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17th November 2010, 07:37 PM
@xtriko: Sometimes the AI may not be able to stop in time...

17th November 2010, 11:07 PM
Interesting. I just noticed the warning sign being slightly out of angle.

These two guys seem to want attention for themselves more than anything.

18th November 2010, 04:58 PM
That's just crazy, I've never seen that. I was contacted today by my retailer that gt5 will be available this Saturday (reserved it). I made a quick internet search, and some -french- people were told by the same retailer chain it will be available tomorrow. Can you believe this, seriously I'm happy but wtf with Sony there. I really suspect this delay was just because of the jailbreak crappy stuff. And ah ah too late, copies were already shipped (that explains the czech republic guy wth his yt vid). So i suggest you guys to give a phone call to your local retailer.

19th November 2010, 02:23 PM
One of my friend just send me a picture.
What say ? ... ? Still friend ? lol :x

And screen menu

19th November 2010, 03:33 PM
just bought it :rock:rock:rock:rock:rock:rock **** Nov 24/26 whatever

19th November 2010, 05:13 PM
You are so lucky kanar!
I don't expect to receive my copy until next friday... :'(
Anyway, have fun and enjoy it man! :)

19th November 2010, 05:30 PM
eh eh yeah must admit we're lucky in France. I'm sure they delayed the release only cos' of the jailbreak, & the psn maintenance was especially for the hackers btw, as they can't connect to the psn now. Afaik, the game was shipped everywhere, & all the retailers have it in stock. Sony inspectors are just delaying the release.

19th November 2010, 05:58 PM
ok bit wierd but i clicked on your profile kanar to check out the gt5trophys (lol) and each time i did it went bright white and froze? could be just crazy coincedence
was really bizaar. its like your profile had gotten cold and chilly. and had a white out line :cold

ps whats it like

19th November 2010, 06:17 PM
lol! just got 2 trophies afaik, one when I enabled my playlist instead of their crappy music, and another one when I raced in arcade mode wth my zonda race car (psp garage ftw!) under the rain, speed freak smthing like that. The game is great so far, I think I'm about to play it all night long ah ah. But as kazunori said, we clearly see ps3 limitations there, I mean it's not like in my dreams, it's good but well ps3 video card is an old one now. Anyway I just did 2 races so far lol, so I need to go back to it NOW! eh eh.

19th November 2010, 06:34 PM
so there arnt 2 platinums that some people were banging on about earlier in the year. damage any good. can i do a Robert Kubica in Canada esque 190mph+ Epic Shunt (see youtube :P )or is it just loose bumpers

20th November 2010, 12:07 PM
Okey, so in France you can buy the classic version (since yesterday).
The collector & Signature will be Novembre 24th.

21st November 2010, 12:28 PM
Anyone know of a good UK place to order the collectors edition?

Best Buy had it for less than £50, but appear to be sold out.

21st November 2010, 12:37 PM
Cheapest reputable sellers I can find are all around £60...pricey-as.

22nd November 2010, 09:04 AM
You can buy it from amazon.uk and play.com for 60 pounds.
I have pre-ordered the CE from play.com and they sent it to me last Friday night.
I don't expect it to arrive until Friday or early next week tbh... :(
The posting takes ages from play.com, i prefer game.co.uk by far but they didn't have the CE, only the SE which they don't post outside UK...:|
But hey it's GT5, i waited so long, a few more days won't kill me! :g
See you on tracks online everyone! :)

22nd November 2010, 09:10 AM
Join the GT group! (http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forum/group.php?groupid=51)

You know you want to :nod

It's a bit bare at the moment, I'll sort it out on Wednesday after my exams have finished :)

22nd November 2010, 09:13 AM
2 days! Getting it at midnight at TESCO -_^

22nd November 2010, 10:02 AM
may i suggest you guys a dream car eh eh? lambo murcielago superveloce fully tuned + aerodynamic stuffs & carbon parts 8)8):g OMG that's awesome, too bad I've to go bk to work right now

22nd November 2010, 10:20 AM
what's the car customisation system like? Is it more in-depth than GT4's?

I don't wanna wait another 3 days :(

22nd November 2010, 04:54 PM
customization really looks like GT4, and you can also buy some aerodynamic parts at the car wash shop (you can paint your car too with acquired paint colors, or buy/paint the wheel rims). So it's great stuff, really.

22nd November 2010, 05:06 PM
@kanar: Yeah it is, but it's a little bit Forza-ish, if you ask me, seeing as how I don't even wanna bother adding parts on my cars, since they'll look horrid :|. IMO, tho.

22nd November 2010, 06:29 PM
Right, I've injected some life into the Gran Turismo Group with some new threads etc... :)

Get joining, then get posting ^_^

24th November 2010, 11:27 PM
GT5 + Negative reviews = :brickwall

The reviewers just have Gran Turismo a really bad name. PD worked many years for this! PD should be able to solve everything by adding more interior views for all cars and fix the Course Maker, improve driver AI, instead of having to hear the reviewers complain about this game. Have they ever heard of the words "deal with it" :|?

25th November 2010, 01:45 AM
Course Maker?:hyper Possible to make something like Syncopia on the Eifel (Circuit) Theme since it says"Ups and Downs"? Would be interesting to see cars(especially supercars) racing in a pseudo-Syncopia.

25th November 2010, 05:38 PM
GT5 loading time troubles due to server gridlock (http://www.joystiq.com/2010/11/25/gran-turismo-5-hampered-by-constant-internet-access-patch-comin/)

27th November 2010, 06:04 AM
Haha, like when HD came out. XD
Was it really like when HD came out, or was it when the individual patches were released?And how good is it? Since it's the school holidays over here,I may be getting that.

27th November 2010, 04:32 PM
Some of the reflections on the hood pop up too late or only partially and are cut off. CANNOT BE UNSEEN :g

This game is full of menus!

