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6th October 2011, 09:20 PM
i bought 'elemental monster - online card game' from the store for just 1.19euros.
it's a 'magic' - 'yu gi oh' like game with just 3 cards in ur deck at a time, but it's great, if u like these strategic card games, like i do. the best thing about it: u have not to buy the additional booster packs, but u can, if u have money to waste ;) online is very hard, cause the japanese players have the game for over a year now. but that's no problem, u can learn well from them, cause cheating isn't possible as far as i know. so, if someone has interest in playing some games, ask me via psn pm.

6th October 2011, 11:00 PM
I just bought, gran turismo 5, spectacular =): Mareos

7th October 2011, 08:00 PM
Picked up Dark Souls earlier today, looking forward to spending the weekend with it! :)

7th October 2011, 08:55 PM
I bought today Dark Souls too. Can't wait to play it :hyper

7th October 2011, 10:41 PM
I got ICO/Shadow of the Colossus remastered disc.

8th October 2011, 07:23 AM
Shadow of the Colossus is a great game! i still have that for PS2, iv never played ICO though so i might get it if it becomes available as a store download.
I recently purchased FIFA12, its a great game! one of the best FIFA games to date!
I also bought "From Dust" which is a terrible game... so frustrating!
I will also be getting "Payday The Heist" on wednesday as this game is looking immense!

8th October 2011, 07:44 PM
Capsized. It's brilliant. :D

8th October 2011, 07:59 PM
Not enjoying Dark Souls so far. Demon's Souls was bloody tough but you always had the sense that there was a way to do everything. Dark Souls has gone WAY too far though... when a boss kills you within two seconds of walking through the door you know this is just going to be frustrating.

Really don't like the open-world nature either, much preferred having the Nexus.

8th October 2011, 09:26 PM
I am enjoying it very much. Although I also think it's way too difficult, mainly because of the "grasses" limitation, I prefer the system of grasses that was present in Demon's Souls. I like more the Nexus from DeS than the bonfires too.

But the level design in Dark Souls is just superb, the enemies are even more dangerous cause they often attack in groups of 3-4, graphics have improved a lot...

Btw, which boss has killed you so fast? the two gargoles? I have had to repeat that battle about ten times until I read that while being human you can summon Solaire of Astara just before the fog if you talked to him before.
Defeating them is very easy if you do this.

8th October 2011, 09:29 PM
The Capra Demon. I've been trying for three hours straight now and have still yet to land a SINGLE hit! The two dogs make the fight ridiculously unfair, they stunlock you while the demon kills you in one or two hits.

8th October 2011, 09:38 PM
Well, I haven't fought against that demon yet. And for your words I think I don't want to fight him in a while :g

9th October 2011, 03:18 AM
i recently got darksouls, Capra demon is a pain but you need to take out them dogs first then its alot easier

9th October 2011, 10:17 AM
And therein lies the problem. When I'm being stunlocked within two seconds of entering the room it's usually BY the dogs. This is my big problem with this game so far - Demon's Souls usually had you in tough one-on-one encounters that gave you time to study attack patterns and work your way in. Still difficult as one slip resulted in you being splattered, but manageable. With Dark Souls, putting you up against several enemies in a boss encounter is unbelievably cheap, as you usually get ruined before even getting a sniff of an attack pattern, and having the random element of several enemies attacking you just makes it all the more frustrating.

I'm gonna grind for a while I suppose, maybe playing a sorcerer in this game really isn't worth it.

9th October 2011, 10:57 AM
what soul level are you and what kit do you have on

9th October 2011, 11:02 AM
Soul level 20 Sorcerer. 60 Soul Arrow, 12 Heavy Soul Arrow, Sorcerer's Catalyst, Knight shield, Winged Spear.

I've got more than enough firepower, but getting around the dogs to get to that staircase is just a nightmare. I've managed to get up there only a couple of times, and even then I just get swarmed. Spells are too slow and too inaccurate to take out the dogs so I'm reliant on melee - something which shouldn't be the case with a spellcaster.

9th October 2011, 11:03 AM
i was gonna say invite me to the boss fight ill have another crack at them

9th October 2011, 11:52 AM
I'm getting Dark Souls when there's a price drop.
The last I bought was Dead Space 2. And it scares the **** out of me.

9th October 2011, 12:26 PM
my summoning sign is down

i also bought the uncharted platium pack that had uncharted 1 and 2

Mr Phlanj
9th October 2011, 04:03 PM
i got dark souls too and i think its just as hard as the 1st game, im not that far thorugh im on the bell demon tings and i only just a second ago saw the summon for fatty the knight. i charged in with him all ready to kick ass then rolled off the roof >.<

im playing as a deprived im lvl 13 (i think) with chain mail stuff apart from hollow soldier armour and a helm the knights with the raipiers have. I use a halberd (two handed for now) or a battle axe with the knights shield.

getting a mate to join your game is stupid and relies completly on luck :(

oh and whats it like on the ps3 because at the begining of the game it lags like a bitch on the xbox. its calmed down now but my god it was rubbish at the start.

9th October 2011, 04:54 PM
not true on the luck thing you have to be in range of soul levels and tell them where you dropped the soul stone thing

Mr Phlanj
9th October 2011, 05:20 PM
well ive been on the phone to my mate, we are 1 lvl apart, both human, in the same room and it only worked when he restarted the game for the 3rd time and it finaly apeared.

it sucked though, he had to go out just as we finaly got it to work so i havnt fought anyone with him yet

9th October 2011, 05:56 PM
Finally got the bastard! Switched to a shortsword instead of the spear and the dogs were much easier. Then just Heavy Soul Arrowed him to death :) Mind you, the first few seconds make or break your fight because of how small the room is. If you manage to avoid the dogs AND the demon and get up the stairs, you've got a chance.

BTW, don't listen to anyone who says the Capra Demon can't hit you if your standing on the archway. It can, and it did.

9th October 2011, 06:06 PM
good to hear hellfire

9th October 2011, 09:07 PM
I managed to beat Capra this morning too. The three first seconds are vital so you go to the right, roll and go up the stairs; once you kill the dogs it's much easier.
Anyway it's a crap boss, the worst in both DeS and DaS. The room is too tiny.

Flint Fandango
10th October 2011, 04:50 PM
Rennfisch came home with Shadow of Colossus/ICO and Portal 2 in her coat-tails!
The time is ripe to practice PurE while the TV is occupied...:+

11th October 2011, 12:32 PM
ICO and Shadow of the colossus package :)

All those remakes ( gow collection and soon mgs collection) really enjoyed me , since i haven't a ps2 anymore (and my ps3 not working with old ps2 games ) :)

11th October 2011, 09:14 PM
Guys, in Crysis 1, I just went through a zero G area, inside an Alien "whatever" unforseen area... Wow... so amazing, definitely one of the best sequences in video games (that I've played).
If you have a crappy PC and like FPS, jump on the gift my friends :rock

22nd October 2011, 03:05 PM
Just bought "Batman Arkham city" and after one little hour of gaming , i can only say : Why I haven't ever tried asyslum before?
Very nice game though :bat

DJ Techno
23rd October 2011, 06:56 AM
than u bad for not playing the first batman game mister...

trying out battlefield 3 beta

its not purchased, but i also havent played, not one battlefield game n to be honest. i like this game

29th October 2011, 07:41 PM
got 'house of the dead: overkill extended cut'. all i can say is GORE.
this game is playable in 3D, what makes the game an absolutly amazing experience :)
the 3D effect is MUCH better than the cinema 3D or anything other i've seen in 3D so far. really, really spectacular. the whole game is made in a b-movie style, and not only the violence is extreme, but although the explicit language (especially detective washingtons speech :D). if u own a move controller, this game is one u should looking for.

29th October 2011, 11:38 PM
Picked up the original last year, I believe the F word is said 189 times, beaten only by Mafia 2. :D

1st November 2011, 10:23 PM
Got the first Assassin's Creed off a friend today, looking forward to it :P

1st November 2011, 10:39 PM
Wipeout 2097! :g

1st November 2011, 11:14 PM
Not Necessarily a game, but I got the new PSP today.

Despite what most will see as a drawback, I welcome the lack of Wi-Fi, don't really need it now I have a laptop. :P The casing is made from a matte material, which in my opinion is better than the glossy (?) finish of the old models. It is also as thick as the original, which I love as well.

The screen also seems to be larger, or at least higher-res, I tried playing Pulse (Oh, how I missed thee) and everything seemed so small. Could just be me though.

A side note: For those with a PC but not a PS3, you can still buy stuff from the Store should you wish to, just go and get MediaGo, sign in and you can browse the Store. I'm sure you can figure out the rest. You can also activate the system (Which you'll have to do, unless you're a wizard or have done it already) through it. :)

Oh, and I bought Rayman. Why not? :P

10th November 2011, 05:43 AM
Does it have to be legit? LOL been downloading off "Installous" lately..

Antrim Escape II ( Best frickin escape game ever, although i lacked the brains cells to finish it without any hints... *sigh*)

Anti-Gravity Racer ( Probably the closest thing you can get to WipEout on an iPod Touch)

Junk Jack ( 2D, retro graphics version of MineCraft, pretty awesome game actually, Might consider buying it for real )

Jailbreaks FTW!!!

10th November 2011, 04:50 PM
I've got Skyrim sitting here. Can't play it though because Steam won't let me until it's officialy released. Bollocks.

10th November 2011, 04:58 PM
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhaha hahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahh ahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhh.

Ahem. :P

I should've bought it that way instead, cannot be bothered to wait until tomorrow.

DJ Techno
17th November 2011, 06:59 AM
Call of Duty
Modern Warfare 3

xbox 360 and ps3


im being convinced to by elder Scrolls skyrim

even tho, rpgs are a no, no

18th November 2011, 11:16 AM
Skyrim, what else?

18th November 2011, 11:47 AM
Bought Uncharted 3.
Found it a bit too easy, beat it on Crushing already within a week, so a easy Platinum.
Not sure what to get next.
The MGS HD Remastered pack looks the best value.

