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27th April 2014, 07:00 AM
I made a logo of Katana Advancements, what Angelus was before the name change


27th April 2014, 10:50 AM
Yesterday I've made twofar more prettier Jennter logos (both for the racing devision)
I also drawed 3 crafts, also looking for more professional than my last craft :P

Jennter Racing Crafts (2038-2045)
Jennter Anti-Gravity Racing Team (2053-present)

AGR Indy (AGR 2040 Race 3; Indy 500 2040, 2041)
Indy 1 (IndyCraft Series 2042)
FX400 v.1.0 (FX400 2209)

I also think about changing the sub-company system, from a consortium to one company called "Jennter Enterprises" I this case I would need to change the whole backstory that I created. What do you think?

30th April 2014, 05:25 AM
It is your team, so it's up to you, do what you want! I'm sure your backstory will be awesome nonetheless. :D

30th April 2014, 02:49 PM
Having a start with my teams fan fic.

-Wyvern AR data cast 049-

Hello Wyvern fans!

Welcome to the new Wyvern AR data cast, we all know you've been anticipating our next instalment for the future of the FX350 league.

Firstly we would like to announce the new FX350 Wyvern craft is almost finished its trials and soon you, our fans will be able to see the new Wyvern racer!
Our tests have shown the new model performs like a beast, displaying high top end output, acceleration and awesome handling. Although our researchers are still struggling with the weapons, they have made a breakthrough by developing new shielding technology which allows good shields without hampering the performance of the chassis.

Second means of business our performance in the new league shows promise to our future! We have gained a large number of sponsors and so now our financial support will one day mean the Wyvern AR AG festival will now happen! Come see the new FX350 racing craft and see first hand the fruits of our labour. The new XAF-72 Wyvern will be unveiled at the event!

Stay tuned to the next data cast for future instalments on our progress and learn more about the new craft, project trinity and more!

Wyvern AR, racing with dragons

30th April 2014, 03:56 PM
Neat! That just motivated me to continue my fanfic, continuing after Crinale's creation and the year they entered the FX400...

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2209

Sender: <brandon.smith@angelus-rd.com.au>
To: <tarah.andrews@angelus-rd.com.au>; <gareth.ardos@angelus-rd.com.au>
Subject: Race Briefing: 2209-05-02 - Crinale
Attachments: CrinaleSpecs.pdf

Greetings racers

This briefing is short, since you've had one already regarding the racetrack. It has not changed, you will still be racing at Talon's Junction, and I know you have been training hard with the simulator, but there's one thing that is not in the simulator: A team that is out for blood, specifically, Crinale Technologies, Inc.

As you no doubt know, Crinale was unfortunately formed by several Angelus employees. As such, they have an extreme rivalry with us and are not afraid to eliminate us, in fact, this seems to be their number one goal, to prove that their combat-oriented racing style is superior to our speed and maneuverability-centric style. Your job is to disprove them, and our ship is great at that, as it is better than Crinale's in more ways than one (See Attached). You can outspeed, outaccelerate and outmaneuver them, this will make avoiding their attacks simple, if you know what you're doing, which I know you do.

However, beating them will be no easy feat, since they will be focusing primarily on us. I don't know who is calling the shots, but their leader will be the one who has decided on how forceful they will be to get their goals. I know I don't have to say this, but do not let them do so! If they do so, the consequenses might lead to another dark age in the history of AG Racing, like the F9000.

I know you can beat them, so let's get to it, We're Faster than Angels!

Brandon Smith
Director, Founder
Angelus R&D

30th April 2014, 04:05 PM
We're Faster than Angels!

That's one of the best motto's I've ever heard!

1st May 2014, 08:43 AM
Haha, thanks! :D

Also, I should clarify that the recipients for that email are Tarah Andrews, lead pilot, and Gareth Ardos, second pilot.

EDIT: Ooh, I have a great continuation of my fanfic, but I don't want to bump with a double post.

9th May 2014, 07:12 PM
Some very interesting, and well nice background info for both teams, ditto for the fan art.

It may be obvious but I'm asking anyway...would Angelus and Crinale be both inspired by ...well obvious the Kamata Angelus and Rivelta/Soldat Crinale of Ridge Racer fame? (given they're both the angel and devil cars for much of the series).

10th May 2014, 01:53 AM
SR-75 Blackbird, the ultimate green league team

Hope you don't mind, I took the liberty of having a little play around with the name.


10th May 2014, 06:21 AM
It may be obvious but I'm asking anyway...would Angelus and Crinale be both inspired by ...well obvious the Kamata Angelus and Rivelta/Soldat Crinale of Ridge Racer fame? (given they're both the angel and devil cars for much of the series).

Yes, yes they are! :D

10th May 2014, 08:36 AM
The inspiration of my team came from one of my favourite game series:

Wyvern AR comes from the No. 10 racer Little Wyvern from the F-zero series, this was a combat plane converted into a racing machine by space dynamics (Hence I choose my team to convert real military combat aircraft).
Rather than have space dynamics though, I made up Aeronautical Research as a more modern take for the time period of the wipeout series.

