View Full Version : WipEout Twin Turbo

29th August 2009, 02:26 PM
Hey guys and gals. Im not sure if anyone recalls, but a while back I had mentioned working on a WipEout Table-top Game. Well, Ive started.Codenamed, Twin Turbo. The game itself is still VERY much in Alpha stage, but Im about a 3rd of the way through. Ive got the basic (very basic) core rules set done, many ideas written and the scale of the system setup and ready to be rolled out for Beta. Now, depending on a few things, I may have the ships sculpted by a very very well known sculptor (its wonderful to have friends in high places). I also have a contact within SONY that is going to point me in the right direction to possibly get full or partial permission to distribute:+

Now this thread is here for you guys to discuss ask questions, etc. But please let it be known that I will not directly answer questions like, "How does movement work?", or, "Who is your contact?", etc. Im just posting up to get the general impression and to see if there are table-toppers out there.
Cheers and Ill keep this post updated:sonar

30th August 2009, 03:59 PM
WipEout board-game is actually an awesome idea dude! I will gladly buy one when its going to be on the shelves! :D

Im sure there's high sale potential for this man, keep going on the good work. You think you'll be able to post some images some day? :)

30th August 2009, 04:06 PM
Bring the game out at a WO marathon and all you get is everyone arguing over which ship they get LOL.

30th August 2009, 04:37 PM
Ok...cool. WO Marathon? Where's that??

Anyway, I have secured a sculptor (assuming Im allowed to continue this project). His name is John Robertson. Partial owner of Urban Mammoth, LTD. He is also a game developer. Check out his work at www.urbanmammoth.com

As for sales, that may not even be the case. I am thinking free .pdf download and sales of the ships. Its all up in the air atm.

Time to write my proposal to SONY/SL now :dizzy:+

30th August 2009, 06:30 PM
When you said 'table top' I thought you were putting Wipeout into one of those arcade tables with screens.

30th August 2009, 07:57 PM
Sorta like Parker Bros./Sony presents WipEout Monopoly with some future Bernie Ecclestone running everything.

Into the ground.

:g Say it isn't so, please. :)

30th August 2009, 08:37 PM
Oh Lord! Tell me it isn't so too! Please! lol, Lance - you party pooper...

31st August 2009, 04:21 AM
I love the idea!

I actually tried to do something like it myself in the mid-nineties ... not sure if it was inspired by the original Wipeout or not. I've lost the board and rules, but just found the little cars I made, which I have photographed for your pleasure (a bit blurry coz it's late at night). The cars have wheels, but was meant to be a hi-tech future racing boardgame.


Anyway - the problem I had from a rules point of view, is that the more complex you made it, the slower it played - and if it plays too slowly, then it doesn't really capture the essence of what racing is about. The other problem you might have is getting Sony or whoever to back it as an 'official' product - big companies tend to hand these things over to other big companies, and you end up with something in a big glossy box that's been dumbed down for maximum marketing potential.

In any case, I'm all behind the idea and would definitely purchase a copy. It would even be a product that I would be happy to see advertised on the Wipeout HD loading screens :D

Hope my post isn't too pessimistic - I've just grown a bit jaded over the years - I wish you the best of luck and really hope that it works out. It would be wonderful if it does :D

ps: I seem to have lost my ability to give people credit for their posts - what's that all about?

31st August 2009, 06:26 AM
Hehe...to all the above posters-- You WILL NOT be disappointed in the "white knuckle, adrenaline fueled" experience. My teamand I are working hard to DELIVER (Read: DELLLIIIIVVVVEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRR). Trust me, it will be wipEout on the TT!! Now Im posting from my PS3, so I cant do the "thumbs up, smiley" bit (at least I havent figured out how yet)...but be assured, if all goes according to plan, we'll hear something soon.
Is it a bad time to ask for some beta testers?? Send me a message on PSN and we will go from there :)
Jimsin: YES!!!! Those cars look ace!! Ive been table-top gaming for...hmmm...25 yrs., me thinks, so I love the fact that you went through the time and effort to produce scratch built models. Rock on!!
Anyway, keep these comments coming.