27th November 2010, 05:49 PM
The song 'Climax' is by 'Camo & Krooked' and not by 'Camo & Crooked'


I must say I've only done the B Licence but I am LOVING this game so far :hyper

28th November 2010, 01:51 PM
Is it worth buying if I'm not a veteran of previous games, I'm sure I'll never buy a wheel and will be only using pad, I'm not a "complete realism and physics woot" maniac, but I only want to have a racing rame with great graphics (mfw I see Premiums: http://www.ppa.pl/forum_ppa/smileys/dribble.gif ) and lots of stuff to do?

Or should I stick with Grid, Shift and buy new Hot Pursuit? :g

28th November 2010, 02:00 PM
The last Gran Turismo game I played on a console is Gran Turismo 2. Is Gran Turismo more realistic? And is the Nurburgring *locked by default or is it something else?
*I asked Xtriko:g

28th November 2010, 04:36 PM
I've not had a huge amount of time with it - having done just a handful of races, but completed my A & B licenses. The handling is good and the cars look great for the most part, but the menus are horrendous and there are some really, really stupid game design decisions in there.

They've really embarrassed themselves by having that VW camper "race" on the Top Gear test track so early in the game. It showcases the primitive AI and the rigid confinement placed around the human player. The AI campers - a vehicle I loathe anyway - can ram you off the circuit for instant disqualification because the AI has terrible awareness, yet try the same jostling yourself and it's instant disqualification. They can plough through the cones with total abandon, but clip one yourself and it's instant disqualification. That's just pathetic game design.

It's the same with the karting - something I was looking forward to, but the handling model is useless and the races just aren't any fun. The only real reason for doing them is the stupidly high number of credits you get for doing so.

I've played GTR2 races with 6 humans and 20+ AI cars on track and the AI is far more realistic than than GT5's.

The menu system is over a decade out of date - well demonstrated if you just power your way through all the B licenses and come back to your home screen to have to go through the clunky process of opening each car you've been awarded. Accepting the car (as if you can reject it), confirming that you've accepted it, confirming the confirmation of accepting the confirmation of accepting, watching a wanky unveil movie for the car that shows you just the front end of it, confirming that you've seen the front end of it, confirming that no, you don't want to use the 60BHP shopping trolley you've just been awarded, then going back to the home screen to repeat the process for the other two cars.

It's just tedious - as is the process of getting into the actual gameplay. So many screens, so much loading. I'd wager that the actual time spent on making the game has been about two years all together, with the other three years spent watching the thing load.

However, the saving grace is the handling model and the sheer variety of events. The driving feels great, even with a dual shock. If they can fix the front end and improve the AI (not that they've demonstrated any ability to deliver decent AI in the past) then they'd have just about the perfect driving game on a console, but if the game review sites were being brutally honest GT5 should be a 7/10 tops in its current state.

I do hope this is the very last time Polyphony are allowed to get away with this, though.

If Criterion turned round one day and said "You know what? We've done games with shortcuts and ludicrous crashes to death - we're going to do a SIM, now." They'd hand Polyphony their arses on a platter and do it inside 18 months, too - not five bloody years.

28th November 2010, 06:43 PM
^^PD just got started, so give them time to make improvements on the next update. Plus, IDK how would Criterion even make a Sim. Burnout is an arcade racing game, and doesn't have connection towards a simulation racing game. Besides, as much as I love the damage feature in GT5, I'm not here to wreck Ferraris, let alone Lambos, I'm here to win the race, with very minimal damage.

I do want to wish that PD needs to remove useless and silly cars and add new cars, like the RUF RK Coupé/Spyder, Dakara, Rt 12, R Kompressor, and the 3600 S. They also forgot to add the Sagaris from TVR, which is a 2004 vehicle, and I found it inexcusable that they thought that TVR was defunct. They could've also added Gemballa vehicles. If Porsche can't be used for GT5, then Gemballa is their only hope to add up the number of vehicles for GT5 (or as a DLC).

29th November 2010, 06:27 AM
Oh oh, so funny and what a wonderful read Infox!:D I so much love when you are in the groove by giving some critical opinion. I haven't even played the game yet and maybe I won't even buy it!

I have completed every GT upto 4. I lost them with GT5 on PS3. What a poor demonstration to keep the fans sort of satisfied, well not me. They have lost me. Especially when I read your comments Infox. Thumbs up to what you summed up!

Greetz Mad-Ice

29th November 2010, 09:34 AM
A sim made by Criterion would probably include this car (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQh56geU0X8) :g

From what I've seen this game is a nice sim hidden below a pile of menus. Silly menus most of which could have been assigned a quick button. It looks a bit like it's made more for a PC with just a wheel and a mouse, than for a console

29th November 2010, 11:45 AM
To be honest,one main draw for me in Gran Turismo 2 is the Suzuki Escudo Pikes Peak Edition. It was a rally beast that I very liked to drive,especially in one-on-one rally races. And has anyone won the vs Escudo race in Pikes Peak Hill Climb? I supposed they eschwed the Escudo for GT5?
And what courses are available for rally races and are you racing against a solid car or a ghost?

1st December 2010, 08:02 AM
Been spending some time trying out GT5 - pretty fun, I have to say, but:


*No TT or SL rankings (to aim for and compare times w/ your friends)? :|
*Extremely unbalanced races: The car more or less decides the outcome of the race (and how much fun is that - loosing or winning by 20 secs just because of the car you´ve chosen?) :|
*No on-line "events"? :|

Maybe it´s just too "early" - or maybe I´ve just misunderstood something/(everything) completely ... (very possible) ...

1st December 2010, 10:00 AM
I haven't touched the online yet (and i won't until i finish my carrer) but KY-san said that Leaderboards will be added later with a patch.