18th November 2011, 12:00 PM
Hi there my friends in speed - so when im not in the wipeoutlands and you found me not behind you ...LOL
you found me here (http://www.youtube.com/user/SkydriftGame)

Ragsus Maxima
20th November 2011, 04:58 PM
I'm currently having a blast with Battlefield 3; I didn't expect it'd make me too mesmerized with it. :D But I didn't forget Wipeout!

And recently I'm also playing Wild Arms Alter Code F with the PCSX2 emulator.

20th November 2011, 06:59 PM
A friend of mine made me try Skyrim this week-end. I never played any Bethesda games before, but it looks really good so far :) I haven't much time on my hands to play it but it's hard to resist^^ Level 10 atm with the first dragon down. Some inconsistencies are hilarious. Among others :
-vastly over-powered guards : important NPCs are wimpy in comparison :lol
-vastly over-powered children : immune to death and pick-pocketting O_o
-over-powered cows : seriously, try hitting the one in Riverwood (or somesuch, I've played the French version :( ). Their hiking skills are unmatched. I've chased one all the way to Whiterun (reporting to the authorities lol) and lost it

20th November 2011, 09:00 PM
Allow me to retcon everything. :P

-vastly over-powered guards : important NPCs are wimpy in comparison :lol

So you don't go laying waste to the entire town, and should Radiant AI make a dragon attack and you don't do anything, they can at least put a dent in the thing.

-vastly over-powered children : immune to death and pick-pocketting

Organizations such as the NSPCC would have a field day if you could kill them, Fallout 3 and New Vegas were the same. Also, going through their pockets could be misconstrued as something else...

-over-powered cows: Seriously, try hitting the one in Riverwood (or some such); their hiking skills are unmatched. I've chased one all the way to Whiterun (reporting to the authorities lol) and lost it

They will have been bred to be able to do that, they live in a mountainous area and will be powerful, not like cows we have in the North-west of England, for instance.


20th November 2011, 09:46 PM
Actually guards are piss easy once you get to the right level.

20th November 2011, 10:31 PM
I bought Skyrim of course. Im an Elder Scrolls game nutcase, what else could i get? :)

Speaking about this game, i dunno why people have such a hard time playing it, or so i heard. I'm playing a thief/assassin with bow & arrows and stealth, and i'm tearing through the game and most mobs, its almost not even funny. I killed the first dragon with no more than dozen arrows, and i was like :eek

Seriously, give it a try as a full thief gameplay, i did the same in Oblivion and never ran out of money or useful goodies :D

21st November 2011, 07:36 AM
I think the problem is that while sneaking is still as ridiculously overpowered as it was in previous games (Stand ten centimeters in front of a person in a well lit room and they do not see you), other playstyles suffer in effectiveness to varying degrees. Not everyone likes to be a sneak thief, though sneaking is the most adaptable of playstyles once again.

21st November 2011, 08:13 AM
True, it also doesn't make sense that the Falmer (Who are blind due to living in dwemer ruins and caves, etc.) can detect you when you're behind them but making no noise. Smell can't be accounted for, they don't even have noses anyway.

21st November 2011, 11:24 AM
I bought and finished Uncharted 3 last week.
I enjoyed it, it looks great and plays really well
The second playthough on Crushing difficult to get the platinum was pretty easy actually, only 2 places in the game caused any frustration, the first in a ballroom because you had to sneak/kill 4 enemies in a row to get a certain needed weapon drop, and another at a start of a level where you have no weapon at all.

Just waiting for the MGS remastered pack to be released here, for some dumb reason we don't get it till Feb, and I see a lot of the WO Arena guys have been playing [and finished] the latest Lord of the Rings game, another that has been a delayed release here, although we got Skyrim a few days before anybody else, go figure. :dizzy

22nd November 2011, 12:54 AM
Indeed the stealth features are so unbalanced. Its such a mystery why Bethesda couldn't program something better and improved over the years. But we have to observe that the AI is also problematic. I'm amazed that, again, this hasnt got better after all this time.

I was infiltrating some fort infested with bandits. As i said in my last post im sneaking and sniping everyone down, running back a bit when i get too much heat on my tail. Then at some point i spot 2 bandits patrolling together and i choose to take one down and hide back. Of course the remaining one freaks out and start searching for me, which is useless because im safely hiding. Then he turns back... and go on walking alone and talking to himself??? What should really happen here is total RED ALERT, there's a deadly menace lurking around and eveybody remaining should actively search around until they find out the little bitch that i am, without ever letting go.

I dont really feal screwed like i did when soldiers were searching for me in Metal Gear Solid for instance. And nowadays, i dont really see whats so hard to program AI to act with intelligence. Im not a game designer, i dont have much knowledge to teach how to do it, but its nothing less than logic that should be used in programming such thing.

22nd November 2011, 06:43 PM
...the significant "Other Game" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMpA3mdIAMg)... :twisted but it have that certain something :g

Flint Fandango
22nd November 2011, 07:40 PM
Motor Storm - Arctic Edge -- PSP

This game is awesome, to put it mildly... 8)

There´s so much snow & ice, dirt and masculinity - the Duke himself would blush.
Pretty good for a change.
(...after playing too much WipEout, perhaps.)

Challenger #001
23rd November 2011, 03:24 PM
Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

I think this may have improved my life a great deal.

25th November 2011, 11:13 PM
You oughta try the original one if you haven't, it's even better. Perhaps not in terms of graphism (debatable, the gold tinted lens is getting old after a while :P ) or AI, but a lot more immersive imo :)
@mhday what says the NSPCC to that : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mlu5C0PT4kQ :P ? The antagonist is a bit dumb, he should've revived exclusively dragon children^^
Anyway, Skyrim really hooked me up and has eaten most of free time this week. I didn't aim for any particular character build at first, just picking whatever but I guess I've got something similar to Kyonshi now. Sneaking lvl 75, two-handed weps lvl 15^^ I've also had a couple of really frustrating bug, the worst being not being able to complete the quest that cures vampirism, so I had to cheat :( I had a couple of others like that but nothing this important. At least I found an easy way to slaughter Whiterun guards : become a stage 4 vampire, do a little dance, and go to the Companions^^ Really hilarious to see them butcher half the town in their dining room and then sheathe their weapons and look all shocked "A dead body ?!? What happened here ?"
I agree with you Kyonshi, stealth is unbalanced. The enemies perception varies greatly between situations. It ranges from nearly blind draugrs to people who can see you through the wall in their sleep XD It's true that the AI doesn't handle "sneaky" types very well, but I guess it's excusable for the less intelligent creatures. What is really lacking is some sort of lean key imho. Oh well, I didn't expect a stealth game either^^ I can't imagine how ridiculous sneaking gets with that lvl 100 perk...

27th November 2011, 06:26 AM
Worms Reloaded for PC on Steam. :D :hyper

27th November 2011, 07:55 AM
I've got Serious Sam 3 ready for when I'm done with Skyrim. It'll be a while yet, but it's there :)

Love these games, FPS as they always were.

27th November 2011, 05:11 PM
Been having some fun with BF3. It's nowhere near perfect, but it's fun. Here's a little compilation of my last three days of randomness: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KM0e2fPiCZY

It's definitely not a game you can play alone though.

28th November 2011, 09:25 AM
Just ordered Killzone 3: Helghast Edition (http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Killzone+3%3A+Helghast+Edition+-+PlayStation+3/1802098.p?skuId=1802098&productCategoryId=abcat0703002&id=1218292463635) for $24.50 with free shipping. They've got Bulletstorm for 8 bucks and Vanquish for $5.50. I feel bad taking advantage of a dying store, but the customer's always right. KZ3, God of War 3, and the PSP Wipeouts were the only games I was looking for this holiday season, and I got all three cheap!

EDIT: Newegg has an incredible deal on a lagless 21" ASUS monitor (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236051&cm_mmc=CM2011_listing-_-20-_-N82E16824236051&nm_mc=CM2011_listing&AID=10446076&PID=5142317&SID=skim10742X691247X8dd6cdb3680fe87c9851ec0bbb3ad 37d) for $120. LCD 1080p HDMI capable, these things are the real deal.

Flint Fandango
3rd December 2011, 07:30 PM
I bought Motorstorm - Apocalypse today! :hyper
Great game, I really enjoy it!

3rd December 2011, 07:37 PM
Lol,Flinty i could see you were playing it not long ago.I was on mine this afternoon after not playing it for a while and checked out the dlc and was surprised to find some free dlc, new events, a truck, a sports bike, livery,glow wheels.So you might want to check that out if youve not already done it.Fun fun game and some awesome crashes.:hyper


3rd December 2011, 07:37 PM
Add me, and yet, got plat twice!:hyper

Still loving this game.


4th December 2011, 12:33 AM
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2! One of the best games ever!! So fun!!!

9th December 2011, 10:43 PM
New PS3 owner :)
The first game i bought and still waiting on from eBay is Wipeout Fury HD. Worked out only £2 more for a physical copy over the download, just a shame im having to wait

Not sure what else i'll be checking out. Heard God of War 3 is great and saw an advert for a new Twisted Metal game. Used to love them on the PS1

12th December 2011, 08:11 PM
Marvel Super Heroes (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGz2fQRgQpo)
Marvel vs. Capcom (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoKz1RjL8K8)

15th December 2011, 08:01 PM
I just bought Professor Layton and the Spectre's Call, and I'll receive very soon Rayman Origins for PS3.

28th December 2011, 06:02 PM
Blur. a great arcade shoot em up racer :nod


29th December 2011, 09:01 PM
I just got Fallout 3 GOTY on Christmas day through Steam for 75% off. I have been enjoying it quite a bit I must say.
The story is very deep emotionally. I must say that the first time you listen to your mother's voice moved me quite a bit.

I would put the above in spoilers but the spoiler bbcode is not enabled. I'm sorry.

