View Full Version : Fury Expansion Comments/Minor Complaints

26th July 2009, 10:39 PM
Ok, So first off I really like Fury, for $9.99 you are getting alot at a good price. I enjoy Eliminator quite a bit, the new Menu and other modes are excellent as well. Having said that I do have a couple things I was kinda dissapointed with.

-The ships, although they are very nice looking and have improved stats, they are simply replacements for the old ships. I know this has been talked about here a bit in some threads, but I would have much rather they been original ships from new teams. They could have brought back some of the older teams like Van-Uber and Tigron. also in my opinion, the new ships seem less "WipEoutish" I think they made them look too sleak and clean when compared to the older ships. also the heavy blue tint to all the cockpit windows is kinda strange. idk just seems like SL took the easy way out with the ships while invalidating their previous designs.

-The Amphiseum, I loved this track in Pulse and it was remade quite well, but where did the huge vistas of the city lights go? on the rare occasion you see the city in this version, it looks nothing like the "natural extension of Las Vegas" as it did in Pulse.

-The Zone exclusive tracks all seem to have a very similar abstract design above the track, you would think it would not have been too hard to switch it up a bit.

Anyway, overall the new modes made this expansion great, I just found some other factors to be a slight dissapointment, discuss if you like.

26th July 2009, 11:12 PM
I think we need another 8790321 Fury threads. Im preety sure this could of been covered in another one of the fury threads....

I dont have any complaints besides getting frozen alot but meh, play with the cards your dealt.

26th July 2009, 11:35 PM
nothing really to say about fury it's really cool.
if i had to whine i would say eliminator single player can be annoying when all other racers are shooting off quakes and no one has reached a weapon pad yet ..computer cheats:nod:nod:nod

26th July 2009, 11:43 PM
To be honest, this is probably a fair enough thread as I can't see any others aimed at complaints about Fury. There are a few issues and they're cropping up all over the place so it might be best to consolidate them here. That's probably better than having a separate one for each complaint, although that may well still happen.

I've heard a lot of complaints about sound issues. That seems to be a big deal at the moment for a lot of people. It even seems to be so bad for some that they can't play the game as long as the problems are there. Luckily I haven't had it (yet?), or maybe I just can't tell.

My only complaint currently is that there's just too much content for me to get through now and so much to master. I've had to move my TV and PS3 out of my room to prevent it from taking over my life (more). :D

27th July 2009, 12:29 AM
Yea I would say my only gripe would be the sound issues while playing on some of the new tracks... I haven't noticed it on the old tracks yet as I haven't really been playing them all that much.

But an example would be in eliminator (and even some other game modes) when there is a LOT of action on screen and lots of stuff blowing up, I'll fire off a rocket or some other weapon, and the sound sorta just craps out... it seems to be only for when I fire that rocket then it's back to normal, but it's enough to drive me up the wall (especially when I've been playing it over and over again).

Also the Elite difficulty is wayyy too hard tho I saw someone mention that it might have gotten easier? Will have to try this when I get home. But trying to finish some of the HD campaign races on Elite was doing my friggin head in! It more comes down to luck then it does skill, which sorta bugs me. *Bring back Negcon support!!!*


27th July 2009, 12:38 AM
The record tables (menu) and post race/sl/tt tables show different ships being used by the same person's time/score
Many dodgy records cropping up
More dodgy record table shenanigans
I've often come across 3 lap FLASH races on vineta k since the update
Pads are much harder to hit on the newer tracks (trigger radius????)

Basically the record tables are buggered. That said, I can deal with it because we have lovely Connavar's website for all the real ones :D

So yeah, apart from me being appaulingly **** at the new tracks/modes, those are the only problems i've had. Haven't failed a BR yet and haven't not picked up a weapon after hearing a beep. well done SL, finally i can start enjoying my game again.

27th July 2009, 01:47 AM
I'd just like to mention a small thing. With the new fury menus/ theme some of the online badges and writing look really 'smudged' and not clear... which looks a bit cheap. With EVERY other part of the game being so highly polished this just annoys me a little. But like i said, this is a VERY small thing ;).

I have also had the sound issue and a couple of freezes though :(.

27th July 2009, 01:59 AM
well done SL, finally i can start enjoying my game again.

Well I would have liked an HDD and internet broadband and a whopping lot of patches for a buggy mess I bought in 2002. Hell must look like a DVD with PAL Fusion scorched on it, which can never, ever be patched or erased and done RIGHT.