Also in mythological terms, "Wyvern" are a species of dragon hence the new motto.

Hence: Wyvern AR, Racing with dragons! came to be ;)

10th May 2014, 10:47 AM
Fun Fact: The Little Wyvern and James McCloud are based on the Star Fox series, James looks like a human version of Fox's father, while the Little Wyvern looks like the Arwing.

10th May 2014, 11:31 AM
I knew that and its one of my favourite easter eggs in games, Star fox was the first game I ever played and I have an original copy of every games they released. I'm still waiting for Nintendo to make a new one (if they ever will :P )

14th May 2014, 10:03 PM
I'm not good with concept art so instead I wrote a vague history of a team that's been braincrack for a few weeks now.

A UK based team starting as a project among universities and higher education engineering establishments.

2156 - Engineering undergraduates Alex Tyven and Jessica Ashley found a university based amateur AG society to commemorate the start of the inaugural F9000 Anti-Gravity Racing League season. Basic AG is covered as a joint module within a Physics department and so with some help from staff and institution funding, a small "go-kart" craft is constructed using parts from commercial vehicles over the following 12 months.

2158 - The project is opened up to other establishments, becoming the UK-H.E.A.G. (UK Higher Education Anti-Gravity), a non-profit organisation aimed to give students with an interest in AG additional practical experience in the field. A guest lecture given by Natasha Belmondo rockets the organization into the public eye, and additional funding is granted by a coalition of higher-education funding bodies to allow development of a basic prototype race craft.

2160 - The prototype ship is unveiled to the public, with the return of Alex Tyven to demonstrate the craft. Several notable features of the vehicle catch the attention of the AG racing community.

The first is the crafts bizarre juxtaposition of highly developed parts, and an extremely low end construction. The organization had concluded that funding should be focused on allowing students to creatively develop their own variations of key components, resulting in huge manufacturing costs. As a result, the craft has near to no external shielding, with a largely open chassis leaving mechanical components exposed. This has some benefit in allowing viewers to see the unique construction and components, but makes the craft almost entirely unusable in even underground races.

The second was the unique thrust system. Physicists within the team had developed a unique system known as "dual-stacked lock-in-phase" thrusters. The mechanism is essentially very precisely stacking two thruster systems, and allowing the phase of the engine cycles to lock resulting in a kind of resonance. One thruster would add to the other, and this would add back, and so on and so forth. This positive feedback look allowed to extreme speed to be obtained, however the engines take a long time to lock phase, and mechanical shock can throw them back out of phase. For this reason, acceleration is extremely slow until the phases lock, and careless piloting can reset the engines resulting in dramatic and sudden loss of speed.

The final, though less immediately obvious quirk was a slight asymmetry in the ships stabilizer wings. A manufacturing defect left the front left and right wings slightly different from one another, and budget constraints prevented this from being fixed. The solution to this was the development of an extremely powerful, though inefficient, computer system to compensate. Without this, the ship would naturally and unpredictably shift left at high speeds. The computer system constantly analyses the ships system data and counters this natural movement with no pilot input. This allows for piloting that feels natural even with this mechanical instability.

The team give no illusion of quality, with Alex Tyven infamously explaining "it's all kinds of s**t, but she's great fun to fly."

2161 - The team officially register as a commercial research organisation, still focused on bringing university graduates into the sport. Renamed to GB-HERO (Great British Higher Education Racing Organisation).

2162 - To aid development of a new version of the GB-HERO craft, investment requests are made to investors within Overtel. All are unsuccessful, with one investor having said "Europe needs no more teams. This is nothing but an idea run by kids. Call me when Feisar falls". Development continues, despite budget constraints.

2170 - The F9000 league falls. All competing teams under heavy investigation. This apparently constitutes as Feiser falling, as the disgruntled investor calls offering funding opportunities. Many claim this was a crude attempt to distance himself from the Overtel controversy. GB-HERO accept the money.

2170 - 2184 - The team develops several prototype ships, with focus remaining on developing new and novel technologies. Creativity is at the heart of the team. The downfall of the league allows underground racing to blossom, a setting in which such novel technology is praised due to lack of regulation and increased enthusiasm for innovation. The unfortunate result of this is a series of notoriously unstable ships. The DSLP thruster is refined to near perfection, however part of this included attempts to prevent de-phasing from sharp turning and jumps. The computer system first designed to compensate for wing-asymmetry is developed to automatically adjust navigation to prevent shocks to components. This made navigation unpredictable and often failed to prevent de-phasing anyway.

The ships become famous for demonstrating new technology but being almost comically unstable.

2185 - The Anti-Gravity Rebirth Festival is held as an amateur racing event in Tule Desert, Nevada to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Pierre Belmondo's historic flight. Part of this included a charity event hosted by GB-HERO in which renound ex-pilots would compete in a 3 lap race in various HERO prototype ships. The expectation is naturally a hilarious show of pro-pilots struggling to handle the unpredictable ships. This is generally the case with one exception.

