View Full Version : TGS-- MGS:Peace Walker

24th September 2009, 05:55 PM
Well, for those not in the know, the MGS PW demo is available for free (!!) on IGN.com. I really loathe that site, but if it gives me MGS, Im content.
Note: The demo is ENTIRELY in Japanese.

Do enjoy!

**Edit to add** The file is 154 mb

24th September 2009, 06:54 PM
So how is it? I dont want to change my pleasant to use f/w ;)

I watched video on youtube - looks great

24th September 2009, 07:00 PM
Its very good. I just now played through the tutorial. A royal PITA (pain in the a$$). The demo is entirely in Japanese, so its not like I know what theyre saying, I just pick up words here and there. But the game play is sweet;

L aims
R is combat moves and shoot (thus far, I found 3 different CQC moves)
x,square,triangle and circle are your camera views (inverted by default)
circle is 'action'

Thats about how far I got...oh:
tap down on the d-pad to crouch, hold down to lay prone (whilst prone, you cannot move)...

All in all, I say its worth the FREE pricetag lol

*edit* sorry if this was double or triple posted. Server kept crashing.

26th September 2009, 02:31 PM
i love mgs i dont have a psp though :(

27th September 2009, 12:05 PM
Just finished the demo. Awesome. As always. The only annoying thing is boring loading time :P And I noticed a small glitch with weapon aiming... I think this will be fixed in the release. Need to find time to finish MGS4 but where can I find it?..

27th September 2009, 02:34 PM
Cool!! My biggest gripe was no English subs. My friend speaks fluent Japanese and usually translates, but I dont know when the next time we'll hang out will be...But...glad you enjoyed it. If you havent finished MGS4 yet, make the time LoL...FANTASTIC game!!

27th September 2009, 02:58 PM
have to agree MGS4 is an amazing game

Mr Phlanj
2nd October 2009, 09:40 AM
I havn't finnished the demo yet but i do like how quick and smooth it is. I do like how you cant move when prone or move when holding an enemy because in the others there could be a room full of guys and you just had drag each one round the same corner to kill them all. not being able to move when snaped to wall is a bit odd.

have to agree MGS4 is an amazing game

I only found it fun playing it on european extream mode because theres was no need for stealth on any other mode. but personaly 'Twin sanke' is my #1

2nd October 2009, 10:29 AM
This game will rule when it comes out. I hope that it'll be "patchable". :P

2nd October 2009, 10:50 AM
Oooh wow...I had honestly thought Id posted this link in a previous post in this thread...
www.mgs-philanthropy.net/eng/ (other languages available on the site). MGS movie-- fan-based, but very, very good. Its a part 1 of 2 movie (part 2 isnt out yet). About 69+/- mins long. Blood, swearing, easter-eggs, CGI, and yes, METAL GEARS!!

And yea, Peace Walker is going to be a great game. If it is online, I hope Konami doesnt go the route of MGS4 to log in...that was a nightmare:pirate

2nd October 2009, 10:57 AM
hahahahahah @ the pic. Snake looks laughing :D