He also said in an interview that he might add youtube replay uploader (removed from final game due to ram limitations), Credits and Exp rewards for playing Online, add an option to remove Hud.

For more info head to GT Planet.

1st December 2010, 11:54 AM
but KY-san said

Blah blah blah!
(Not you DreamyElf, but KY-san)! :D

How can it be possible such an important part isn´t incorporated from the start? ... They´ve had quite a few weeks to make the game, as far as I know, and quite a few days to study the online part of Prologue ... hmmm ...

Well, we´ll see ...

1st December 2010, 01:18 PM
Mad-Ice, I'm actually quite enjoying it despite the flaws. Starting to get into the meat of it now that I've got through most of the beginner events and into the amateur tier.

I had a kind of moment last night where I saw a late 90's model Mitsibushi 3000 GT Twin Turbo in red appear on the used car list. That was the car I worked my way up to in the original Gran Turismo - it suddenly brought it home to me that it was 12 years ago and that I'd been going through this GT pilgrimage every few years since then.

Now I'm at level 10 I've actually had some fantastic races - including one last night at Trial Mountain where I properly battled an AI car for two laps as we left the rest of the field behind. It was brilliant - totally clean racing, where at one point going into the second last corner we went through side by side, with me taking the kerb for the left hander and him swinging wide, then him taking the kerb for the right hander and me swinging wide, crossing the line side by side into the final lap. :D

Of course, I had another race where I was shunted along for 200 yards because I'd been tapped sideways and two AI cars couldn't work out how to drive around me. Cue a comedy freight train until I finally managed to free myself!

On balance I'd say it's definitely worth getting if you like GT and you're tired of racing games with power ups and shortcuts. Just be prepared to live with the same annoyances that have always been with GT, such as the slow menus and the sometimes stupid AI.

Above all else, GT still has one outstanding feature - no barrel rolls! ;)

1st December 2010, 01:35 PM
lol at the last line, so true! :)

The A.I. was never perfect, we all know that.
At least now we have the option to play with friends (or strangers) online, for the first time on GT series! ;)
Online is not perfect but at least we have one...

I think all true GT fans were somewhat disappointed when they first played the game, there are some bugs, no doubt about it.
BUT if you look under the hood (i mean GT appearance,menu,online,etc...) you'll find that the heart-soul (aka gameplay) is the best GT if not racing game so far!
Remember that in the end of the day the most important thing in a game is the gameplay and how addictive it is.

Now everyone, plug a wheel, put GT5 in you PS3 and forget the real world for some time! :)

1st December 2010, 02:09 PM
I had a kind of moment last night where I saw a late 90's model Mitsibushi 3000 GT Twin Turbo in red appear on the used car list. That was the car I worked my way up to in the original Gran Turismo

I think everyone must have some sort of emotional GT-attachment to that car. I remember doing the racing modification thing (which I believe they brought back if I'm not mistaken) and thinking "HO-LEE **** this is cool".
Bad language for a 7 year old but it was necessary :P

Above all else, GT still has one outstanding feature - no barrel rolls! ;)
You just wait, you'll see. You'll all see :twisted

1st December 2010, 02:15 PM
Now everyone, plug a wheel, put GT5 in you PS3 and forget the real world for some time! :)
That's an important point - I posted my initial thoughts after playing for a few hours with the SIXAXIS. Since then I've been playing it with my Logitech Driving Force GT wheel and that's where GT really shines.

With a controller, it's just another driving game that's more simmy than the rest.

With a wheel it's canned magic that no other console driving game can compare to.

1st December 2010, 02:35 PM
Is there really that much difference? o_O

I've always been tempted to get a wheel but I'm always been slightly put off by the pedal setup. Are there any wheel sets available with inverted pedals like in actual cars? Also would be awesome to have a manual gearbox + clutch setup but I guess that would require big spendage, assuming it's even possible.

Gimme decent pedals and I'm sold :g

1st December 2010, 03:09 PM
With the force feedback through a good wheel you can really feel the weight of each car, the kerbs, the front end of the car becoming light as you crest a hill - that kind of thing. I don't know quite how they do it, but it just feels very convincing, like those daft simulators you get at carnivals that make you think you're in free fall on a rollercoaster when all they're doing is tilting you by 20 degrees!

There are wheels with a clutch pedal, although that's maybe taking it to extremes. Mine has a gear stick, but I tend to use the paddles to shift. Back when I played GTR2 I'd use whichever gear change method was available in the actual car I was driving - lost it quite a few times down changing with the stick and steering with one hand because the force feedback was so strong. In GT I just use the paddles.

The pedals do pivot from their base, which although it's not like an actual car, still has a similar feeling in practice. The benefits of being able to feed in the accelerator alone raise it above the standard controller - throw in a physical wheel with force feedback and it's just brilliant.

1st December 2010, 03:38 PM
Stop it you're making me salivate :P

1st December 2010, 03:48 PM
ok here's my final thoughts regarding this game, after more than a week of constant play. I feel definitely raped here. Sure, there's some awesome stuffs in this game, like the incredible driving feelings, with or without wheel (sure, even more awesome wth a wheel), the stunning 200 premium cars (although they're weirdoes at polyphony wth their choices for premium cars tbh), some breathtaking tracks...

But honestly, this is GT prologue 2 or???

Wtf with the 800 Ps2 ugly cars (and jeez there are sd beasts like the R8 race car, the veyron...)
Wtf with the track editor (it's a track generator...)
Wtf with the dumb van or jeep or stupid other races (seriously the top gear track events suck, and I've never seen the Stig)
Wtf with lots of stuff, from the stupid car crashes/IA to the light car damages (reserved for the premium cars anyway), & can't talk about the online as I've always been kicked out before reachin the host...
Seriously they worked 3 years for that? I'm sure they're not lazzy at polyphony, but they definitely need to recruit people, tbh it's a demo content there, no more. 200 cars (and probably around 50 stupid premium cars like the 44' jeep or a prius pfff), 20 tracks. OMG I'm fubar, cos' they had the possibility to realise a flawless game there, with the incredible driving physics. And they did a demo :blarg. I'm back to wo real soon. Oh for sure they'll come with dozen of paying DLCs full of tracks & cars, but jeez as I said, it's really like being raped over & over again there.