Bugs are fine as long as they're dealt with. Game's still good.:rock

27th July 2009, 02:55 AM
another thing i forgot about: it's impossible to change ship with 8 players in the room because auto-timer no longer let's you choose while the countdown it happening, it forces you back to main room bit thingy

27th July 2009, 03:04 AM
Pads are much harder to hit on the newer tracks (trigger radius????)

Yes! I've noticed that too and it drives me crazy! Glad to know I'm not losing my mind! If you don't hit the pads (both weapon and speed) almost dead center then you get nada! I wish this would be fixed!

27th July 2009, 03:10 AM
The main thing I dislike about Fury is that it just feels like a different game - the look and feel of the ships and tracks just seem so plastic, compared with the original Wipeout HD.

I am still trying to love the new modes - Eliminator is slooowly growing on me, but Detonator and Zone Battle just feel like mini-games. Heck, I dunno.. call me old-fashioned, but keeping with the original theme, and simply adding the new tracks and a couple of new teams and skins, and I would have been perfectly happy!

I'll give it time I guess... :?

27th July 2009, 04:19 AM
I totally agree with you on most points, I really love Eliminator and Detonator, Zone Battle... is ok. The new music tracks are very good also. But yeah I would have definatley prefered new teams as opposed to replacement ships.

27th July 2009, 04:23 AM
Re: Pads are harder to hit

...and I thought it was only me :) Is it happening on the HD tracks as well, or is it only the new tracks that are affected?
I must admit I haven't played a HD track since Fury came out...

27th July 2009, 04:26 AM
but keeping with the original theme,

Good point! With Fury the whole game changes, the theme, even the background picture when you highlight the game on the XMB is now fury. Even though i think fury is great, it IS an expansion not an actual game. It seems to have kicked the old WipEout HD out in that respect and I miss things from the old WipEout HD that are gone with fury.

Still, Fury kicks ASS! I'd rather have it than not :D!

27th July 2009, 07:56 AM
Yup the pads detection radius has definately been reduced! I thought it was just me being rubbihs! phew! :)

27th July 2009, 08:02 AM
I also think the fast lap badge is buggered, im consistently seeing the last person in the race being awarded with the fastlap badge even tho they finished way behind the pack

27th July 2009, 09:30 AM
another thing i forgot about: it's impossible to change ship with 8 players in the room because auto-timer no longer let's you choose while the countdown it happening, it forces you back to main room bit thingy

I noticed that, and I think it's possible for the game host to start a game while you are browsing ships - and when s/he does, you are stuck with whatever ship you were looking at at that time.

I was the involentary pilot of many a ship last night, due to a trigger happy host (I'm pretty sure we were only 6 people, so it must have been the host).

27th July 2009, 10:03 AM
The game freezes more and I need to restart my PS3 more ofen. This was solely on an online thing with HD but now in offline games I get micro freezes and complete freezes as well. I usually have to restart my PS3 once a day from this.
The first mag-strip dip on amphiseum, on Phantom I keep digging my nose into the floor. While it doesnt appear to cost me energy or speed, its still annoying.
Weapon pads, agreed with what others have said on this thread.

Apart from that, I think its all goood.

27th July 2009, 10:20 AM
Fury Menu is flawed for two reasons:
-AGSys, Triakis and EGX logos/names are unreadable on it.
-Fury music loop lasts 44 seconds, while HD music loop 2 minutes and 50 seconds! There is so much potential for the music! Please extend it in the next patch!

27th July 2009, 10:32 AM
Thank god other people are experiencing the pad issue! I knew I was the world's best at pad evasion anyway but it did look like it was taking the piss :P

27th July 2009, 10:45 AM
-The ships, although they are very nice looking and have improved stats, they are simply replacements for the old ships. ... idk just seems like SL took the easy way out with the ships while invalidating their previous designs. ...

-The Zone exclusive tracks all seem to have a very similar abstract design above the track, you would think it would not have been too hard to switch it up a bit.
I disagree.

"idk just seems like SL took the easy way out ..." Jesus, are you serious?
Just try to design a craft out of blades and make it good looking. It's much
easier to design a craft that will have a smooth surface.

The similarity you experience is part of the fractal nature of the idea behind
those structures. I've never seen any game that has tried to use such things
and make it good looking. I'm even impressed that it actually fits together.

About the pad radius. Why should it be any bigger than what the physical
size actually is? I don't get it.

Anyways, I have some complains as well. :g

Within the craft selection screen there is too much HDR applied. Same
holds for the crafts on the track. And I also don't like their strong surface
specularity. It's a bit too much. Further, the white outline of the Zone
Battle skin is likewise a bit too much. Half of its size would suffice.