29th December 2011, 10:42 PM
Great purchase! Fallout 3 is one of my games of the last decade for sure - I put around 250 hours into it. Would probably have done even more, but the frame rate on the DLC was awful so I ended up calling it a day after The Pitt, Broken Steel, and Operation Anchorage.

Even without the DLC, with so many side quests beside the main story it's easily one of the most complete games I've ever played. Even some of the trinkets of back story you find lying around add so much depth - like the records on the computers at a police station that give a haunting insight into life after the bombs went off.

It's unfortunate that Fallout New Vegas just couldn't capture the same vibe. I still put good time into it, but nowhere near as much as Fallout 3.

29th December 2011, 10:47 PM
X3: Albion Prelude. Love this series, especially as it's one of the few space sim games where you can actually command a capital ship as opposed to just fighters and stuff. This one is a gap-filler between Terran Conflict and the upcoming X-Rebirth so it'll be nice to get back into it before the new one comes out.

Challenger #001
29th December 2011, 11:43 PM
Assassin's Creed: Revelations. I've been gearing up all from the first announcement to hate this game - it's basically going to be a retread of the last two, with dodgy new mechanics and a less vibrant city. I really really was not expecting anything from this but story... but my word!

I'm really, really enjoying this. The graphics are better than ever, and Istanbul has ATMOSPHERE. It feels so incredible just to walk through the Bazaar, to look over the skyline... more than ever in the Italian cities.

The controls are still a bit to be desired at times, but they're never massive game breakers. I'm still playing, but I have to say I'm not upset with how it is for now.

30th December 2011, 04:44 AM
My first Fallout 3 video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lO4MojOjwyA)

Had another hilarious moment that unfortunately could not be captured. Sneak sniping a werewolf thing (Yao Guai or however it's spelled), it didn't die so it came after me. I was on top of a mountain so it had to go all the way around to get to me. So it's running real quick along the road. Meanwhile I'm getting ready for it, get out my shot gun to blast it in the face in VATS when it's there. It makes it to the top after about five seconds of running, turns to run to me and then BOOM! There was a Raiders mine field at the top of the road :D

31st December 2011, 08:53 AM
Just bought Need For Speed The Shift. Trying to get used to it cos my wife already bought Need For Speed The Shift II:brickwall

So, I will struggle for my time to complete these games!:brickwall


31st December 2011, 09:41 AM
DD777 - heh! I lost count of those cool moments in Fallout 3. Used to get a kick out of shooting a deathclaw in the legs with a dart gun to slow it down, then seeing how far it would follow me for retribution. Usually leading it towards a raider camp just to watch them go into headless chicken mode! :D

31st December 2011, 11:07 AM
I got WRC2 for Christmas. Had a quick bash on it last night and it seems okay, not spectacular though if I'm honest.

31st December 2011, 12:47 PM
My first Fallout 3 video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lO4MojOjwyA)

Shall I gif?

31st December 2011, 04:54 PM
The intention was to create a loop, yes.

31st December 2011, 05:48 PM
Of course, I don't even know how you managed to loop it on YT.

But anyway, I got the Quake collection from Steam when it was on sale. Never played the old ones, so thought I'd pick them up after remembering a demo of Quake 2. They can still do better than most modern-day games. :+

31st December 2011, 10:45 PM
Ha, that's just a 0:00 pause annotation at the very end of the video.

5th January 2012, 08:09 PM
Fairytale Fights

It's awesome to slaughter, together with Flint, as Red Riding Hood and Snow White through the fairyland. :twisted

6th January 2012, 12:26 PM
SBK 2011 world superbikes.Tricky to get used to but a good blast when you do.


16th February 2012, 03:07 PM
Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom

The game looks very nice and the Majin is so cute, I want one too. :D

Flint Fandango
16th February 2012, 05:10 PM
I bought the Sega Mega Drive Collection recently! It´s so amazing to play those 16-bit games again (you get over 40 top titles!), it´s impossible to tell.
Sonic, Vectorman, Shinobi, they´re all there! Ah, that takes me back...8)
I still own a MegaDrive + MegaCD, but it´s stored in cellar, because I want to keep my consumption of electricity on a lower level.

Highly recommended to all of those, who want to wallow in that awesome "everything was better in the past" feeling, like I do! Give it a try, it feels great!

17th February 2012, 08:03 AM
The new old Halo! And next week I could reply with Wipeout 2048 *_* And then Mass Effect 3. Why will they be released at the same time? I need a 48 hours ..hour xD

17th February 2012, 03:12 PM
Last night, I bought The House of the Dead III, BattleFantasia and Fatal Inertia EX.

I first played BattleFantasia, which is a fighting game, and it has over 60 trophies, though I gotta say that I'm terrible at fighting games and I nearly got carpal tunnel while trying to get consecutive combos against the CPU. It's an okay-ish game, just had to learn how to get used to it. :|

The second game I played is The House of the Dead III, which is from the arcade game. It's a pretty decent shooting game, even though I died several times while progressing through the final boss, I had fun shooting down zombies and stuff. Oh yeah, and Death is my favorite boss character. :D

The third game I'm now currently playing is Fatal Inertia EX. It's basically like Wipeout HD, except it has 720p, customization to aircrafts, and lack of custom soundtracks and trophies alike. Even though it lacks some of its features Wipeout HD has and that Wipeout HD lacks on what Fatal Inertia EX has, its still a fun game to play. The aircrafts are fun to drive as long as you can handle corners well and as well as customizing them to your eyes. Unlike Wipeout HD, though, the aircrafts doesn't go really fast like its counterpart. The game does have acheivements,e ven though it doesn't really impact much than PS3 trophies IMO. Overall, its a fun game to play. :)

Well, those are my critiques/opinions about the three games I bought last night. :P

17th February 2012, 03:32 PM
Soul Calibur (Dreamcast)

17th February 2012, 07:29 PM
I bought the Sega Mega Drive Collection recently! It´s so amazing to play those 16-bit games again (you get over 40 top titles!), it´s impossible to tell.

Believe it or not, I'm partly responsible for getting Kid Chameleon included in that collection! It was the first game I bought with my PSP. It's just too bad the follow-up, Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection (http://www.gamefaqs.com/ps3/954265-sonics-ultimate-genesis-collection), isn't a downloadable title. Seems like the kind of game better suited for a downloadable release than as a disc-only.

Flint Fandango
17th February 2012, 08:10 PM
@Archon: No worries, I believe you. ;)
In this regard, I want to thank you for your great effort - it´s one of my favourite Jump´n´Run games!

17th February 2012, 09:55 PM
ninja gaiden 2, I hope it's easier than the first

18th February 2012, 02:53 PM
Another dumbed down FF, just like FFXIII [Are Xbox players that stupid that this needs to be done?]

Just slightly modified with time travel ......it's really the same thing as FFXIII [locations/enemies etc] it's just that Square have added time travel....It just prolongs the agony due to loading times of each section IMHO.

A Casino with slot machines and Chocobo racing tries to bring back some elements/feel of old FF's, but fails IMHO.


18th February 2012, 07:35 PM
I have the Metal Gear Solid HD collection

18th February 2012, 08:51 PM
Got GT5. And sad to say...

Wipeout's being neglected so far.

19th February 2012, 07:47 AM
... well wipeout hd and the fury thing.. ah and sure wipeout2048

23rd February 2012, 08:27 PM
Been waiting a week for King of Fighters XIII to be delivered. Went from Massachusetts to West Virginia, managing to pass through my home state, and is still not in my console. Here's hoping I wake up tomorrow with it at my doorstep.

DJ Techno
24th February 2012, 12:02 AM
can't really say i bought it.

got the wipeout 2048 for free by mail
looked at a capcom vs marvel for the vita, but really i rather see a shooting game on it vita than another fighting.

updates were purchased for the magic the gathering battle of the planeswalkers game. new decks and cards. that i can say was paid for.

28th February 2012, 02:51 AM
my last bought? ... sonic generations (i purchase this game in release day :3) and ... duke nukem forever this week (well, one friend gift me the game but i pay the send cost xDDD)

2nd March 2012, 11:03 AM
Last night I bought Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack!!! for the Vita.

Only played a few levels, but I'm really enjoying it thus far - such a nice homage to 1950's sci-fi movies with lots of little humorous touches. :)

2nd March 2012, 12:13 PM
Picked up SSX today. Can't wait to get my Tricky on. :D

4th March 2012, 12:18 AM
ive had SSX for a while ive just forgotten to say on here

4th March 2012, 06:41 AM
Picked up C&C 4 and absolutely hated it, EA took away everything that worked and was good with every other game in the tiberium series.
Really sad that the series had to end like this..

11th March 2012, 09:37 PM
I bought Unit 13 for my Vita on Friday and it's absolutely excellent! :D

I thought Zipper had completely lost the plot with the way they managed to ruin MAG and with how awful SOCOM 4 was, but Unit 13 takes me way back to how good SOCOM was back on the PS2.

Some of the missions are rock hard - I took over 15 attempts at one of them, but I really enjoyed the challenge and just kept at it because each time I died it was my fault, not some cheap triggered scenario like you get in the likes of CoD or Battlefield 3.

Highly recommended! :D

11th March 2012, 11:33 PM
Bought Mass Effect 3 yesterday, but discovered my old saves have vanished, so nothing to import...

So playing Mass Effect 2 again :P

11th March 2012, 11:49 PM
I ripped through ME1&2 in the space of something like a week which I had off late last year, and have been looking forward to the 3rd game since... but I think I'm going to have to wait for the DLC to be completed and released before I start; not that I could play it until I get home anyway. I can tell ME2 in particular wouldn't have been anywhere near as much of a complete game without the DLC.

Now, for the avoiding spoilers and all related conversations game... -_-

12th March 2012, 01:48 AM
the last monday... i got my battlefield 3 for my ps3 :D!
amazing game, amazing online, everything AMAZING!

14th March 2012, 04:34 PM
The Orange Box for my PS3 to further my Portal addiction...