1st December 2010, 03:57 PM
I don't have the game (yet),but from what I see,the track creator isn't much. In fact,it's quite limited in that is is more like an editor instead of a creator. By creator,perhaps a more compelling version would be that you would be able to draw out the track(Syncopia in GT5, anyone?) and also edit where you want the road to slope up,down or flat. In fact,when it comes to rally courses,maybe they could make it in such a way that a small part of the track is road and the rest dirt.
And getting a steering wheel set makes the experience more compelling?

1st December 2010, 05:17 PM
This is my fav. GT yet and for once I'm not even considering other peoples bitching. I've waited SIX years for this game...and what do I think? There is no better game on PS3. I adore this game soo much, Standard cars look better than half of the racers out there. Oh and also name another PS3 game with 200 cars anyways, oh wait you can't! Bringing back the fun in GT was a big ask, and playing with no assists with my GT Wheel is bloody beautiful!

I hate you GT for ruining my life with your awesomeness once again!

1st December 2010, 05:20 PM
And getting a steering wheel set makes the experience more compelling?Yes it does, although to be fair if my PC was capable of running GTR2 or rFactor I'd be playing those instead of GT5, as they're even better sims. But hey ho - PC gaming is what it is, and despite the flaws in GT5 I quite enjoy being able to turn it on and play without having to worry about updating drivers or whether my system is stable enough.

1st December 2010, 05:33 PM
How far have some progressed in the game? Xtriko's done with the licences(I think).I chatted with him on MSN a few days ago.
Question on buying the game:Should I buy the game itself,or get the PS3 Gran Turismo 5 bundle?

1st December 2010, 07:30 PM
I'm surprised that GI (Game Informer) rated GT5 9/10. Not bad.

2nd December 2010, 10:14 AM
OF COURSE this is my fav too UB3R~JKP, I'm just a bit disappointed by the content, that's all. I heard 1000 car models, my bad probably as I didn't check what they mean by standard & premium cars. Honestly, I admit the standard ones are not horrible. But they definitely can't compare to the premium ones (and seriously there's around 50 to 100 useless premium cars). Also, I would like to know if these 800 "standard" cars can be compared to the Forza renders. All I want to say is; Can you imagine god of war for ps3 with some levels directly imported from the god of war collection? Or the last guardian contening levels from ico hd remastered? So yes, GT5 is a beast. But there's an awful taste of bad job there, even if I had lots of fun driving my customized to death enzo Ferrari last night. I'm just saying this game could have been so much more. I definitely feel something like unfinished business. Hope they'll release TONS of dlcs. (& some free ones, if possible...)

2nd December 2010, 01:21 PM
Mad-Ice, I'm actually quite enjoying it despite the flaws. Starting to get into the meat of it now that I've got through most of the beginner events and into the amateur tier.

I had a kind of moment last night where I saw a late 90's model Mitsibushi 3000 GT Twin Turbo in red appear on the used car list. That was the car I worked my way up to in the original Gran Turismo - it suddenly brought it home to me that it was 12 years ago and that I'd been going through this GT pilgrimage every few years since then.

Above all else, GT still has one outstanding feature - no barrel rolls! ;)

@infox: That's good to hear! And yes, amen to that red Mitsubishi. I did the same thing, lol. Oh those memories. :D at your no BR's.

You just wait, you'll see. You'll all see :twisted

@Yeldar: Waiting for your vid already Yel!:rock

But honestly, this is GT prologue 2 or???

Wtf with the 800 Ps2 ugly cars (and jeez there are sd beasts like the R8 race car, the veyron...)
Wtf with the track editor (it's a track generator...)
Wtf with the dumb van or jeep or stupid other races (seriously the top gear track events suck, and I've never seen the Stig)
Wtf with lots of stuff, from the stupid car crashes/IA to the light car damages (reserved for the premium cars anyway), & can't talk about the online as I've always been kicked out before reachin the host...
Seriously they worked 3 years for that? I'm sure they're not lazzy at polyphony, but they definitely need to recruit people, tbh it's a demo content there, no more. 200 cars (and probably around 50 stupid premium cars like the 44' jeep or a prius pfff), 20 tracks. OMG I'm fubar, cos' they had the possibility to realise a flawless game there, with the incredible driving physics. And they did a demo :blarg. I'm back to wo real soon. Oh for sure they'll come with dozen of paying DLCs full of tracks & cars, but jeez as I said, it's really like being raped over & over again there.

@Kanar: This is exactly what I am afraid of if I buy the game! GT5 prologue was such a disappointment for me, I hope GT5 is not!?

2nd December 2010, 04:14 PM
hey Mad, no I was a bit too harsh there, only because my favourite R8 race car is in the Standard cars list lol. This game is awesome, no doubts. But yeah there's some obvious & incomprehensible gaps. Should be fixed with upcoming tons of dlcs anyway.

9th December 2010, 11:50 AM
Ok, no worries there!!! I saw GT5 at a friends' house last Tuesday. It looks great and feels very nice but I want to wait and see what online has to offer before I buy the game. Any news about that?

Greetz Mad-Ice

13th December 2010, 12:05 AM
Online is good, especially when you play with friends & gentlemen drivers.
Just a fun video : YES, flying high in GT is possible


13th December 2010, 01:29 PM
Warning: do not buy a Cizeta.

I was seduced by the stats and spent around 440k on one that appeared in the used car list. It just so not worth it.

