wanna play with friends.... hmmm... this is what I'd do, I'd tell 'em all that wipeout is a far more engaging game than any on the 360. (is it? :g)

28th September 2009, 12:50 PM
PSP-3000 Gran Turismo package bundle is a pretty good buy. $288 AUD here. Pretty smart.

Get that along with a large memory stick, then you'll be smiling. Im still using my PSP-1000 from 2005, great buy then, still awesome now, put all your music, vids and photos on there, plus there is already a good game collection already out there for the PSP.

28th September 2009, 12:51 PM
Go Kigo - I want that game man... PSP FTW!!!

Totally portable gaming, anywhere, anytime... And its' Playstaion!!!! You know it makes sense mate!!!

28th September 2009, 12:54 PM
I'm getting Gran Turismo PSP this thursday, can't wait XD.

I have a greater love for portable games on the PSP than the PS3 for some reason, maybe its the added practicality or the fact the are design around basic fun gaming, not state of the art graphics and other ponsy features. Thats what makes a true awesome game, hence why Wipeout Pulse rules, and why the PSP does as well.

28th September 2009, 12:56 PM
Kigo, Sorry for shouting this out BUT I TOTALLY AGREE!!!:D :g :D :g :D

28th September 2009, 01:16 PM
Ok, that settles it, get a PSP WolfKill.

:D :g :D :g :D :g :D :g :D :g :D :g :D :g :D :g :D :g :D :g :D :g :D :g :D :g :D :g

28th September 2009, 01:54 PM
Hmm, the reason i got the ps3 was because all my friends got one :D And tbh, there is nothing more fun then playing a game with your friends. Imho it makes even the worst games (Socom Confrontation ;)) fun. So ide probally go for a 360 if I were you.

AND you should get a psp too :). Great little gadget. I agree with KIGO to get the psp-3000 instead of the GO. I dont see the GO to last that long

28th September 2009, 02:11 PM
as everyone else has mentioned, it really comes down to what kind of games you play....and whether you will play with your friends online much.

both systems have big releases on the horizon. next year will be a better year for sony, but be just as good for microsoft.

you said you love halo. i can tell you this much halo 3: odst was pretty damn good, if you're a massive fan then it fits alongside halo 2 nicely and acts as a good set up for halo 3. also halo: reach comes out next september.

to not be biased i do like playing killzone 2 on ps3 as well, but by not owning a ps3 i miss out on one good shooter. evrything else is on xbox....so that is one reason i still am yet to get a ps3.

also, here's a good tip: go into your locaL game store and look at the shelves, how many titles interest you on each system, then see if they're available on both...e.t.c, e.t.c. that always makes things a bit clearer, actually seeing things.

28th September 2009, 02:39 PM
There's lots of stuff coming for all the consoles. New hardware, new games, new services.

Large numbers of new games mean nothing unless they're the type of game that yoU like. All the consoles have lots and lots of games, but there are damned few that I'd want to spend my time on, so definitely consider that a major factor in any console purchasing decision because the selection is well short of fully overlapping.

In the case of the 360 or PS3, I'd definitely get the newest ones for the superior hardware. Backward compatibility on a PS3 slim is a non-issue for me because it's so easy to pay 50 US dollars for a PS2. And backward compatibility on an Xbox only requires that it have a harddrive. Only the Arcade model does not.

@zer0shen: eleven continuous hours of killzone2?! Yikes! Marathon.

Rapier Racer
28th September 2009, 02:54 PM
Buying something because all your friends have it is a tad weak willed unless its what you really want.

The majority of my friends got 360s and when they all told me to get one and started to bash the PS3 they got two fingers back in return, a very civil response I'd say. Most of them eneded up with a PS3 anyway and I bought a 360 eventually.

As has been said, it comes down to the games and possibly a few other things:

Hardware reliability is apparently a non issue with the 360 now and it only took them a thousand years to fix it, well done chaps.

So, it comes down to games. There are a lot of exclusive PS3 titles that interest me, as opposed to ONE franchise on the 360 I think buying the system was foolish as it largely sits there collecting dust, at least it won't die on me though I do use it sparingly :P

Other than the games I just prefer a PlayStation, the controller, the menu layout, the store, the way it doesn't sound like its about to take off etc.

28th September 2009, 02:57 PM
Hmm, the reason i got the ps3 was because all my friends got one :D And tbh, there is nothing more fun then playing a game with your friends. Imho it makes even the worst games (Socom Confrontation ;)) fun. So ide probally go for a 360 if I were you.