Another thing I don't like is the sharp projected shadow of a craft. It doesn't
blend with the environment, setting the craft out of place. However, the
shadow is just fine for ZONE.

Last but not least, the non special tracks lag a bit too much in ZONE, and
someone has forgotten to put the color scheme for zone 100 into the game. :|

27th July 2009, 04:33 PM
@ PS - Regarding the pad radius, the point is that I can normally catch a pad as long as part of my ship goes over it, but on the new tracks, the center of my ship pretty much has to cross the center of the pad in order to catch it. It's different than it was.

28th July 2009, 02:51 AM
I agree,something has changed regarding the speed pads.

The new craft seem to bounce around [vertically] a bit more than the old,maybe the sensitivity of height of the craft in relation to the pads, and if you actually get a speed boost has been changed.

The only other explanation I could think of that might be a cause is the actual footprint of the craft has been changed.

As most of the new craft [and Fury as a whole] seems leaning more towards Zone modes,it reminds me of something Problem Solver used to describe the handling of the Zone craft in relation to the normal craft pre FURY.

That was to liken the handling of the Zone craft to that of a ice skate ,where when running on flat the skate will be like so || but when cornering it will be like \\ or // ,so a smaller portion of the blade is in contact with the surface, if you imagine the craft perched above those lines and tilting in the same direction as them ,you would realize that only approx a portion of the crafts surface area would be running over the pad while turning, maybe not enough of a portion to get a speed boost.

I'm sure he will chime in and explain it better than I can.

28th July 2009, 03:11 AM
Side shifts went wonky again since 2.0 - they had just fixed it and my lap times got so much better - but sadly, is no moar.

The weird issue where I'll shift left - but the ship will go right is back. (and vice-versa) Seems to happen more when I'm doing more control inputs (recent barrel rolling and/or weapons activity seem to amplify this anomaly) And side shifts seem to have less effect on turning when successful - and they do miss intermittently.

I know most will write this side shifting business up to nit picking - but my racing style relies heavily upon side shifting.

I am happy with BRs being fixed - but I miss the good ole days when both worked.

Also noticed the smaller activation radius on the weapons / speed pads - but only seeing it on the new tracks. I'd have no beef - if not the other tracks still operate differently. Just too inconsistent. Wreaks havoc on your brain when trying to establish racing lines. Then you get used to it - and upon returning to original HD tracks, you waste speed trying to hit the old pads dead center. (if that makes any sense)

3 Lap VK Flash race - seen that a few times since 2.0 (not just Fury) - but I've yet to see any of those times post to the leaderboards.

28th July 2009, 03:21 AM
I really like Fury as it is, the tracks are great, very technical and offers a great challenge on navigation and ability. If you wanna get good at this game, Fury is the way to do it. Eliminator is just the greatest mode to grace a WipEout game (although it has been featured in previous titles). Ship design is out of this world, very original and straight-out of a cyber-punk dream! Best purchase in video games i did since a long time! :D

But there's just one thing i cant handle and endure; Zone Battle. Jesus this mode is so boring... Don't get me wrong, i aint saying this because i cant pass ZB races. I do understand how it works. I can win races, even on Elite (after couples of tries i can admit). But its just... boring. Pass on the energy pads, accumulate it, and speed up through zones. Oooooo joy. And like this isnt enough trouble to avoid mines and bombs on an Elite or online regular race, we have to compose with countless "barriers" that stop you for an eternity and sucks you out of energy. You can pass through by creating a shield, but then you're out of energy and get back to square one trying to catch up the leader which is already at zone 19.5 on a target of 20. No weapons, no items, no nothing. It just sucks.

SL guys, no offense but, if you were short of ideas, you could have just designed more regular tracks instead of pulling out this "Zzzzzzz" fest. ;)

28th July 2009, 09:39 AM
Teeny niggle - I left Wipeout Fury running last night while doing other things ... even when I'm not playing it's nice to look up sometimes and see the camera floating about the different tracks - but last night it went to Vineta K about four times in a row. I can't remember it doing that before, although I could be wrong - in any case it would be better if it cut away from the menus to a different track each time.

Thing is that I'm so happy with Wipeout Fury that I really had to think extremely hard to think of a single fault with it. At the moment I'm finding Detonator and Zone Battle to be a bit of a puzzle - but that's my own problem, not the game's - at the end of the day they provide more variety, and even if I'm not so keen on them now, then they provide something different to do in the future.

So yes - 99.99999999% happy :D

28th July 2009, 09:57 AM
Last but not least, the non special tracks lag a bit too much in ZONE, and
someone has forgotten to put the color scheme for zone 100 into the game. :|

What colours do you suggest? A gradient from black to black with a black eq?