18th March 2012, 08:22 AM
I brought Lumines Eletronic Symphony yesterday - Love it to pieces :)

23rd March 2012, 11:55 AM
"Journey" by "thatgamecompany". Don't miss it!. I may be going a bit soft in the head these days but this game moved me between real out loud laughter and bitter sweet tears. A little piece of gaming history if ever i saw it.

23rd March 2012, 04:23 PM
Yeah, Journey is a great game.
It is very short but a unique experience that not everyone will appreciate (just like Flower, ICO and SotC and Child of Eden)...

I also got Trine 2, such a beautiful game!
I totally recommend it, so improved over the original (which was also great imo). :)

26th March 2012, 09:10 AM
I finished Mass Effect 3 yesterday... why such a general negative feeling about the ending???
This is one of the best endings I've ever played, such an epic conclusion !!!!
The only thing that I really disliked is the horrible framerate (worst than ME2).

I whish I had a decent PC, I would have played on PC (no framerate issue, very fast loading times... really needed to move the PS4/XBOX3, really!)

26th March 2012, 08:03 PM
Just ordered GTPSP. Waiting for it to deliver.

27th March 2012, 05:28 AM
I've just finished ME3, and here are my thoughts (tons of spoilers included I guess). Now I may not be the best judge out there since I haven't played 1 or 2 (and don't intend to, I think I've spoiled them enough just by playing 3), but I see why some are disappointed with the endings. I mean, it lacks consistency methinks. Well it looks like scenarists tried to make something "interesting" out of the reapers, which do sound quite shallow at first. I mean besides "Huzzah, I'm a giant cone firing lazzers", they don't get much characterisation. I'm rather prejudiced against kids for whining (loudly) nonsensical things on trains, and even if there was no train involved, the ending doesn't help. It's like "Oh yeah, we kill people to protect them from being killed by their robot". Perhaps it's just me, but I have trouble feeling involved in something as vague as this. The outcomes are a bit odd too. I mean whatever you do, mass relay are destroyed. Um, why ? Why does any of the outcome proposed solve anything ? Destroying/controlling the reapers ? Well yeah it solves this little war problem, but I fail to see how Mr Translucent Brat would benefit from that. Now, in my playthrough, I had those two available. So I just checked on the internet if there was a 'secret'/third/whatever ending. There is but I don't even... what the hell is that even supposed to refer to ?
Now something else that made me uneasy in the game was how quickly storyarcs are brought up and are seemingly forgotten. I mean it often goes like "species A and B aren't happy with each other, solve the situation, put the military forces of the remaining parties in an excel worksheet and forget about them". Well I guess there's that and the game doesn't sound too flexible. Though there are tons of convo trees in the game, I don't get the feeling choosing any of them would dramatically (or even marginally) alter the storyline. Though I'm impressed by all the conversations available (I mean including the possible variations due to different squad members, references of past conversation), even if it does sound little more than cosmetic, it's still very nice.

tl;dr good game, but it doesn't look worth a replay (and HDD space is running low). The tons of explosions and weird stuff at the end doesn't make up for epicness, merely eye-candy.

And props to the cute 30-feet tall rachni thingy working on science. It sounds awesome. And to the pink and yellow spacesuit, reapers were blown away.

27th March 2012, 06:58 AM
I agree on the fact that all main missions are : hey, solve this conflict and we'll join the fleet.
I agree that lots of sidequests are just stupid planet scanning.

BUT !!! All the main missions of ME2 were to recruit a new member of the crew, that's all!

But people liked ME2 and they hate ME3.
I just think that's a cultural thing with some people really used to get their happy end.
I'm please no to have again a happy end, I felt a bit like Snake Plissken at the end of LA 2013 when jumping in the Creuset ;)

I know Snake didn't sacrifice... he just shut down technology.

28th March 2012, 09:22 AM
Well I can't really compare with ME2 to begin with, but I'll take your word on that. It's not the "solve confict =>get more allies" logic that bugs me actually, but the scenario's structure which is a bit too sequential. Deal with the Turian/Krogan/Salarian problem, then you completely forget about them save for a cameo at the end. Well I guess I'm nitpicking at this point, that's not much of an issue really.
The ending is though. I'm not bothered by the fact it's not an happy/unhappy ending or whatever that bugs me. It's just that it doesn't seem to make any sense past the last death. Perhaps I'm too dumb to see an interpretation (meta or not) that does. If someone comes up with one, I'd gladly hear it out. But for now, I can't shake the feeling that the scenarists couldn't come up with a consistent reason for the Big Bad's evilness and covered it up with some random stuff that could make sense with the help of vodka or equivalent. I haven't looked for plotholes yet, but I feel the ending itself could've generated quite a few.

About the choices, I've been told that there was a bit more of freedom in ME1. Someone could confirm/infirm ?

28th March 2012, 10:29 AM
Unfortunately I can't talk about ME1 :'(

Well, let's say I liked the story, more than in ME2 ;)

5th April 2012, 01:46 PM
Wow, credit where it's due! Bioware are going to release a free update to ME3 this summer to extend the ending to the game


Now playing - Rayman Origins :)

5th April 2012, 04:04 PM
I did not buy it but I'm currently playing Mass Effect 3 multiplayer. I'd give some money in exchange but the person who gave it to me didn't want to.
I'd have to replay Mass Effect 2 for a character to import and with how the ending currently is I don't really see the point. So yeah, just multiplayer.

5th April 2012, 04:56 PM
Technically I did bought Pure for Vita and I don`t know how many Pures UMDs I have!, (Lost count!), Now, also got 2048 and planning to buy RC Motorstorm.:)


5th April 2012, 06:24 PM
Fallout is free on gog.com (http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/fallout), so I "bought" it.

5th April 2012, 07:20 PM
Thanks for that Darkdrium, sadly I can't play it at the moment due to my bandwidth cap. I don't want to go over the limit too soon due to instant 'fines'.

The game I've been playing is the original Dragon Age. I'm not enjoying it too much, but it was only £5 so I can't really complain.

5th April 2012, 07:36 PM
I hated Dragon Age because the level scaling was pants on head retarded (http://i.imgur.com/h9J28.png). I had just got done killing an evil wizard and his army of demons of some description, and went to the big city. The guy there who challenges you to a fight is (as I read later) supposed to be a gate to the city, in the sense that if you can't beat him you will not be able to enter the city. Well I beat him, and very easily as well. However I kept getting murdered by street thugs every time I tried to travel to another district. I killed demons that enter your mind and make you think your dreams are reality. I get completely owned by thieves who live in alleyways. No, just no.
Searching for my issue, I found this map (http://i.imgur.com/5x2Ua.jpg). I quit playing right after.

5th April 2012, 10:46 PM
Whenever I encountered an enemy too powerful I put it on easy mode if it took too many attempts. Not how I planned to play the game, but I wanted to get through to the end and finish with the bizarre story line. [Potential spoiler]I never really got why the whole game is about defeating this enemy that only decides to show itself conveniently at the end when you are ready for it.[End of potential spoiler]

I think I might skip Dragon Age 2, unless it goes very cheap. The hate it got on the internet intrigues me enough to think about buying it.

6th April 2012, 02:18 AM
Don't know why you'd do that to yourself. The fans clamor DA2 is not better than DA1, and I doubt you're a fan of DA1 so your logic escapes me :g

7th April 2012, 03:51 AM
Been playing a lot of Mortal Kombat the past few months and finally purchased the DLC kharacters (on sale this week for 10.49). Kenshi really is as good as everyone said, and Rain is a lot of fun. All his normals are very quick and control space well. That said, my Sub-Zero is advancing beyond human levels.

9th April 2012, 11:17 PM
Now playing - Rayman Origins :)

I loved that game!
I couldn't image I could like so much a 2D platforms game now, as I could do when I was a kid. But I did.
Good luck if you unlock the special level, this one is REALLY hard! ^^

11th April 2012, 10:01 AM
Yeah, I managed to clear it but there were occasions where throwing the controller at the wall just seemed the better option ;)

11th April 2012, 03:01 PM
I went out of my way to buy a Japanese PS2 and an old copy of DoDonPachi 3 as well as the European realease of DoDonPachi 4 on 360. The company who makes these games is afraid of money. So they region lock their most popular titles and then release watered down iPhone ports 10 years after the initial release for the rest of us.

I love this damn game. I tried to play this one game called Touhou, but it had a rather shallow scoring system and the bullet patterns sacrificed difficulty for beauty. Also the loli and music style kind of got on my nerves. Sorry to any fans of the series. Unfortunately DDP suffers from loli as well, but it's diabolical scoring system and wicked hard stages make it infinitely replayable for me. The only other game that matches it for me is Gradius V.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IL5CS8AssE8 DoDonPachi 3
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fouVSOAZ_c DoDonPachi 4 (DLC, same stages, but more kickass music than before, harder, and more firepower with a secret boss)

11th April 2012, 03:45 PM
Ahh, Cave. The masters of bullet hell. I am the proud owner of DoDonPachi Resurrection, ESPGaluda 2, Deathsmiles and Mushihimesama Futari :) I've got a few videos on my YouTube channel showing a (rather poor attempt at a) playthrough of Futari's God mode. Click here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8s3ncwBOk0&list=PL489B80B20FC10D04&feature=view_all)

Welcome to the site BTW ;)

16th April 2012, 02:21 PM
I bought Motorstorm RC earlier, just before the PSN went down for maintenance!

I'd had the demo for weeks, but was so addicted to Unit 13 that I only got round to playing it on Friday. Nice little game - hadn't realised it was so cheap, so even if there's not a lot to it it's no big loss. :)

22nd April 2012, 11:02 PM
Just bought Force Unleashed 2 from the ps store for about 8pounds, bargain!
Its a good game but i felt evil when i killed Chewbacca and Han Solo lol (luke and obi wan die on the 1st game) it completely changes the story, but it was good to see a whole new ending to the saga!
The story is 4 hours long so im glad i didn't pay full price for it when it released, but knowing my luck it will be free next week as part of my ps+ subscription lol.

23rd April 2012, 01:08 AM
{{The origninal wipeout through PSN. 'nuff said}}

EDIT: Ignore post. Forgot this forum is about general stuff not wipeout.

