View Full Version : ag-racers on dc?

22nd November 2002, 08:12 PM
Are there any fast paced racers / anti-gravity racers for Dreamcast that anyone know of?

22nd November 2002, 09:53 PM
the only thing i can think of is MagForce Racing, which is a considerably altered version of KillerLoop from the PSX. it isn't exactly anti-gravity, but it's futuristic as all hell. it has a great set of music tracks. the whole feel of the game is different from anything else i've ever played. the control scheme is also different from anything i've tried; you don't just turn, but you can also slide from side to side without changing the direction you're pointed in. likewise, you can temporarily disconnect the motors and spin around to face backwards without losing forward speed to fire at the competitors behind you, then spin back and press the go button again. the racecraft can also cling, for a time limited by reserve power, to the track when they're upside down. even though the spectacular racecourses have metal surfaces, the sound and feel is almost like you're gliding on ice. very cool game, but i've found it to be more difficult to play than any other racing game i've tried. i wish i had the Dreamcast version, but currently just have the PSX one. there is a bonus course for faster classes that reminds me of Tron while inside the computer. i tend to enjoy wipeout more, though, possibly because i am so crap at KillerLoop. the lower levels, even though they don't feel fast, require really precise control and the ability to anticipate what the racecraft is going to do so you can apply control early. if you can keep doing that, the speed builds quite well even in the slow classes.

long enough review..

23rd November 2002, 12:49 AM
mmmm sounds cool, ill look for it tomorrow :) thanks for the tip lance.

All I need now is shenmue and that game, and a vmu ;)

23rd November 2002, 01:00 AM
this is a poor man's wipeout. the physics are quite similar for pitch and brake, but not as good as wipeout. the fast ships really move when upgraded

23rd November 2002, 02:23 AM
i don't know how the controls are arranged for the Dreamcast controller, but on the psx version, you can assign anything to anything. i use R2 and L2 for right and left slide, right and left D-pad for right and left steer, R1 for activate weapons or shields, L1 for change view, square for accelerate, X for brake, triangle for magnet. and that's it; forward and back on the D-pad have no function, and i leave the circle button unused, unless i change my mind next time and alter the control layout altogether