AND you should get a psp too :). Great little gadget. I agree with KIGO to get the psp-3000 instead of the GO. I dont see the GO to last that long

Yeah 3000 is a better buy over the PSP GO.

There are several things that make the PSP GO ****,

1. Ergonomically design
2. Cant load your old UMD collection over the the GO's internal memory
3. Its only has 16GB of memory, which isnt enough.
4. It should be a phone as well.

Get the 3000 its good little unit, and its priced pretty damn good.

29th September 2009, 10:43 AM
don't think it's been mentioned yet
Imports!, the PS3 isn't region locked so if you want a game that's not released in your part of the world you'll be able order it online

& yeh Fully, what KIGO said, but I don't agree about the memory issue, 16GB is a smart release for Sony, 32GB seems a bit heavy as sony would change an un-imaginable amount for it, + the go has an M2(which sony would love to sell you) memory stick slot so you can upgrade the capacity, though that will most likely cost you heaps, where as the PSP can take an adapter to use Micro SD cards which are much cheaper, especially if your looking for high capacity
basically I think Sony wants the Go to be a money printing machine like the wii & to test out selling a system that has strictly download content only, as the PSP2 will surely be geared towards also competing with the ipodTouch, and at the price of the Go is selling for if it's a failure I doubt Sony will loose anything from the exercise :D

+1 for Killzone2 love the online battles/Ribbon system


1st October 2009, 02:30 PM
So? you bought a 360 w/ $50 rebate and got a PSP-2000, right? :P

1st October 2009, 04:19 PM
:g "Inquiring minds want to know."

1st October 2009, 06:39 PM
So? you bought a 360 w/ $50 rebate and got a PSP-2000, right? :PYeah, and then he'll pay 50$ to play online with his friends. :doh:

"First year free" basically, but after that... Do you hear the cows mooing? :lol

1st October 2009, 09:00 PM
the discussion about, and justification of, the price for Gold Live has already been covered. it's as much a moot point as the RROD/E74 claims that people try to make. And personally I have not talked to one person who pays for Gold Live who has regretted the purchase. For the record, I personally don't play against people online on my 360, so that whole $50 argument pretty much falls short since not having Gold Live doesn't hinder my own gaming experience in any way, shape, or form. It's not like you need Gold Live to just browse the marketplace or build a friends list and scoreboards and all that jazz.

You like walking right?

Kinda sucks walking on rocks, pointy things, water, etc...

That's why we have shoes...

But you have to pay for shoes.

You could walk without shoes and speak endless praise of the joys of not spending extra money on shoes while you're still able to walk.

But I personally don't mind buying shoes... you can go barefoot if you want.

(lol sorry, at first I was gonna be a smart*ss about it, then it got funny, then it got ridiculous, then I was amused at the fact that I typed that entire thought to completion.. so I'm not deleting it XD )

1st October 2009, 11:19 PM
I'm actually always barefoot in the house. Saving 50% off shoe abrasion through continuous use. :lol

I know, was just saying that if he was getting it for his friends on Xbox Live, he would have to pay, thus negating the 50$ rebate ;) But then he could decide if he wants more after this first "free year" kind of deal.

Weighing every option and situation :)

2nd October 2009, 12:43 AM
What about.... "No Shirt.... No Shoes.... No Service"

Now that totally throws a wrench into your equation. :D

2nd October 2009, 01:46 AM
heh I'm also pro no shoes, last week my friends flatmate was trying(verging on hassling) to get me to wear shoes on the way to get burgers, it's good to go without shoes when you can as it stimulates the acupuncture points on the soles of your feet :)

where'd he get a PSP-2000?, 2nd hand I'm presuming


2nd October 2009, 01:54 AM
I'm barefoot most of the day too, lol. I actually only spent 1 buck on shoes this year. They were those 1 dollar flipflops at old navy.Anyway, I've come to the decision to buy a 360 then a psp. Haven't done it yet, far too busy. But the moment is coming soon. :+

2nd October 2009, 01:54 AM
What all of this no shoes ****??

Sounds like we are talking about the residents in Armadale and Kalgoorlie atm,

Do i need to buy you guys some Ugg boots in the mean time?

Ok, what was this thread about :?

Oh yeah, get a PSP-3000 Gran Turismo bundle, you wont be disapointed :)

2nd October 2009, 03:30 AM
I believe you said that before.

And how does one know what someone else will regret or not? Have you become omniscient? Or has the entire method of operation of the universe suddenly changed without my noticing, and guesses are the new certainty? Is it possible to give information without predicting the outcome? So many questions, so few certainties. Good thing, that. From my point of view. :D I'd be long dead, otherwise.