When you said 'table top' I thought you were putting Wipeout into one of those arcade tables with screens.

Oh dear...dont get my gears turning...that would be sweet...would totally replace beer pong ANY DAY LoL

31st August 2009, 09:08 AM
Shotgun The AG Sys Piece.

31st August 2009, 10:06 AM
that might become the first boardgame that doesn annoy me to tears in about...15 seconds :D

31st August 2009, 11:57 AM
Sign me up for a beta tester if you'll have me - my dad opened the first specialist games shop in Scotland in the early 80s - so I've had a lifetime of boardgames & would be happy to give feedback.

31st August 2009, 02:08 PM
one of the good things about a board game is if something suks in the game you dont have to put up with it u just make up your own rules..:)

lol..at thought of playing strip wipeout or having to drink a glass of aftershock as a forfiet everytime you get blown up..

Could play wipeout and end up drunk unconsious and in the nude...

put some pictures up of board so we can see please.

31st August 2009, 02:32 PM
Oh dear...dont get my gears turning...that would be sweet...would totally replace beer pong ANY DAY LoL

One of these

But with a big 1080p screen, and with one of the multiplayer screens inverted.

31st August 2009, 04:43 PM
You might have to write all the ship names down and put them in a box/cap/whatever so the players would get the ship they drew the name of instead of spending two hours arguing about who gets which ship. ;)

31st August 2009, 05:27 PM
Ok. Just to clarify, WipEout TT isnt a board game per se', its a table top game. You know like Warhammer 40K or Urban War. The playing surface will be (most likely) a 4x4 foot table. The players would create their own tracks (terrain) and play.
@Lance-- Good call, but Ive got that covered. Duplicate ships are indeed allowed.
I have a partner system setup as well...but thats still in the works ;)

31st August 2009, 11:35 PM
I said I want the DAMN AG SYSTEMS.

Ag Systems has a balistic skill of 4! Ag Systems Fires Rockets at Triakis. 3+ to hit 4+ to wound. OH NO TRIAKIS HAS A 2+ ARMOR SAVE!!

1st September 2009, 01:46 AM
@Vartazian: Close enough...but not quite. I see youve played 40K? I really cannot get into my mechanic, as its just juvenile atm. You wont be disappointed though, I almost garuntee that :)

1st September 2009, 04:12 AM
lol Jasmin - strip wipeout & aftershock shots - can't see it taking off, but you never know.

1st September 2009, 04:50 AM
Hey folks. Can we keep this topic On topic as the big dogs may reference this for 'popularity'. Cheers.

AG for life:)

1st September 2009, 06:02 AM
Yeah I play 40k I got 3k of eldar 3k of SM and 1.5k of IG.

1st September 2009, 11:58 AM
So, Ibukii, How long before you have a working model. It seems to me that you've got quite a bit of "red tape" to get through, and in my experience it's essential that you deal with that first... good luck!

1st September 2009, 05:41 PM
Thanks for the luck ACE. Not really as much Red tape as youd think. As for a working model of a ship, Im in the process. But I have to be a lot more tight lipped now;);)

@Vartazian-- Cool beans. My friend plays IG and Eldar and another plays Space Marines.

1st September 2009, 11:46 PM
This is how I roll
I've played a some DnD, although none since the new series has come out so I'm way rusty. Can't seem to get all the DnD together to make 1 solid date.

