View Full Version : AUS $75 for a steak

15th August 2009, 12:09 PM
I've been involved with managing fine dining restaurants for the better part of 20 years .

I couldn't believe to bill at the end of a lunch at the ROCKPOOL today.


4 people ,2 dozen oysters as starters,3 entrees,3 steaks & 1 fish ,2 bottles of wine & mineral water = cost AUS $ 1100.....WTF :brickwall

All bread,side dishes etc were extra.

It makes you embarrassed to be in the industry copping a flogging like that .

15th August 2009, 01:59 PM
Hey BW, get me a job would ya? :D

16th August 2009, 07:02 PM
To hell with the job, I want the ownership! The owners are the ones benefitting from the bill.

Although 15 percent of that bill as a tip would be good, eh?

16th August 2009, 08:25 PM
Thank you, I've always wondered where the internet meme "OMGWTFBBQ" came from - and now I know.

It's so clear to me now.

17th August 2009, 01:26 PM
I went to a restaurant 4 doors down from the ROCKPOOL on Sat afternoon.

I work for a chain that sacked a drunkard chef that was running this abode.

We went to test the cuisine with the new chef and see what the service was like.

Very similar fare,cost AUS$300 for two,[we did hit the wine list 2 X $75-90 ]a duo of Almangacs and cheese plate plus $50 tip as you do when you work in the industry.
So basically less than 45% of the cost of dining at ROCKPOOL.
The irony was the previous manager of ROCKPOOL was the person I was having lunch with att.

What goes a rounds comes around is never more true than in the catering/ wine industry,if you don't prop each other up your stuffed .

17th August 2009, 02:37 PM
Or can't afford to stuff. ;)

Yourself with fine food, that is.

17th August 2009, 02:45 PM
Yes ,you are correct.

I never had to remove my wallet,but then I seldom have to in these situations.

I'm a palette for hire. :paperbag:redface:

17th August 2009, 10:15 PM
so what exactly does a $1100 meal taste like?

21st August 2009, 05:05 PM
Should of gone to macdonalds:g

21st August 2009, 05:08 PM
I hear that steak is cheap at McDonald's.

Costs nothing! :D

21st August 2009, 05:14 PM
Well they do claim the burgers are made from 100% angus beef.
Not that i would eat the crap they sell myself.

21st August 2009, 08:04 PM
WTF ..thats rubbish..macdeaths burgers are made like this....

in slaughter house they have the cow skeleton.everything good has been removed and sold to the butchers

they spray the skeleton with a high powered hose so all the bits of crap fall off the bones onto the floor and down a drain into a big plastic container along with the workers fag buts and bogies and other foriegn objects.
this gunge is them dried out and pressed into lumps kinda like turd and then they add more chemicals to it so its radioactive and cut it into a burger shapes and then people eat it and get fat slow and depressed and develop serious health problems.
why eat in macdeaths when you can eat healthier out of the dustbin.

best steak i have ever eaten is a chateaubriand it cost about 55 euros just for that not including the meal..(value for money)and was the best steak i have ever eaten.. if anyone goes to paris go to Le boeuf sur le toit.. its such a cool resturant.. like going back to 1900.super posh and so nice and friendly.:dizzy:dizzy