The most recent model, the HERO Sigma, had been developed by a closed group within the team. Funding had often been diverted to the Sigma team to develop the craft in great secrecy. The unpredictable software stabilization had been replaced with a state of the art shockmount for the thrusters, allowing a level of secondary suspension to prevent de-phasing shocks. The wings had been connected up to an entirely separate system to work in perfect unison with the movement of the shockmount, allowing for a more natural feeling navigation system while still maintaining the crucial engine phase.

To the worlds disbelief, Natasha Belmondo is quoted as having said "it's the single most stable craft of it's kind. The creativity that went into that system is phenomenal."

Many more pilots, both professional and amateur were given the opportunity to pilot the Sigma. While the navigation system takes getting used to, and de-phasing does still happen occasionally, the unique shockmount put the Sigma in a class of it's own.

Comments were frequently made about the unique acceleration. The ship would accelerate excruciatingly slowly until the engines locked phase, at which point the ship would lurch forward, and every aspect of the handling would change. Many claimed it like piloting two entirely different ships, one slow with tight navigation, and one almost uncontrollably fast with a twitchy, unpredictable but strangely stable navigation system. The change between these being almost instantaneous.

2185 - 2197 - The Sigma, and subsiquent variations, go on to compete well in many underground and semi-professional tournaments. The team become financially independent during this time, and continue to hire many graduates using their money to further fund creative and innovative research.

2197 - The computer aided navigation system and DSLP thruster system are deemed unsuitable for the FX300 Anti-Gravity Racing League, going against many agreed standards. The team no longer compete in professional leagues, but continue research in systems for the sport, and work with students and graduates to develop them in the field before going on to work for competing teams.

21st May 2014, 11:42 PM
Some food for thought;

If AG Racing is inspired by modern Formula 1 racing, wouldn't major corporations that participated in F1 want to have a go at AG racing? Say... Marlboro, or Red Bull. I suppose I'll figure that one out myself...

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Team: Red Bull.defy
Origin: Belgium
Ship: Legacy 2240
Motto: "We Return."

After the fall of Formula 1 racing in 2031, energy drink company Red Bull withdrew from its major role in the adrenaline-sports world. Slowly enough, the brand of drink waned in popularity, and the company was forced to close in 2143. However, after the FX-400 and 450 season, two Belgian entrepreneurs named Christoph Holtzman and Jean-Luc deFontaine had discovered the remains of the old Red Bull company, and its motorsports heritage. Disgruntled by the constant changing-of-hands that FEISAR put up with, Holtzman and deFontaine proposed a national AG team. The Belgian government agreed, and gave the two its blessing. Thus began Red Bull.defy(as in "defy gravity," in reference to antigravity engines) as a proper team. Under much rumor and dispute, this revival of a nearly ancient racing team developed a unique AG craft, taking inspiration from Formula 1, and stunt planes. Soon, they came up with the Legacy 2240, a front-cockpit, single-hulled AG craft with state-of-the-art weapons capabilities, and respectable handling technology. Truly, "We Return" is a fitting motto.

17th August 2014, 05:32 AM
I just recently brainstormed a team. Still working on it, though.

Cyphoma Developments

County of origin: UCR (United Caribbean Republic)

Cyphoma was established in 2189 by the United Caribbean Republic, which was formed five years earlier. During the economic depression following the collapse of the F9000 league, Jamaica, Haiti, Cuba, and Dominican Republic decided to join the world of Anti-Gravity. Like Auricom, Cyphoma followed Pierre Belmondo's philosophy of using AG technology for the good of mankind. However, unlike Auricom, they were very aggressive and made few friends within the FX500 league.

That's all I have so far....:?

21st August 2014, 04:17 AM
Ship name: "Hyperion"

By Digistruct Technologies Inc.

I think you can see where I'm going with this...

Using a combination of digital struct technologies combined with the near limitless power provided by a hybridized Eridium powered engine, the Hyperion was developed as a covert prototype of a single pilot reconnaissance craft. The Hyperion is easy to transport as it is digistructed at all events onsite as opposed to having to be transported. Another advantage of the digistruct technology is quicker respawns upon ship destruction and in the event a pilot flies off the circuit. However due to being so lightweight, the craft had to be heavily modified to be adapted to suit racing purposes and suffers from collisions and weapon damage due to being so fragile.

One additional unique feature is upon destruction, the craft automatically files a digistruct missile at the craft responsible (like a Tediore reload).

Company slogan: "Fight or Flight? Why not both... at the same time?"

21st August 2014, 09:19 AM
Is the lead pilot called Wilhelm??
Perhaps director of operations is called Handsome Jack??

I like the giant Easter egg, awesome team xD

21st August 2014, 11:58 AM
Maybe Maya would be the lead, and zer0 would be the 2nd. They see like effective pilots, although I have to admit that Jack was who first came to mind and Wilheim is practically an autopilot anyway after all the upgrades.

24th August 2014, 11:59 AM
I would like something that I can look at and say, "something like that may happen".

Venom Racing Development:

Ship type: dual hull

Country of origin: USA

History: Founded in 2205 by Grant Samson, Venom were originally a commercial ag ship manufacturer, and decided to compete in the
FX500 league in 2213. Their craft are very good, with great handling. They follow Belmondo's philosophy and have a separate branch of the company for racing only, so research wont get in the way of racing.