I am currently wearing no shoes or socks, but when it gets cold, the socks will go ON.

2nd October 2009, 05:29 AM
Gotta admit, im right ;)

Its a good buy, and a good package, you always get that with launch consoles and major selling titles, with all those promotion package deals where you get more for less. Plus portable consoles rule, due to there added practicality.

Also WTF is with this no shoe talk?

Dont upset Ace and Yelder's shoe collection, they are epic.

2nd October 2009, 05:45 AM
as ushall you're right KIGGO
right for what would be best for you, not necessarily anyone else
what size of ugg boot do you take?

if your not in much hurry for the PSP shop around a bit and go online, if your after a specific colour you might find it's cheaper to buy online than a colour you don't want from a retail chain, it's not to my taste but I see white PSP are allot cheaper than Black online atm


2nd October 2009, 05:49 AM
PSP is epic thats why XD

BTW Wolf, get a memory stick at least the size of 8GB, and you'll be set.

2nd October 2009, 06:02 AM
or you might want to get a micro SD to memory stick adapter, it'll save you a bunch since micro SD is cheap as chips compared to MS
and you'll be able to use micro SD(transflash) with most cell phones/DAPs/PMPs

@KIGO yeh PSP is pretty epic, but GT would bore my brains out/isn't liked by everyone/dunno what wolfkill thinks of the series


2nd October 2009, 06:12 AM
I paid $80 AUD for a 8GB Memory Stick Pro Duo Mark II from Sony Central many months back, plus they through the new Bond UMD movie in there as well, probably because nobody else wanted it, neither do i. But how much does the price of a 8GB SD Micro card+adaptor cost? Plus isn't there formatting issues with the larger cards, since there a 6classes of SD cards, would be making it a tad complicated.

Gran Turismo is the Mecca of all racers, its been like that since 1998. But if Wolf isnt a racing genre game fan, he could alway get it traded in for something else or some cash. That if he chooses to get the Promotional PSP-3000 Gran Turismo bundle.

2nd October 2009, 06:29 AM
I can't remember how much the adapters cost(very little though), but for a Class 6 Micro SD it's about $30

people who support sony's ludicrous memory format are insane, SD has had two major revisions in it's life, the SD card and the SD Micro(and the very short lived mini SD)
how many revisions has the Memory stick gone through and what percentage of devices are they compatible with?
(I was generalising just a little bit when I said 'insane' :P)


2nd October 2009, 06:48 AM
Just had a look then;

For the adaptor;

For the 8GB SD Micro Card;

Who here at WZ has got a SD Micro Card in there PSP via SD Mirco to Memory Stick Duo Adaptor ??

You would need to check up about formatting uses, as well if the PSP actually works in sync with the different card type, it might cause the PSP unit to crash sometimes, it is worth chasing that up, last thing you want is you PSP bricking itself after doing an update on it on a foreign brand of Card type.

Might be better to stick with the type of format it was originally designed for. Magicgate certified Memory Sticks are fairly cheap these days anyway, and are very reliable. Just stick with the SanDisk or the Sony ones, and you should be fine.

Sony Memory Stick's has gone through 3 card evolutions. Like the Panasonic SD Cards too.

Memory Stick
Memory Stick DUO
Memory Stick Micro (M2)

There are the standard and the PRO classes, as well the Mark 2, and the Video HD class as well for HD recording.

Good thing with MS, there are backwards compatible. You can have a Micro MS in a Micro adapter for the Duo, and the Duo to the standard MS, and they still work fine, i have tried that.

Just whatever you do,

DO NOT buy 3rd party brands, they are ****ing ****, and they are useless.

2nd October 2009, 01:53 PM
I also recommend to get a certified MagicGate Memory Stick, unless you have a PSP 2000 with the TA-85 motherboard and a Pandora battery + magic stick...
It is common for problems (data corruption, slow loading, etc.) to show up when you use incompatible memory cards...

2nd October 2009, 03:24 PM
I know, just get a portable HDD for it. :p

3rd October 2009, 08:53 AM
Who here at WZ has got a SD Micro Card in there PSP via SD Mirco to Memory Stick Duo Adaptor ??

SD Micro Represent!
I figured this out because my phone takes an SD Micro, and I wondered what that adaptor did. Saved me a bunch of cash, too

13th December 2009, 12:36 AM
I FINALLY got around to buying myself a PSP. It's a 3000 model and I've been playing nothing but Pure since I got it. Loving all the features so far. Great graphic and media capability. Definantly gonna play this through the holidays ;)