2nd September 2009, 02:09 AM

there were old board games my brother had called car wars and battlecars, is that what you mean, f so he says it'll be good cos it was fun game to play when he was younger.:hyper

2nd September 2009, 06:19 AM
Hey Jasmin:
Good old Car Wars. Its an old Milton Bradley game. Very old. I think I was 12'ish when I got it...I am now an old man at 32...Battle Cars iirc was a Games-Workshop development (Citadel back in the day)...but yea, I remember these. I actually still have pieces lying around from then. Though most of my gaming collection has been sold or given away, I do remember the classics :)
Cheers. Tell your brother hes in for a whole new world of gaming ;) *thumbs up to both of you*
*edit to add* Nice shirt, Redscar. My level designer/ cohort and I play 4th ed. D&D. I am a level 2 Eladrin (elf) Rogue from [Forgotten Realms] Thay. Its a wildly awesome-sauce campaign...but I stopped D&D at 2nd ed. So the transition from 2 to 4 has been a wild ride...thank goodness for Fey origin LoL

3rd September 2009, 12:10 AM
The cars have wheels, but was meant to be a hi-tech future racing boardgame.


That looks excellent :D respect :+

3rd September 2009, 02:39 AM
Gotta say, I am quite intrigued. After clicking jimsins link, I was reminded of scalextrix. That was a fave toy of mine when I was a kid! And now, Ibukii has got me wondering what his game will be like.

Are you sure you can't say more mate? 8) I really am curious 8)

Would love to see ship models, but that's me pushing my luck, I guess lol...

3rd September 2009, 04:20 AM
Aye...ship models are in the works. Tbh, regardless of what SONY/SL says, I want this project to be as much fan based as much as official. Now, I will be honest...I just purchased a house. So the sculpts will be a little further down the road. What I can say, is that the TT core rules are near completion. I think they are near perfect, but I need 2 more beta testers...
Beta people will have access to full rules set and ya never know, I may throw in some extras;)
Ace-Flo: do you have a ps3??

3rd September 2009, 07:30 AM
I wana be a beta---er.

Feisar Fires Quake - Quake ignores Armorsaves!

6th September 2009, 05:33 PM
Just a little update:
Rules and such are done just have to do a "mash-up" and get them typed. Keep your eyeballs peeled here :beer

8th September 2009, 07:45 AM
Would so buy, haha.

Move around the course/track with like a disc roll, then every so square has a turbo (move 3 squares forwards) or a wespon picked (sorta like a chance card in monopoly), then you can decide to use it or not. :D

8th September 2009, 05:38 PM
hehe. Thanks DjKyoto. I'll be going bananas for the next few days typing and ironing out flaws. Still need a beta tester:nod

Please Note that in order to qualify for a beta tester, you must be at least 18.

13th September 2009, 05:04 AM
Hey guys. TT is in the beta phase and Im writing some stuff for the guide. What Im proposing is that someone here give me a good female Australian name. The name MUST be fictional and it must be original. Just post your ideas here. The forum user thats name I choose will get an exclusive preview on what Im writing...the beta testers wont even see this before the winner!!

So, name that pilot:rock

13th September 2009, 05:12 AM
Kylie... Aussie name, belonging to a pop star with a nice, pert derrier! Also, I don't know any other Kylie's so it makes it pretty original :) Does this get your vote?

btw, I'm way over 18... almost double actually!

13th September 2009, 05:26 AM
No last name, Ace? Gotta give the others a chance too:)

Almost double...34-35?? Are you asking me something:beer

13th September 2009, 05:38 AM
Ya know, thinking up a last name which goes well with Kylie is gonna take some effort. I'm gonna think up one which rolls of the tongue easily, so it isn't easily forgotten.

Regarding the hint, gah - you busted me! I'm a total head for all things Wipeout, lol, and yah! I'm like 34!

Ok... How does Kylie Kusack sound? the latter isn't strictly Aussie, but considering that Aussie's have largely English surnames anyway, I thought it worked quite well... Kylie Kusack - definitely got that ring to it!


13th September 2009, 05:48 AM
Kylie Vartazian. <----- Legit Austrailian

13th September 2009, 05:56 AM
I quite like that one too, kinda like Kylie Klingon... :D that's Aussie too! hihi!

No, really Kylie Vartazian also sounds good!

Better if no-one goes for Madge Bishop though huh? that's just boring!