23rd April 2012, 06:29 PM
Good choice keg_11, if Wipeout was the last game you bought then thats cool! :rock

30th April 2012, 08:06 PM
Last game I bought was the "Metal Gear Solid HD Collection".

Actually I only played MGS2: Sons of Liberty before, and I played it again on HD. The story is so incredibly brilliant. I started Snake Eater now but didn't get so far due to my busy schedule...

1st May 2012, 12:42 AM
i have that but the limited edition . if you wanna play some peace walker im up for it.

1st May 2012, 07:34 AM
Is it wrong if I don't remember? O_o

Probably either Uncharted 3 or BIT TRIP RUNNER, both of which I adore!

1st May 2012, 04:10 PM
@slimjim Would be cool but until now I didn't even know it has multiplayer, haha. I didn't get into the game that far yet. But maybe the upcoming weekend we can give it a try.

1st May 2012, 04:12 PM
hah its ok no rush

7th May 2012, 07:09 AM
my last games in disc... Lost planet 2 and split second (this game is really amazing, and lost planet 2, have a really amazing co-op mode :D)
and my last psn purchase... the house of the dead 4 and shank 2 (i love that gamnes <3), and i want the release of sonic 4 episode 2, and jet set radio, or "dlc" "close quarters" (battlefield 3 player here xD)

2nd June 2012, 02:45 PM
Bought "Heavy Rain" and the "Tomb Raider HD Collection" today, I need to play something else than Wipeout only^^

2nd June 2012, 06:10 PM
A few days ago I downloaded Journey and the first Wipeout game from 1995 from PSN. Couldn't play the last one so far, but I played through Journey two times the first day I got it. It's just too damn awesome!

3rd June 2012, 05:25 AM
my last games are cod: mw 3 (1 month xD), and yesterday i bought "Sonic and sega all star racing" (5.000 pesos, in dolars = ten)
and psn i purchase "sonic 4 episode 2, and rock of ages (this is really funny xD), and one mini, "The impossible game"

3rd June 2012, 03:43 PM
Enslaved - Odyssey to the west: gave it a try ;)
Alice - Madness returns: very nice :twisted
flOw (PS3 + PSP) + Flower: awesome!! :g

21st June 2012, 01:31 PM
I bought Gravity Rush ♥.
Amazing game, amazing universe ! I love this game, I recommend it to all. The game's demo shows you less than 1% of its fascination.

21st June 2012, 02:06 PM
Will be picking up Unit 13 this weekend. It's on sale at the moment, and if you're signed up to the Vita newsletter you can get it for half price

21st June 2012, 06:08 PM
got mgs hd collection, MGS2 + trophies + substance package that i never originally owned = me having to replay mgs even more that i already have.:D
peace walkers also great, cept the odd cat noises the bosses make but i can deal with the occasional strange meowing.

got journey today, WOW! that game is incredible, the style is brilliant. The sand design, the way it reflects and gets thrown into the air, the sense of scale, the random encounters of other players online, working together with them and how the calls you make to them intergrate into the background music, makes me smile, its just a charming little game. i cant say enough nice things. i think everyone needs to at least give the free demo a go :g

22nd June 2012, 09:00 AM
The last game I bought is Gravity Rush for PS VITA... its a bit short and a too easy Platinum Trophy, but a really really enjoyable game

22nd June 2012, 09:36 AM
My Girlfriend bought me "Dirt Showdown" for my birthday, but it hasn't arrived yet. :( Excited to play it as I liked the other entries in the Dirt series(even if they aren't as good as the original Colin McRae titles)

22nd June 2012, 09:58 AM
Last game I bought was Mass Effect 2. It's absolutely amazing. I wish I'd got it sooner.

22nd June 2012, 09:24 PM
The last game I bought is Gravity Rush for PS VITA... its a bit short and a too easy Platinum Trophy, but a really really enjoyable game

Same here!
A refreshing and really really enjoyable game. A must have for vita owners!

I enjoy Max Payne 3 also, despite the really too numerous cinematics that break the action... and you can't skip them!!

23rd June 2012, 12:52 PM
Been buying up quite a few game lately. Got L.A. Noire & NFS: Hot Pursuit for myself & the first two Modern Warfare games as a favour for my bro. Good $100 down the drain, can't wait to play them.

23rd June 2012, 01:22 PM
I have NFS Hot Pursuit and I can recommend it to everyone. It's a real blast. and the autolog feature is especially neat.

23rd June 2012, 08:29 PM
Mirrors Edge found it's way to my home now. Actually I played the game on PC twice already but playing in on the PS3 is a totally different deal. Also, I like to collect trophies ;)

24th June 2012, 07:41 PM

got journey today, WOW! that game is incredible, the style is brilliant. The sand design, the way it reflects and gets thrown into the air, the sense of scale, the random encounters of other players online, working together with them and how the calls you make to them intergrate into the background music, makes me smile, its just a charming little game. i cant say enough nice things. i think everyone needs to at least give the free demo a go :g

+1 I waited and waited excitedly for that game and am so happy with it, really a beautiful little masterpiece. Being the sadist I am, I did my best to find glitches or get stuck in places, to see if their pushed back release was really all it was hyped up to be. Couldn't do it. :D The online system is seamless, and beautiful, and if you manage to come across only one or two players, and go through large portions of them, you can still contact them by waiting for the players met screen. It's beautiful on its own but so much more so when you can play through it with someone who seems to have the same vibe for attempting to make artistic dance scenes :p Wish I had more gaming time! (wait for winter...)

@docfo4r: Good luck with those TT trophies...I put ME away. I plan to pull it out this winter and try the TTs again. I had so much trouble with the chapter 2 speedrun I nearly chucked my controller on the floor. Never been so frustrated by a game in my life!!! (I probably just need a faster right thumb for camera control.)

25th June 2012, 01:27 PM
Doesn't sound so motivating xD
Well, I hate all time-related stuff aswell, time trials in races or speed runs in first/third person character games. I guess I'll have something to bite there aswell...

27th June 2012, 04:54 PM
Mirrors Edge found it's way to my home now. Actually I played the game on PC twice already but playing in on the PS3 is a totally different deal. Also, I like to collect trophies ;)

What a sweet game. The time trials are really brutal trying to 3-star.

I picked up Soul Calibur V for ten bucks at Best Buy. It's quite different than SCII but still enjoyable. The supers are great but I hate guard impacts (especially since the computer uses them perfectly).

28th June 2012, 11:46 AM
I brought ArmA X which is most of Bohemia Interactive's works packed into one recently.
Playing ArmA : Cold War Assault (Operation Flashpoint Cold War Crisis renamed after some legal disputes) and I'll be damned... It's not a FPS IT'S A PIXEL HUNT GAME.

30th June 2012, 04:34 PM
Heheh, I went into the local movie rental place, that's closing down, to look for a copy of Senna. And came out with a copy of GT5. I haven't played Gran Turismo since GT2 on the PS1. Whee! I didn't realize it was 1080p, that was sure a nice surprise. Now I need it put it away until wintertime. This is quite an upgrade from PS1, I don't know if I can handle it.

2nd July 2012, 06:12 PM
I bought 3 games this weekend, which must be a record for me, I usually buy about 3 a year. The first was HD-Fury for the Vita, the second was Escape Plan for the Vita, and the third was Dirt 3 for PS3.

I've played Escape Plan briefly, although it's more for my fiance than me, I have neither the patience or mental dexterity for puzzle games. Played a bit of HD Fury, which is an excellent port, will be good for any train journeys in the future. And Dirt 3 is brilliant, it's bloody hard though. I've turned off most of the assists and put the AI difficulty on medium and I'm slowly making my way through career mode. It'll take a of of practice to get any good at this I reckon, I might buy a wheel and see if that helps.

2nd July 2012, 06:12 PM
I bought 3 games this weekend, which must be a record for me, I usually buy about 3 a year. The first was HD-Fury for the Vita, the second was Escape Plan for the Vita, and the third was Dirt 3 for PS3.

I've played Escape Plan briefly, although it's more for my fiance than me, I have neither the patience or mental dexterity for puzzle games. Played a bit of HD Fury, which is an excellent port, will be good for any train journeys in the future. And Dirt 3 is brilliant, it's bloody hard though. I've turned off most of the assists and put the AI difficulty on medium and I'm slowly making my way through career mode. It'll take a of of practice to get any good at this I reckon, I might buy a wheel and see if that helps.

3rd July 2012, 05:43 PM
I buy way too many games. I'll never play half of them probably, but the last one I bought that I really enjoyed was Renegade Ops. Classical twin stick shooter with snazzy graphics and a ridiculous 80's action movie plot. Doesn't get much better. :)
PS! I think it's free for Paystation Plus members right about now.

Ragsus Maxima
3rd July 2012, 05:51 PM
The last weekend I bought Spec Ops: The Line, and I'm glad I did it. It's not the typical shooter of nowadays; it actually shows that the war is not always like we see in the films and the modern games. It's a breath of fresh air for the genre and I'm happy that the developers had the guts to make a game like this. :)

I forgot to mention it's a third person shooter.

19th July 2012, 08:39 PM
I recently aquired the Little Big Planet Karting beta, it is very good and its 100% better than modnation racers... the track creation mode is brilliant and i have nearly completed a scaled replica of Sebenco Climb! Im definitely going to buy this game.
If anyone else has the beta let me know!

19th July 2012, 09:48 PM
Having a bit of fun with the Steam Summer Sale at the moment:

Anno 2070 - Looks gorgeous, but bloody hell is the learning curve steep! I honestly have no clue how to even start this thing
Amnesia: Dark Descent - Because I fancied a "sh*t-your-pants" experience for only £3.24
STALKER series - Never played the later two games, but got the whole bundle for about a fiver. Nice

20th July 2012, 11:33 AM
This week I bought Mass Effect 1 on PC and MGS HD collection.
What you have to know is that I bought a new PC a month ago, the previous being bought in July 2006 !
I plugged the PC to the TV with a HDMI cable, and it was just "Oh my god!".
How can I play PS3 again ????
Mass Effect 3 is well known for crappy framerate on PS3... You can't imagine how I enjoy this 60 fps on ME1 !!!!
Take also into account that the loading times went from more than 30 seconds on PS3 to ... 3 seconds on PC.

