View Full Version : Kill a celebrity in wipeout.

13th July 2009, 06:04 PM
What celebrities would you like to appear on the track in the middle of a wipeout race where you could hit them at 800km per her or shoot them with a weapon.

Name your celebrity
name their crime
name what wipeout method of death they deserve.

I'll start

Simon Cowel from x factor:turd:turd:turd:turd
His crime is making money off of breaking kids hearts and humiliating them on national tv and also for rigging results to the benifit of his bank balance.

method of death..i would like to shoot him with a quake weapon

while on the sol track and watch him float off into the clouds

name your crap celebrity

13th July 2009, 06:11 PM
piers morgan from x factor

His crime is being a complete ass and having opinions on acts that no one cares about

method of death..i would like to shoot him with a missile
to see what he thinks of it

13th July 2009, 06:14 PM
Zico Lou: from Studio Liverpool
His crime: Bringing the cuntyist ever Wipeout or PSN trophy come to be
method of death:Absolute fuking annihilation on anytrack, most particularly on Analpha Pass where that bitchy part of the track is. Well thats what Eliminator mode is for:)

13th July 2009, 06:18 PM
hahaha kigo..dont know who zico is but he sounds a right arsehole. I hate impossible achievements, ive had a few on xbox360.

Piers morgan is a twatt and he does talk crap too..he needs arocket up the arse for sure.:hyper

13th July 2009, 06:19 PM
:lol:lol:lol What a thread!

Russell Brand
His crime is being a general nasty piece of work (seems like a bully), only nobody seems to notice...
Method of death: Just turbo straight over him. Maybe with a BR exactly as you hit.:lol

I'm sure there are far more deserving people than him, but :lol - it's only a joke anyway...

13th July 2009, 06:22 PM
yes like robert mugarby from africa.

his crime being a thieve liar and murderer with nothing good to say about him.

method of death

empty a full clip off of the machine gun into while he is on a hairpin curve then all the racers bounce thier ships off his dead fat arse to help them round the corner for those extra quick lap times;)

13th July 2009, 06:31 PM
Awesome game! I like it! It is pity in my fantasies only :hyper

I wanna to see our ugly president and his government and to use repulsor totally decomposing their fat and bad-smelling asses. :turd

Their crime? They are criminals anyway!

13th July 2009, 06:35 PM
Are you russian, if you are you better be careful talking about your really nice president like that or you may end up a prison in siberia or a room like on the hostel movies with vladimir putin standing their with a blow torch and a machette with a big smile on his face saying "Arrh your papers dont appear to be in order comrade";)

13th July 2009, 06:35 PM
hahaha kigo..dont know who zico is but he sounds a right arsehole.


Dont let Paul Tweedle or Colin Berry find that out, or they'll loose one of there Programming team members, lol. BTW i got his name wrong, it is actually Zico Liu. Sounds like he's from southern Asia.

13th July 2009, 06:42 PM
jasmin-jade I am from Ukraine so I am not russian :) Putin is a very clever guy :lol

13th July 2009, 06:45 PM
If it's worth killing someone in fantasy, then it's worth spelling their name right so you know you've killed the right fantasy person instead of an innocent fantasy person.

You people seem to be a rather angry and vengeful lot. Why so angry? Let the kids ignore Simon. Let Zico continue to make things challenging. You don't have to accept the challenge. It's just an effin' game.

Oh, and BTW, to quote the Joker: "Why so serious?"

:evil :g


jasmin-jade I am from Ukraine so I am not russian :) Putin is a very clever guy :lol

Possibly clever, but not good, IMO.

13th July 2009, 06:53 PM
I reckon a new social group should be created featuring all the European nations.

And Arch can be the leader of the social group.

Rise of the Soviet Union again i guess.