// has grinding to do

13th December 2010, 02:47 PM
I won a Cizeta from one of the events, so you might find that you'll be getting a second one. It's a shame that it's a rubbish car to drive when it looks so good.

As much as I like this game, I find that I get a bit stuck sometimes due to the used car rotation. I would like a touring car, but I've only seen one at the start of the game, when I didn't need it. At least it gives me lots of things to do, like the special events. However B-spec is too frustrating to do for very long as my driver 'N. Petrov' can't drive straight and crashes my nice expensive cars.

13th December 2010, 03:46 PM
Yeah, I wish I'd done a bit more research. If I'd known there was a Cizeta on the cards for winning the MR Cup I wouldn't have paid out so much for it. :|

13th December 2010, 03:51 PM
But it looks so awesome :/

There must be something that can be done about it. Tune the balls off it, it must have some potential....right?

14th December 2010, 12:40 PM
Unfortunately it only takes a 5 speed gear box, so it just doesn't have the agility of a modern sports car.

I'd been driving the Stealth Honda NSX before I bought the Cizeta, which is probably why it felt so sluggish for me, but the missing 6th gear really did make a difference at Le Sarthe, for example. Even if it out accelerates the other cars early on, as the power band begins to narrow after the jump to 5th at around 160 mph, the cars with that extra gear catch it and pass it easily.

The other downside is the weight and the brakes. It has the stopping distance of a barge on a ski slope - I kid you not. The number of times I just arrived at the scene of the accident, taking out some innocent AI car that was half way through the corner unless I braked really early was ridiculous.

It's a good novelty car, and I'm glad I have it, but just wish I hadn't spent nearly half a million credits on it. Not sure it's worth spending another 100k+ in order to get it performing at a decent level when it's never going to compete with other 600Bhp cars.

// Edit

For anyone who's interested...

// tumbleweed

...I've written a blog post regarding my feelings toward GT5 here: http://www.infoxicated.com/?p=1150

15th December 2010, 11:42 PM
I enjoyed your blog, infoxicated.

Your review of the game was certainly speaking to my own thoughts about the game, in which I feel the enthusiasm for the cars is mostly outside them; it seems like the world built around the 1200 or so cars has been done with more enthusiasm than the actual driving.

So, I end up feeling like I'm getting nothing out of racing the cars (except when I'm racing by myself at SS7, which is a sureal experience) other than an after thought of all the museums, pictures, liscences, etc. that are merely "pre-race" stuff, as I would call it.

I think Forza 3 did a much better job on emphasising the main contribution of the game, which are the cars.

17th December 2010, 03:12 PM
Hmm, I don't see how Forza can be compared to GT-It often is but Forza is nothing more than an arcade racer in my eyes :s

18th December 2010, 05:45 PM
Excellent article there Infoxicated. Found out last week I'm getting GT5 for Christmas, but I'm away til the 27th and my girlfriend won't let me take the PS3 away with us. The heartless wench.

19th December 2010, 08:29 PM
Does anyone know any tips regarding the Intermediate AMG challenge on the Full Lap/Dry race? I keep getting close, but a 7:06.906 is the best I can manage so far and it's driving me up a wall.

Edit: Well, it seems the 1.5 update solved that issue. In any case, take a look at this thread:


Unlike the idiots who dogmatically who disregarded the original poster, I would have preferred 45 or 30 frames a second and well-rendered motion blur (even for WipEout, if I were to think about it). PGR4 and GRiD come to mind.

23rd December 2010, 12:34 AM
I appreciate 60fps. The original poster in that thread doesn't know what he's talking about and cites no articles to back up his claims.

None of the graphical glitches GT5 experiences are due to anything but poor work by Polyphone Digital. If it were a choice between 60fps and antialiasing, that's down to user preference and nobody is "correct". Also, there is a significant difference between 1080p and 720p and his hyperbole is lost on anyone that actually knows the difference. It should be featured by the game without a doubt.

GT5 has its issues, but that's because it's barely more than cluster**** of a game that was made by people who had more fun getting paid for ****ing around with cars rather than actually working. Blaming the framerate and resolution is not going to fix anyone's poor workmanship.

Yeah, I'm not picking any articles up either, but afaik there's nothing out there to prove or disprove that. All I know is that after 5+ years of work, you'd expect a lot more polish than what we got.

23rd December 2010, 04:22 AM
Anyone here tried the Fiat 500 Seasonal Challenge? The restrictions say 65 hp or less,but I was able to enter with 68hp.After an Oil Change,the Car got 66hp,but now I can't enter! What's going on?!
And do some of you get screwed up examples on the licence tests? I think I did.

27th December 2010, 01:32 PM
GT5 should have more cars in the game, like the Koenigsegg, Saleen (since there is an S7 Twin Turbo, the S281 Mustang, etc.) and RUF (such as the RK Coupé/Spyder, Dakara, Rt 12, even the 3600S), either by updates or DLC.

PD should also add additional vehicles, like the Shelby GT500KR, 2010 Ford Mustang, Ford Fiesta WRC, Mine's/Nismo R35, Nismo 370Z, Maserati MC 12 and Quattroporte, more Lamborghini cars (e.g. Diablo GT, Gallardo, Reventón, etc.) and more Aston Martin vehicles (including Lotus, since the Exige has been producted).

27th December 2010, 08:53 PM
Speaking of little glitches im pretty sure the amature hot hatch cup or whatever its called has no car restrictions, meaning they turned up in crappy 90's japanese cars and i used my Chromeline Lambourgini Murcu-what-not.

Also in the dark. all the lighting effects seem to pulsate, & shadows look really jagged

in terms of racing though its great.

30th December 2010, 10:37 AM
The GT5 Signature pack contest is open .
Bspec mode .................................................. ....................