Regarding the game and only the game, it's really different from ME2 and 3 in the management of your abilities and your weapons... I don't know yet which one I prefer. But's it's nice to finally be a part of the genesys of Shepard's Legend :)

I didn't try MGS yet.
I played MGS1 on PS1 back in time... and enjoyed it.
I played MGS4 on PS3 ... found it OK but not as great as the first one.
Never played MGS2 or 3 yet :p

20th July 2012, 04:09 PM
My recent PS Vita purchase is MGS HD which I'm looking forward to playing. On PC it's Touhou Kaeidzuka ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View, part of the Touhou Project which I'm a fan of. Very tempted by the steam sales but no money!!

20th July 2012, 05:38 PM
I bought a lots of games last week, all for ps3.

Mirror's Edge: This game keeps me raging like only Wipeout online was able to before. Dying an estimated twenty times in one place isn't fun. But apart from that I like the gameplay, graphics and soundtrack. I'll fight through it somehow.
Flower: Definitely the best game when you're too exhausted to play anything else. But somehow I managed to die even in this one ;)
flOw: Only tried it out a few mins, don't know what to think about it so far.
Also Final Fantasy 7 and 9 from PSN, haven't played the latter so far and 7 has its flaws, but it's an old game so it's allowed to have them. And after all I'm a lover of those classic jrpgs and I've always wanted to try this one out.

I'm adequately provided with games for the next few months, I'm quite contented :)

20th July 2012, 07:19 PM
Mirror's Edge is great. I prefer the beginning because you run a lot... the last levels are kind of slow 3D platform levels... I don't like that much.
FF7 ... so many memories... I could by a PS4 only for an HD remake of this game... I loved the materia system.
I didn't like a lot FF9 ...

21st July 2012, 04:51 PM
the last week, i got two games for 18 dolars (in chile equals 9.000 pesos):

13 dolars = call of duty modern warfare 2, new, first edition (with the original logo from "playstation 3", no PS3) (and finally, got the trology of MW series xD)
5 dolars = Sonic and sega all star racings, i love this game!!!

this vacations (1 month :D!) i can play finally! :D!

8th August 2012, 02:42 PM

It's a nice game, but it has some annoying little bugs. If you know, when they occured, you can handle them. I like the game, because the bosses aren't to difficult and it's very easy to get platin. I'm looking forward to Darksiders II. :D

9th August 2012, 11:32 AM
I have begun playing STALKER Call of Pripyat, fearing it would get most of Clear Sky's problems. Oh boy I was happy when I saw it didn't. There have been really few bugs so far, difficulty levels are really balanced (in CS, Master and Stalker were exactly the same thing), quests are a lot more organic. I'm at the beginning of the game, and I'm really surprised at the comparison : I've yet to kill more than 20 mutants/NPCs, but I've already met all mutants that were in CS, save for pseudo-giants, pseudo-dogs and controllers, I've already collected 7 artifacts (it's a lot easier with a map of the anomalies...), and my stuff isn't too lame (~end of the cordon in CS). Maps are really interesting. And poltergeists, god I hated those things in CS, there were only two of them in a pit, but I still needed to half-cheat to kill them. Now they are properly introduced in dialog with NPCs (with CS, I had to google "weird electric anomalies telekinesis" to actually KNOW that they were killable ennemies). Only met one, but I can only say that they're better materialized and the topology was much more favorable.
tl;dr much better than Clear Sky so far. I miss a bit the beginning when you have the shittiest weapons ever in teh noobs swamp, but that's okay considering the huge improvements.

9th August 2012, 11:23 PM
I finished Deus Ex Human Revolution the other week, which I enjoyed, it had been sitting on my "To Play" pile for about 4 months :redface:
Briefly started the latest Batmen game, but haven't got very far with it.

I bought the Amazing Spiderman game the day it came out, but only started playing it after finishing Deus Ex,it's the first Spiderman game I've ever played, so I don't know how it compares to previous ones.
I've found it's pretty good the way you can web swing around the city, no collisions with buildings for instance [what his web is supposed to be attaching itself to I don't know, thin air?]...the are a lot of collectables in this game [600 or 700 comic pages] 100 of then are floating in mid air, apparently you get some sort of upgrade that helps find then after you reach a certain milestone, which is good to know as I was dreading another original INFAMOUS like Blast Shard hunt :brickwall
The combat is fun and Spidermans moves are quite diverse, the only thing about this game that has me feeling a bit "Meh" about is the occasional disorientating movement of Spiderman while indoors, quite a few times to the point of feeling slightly ill, he moves very fast, with any room he is in can be ending up spinning around wildly.
Apart from that a good game so far, worth a rent at least.

16th August 2012, 06:38 AM
Fallout New Vegas during the Steam Summer Sale (Which I still haven't downloaded) and Borderlands 2 pre-order when they had that little 10% off for owners of Borderlands.
Dear God. That's already too much. I'm also playing a bunch of F2Ps at the same time and Fallout 3 GOTY. Not enough time in the day!

23rd August 2012, 05:13 PM
The Last week, i got "BlazBlue Continuum Shift" (amazing fighting game). and Motorstorm Apocalypse (insane game xD)

24th August 2012, 03:11 PM
Right, I just bought Pulse game plus all download add on plus Mirage Pack (Got it through history account and downloaded for free) for Vita.

I will not play Pulse until this friggen HD completes first through Vita, bloody hard game I`ll tell ye!. Been playing this game ever since and not even half way yet! If you ask?, yes it is on Elite not easy! ;), asa told me how to use these stupid boxes from easy to elite!


24th August 2012, 03:23 PM
Pre-ordered Borderlands 2 on Steam. Seriously can't wait for it to come out. :hyper

24th August 2012, 03:35 PM
Darksiders 2. It is good. That is all ;)

25th August 2012, 12:57 PM
I bought Sound Shapes on release day for PS3 and VITA and I really like it. The music plays a big role in the game, its funny and challenging. Its got a great campagne mode and some friends of mine have created Amazing levels to play.

Greetz Mad-Ice

Pico de Goroh
31st August 2012, 07:24 AM
Journey Collector's Edition. Haven't played it yet, but I like everything I've heard. And it helps that one day (before Journey was released) I was driving through the mountains, and I thought about how cool it would be to have game where the objective is to reach a massive, distant mountain.

I'm also considering picking up Dyad, the first level of the demo was cool.

13th September 2012, 06:20 PM
I bought wipeout pulse yesterday and i love it! i cant believe that i have overlooked this game for so long! and at 7pounds its a bargain, i will probably buy the dlc in a few days.
There is only one thing that disapoints me... there is no sebenco climb lol.

14th September 2012, 02:50 AM
TrackMania 2, fun racing game that you can make you own tracks in.

14th September 2012, 01:08 PM
the last games I bought were Echochrome and The Impossible game
haven't had much time to try them, less now that my PS is at my kinda girlfriends place(which as I've found is perfect if you wanna kill a habit)
speaking of habits I picked up Skyrim a few months ago, not sure if I mentioned that here


14th September 2012, 11:48 PM
I got Eschatos (Xbox exclusive) at Otakon. And today I got Shatter (Steam). Great games.

15th September 2012, 08:10 PM
there is no sebenco climb lol.Don't worry buddy. Outpost 7 has got you covered.

The last game I bought was Borderlands 2, but that was about a month ago on Steam. So ready.
Lately I've been playing Fallout New Vegas, Tribes Ascend and Black Mesa. I like New Vegas and Tribes but I am really terrible at Half Life for some reason. I find the game to be hard, even on easy difficulty o.O I stopped playing Half Life 2 because of that, I got stuck in the mining shaft full of headcrabs and I keep dying there. I'm worried that the same will happen with Black Mesa.

16th September 2012, 02:04 PM
Which part are you up to?

I can't say I share your difficulty, the HECU marines are easier than they were in the original, which is a godsend, as are Vortigaunts and Headcrabs.

19th September 2012, 12:46 PM
I got Eschatos (Xbox exclusive) at Otakon. And today I got Shatter (Steam). Great games.

Hmm, what is Eschatos like? I know the music is freakin' awesome.

20th September 2012, 01:09 AM
Hmm, what is Eschatos like? I know the music is freakin' awesome.

It's a vertical scrolling shooter. It's a little hard, I guess, but more fun than challenging. In fact most of your deaths will be cheap. The game likes to toss weird camera angles about that can jack you up, but other than that the game's great. Japan Xbox exclusive.
And the music is amazing.

20th September 2012, 09:32 PM
Halo: Reach, but I'm looking to purchase the Ratchet & Clank HD Trilogy very soon. :D

21st September 2012, 09:25 PM
I pre ordered Forza Horizon, but I don't know if that counts ^^;
The last game I bought was Sleeping Dogs.

24th September 2012, 12:22 PM
I got Borderlands 2.
I somehow find it less addictive than the first one.
Still a good game... I don't know yet if I will like it as much as the first one.

24th September 2012, 05:36 PM
I pre-ordered Borderlands 2, and it should be arriving tomorrow. I didn't play the first, but as I understand, it has a wafer thin story that it's okay to skip. I usually don't like FPS, but this looks more interesting than the average CoD kind of game. If I can get into the gameplay, I'll probably get addicted to playing it, maybe even make a few friends get it for co-op. Looking forward to trying it. :)

Unfortunately, I've ordered it for PS3, so I'm expecting it to run like a barely playable massive steaming pile of :turd, as most multiplatform games do. I'd have got it on Steam, but my PC is on its way out, and I don't really want to use Windows anyway.