13th July 2009, 06:58 PM
lol I am the only russian speaking being here :naughty

13th July 2009, 07:08 PM
I thought you spoke Ukrainian. ;)

13th July 2009, 07:13 PM
I can speak ukrainian too that is not a problem ;) Sorry for offtopic
I have one request to you all guys and gals... if you will see russian wiper here who does not understand english please tell him to join my group! (http://wipeoutzone.com/forum/group.php?groupid=29)

13th July 2009, 07:14 PM
This topic started out as an off topic. :)

Rapier Racer
13th July 2009, 07:24 PM
KIGO I'm surprised you didn't choose bill gates.

*The scene*

And there's bill lying on the track wriggling around hands and legs bound, here comes a KIGO in his Triakis, he lines his ship up aiming for the upcoming weapons pad, here it comes!!!............*VISTA PAD*

13th July 2009, 07:28 PM
Probably should be MS CEO Steve Balmer instead of Gates, though he has much to answer for, also. They tend to imitate the methods of John D. Rockefeller, who in his later life liked to pretend he was a Christian and who tried to buy his way into heaven by funding charities with money he'd made by being thoroughly unethical and unscrupulous.

13th July 2009, 07:44 PM
All the members of BrokeNCYDE.

13th July 2009, 07:57 PM
Celebrity:Bill Gates
Why? he's a monopolistic jackass. Why not? He has all that money, and he doesn't have decent glasses. I mean, WTF?
How? what RR said, but spear his ass with one of the Triakis prongs first, then get out of it and slam his face with a PS3. Owned.:p

13th July 2009, 08:06 PM
:lol:lol:lol What a thread!

Russell Brand
His crime is being a general nasty piece of work (seems like a bully), only nobody seems to notice...
Method of death: Just turbo straight over him. Maybe with a BR exactly as you hit.:lol

I'm sure there are far more deserving people than him, but :lol - it's only a joke anyway...

I second what Smad said!

Russell ****ing Brand man!

The most annoying loud mouth on television with the most distateful dress sense ever - He wears make up - with stubble - come on!!! That is just off. The first time I saw him on TV - I couldnt eat for 2 days flat... my stomach was churnning cheese as an afterthought.... that's just not on people!


Target Celebrity: Russell Brand

Crime: Being Born/Bing an Arse by default/Being a national annoyance/Being a pseudo goth/being a fridge magnet/having a nest in his hair/having a gob which won't close/talking cheese... I can go on, but I think you get the idea...

Method of Death: To be tied to a Piranha and taken for a spin on speed lap on Gemini Dam Black - til he disintegrates... then any remnant left of him/or his clothing - get plasmad into oblivion...

I ****ing hate the guy!!!

Peace to all... Ace!

13th July 2009, 08:42 PM
You don't have to watch him; get over it. :g

13th July 2009, 09:33 PM
I nknow - I don't watch him - but I know who I'd like to kill by Plasma - put it that way! heh ;)

13th July 2009, 10:59 PM
You don't have to watch him; get over it. :g

Lance who do you think need wipeout justice. So many bad people to chose from.:hyper

14th July 2009, 12:03 AM
Target Celebrity: Britney spears

Her crime is: not actually singing her songs just lipsyncing she is supposed to be a singer.

method of death..it would have to be a trail of mines

14th July 2009, 12:14 AM
Zico Lou: from Studio Liverpool
His crime: Bringing the cuntyist ever Wipeout or PSN trophy come to be
method of death:Absolute fuking annihilation on anytrack, most particularly on Analpha Pass where that bitchy part of the track is. Well thats what Eliminator mode is for:)

Thats really mean, lol. :|

14th July 2009, 01:26 AM
Lol kyoto, i cant tell if you are being serious or not.

KIGO I'm surprised you didn't choose bill gates.

*The scene*

And there's bill lying on the track wriggling around hands and legs bound, here comes a KIGO in his Triakis, he lines his ship up aiming for the upcoming weapons pad, here it comes!!!............*VISTA PAD*

Bill Gates is on No.1 on my hit list regardless of the situation. He'll meet his fate sooner or later:)

Bloody fuking Vista pads. I had many last night, i mean way too many. Too many Frogs got by last night with getting series after series of laps with no weapons at all, only managed two wins. I think Asa and Expatrius smuggled some Red Bull into France last night, they where fuking fast on the track. One thing ive discovered with Asa, and the rest of the French playing last night, they are scared of any form of Moa Therma, because it was never selected in any tournament at all.