30th December 2010, 06:36 PM
do more car makes ever appear on the dealerships list? and i heard somewhere if i properly write off my car i have to pay the damage repair?

getting more into this now. I think the Special events are the best. like the race across italy with micro cutscenes, it adds that little bit of extra detail. instead of just, go to Japan race here, go to Germany race here etc.

& i could listen to the music in the tuning menu all day, slappin' and poppin' that bass :g

31st December 2010, 02:33 PM
Well I've been playing GT5 heavily for about 4 days now, and to be perfectly frank, it's dull. Only in the same ways that its predecessors were, but this time it's much more of a disappointment.

I've always enjoyed the GT games, I've played all of them almost to completion, but this one really frustrates me. The load times are huge, the menu system is cluttered and confusing, there are far too many sh*t, slow cars that you're forced to use, the licences are a pain in the arse, there's little sense of speed (even in the really fast cars), it's full of glitches, and – criminally in my opinion – the graphics are thoroughly underwhelming.

But most of all it's just f*cking boring. I've crawled my way up to A-Spec level 15, got a few licences, bought, won and tuned a load of cars, and won some races. But it's left me feeling like I've wasted far too much time in menus and stupid events.

I was planning on buying a decent Logitech wheel etc. but I can't be arsed. Last night I turned it off and put Wipeout on… I was racing within a minute of the game being on, every event – regardless which type was exciting from start to finish. It's a thoroughly polished, great looking racing sim with a nerve-shredding sense of speed. To put it simply, f*ck GT.

P.S this rant got a little out of hand as I was writing it, I'll still play GT with my girlfriend (she won't play Wipeout), but any fears that it might take over entirely have certainly been allayed.

1st January 2011, 02:55 AM
I'm Level 32 A-Spec and Level 36 B-Spec and I already made 60 000km lol.
All Licences Gold, and Special Events execept 2 S.E of S.Vettel with the Redbull X2010 (1 Gold, 1 Silver and 1 Bronze lol).

I made a video to show what is Gran Turismo 5 for me:


Hope you like it :)

ps. Happy New Year! :D

1st January 2011, 11:35 AM
Ah, GT5 How I love ye! :D
So far, I'm A-Spec level 28 and B-Spec Level 20 and my god am I loving this game!
An incredible feat on playstation IMHO, good thing my WOCup opponent has dissapeared off the face of the earth or else I would have been in BIG trouble :P

2nd January 2011, 01:59 PM
Well I've been playing GT5 heavily for about 4 days now, and to be perfectly frank, it's dull. Only in the same ways that its predecessors were, but this time it's much more of a disappointment.

I've always enjoyed the GT games, I've played all of them almost to completion, but this one really frustrates me. The load times are huge, the menu system is cluttered and confusing, there are far too many sh*t, slow cars that you're forced to use, the licences are a pain in the arse, there's little sense of speed (even in the really fast cars), it's full of glitches, and – criminally in my opinion – the graphics are thoroughly underwhelming.

But most of all it's just f*cking boring. I've crawled my way up to A-Spec level 15, got a few licences, bought, won and tuned a load of cars, and won some races. But it's left me feeling like I've wasted far too much time in menus and stupid events.

I was planning on buying a decent Logitech wheel etc. but I can't be arsed. Last night I turned it off and put Wipeout on… I was racing within a minute of the game being on, every event – regardless which type was exciting from start to finish. It's a thoroughly polished, great looking racing sim with a nerve-shredding sense of speed. To put it simply, f*ck GT.

P.S this rant got a little out of hand as I was writing it, I'll still play GT with my girlfriend (she won't play Wipeout), but any fears that it might take over entirely have certainly been allayed.

I share your frustration. I find the leveling system tha prevents you from entering events to be a ruse. Most events don't even help me that much with getting to level 21.

7th January 2011, 05:50 PM
Having just gotten the game, I have to say I am not wholly impressed by this latest effort by PD. It is a good game for sure. Some of the events are kind of fun, and I’m loving the course maker even though it is limited in what you can do.

First thing I have issue with is the graphics. The cars look good, the levels have surprising detail, and overall presentation is pretty good. However, shadows seem to have been overlooked in QA, and that does not help the game load any better as it struggles to compensate the textures to provide the best possible frame rate. Level loading should be done by the time you get into an event, but it still has draw distance loading and directional camera loading problems. It does slow the game ever so slightly, but only really is a hindrance when you are in a pack of cars trying to get in a better position.

Second is obviously the cars themselves. I love the fact that PD put in over 1000+ cars in the game, and with automotive history, that equates to a lot of vehicles. But, somehow most of the 600+ “standard” cars seem like PD didn’t even want to include them much less give them any thing more than a spit-polish graphical update. They are also the odd man out in terms of what you can do with them, such not being able to change your wheels(rims) to performance ones, lack of ability to take to photo travel, and no in-car view just to name a few. I would rather have all the cars be premium, and deal with lesser number of available vehicles then have 86 skylines, 45 silvias, and 30 different variants of a Daihatsu. They should have focused on the new and the historic vehicles and the “standard vs. premium” thing wouldn’t be necessary.

Third is kind of two things. One being the leveling up you have to do in order to not play something you shouldn’t be. I find it to be condescending and insulting to the player that this even made it in the game. It also makes licenses absolutely useless as far as game progression goes. I mean really, if I were to acquire a very expensive powerful car because I raced my ass off for it, I should be able to use it, not have an artificial level cap I need to progress to first. Gah! So Frustrating! Second in this is this B-spec mode is also hampered by these “limits” imposed by the game structure. It makes it not fun, a chore, and boring all around. Get rid of the leveling structure and the game would be “GT”.