FX500 ship stats:

speed: 70/100
handling: 95/100
thrust: 65/100
shields: 85/100

25th August 2014, 01:31 PM
You pretty much just described a FEISAR with bad thrust and slightly worse handling! : 70/100/80/80

25th August 2014, 02:00 PM
You pretty much just described a FEISAR with bad thrust and slightly worse handling! : 70/100/80/80

And Dual Hull, donĀ“t ignore the dual hull :P

3rd September 2014, 09:53 PM
Okay, I guess I shouldn't have said "very good", but I thought up of a better story and I guess while I'm at it ill make the ship "very good". (also, I am not good at making names!)

Venom Racing Development

Ship Type: Dual Hull

Origin: U.S.A

In 2155, Grant Samson founded Venom, a commercial a-g ship manufacturer that later joined the F-9000 league in 2166. Their ship was moderately good, with great handling and sheilds. Although they had lots of success in the F-9000, due to some highly skilled pilots, when the league collapsed, they were on the brink of bankruptcy. They invested millions of dollars in their craft, and it only competed for a couple years.

They still managed to make it through to the dawn of the FX300 league by selling commercial ships once more, where they were thrilled to hear they could race some more. They entered the FX300 late, in 2198 because they wanted to refine their ship to have more success. After using up pretty much all the money they had left in a final attempt to get the glory they had before, the ship turned out brilliant. it was one of the best on the track, and the company went from dying to thriving by the time the FX350 and 400 where announced.

They decided to take the same approach as last time, and came to the leagues late, in 2208. They moved on to the FX500 league later, not coming late finally, where their research and financial backing helped them.

F-9000 Ship: Their F-9000 ship SORT OF looks like a cross between the Qirex F-5000 and Auricom F-7200. It sort of looks like the Auricom but with the wing looking from the Qirex things on the front and back. The paint job is SORT OF like Feisar's F-9000 but with red and black. (the yellow part is red blue part is black and the letters are black and say venom.)stats: (as un-upgraded.)
speed:1106 kph
stability: 7%
thrust: 0-400 kph in 1.9 secs
mass: 1800 kg
shields: 100 gsu
weapons: 88 gsu

FX-300 ship: SORT OF a cross between the Auricom And Assegai FX300. It has a similar cockpit and back to the Auricom and the hulls are sort of like the Assegai. The paint job is thin black racing stripes on the hulls and cockpit, and on the side it has a single black stripe (on the side of each hull) that has VENOM in it sort of like: -----------VENOM--------- (the line isn't dashed on the ship) and the tops of the hulls are darker red than the rest. stats:
speed: 8/10

FX-350 ship: pretty much same. The livery is the same as the FX-300 but the very front panels are darker red and so are the panels around the cockpit and back. The racing stripes are now one black one white. It also has more sponsors.
Alternate livery #1: Same but switched stripe and main colors. Alternate livery #2: racing stripes are on sides now, VENOM stripes on top of hulls and cockpit. stats:

FX-350 Fury ship: SORT OF a cross of the Auricom and Qirex fury ships, similar to the front halves of the hulls of an Auricom on a Qirex. The livery is SORT OF the Auricom fury livery but some of the stars are gone, some have been replaced with VENOM. stats:

FX-400: same as FX-350. Alternate is alternate #1 from FX-350. stats: same as FX-350

FX-400 concept: looks a lot like the icaras FX-400 ship. livery has been made to fit single hull. livery is also slightly different.

NOTE: ship descriptions are very vague. same with ship liveries. this is just to give an idea of their story and ship type. the liveries are not actual. they would look better and more detailed.

4th September 2014, 01:15 AM
imagination is a wonderful thing :)

17th October 2014, 10:33 PM
Zweigart Ltd.

Ship Type: Quad-hull (F7200, FX400)
Dual hull (F9000)

Origin: United Kingdom (as Throttle Jam Motors) 2125-2143
Ukraine (as GasTech Engineering, Inc.) 2162-2169
Germany (as Zweigart Ltd.) 2210-present

Founded in 2125 by English engineer Andrew Colvert following his inevitable resignation from Icaras after a heated argument with Burnston Burns over the "new approach" to AG racing that Icaras held dear. In 2127, Colvert began to craft an experimental quad-hull craft to compete in the F7200 League against their new rival, Icaras. However, during their foray into the F7200 League, their performance record made Icaras' record look like Qirex in comparison, as out of all the races they competed in from 2127-2138, they only managed to finish only one race which would end up being their only victory during their F7200 campaign with lead pilot, K.C. Akenbran (AUS) narrowly edging out Auricom's Davey Carter(USA) in the 2137 Hi-Fumii Grand Prix. Throttle Jam Motors would eventually resign from the sport in 2143 following an incident at Stanza Inter that would cause the death of K.C. Akenbran.