13th September 2009, 07:11 AM
Well vartazian DOES sound futuristic.... doest this take place In like 2097? It could be a homage to me!

13th September 2009, 03:38 PM
So modest aren't we. :p

13th September 2009, 05:06 PM
Hmmmmm. I actually like Madge Bishop, but will reserve for more people to add.
Kylie Kusack doesnt doit for me...Kylie does. Perhaps Kylie Bishop...we'll see;)

*edit to add* Its all right that youre 34, Ace. Im 32...been playing all things WO since the Saturn :) Now run off and get a PS3 so we can all play HD!

13th September 2009, 06:03 PM
You could always just call the female pilot Pert Derrière.

13th September 2009, 06:11 PM
Man, I'm so ashamed of myself! Why didn't I think of that? it was right under my nose - Pert Derriére definitely sounds sexy enough for a femmE fatalE. And it rolls of the tongue, quite pleasantly too.

Madge Bishop was a grandma in Aussie soap, 'Neighbours' - not quite wipEout worthy imo! :D

13th September 2009, 06:16 PM
The Pert Derrière was right under your nose? ;)

13th September 2009, 07:10 PM
Oh Geez. Did you really just go there? :P

13th September 2009, 07:54 PM
:D yeah, he just did go there!

I kinda walked into that one :D

The only thing I can think to say is "wut?" well that was my initial reaction anyway.

Sorry Abukii, your thread is going offtopic - in an Xrated kinda way, my bad?

69 position gives you a real close up of pert derriére... too close. Doggy is better though, coz if she farts - you got time to react! :D

edit: on topic! Kigo can give you full list of original female Aussie names which can work for your game, if you ask him nicely. He's Aussie!

13th September 2009, 09:57 PM
Come on guys.Please refrain from using enuendos. As stated previously, the big guys might be monitoring this thread.
Keep it clean, if not for them, than for me.

14th September 2009, 12:38 AM
The big guys?

14th September 2009, 12:52 AM
Sony/ SL

14th September 2009, 12:58 AM
Sorry mate.

Got another one for ya. Elouise Jonston... no innuendos to boot! :)

@Lance - I see what you did there :D

14th September 2009, 01:25 AM
Ok...Elouise sounds vividly familiar...cant remember what from though.

Some NA movie, perhaps?

14th September 2009, 01:37 AM
Dunno tbh. But I've always thought Elouise sounded original. And very pure. I've always liked that name.

And I've only ever come across one person in my life with this name... :) So it ranks original in a big way in my book.... not that I've got a book of names or anything :D

14th September 2009, 02:21 AM
Hey thats cool. Let me give some backround on the subject:

[Insert Name Here] is a rugged, tough, very beautiful, tom-boy'ish character. She races A-G 'Speeders'; A-G bikes, in an underground curcuit. She gets reruited and well....you'll have to wait for the rest.

Think tough, sexy bi*ch;)

14th September 2009, 02:58 AM
Dude, you just described Team Tez Dharkan Technologies Pilot Jade Alorea! You can't have her :D She's an AirLicker Group double A category employee!

Hmmm... you want a 'chew gum n kick ass' kinda chick huh? Ok, I'm on it!

Let me get back to you on that... this may take some time.

14th September 2009, 03:16 AM
Well, all I need is name.
think of her like this:
She races quad runners and is approached my NASCAR...

14th September 2009, 03:39 AM
Got a good one here, I think!

Sydney Spur...

I thought about your brief, and realized that if I look at the real life names of Actresses in Tarantino movies, I could have something.

I was correct. Tarantino has a habit of using chicks in tomboyish roles - take Deathproof, the movie where Kurt Russell is a pyscho serial killer in a muscle car. But he messes with the wrong chicks and gets wasted :D

I took the name from an actress called Sydney Poitier.

Funny how Sydney is both a name and a city!

14th September 2009, 01:53 PM
Since when did Sydney Poitier have the operation to become an actress instead of an actor?

