View Full Version : Be aware of...

10th November 2002, 04:07 PM
...the Lancenator, for it's about to reach the fourth cipher in his post count.

Back on the old ezBoard days
8) hi, i'm glad to be here

hi, i'm lance, and as you can see by the emoticon, i live in florida. i started playing videogames last year, pretty late in life since i'm 58 (yes, i know i'm weir... um.. unusual. okay, weird.) i got wip3out last year, but just did the pickup and play thing without keeping records, and i never got more 'serious' about it till this year. i have a few top ten times on some of the tracks, but ive only gold-medaled up through all vector class races and venom class on the first 3 tracks, so i dont have all the ships and tracks yet.

when i first saw the times posted in the records on the association site, i was stunned. even though i have now gotten some semi-decent times in the lower class, i doubt that i will have the reflexes and consistency of concentration to equal the really hot pilots, but the game is such fun, and i will try to improve anyway.

wip3out is one of the highest quality games ive ever seen.
ive talked long enough for this intro. later.


It seemed so harmless back then... Who could have foreseen it? Now there is no way back. :cry:

Just kidding. :D :P :wink: Keep up the good work !


10th November 2002, 05:40 PM
harmless. yep, that's me. just like Earth in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. 'mostly harmless' if you have the Ford Prefect updated version. [whatever happened to the Anglia?]

thanks, xEik. um... don't forget the 449 posts on EZ-board to go along with the 997 here. :o
so far...
damn, i talk too much

10th November 2002, 07:19 PM
no no Lance, you dont talk to much, you just have alot to talk about :D

when i turn 58, i hope to be playing video games, the playstation 2 will be a treasure, older than the atari, wait, atari would be much older when im 58.

we'll have playstation 9, and everything will be virtual reality, and it will seem real. all priced at the original $300 :lol: :lol: :lol:

Prices on release

Playstation - $300
Playstation 2 - $300

........................................lets hope it stays this way

10th November 2002, 11:37 PM
while we're taking note of milestone numbers, notice that the WipeoutZone now has passed the 500 mark in membership!

number 501 joined today. i think i was number 167 or something [175, maybe?] when i joined about 14+ months ago

10th November 2002, 11:47 PM
And the forum has 250 registered users.

Soon we'll reach 7500 posts ( with the help of the Lancenator of course ;) )


11th November 2002, 01:13 AM
Happy 1000 Lance!


One day maybe i'll get to that level but not for a long long time, my hats' off to you. :) May your AG Drive never fail and your sheilds always be plentiful.



11th November 2002, 08:28 AM
Notice how it's taken a Moderator and all round active poster ten months to reach this number of posts, yet DJ Techno will probably arrive at that total before the year is out! ;) :P

11th November 2002, 12:34 PM
aus said:
''May your AG Drive never fail and your sheilds always be plentiful. ''

thanks aus, i can use all the hyperthrust i can get; zargz just beat my LS102 time in vector class!

Rob, i think he's slowing down. ;)
it was partly a matter of my reacting as a moderator to his posts, and to taking care of the details of running his multiversion challenge that gave a couple of bonus turbo pads to my posting.

and speaking of that challenge, i am disappointed that not one PAL player has entered times in the first week of it. zargz entered, but he used an NTSC version of the game [ come to think of it, i guess he still counts as a PAL region pilot for purposes of a sub competition between regions,] since we compensate for time differences with Al Sartwell's formula, it should be a fair competition between regions. don't be shy! [notice how i take advantage of any slightest opportunity to promote the challenge :) ]

11th November 2002, 03:34 PM
hey well done lance!

this site is doing so well! 500 members, and about 250 on the forum..... keep up the good work foxy! :D

DJ Techno
11th November 2002, 07:41 PM
I don't know, Infoxicated a thousands a lot
how long did it take me, to reach over 200?
I can talk a lot

But not so much, to be concidered a "looney tunes" :lol:
i would have to post more than, five times a day.

Well done Lance, I will see you at a thousand too, on New Years Eve :)

11th November 2002, 09:47 PM
DJT, you've been a member for 45 days and have made 216 posts, not counting all the ones i deleted. your current average is 4.91 posts per day. a week and a half ago, it was 5.47 despite the fact that with only one or two exceptions, you have only posted monday through friday, no weekends. in your first week here, i saw as many as 15 posts from you in one day. you reached 200 posts faster than even the system administrator when he had just set up the new forums and had to answer the members' many questions. while infoxicated was exaggerating for the sake of humour, it was not as big an exaggeration as one might suppose. :) i must 'fess up' that in the first couple of weeks of the forum, infox and i both hit 9+ posts a day on the average for about 2 days before our average started to drop back down. currently, my rather higher-than-it-should-be average is 3.60 per day. but it was lower before you and Feisar got here. ;)
it's partly because i do most of the moderating since i currently have more time available than anyone else, and infox has plenty on his plate already. 'Wam' doesn't go online and come here as much as i do, probably busy skating. hmm... that sounds like a good idea

11th November 2002, 11:35 PM

just 3 or more posts a day and we can be just like Lance!

(in 14 months :( )

12th November 2002, 01:12 AM

12th November 2002, 01:20 AM
feisar: it takes more than numbers, it takes actual content. :)

Dragon: i would like to never have to work at a crap job again, nor to work for any soulless corporation whatsoever ever

12th November 2002, 04:38 AM
Wow, I just realized that myself! :lol:

Congrats on being the first here to reach 1,000 posts, Lance. ;)

I might reach that amount.... in about 10 years. :lol:

DJ Techno
12th November 2002, 01:26 PM
10 years :wiseman; :lol:

I would tell you, that around that time i would have kids and be married.
And then say, bye, bye to boards. :) Because I would be so busy with the baby's diapers :lol:

I did 15 post in one day, over two hundred more than you and infox had started when the system was made, my average is 4.91 now its 5.47, and I only post Monday through Fridays.

I'm bad :lol:
I never relized, I that bad :lol:

12th November 2002, 02:38 PM
aside from getting the facts completely wrong, you are entirely correct. ;)

and, by the way Mike [DJ T], you take public criticism well, with a dash of humour and humility, instead of puffing up defensively and claiming that you have never done a wrong thing in your life. i like that.

DJ Techno
12th November 2002, 04:16 PM
Thank you, now i have to deal with a couple my own problems 8)

serious/intimate :oops:

Lance, know what I mean. :-?

12th November 2002, 06:12 PM
Hey! I have never done a wrong thing in my life. :evil:

:P :P :P It's the others who considered it to be wrong. Obviously they were the ones being wrong. They just couldn't realise. ;)


DJ Techno
12th November 2002, 06:27 PM
:o :o :o :o :-? :-? :-?

:wink: Just a little bit, I agree...that's all

13th November 2002, 07:37 PM
I couldn't resist it, I had to post my post #200 in this topic.

Some things are more satisfying if the time spent to get them is longer. It's like letting the icecream melt a little.


4th December 2002, 10:08 PM
Post number 8000 reached. :D Many more are to come. We can do it!