What was left of the team was absorbed by Ukrainian technicians Mikhail Visscov and Radomir Gaztevenov to form GasTech Engineering, Inc. (no relation to G-Tech Systems) in 2162 and began developing a craft that relied almost exclusively on stealth tactics and high acceleration for the F9000 league hiring former Throttle Jam pilot, Dymitro Guzhva (UKR) as lead pilot for experience reasons and hiring former Tigron test pilot Treck Tauger (AUT) as second pilot. Their efforts were mostly fruitless outside of Guzhva winning the 2163 Katmoda 12 Grand Prix and Tauger holding off Omarr Khumala in the 2164 Vohl Square Grand Prix, the only tracks that the team refused to run on were Cubiss Float due to their craft's lack of proper equipment needed to run on the track and Temtesh Bay following the 2164 Temtesh Bay Disaster. GasTech Engineering went on to win 3 more races, all of which were achieved in 2169 wich Tauger winning the season opening Florion Height Grand Prix, Mandrashee Grand Prix with newcomer Delvin Gunther (USA) and the Katmoda 12 Grand Prix with Tauger which led to their maiden championship by winning a tiebreaker with Piranha's Vendaval Espenoza (ESP), however an intense argument that resulted in a fight between Visscov and Gaztevenov, when this emerged GasTech closed its doors and when the F9000 league collapsed, Tauger and Gunther were left with no outlet to test their racing prowess after denying that they had nothing to do with the scandals during their foray in the F9000 League.

In 2209, a German businessman named Fritz Van Hamburg discovered what was left of the old GasTech facilities during on his way from a business meeting in Ukraine and also discovered blueprints of the old Throttle Jam quad-hull craft, this discovery sparked Hamburg's urge to enter in the FX350/400 Leagues. He was able to re-create not only the quad-hull craft not seen since Throttle Jam's foray in the F7200 league, but he was originally going to build an asymmetrical design with the cockpit set on the right side of the craft, the asymmetrical design was not seen since the Auricom T-808 model in the F9000 league, however this was scrapped for financial and FX350/400 regulation reasons. When Hamburg entered the FX350/400 scene in 2210 under the name "Zweigart Ltd." the craft was very aerodynamic despite the rather bulky quad-hull design, however, they only managed to earn success in some of the more technical circuits on the calendar in their first year and despite gaining two victories with FX400 rookie pilot Ghettson Moore (GBR) at Modesto Heights and Sebenco Climb with FX350 lead pilot Mattieu Strouf (GER), they were mainly a mid-pack running team.

F7200 Craft: Cross between Auricom F7200 and AG Systems F5000 craft, Paint job is Red/orange flames over dark blue body.
Thrust: 3/5
Speed: 4/5
Shield: 1/5
Handling: 4/5

F9000 Craft: Symmetrical edition of Auricom T-808, but slighty lightweight than the Auricom and with fins on both sides of the hull. Features a black and dark-green paint scheme with GasTech logo on both sides of hull
(Stats un-upgraded)
Speed: 1200 kph
Stability: 60%
Thrust: 0-700 in 1.5 seconds
Mass: 923 kg
Shields: 50 gsu
Weapons: 70 gsu

FX400 craft: Cross between Triakis FX350/400 and AG Systems F5000. Livery is silver crossed with white stripes around the inner-hull area with Zweigart motto "Godspeed for Zweigart" on the side of the outer hull.
Speed: 7/10

(stats un-upgraded)

1st January 2015, 08:55 PM
Hello there,
I don't know if this forum still works, but I found this in my research of new Wipeout team/ship.
I want to share my past work with you and hopefully find some new ideas for future projects (which some of them are in progress now).
It's been about half of year back since I ended my work on new Wipeout ship called "Hyperion".
If there will be more people who would appreciate it, I want to share my current ideas and sketches with them and discuss a new design for new ship and most probably new team with corporate identity to it (I already have name for it).

So this is Hyperion:
9157 9158 9159 9160 9161

You can find it on my tumblr gallery: http://megabyte-art.tumblr.com/post/93401754842

1st January 2015, 09:33 PM
That looks really good :+

2nd January 2015, 03:13 AM
Gorgeous. Def fits with the fury ships.

Hybrid Divide
2nd January 2015, 10:23 PM
Zweigart Ltd.

Ship Type: Quad-hull (F7200, FX400)
Dual hull (F9000)

Origin: United Kingdom (as Throttle Jam Motors) 2125-2143
Ukraine (as GasTech Engineering, Inc.) 2162-2169
Germany (as Zweigart Ltd.) 2210-present

Interesting backstory. But knowing my WipEout lore and lexicon, I'm not sure I'd name my racing team after the second slowest speed-class in the history of Anti-Gravity Racing! :P

- - - Updated - - -

So this is Hyperion:

Wow. That looks fantastic. If I hadn't known better, I'd swear SL did it.

Now that we've seen their FX-400 entry, can you tell us how they fit into the WipEout universe?

From the Netherlands, perhaps? A team that began in the void between Xios downfall and the birth of EG-X?
Maybe a lead designer for Qirex defects and starts his own team? I see a little Qirex in your ship design (a good thing), and maybe this explains the origin of the Hyperion chassis design?