14th July 2009, 02:08 AM
Lance who do you think need wipeout justice. So many bad people to chose from.:hyper

Well, since you asked, I think this thread is such a such a childish waste of time that it ought to justly be.. well, not sacrificed, but simply never started.

14th July 2009, 02:20 AM
We're having a lil laugh is all. I guess It can become a lil controversial, hmmm...

Ontopic - Simon Cowell is a good candidate.

14th July 2009, 02:29 AM
Fun discussing the murder of real life humans, is it? I guess I can see how that would be an hilarious way to spend one's ti... no, I can't. I guess I don't have that much anger to spend on second rate [or less] misdeeds. I save my murderous fantasies for humans who commit much greater evil. I don't want to waste that much energy and time on those who are just minor irritants.

14th July 2009, 02:43 AM
I don't really hate Russell Brand that much...

14th July 2009, 03:29 AM
LoL @ KIGO. ;)

I was just relieved that Zico wasn't some 11 year old Chinese kid - because after the fight it took to beat him - it would have been a pound of salt in the wound if he were >18 years old.

Thank you for being old like me, Zico - and not some pre-pubescent little wanker.

Someone I would like to see on the track - on the business end of my Auricom.... Hmm.... We need bigger tracks, because I've got a list....

14th July 2009, 07:43 AM
Name : Sega
Crime : Delaying Aliens :: Colonial Marines/Cancels Aliens RPG and release Avp 3 instead
Method : Race with an entire team of wipeout elite's who all place a bomb in Chengou's corner giving him 7 bomb's to eat. After that get out of the vehicle and urinate on its burning corpse and play a good game of soccer with his head.

Yeah, I really don't like Sega...

14th July 2009, 08:07 AM

They still make the best Arcade racers.

14th July 2009, 08:41 AM

They still make the best Arcade racers.

dont care, they shouldnt have ****ed with the Alien franchise. I never get pissed about anything, but this sjit really pushes my buttons. ****ing AVP.... of all licences... 2 crap movies and they still don't get it. Fox finally got it, why can't Sega get it then?

Sorry m8, but Sega really pissed me off. :frown:

14th July 2009, 10:40 PM
Fun discussing the murder of real life humans, is it? I guess I can see how that would be an hilarious way to spend one's ti... no, I can't. I guess I don't have that much anger to spend on second rate [or less] misdeeds. I save my murderous fantasies for humans who commit much greater evil. I don't want to waste that much energy and time on those who are just minor irritants.

it's fun lance, no one here would kill any of these annoying celebrities in real life. No one talked about really bad people like for example rapists and serial killers as it is bad taste to to joke about them with a game so it was just jokes about talentless z-listers.

The thread is childish as you say.but thats a good thing as children have more fun than adults being adults.


14th July 2009, 10:54 PM

15th July 2009, 01:04 AM
Er... Um... New candidate for President IMO!

15th July 2009, 03:34 AM
I've always had pretty much the same amount of fun as children have.

I think that the idea that fantasising about killing celebrities is some sort of fun is an idea not so much immature as it is unbalanced.

"it's fun lance, no one here would kill any of these annoying celebrities in real life. No one talked about really bad people like for example rapists and serial killers as it is bad taste to to joke about them with a game so it was just jokes about talentless z-listers."

So talking about killing really bad people is in bad taste, but talking about killing relatively harmless celebrities is not? And is perfectly okay and fun?

15th July 2009, 04:48 AM
Harmless celebrity? :naughty

No such thing.

15th July 2009, 12:17 PM
I think Asa and Expatrius smuggled some Red Bull into France last night, they where fuking fast on the track. One thing ive discovered with Asa, and the rest of the French playing last night, they are scared of any form of Moa Therma, because it was never selected in any tournament at all.
Moa sucks Bill's dicK :banzai

You can blame Ichigo17 : he is the criminal ... and not a smooth one, by bringing an Absinthe bottle ( this alcool is not tolerate in France since 1915 but Red Bull does Kig ;) ) to the Normandie Convention hosted by Expitarius.