28th July 2009, 09:58 AM
He'd probably still find a way to navigate it ;)

28th July 2009, 10:24 AM
What colours do you suggest? A gradient from black to black with a black eq?

Supersonic looks like a whit pearl on Zone tracks
Before, we have gold for Superphantom

So, something that reminds diamond would fit perfectly, with the track like zone battle crafts...

What dya think ProblemSolver? (it's time to get the color scheme of your dreams)

28th July 2009, 10:34 AM
If I could change just one thing about Fury, I would throw out Talon's Junction and put in... pretty much anything else ^^ I've tried, but I cannot bring myself to like or enjoy that track. Everything else is great tho.

28th July 2009, 10:38 AM
Damn, Talon's is a good track
and beautifull btw...

the challenge is for SpeedLap on phantom : find a BR!

28th July 2009, 10:50 AM
Turbo with nose up off the bump right after the mag strip, if it's anything like pulse you should be able to score a br, though the absence of an ECS cage could make things a little more difficult.

28th July 2009, 10:59 AM
My main complaint is..... why Talons Junction? Why? It could have been Koltiwa, Burgertown, Vertica.....

btw the BR from Pulse is quite simple to do, and I found 6 more also ;)

My other complaint is - why do the new tracks feel so great with the new ships and why aren`t there more new tracks than this! :)

28th July 2009, 11:08 AM
Talon's Junction just doesnt have that great "flow" that the other tracks do... I'm not feelin' it for whatever reason.

28th July 2009, 11:26 AM
I disagree - I thought I was gonna dislike Talon's Junction like I do Vineta K, but playing it last night I was really enjoying it. The chicane has a really nice feel to it.

28th July 2009, 01:02 PM
burgertown? what kind of a name is that?
mewants gare d'europa - best.track.ever :D

28th July 2009, 02:25 PM
@ PS - Regarding the pad radius, the point is that I can normally catch a pad as long as part of my ship goes over it, but on the new tracks, the center of my ship pretty much has to cross the center of the pad in order to catch it. It's different than it was.

I noticed this too, thought I had vista pads offline for a while :donut...glad to know it's not just specific to me

I have a complaint about Modesto fwd, a few times BRing after the hill I've fallen straight through the track on landing (or not landing as the case may be), this has only happened offline in speed lap a few times but it really messes with your mind! :brickwall:blarg:bomb

28th July 2009, 05:18 PM
On the whole I think fury is excellent :clap but...

I had also got the feeling it was harder to hit speed and weapon pads, but thought I was probably imagining it.

In a couple of places on Talon's Junction (I think!) and maybe one other track I find the combination of blue lighting, blue track and blue speed pads means I can't see the speed pads in certain places. I haven't memorised where they are yet so I constantly miss them. :brickwall

I am really not fond of the new ship designs, the HD ones look like sleek anti grav craft but the Fury craft give me the feeling I am driving some horrendous Fast and the Furious body kitted car now, I might have to switch to internal view!

28th July 2009, 07:16 PM
Excellent feedback, breadhead. The blue-on-blue-within-blue is somewhat challenging :? . Though I will adjust. And I second your thought on the new ship design. Somewhat overengineered and too heavy bodyshoped - but not all. I like the Fury Mirage. But currently I'm back for my classic favorites, viz. Feisar, yellow.

One very minor complaint on the ship loyalty. It was a time consuming, painfull but also very helpful to get 100k for all ships before fury hit the store. Now it should be a piece of cake with eliminator and stuff around. Estimate ~5x faster. So where's the challenge here?

28th July 2009, 07:46 PM
I appreciate fury but some minors complaints :[LIST]

_ it regrettable that the ships fall always as much heavily after the jump (with the sound which goes with) ,vertical inertia, think there for the next opus please the guy!!! ,
_the design of the ships in fury, succeeds when we admires them on screen of selection but definitely much less from the back when we plays with external view , not very aerodynamic... (contrary of the ships of HD) ,
_and the circuit tech de Ra, graphically very in lower part (rocks and global lighting in particular )
_minor framedrop and tearing

29th July 2009, 12:51 AM
-The Zone exclusive tracks all seem to have a very similar abstract design above the track, you would think it would not have been too hard to switch it up a bit.

Was playing quite a lot of Zone levels tonight and this post kept running around in my head - just wanted to argue the contrary, that I am completely in awe of the environments surrounding the zone exclusive tracks - they have almost divine aesthetic to them, and are absolutely in keeping with what zone mode is for me. Truly inspired!!