This sure has my brain running! :D

27th January 2015, 02:00 AM
Interesting backstory. But knowing my WipEout lore and lexicon, I'm not sure I'd name my racing team after the second slowest speed-class in the history of Anti-Gravity Racing! :P
Well, for the record, I was also considering "Illusion Technologies"

Hybrid Divide
27th January 2015, 03:55 PM
Well, for the record, I was also considering "Illusion Technologies"

Ooooh! I like that more. Mirage might not like it quite as much, but they're kinda useless, anyway. :p

12th February 2015, 08:52 PM
Holy cow! that has got to be the best looking fury ship I've ever seen! I'm not kidding

13th February 2015, 01:33 PM
Holy cow! that has got to be the best looking fury ship I've ever seen! I'm not kidding

Did you mean my ship? If yes, thank you ;)

My interest about ships from Wipeout somehow hasn't diminished, so still from time to time I think of something new and I add it on my new ship, I would like to design and make the it the 3D program. In this case, would not design only the ship itself, but also the visual style of the whole team under which the ship would fall (basically corporate identity).

This time I wanted to do it in big style and not only create a model, but also the whole promotion and details such as the team's history, the properties of the model (control, speed etc.) and something like that. In truth, I want to create the best ship model the internet has ever seen (because I feel that nobody made it that far). More precisely, it should be tighten to the last screw. I don't want to necessarily take care of everything, that means it's not necessary that it should work as in real life (after all, it's still a fiction), but at least I want to make it look pretty, as a whole on one hand, but also in closer look on the other hand.

I started modelling in 3D program 3 days ago with a model of engine. I would like to show on it how I think about the whole thing, and so you could imagine how it will probably look like. It is only one part so far, a rear part which actually serves as the propellant. To that Iwill later add, the front part, this which only deliver the air (possibly add an auxiliary gas) through a central portion which connects the two.

9260 9261

That would be the motor, I also have the overall concept designed for a while but I don't know if I should show it to you, but in this case probably I should because it is hard to imagine how it will look like as a whole. So far I have created in addition to drawings this visualization, according to which you can imagine a bit to know how it will be designed and what style I am going.


There are some little visible elements I used even in Hyperion. The quality of the image corresponds to the time that I've spent on it (not so much), so there are absolutely no details and it is more of a general description of the concept (color, shapes etc.). In the final design, and also the final model should be plenty of details such as gaps, rivets, vents and similar things. This is first such visualization, so in the end there may be some things different, but it shouldn't look much different from this.

I would like to mention my thoughts about the process.

This rear portion of the engine is about 5-15% (by heavy estimate) of the entire model. I really want to carefully handle all things, from construction, body, cab to antigravity module (which holds the ship in the air). According to my calculations, if the entire work on the model could take about a month or two with several hours work every day, which is not realistically possible (because I study as well, and it's quite time-consuming), so if everything will succeed, and if I have a will (mainly), I could be done in July or August. Adding to this, there will be some work on textures (how I was planning it wouldn't be nearly as much of it as last time, I would basically add just some signs or something). Plus also work on visual style, that means logo, promotional posters and some good renders means more extra time (but theoretically I can work parallel to it). To sum it up, with my past experience (when I have made nothing on previous model for few months) I'l be very happy if I make it to the beginning of the next school year. Or the end of the calendar year...

Finally, I want to add that I do it mainly for myself, I want to prove that I could do something so big, and I can get things done without major compromises, but of course I would be happy if more people than my friends and readers of this corner of the forum would know about it. At worst, I can add it the portfolio at least. I just hope I can do it.

EDIT (08.10.2015)
As I posted in thread "How does AG device looks like" I'm working on design of AG device which is quite challenging, since no one has ever really pictured anything like that. So current version can be seen there (or in thread quoted above - with more images).

9749 9751

I apologize for possible mistakes, english is not my native language, so I can still make some mistakes.

29th July 2015, 07:44 PM
I've got a team called Astrikhosis:
Estabished in 2184
Supplier during Anti Gravity Rebirth Festival
Speed- 85%
Handling- 100%
Thrust- 50%
Shield- 80%

Description soon!

31st July 2015, 10:40 PM
Team name: Goldstar Racing Developments
Home: Worldwide, HQ presently atop an Orbital Defence Platform 'Sentinel Station' in Earth's orbit to avoid being bombed again. Founded in the UK.
Established: 2023 (Rumours of having being active long before, as early as 2016)
Racing team established: 2025 (F1), 2040 (AGRC/AGRL)
Withdrew from competition: 2048
Reformed: 2097 (Finished investigating Overtel)
Defunct: 2137 (Bombed by Goteki 45)
Reformed: 2200 (Host of FX450 and FX500 leagues)
Notes: Has been working behind the scenes for AGF since the AGRC. Former supplier of thruster and shield technology for Piranha Advancements.

Team Super Weapon(s): Active Camouflage, Orbital MAC (Magnetic Accelerater Cannon) rounds.

Livery: Yellow, Orange and Black. Alternative livery: Orange, Yellow and Black.

Logo: 5-pointed star in team colours. Points of star are yellow AG craft with a orange pentagon in the centre.

Motto: Racing to it's limit.