14th September 2009, 01:57 PM
Wait... Sydney is a mans name? :D

uh oh! :D

14th September 2009, 02:06 PM
LoL guys. No rush...I still have a bunch more to write:)

14th September 2009, 02:19 PM
ACE, Sydney Poitier is a very famous American actor, who was one of the first black actors in the U.S. to attain real stardom and respect as a leading man, and as a human and not a caricature. Long before Denzel Washington, there was Sydney Poitier.

14th September 2009, 05:24 PM
I always seem to learn something new everyday, here at the zone... Normally its wipeout related, but occasionally, it's other stuff...

So, Sydney Poitier is an Afro-American actor - cool!

I usually watch world cinema, then Anime and finally Hollywood movies... Just my preference. Geeky sod that I am! But really, I shoulda known that, especailly since I'm from an ethnic background meself :redface:

Ok, back to the drawing baord then... :D

12th October 2009, 04:30 PM
Any Zoners that sculpt amongst us??
PM me.

13th November 2009, 05:24 PM
Ok. So after long days and nights discussing sculpts for WipEout Craft, I have a request to toss out to all of the Zoners:

Heres what I need-- I need sketches or computer generated designs of AG-Craft. These will include the basic ships. I would send you an order in which to sketch the ships. Basically, I need blue prints for the sculptor. I was silly in thinking I could just send him 200 screen shots:eek

So, hand drawn or CG sketches that show top, side, front and rear of each craft.

Any takers??

24th November 2009, 05:53 PM
try asking MU5, he knows a thing or 2 about 3D modelling, and has replicated ships before aswell. i'd also recommend Sumimasen, but he hasn't visited here in a while... Designer_79 coulda helped, but he's busy enough in Shanghai with work / the missus / HD FURY / and Tez D ship modelling...

25th November 2009, 04:12 PM
Turning Template prototype is ready. If I havent contacted you, contact me. Twin- Turbo is in [almost] full swing. More to announce publicly soon.

@ACE-- I may just do that.

26th November 2009, 02:35 AM
If anyone has a complete set of blue-prints for AG craft then please let me know :)

You can get orthographic views from the team section of the Wipeout HD webby ;) :+

26th November 2009, 07:27 PM
Because of what Im doing, they have to be original blue prints.

28th November 2009, 10:34 AM
Im not sure what you mean by 'original' blue prints. I would give these blueprints to the sculptor and ask him for ship designs in a similar style/colour scheme :) :+

28th November 2009, 04:58 PM
By original, I mean they cannot be originated by SONY/SL or copyrighted by them. Id need them done from scratch. But Mu5, keep me in the loop if you have or get anything :)

29th November 2009, 12:01 AM
I would love to see what the sculptor guy can create - why dont you give him a blue print of a craft as a test to see what he comes up with? :) There is a lot of interest in ship models / papercraft - Im sure a lot of people here would appreciate his work :+

Have you done any artwork for your board game? Could you post some Work in Progress? :)

29th November 2009, 04:45 PM
Oh, trust me. Hes an excellent sculptor:banzai

As for art, thats not my department. As for Works in progress, soonish;) Ive got a project or two that Im working on.

12th January 2010, 12:54 AM
Well, I just received some feedback on WO TT and its looking good. The only problems are ones that I know of. Simple fixes (spelling, lack of ship cards, etc). So, Twin-Turbo is looking promising. I quote, "Intuitive, dynamic, strategic and loads of fun."
This coming from a game developer :nod

So...just waiting on permission to publish, etc now.

Wish an old dog luck:+

Dan Locke
12th January 2010, 02:52 AM
So, how exactly is the game played? To be honest, I'm picturing it as a sort of Dungeons and Dragons clone dressed up in the trappings of AG racing. Which is probably not how you've envisioned it.