Fourth and last is the entire menu setup. Who thought gamers would want to accept and re-accept again for almost everything you do in game. It makes it time consuming, boring, and your more than likely to alienate people who will just find it frustrating and turn it off. Sure it looks pretty, but functionally it is a nightmare. Many of the menus could be combined. Car delivery should have an accept all option, and you would cut down on all the useless “OK” buttons you have to press to get anywhere.

Like I said GT is a great game and I will be steadily trying to get all the SuperGT vehicles in my garage, but there is a lot of work still needing to be taken care of on PD’s part.

7th January 2011, 06:36 PM
Give it some time, it will grow on you.
As a veteran of the series i was really disappointed too but i now enjoy it! :)
Also, playing it with a wheel is definitely how the game was supposed to be played, keep that in mind...

8th January 2011, 03:54 PM
Just curious if this year GT5 will have DLCs (e.g. new cars, new tracks, etc.) and that the course maker would be more user-friendly, just like in MNRacers. :dizzy

10th January 2011, 06:46 PM
Just a little video. It's my first ^_^
A trailer will rise \o/


13th January 2011, 07:12 PM
Anyone wanna level faster in this game go to seasonal events then bonus race - I only did 5 races, went up 9 levels (12 - 21) and got about 3 million credits! The xp/money there is INSANE!!! Now got the GT Honda I wanted and thought it would take months to reach! Also in seasonal events are leaderboard time trials!

And I think the game rocks! Of course it doesn't feel fast after playing lots of Wipeout but it's a great feeling if you use the cockpit view, turn off all the auto driving **** and racing lines etc. just turn up your tunes and enjoy driving cars in locations you can only dream of! :D More non-race track locations would've been cool though...

13th January 2011, 10:16 PM
@MENGKESHI: Yeah, I raced in the Bonus race #3 and got third place in a Citroen C4 WRC. The two other Bonus Races... are hard. :(

14th January 2011, 01:33 AM
@MENGKESHI: Yeah, I raced in the Bonus race #3 and got third place in a Citroen C4 WRC. The two other Bonus Races... are hard. :(

Hey MetaKraken, Yeah I know what you mean. I didn't do week 1 but the NASCAR/Nvrburgring race was strangely hard - I had about 4-5 goes before the competition closed (I only just found out about bonus race) but I could only get 9th before it closed :( Have had no problem getting first in any of the others (weeks 2-3) though - I think it's more about upgrading your car than having any particular racing skill... I did that Citroen WRC one too and also came 3rd... But then I installed all the turbo upgrades and the gold medal came no problemo! This week's (week 4) final bonus race looks really fun - GT cars on high speed ring!! :D

14th January 2011, 09:46 AM
Anyone wanna level faster in this game go to seasonal events then bonus race - I only did 5 races, went up 9 levels (12 - 21) and got about 3 million credits! The xp/money there is INSANE!!! Now got the GT Honda I wanted and thought it would take months to reach! Also in seasonal events are leaderboard time trials!

Wait until you reach lv.35, then you'll see how crap the xp system is.
I've just golded EVERYTHING last night , except the last 3 endurances on A-spec, and i'm only lv.35...
So if i want to reach the final race at lv.40 i have to race the 24H Le Mans 4-5 TIMES! (according to GT planet and the XP required to gain the levels)
The only really bad thing in the game is the whole B-Spec idea, the XP system and of course the NO save option during endurances.

Seriously i gave up last night at the thought of platinum.
It doesn't prove how skillful or good someone is, just how much days he/she lost just for boring grinding.
It requires so much grinding that the game should be called Grind Turismo 5... lol
I prefer to do time trials on Nurbugring all day just for fun rather than racing 5 times a 24h Le Mans race with no save option...
Just my thoughts...

15th January 2011, 10:31 AM
I've had a month away from the game, playing the God of War Collection and practising for my short lived time in the WipEout HD Cup. Going to try and get back to it tonight with my wheel set up.

This might make or break it for me - if I don't find it compelling enough to keep playing, it'll be going in the trade-in pile.

15th January 2011, 10:57 AM
Funny you should say that Foxxy, I've also had a break from GT recently by plaing some Blur for the first time in months (Which is just great) and NHL with my buds (Once again great stuff), My wheel is not set-up anymore and cause I'm lazy I can't be bothered to set it up...If I was desperate to Play GT it would be set up right at this moment...that makes me sad :( GT5 is an incredible game but I guess it can't last forever, Pretty gutted about the longevity, I don't appreciate a month and a half into a GT Game release to be 94% in. The driving and racing is stellar...the game itself not so much.


15th January 2011, 11:25 AM
I'm doing my 4th 24h Le Mans of this week on B-Spec. Almost Level 40 here. about the seasonal events... they are not that hard. tonight I'll probably try again the last gold remaining on the S.Vettel Special Event... Suzuka. only silver until now lol. Driving the Redbull X2010 it's like playing WipEout 2097 with the Piranha lol

15th January 2011, 06:00 PM
Just got all golds in the licences with my trusty DS3. I have to say I was a little disappointed, with the S Licence especially, I was expecting much more of a challenge there :/
I swear they used to be much harder than that...?

15th January 2011, 06:10 PM
Same here Yeldar... License S is probably the easiest :(

15th January 2011, 06:20 PM
...and they force you to use the skip recovery force in a lot of the licence tests :-

I still want a wheel + pedals though, I want to feel the Nurburgring :mr-t

15th January 2011, 06:24 PM
i didn't use skid recovery... only on a special event. Top Gear with the Lotus Elise. PS. Nurb... It's SO awesome :D

15th January 2011, 06:29 PM
Yeah I haven't really touched the Nurb much yet except for the AMG challenge...mmmmthat was nice :)
Still only level 16 so I can't access the last one yet. Grr.
My friend ruined the steering/front bumper on my TVR Tuscan RM yesterday after I spent all my money improving it :brickwall

16th January 2011, 02:01 PM
Wait until you reach lv.35, then you'll see how crap the xp system is.
I've just golded EVERYTHING last night , except the last 3 endurances on A-spec, and i'm only lv.35...
So if i want to reach the final race at lv.40 i have to race the 24H Le Mans 4-5 TIMES! (according to GT planet and the XP required to gain the levels)
The only really bad thing in the game is the whole B-Spec idea, the XP system and of course the NO save option during endurances.