Ship class: Speed
Speed: 10/10
Handling: 6/10
Thrust: 8/10
Shield: 7/10
Hull type: Single hull

Ship class: Agility
Speed: 7.5/10
Handling: 10/10
Thrust: 4/10
Shield: 5.5/10
Hull type: Dual hull

Ship class: Fighter
Speed: 5/10
Handling: 5/10
Thrust: 8/10
Shield: 10/10
Hull type: Tri-hull

Ship class: Fury
Speed: 7/10
Handling: 3/10
Thrust: 10/10
Shield: 9.5/10
Hull type: Tri-hull

Ship class: Prototype
Speed: 10/10
Handling: 10/10
Thrust: 10/10
Shield: 10/10
Hull type: Single hull
Prototype ability: Auto-regenerating shielding, Anti-lock-on weapon flares, Military grade weapon systems.
Note: Only to be used by platinum standard pilots who have gone through all trainings, uses unique livery of Black and Gold(metallic).

Description: Racing division of Goldstar Advancements and one of the "6" original teams for the AGRC but failed to enter due to major mechanical failure shortly before the first race. Suspects foul play was involved and immediately suspected Overtel who had been trying to keep them out of the raising scene for a while. Worked for the AGF to solve the mystery and whilst not competing, sold technology to Pirahna for finances but kept out of the spot light. Was set to join the F7200 but was prevented by being bombed by Goteki 45. Taking full responsibility for bombing them back in retaliation. Now set to join in the FX450. Has a line up of 5 different classes of ship as per FX450/500 league regulations. Rumours of having an international AG policeing force (AGPD) are presently unconfirmed.

Backstory of Goldstar Advancements: Goldstar Advancements was formed roughly around 2023 as a major firearms company during the fight against Islamic State which had been going on since 2015. Two years later, they formed their racing team and, with the authorisation of the FIA, started F1 racing. Secretly, Goldstar Advancements started designing and building their AG Generators. In 2030, they succeeded and work began on their first AG racing ship. Shortly after, the head of Goldstar's R&D section sent some members to assist the Foundation of European Anti-Gravity Research with the creation of their AG Generators. This took a farther 5 years, leading into 2035 when Pierre Belmondo did the first official test flight of an AG vehicle. The official documents for the creation of the first AG Generator was signed in the name of both the Foundation of European Anti-Gravity Research and Goldstar Advancements. In 2040, the bodies for Goldstar's racing team were built with the AG Generators fitted. Goldstar gained a lot of public support during their public pre-season testing and expedition races against FEISAR and AG Systems and began the production of commercial AG craft which was released into the public. Business grew quickly and soon, Goldstar were making all sorts of cars with supercars rivalling the speed of a Lamborghini AG 5, which was the main Lamborghini model at the time. Over time, Goldstar began building their vehicles using nanobots and replacing the petrol and diesel engines with Hydrogen Combustion engines. Today, Goldstar Advancements is having huge success and are expected to be taking part in the FX 450 and FX 500.

3rd August 2015, 04:39 AM
Asterion Advancements (not Astrikhosis)
Established: 2184- Racing team: 2246
Country: Sweden
Single hull craft

Speed: 85%
Acceleration 70%
Agility: 95%
Shield: 80%

If anyone likes it, description to follow!

6th May 2016, 03:47 AM
Established: 2207
Country: Italy
Hull: Single
Livery: Red, Green, White,


Speed: 10/10
Acceleration: 6/10
Handling: 10/10
Shield 6/10

Emblem: A Circle with the signature colors of the famous Italian supercar companies, Masarati's represented by Blue, Pagani by Silver, Ferrari by Red, Lamborghini by Yellow, Alfa Romero by Green and Fiat by Crimson with a Laurel Wreath in the center

Motto: "Six for One, One for Six."

History: As the premier nation of supercar development, Bolonga had played host to Feisar during the FX400. Maserati and most of the luxury motor companies had never agreed with Feisar's approach to their design, given Italy's reputation for being the most famous supercar designer it only made sense cars in Italy should be fast and nimble. Feisar's craft was in the complete opposite direction, choosing to play it safe for beginner pilots, while Icaras had focused on speed, it was too difficult to control for some pilots. Masarati motors decided that in true mockery of Feisar's spirit, they will band together with the other Italian supercar companies and form their own racing team to put both European teams to shame. Thus Sesto was born from this alliance for the FX500.

The Craft: "Italia Egoista", The craft's goal was twofold, one was to beat the damn two teams at their own game by taking the best part of each team and incorporating it into an ideal craft and second was to prove that it can tear the track apart so it can be sold as a superhovercraft for anyone with the money to pay for one. Prospects are looking very good for Sesto as it has been defined as the "Red Razor" as it had cutting edge airbrake technology as well as the signature top speed Icaras has, however it comes at a severe cost; the shielding and thrust technology is sacrificed to encourage a "razor" racing style, to focus on perfection on the track itself. So while it is fast and negotiate the tightest corners with ease, anything that slows it down can cost the pilot the precious lead it created. However, they are happy with this design as it represented the ideal of the Italian Supercar.