24th September 2012, 08:48 PM
Nah, don't worry, the game really looks nice and the framerate is fine ;)
Borderlands is mostly about fun and loot. Fun is still there, but I preferred loot in the first one I think. I'm level 16 and I still didn't find a weapon that is like : "Oh my f**** God!! This is the holy grail of making giant holes and burning tons of flesh".

... and also 1 boss really pissed me off, I died maybe 10 times desperately trying to find the weak spot...

... there was NO weak spot -_-'

24th September 2012, 10:18 PM
Last game I bought was Wipeout 3 Special Edtion. Im in 2 minds about Borderlands. Never played it but always fancied it. If pennys permit, I may well grab it.

24th September 2012, 11:27 PM
Little Big Planet Vita is surprising good...nicer controls (never was comfortable with them in LBP1, never played 2), great visuals and music, just a very well made game. Also you can download the community levels for offline play (already some good ones out too).

Just pure fun, and even more so in MP!

27th September 2012, 04:12 PM
Tokyo Jungle. Way too much fun for what it is. In terms of challenge to entertaining factor, it reminds me of Patapon. A very tongue in cheek game, hardly at the top of realism but great stuff. Surviving as a shika deer is tough! Try it out guys, campy meets bizarre meets difficult with a side of ps2ish graphics. Best one in awhile for me.

27th September 2012, 11:35 PM
i got the ultimate loot edition of borderlands 2

28th September 2012, 11:16 PM
I didn't buy it, but I got Akai Katana for my birthday. I think I need to stop playing it, but that's not happening. Getting ready to go through this beast of a game for the 24th time since I opened it yesterday.

First step is admitting you have a problem.

29th September 2012, 11:30 AM
Shinobido 2 for the Vita. I'm a big Tenchu fan, so this is right up my alley. It's not a perfect game. But it'll due until the likely chance that a Tenchu game ends up on the Vita.

4th October 2012, 02:46 AM
I won a caption comp at the Aus/NZ Sony Playstation forum, they sent me a couple of games as a prize, the Remastered Rachet & Clank trilogy and Killzone 3.
I've only fully play R&C "A crack in time" before, but I remember playing a demo of the fist R&C on the PS2, WOW they really have done a good job at remastering it, you can play it in 3D as well, same goes for Killzone 3 which plays rather well in 3D once you get used to the HUD, but I'm not much of a FPS gamer, so I don't know how far I'll get into KZ.

17th October 2012, 11:32 AM
Darksiders 2 for me. Absolutely loved the first game and I'm a huge fan of Joe Madureira's artwork, so with him as creative director at the studio you can't go wrong. One of those games that I'm enjoying so much I want to keep playing but I don't want to finish because I'll need to stop playing :)

18th October 2012, 12:36 PM
I Bought Need For Speed Hot Pursuit the other week. It's pretty good, nice sense of speed and very pretty graphics. It hasn't really grabbed me though, I played it for a couple of days but I've drifted away from it since (no pun intended).

Also downloaded XCom - Enemy Unknown (demo) on a friend's recommendation the other day. Not had a chance to have a proper play with it yet though.

18th October 2012, 03:14 PM
I Bought Need For Speed Hot Pursuit the other week. It's pretty good, nice sense of speed and very pretty graphics. It hasn't really grabbed me though, I played it for a couple of days but I've drifted away from it since (no pun intended).

I honestly felt the same about Hot Pursuit, I found the handling too similar to burnout honestly.
On topic the last game I bought was Dishonoured, which is pretty damn good :g

1st November 2012, 07:57 PM
here = borderlands 2 and sonic adventure 2 hd and mercury hg, i love that games (borderlands 2 is really epic :D)
pd: i finally got a pc, my notebook died :C

3rd November 2012, 12:54 AM
(I'll think I'll just post this anyway.)

Well, after a very short conversation with one of my teachers, I now have a copy of the first SimCity in a box that apparently does not exist on the internet. For Free.:D

It's missing a few things, but it has the Media and Warranty card.

4th November 2012, 01:59 PM
If you liked the trippy art design and overall experience of Linger in Shadows, Datura is a must-buy. BUT, you should go into it realizing that the movements are intentionally clumsy and horrid (I assume, based on the intro etc) and also expecting less of a game than an experience. It is definitely more of a game than Linger in Shadows. I'd say it is a game, like Flower is a game -- you can play it without skill but there are a few (very few) things that I found mildly difficult to do. Given the setting, I'm sort of surprised it wasn't advertised as some sort of Halloween deal. It fits.

Actually, if I had to describe Datura in one phrase it would be "thought-provoking virtual trip".

May I strongly suggest you play this twice, once without any kind of googling it, which will spoil it completely, then once when you think you might know what you're doing. And make sure you're logged in when you finish the game.
I really like this "game" and am glad I tossed out the tenner to get it. Then again, I do love poplar trees.

5th November 2012, 06:52 AM
I bought Darksiders II some month ago. Nice game, but I prefer the first part. Because I don't like to collect oodles of useless stuff, which you can just hawk, and not to know what to get, when you open a box. Apart from that it's much fun and worth to play.

5th November 2012, 09:26 PM
Currently caning the balls off of NFS Most Wanted. Brilliant game, enjoying it just as much as Burnout paradise. The cars feel really responsive and the police pursuits are actually very tense if you get caught right up in one.

6th November 2012, 04:55 AM
Bought a copy of Wipeout Fusion for 3 smackers. I'm anxious to play it!

8th November 2012, 02:34 AM
Ridge Racer for PS Vita, only 13€ with all DLC tracks and normal cars. Nice price only for two weeks, go ! There is true online options.

8th November 2012, 06:41 AM
I just bought the collectors edition of LBP Karting :D .... this is going to Awesome Guys & Girls .... I'll start a separate thread for the reason every Wipeout tragic is going to want this game.

8th November 2012, 02:01 PM
Pffft, Wipeout tragic I am not...*runs off to check out game videos*

12th November 2012, 02:33 AM
bought persona 4 can't wait for golden to come out on the 20 of November

12th November 2012, 01:39 PM
Okami HD and The unfinished swan

Flint Fandango
12th November 2012, 07:55 PM
Saints Row the Third a few month ago, and Saints Row 2 recently...yeah, once again, I put the cart before the horse. ;)

16th November 2012, 03:44 PM
Sonic and All-Stars Racing: Transformed today

All I can say is...MEGA FUN.

Rapier Racer
16th November 2012, 06:10 PM
Darksiders II , having lots of fun with that. On a smaller scale I bought frogger returns off the PSN. Next is most likely LBP Karting because LBP is awesome ^_^ Sackie for president lol

17th November 2012, 08:02 AM
Does anyone know if I can purchase any of the other wipeout series games besides WOHD from the PSN store? I might look into those...

17th November 2012, 09:23 AM
Pretty sure you can buy Pulse, Pure and the original Wipeout from the store. I have them all on my Vita as well as 2048 ^_^

As for the last game I bought, I downloaded Toejam and Earl!!! I have it for my megadrive but he's getting old. Possibly one of the best games I've ever played. I lost many hours of my childhood to it :P

18th November 2012, 12:45 PM
Last game I got was LittleBigPlanet for Vita. I got it for free with the purchase of PS Vita. I've played all the LBP's & I didn't expect many new things. But I have to admit that it's brilliant! :D
It's shocking how much I enjoyed the single player mode. Fantastic levels, excellent use of the touch screens/sixaxis and finally the amazing mini levels and the arcade games!
I totally recommend it to everyone with a Vita! :)

18th November 2012, 10:10 PM
Assassins Creed 3. I didn't like the ending.

22nd November 2012, 03:53 PM

1) since I'm new to PS3 (three months of playing), I've got no other console and I'm not interested in PC games;
2) since I only got WipEout HD Fury, WipEout, LittleBigPlanet, Flower, Shatter, Uncharted and FIFA 12.

What would you suggest me to buy for Xmas?

Haven't got much money, so I cannot buy latest games such as Assassins Creed 3, for instance. I got my eye on Super Street Fighter IV for old times' sake. Uncharted 2 too.

22nd November 2012, 11:35 PM
Heheheh. Well, from one thrifty gamer to another, here's my list of games I would consider my PS3 to be incomplete without (that you don't already own), broken down by prices in Cdn Dollars, sorry I don't know what they are on euro PSN...(also I apologize to others reading this thread as I've already raved about most of these games already in this thread...)

$10 range
Super Stardust HD Absolutely stunning shooter, perfect in every way. I suck at shooters, haven't even passed two levels in SSD, it's just so perfect. THAT game makes my eyes bleed. Hard! There's a 2 player coop mode.
Tokyo Jungle Survival/strategy/RPG/action game? Extremely addictive, unique, and wacky wacky sense of humour. It's only 9.99 and Japanese gamers have to pay a full game price for it! The goal of the game is to find out where all the humans went while surviving as either a grazer or predatory animal. You must find data cards in Survival mode to unlock the next Story chapter, and when you beat that chapter, a new set of data cards is unlocked for Survival mode. Rinse and repeat. Such an awesome, awesome game. I found it much more entertaining to play as a grazer... There is a 2 player coop mode.
Mirror's Edge Sort of a blend of FPS/puzzle/platforming, all in first person view, you can find the disc for under $10 used or you can download it from PSN. Single player only. Very unique game. There's a steep initial learning curve and it can be frustrating at times, but the first time you run and link everything together the way you wanted, it's breathtaking. A very hard, challenging game, I thought, but stunning aesthetics all around. If you can master your own frustration I can't recommend this game highly enough.
Outland 9.99 on PSN! Platformer game, bit of puzzling and it takes a few levels to really display all the moves and possibilities you can use in the game, but a really great platformer. Although you have LBP so you probably have lots of platformer time covered right there! Some of the bosses are tricky tricky tricky!
Journey Since you don't have too many games I can't really recommend this one unless you have the spare funds because it is such a short game. It is perfect and beautiful but it doesn't have the same replay value as the others I'm mentioning.