15th July 2009, 12:23 PM
So the French eat green cheese and drink green alcohol:g

15th July 2009, 12:33 PM
No matter of what , it was a green Party this weekend : I also get a Get27 (pippermint) and Kaori ended the list by a Zubrowka ( ok not fully green but tainted)

15th July 2009, 07:40 PM
get27: seulement de la menthe?

I have a get27 billboard poster in my room, it's huuuuge!

15th July 2009, 11:58 PM
@asa: hmm you got me thinking about chartreusse ( or however its spelled only french green licor i know of lol.

to topic:
target: madonna
crime: she ruined guy richies ability to make good movies for a long long time. and also the kaballah thingy, that sucks so much its semi-funny.
kiled by: sonic boom in zone

16th July 2009, 01:48 AM
Hmm this is an interesting thread haha.
I cant decide on a celebrity really, i mean they havent actually caused me any harm so i cant say.

But what i can say, is if i had to chose a way for me to die, it would be like this:
OK so im up late in the garage, testing out my AG-sys craft, preparing for tomorrows race.
Im under the craft, and it is jacked up (obv not on AG units - those things cause cancer when your under them!!).
However i accidentally tamper with the weapon selection cable (connected to the sensors for the weapon pads) and then autopilot is engaged!!!
the turbines start up, and then *Phonnng bffffff (then hissing noise)* - I was sucked into the engine :/
the ship scrapes along the floor, autopilot struggling to navigate without the AG units enabled, and finally disengages somewhere in the middle of the street hahahaha

(hahah yes you can call me sad, but i call it imagination!!)

Actually that was a good bit of fan fiction if i might say so myself... about the AG units being hazardous to health when in directly underneath.. what anyone else think?

16th July 2009, 02:23 AM
Dont do it..you have everything to live for:hyper:hyper:hyper

16th July 2009, 02:49 PM
username, it happens to me this way: I'm blasting down the hill on Porto Kora, and then the cell phone rings. Whilst trying to get the phone out of my pocket, it catches on the flight suit because the phone is one of the old thick models. I look down at it just as I'm coming to the curve at the end of the tunnel, and I smash the Icaras into the wall and bounce off to the other side and back a few times. The ship explodes and I burn to a crisp. That'll teach me to turn the ringtone off. Er... no, it won't. I'm too dead to learn anything else.

16th July 2009, 03:10 PM
Hmm this is an interesting thread haha.
I cant decide on a celebrity really, i mean they havent actually caused me any harm so i cant say.

But what i can say, is if i had to chose a way for me to die, it would be like this:
OK so im up late in the garage, testing out my AG-sys craft, preparing for tomorrows race.
Im under the craft, and it is jacked up (obv not on AG units - those things cause cancer when your under them!!).
However i accidentally tamper with the weapon selection cable (connected to the sensors for the weapon pads) and then autopilot is engaged!!!
the turbines start up, and then *Phonnng bffffff (then hissing noise)* - I was sucked into the engine :/
the ship scrapes along the floor, autopilot struggling to navigate without the AG units enabled, and finally disengages somewhere in the middle of the street hahahaha

(hahah yes you can call me sad, but i call it imagination!!)

Actually that was a good bit of fan fiction if i might say so myself... about the AG units being hazardous to health when in directly underneath.. what anyone else think?

It is redundant; AG craft can fix themselves.:p

16th July 2009, 03:32 PM
ermmmm...thread started off about killing z-list celebritie, now its about killing yourself....wtf:cold

i think thread need to be closed now...

16th July 2009, 04:12 PM
It is redundant; AG craft can fix themselves.:p

Not in W3O, they don't. :)

16th July 2009, 08:23 PM
You had to do that, didn't you? :lol Just when I thought I was coming up with something significant.:D