Trivia: Like their car companies, Sesto uses antigrav vehichles for civilian purposes, before their formal induction as a racing team, apparently the successors decided their foray into antigrav was to create a hovertractor to harvest Italty's fields. The craft is still a popular choice as it's antigrav system meant maximum yields without even setting down on the soil

3rd August 2016, 04:36 PM
S.E.V.E.N engineering

Founded in 2049, S.E.V.E.N Engineering are by far the most successful team in the W.A.G.C, with Ember corp. coming in at a close second. They only allow experienced pilots to join their ranks, and they don't even have and amateur division team.

S.E.V.E.N Corporation is a huge business empire that owns many brands. (most notably Lucky Cat Chocolates, as it's shamelessly sponsored all over the ship) With this almost limitless funding, S.E.V.E.N Engineering have created a powerful ship indeed, only matched by Ember Corp.

Amateur league ship: none

Professional league ship:

Lightweight dual-hulled red, white, and black ship sponsored by S.E.V.E.N Corporation's brands. It has characteristically thin hulls, and is a quite small ship all together. (the smallest dimensions allowed in the pro W.A.G.C.)

Stats: (out of 100)
Speed: 80
Thrust: 100
Handling: 85
Shield: 80

note: in the W.A.G.C, thrust also affects the effect of speed pads.


Jersey Jimmy
16th July 2018, 03:14 AM
Azteca Racing
Established: 2179
Country: Mexico
Livery: Green and red with white accents
Hull: Single

Speed: 90
Thrust: 90
Handling: 80
Shield: 75

Azteca were a dominant force in the amateur leagues that sprung up after the F9000's dust had cleared. They became famous for their emphasis on the racing itself above all else; in fact, if it weren't for their success, financial troubles likely would've taken them down considering how little profits matter to them. After jumping up to the FX300 in 2200, they shifted towards the middle of the pack, but began turning in stronger performances reminiscent of their amateur days by the time of the FX350.

3rd August 2018, 03:57 PM
Kaishi Systems (Pronounced Kyshir - Rhymes with Kaiser)
- Country of origin: Administrative Republic of China (ARC)
- Research and developement facilities: Hai-Nan
- Emblem: Cyclic Star

KAISHI (Start, In Mandarin)

Craft Specs: Twin turbo engine. Primary colors Red, Gold and Black.

Max speed: 7/10
Accelleration: 7/10
Handling: 8/10
Shield: 7/10

Brief History:

After the fall of the Communist ruling in 2370, in the short space of 4 decades we have risen from the ashes to support our own racing league, free from State ownership and substandard Vehicle parts. The breakaway from our partnership with Finland during this period was regretable, but our strong partnership has allowed our team to access past craft files and blueprints. Our scientists based in Beijing and Hainan have developed this craft with one statement in mind: Weapons Efiiciency. After years of research we have found the answer:

The ZaBen* engine 3. While this engine will cut down on craft performance in all aspects, the extra fuel will be used to overpower any weapon shift picked up. This means that any weapon obtained (offensive or non-offensive) will be 150% the damage of its usual counterpart. This also means that shields, boosts autopilot will last 50% longer as well. Lockon times will also be decreased, and previous manual firing weapons (Plasma, Machine gun) will also exclusively support lockon with our intergrated chip.

This leaves the scope of human error lessened and while we may not be the fastest, strongest, nimblest team around, we can always creep form behind taking teams out one by one.

Our team slogan: "Create to Destroy"

Hi I'm new here, I have not finished my own team yet but I read all this topic and some ideas inspired me. I love making logos and I present to you the version of Kaishi Systems that I imagined

- - - Updated - - -

My new team, hope it's a good idea...

Team Name: Iglu

Country of origin: Arctic/Antarctic Regions

Team story:

Founded in the year 2220 by a few bored scientists, technicians and transport/survey pilots, IGLU was designed as a team on a budget, in other words, one of those teams which aims to do a lot from limited resources.

Flying for the United Nations, on behalf of the UNAPT (United Nations Arctic Protection Team) has already given them some interesting sponsorship offers, with the eco-supporting Harimau team reputed to be waiting in the wings with anti-gravity reactor units and other critical parts that may be available on loan.

For now though, the team are gearing up for their first season of FX350 AG racing with their first design, the ICE-R 001, which features innovations such as 5 flap adjustable V-Brakes by the Stop/Start Corporation, a sophisticated flight computer, as well as pilot adjustable underbody flaps, which use technology provided by MAGEC Corporation to either keep the craft at a good height, or to change altitude quickly.


10th March 2019, 09:23 AM
My Fan Favorite Team Coming At AGRLC.

Team Name: Typhoon RD

Country Of Origin: Philippines

Team Story: After Philippines Hosted The FX450 League, Typhoon Was Established To Compete Other Teams In AGRLC, Since Typhoon Saw Belmondo's Vision After AG Systems Win, The 2206 FX300 League, Typhoon Will Be Champions Like EG-X, Omnicom, IFreet, & AG-Systems.

Its True Design Was Based On FX400 AG-Systems Craft But As A Well Balanced Craft