Yeah sounds bad, we'll see when I'm at that lvl but I'm planning on bonus racing/playing online to get a spec to 40. Getting b spec to that lvl sounds like a nightmare and I don't know if I'll ever bother... No save during 24 hr le mans? You guys need some snacks and nappies lol

17th January 2011, 06:19 PM
If anyon'e into drifting, then I have a newly created track known as Drift City. Check it out. ;)

And if anyone's into racing, I have a firstly created track known as Sky Peak Circuit, which is good for vehicles with speed and grip. :D

21st January 2011, 03:39 PM
This is the first time that I'm giving one of my cars to my friend (who is from Japan) as a gift, to make them happy. :D

21st January 2011, 10:01 PM
I said I'd loan one of my Japanese cars to a girl at work because she can't find the right car to get through one of the Japanese championships. I told her not to trash it, so fingers crossed she hands it back unscathed! ;)

22nd January 2011, 03:42 AM
Wow I didn't know you could do thing like this, that's brilliant :)

22nd January 2011, 09:38 AM
Yeah you can send one car per day. :)
I sent my precious Shelby GT350 to a friend and now he refuses to send it back! lol

22nd January 2011, 03:41 PM
Just a question; if your friend's profile icon is pink, would it mean female (seeing as how it's easy to misidentify on whether the pink icon from your Community list are identified as female players or not)?

22nd January 2011, 11:48 PM
Your wipeoutzone profile icon is pink :P

23rd January 2011, 12:03 AM
I think MK means whether or not something is pink because someone's profile is set to female, i.e. the game will set it to pink automatically, rather than just the user choosing pink. Not sure as I don't have the game.

23rd January 2011, 12:06 AM
Ah ok hehe sorry... I only have two friends in the game both with grey icons. I set my own profile icon to a Honda NSX! :)

23rd January 2011, 09:36 PM
Finally got back to some GT5 tonight and won the professional level GT Championship. Bit weird to get the "ending movie" at level 16, but hey ho - there's plenty left to play.

The AI is still pathetic, though - I ended up abandoning my race at Nordschleife because every time I got alongside an AI car I just got barged onto the grass.

Glad I won it in a car that was underpowered for the championship, too - an NSX at around 524bhp when the limit was about 70bhp more than that. :D

24th January 2011, 08:23 AM
You've just unlocked the short ending, the real ending is after the Dream Car Championship and it is an amazing one i must say... ;)

I totally agree on the A.I., they drive so bad you must try to avoid them all the time. lol
Wait till you reach the Nurbugring GP on the Formula GT championship, there's a serious bug in which ALL the A.I. cars spin almost every lap in the S curve after the final big straight! :dizzy

24th January 2011, 11:37 AM
I totally agree on the A.I., they drive so bad you must try to avoid them all the time. lol

lol yes i was doing the super gt race at fuji, got my way around them and was 1st going into the second lap, because that straight a fuji is massive and i was a little unsure of how well the car wanted to stop i was a little cautious going into the 1st corner, then Thicko A.I. decides its too much effort to attempt an overtake and just ploughs straight into the back of me, ruining my lovely yellow hat Nissan. :(

as japanese comentators would put it " WWAAAAAAAAA CRASHUURRRRRRRRRRR!" :lol

24th January 2011, 02:44 PM
Yeah I tried the Formula GT. The FGT (Formula Gran Turismo) doesn't want to win, instead would rather spin out on every corner I navigate through. :(

24th January 2011, 02:50 PM
same here with FGT races on a spec ive avoided them untill i can control it like the ai

25th January 2011, 12:03 PM
winning the fgt cup with no aids on was too hard for my liking:twisted

25th January 2011, 12:25 PM
has gt5 got these cars
audi tt
mg tf160

25th January 2011, 12:56 PM
Yep, 3/3 :)

25th January 2011, 04:45 PM
Looks like I managed to solve the problem for FGT Championship! :D

If you find your Formula Gran Turismo car spinning out, try turning on the Skid Recovery Force and ASM. This will prevent your car from ruining your chances of winning. ;)

24th October 2011, 04:48 PM
Small bump here, anyone played the Spec 2.0 update + the DLC? Totally renewed my love for the game, just in the middle of the Tskuba 9 hour enduro and then all that's left is the final 24 hour race at the nurb. I done the other one with some friends. :D

24th October 2011, 05:26 PM
Got Spec 2.0, but not DLC. I don't get how come European and Asian regions get a head start while North American regions are forced to be delayed for the DLC? It makes no sense. :(

24th October 2011, 09:31 PM
At least you get a free stealth car for waiting. :D

24th October 2011, 11:00 PM
I seem to have some region-based problem...
I got the complete pack DLC,go to my game and that (stupid) red dot only to find that "Downloable Content not found"
Asian region PSN mind you...I probably must have the US version.
Region free my arse...

25th October 2011, 09:03 AM
I read that others were experiencing region locked content on the Eurogamer forums, too.

Hopefully they'll iron it out.

I unlocked the DeLorean last night and then tried to recreate a Back to the Future scene with it on the Clubman Stage Route 5, but struggled because that track looks like crap in comparison to the others these days. Hard to believe that one of the best tracks from the first couple of games has had so little care and attention.

Ended up taking a pic of it flying from that jump down the hill at the start of Eiger Nordwand! :D

25th October 2011, 02:22 PM
Nice, infoxicated! Now this is what I call a blast from the past. :P