Star Ocean: The Last Hope International Absolutely massive, huge, long RPG. Is this the longest game out there? I wonder, really. I'm of the opinion that if someone loves anime they will love this game. The cutscenes in this game are actually short movies, you have to have snacks handy. Personally turn-based battle RPGs turn me off, and this one's battle system is "real time" and very engaging. It was a lot of fun and a very beautiful game, although some levels had a long time between save points. I really recommend this one too! But, you have to be okay with lame jokes, and anime tropes. I got lots of laughs out of the game, but that's me. Plus, how often is the sidekick more bad-ass than the main character?
Okami HD Nintendo-y goodness on the PS3! So beautiful, despite its age. What else is there to say...
ICO I don't own this on PS3 because I have it on PS2 and the thought of trophies popping up while I play revolts me, but don't let that discourage you! ;) But. It is easily one of the purest games I've ever played. You can get it with Shadow of the Colussus as a collection, either on PSN or on a disc. I haven't played SOTC but everybody says it's great. I think the collection is $40?

I don't know if you knew already, but there is a Back to the Future game on PSN which is free. I've downloaded, but haven't played it. Ironic hmm?
Also, I treat some free demos as if they were mini-games. How's that for cheap? I have way too many demos...fun ones that come to mind are Swarm, Toy Home, Flock, and Super Puzzle Fighter HD

With the exception of Journey, Okami, and Ico (as I'd guess after about 2 playthroughs you'll probably tire of them), I think all the above games have an extraordinary "gameplay time to money ratio". As in, bang for buck. Nothing quite like Wipeout of course, but pretty darn good. Hope something in that list peaks your interest. :) Happy shopping :lol

23rd November 2012, 05:38 AM

1) since I'm new to PS3 (three months of playing), I've got no other console and I'm not interested in PC games;
2) since I only got WipEout HD Fury, WipEout, LittleBigPlanet, Flower, Shatter, Uncharted and FIFA 12.

What would you suggest me to buy for Xmas?

Haven't got much money, so I cannot buy latest games such as Assassins Creed 3, for instance. I got my eye on Super Street Fighter IV for old times' sake. Uncharted 2 too.

I would recommend InFAMOUS to you, that was the first game I got on PS3 and I absolutely loved it.

23rd November 2012, 06:34 AM
Thanks for the tips.
Okami HD and Super Stardust HD are already on my wishlist, I'll read about the others. It'll a be a tough choice.

23rd November 2012, 01:05 PM

1) since I'm new to PS3 (three months of playing), I've got no other console and I'm not interested in PC games;
2) since I only got WipEout HD Fury, WipEout, LittleBigPlanet, Flower, Shatter, Uncharted and FIFA 12.

What would you suggest me to buy for Xmas?

Haven't got much money, so I cannot buy latest games such as Assassins Creed 3, for instance. I got my eye on Super Street Fighter IV for old times' sake. Uncharted 2 too.

I second most of Medusa's suggestions & I will add the following:

1) Demon's Souls & Dark Souls: Some of the best RPG's experience's of all time, these are unique, huge & fantastic experiences. They are challenging games but if you have patience and like fantasy adventure's/RPG's go for it. ;)

2) Uncharted 2 (& 3): If you liked Uncharted then you will absolutely love U2, best uncharted of all IMO. 3 is great too but I didn't enjoy it as much as the second one.

3) God of War 3: If you like epic games, adventures & Greek mythology then you must play it, fantastic game!

4) Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2: Another great game, once you learn how to play it you actually feel like God playing as Ryu.

5) Gran Turismo 5: Maybe not the best GT but it's sure is a great game, essential purchase if you are into racing games.(although to truly enjoy this game I recommend getting also a wheel if you can)

There are so many other great games but the one's I mentioned are just the must-have ones IMO.
Plus most of them are dirty cheap these days. :)
Have fun!

24th November 2012, 11:57 PM
Diablo 3, awesome!

12th December 2012, 08:48 PM
An early Santa gave me Mass Effect Trilogy today. Started with the first one, of course, and already in love.

13th December 2012, 12:14 PM
An early Santa gave me Mass Effect Trilogy today.

Jealous... So very jealous... *jealous face* I bought a mountain of games today, including Sonic Generations, Black Ops 2 and WWE13... Sadly, none of those are for me. All Christmas presents.

Rapier Racer
13th December 2012, 06:53 PM
Finally picked up LBP Karting today! HUZZAH!

13th December 2012, 07:57 PM
Last games I bought were Guild Wars 2 and NFS Most Wanted 2012, if anybody has these add me, they're great games but they aren't as fun to play alone!

Also has anyone from the UK spotted the PS3 Version of the Mass Effect Trilogy set in stores? GAME's website lists it as out of stock, yet the other platforms are available. I'm pretty sure it should be out as the first game is on PSN now.

Other than that still going strong with WOHD. The amount of errors I had today were rediculous though. Even the interface couldn't display properly! Hoping it's not my PS3 that's dying either...lol


14th December 2012, 02:57 PM
Sonic and All Stars Racing Transformed. kinda meh, although I was still in my WipEout HD Fury style. Needless to say, I lost.

20th December 2012, 01:13 AM
Battle Field Bad Company 2. That game's single player is absolutely hilarious, best first person shooter campaign I've ever picked up.

- - - Updated - - -

Battle Field Bad Company 2. That game's single player is absolutely hilarious, best first person shooter campaign I've ever picked up.

1st January 2013, 02:26 PM
My most recent addition on Steam is Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. I'm playing this game for these cute creatures known as Chao. I'm currently engineering chao for competition. And I am naming them after iconic WipEout Teams and Circuits.

13th January 2013, 12:53 PM


20th January 2013, 09:52 AM
I have a $30 (AUD) PlayStation store gift card, what do you guys recommend me getting?

20th January 2013, 02:22 PM
Devil May Cry. Very nice!

20th January 2013, 03:18 PM
I'm grabbing the PC version of that next week :)

20th January 2013, 03:59 PM
Little Big Planet Karting ;)

10th October 2013, 07:38 PM
Just dropping in to revive dead threads. Wanted to give a heads up that Remember Me is a beautiful, beautiful game.
The gameplay itself isn't anything newsworthy but the entire package is brilliant. I was completely "meh" until the first memory remix and now I'm hooked.
If you can grab it for cheap, definitely take this game for a spin!
Very basic platforming x fights x awesome story/setting x headturningly beautiful and detailed Neo Paris = money well spent. Nice to have a new unique game. It's a shame the reviews I've read totally panned it :/ Yeah the gameplay isn't exactly stunning but other than boring platforming the rest is totally solid.

Also, you can choose from different voice languages! Touche. Loving the French graffiti everywhere too. :D

11th October 2013, 02:07 AM
Oh yeah that game! I got it at launch. I didn't find anything of it boring tbh (except some parts of the story). I loved every bit of it. The one and only thing I was kinda disappointed about was you only get a few chances to mix memories. That was the most fun aspect of the game. The free running wasn't too bad either. I loved the whole indirect dystopian Neo-Paris atmosphere. Everyone seemed to be happy, yet you could sense something weird was up. The holograms give it another depth of awesomeness. More games should utilize that concept, except in terms of a HUD or something. The story wasn't executed as well I was hoping but it was still very good. You guys should pick it up, it's worth a play or two.

27th November 2013, 03:13 PM
everyone with a PSVITA should check out a PSMobile game called 'rymdkapsel'!
it's free in the PSStore, kind of real time strategy - tower defense - puzzle mix. really lovely ambient space soundtrack

27th November 2013, 05:26 PM
GTA V. It's incredible. I got it a week after it launched, and still got the Atomic Blimp that was apparently a pre-order exclusive.

27th November 2013, 10:11 PM
Ufff,what I recently bought...!?
WipEout 2097 for PSX and yes just 2 weeks ago :-P
But at the moment I'm playing a free-2-play browser strategie game called eRepublik,if you are intrested I'll send you a referrer (dobble-e or dobble-r?) link,I'll get ingame money for that :D

27th November 2013, 10:38 PM
Full Auto 2 (PS3). It's actually quite fun, and the game is great for stress relief as this is a vehicle combat game.

27th November 2013, 10:45 PM
Antichamber on Steam. Great mind game but my god is it hard. I don't want to but I'm probably going to end up looking up tutorials for it. :C

27th November 2013, 11:13 PM
From what I can recall I last bought Final Fantasy IX from the psn store and I am still debating on getting Final Fantasy X HD when it is released :)

28th November 2013, 03:33 PM
I think Remember Me is free for PS+ members. At least it was a few weeks ago when I downloaded it. Haven't played it yet though. Too busy with Dota and the new Eve Online expansion.

Last game I paid money for was the Command & Conquer collection on Origin (I know! But it's the only place to get BF4 and Mass Effect 3.), mainly to get my hands on Generals, which is still brilliant. Overlords with bunkers full of snipers. Mmmmm.:)

28th November 2013, 07:28 PM

Last real game I "bought" was TF2, and that was a few months a go. 150 hours played so yeah, not that recent. I did spend a few quid on it though, so I guess it counts as bought...?

3rd December 2013, 08:07 PM
Bought Super Street Fighter IV - Arcade Edition from PSN yesterday. Only 4,94€. Really happy.

4th December 2013, 12:55 AM
Brothers: The Tale of Two Sons. I'm still playing through it. The environments are very reminiscent of the old renaissance era Italian villages. The lighting is nothing short of amazing to look at. The graphics are kind of cartoony. The story so far is self explanatory, but everything is conveyed rather well. You should pick it up if you get the chance to, it's like 15 bucks.

15th January 2014, 03:00 PM
everyone who doesn't own 'Mirrors Edge' already, should buy it now on the ps store, it's just 4.99€ atm. this game is so GREAT!!!!! speed running in it's purest form. go get it.

15th January 2014, 08:33 PM
Ohoho, I played that game way back in '09, 'great' is definitely the correct word for it! There's something very unique about it, it could be the "1984" type/totalitarianism colour scheme with a limited palette.

17th January 2014, 04:53 PM
Mine is diablo 3 for ps3
Awesome game so far and the controls are really good!! I'm amazed how good it is for the console!