View Full Version : Good News and Bad News

20th July 2009, 03:33 PM
The good news is I've just been offered a job.

The bad news is it starts next Monday so I'll only have this weekend to get properly acquainted with Fury.

C'est la vie as they say !!

20th July 2009, 03:59 PM
You might HATE the job and chuck it in,be positive ;)

20th July 2009, 04:00 PM
I have the same problem as you fox. Uni starts next Monday for me, only have a few short days to enjoy it. With this got released two weeks ago when i finished the last of my exams.

20th July 2009, 04:27 PM
Well, I had been offered a temporary job (with the possibility of it leading to a permanent job) that was due to start on 10th Aug.

However, the role I've been offered is permanent, better salary and benefits and hopefully will actually be a career (been made redundant twice in my life and don't want to make it a third and that could have been a distinct possibility with the other job as the company has shed thousands of jobs already this year)

I'm sure I'll still find some time to hone my skills on Fury though but I expect to have my behind handed to me a lot on the new tracks.

20th July 2009, 04:41 PM
You know what Fox, fuk it. Take the job. Money matters.

If you discover that the manager is a two faced backstabber later on, then quit the job when he/she needs you at most, great sense of satisfaction in doing that.

Accumulate some money first. Fury can wait later, its probably going to be another 10months before another DLC is released, so you have plenty of time spare.

20th July 2009, 07:00 PM
That's YOUTH speaking .

KIGO if you have ever had to go through what Silverfox & I have gone through you would bite your tongue.

Don't think the Finance degree in business administration will hold you steady,they are the biggest back stabbing bunch of the lot.

I've seen many a man in his early thirties crying his eyes out coming from that profession after BELIEVING total numbers and charts would pull them through.



20th July 2009, 07:55 PM
...been made redundant twice in my life and don't want to make it a third...

ugh. Longest I ever worked for one company was 4 years, and that was way too long. Careers. ugh <There speaks the voice of of someone old but single. And happier than I would have been in a career.

20th July 2009, 08:29 PM
In case this sounds offensive: It's not supposed to! I'd just like to know how you made do, Lance? Have you been self-employed?


20th July 2009, 08:40 PM
No, I've just worked as little as possible. I'm something of an eccentric, and I just don't need some of the things that most people seem to "need" [desire].

20th July 2009, 08:50 PM
That's YOUTH speaking .

KIGO if you have ever had to go through what Silverfox & I have gone through you would bite your tongue.

Don't think the Finance degree in business administration will hold you steady,they are the biggest back stabbing bunch of the lot.

I've seen many a man in his early thirties crying his eyes out coming from that profession after BELIEVING total numbers and charts would pull them through.



It is youth talking, to a certain extent,

I hate the hospitality and retails jobs i was doing, its energy draining and soul degrading jobs, i hate it so much, it had its moments, but overall, it was horrible,

Thats why im not giving up untill ive completed every single unit for my University Bachelor. No matter how high my HECS debt accumulates to.

Im doing Business studies now as the employment environment changed heaps from that of a few years ago. Sometimes i wished i sticked with Engineering as that is so much more interesting, and what my frame of mine is more suited for. But what i really wanted to do is architecture, but as ive been highly suggested by the most successful of my relatives, only the top of the top achievers in that industry have stable employment. This is why im studying what im studying. Self sufficiency is the goal, and not to stab people in the back to achieve that, because i know what it is like to experience that.

When your young you still have that burning passion to achieve what you always wanted to do, with time, age, financial background, that seems to slowly vaporizer. Then gone.

Fox, i still strongly believe what i typed in my first post on this thread. Leave Fury til a little later. Financial stability is higher priority. But i can understand how it is during an inconvenient time.

21st July 2009, 02:10 PM
If I didn't have a Mrs and daughter to support I wouldn't be too bothered about what job I did. I'm more of a "work to live" person rather than "live to work".

Just gutting that I've had the last 4 months off and now Fury comes out and I start work 3 days later. Will also have lots of stuff to do this weekend.

But as pointed out I will have plenty of months to get my head round Fury so bring it on !!

21st July 2009, 03:36 PM
Well, I'm glad on your behalf. Wondering wether you can make the next payment on the house/apartment can make one miserable. Been there, done that.

Fury will wait for you :)

31st July 2009, 03:15 PM
Well the job didn't last too long !!!!

Have to say it has been the longest, most tedious and frankly boring week of my life.

I've had 2 hours training out of a possible 40 !!

But the work was a joke. Literally clicking from one computer program to another, then another and another, another and one more for good measure.

Just spent the whole week watching other people work. But the thought of doing what they were doing all day for 5 days a week was too much. I'd rather be jobless and happy than in a dull dull job going crazy.

On the plus side it means I will be able to play Wipeout again. Haven't had a chance to switch it on since Sunday.

It does mean back to the cut-throat world of job hunting but I've still got some redundancy money left from my previous job so time is on my side for the moment.

31st July 2009, 04:30 PM
do you want to refer me to them? i need a job pronto

bad luck you didn't like it...