12th January 2010, 02:24 PM
Errr...not at all. Its a table top adaption of WipEout. Not Role Playing at all. Have you ever heard of, or played, Warhammer? That would be classified as a table top game. Figures to represent classes of troops or 1 figure=1 troop. In WO TT, 1 craft represents a single AG craft. Im not going to get into specifics of game play, nor can I really until I hear something, but it works quite well. Basically, you set up a track and race though :) You use dice to make attack rolls, determine other instances (barrel rolls, etc) and determine the general order of things.

14th January 2010, 09:27 AM
Can we have a peek at some of the artwork from the game? :D

What was the decision about the models - could we get a photo? :)

14th January 2010, 02:17 PM
Mu5-- Art and the models arent done yet. I just have the core rules and some fiction done and ready for edit. As soon as I have some, Ill post up some teasers :)

15th January 2010, 09:39 AM
Cool man, im looking forward to it :) :+

16th January 2010, 09:25 AM
I said I want the DAMN AG SYSTEMS.

Ag Systems has a balistic skill of 4! Ag Systems Fires Rockets at Triakis. 3+ to hit 4+ to wound. OH NO TRIAKIS HAS A 2+ ARMOR SAVE!!

Any chance I could put down a Space Marine Land Speeder? Pretty sure all the other ships would be taken, and it looks Wipeout-ish (In a Fusion Auricom way), too.

Also, Plasmas should be S10 AP1...

Anyway, I'm liking this thread a lot. It's a great idea, abukii!

16th January 2010, 11:49 AM
hahaha...hey, if it works! But the scale would be wayyyyyyy off. I suppose if everyone used land speeders, itd be ok :P

Thanks for liking the thread/ topic. More to come hopefully soon :nod

30th January 2010, 03:08 AM
Mirrored from my facebook account www.facebook.com/abukii

WipEout Twin-Turbo is officially on hold until I get some more info. Sorry testers and fans. Studio Liverpool being shut down is as much a blow to me is as it is to you...Bear with me. TT may be free, altogether...The crafts, I can still have sculpted, but on a "per order" basis. The rules, templates and cards will be supplied by me, in a printer friendly format. Any requests or "official" craft requests should be addressed to me me, personally...Once I find out more, and contact Sony directly, Ill re-post if I can. All Fans, testers and otherwise good people, stay tuned. I promise to give you more on the development.
AKA-- abukii

Feel free to add me or comment.

17th July 2010, 07:00 PM
Ok...so with SL down and no contact from SONY or Crob...Ima just give the game out for free, as a strictly fan-based project. I have to update the credits and some of the contents. You will be on your own for craft and what I have available is strictly beta. With me auditioning for The Tester Season 2, I have to walk soft. I have another game Im writing that wont be available until after the audition process is complete, but if I can rope in some new table-top players now, all the better...right?

So if you are interested in WipEout Twin-Turbo, either PM me or send me a message on the PSN and just as soon as I can, Ill send you the rules.

Things Missing From This Version (1.1):
Weapon Pick-Ups (I have the mechanic, just not set in stone or tested yet).

I'll update when more info becomes available to me.

DJ Techno
6th August 2010, 04:40 PM
Shaking my damn head.....

A board game....

4th September 2011, 03:53 PM
Well, the game has passed the beta phase. The actual rule book is pretty standard, ie-- no illustrations yet. if anyone is interested...let me know.

Btw, its very playable ;)

6th September 2011, 11:35 AM
Can you post some pics / vids of it? :D

Ive been waiting 2 years for this :D :+

7th September 2011, 02:28 PM
LoL...its not a video game, Mu5. Its a table- top game...similar to a board game but with infinite amounts more freedom...and no art yet :(

PM an email and Ill pass along the files :)

10th September 2011, 02:44 PM
Heya, folks. I just want to point out publicly that the version I am sending to you is a Beta version and is non- distributable. You can, however, print out the rules and template(s). For now, just enjoy the read and familiarize yourself with the game...heck, you CAN play it, youd just need representation for the crafts. I can suggest colored bottle caps or paper cut-outs.

Thank you all for the support. Its driving me to further this into something halfway presentable :rock